Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” Saved The Movies — Where’s Her Oscar Nom?

greta gerwig barbie moviegreta gerwig barbie movie

When America Ferrera said, "[Women] have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we're always doing it wrong" in the middle of the Barbie movie, I knew the statement applied to the present, but I didn't realize it would continue to apply to the future. But when the Academy Award nominations dropped January 23, leaving Barbie director Greta Gerwig and lead actress Margot Robbie out of the running (not to mention Rachel McAdams forAre You There God? It's Me Margaret, and Celine Song and Greta Lee for Past Lives), all my work chats and text chains exploded — and I felt my heart break a little. Academy Award nominations exhibit which voices we choose to elevate, and what we're willing to deem valid, worthy, and important. Does an Oscar inherently make a movie a good film? No, but it still says a lot.

After years of difficulty in cinema (and media overall, TBH) because of COVID, Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie — among a vast team of very talented people — reinstalled the joy and the buzz that movies deserve when Barbie hit theaters July 21, 2023. For a movie about a favorite childhood toy, Barbie — and Greta Gerwig — had a lot riding on its shoulders and it absolutely delivered: it made women feel seen, it started ample and overdue discussions about the patriarchy, and it led Greta Gerwig to become the first solo female director with a billion-dollar film. So, then, why in the world wasn't she nominated for an Oscar?

AMERICA FERRERA as Gloria in Warner Bros. Pictures’ “BARBIE,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Image via Warner Bros. Pictures.

The AMPAS, or the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, are comprised of 10,000 members, 9,500 of whom vote on the Oscars. As of 2021 (viaThe Los Angeles Times), only 33 percent identify as women. In the same way the success of women behind the scenes continually proves we need to be telling our own stories, the lack thereof leaves a lot to be desired — especially when unbalanced voting is so consistent, it's become a running joke that the Academy only lets one woman in the Best Director category every year.

Expressing her disappointment that Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie weren't nominated, America Ferrera (who did score a nomination for Best Supporting Actress) tells Variety, “Greta has done just about everything that a director could do to deserve [a nomination]. Creating this world, and taking something that didn’t have inherent value to most people and making it a global phenomenon.”

“What Margot achieved as an actress is truly unbelievable,” Ferrera continues. “One of the things about Margot as an actress is how easy she makes everything look. And perhaps people got fooled into thinking that the work seems easy, but Margot is a magician as an actress in front of the screen, and it was one of the honors of my career to get to witness her pull off the amazing performance she did. She brings so much heart and humor and depth and joy and fun to the character. In my book, she’s a master.”

RYAN GOSLING as Ken in Warner Bros. Pictures’ “BARBIE,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Image via Warner Bros. Pictures.

Ryan Gosling also received a Best Supporting Actor nomination for his role as Ken, and released a statement after the nominations were announced:

“I am extremely honored to be nominated by my colleagues alongside such remarkable artists in a year of so many great films. And I never thought I’d being saying this, but I’m also incredibly honored and proud that it’s for portraying a plastic doll named Ken.

No recognition would be possible for anyone on the film without their talent, grit and genius.

To say that I’m disappointed that they are not nominated in their respective categories would be an understatement.

Against all odds with nothing but a couple of soulless, scantily clad, and thankfully crotchless dolls, they made us laugh, they broke our hearts, they pushed the culture and they made history. Their work should be recognized along with the other very deserving nominees.

Having said that, I am so happy for America Ferrera and the other incredible artists who contributed their talents to making this such a groundbreaking film.”

Barbie actor Simu Liu agreed with Gosling's sentiments. "Being involved in a small way gave me a window into just how hard Greta and Margot had to fight to get Barbie made, and how flawlessly they executed. Together they started a movement, touched the world and reinvigorated the cinema. They deserve everything. They ARE everything," he says on X.

Even former First Lady Hillary Clinton released a statement, saying, "Greta and Margot, while it can sting to win the box office but not take home the gold, your millions of fans love you. You're both so much more than Kenough."

MARGOT ROBBIE on the set of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “BARBIE,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Image via Jaap Buitendijk/Warner Bros. Pictures.

