Don’t Be “That Friend”: 8 Hilarious Girls Trip Fails You Can Easily Avoid

girls trip fails to avoid

Going on a group or girls trip is meant to be full of nonstop fun and memories you'll cherish, but it's inevitable that someone will do something embarrassing or annoying. Now that I think about it, I've yet to hear about a summer vacation that didn't include an awkward moment or two. Falling flat on your face in front of strangers? Check. Accidentally making a dry joke that doesn't get any chuckles? Check. Ordering a meal that ignores a food sensitivity you have?

Embarrassing moments don't mean the end is near, but they may unintentionally become the highlight of your group trip. Here's 8 things to steer clear of so you're not the center of unwanted attention during vacation.

Getting Drunk On The Plane

Elina Sazonova/Pexels

I know people do this, but don't let it be you. Not everyone wants their 2+ hour plane ride to be disturbed by the person who had one too many drinks and thinks everyone wants to hear them sing "Espresso" by Sabrina Carpenter at the top of their lungs. We love the song, but that's why headphones exist.

There's also the chance that someone in your group becomes angry while they're drunk and decides to pick an imaginary fight with a stranger on the plane.

Either way, someone will complain or you'll end up immortalized on social media.

Trashing The Hotel Room Or Airbnb You're Staying In


This is a given, but it never hurts to remind others to be considerate while they're on vacation! It's true that hotels and AirBnbs are usually cleaned by others, but that's no reason to completely trash the place you're staying at. I've stayed with people who thought this was perfectly okay, but I just can't imagine leaving trash everywhere while on vacation.

Will someone clean our messes? Yes, but we shouldn't take advantage of this just because we're not home. It's just common courtesy to dispose of food and drinks instead of leaving them thrown all over the place.

Refusing To Split The Bill At Restaurants

Valeriya Kobzar/Pexels

If it's not been established that a sole person while take care of a restaurant bill, don't flat out refuse to pay for your portion. Not only does this make you look selfish, but you probably won't be invited to anymore group or girls trips. I've heard stories of this happening on girls trips and I always wondered if a conversation was had prior to going on vacation.

One thing my friends and I do is discuss the financial breakdown of anything we're doing so everyone is on the same page. If you're currently in a season where money is a little tight, it's okay to be honest about your situation instead of being rude when you don't have enough to pay for your meal.

Making A Stink About Group Activities

PNW Production/Pexels

Group activities are fun, but some people might not want to participate in the 15+ activities you've tried to jam-pack into a three-day weekend. Some people may want a breather from exploring and some people may not be interested in everything you think is best for the group. Ironically this reminds me of the mishaps that happened during Wine Country.

It's okay to be disappointed that everyone's not together during the entire trip, but you don't have to control everything. Trust that the group trip will be fun whether everyone wants to do the same things or not.

Inviting People That Your Group Doesn't Know About


Face Palm. It pains me that this is still something that needs to be discussed, but it's never okay to assume you can invite more people on the group trip you're going on. This is especially true if all expenses — room & board, food, activities, etc., — have been factored in.

It's always common courtesy to ask the person who planned the group trip if it's okay to bring one or two extra people. If they tell you they're not okay with, don't get upset with them. Respect that the group trip may be reserved for family or your small group of friends.

You can always call, text, or FaceTime the person you were thinking about bringing!

Accidentally Flashing Beachgoers

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

Bikinis aren't always our best friends because the occasional nip slip or lost swimsuit bottoms seem to come for us all. This is by far one of the most embarrassing things that can happen when you're getting out of the pool, playing volleyball, or jumping over waves in the ocean.

Want to know what makes it even worse? Sometimes this happens when your crush is nearby, resulting in a "Bury my head in the sand" moment. Wear that 'kini, girl! You'll just want to keep tabs on it ;).

Having Loud Sex 

Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels

Sex is beautiful and amazing, but it can be uncomfortable for other people to hear us going wild during a group trip. Some people are quieter than others, but it's not safe to assume we won't disturb anyone's sleep. I'd be lying if I said I didn't exit stage left when I knew one of my friends was about to become preoccupied with extracurricular activities.

By all means, have fun! Just be mindful that not everyone will want to hear it.

Getting Arrested

Ashly Brine/Pexels

There's not a lot to say about this one except getting arrested while on vacation shouldn't be on anyone's bucket list. It doesn't matter how funny you or someone in your group thinks it is to flash a random stranger on purpose, do graffiti at night, or get into a drunken brawl with the girl in the bathroom who's been throwing dirty looks all night.

