Google’s New Offices Will Blow Your Mind

Our office at Brit + Co HQ is pretty swell, but let’s just say that if Google was like, “Wanna have ours?” we would not be opposed. Last week, they revealed a proposal for a mass rebuild of their offices in Silicon Valley, and it would appear that the Googlers want to work out of huge, futuristic-looking greenhouses. So futuristic in fact, that the tech they need to make these offices doesn’t even exist yet.

For a company that’s continuously innovating tech, they figured it was time to innovative buildings with architects Bjarke Ingels and Thomas Heatherwick. As Heatherwick said in Google’s proposal video, “It was just fascinating to be seeing the physical reality of a valley that changed the world, and [Silicon Valley] actually itself hasn’t changed.”

Besides the building being eco-friendly to the max, Google wants to create buildings that fit the transit of the future (Google cars all around!) and embrace nature with a greenhouse-inspired design, rather just destroy it. They’re going to create buildings that can be used by the community in all of their green glory. They’re even talking about creating wildlife habitats, restoring waterways and turning trees into more than just “street furniture.”

They don’t predict these gorgeous structures to be around for at least another five years, but as soon as they’re up and running, we can’t wait to go on a walk, bike or jog around what is sure to be one of the most innovative offices of all time.

What other companies have innovative offices? Give us your leads in the comments!

(h/t The Verge)

Making your space feel like you is an essential part to your daily routine, whether that's at home or in your office. The places where you spend most of your day can have a huge impact on your everyday mood and life, even if you work in a cubicle. I'm a huge advocate for decorating any space, so I thought I'd share some of my favorite decor ideas from Amazon to help inject a little sunshine and personality into your everyday work life. Whether you work in an office, a tiny corner cubicle, or at home (like me), I've got just the items for you!


Seenlast Lamp + Candle Warmer

I was gifted a lamp/candle warmer last year, and have been pleasantly surprised by how much I use it, and how much it transforms your space. It does a good job and making your desk feel that much more cozy, and at home. This essential will help make you feel at home even miles away at work.


Auelife Fall Candle Set

A fall candle needs to be lit at all times for me to have complete zen. If a fall-scented candle is lit, I can truly get through any day no matter how stressful. This one is a 4 pack, so you can enjoy all the fun scents while they also act as a cute, decor piece!


XXXFLOWER Plant Terrarium

Having real plants in your office can be a great step towards making your office feel more like home — or even cozying up your WFH setup — and have a more grounding energy. This may seem silly, but whenever I have plants or flowers around me, it just makes me feel more centered and at peace. So, I would highly recommend this cute terrarium as a decor piece on your desk to help you center yourself throughout the day!


MDOZQ Memo Board for Notes

One thing I always keep nearby when I'm working? A memo board of some kind to display notes from my husband, loved ones, or friends. This is another great way to have peaceful reminders if you ever get stressed during an intense work day!


Gannyfer Small Desk Organizer

A desk organizer does a great hob at categorizing some of your daily-use items while making them look more presentable at the same time. This one is one of my faves with home you can style it with all your most prized possessions. Add in your favorite books, knick knacks, and pictures for injecting some personality into your space!


AZLTC Book Vase

This vase is so practical and so adorable! Like I mentioned before, having real flowers or plants are a huge energy shift in your space, and this vase is insanely cute! I love how it livens up your space, while looking chic doing it! Grab this essential on Amazon for only $7... I repeat: $7! Such a steal.


Kootop Wireless Keyboard

Is anyone else on ASMR keyboard Tiktok?! Or is that just me... Because these click clack keyboards are actually my most recent obsession. I feel like they just help to make typing away at your computer seem fun. Plus, it looks oh-so-cute! This one's going home with me!


Jetec Photo Display

As you can tell from my note display tendencies, I'm a severely sentimental person, so I not only have notes of my loved ones, but also photos! In every office, cubicle, or desk I've ever had, there's always been a photo display of polaroids for those that I like to remind myself of on a daily basis! Another simple edition that will make all the difference to your space. Plus, it fills a lot of space and can make your office seem more full.


SKYDUE 360 Degree Rotating Desk Organizer

This desk has so many pros to it:

  • It is a great organizer to divide up pens, markers, and anything you need.
  • It rotates for easy access.
  • It looks super cute on your desk.
  • AND it's under $10.
What more could you want?!