The whole point of Barbie is seen in the way it was received: women squealed, laughed, and wept, while the men around us either allowed it to give them a better understanding of the female experience or used it in an atrocious and sexist Golden Globes monologue. To leave Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie out of the nominations feels like the Academy was presented with the female experience and simply decided it wasn't worth honoring. And considering the Academy (which is also 81 percent white, FYI) also snubbed Past Lives lead actress Greta Lee and director Celine Song, it's a continual, ever-present message that while a story might be popular, the women who do the work aren't worth their weight in Oscar-gold — or even the chance of it.

Director/Writer GRETA GERWIG and Cinematographer RODRIGO PRIETO on the set of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “BARBIE,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Image via Dale Robinette/Warner Bros. Pictures.

After Barbie, everyone in the entire world talked about Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie, cementing Barbie (or Barbenheimer, if you prefer) as an event that will go down in pop culture history. So what do women have to do to finally be recognized?

Who decides what stories are valuable or worth honoring? Barbie's colorful, joyful exploration and celebration of womanhood isn't mutually exclusive from serious storytelling. Because all the women in my life can talk about is how seriously they took the film. Barbie’s struggles felt familiar, full of things we all deal with daily — catcalling, dismissal, fear.

(L-r) KINGSLEY BEN-ADIR as Ken, RYAN GOSLING as Ken, MARGOT ROBBIE as Barbie, SIMU LIU as Ken, NCUTI GATWA as Ken and SCOTT EVANS as Ken in Warner Bros. Pictures’ “BARBIE,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Image via Warner Bros. Pictures.

America Ferrera's Gloria (which is really to say Greta Gerwig’s writing) put it best when she says that women are constantly tying themselves in knots over and over, but despite our best efforts, it's just not enough. Respecting women's experiences or literally just letting them talk is absolutely "Kenough," but I'm sick of being told to smile or be content with the way things are when getting people to like us — and literally boosting the economy — clearly isn't enough.

What do you think about Greta Gerwig's Barbie Oscar snub? Follow us on Facebook for more breaking pop culture news.

Lead image via Dale Robinette/Warner Bros. Pictures.

If you’ve ever craved Yellowstone's more rural, rustic backdrop and rugged men in your The Bachelor viewings, boy do I have the show for you. Farmer Wants a Wife returned for its third season on March 20 on Fox, and we can’t get enough. This season welcomes a new host, Kimberly Williams-Paisley, who brings a fresh energy and nuanced charm to the series. From Kimberly and her husband, Brad Paisley, spilling all the tea on their longtime marriage to four farmers searching for love, season three is packed with all the romance and drama you crave!

Here’s all the latest on what you can expect in Farmer Wants a Wife season 3!

What's Farmer Wants a Wife about?


Farmer Wants A Wife is a reality show where four farmers look for love as they get to know 32 women from across the country. Yeehaw!

Wait, there’s a new host for Farmer Wants A Wife season 3?


Country singer Jennifer Nettles hosted the previous two seasons and passed on the baton to Kimberly William-Paisley for this season, and it's as if shewas made for this (very) niche role. Kimberly, who married country singer Brad Paisley 21 years ago, relates all too well to the ladies in search of a farmer’s love and country lifestyle.

Before the third season’s premiere, People caught up with Kimberly, where she shared “Because I’m a city girl who embraced the country life when I married my husband twenty-one years ago, I related to the allure of a farmer for these ladies," she said. "I really appreciate how dedicated this show and its producers are in helping these hopeful farmers and women find love."

​Who are the lucky farmers this season?!


The four farmers who will appear on the hit dating show are cuter than ever! Here's the rundown:

  • John Sansone: a soy, corn, and wheat farmer in St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Jay Woods: a hay and cattle farmer in Florence, Alabama.
  • Matt Warren: an avocado and exotic fruit farmer in Visalia, California.
  • Colton Hendricks: a cattle rancher and horse trainer in Mena, Arkansas.

John Sansone is a 25 year-old soy, corn, and wheat farmer based out of St. Louis, Missouri, and let me tell ya, John is booked and busy! He is currently studying for his law degree and continuing to make his family proud on his grandfather’s farm. John is looking for a woman who can keep up with his busy schedule – which I guess is Suits à la farming.

Jay Woods is a 25 year-old hay and cattle farmer based out of Florence, Alabama. While he loves his crossword puzzles and reading come nighttime, he’s busy getting his hands dirty during the day (farming of course, get your head out of the gutter!). When his dreams of becoming a pro football player were cut short due to an injury in college – the man went to Duke University, BTW – he took the time to think about what made him happiest outside of football. The answer was growing up in the countryside on his grandfather’s horse farm. Now, he’s looking for the right woman for him, with a little added pressure from his mom.