It can put a damper on the group trip if one of you gets placed in the backseat of a cop car. The best piece of advice I can offer is to enjoy your vacation without the cops getting involved.

Need more reminders of annoying things to avoid during vacation? Visit our airplane etiquette guide!

Header image via Spencer Davis/Pexels

Packing up your new weekender bag sounds fun when it's time for a summer vacation, but your airplane anxiety could get the best of you once you catch sight of the airport's tarmac. Seeing how huge the planes are once you've boarded your flight can make you start having anxiety-ridden thoughts like, "Are these planes really safe" and "How much turbulence will there be?"

They're valid questions, but we know anxiety can make us have a full-blown panic attack if left unchecked. It might make you freak out even more if you're worried about becoming a meme on social media. But Captain Tom Bunn, MSW, LCSW of SOAR wants to help reassure you.

Why do some people experience anxiety during flights?

Florence Mazurczak

Do you remember where you were going the first time your airplane anxiety reared its ugly head? My first memory involves my first plane ride to Texas. My family always drove before, but the 10+ hour road trips started taking a toll on everyone. Since I was already familiar with car accidents we'd driven by in the past, my heart was racing as we waited for the plane to take off — if cars could crash, what could happen to airplanes? I'll spare you the details, but one of the flight attendants had to stand by me and help me count to 10 a few times before I calmed down.

If you're wondering where your airplane anxiety stems from too, Captain Bunn says anxiety typically occurs for two reasons. "We have two systems that try to take care of our wants and needs while at the same time keeping us safe. One — let's call it System A — is word-based. We can interface with it consciously. If that were our only system, we could control anxiety with logical thoughts about how safe flying is."

I for one would've loved to verbally tell my anxiety to take a hike when I was kid, but it turns out I needed a little more reassurance. "System B operates outside of consciousness because it's experience-based," Captain Bunn says. "After an experience has taken place, System B assigns a code to the experience. A positive experience is assigned a positive code. A negative experience is assigned a negative code," he explains.

Palu Malerba/Pexels

Things get interesting after System B assigns those codes. "The next time that experience presents itself as a possibility, our amygdala reads its code. A positive code will cause good feelings. A negative code will cause bad feelings. Feelings we get when the amygdala reads the code determine whether we go ahead with the experience or back away from it," Captain Bunn says.

Another explanation, according to Captain Bunn, comes straight from neuroscientists. "The neural mechanisms underlying emotional valence are at the interface between perception and action, integrating inputs from the external environment with past experiences to guide the behavior of an organism. Depending on the positive or negative valence assigned to an environmental stimulus, the organism will approach or avoid the source of the stimulus" (via National Library of Medicine).

It's like putting your hand on a hot stove whenever you've never done it before. You may not immediately register the pain, but it eventually comes and you tell yourself you're never doing something like that again. Every neural path and nerve ending knows what will happen if you and wants to avoid feeling that.

How does this relate to airplane anxiety?

Thomas Ronveaux/Pexels

Our anxiety wants to do everything it can to protected us from perceived threats, right? So imagine being in a situation you have no control of, like flying. You know that you're a passenger on your flight, but you're not flying the plane nor are you able to dictate your flight's path.

"In a traumatic experience, we are not in control. Thus, not being in control is assigned a negative code. In a traumatic experience, we are not able to escape. Not being able to escape is also assigned a negative code. As we go through life and have traumatic experiences, the negative codes assigned to no control and to no escape get more and more negative," says Captain Bunn.

He shares that once enough stress hormones are released, they can trigger panic no matter how safe we are. "For example, we could panic when in an elevator, getting a MRI scan, or boarding an airliner," he explains.

When you break this down, it looks like this:

  • Our System A knows flying is safe enough to do.
  • If flying doesn’t feel safe, it is because of System B. To feel safe, we need to update System B.

How can we adjust when things feel scary?

Pew Nguyen/Pexels

Having anxious thoughts can make you feel like things will never change, but Captain Bunn knows that's not true. He stressed that even an imaginary experience or a memory can "update" System B — AKA trick your brain into thinking everything really is gonna be okay. "That is what we do in the SOAR program using the strengthening exercise. We apply a positive experience to situations System B regards as negative," he says.

Though negative codes can be assigned by System B, not every negative feeling is a result of something traumatic. "Some negative codes comes from vicarious experiences. For example, when the news tells you about a terrifying experience on a plane, as you imagine what those people felt, your vicarious experience assigns a negative valence code to flying," Captain Bunn says.

