COVID Burnout Is Real — Here's How to Cope, According to an Expert

how to cope with covid burnout

The last 16 months have led to some serious emotional, psychological, and physical COVID burnout. The opportunity to hug loved ones, attend graduation, or even give birth with a partner in the room was swapped with having to balance work, family, and everything else life threw at us. Everything has felt totally out of our control, and more than once, a lot of us have struggled to make it through the day. A study from Frontiers defines collective trauma as "a cataclysmic event that shatters the basic fabric of society." We know how hard it's been to process everything that's happened in the last year and a half. That's why we spoke with trauma expert and psychologistDr. Karol Darsa about how to address burnout, and heard from three women who have experienced it over the past year.

Stress vs. Trauma

According to a study from NCCI, less than 6 percent of Americans worked from home in 2019, but that number rose to around 35 percent by the time May 2020 rolled around. And while working from home was a fun concept pre-COVID, we now realize that it's more than just hanging out in your pajamas. Those who've shifted to working from home have had to make room for a somewhat-permanent workspace... and it's a lot harder to maintain a work-life balance when your laptop is sitting three feet away at all times. Meanwhile, people who haven't been able to work from home have had to deal with the stress of worrying about COVID, the difficulty of providing care for family members while still going into work, and the constant tension of navigating crowds.

Even though we've all dealt with stress throughout our lives, there's a difference between stress and this kind of emotional burnout.

"What tends to make this different from 'normal' stress is the intensity of the experience, the length of time it lasts, and the time it takes for the person to settle down," Dr. Darsa says.

Trauma is also different than stress because it can be harder for someone to talk about what they've been through.

"Traumatic experiences are always stressful, but stressors are not always traumatic," she says. "In contrast to trauma, people who experience stress maintain a feeling of control over their lives to some degree." According to Dr. Darsa, prolonged stress can turn into trauma when the person becomes unable to cope.

Adjusting To The "New Normal"

"Burnout has caused me to question every aspect of my life," college junior Malia McKay says. "I've second guessed my relationships, my future, and my passions. This mainly stems from the prolonged period of time I've had to self-reflect, which can be both helpful and harmful."

While adjusting to COVID during school, McKay also had another adjustment to make: She lives with hearing loss, but because of the mask mandate, she could no longer read lips. The first time McKay wore a mask to the store, she didn't realize her mom had been talking to her.

"I think simultaneously, we both realized that although the entire world was being negatively impacted, I now had a new obstacle to overcome. I felt defeated," she says. "I've gotten along with my hearing loss rather well, but losing the ability to read lips is equivalent to losing a sense to me."

Publicist Megan Brodsky's burnout also began early in the pandemic.

"I remember one day just feeling so bogged down by what I needed to get done — not because it was difficult or a lot to do, but because I just lost interest," she says. "I've struggled to complete easy tasks that I know won't take long, but starting them feels impossible." she says.

Burnout started for Junior Graphic Designer Katelyn Nieto when she began onboarding at her first job post-grad, which was also the first day her city shut down for COVID.

"Most days, I was hardly given space by them to make dinner at night, nonetheless keep up with anything else," she says.

She experienced breakdowns and became sick for long periods of time because of the stress, and then had to turn around and plan her wedding on top of that.

Why COVID Is Different

Image via Luis Galvez/Unsplash

After awhile, it was clear that COVID would stick around longer than anyone had hoped, and the burnout stayed with it.

"Waking up to see my laptop and work right in front of me started to take a toll," Brodsky says. "The days seemed to feel longer and the tasks that I typically enjoyed just didn't fulfill me as much. My burnout has continued to last until today, coming and going in waves."

Nieto didn't even realize she was experiencing burnout until she had to pull an all-nighter at work.

"After that, my body literally collapsed on a few different occasions. I decided it would be better to be jobless in a pandemic than to put my body through something like that again."

While we have lived through other large-scale traumatic events, COVID is on a different level because it's prevented us from being with others.

"When a collective trauma like 9/11 happened in New York, people got together and emotionally supported one another," Dr. Darsa says. But COVID is different. "For the first time we are not able to come together physically to support one another. Human beings need to gather and heal through relationships."

McKay has felt that isolation, even when surrounded by other people, when she lets others know about her hearing loss.

"This usually prompts them to say something along the lines of, 'I've noticed masks have affected my hearing as well!' While I know they're making an effort to relate to me, it almost feels like a punch in the gut," she says. "It minimizes the struggle I go through every moment of the day. But, it can also be helpful to remember I'm not alone."