Matt Warren is a 30 year-old first generation avocado and exotic fruit farmer based out of Visalia, California, and he’s looking for love! Matt is pretty new to the farmer’s life, as he traded in his construction tools for farming tools to help his family after the tragic passing of his sister-in-law’s parents ( I’m already invested in this man’s story).

Colton Hendricks is a 28 year-old cattle rancher and horse trainer based out of Mena, Arkansas. Growing up on a farm and working alongside his dad instilled a hard work ethic within him. Now, Colton wants to meet a woman who can integrate into his tight-knit family while also building a family of their own (on the farm, of course).

Where to watch season 3 of Farmer Wants a Wife.


Farmer Wants a Wife premiered on March 20, 2025 and airs every Thursday on Fox at 9pm EST. It's available to stream the next day on Hulu.

How many episodes are in Farmer Wants A Wife season 3?


Based on the fact season 1 had 11 episodes and season 2 had 14, Farmer Wants A Wife season 3 should have around or more than 10.

Read up on Hallmark's Western Historical Romance When Hope Calls Is Perfect For Yellowstone Lovers for another great TV recommendation!

Your weekly horoscope encourages a journey inward this week. As Mercury and Venus both move retrograde through the watery sign of Pisces, the cosmos invites you to spend time in quiet reflection. Allow music to be your guide as you explore your emotional landscape and connect with the spiritual side of life. This is a powerful time to tap into the energy of universal love and gain profound understanding. While the potential for delusion exists, focusing on introspection can lead to valuable wisdom and compassion that will resurface when these planets turn direct.

Scroll to see your zodiac sign's weekly horoscope for March 23-30, 2025!

Yaroslava Borz

The Sun in Aries brings movement and action. Use this fiery energy to motivate and propel yourself forward. It is a good time to start a new project or incorporate a new element into your life that brings light-heartedness and joy. Take advantage of the longer days and focus on making efficient progress toward a new venture. Make room for play and rest.

On March 29th, we have a New Moon and a partial lunar eclipse in Aries. Let’s remember that Aries embodies both the god of war and the exuberance of spring. During the New Moon, go inward and let the dark sky inspire you to emulate the energy of spring as you plant your seeds of intention. Let the potent double Aries energy of the Sun and Moon work synergistically to infuse creativity and act as a catalyst for growth on all levels.

Alexey Demidov

Over the next couple of months, major shifts will occur with the outer, so-called generational planets. Neptune has spent the last 14 years in its ruling sign of Pisces. What have you been dreaming about during these years? Have you been drawn to the mystical side of life? Have you been able to break generational patterns related to substance abuse or escapism? Your awareness of these issues can help you move away from the less helpful aspects of Pisces and toward the inspirational. On March 30, Neptune begins its forward movement into Aries. Then, on October 22, 2025, Neptune makes one last retrograde into Pisces before settling back into Aries on January 26, 2026, for the next 13 years. This energy allows us to remember the lessons of the past 14 years, incorporate the wisdom gained, and move forward to act on our dreams and inspirations. This phase is an integration of our higher and lower selves.

For a deeper and more personalized look at how these and other transits affect you, visit for a reading.