He believes you need to monitor how much news you pay attention to so that you're not making fear-based decisions. One-off experiences reported in the media aren't emblematic of the entire flying experience, so there's no use obsessing over one story about bad turbulence. According to, there are approximately 100,000 flights a day — that means the one flight you may have heard about was literally 1 in 100,000 flights just that day. More often then not, flights are easy, breezy, and unremarkable.

How can someone feel safe during turbulence?

Dorie Kirk

Turbulence is real and it's not going away, but you don't have to lose faith in flying because of it. Captain Bunn says, "Severe turbulence is extremely rare. In thirty years of airline flying, I experienced thirty seconds of severe turbulence." He went on to say that the chances of experiencing severe turbulence are so small, so you really don't need to fret about it.

If you still think there's more to worry about, here's the breakdown from the Federal Aviation Administration of the injuries turbulence has caused in recent years:

  • How many passengers were injured due to turbulence last year in the U.S.? 3.
  • How many passengers were injured due to turbulence in 2022 in the U.S.? 4
  • How many passengers were injured due to turbulence in 2021 in the U.S.? 1.
  • How many passengers were injured due to turbulence in 2020 in the U.S.? 0.

Knowing this, Captain Bunn wants us to ask ourselves an important question. "How must time should we think about turbulence injury? How much time should the media devote to turbulence injury?"

He knows that the media is reporting that turbulence is getting worse based on factors like climate change, but he also wants you to understand that the odds you'll personally be injured because of it are slim.

How can I trust I don't have to worry about turbulence?

Juliia Abramova/Pexels

Captain Bunn says, "The valence codes associated with turbulence need to be shifted from negative to positive. This is where the SOAR Strengthening Exercise comes in. To update System B, we replace the negative code with positive code from a friend’s face, voice quality, and touch."

This speaks to a grounding technique I learned in therapy. It's easy to focus on potential negative outcomes, but we can shift our perspective by becoming aware of things we can see, touch, smell, hear, etc. In reframing your thinking, you can shape your experience and have a better overall flight.

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Header image via Tamar Hacker

There are a lot of celebrity couples we love (Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce! Katy Perry & Orlando Bloom!), but if you ask me, nobody handles having a relationship in the spotlight like Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds. This hilarious duo protects their kids, but they're also always down for a good time.

The couple first met in 2010 while filming Green Lantern, which has quickly become regarded as Ryan Reynolds' worst movie (the actor said he'd "genuinely rather watch just a f—ing 24-hour marathon of PAW Patrol). But, in addition to the fact I didn't think the movie was all that bad, it also gave the world the gift of Ryan & Blake's relationship. The couple quickly fell in love, tying the knot in 2010. Since then, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds have had four children (James, Inez, Betty, and Olin), launched a variety of brands like Betty Buzz, Aviation Gin, and Blake Brown Beauty, and given Hollywood some of its most iconic movies — all while supporting and praising one another. Keep reading for their full relationship timeline.

Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds' Full Relationship Timeline

François Duhamel/DC Comics/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

How did Blake and Ryan meet?

2010 — Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds Meet While Filming Green Lantern

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds met on the Green Lantern set. After they filmed the movie, they ended up going out with other people, but hitting it off with each other.

"We were buddies for a long time, which I think is the best way to have a relationship, to start as friends," Ryan Reynolds said in an interview with SiriusXM's Entertainment Weekly Radio in 2016. "About a year after Green Lantern had come and gone and we were both single, we went on a double date — she was on a date with another guy, and I was on a date with another girl — and it was like the most awkward date for the respective parties because we were just like fireworks coming across."

Their relationship quickly evolved to the one we know and love today!

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

October 22, 2011 — Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds Reportedly Start Dating

After Blake and Ryan (along with their dogs) were spotted outside a Boston apartment, a source told People: “They are very much a couple. They’re really happy together.”

Blake Lively revealed that at the start of their relationship, Ryan gave her a bouquet every single week. "When my husband and I first got together, he would send me a bouquet of flowers every week, but he would always send a card and it would just be a sentence of something that had happened that week," the actress tells People. "Something funny or emotional that one of us said."

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

September 9, 2012 — Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds Get Married

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds said "I do" in September of 2012. The wedding had a children's choir & a Florence Welch performance, paper lanterns, and a sour cream wedding cake with peach-apricot preserves, according to People. But the planning didn't go as smoothly as one might hope.

"Our wedding was becoming a disaster, and we didn't know what to do, so we called Martha!" BlakeLively told Vogue in 2014. "She said, 'Don't worry. I'll handle it.' She sent her team down to save us."