What Now?

There are some signs that may indicate you're developing burnout, starting with your mood.

"Watch for signs of depression (sadness, crying, isolation, not sleeping or too much sleeping) or constant anxiety or irritability," Dr. Darsa says. "Overall a lack of desire or joy could be a sign that the person has burnt out now. They feel different and unable to enjoy things they used to."

So if you're feeling the effects of that trauma, what should you do about it? Brodsky has implemented some steps in her life to help with her burnout, including seeing a therapist.

"Just having a professional to speak with on what I'm feeling and how to cope has been so helpful," she says.

She's also been focusing on her physical health by working out in order to boost her mood.

"I'm able to recharge my mind and body after a long day of work, and have a time/space that's solely dedicated to bettering myself mentally, emotionally and physically," says Brodsky.

As for McKay, she has found that sharing her experiences with others has helped her feel more connected.

"I've had to adapt to my situation, and I've found that informing people of my hearing loss has helped a lot," she says. "I've also found community in social media, as many hard of hearing people share the effect the pandemic has had on us."

Nieto has slowly been adjusting to her work life balance with her new job, and has been given the chance to take on more leadership. "Surprisingly, the work has come more naturally than I thought. In a way, it has been part of the healing process," she says.


Now more than ever, we're learning that taking care of yourself has to be a consistent thing, even while figuring out what the new work-life balance looks like.

"This need to take care of ourselves while doing other things doesn't belong to the pandemic period only. This has to be our ongoing state. No matter what happens outside, we have an obligation to take care of ourselves," Dr. Darsa says.

"I try to actually let myself take breaks during the day — whether {that means taking} a quick walk when I'm not able to fully focus or taking a solid lunch break away from my work," Brodsky says. "That time has proven really valuable because I haven't always been someone who takes those breaks."

"All in all, it's been the little small things that have helped me to feel 'me' again," Nieto says. Walks, writing poetry, and a reminder at 3:00 p.m. that it's time for tea have all become a part of her daily routine. She also began counseling.

"I've learned to adjust my thoughts and take a kinder approach with myself, and others," she says. "And I'm still learning to hold both the joys and the sorrows of this past year as notes woven into the fabric of the same song."

If your mental health is struggling because of COVID burnout, consider texting the Crisis Text Line or using Psychology Today to find a therapist near you.

Image via Emma Simpson/Unsplash

It's a constant struggle to find a work tote that looks cute, fits a laptop, and is overall actually functional. Surprisingly, I've come across so many cute totes that are incredibly nice, but just aren't big enough to carry my massive laptop. Plus, a lot of them don't have pockets, so I'm always digging and on a never-ending search to rummage for my keys or phone. It's a hassle and a half, and I just want something that I can confidently wear that works when I'm on the way to work.

On a serious search for my dream work bag, I came across these amazing totes from Amazon. So, fret no more! The never-ending hunt for the perfect work tote is over — and comes with a few great deals, too. 😊


15.6 Inch Laptop Bag

This massive laptop bag is a whopping 15.6 inches, so it's sure to fit any laptop size that you have — easily. I love the super sleek, clean cut look of this leather option. And bonus points for it being super affordable at only $35 as well! It's currently on sale for 20% off, so I'd highly encourage to add this one to your wishlist!


Woven Tote Bag

One thing I love about this bag is not only the Bottega-esque woven detailing, but the additional pouch that comes with it! Pouches like this are my favorite accessory when I buy a tote — they help me keep everything close and easy to find! I'll just throw my keys, lip balm, makeup, and some pens, and I'm good to good! Easy to find, and no rummaging necessary!


Trendy Brown Shoulder Bag

This is Pinterest completely wrapped up in one bag. I've seen original Polène version all over my FYP countless times, and I'm sure you have too. Thankfully, this cheaper option from Amazon allows you to be on trend but on a budget. It's a bit smaller than our other bags, but it should fit any smaller-sized laptops or tablets.


Nude Hobo Bag

I love a simple hobo bag given how effortlessly chic they are, and the color of this one is divine! It's a creamy, grey color which makes it perfect for that summer-to-fall dressing when you're struggling to finds ways to style your summer clothes for fall. By the looks of it, this simple bag could fit your every need, large laptops and all.