Brit + Co

Read Your Sun and Rising Sign for the Weekly Horoscope

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Do you hide parts of yourself and let your insecurities prevent you from fully embracing life? This week is a great time to overcome this tendency. Try to honestly see where you are holding back from your true potential and then ask yourself why. What conditioning created the potency of self-sabotage? How can you break the pattern? This kind of inner exploration might be difficult to undertake without assistance from a guide or counselor. The planetary movements are ripe for resolving blockages. Put in the work, and the rewards will be monumental.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You might experience a surge of energy this week. It is important to balance assertive, direct, and clear communication with sensitivity to how others perceive your words. Evaluate your approach and adjust your communication style accordingly, whether at work or home. Express yourself with self-awareness and pure intentions. Calm any anxiety that arises by meditating, gathering your thoughts in quiet contemplation, and walking in nature.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Look for opportunities to become more self-aware. Be mindful of rigid and limiting opinions you may hold. You might be extra sensitive and defensive about these opinions, willing to argue to make a point. Instead of approaching situations combatively, step back and look at the bigger picture. Consider how you might learn from opening your mind to a more unique perspective. Question your assumptions and remain curious.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Tap into the heightened vitality available to you this week. Use your determination to break through and explore uncharted experiences that lead to growth and empowerment. Advocate for yourself and step forward boldly but stay sensitive to and aware of others’ emotions and experiences. You will be able to focus intently and direct your energies toward accomplishing something that once seemed unattainable.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Identify old behavior patterns that interfere with your desire to express yourself authentically. Awareness of these patterns is the first step toward breaking free from limiting beliefs. You can use this energy to alter outdated behaviors and will look back at this time as pivotal in your life. Align yourself with a deeper purpose, growing both as an individual and as part of the collective experience. Take time to be alone, immersed in what inspires and calms your soul.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Reflect on your life goals. Are they still important, or do they need adjustment to better reflect your current reality? Are your goals more likely to be realized through collaboration? Be open to the synergy of group dynamics. You have undoubtedly been a catalyst and an inspiring leader. Keep your ego in check as you strive for balance between your energy and the collective process. There may be unconventional ways to move your project forward.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Your inner drive for personal growth is strong and potent. Does your work nourish your spirit and provide opportunities for advancement? Address any issues that may be impeding your evolution. Direct your energy toward resolving these issues peacefully. If conflicts with authority figures arise, take time to consider your role in the equation. Honestly evaluate your behavior and make adjustments that benefit everyone involved.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Do you have an outlet for your passions? Your urge for creativity needs expression, and your ideas can expand beyond perceived boundaries. Open yourself to learning something new or experiencing life in a different way. Develop a new routine to sustain your health and energy while breaking free from outdated patterns. You can expand your consciousness and grow by moving beyond self-limiting beliefs. Take advantage of opportunities to creatively express your passions.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Courageously face any issues that arise with loved ones. Recognize that disagreements may have deeper roots than they initially appear. Refrain from reacting impulsively and instead reflect on the underlying emotions. Set aside time for honest and open communication. Listen more than you speak to fully understand others' viewpoints. A profound period of growth is before you. Stay grounded, steady, and open to transformation.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Personal growth within your relationships is possible. This requires self-acceptance, self-compassion, and self-assertion. Stand firm in your beliefs but remain willing to compromise and learn from the effort to meet in the middle. Reciprocity and fairness are key in any interaction. Strive for better understanding through deep and transformative conversations. Look for ways to cooperate and collaborate on a project.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

This is a good time to channel your abundant energy and make real progress on any project. Use this time to break free from anything blocking your path. Prioritize your health and well-being by focusing on balanced eating, sleeping, and exercise. Develop new routines for stability and success, ensuring they become long-term habits.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Infuse creativity and playfulness into your daily activities. Can you turn chores into a game? Are there ways to enhance creativity by incorporating color or music into your routine? Find ways to express yourself authentically and embrace lighthearted exuberance. The goal is to play and allow your inner child to shine through fun and joyful activities.

For more insights on how these and other planetary transit impact you, visit for a personalized reading.

Looking for more astrology advice? Be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss a thing!

Grey's Anatomy first premiered on March 27, 2005, and has remained a powerhouse medical drama ever since.

Fans immediately fell in love with the OG surgical interns, including Meredith, Cristina, Izzie, Alex, and George, as well as authority figures like Dr. Miranda Bailey and Dr. Richard Webber. And, of course, we can't forget about Meredith's heartthrob affair partner-turned-husband, Dr. Derek Shepherd, also known as "McDreamy."

The show followed the original cast as they all delved deeper into their careers, encountering riveting medical cases and plenty of interpersonal relationship drama along the way.

However, since Grey's Anatomy has continued running for 21 seasons, the show has needed plenty of extra, outside actors to portray patients, bereaved loved ones, and sometimes, other doctors. That's precisely how so many celebrities ended up making appearances on the beloved drama.

Let's take a walk down memory lane and revisit some Grey's Anatomy celeb cameos you might've forgotten even happened. Warning: spoilers abound.

Scroll to see all the Grey's Anatomy celebrity cameo you totally forgot happened!


1. Sarah Paulson

Fans of Grey's Anatomy know that one of the overarching themes of the show is Meredith's familial trauma and how it follows her into her adult life.

She was raised by Dr. Ellis Grey, a trailblazing female surgeon who struggled to balance her medical career with being a supportive mother. Meredith also has an alcoholic father, later learns about her mother's affair with Dr. Richard Webber, and winds up having two half-sisters.