The wedding took place at Boone Hall Plantation, a former slave plantation in South Carolina, a location the couple is "unreservedly sorry for," Reynolds told Fast Company in 2020.

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

May 5, 2014 — Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds Make Their Red Carpet Debut

At the 2014 "Charles James: Beyond Fashion" Met Gala, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds looked glamorous and sophisticated with Blake's Gucci Première gown with rose gold details and Ryan's dark blue velvet tux.

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for Gabrielle's Angel Foundation

December 16, 2014 — Blake Lively Gives Birth To Her First Child

Blake first announced her pregnancy on her since-closed website Preserve. She told Vogue in July 2014 how excited she was to start a family with Ryan. “He’s going to be a great father and leader and patriarch—he’s so meant to be all of those things," she said. "The fact that he lived so much before we got together, he’s the exact realized person that he should be.”

"They are absolutely ecstatic and just so ready for this. It is the perfect time in their lives to start this new chapter; they are so in love and are going to be amazing parents," a Peoplesource said at the time.

Ryan Reynolds confirmed their first daughter James' birthday on December 16, 2015, when he tweeted, "Happy birthday to my baby girl! Sad I lost my virginity. But thankful I have a daughter."

Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for Target

September 30, 2016 — Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds Welcome Their Second Child

Two years after giving birth to James, US Weekly confirmed Blake Lively (who was filming The Shallows at the time) was pregnant with baby number 2! “Blake is absolutely thrilled and so is Ryan,” the source told People.

Blake Lively gave birth to Inez on September 30, 2016.

Steven Ferdman/Getty Images

May 2, 2019 — Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds Walk Detective Pikachu Red Carpet, And Announce Baby Number 3

At the New York premiere for Detective Pikachu, Blake Lively surprised fans by showing off a baby bump and announcing her third pregnancy! Their daughter Betty was born on October 4, 2019.

Ryan Reynolds confirmed the baby was a girl in an October 16 tweet, while Taylor Swift revealed the baby's name in "Betty" from her 2020 album Folklore.

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for The Met Museum/Vogue

May 2, 2022 — Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds Stun At The 2022 Met Gala

As Met Gala co-chairs, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds pulled out all the stops for their iconic looks. Blake's art deco gown was the perfect nod to New York, and represented Grand Central Station and the Statue of Liberty. Ryan looked very handsome in a black velvet tux.

Blake Lively/Instagram

February 2023 — Blake Lively Gives Birth To Her Fourth Child With Ryan Reynolds

After showing up to the 10th Annual Forbes Power Women's Summit with a baby bump in September, Blake unofficially announced the birth of their fourth baby (whom we now know is named Olin) with an Instagram post that shows the actress without a baby bump.

"Puppy Bowl Sunday 2023🥘 🍲 🥧 been busy," she says in the February 12 post.

Blake Lively/Instagram

July 26, 2024 — Blake Lively And Her Kids Make A Deadpool 3 Cameo

After fan speculation that Deadpool & Wolverine would either include Blake Lively or Taylor Swift, we were over the moon to see Blake make a (masked) cameo, along with Inez and Olin!

"In 2010, @robliefeld drew an unmasked Lady Deadpool for the first time," she says on Instagram. "@deadpoolmovie wasn’t real. And Rob had no idea I was working with @vancityreynolds. 12 years later I read Rob’s post. A year after that, @deadpoolmovie 3 was filmed. And today it’s in theaters. The universe has such a magical sense of humor sometimes."

Blake Lively & BFF Gigi Hadid also revealed that Ryan Reynolds loves a girls' night, which is information I didn't know I needed.

Cindy Ord/Getty Images

August 6, 2024 — Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds Attends It Ends With Us Premiere

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds love to support each other at their movie premieres, but it goes way deeper than that. "He works on everything I do, I work on everything he does. So his wins, his celebrations are mine and mine are his," Blake told E! News. "The iconic rooftop scene [in It Ends With Us], my husband actually wrote it."

At the New York premiere for the new Blake Lively movie, Blake and Ryan shared a moment that proves they belong together. While heading to talk to People on the carpet, Blake Lively leans over and grabs Ryan Reynolds' butt. And the funniest part is that Ryan doesn't even turn around.

"He didn’t even react because It happens so often," one user jokes in the comments, while another says, "I love the respect that they have for each other - with love! Yes that her man!"

Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images For Entertainment Weekly

September 9, 2024 — Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds Celebrate Their 12th Wedding Anniversary

Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively have been married for 14 years as of September 9, 2024. And the couple remains closer than ever. "Blake and Ryan are a great team when it comes to both their family and work," a source told People. "They're super supportive of each other. He's very proud of her. They have a great marriage and love to celebrate everything they created together."