Lamicall Green Phone Stand

If you're someone like me, and needs to have your phone on standby for any various reasons like making calls, answers emails, or simply watching clips for work, then this phone stand is a life saver! It can charge your phone, all while sitting up right for easy viewing access. I like to have this by my computer whenever I'm working!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Despite dogs being our loyal companions for centuries, there are some breeds that struggle with unfair reputations. Whether due to myths, media portrayals, or a lack of understanding and training, certain dogs are often judged before they even have a chance to prove themselves.

The truth is that many of these so-called "problem" breeds are loving, intelligent, and make wonderful pets in the right homes. Here are 10 different types of pups that are commonly misunderstood but really deserve a second chance.

Scroll to see the top 10 misunderstood dog breeds!

Nikola Čedíková

1. American Pit Bull Terrier

With their muscular build and strong jawline, the American Pit Bull Terrier has been labeled as aggressive. Their past association with dogfighting has furthered this stigma, but in reality, Pit Bulls are loyal, affectionate, and quite eager to please their owners.

When given proper training and socialization, these dogs, known for their playful nature, can make great family pets.

Julissa Helmuth

2. Bullmastiff

The towering size of Bullmastiffs can make them seem intimidating, but this breed is actually a pretty gentle companion.

They were originally bred to help guard large estates, so they are protective by nature. Even so, they rely more on their presence as opposed to aggression to keep their loved ones safe. Bullmastiffs are also beloved by many owners for their patience and affection.

Elina Volkova

3. Cane Corso

Cane Corsos have gotten a bad rap as an overly aggressive breed because of their large, muscular stature and intense gaze. They hail from Italy, where they were bred as working and guardian dogs. That's why their demeanor is naturally serious and protective.

But beneath their tough exterior, these pups are devoted, intelligent, and calm. Cane Corsos form strong bonds with their owners and thrive in environments with consistent leadership and love.

Zen Chung

4. Akita

Akitas have a quieter nature, which has led to misconceptions about their temperament. Some mistake their reserved demeanor for aloofness, yet this breed is really loyal and affectionate with their families.

It's true that Akitas are naturally protective and can be a bit wary of strangers, but this trait makes them excel as watchdogs. And once these dogs form a bond with their owners, it's unbreakable.

Michele Friend

5. Belgian Malinois

The Belgian Malinois has become associated with police and military work, gaining this breed an unfair reputation as overly aggressive or intense. Sure, these dogs have a strong work ethic and lots of energy. However, they're also highly loyal and intelligent.

With proper training and an active lifestyle, they double as skilled working dogs and faithful companions.

Thierry Rossier

6. Shar Pei

With its distinctive wrinkles and intense expressions, the Shar Pei can come across as standoffish. This breed may be a bit reserved with strangers, too, but they form very strong bonds with their loved ones.

These pups are just naturally protective of family members, not overly aggressive. They have a calm demeanor, too, and do best in homes where they're respected.

Efrem Efre

7. Great Dane

The sheer size of the Great Dane can be intimidating and causes many to assume that they're hard to handle. Contrary to this belief, these large dogs are some of the gentlest and most affectionate pups, which is why they're often referred to as "gentle giants."

Great Danes are friendly and calm in nature, thrive on human interaction, and make excellent family pets.

Rajesh Balouria

8. German Shepherd

Much like the Belgian Malinois, German Shepherds are also associated with military and police work. This has led many people to think they're aggressive or too serious.

In truth, these dogs are extremely smart and super affectionate with their families. Of course, they are naturally protective, yet they also have a gentle and playful side, especially with those they trust.

German Shepherds love companionship and are happiest when they just get to be with their owners.


9. Boxer

Boxers tend to be big, with lively expressions and a lot of energy. Some have interpreted their behavior to mean they're aggressive, but that's really not the case.

This breed is very playful, affectionate, and social. They do tend to get excited, but their energy stems from their spirited nature. With regular exercise and stimulation, Boxers are well-behaved, loyal, and form strong bonds with their family.


10. Rottweiler

Last but not least is the Rottweiler, a breed that's thought to be aggressive or friendly. Despite what their size might suggest, these dogs are really loving and devoted.