So, in Season 6 Episode 15, actress Sarah Paulson, most known for her role in American Horror Story, starred as a young Ellis Grey in a flashback as she worked alongside Dr. Webber on a 1982 AIDs case.


2. Tessa Thompson

You might've forgotten how, in Season 2, Dr. Webber's 14-year-old niece, Camille, arrived at the hospital on her prom night. This important role was played by Tessa Thompson, who has been in movies like Thor: Ragnarok and Men in Black: International, as well as the popular TV show Westworld.

In this Grey's Anatomy episode, Camille gets busy with her boyfriend Brian when she passes out. It was discovered that Camille had ovarian cancer, so her surgical team removed one of her ovaries. Then, in Season 4, Camille returns after realizing her cancer has spread and she's going to die.

This was a gut-wrenching subplot that hit especially close to home among viewers due to the sheer love the fanbase developed for Dr. Webber.


3. Sarah Chalke

Sarah Chalke moved women everywhere with her performance as Kate Mularkey in the TV series Firefly Lane. However, years earlier, she also appeared on Grey's Anatomy as a terrified yet diligent single mother named Casey Hedges.

In Season 9, Episode 19, Casey arrives at the hospital with her young son, who is experiencing a host of symptoms that resemble a virus. Nonetheless, she doesn't back down and keeps researching until she ultimately helps her son get diagnosed with Kawasaki disease.


4. Millie Bobby Brown

Before Millie Bobby Brown became known as the powerful Eleven on Stranger Things, she joined the Grey's Anatomy cast for Season 11, Episode 15. She played Ruby, a little girl who called the hospital directly after her mother fell, and she wasn't able to get in touch with emergency services due to an earthquake.

Dr. Owen Hunt and Dr. Amelia Shepherd are forced to teach Ruby how to check her mother's breathing and perform chest compressions over the phone. Then, when the battery on Ruby's phone runs out, she's left on her own until emergency services show up.


5. Abigail Breslin

In Season 3, Episode 3, the young Abigail Breslin made a notable appearance as a patient of Dr. Alex Karev's. She starred as Megan Clover, a little girl who thought she had superpowers because she didn't have the ability to feel pain.

Megan was ultimately diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder known as congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis (CIPA).


6. Dylan Minnette

Before Dylan Minnette took on his most famous role as Clay Jensen in 13 Reasons Why, he depicted an adorable little boy named Ryan in Season 4, Episode 5 of Grey's Anatomy.

Ryan was born with no external ears, so he goes "trick or treating for ears" with Meredith in order to get other surgical staff members on board for a pro bono ear reconstruction surgery.


7. Ernie Hudson

Ernie Hudson, the beloved Ghostbusters star, also made an unexpected cameo in Season 8, Episode 7. He played Dr. Brad McDougall, a doctor from Seattle Presbyterian.

Dr. Owen Hunt, who was, at that point, in the show, the Chief of Surgery, is trying to get his staff ready for a big softball game against the rival hospital. Ernie Hudson winds up delivering some nice trash talk as he leads his team on the diamond.


8. Leslie Grossman

Finally, you might best know Leslie Grossman from American Horror Story: Cult, but she played a woman named Lauren Hammer in Season 5, Episode 9 of Grey's Anatomy.

Lauren shows up at the hospital with stomach pain and believes she has cancer, but her husband, Seth, claims she's just a hypochondriac. In the end, it turned out she'd just given herself a staph infection from taking antibiotics she had purchased online.

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Sitcoms have been a TV staple for decades — and nowadays, everyone has their own comfort series. It's the show you can always rely on (and rewatch) to make you laugh or simply give you an escape from the stresses of day-to-day life.

So, while sitcoms may have quirky, offbeat humor or sometimes predictable character tropes, we continue returning to them time and time again. And if you haven't yet found your go-to TV show, there are plenty out to fit every taste.

Here are some of the best sitcoms ever that have rightfully earned their place in TV history.

Scroll to see the best sitcoms of all time!

Castle Rock Entertainment

1. Seinfeld

Seinfeld broke new ground in the world of sitcoms by introducing a more cynical, no-nonsense approach to its characters (and the situations they found themselves in).

The series famously followed the "no hugging, no learning" rule, meaning Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer never really grew or learned from their mistakes. This made their misadventures even more absurd and entertaining.