What is the age difference between Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds?

Richard Harbaugh/Disneyland Resort via Getty Images

Blake Lively was born on August 25, 1987, meaning she just turned 37. Ryan Reynolds, who was born on October 23, 1976, is 47. They have a 9-year age gap.

Was Blake Lively married before Ryan Reynolds?

Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

Ryan Reynolds is Blake Lively's first husband, but before they got married, the actress dated her Gossip Girl costar Penn Badgley and also reportedly dated Leonardo DiCaprio. Ryan Reynolds was married to MCU & Jurassic World: Rebirth star Scarlett Johansson from 2008 to 2010.

Is Blake Lively in any of Ryan Reynolds' movies?

Paramount Pictures

Yes, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds have been in the same movies! After meeting during the production of Green Lantern, Blake Lively has a role as an imaginary friend in Ryan Reynolds' IF. This spring movie follows Ryan Reynolds' character and his neighbor Bea, who set out to save all the imaginary friends. The movie also stars director John Krasinski, Cailey Fleming, Fiona Shaw, Alan Kim, Liza Colón-Zayas, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Louis Gossett Jr., and Steve Carell.

Blake Lively, Inez, and Olin also had roles in Deadpool & Wolverine as Ladypool, Kidpool, and Babypool. Blake's appearance in the movie had been a fan theory for such a long time, and I was so excited to see it come to life!

Who is Blake Lively's half sister?

Christopher Polk/Getty Images for People's Choice Awards

Blake Lively's half-sister is Robyn Lively. Robyn also works in Hollywood, just like Blake's brother Eric Lively and brother-in-law Bart Johnson. Robyn and Blake have also acted together — Robyn made a cameo in It Ends With Us during one of the opening scenes!

Check back here for the latest news on this lovable celebrity couple. Check out Blake Lively's Daughters Had The Cutest Reaction To Taylor Swift Singing Their Names Onstage for more.

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Living in Northern California, I was determined to swim in a warm ocean this summer, and accomplished this mission during a trip to Sullivan's Island, SC, where the water was so warm that I didn't even need time to get used to it! Packing for a beach day though took some effort. You need your before-and-after clothing, a high-quality beach towel, and a bag to hold all your essentials like sunnies, a hat, and a good beach read to make your outing comfortable and enjoyable. As you head to the beach this summer, consider upgrading your beach accessories with beach towels and bags that will elevate your vacation style. Here are 21 to check out!

Business & Pleasure

Business & Pleasure The Beach Blanket in Bistro Dusty Pink Stripe

I just love a beach towel that comes with its own handles! This family-sizes beach blanket is double the size of their beach towels but just as soft and fluffy and quick-drying. The color combos are fresh and modern with a retro vibe.

Coming Soon New York

Dusen Dusen Earth Stripe Bath Towels

Cabana stripes never go out of style for summer. These two-tone reversible designs come in fun color combos and super soft terry.

Tarta Gelatina

Tarta Gelatina Towel Bundle

Make waves with these organic cotton (Oeko-Tex certified) beach towels designed in Barcelona.

Urban Outfitters

BAGGU Reversible Bath Towel

This reversible beach towel is all smiles in a seriously soft and absorbent organic cotton terrycloth.


Amber Vittoria Beach Towel

This luxe woven beach towel, designed by NYC-based artist Amber Vittoria, is perfect for your next dreamy beach vacation.

Public Pool

Public Pool The Classic Pool and Beach Towel in Pink Lemonade

Whether you're beach- or pool-bound, this oversized organic towel comes in juicy colorways for a splash of happy. Beach Please! Giant Towel - Sardines

I'm seeing Sardine motifs everywhere and I'm not mad about it, so cute!


GreenRow Cotton Floral Beach Towel

This organic cotton towel comes in jewel-toned blooms in a jacquard weave for a beach day upgrade.


Anthropologie Tiger Beach Towel

Lounge poolside with this playful tiger motif and cute stripey beach towel.

Sunny Life

Sunny Life Luxe Towel in Pastel Lilac

This jacquard cotton towel in a Matisse-esque floral motif is subtle but super fun in pretty lilac.


Brooklinen Pride Stripe Beach Towel

The thing about beach towels is they're perfect for the beach, park, pool, picnics — just toss them in the car for all of it! These bright summer stripes are featured on a super-soft velour, with terry on the back for drying off.


Sand Resistant Oversized Turkish Towels Beach Towels

My daughter's friend brought one of these sand-resistant towels to the beach and we were mesmerized. So soft and perfect for keeping sand at bay!