When they're raised in caring homes and provided with training and socialization, they'll show their playful side while still being alert and protective.

For even more lifestyle advice, be sure to sign up for our newsletter!

We've been known to geek out on how your MBTI personality type affects your dreams, stress levels, friendships, and love life. But it can also impact how you work in more ways than one. Knowing your type can help you learn more about yourself and how you work best with others, and ultimately help you achieve your career or entrepreneurial goals. With the help of the career coaching team at FlexJobs, we're exploring how your MBTI results can help you design a better and more productive office space no matter if you're remote, hybrid, or in full-time office mode. Get ready to change the way you work for the better.

ISTJ ("The Logistician")

Jessica Arends

Orderly and dutiful, ISTJs thrive in a traditional workspace and do best when they progress slowly up the ladder, achieving their goals in good time and measure. These dedicated thinkers bring a certain harmony to their workplaces, since their chief goal is to create a smooth, stable operation.

For ISTJs, a highly structured office is best. They thrive when there's a place for everything, and the furniture is sturdy and reliable. However, these slow-and-steady workers may benefit from unexpected details, so don't be afraid to wear that kooky sweater or take on a project you're not so sure about.

INFJ ("The Advocate")


INFJs are a unique blend of emotion and concrete action. As seekers of harmony and justice, INFJs likely have many fans around the office (meaning tons of visitors who may not be welcome when you need to recharge).

Give yourself the ability to shut the world out by installing a cubicle privacy door in your space, setting your remote communication tools off, or by asking team members to schedule meetings ahead of time. When you set up your workspace, feel free to scrap the traditional desk/chair/filing cabinet arrangement for something that better suits your unique preferences. Don't worry — with your intuition and innate sense of balance, you're bound to find the right setup!

INTJ ("The Mastermind")

Collov Home Design

You could just as easily nickname this type the "bookworm," since INTJs have an ingrained thirst for knowledge and highly cerebral pursuits. If you fall into this personality type, you'd do well to curate a library of professional reading that tickles your intellectual curiosity. Keep these books in your office where you can access them in one of your many retreats from the rest of the team.

In terms of decor, opt for flexible furniture, such as a convertible standing desk that will suit your need for freedom in your workspace. Choose colors that are soothing, with geometric patterns that work with your highly strategic mindset. And make sure that everything stays orderly — there's nothing an INTJ hates more than a chaotic desk!

ISFJ ("The Nurturer")

Collov Home Design

ISFJs are natural helpers, but they have a tendency to underestimate their own contribution to office culture. Therefore, they might benefit from displaying evidence of their achievements on their office walls — perhaps hanging an award or the race bib from a completed marathon.

Take time selecting your furniture when you set up your workspace, since you tend to perform best when everything feels welcoming and nothing is overlooked. And remember to book some time for learning when you start a new project. Nurturers like to approach new tasks with a hands-on attitude, so you'll need some room in your schedule to really dig into the details.

ISTP ("The Virtuoso")

Annie Spratt

Decorating for you means finding the perfect balance between order and quirkiness. With your out-of-the-box approach to life, you thrive in spaces that both allow you to express your unique blend of boldness and freedom and provide an enclosed retreat for private tinkering. Look for unusual, stimulating colors, like peaches and mint greens, but keep the furniture sleek with a slim profile that doesn't intrude on your thinking. And make sure to add some tactile desk toys — it will give you something to fiddle with while you wait for the perfect solution to drop out of the sky!

ISFP ("The Artist")

Ella Jardim

If you're an ISFP and you're reading this, you've probably already put a lot of thought into your office's setup. As sensual, visual people, ISFPs thrive on aesthetics — but that can also make them a little overly sensitive to what's going on around them. ISFPs should therefore strive to separate themselves from busy atmospheres, choosing instead spots near a window, where they can be drawn in by the natural ambience.

No windows in your office? Choose some soothing furniture, like a desk in blonde wood, and top it with plants or a small tranquil waterfall. Anything beautiful and peaceful is your milieu.