At its core, Seinfeld wasn't about grand life lessons or heartfelt moments, like other cornier sitcoms. Rather, it focused on the often overlooked details of everyday life and reflected the darker side of human nature in a hilarious way.

NBC Universal Television

2. The Office

The U.S. version of The Office became a true cultural phenomenon during its run and continues to be a pop culture staple today.

On the surface, it's a simple show about the daily lives of quirky employees at a paper company known as Dunder Mifflin. However, its true charm lies in the awkward and comedic dynamics between the characters.

It's one of the most beloved comfort sitcoms out there, with an underlying romance plot between Jim and Pam that had viewers hooked for seasons.


3. Everybody Hates Chris

One sitcom that's arguably underrated is Everybody Hates Chris, which blended unique humor with social commentary. Created by Chris Rock, the show offers a semi-autobiographical look at his life growing up in New York during the 1980s.

It mixes his sharp comedic style with reflections on race, inequality, and social issues of the time. Tyler James Williams delivers an outstanding performance as young Chris Rock, while Terry Crews and Tichinia Arnold shine as his parents.


4. New Girl

New Girl offers a classic sitcom setup featuring a group of roommates who navigate work, romance, and the ups and downs of living together. Jess, played by Zooey Deschanel, is the only female roommate, which stirs up awkward scenarios, funny hijinks, and even drama at some points.

She's joined by Nick, Schmidt, and Winston, played by Jake Johnson, Max Greenfield, and Lamorne Morris, respectively. Each male character's unique personality and quirks really round out the show and make for dynamic on-screen energy that's endlessly entertaining.


5. Modern Family

Modern Family made its mark as one of the standout sitcoms of the 2010s. It ran for 11 successful seasons and captured what it means to be a family in the modern day.

On paper, it might just seem like another family-centered show, but the series' mockumentary format sets it apart. It also shines a light on the inner workings and common challenges of blended families, which is brought to life by a standout cast, including Ed O'Neill, Sofía Vergara, Julie Bowen, Ty Burrell, Sarah Hyland, Eric Stonestreet, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Ariel Winter, Nolan Gould, and Rico Rodriguez.


6. Schitt's Creek

This sitcom follows a wealthy family who suddenly loses everything and is forced to move to a small, rundown town they once bought as a joke. Schitt's Creek begins as a comedic tale of survival among the entitled, but it quickly evolves into a heartwarming story of family bonding and personal growth.

The once-snobbish characters, played by the father-son duo Eugene Levy and Dan Levy, as well as Catherine O'Hara and Annie Murphy, figure out how to adapt to a humbler lifestyle and become more relatable, likable, and genuinely better people over time.


7. Curb Your Enthusiasm

From the creator of Seinfeld himself came Curb Your Enthusiasm, a masterclass in Larry David's distinctive brand of dark, edgy, and sometimes uncomfortable humor. He plays a fictionalized version of himself as he navigates a world that seems to despise him.

Larry is constantly getting into trouble in even the most simple scenarios, purely because he's prone to being socially inappropriate. But despite his often misguided behavior, there are some moments where he actually has a valid point or commentary about social expectations in day-to-day life, making him oddly relatable to the general viewer.

The premise of Curb Your Enthusiasm is simple, but Larry consistently found new angles to keep the humor fresh. This allowed the show to thrive for 12 whole seasons.


8. Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Last but not least is Brooklyn Nine-Nine, a sitcom that took workplace comedy to another, over-the-top level. It's set in a police precinct but never leans too far into the tense or dramatic moments.

Instead, it opts for broad, quirky humor and lovable characters played by stars such as Andy Samberg, Stephanie Beatriz, Melissa Fumero, Chelsea Peretti, Terry Crews, Joe Lo Truglio, and Andre Braugher.

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If you've been invited to an Easterpotluck but haven't made an Easter side dish yet, have no fear! These unexpected, vibrant dishes are here to steal the show! From creamy casseroles and dips to seasonal soups and refreshing salads, there's something on this list that everyone will want a bite of.

Choose from 41 delightful Easter recipes that work as appetizers and savor an Easter Sunday with a feast for family and friends.