Business & Pleasure

Business & Pleasure The Beach Bag in Riviera Pink

Business & Pleasure has the cutest beach bags like this canvas number in four staple vintage color-ways, plus an interior zip pocket! Check out their cute cooler bags too!

Free People

Free People Fairweather Tote Bag

From gym to beach, this tote is roomy, waterproof, and comes with a zip pockets and magnetic snap. The color says hello, summer too!


Beis Vacation Tote

From one of our favorite luggage brands, this Beis tote is designed to go straight from your flight to the beach. It has organized slip pockets, interior water bottle holders, and a removable crossbody strap. The bag's made from durable recycled cotton too. All wins!

Clare V.

Clare V. L'Été Tote

Clare V. never disappoints the French girl in us. This crocheted cotton rope bag with a leather strap is your perfect beach upgrade in the best hue.

Z Supply Clothing

Z Supply Tulum Macrame Beach Bag

This boho-vibes crochet macrame tote is perfect for the beach and strolling around town.


Kule All Over Striped Medium Tote

This over-the-shoulder bucket bag is your carry-everything tote designed without too much bulk.


Solai Beach Day Linen Tote Bag

This large linen and cotton tote is this effortless and practical bag you'll want to carry everywhere, beyond the beach.

Mexico In My Pocket

Coyoacan Oaxaca Tote

Set sail for the Mexican Riviera in this adorable bag with cross-body strap and neoprene zipper pouch to protect your essentials.


H&M Straw Shopper

This braided paper straw shopper bag is roomy enough for the beach and the farmers market and all your vacation/everyday needs!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Main image via Tarta Gelatina

Blake Lively is as multifaceted as they come. She's an actress who has starred in titles like Gossip Girl, A Simple Favor, and The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (plus It Ends With Us). She's the founder of Betty Buzz, which has a variety of non-alcoholic mixers that taste just as good on their own as they do with liquor. And, she's also a mom. Lively has been outspoken about protecting her children from the paparazzi, making rare public appearances with them for events like her husband Ryan Reynolds' Hollywood Walk Of Fame Ceremonyandcozy date nights.

When Lively and Reynolds seemingly announced the birth of their fourth child last year, we melted. Here's everything you need to know about Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively's kids.

What is the name of Blake Lively's 4th baby?

Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds' fourth baby is named Olin, which he revealed during the July 22 premiere of Deadpool & Wolverine!

Before Ryan chose to reveal the name, he appeared on the Today show and made a cheeky joke about it after the hosts urged him to spill the beans. He said, "We always wait for Taylor to tell us what the child's name will be. We'll say this: we're still waiting."

What gender is Ryan and Blake's fourth child?

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

On July 26, Ryan Reynolds confirmed that he and Blake Lively's fourth baby, born in February 2023, is a boy in an Instagram video supporting mental health charity Walking 4 Hope. Speaking with founder John Bell, who struggled with suicidal ideation after the 2020 loss of his son Jake, Reynolds says, “I want to share with you that I, too, have a son...Boy, John, if I love him one-tenth as much as you love Jake, I’ll feel like I’ve done a pretty d—mn good job.”

Considering how adorable James, Inez, and Betty are, I can only imagine how cute Blake Lively's son is!

How many children do Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds have?

Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images

Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively have four kids. They welcomed their third daughter in 2019, making this new addition to the family their fourth child.

What are Blake Lively kids ages?

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for Michael Kors

Blake Lively's kids are all under 10. James is 9 (turning 10 on December 16), Inez is 7 (turning 8 on September 30), Betty is 4 (turning 5 on October 4), and Olin turned 1 in February.

Did Blake Lively have a 4th baby?

Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for American Cinematheque

Blake Lively posted a pic on Super Bowl Sunday in 2023 showing what appears to be a post-baby body with the caption "Been busy."

Lively confirmed her fourth pregnancy in September 2022 when she arrived at her Forbes event in NYC cradling a baby bump and by posting her own personal photos on Instagramhoping that "the 11 guys waiting outside [her] home for a 🦄 sighting will leave [her] alone."

How old was Blake Lively when she had her first child?

Mike Coppola/Getty Images for Michael Kors

Blake Lively was 27 when she gave birth to her first daughter, James, in December of 2014.

Why did Blake Lively name her daughter James?

Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images

The couple decided to name their daughter James after Reynolds' late father. While the name connects both James and Reynolds to his father, it also gives Lively the chance to bond with her daughter over having historically male names. "I liked having a boy's name," Lively said on Good Morning Americain 2015. "I thought I'd pass it on."