INFP (A.K.A. the "Idealist")

Lucija Ros

Dreamy and emotive, INFPs seek harmony and fairness in the workplace. This type needs a soothing, calming space to retreat, where they can recharge and reflect on their next move. If you can, choose an office space that's set away from the hustle and bustle of the main room. INFPs may have trouble becoming inspired by traditional office decor with its focus on function. Instead, you should try to integrate your personal passions into your office, choosing pieces that are fair trade, for instance, or that weave in natural elements.

INTP (A.K.A. the "Architect")

Kinga Cichewicz

INTPs adore playing with ideas and exploring — no wonder some of the world's renowned scientists fall into this personality type. These are the folks who are so creative and logical they can come up with the theory of relativity (Einstein is one of their more celebrated members), but will often abandon their coffee mid-sip in the throes of a new theory. A well-ordered space, with highly efficient shelving and organization systems, will suit this type well. But make sure to include a miscellaneous file — and a nook for doing more unordered thinking — for when the creative bug sets in.

ESTP (A.K.A. the "Entrepreneur")

Andrea Davis

ESTPs are having quite a moment these days. These rule-breakers love to think outside the box and are the kind you'd see chatting about "disruption" and "failing forward." Therefore, they need an energetic workspace that captures the boldness and risk-taking that inspires them.

Charged colors, like electric blue or bright orange, with unexpected accents — a curved desk, for instance, or an unusual piece of artwork — will keep this type running on all four cylinders. Just don't go for anything too fussy. With your preference for rapid change, you'll likely be reorganizing often.

ESFP (A.K.A. the "Performer")


Expressive and vocal about your opinions, you probably take no issue redecorating your office as you see fit. But as a caring, compassionate person, you love to reach out to friends around your workplace too, so don't be afraid to ask them for their advice! Seriousness is for the other personality types to worry about, so go ahead, grab that fabulous bulletin board and that dramatic desk chair. Just make sure you don't get too caught up in decorating—after all, you still have actual work to do!

ENFP (A.K.A. the "Campaigner")

Kris Gerhard

Blessed with natural charisma and an energetic spark, ENFPs are passionate about their ideas and bring the fun at the office happy hour. In their workspaces, they need decor that will refill their nearly never-ending cup of joy. But they could probably also do with some simplifying as well, since these types hate routine tasks and view organization as a form of drudgery. Keep your filing system as simple as possible to avoid the blahs and allow you to focus on what you care about: new ideas.

ENTP (A.K.A. the "Visionary")

Slava Keyzman

As "big picture" thinkers, ENTPs tend to overlook the finer details, such as organization. For these idea-oriented types, challenges are motivating, so if you can view the cleaning as a problem that needs to be solved, you'll likely have much better results. Use unconventional solutions — an unusual, eye-catching shelf, or a standing desk with rolling walls — or just give yourself the freedom to work in a new coffee shop or restaurant, if that's an option. Just keep it flexible, and remember: everything is reversible!

ESTJ (A.K.A. the "Executive")

James McDonald

As you might guess by their moniker, ESTJs thrive on order and tend to follow the rules. They're also hard-working and moral, so they don't like to be weighed down by trivial details. Therefore, if you fall into this category, you'll do best with clean, unfettered decor that doesn't really push the envelope.

Think "oval office" and get inspired by the mixture of traditional luxury and executive prowess. And make sure to add an extra seat for visitors. With your reputation for leadership and community organization, you're sure to have more than a few office drop-ins!

ESFJ (A.K.A. the "Caregiver")

Dawid Liberadzki

You know that one chatty coworker who's always game for a quick conversation? If you're an ESFJ, it's probably you! You love working with people and view meetings as more than just work — they're a chance to entertain, too.

Give yourself enough room to invite people in when the mood strikes, while still maintaining the order and organization in your space. Go for practical, utilitarian pieces, like a rolling white board, that can help you lead a group meeting and keep your thoughts together.

ENFJ (A.K.A. the "Giver")

Nirzar Pangarkar

Generous and collaborative, an ENFJ is the very definition of a "people person." Therefore, they prefer spaces that are hospitable, inviting, and comfortable, and thrive in spaces that are energetic and novel (think "startup with bean bag chairs and wall murals.").

Choose pieces that are punchy and will start a conversation, but still maintain a sense of order in your space. Whatever you do, make sure there's plenty of room for collaboration. In fact, you may even want to share your office, if that's a possibility. ENFJs are one of those rare types who actually enjoy open plan offices, since they allow them to easily do their work in teams. If you work from home, try out coworking spaces and coffee shops.