Feel Good Foodie

Green Goddess Salad

If you're looking for a healthy Easter side dish that still tastes amazing, this Green Goddess salad is right up your alley. The dressing is full of lemon juice, cheese, rice vinegar, and garlic for a seriously yummy side dish. (via Feel Good Foodie for Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Bite-Sized Eggs Benedict

Even if you're not having an Easter brunch extravaganza, we're all about breakfast for dinner, so we'll add these bites to our menu regardless. (via Brit + Co)

Evolving Table

Mashed Cauliflower Purée

Cauliflower has become an Easter side dish fave, and this garlicky recipe (also keto!) only gives us more reasons to keep the momentum going. (via Evolving Table for Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Scallion & Greek Yogurt Slow-Cooker Mashed Potatoes

Despite the intricate, show-stopping appearance of these mashed potatoes, they're surprisingly easy to put together, thanks to your slow-cooker! (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Cheesy, Garlic-Roasted Asparagus

No one is going to pass up a vegetable that tastes like garlic bread... or one that's covered in cheese, at that. (via Brit + Co)

Alan Campbell

Greens & Citrus Salad with Tahini-Ginger Dressing

With plenty of veg and flavorful add-ins, this salad is clearly too legit to quit. (via Season: A Year of Wine Country Food, Farming, Family, & Friends for Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Keto Cheesy Brussels Sprouts With Bacon

This hearty Easter side dish is as easy as it is delicious. After all, everything is better with bacon and plenty of cheese sauce. (via Brit + Co)

Courtesy of The Unofficial Bridgerton Cookbook

Portia's Green Soup

We've been dreaming about this Bridgerton-inspired recipe, and we're pretty sure you will be, too. Avocado, cucumber, and chives give 'refreshing' a whole new meaning. (via The Unofficial Bridgerton Cookbook for Brit + Co)

Jessica Smith

DIY Potato Salad

The herbs in this potato salad make it totally spring-ready. It's also a great option for all your spring picnics and summer BBQ get-togethers! (via Brit + Co)

Justina Huddleston

Roasted Broccoli

If you’re feeding a crowd of picky eaters with different dietary needs, this tasty Easter side dish is a must. It’s also vegan, paleo, and Whole30-friendly! (via Justina Huddleston for Brit + Co)

Melanie Burke

Steamed Artichoke with Garlic Butter

If someone in your crew claims that they aren’t "into vegetables," the dreamy garlic butter that's used for dunking this steamed artichoke might just be a turning point for them. They'll thank you after they've devoured this whole Easter side dish! (via Melanie Burke for Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Sweet Potatoes in a Blanket

Why serve crescent rolls solo when you can stuff them with roasted sweet potato wedges, caramelized onions, and melty cheese? (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Crispy Smashed Potatoes with Pink Tahini Sauce

You can’t go wrong with crispy smashed 'taters, especially when they’re served with plenty of gooey brie cheese. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Crunchy Green Beans with Butter

Green beans might not seem like an exciting Easter side dish to bring to a potluck, but we guarantee these will be a crowd-pleaser. The original recipe makes enough for just four people, so adjust it accordingly! (via Brit + Co)

Sarah Anderson

Smoked Salmon Poke Bites

These easy bites work as a side dish to your entrée, or as an appetizer that you can snack on before the rest of the fam arrives for Easter dinner. You can totally customize these babies and remove or add any ingredients that you wish. (via Sarah Anderson for Brit + Co)

Half Baked Harvest

Baked Artichokes With Honey Whipped Feta

Dip these baked panko-coated artichokes into a sweet and creamy honey-whipped feta cheese for all your spring holidays. Everyone's going to love it at Easter! (via Half Baked Harvest)

Give Recipe

Cheesy Cabbage Casserole

Here us out on cabbage: when you bake this underrated veg with cheese and herbs, even kids will love it. (via Give Recipe)

The Girl On Bloor

Cream of Asparagus Soup

This perfect spring soup turns our favorite spring veg into the star of the show. It's full of fresh and vibrant flavors! (via The Girl On Bloor)

Barley & Sage

Roasted Golden Beet Salad with Farro

Roasted beets, farro, goat cheese, and crunchy almonds are a perfect side for a crowd and meal for everyday. (via Barley & Sage)

No Eggs or Ham

Toast with Oregano-Truffle Cream Cheese & Tomatoes

Inspired by breakfast in Barcelona, this simple recipe of toasted bread is topped with olive oil, tomatoes, and oregano-truffle cream cheese is so good. (via No Eggs or Ham)