Their third daughter Betty's name is a tribute to Lively's late father. We didn't know the name of the couple's third baby until Taylor Swift used all three names in her 2020 album folklore. Swift also used James' voice at the beginning of her 2017 track "Gorgeous"! Does that mean we'll hear one of Ryan Reynolds' children in Reputation (Taylor's Version)? I hope so!

What has Ryan Reynolds said about raising their kids?

Amy Sussman/Getty Images

In a conversation with Hugh Jackman ahead of Deadpool & Wolverine, Ryan Reynolds opened up about how his family has helped his anxiety. "I think it makes it better because your focus is less on yourself and more on your kids," he says (via People). "I love that I've had anxiety because when I see my kids experiencing some of that, which is probably genetic, I know how to address it in a way that is compassionate, that actually allows them to feel seen. I know that I can't just fix it. And I can communicate all that stuff to them and with them. I'm always grateful for it."

Per People, Ryan Reynolds has also made it clear he and Blake are wholly invested in the kids' daily lives. The doting husband and father enjoys the moments of "walking them to school and walking them back" as it deepens their bond. More than anything, Ryan and Blake's main goal is to make sure they teach their kids how to be introspective with Ryan saying "the thing we sort of hang our hat on the most is self-awareness with our kids."

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

However, that doesn't mean Blake and Ryan don't absolutely love being parents. "We're very excited [and] we wouldn't do this four times if we didn't love it," he says in an interview with CNBC's Power Lunch. "Everybody's doing great. Everybody's actually doing fantastic. I think if we hadn't figured it out by now, I think we'd be in deep, deep trouble."

"It's a zoo over here," he jokes. "This is my office here, this is where I'll probably — to be honest, I'll probably spend the rest of my life in here."

We love how much energy Ryan and Blake are pouring into their kids. It's always beautiful when parents are able to be present with their kids and teach them how to be present with themselves. Ryan Reynolds has also mentioned how having daughters "has been such a ride." Since he comes from a family of all boys, having daughters is something that was beyond his wildest dreams! “I love being a girl dad,” Ryan tells Access in 2020. “I have three daughters, which I never in a million years would imagine.”

He mentioned his newest child in June of 2023, when he announced his new series Bedtime Stories. "The idea for a show made to help everyone fall asleep was born the same day as my fourth child," he says on Instagram.

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

The Deadpool actor also recently offered some parenting advice on Amanda Hirsch’s hit podcastNot Skinny But Not Fat. "Embrace the chaos,” he tells Hirsch. "[Blake] always says, ‘They're all under our roof right now. The whole family's under our roof right now. We have them all.’ And that is a fleeting thing. Not an infinite resource, you know?”

While Reynolds understands firsthand how overwhelming parenting can feel, he also doesn't wish away this time with four young kids: “Just say, ‘Think about what you would give in 40 years or 30 years to come back and enjoy this one moment.’"

How do Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively prioritize their kids?

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for Michael Kors

Blake Lively recently joined an episode of her Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants' costar Amber Tamblyn's Further Adoand revealed the one unbreakable rule she made with Ryan Reynolds.

“When Ryan and I got together, we made a rule not to work at the same time,” she says. “So that we could always prioritize our personal life...That takes working really hard when we're not. Just like financial planning and sustaining that; it takes balance.”

I love that Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are serious about their family life, and that they have identified what works for them and are sticking with it.

How has motherhood affected Blake Lively?

Dimitrios Kambouris/Staff/Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images;Art by Claire Shadomy/B+C

Blake Lively opened up about how Ryan Reynolds and she monitor screen safety for their kids, which is definitely something top-of-mind in 2024. “This is not an ad. I get nothing out of this. I just love @tappityapp,” she said of the STEM-focused educational app. “It’s engaging, informative, fun and they care about safety."

She also jokes that she's learning new things right along with her kids! But, no matter how educational or fun an app is, Blake Lively also emphasizes the importance of engaging with her kids' devices: "I’m always triple checking any kids app constantly for safety because that’s my responsibility not an app’s, but I do LOVE this one.”

Despite its fun and funny moments, the actress has admitted being a mom is hard, but she did it with her signature dry sense of humor. “BettyBooze at your service," she wrote in an Instagram Story announcing the new brand. "These are recipes I’ve been making for loved ones for years. But I have 4 kids now. And I’m tired. So here they are. In a can."

Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for American Cinematheque

However, Blake Lively absolutely loves motherhood, and says in a 2022 interview with Forbes that having children has made her feel more comfortable in her own skin. "Once I had children, that just became even more profound because my time was even more precious, but also I think having children for me made me feel so much more in my skin," she says. "I never felt more myself or at ease in my own body or more confident — not to say that there aren't a bevy of insecurities coming at me a million times a day, but I just feel incredibly settled."

Speaking with People in 2021, Lively also explains how important it is that her children see her accomplish things outside the home. "I want to be as present of a mother as humanly possible and I want them to feel my presence, but I also think the best way to be the best mother is to show them that you can have a life and have a passion and have an identity outside of just being a mother," Lively says.

While she acknowledges that motherhood is all-encompassing, and it looks different for everyone, she knows that having your own identity is very important. "Teaching them that they can maintain themselves and that everything is possible [is crucial]," she adds.

When did Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds have their daughters?

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for Gabrielle's Angel Foundation

Blake Lively's children were all born in the last 10 years. Blake Lively's daughters are James, Inez, Betty, and her fourth child is named Olin! Their fourth baby's name was announced during the premiere of Deadpool & Wolverine. Blake gave birth to James in 2014, while Inez was born in 2016. Lively gave birth to Betty in 2019 and Olin in February of 2023.

Is Taylor Swift friends with Blake Lively's kids?

Mike Coppola/Getty Images

Yes, Taylor Swift loves Blake Lively's kids! At the Philadelphia show of the Eras Tour, in which Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively attended, Taylor said hello from the stage.

One funny detail about Ryan Reynolds' kids that I love is when he mentioned the girls finally realized Taylor Swift was a popstar. "I think what's most exciting for them is that for the longest time they just thought Taylor's just like an aunt, like a friend of Mommy and Daddy that's very, very close, almost family," he tellsThe Jess Cagle Show. "And then they went to a concert one day and were like, 'Ohhhhh, this isn't a hobby.'"

For Super Bowl Sunday in 2024, Blake Lively joined Taylor Swift to support beau (and KC Chiefs tight end) Travis Kelce. "Last week I left my kids for the first time ever," she says on Instagram. "I took pictures upside down and had no clue. I treated a friendship bracelet like a Flat Stanley for my husband like I didn’t realize it wasn’t ‘07. I borrowed more jewelry than the skeleton in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. And I went clubbing. Now I know what my episode of TheTwilight Zone would look like."

Do Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively's kids have nannies?

Jamie McCarthy / Staff

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds' children don't have a nanny. "I feel like I could sometimes have a bit of a short fuse, but there's just been this weirdly endless supply of patience," Ryan told GQ in 2015. "I have no problem waking up five times in the middle of the night and changing diapers, and as exhausted as you get, I have this stupid grin on my face all the time."

Check out our email newsletter for the latest celebrity news and trending content, and check back here for the latest news on Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively's kids!

Lead image via Arturo Holmes/Getty Images

This story has been updated.

Comforting meals don’t have to contain meat to stick to your ribs, and this chickpea-based vegan curryproves it. Its main ingredients are healthy and inexpensive, and each lends the dish a special flavor: sweetness from tomatoes and cinnamon, savory spice from chickpeas and cumin, and richness from onions and coconut milk. The ingredients are common enough to find at most grocery chains, though it would be even more fun to shop at a local Indian market for the curry powder and, without a doubt, impulse buys like fresh naan and mango lassi!

Scroll on for a vegan curry recipe so delicious and nourishing, you’ll look forward to the week’s worth of leftovers as soon as you take the first bite!

Ingredients for Vegan Chickpea Curry

Sara Cagle

  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 medium yellow onions, chopped
  • 14 ounces canned tomatoes, drained
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 16 ounces canned chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 package baby spinach
  • 13.5 ounces canned coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 1 lime
  • Cooked rice

Directions for Vegan Chickpea Curry

Polina Kovaleva / PEXELS

1. Add the coconut oil to a deep pan over medium-high heat.

2. Add the onions, tomatoes, salt, and pepper to the pan, and stir. Reduce the heat to medium and cook the mixture until tomatoes release their juices and the onions soften, for about 10 minutes.

Alesia Kozik / PEXELS

3. Stir in the chickpeas, garlic, curry powder, cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cayenne pepper until well combined. Add spinach, coconut milk, and flour, and stir again. Bring the curry to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for 10-12 minutes.

4. Remove the curry from heat, top with lime juice, and serve over rice with naan.

Follow us on Pinterest for more quick, easy, and healthy recipes! You just may find your new favorite meal to make this week!

Recipe adapted from Jessica in the Kitchen.

This post has been updated.