ENTJ (A.K.A. the "Commander")

Gabriel Beaudry

You like to brag that you've never been bested by a car salesman, and that's because you enjoy the challenge of negotiating. With your commanding presence and dominating personality, you need decor that's just as domineering — and maybe even just the slightest bit intimidating. Pick out the biggest desk you can get and a plush leather chair to capture that ambience of control.

But don't forget to allow your sensitive side out once and awhile, too. A few gentle touches, like a photo of your dog displayed on one of your shelves, will go a long way to humanize you to your fellow teammates.

Know your Myers-Briggs personality type? Share your workspace with us @BritandCo!

This post has been updated.

Lead image viaKarolina Grabowska/Pexels

Say it with me: being single isn't a crime, nor is still believing in love. It seems like the are so many conflicting rules about what people are supposed to want out of life — especially romantically — but guess what? No one can tell you what you should or shouldn't focus on. And if that involves reading romance books where the protagonist learns to choose what's best for their heart? I'm supporting your decision to read whatever you want based on your mood!

Scroll to find all the best romantic books that celebrate love in all its forms!


1. Picking Daises on Sundays by Liana Cincotti

Daniella Daisy Maria still believes in love as evidenced by the rom-coms she keeps watching, but she's heartbroken when her best friend Levi doesn't reciprocate her deep feelings. Unfortunately, this severs their friendship and they stop speaking to each other for a few years.
When they do see each other again, they're at a West Village bar and Daniella can't believe how much Levi hasn't changed. She's even more shocked when he asks her to be in a fake relationship with him.
She knows she should say no, but Daniella can't help herself even if having something real with Levi isn't on the table.


2. Call It What You Want by Alissa DeRogatis

Sloane Hart's living out the last wild days of college with her friends and their penchant for singing The Chainsmokers' songs. She's also thinking about the career she wants to have in New York.

Focusing on her goals is all she cares about until she meets Ethan Brady. His very presence scrambles her brain and she can't help but want to spend as much time with him as she can. But Ethan's hard shell makes it tough for them to truly connect the way she wants.

This alone may be the thing to derail Sloane's goals as she works to win Ethan's heart.


3. Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld

Sketch writer Sally Milz spends her nights working for The Night Owls and watching her less-than-eligible co-workers score relationships with women who are way out of their league. It doesn't help that she feels her love life is doomed. The final straw comes when her friend Danny Horst becomes the lucky partner of beautiful actress Annabel. This inspires Sally to write The Danny Horst Rule — a sketch that's meant to hilariously make fun of the oddity of this phenomenon.
But then Noah Brewster, a super attractive pop star, waltzes onset set as a guest host. Somehow he finds Sally funny and even starts flirting with her. Due to Sally's disappointments in the past, she doesn't think someone like him could possibly be interested in her. It's not like her life is one big rom-com.


4. A Love Song for Ricki Wilde by Tia Williams

Ricki Wilde rejects the posh lifestyle of her family in Atlanta and ventures to New York to live her true dreams. Not only does she start creating a home for herself in Harlem, she also opens a gorgeous flower shop. It's here that becomes attracted to a beautiful stranger who's as passionate as he is mysterious.
Unbeknownst to her, their fates are tied in a way that'll have grave consequences should they decide to fall in love.


5. Never Meant to Meet You by Ali Frank & Asha Youmans

Kindergarten teacher Marjette Lewis is getting ready for a new school year without her best friend Judy for the first time and she's overwhelmed. She's also dealing with the defiance that comes from having a growing son along with the irritable antics of her ex-husband. In her mind, she doesn't have time for anyone else.

But life surprises her in the form of a young student who has an attractive uncle. Together, they'll realize petty moments can give way to something greater if they let it.


6. The Secret of You and Me by Melissa Lenhardt

Nora left Texas because she needed to escape her harsh father and the small town they lived in. Going back means she'll have to deal with things she doesn't want to.

Sophie's life looks perfect on the outside, but she can't stop thinking about the one woman who stole her heart so long ago — Nora. They found friendship and love in each other, but Sophie called herself putting that behind her. It's the very reason she can't wait for Nora to leave town so she doesn't have to remember how she felt about her.