Kale Stir Fry with Mushroom & Red Onion

Seasoned with balsamic vinegar and soy sauce, this simple and satisfying side dish takes just 15 minutes to make! (via Gastroplant)

This Wife Cooks

Cabbage And Peas

Add a pop of spring green to your table with this bright salad made from cabbage and sweet peas. (via This Wife Cooks)

Pink Owl Kitchen

Southern Baked Mac & Cheese

If you're looking for classic, soul food on your Easter Sunday this creamy baked macaroni and cheese with a crusty top is the best! (via Pink Owl Kitchen)

Veggie Society

Vegan Split Pea Soup

Creamy split green peas and golden potatoes made in a dutch oven is a delicious vegan meal.(via Veggie Society)

Forks & Foliage

Cucumber Mint Yogurt Salad

This refreshing, creamy dish is super simple and requires just 5 minutes to make. Pair it with toasty bread or crackers for the ultimate Easter side dish! (via Forks & Foliage)

Feel Good Foodie

Roasted Parmesan Potatoes

Crispy potatoes are always a crowd pleaser. These oven-roasted parmesan baby potatoes are a perfect as a side dish no matter what season. (via Feel Good Foodie)

Amanda Wilens

Simple Charcuterie Board

Stand out from the potluck crowd with a gorgeous charcuterie board. Amanda Wilens shows you how to build one to impress. (via Amanda Wilens)

A Spicy Perspective

Focaccia Bread with Roasted Garlic & Olives

This focaccia has a rich olive oil flavor with pieces of roasted garlic and Kalamata olives to add briny contrast. It makes a wonderful, carby side dish for any Easter potluck spread! (via A Spicy Perspective)

Takes Two Eggs

Korean Corn Cheese

Corn and mozzarella cheese makes for a delicious side dish that's fairly easy to make – and even easier to devour. (via Takes Two Eggs)

The Edgy Veg

Grilled Peaches & Pimento Pizza

Bring the pizza party to the Easter potluck with this seasonal dish you can easily grill or bake. (via The Edgy Veg)

Culinary Hill

Farro Salad with Peas & Feta

This light and delicious farro salad has peas, arugula, feta, and a juicy lemon dressing. (via Culinary Hill)

Fancy Peasant

Zucchini Chips

Make chips for your favorite dip from zucchini and eggplant for the best Easter potluck starter around! (via Fancy Peasant)

Simply Quinoa

Creamy Vegan Ricotta Dip

Spread this tofu-based ricotta dip on toast, in a pasta dish, as a dip, or even in a lasagna. It comes together in about 10 minutes! (via Simply Quinoa)

Salt & Lavender

Hot Spinach Artichoke Dip

Loaded with flavor and so much cheese, this hot spinach and artichoke dip will definitely get the Easter party started. (via Salt & Lavender)

Rachel Mansfield

Lemony Spring Pasta Salad

Gluten-free noodles absorb liquid more than regular pasta so keep some extra lemony dressing on the side of this springy pasta dish. (via Rachel Mansfield)

The Endless Meal

Bang Bang Cauliflower

Spicy, sweet, and incredibly easy to make, these bite-sized cauliflower bit are so good tossed in a homemade bang bang sauce. (via The Endless Meal)

Cozy Cravings

Spinach and Ricotta Puff Pastry Pinwheels

This easy vegetarian appetizer recipe is made with creamy spinach, melty ricotta, salty parmesan, and earthy spinach wrapped up in flaky, buttery puff pastry. Sold! (via Cozy Cravings)

Chef Bai

Truffle Beet Carpaccio with Pistachio And Capers

We never met a dish with capers we didn't like! Add sweet beets and arugula with the smokey marinade for a tastebud-satisfying treat. (via Chef Bai)

Two Spoons

Vegan Caesar Salad

The vegan caesar dressing in this fresh recipe is made with tahini, lemon, and dijon mustard for a creamy, tangy, and refreshing bite! (via Two Spoons)

Live Eat Learn

Mediterranean Layered Hummus Dip

Hummus topped with roasted pepper, chipotle, roasted garlic, and jalapeño cilantro is on a whole other level. (via Live Eat Learn)

Cilantro Parsley

Prosciutto Ricotta Toast

Toasty bread topped with crispy prosciutto and creamy ricotta, lemon, honey, and basil is a side to add to your party rotation. (via Cilantro Parsley)

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This post has been updated.