But being near each other reminds them of everything that felt and lost. Even more, they'll have to decide if some truths are better lived out loud.


7. The Things We Do for Love by Kristin Hannah

Angie DeSaria's infertility struggles and divorce caused her so much distress that she decides to move back home to West End. It's there she starts reconnecting with what feels familiar, but there's also something new waiting for her when she hires Lauren Ribido.
She and the teenager develop a mother-daughter relationship that's put under great stress by circumstances that are out of their hands.


8. Big Chicas Don't Cry by Annette Chavez Macias

Mari, Erica, Selena, and Gracie have the ultimate cousin relationship. They're the best of friends who all know loving their grandmother is nonnegotiable. However, a divorce that affects one of them pulls them apart and they stop being close.
Years later, the cousins are dealing with the different hardships. Mari's unhappy with her life, Erica's newly single and having a hard time a work, Selena's in the midst of an identity crisis, and Gracie is afraid of falling in love.
Yet, their true test will come when they're in the same room again and have nothing but unspoken memories between them.


9. The Burnout by Sophie Kinsella

Sasha's tired of being "on" at work and is looking for a reprieve from her busy life. It's to the point where her social life has taken a drastic hit, leaving her depleted on a soul level. Taking things into her own hands, she books a vacation to a resort in hopes of unwinding.
Sadly, her idea of paradise is shattered because there's nothing idyllic about her vacation at first. The resort looks like it's been all but abandoned and the only person there seems to be Finn, the last person she'd want to talk to. He's as grump as they come and that's putting a big damper on the plans that are already ruined.
Turns out, they're both burned out and unsure what to do about it. The answer to their puzzling question comes in the form of weird messages that force them to have a conversation about themselves.
The more they talk, the closer they get and soon there'll be a deeper burning sensation they feel.


10. Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes

Eveleth "Evvie" Drake is a widow who's so depressed that she'd rather stay home than venture out in the Maine town she lives in. She doesn't even bothering arguing with her best friend Andy about what's wrong with her.
Hours away in New York is Dean Tenney, a man who used to having a promising baseball career. However, his throwing game has been off and he doesn't understand what's wrong with him.
Looking to escape media speculations, Dean takes up his best friend's offer to unwind in Maine. Unbeknownst to him, Andy's very close to Evvie and arranges for Dean to say in the back of Evvie's house. The two don't pry into each other's life at first, but one conversation turns into more.
However, they'll have to get past their fears if they want to have something that lasts.


11. Normal People by Sally Rooney

Connell and Marianne couldn't be more different, but they've never been able to ignore how drawn they are to each other. It doesn't matter if one used to be popular in school while the other wasn't.

In a strange twist of events, they seem to trade places in the social hierarchy at Trinity College. Marianne's gone on to have a busy social life while Connell doesn't seem sure of anything. Despite finding new people to cling to, they always seem to come back to each other.

It's only when Marianne begins making risky choices that the two will have to ask if they're willing to always be in each other's lives.


12. Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fineby Gail Honeyman

Eleanor Oliphant is socially awkward and not in the "cute" way either. She truly can't seem to "read the room" and alternates between saying bold things or indulging in cheap comforts on the weekend. Then she meets Raymond at work.

When they help an elderly man named Sammy, the three of them strike up an unexpected friendship that has life-altering consequences.


13. Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams

Queenie Jenkins is going through a lot. As a young woman in her mid-twenties, she's not sure which culture she should embrace. Also, she can't help but notice how awkward it is to navigate life at the newspaper she works at.

Once she and her boyfriend breakup, she begins spiraling in heartbreaking and relatable ways. From careless sex to unhinged behavior, Queenie can't help but feel she's lost the plot of her life.

Somehow, she'll find her self-worth and may discover the greatest love of all.

Looking for more book recommendations? Be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss a thing!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

The '90s introduced decorating trends like neutral color palettes with beige, taupe, and white leading the way. Pops of color like hunter green, burgundy, and navy were always in the mix too. Floral prints were everywhere, from upholstery to wallpaper borders, and sponge-painted walls gave spaces a textured look. I remember helping my mom prep my sister’s nursery with a wallpaper border and sponge-painting our bathroom walls in a peachy hue. Oak cabinets and light wood furniture were staples, often paired with brass or gold accents (sound familiar?). There were also glass block walls, track lighting, and oversized sectional sofas. Southwestern motifs and geometric patterns were also popular, while inflatable furniture and lava lamps gave tween rooms a playful vibe. While some of these trends are being reimagined by designers today, others are best left within the confines of our '90s nostalgia.

Here are all the '90s decorating trends we still love today.

1. Stencils


Etsy Nadia Indian Block Print Allover Stencil

Wall stencils were huge in the '90s, offering an easy way to add decorative patterns and borders to any room. From floral designs to geometric shapes, stencils were the O.G. approach to DIY-ing walls. Modern stenciling techniques are making a stylish and more subtle comeback. I especially love this block print look for an elevated rustic vibe.

2. Wallpaper Borders


Etsy Classic Scallop Border Wall Sticker

Unlike my mom's wallpaper border that needed to be scraped and sanded off, modern varieties are stick on and removable and so much easier to deal with. Plus, they come in fun prints and shapes like this scallop border.

3. Textured Walls

Gavin Cater

I don't know that I'll ever love sponge-painting again, but rustic home decor is making a solid comeback with Pinterest searches for Spanish Mediterranean kitchens and Mexican farmhouse on the rise (think earthy patterns and textures like plaster). This bathroom designed by Los Angeles design firm Bungalowe uses microcement on the walls for an imperfect and natural look that's so gorgeous.

4. Hunter Green

DeVOL Kitchens

Hunter green is back. Find it in kitchen cabinet colors, wall color, and furnishings. This project by DeVOL Kitchens, a renowned design-led manufacturer of bespoke kitchens, uses the color in one of its iconic UK-based kitchen designs.

5. Ruffles


Anthropologie Lorelei Irena Accent Chair

Pleated skirts on sofas and chairs are making their way back as a response to a new romantic trend.

6. Burgundy


CB2 Monte Oak Wood and Rose Velvet Dining Chair

NYC-based designer Nicholas Obeid designed this dining chair with FSC-certified American red oak and a plush velvet in a deep, rich burgundy color that I want for my dining room ASAP. It's giving '90s but in a sophisticated way.

7. Floral Everything

Cari Field

The '90s embraced all the florals. Fast forward to today, James and Christine of Stewart-Schafer thoughtfully renovated their clients' 200-year-old home in Connecticut with a stunning floral wallpaper and I'm obsessed!

8. Pastels

Urban Outfitters

UO Roma Sofa

I will never not love pastels, especially in the Danish variety.

9. Wicker Furniture


Greenrow Seagrass Occasional Loveseat

Word on the street is that wicker is making a comeback, but in an elevated way. Gone are the bulky porch furniture sets in stark white. This natural seagrass chair is the modern version of your '90s wicker.

10. Bedskirts


Greenrow Vintage Bedskirt

Sleek platform beds are making way for the return of the bedskirt and I'm not sad about it.

11. Tassels


Hadiqa Upholstered Barrel Chair

Tassels were everywhere in '90s decor, often used as embellishments on curtain tiebacks, lampshades, and throw pillows. Think heavy drapes in jewel tones held back with gold tasseled cords, a fringed lampshade, bedspreads and furniture skirts, adding texture and movement. Well, they're back and pretty beautiful IMO.

12. Oak Cabinets

Image courtesy of Arterberry Cooke

Oak cabinets you'll find today are clean and minimal compared to the ones back then, but they are just as popular. Alice Arterberry of Austin-based design firm Arterberry Cooke and Danny Spears of Captex Construction designed this stunning Austin kitchen in oak, from cabinets to floors.

13. Tropical

PB Teen

PB Teen Palm Chandelier

Tropical decor has become timeless, blending playful charm with laid-back elegance. From bold, exotic wallpapers to whimsical chandeliers like this one, it’s the perfect way to bring relaxed, vacation-inspired vibes to your home.

14. Neutral Color Palettes

Image courtesy of Arterberry Cooke

The quiet luxury aesthetic of neutral color palettes will always bring a soothing and serene feeling to spaces and I'm ok with still loving it, even as color starts to take over our spaces. There's always space for warm minimalism!

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