Marc Jacobs Tote Bag

Everyone knows it and loves it — the Marc Jacobs Tote Bag is always trending on social for being a great go-to bag for all things work, school, and travel. I personally love the idea of having a chicer option as your work bag to bring some fun into your day-to-day life. Plus, it really is functional!


Laptop Tote Bag

I must say, this bag looks like it could fit your whole life and organize it into nice, little compartments. It has a makeup bag (who doesn't need one of those?), as well as a shoulder strap so you don't get a bad back or sore arms from carrying it all day. It's cute, yet still has a lot of functionality — a necessity for any work tote.


Compartment Tote Bag

This plush, comfortable bag will be ideal for all my girlies that have a bit of a commute and need something that won't break your back — or the bank! It has multiple pockets lining the inside and out, so you can easily find anything you could ever need. And while it's not as traditionally chic or trendy, this is perfect for someone who's hitting the gym after their litany of meetings. Plus, it's only $37 and is also 20% off at the moment — so definitely add this to your cart while the sale is still going on!


Vintage Inspired Tote Bag

I love a good vintage-inspired anything — and something about this tote bag just does something to me. It looks so fun and whimsical, so opt for this bag if you're going for more of a cottagecore, heading-to-the-bookstore-after-work look! It's like wearing a graphic tee on your bag, injecting personality and quirkiness into your style!


Canvas Tote Bag

This super affordable $13 canvas tote bag is a go-to of mine. I love carrying canvas totes, because not only do they look very on trend (especially at the moment), but they're versatile enough to switch out from your work bag to your day bag. All you have to do is remove your work items when your get home, and voila! You have your daily bag ready to go. I love all the color options in this one too.


Carhartt Unisex Work Bag

Lastly, who doesn't love a good Carhartt item?! They will always be in style, especially this fabric and colorway above. I think this is great for anyone with more of an indie/alternative style. The pockets and compartments will be your best friend when organizing your laptop, notebooks, papers, and pens. I'm adding this one to my cart, as we speak!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

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Hello, September — we are back in business. Are you excited to satiate your taste buds with a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks or throw on your favorite sweater curled up on the couch binge-watching Gilmore Girls? I know I am! Fall is just around the corner, and we're in for exciting cosmic events this season.

As Virgo season advances and Mercury Retrograde officially leaves its shadow period, it will be a cathartic month involving intentions. However, an intense lunar eclipse (AKA Super Full Moon) is on the horizon later this month, ringing a major change in our journey. Let’s unpack the astrology of September 2024 and see what the stars have in store for your sign this month! Read on for your sun, moon, and rising sign September horoscopes!

Astrology Overview for Your September 2024 Horoscopes

Bruno Pontelo

This month starts with Uranus retrograde, allowing us to slow down and analyze what needs reinventing. From September 1 until January 30, 2025, you'll experience clarity regarding what needs to change. However, the shifts won't happen as fast as you'll feel the need to slow down and analyze your approach. Alongside this powerful Uranus retrograde, Pluto re-enters Capricorn, the sign of structure and discipline. This transit can cause you to fall into the same habits in the next few months — be mindful. By January next year, you'll be more than willing to take a chance and finally step into an authentic path, whether it involves your love life or financial status.

This cosmic excursion will reveal the old narratives experienced in the past and help you see what is working in your life and what needs to be released.

The New Moon in Virgo on September 7 signals new beginnings involving our ideas while understanding the importance of remaining grounded. This lunation involves Jupiter and Saturn in an intense T-square. It can feel like a push-pull resistance to wanting to live in a fantasy, but luckily, the pragmatic support of the Virgo sign will enable you to hold steady. Focus on the body and be present. Begin new health routines and clear out your working space to feel centered.

Set your intentions and begin your manifestation ritual – this new moon will reveal how you can proactively work toward your dream life in the next six months.

Now, things are going to get very interesting. The action planet Mars enters the sign of Cancer on September 4. Our approach to getting things done will manifest through emotions instead of practicality. In this expression, Mars could also raise unforeseen feelings that can result in a frenzy of emotions if ungrounded. The best action is to cry it out or scream into a pillow if you feel something building up, or honor the need to rest and focus on home-related matters. To master Mars in Cancer, learn to nurture yourself and observe your sensitivity to others. Observe first, then act later.

You'll see progress as you engage more with the heart center and learn to maneuver anger to understanding.

Luckily, communication channels improve as the messenger planet Mercury returns to the sign of Virgo on September 9. Our ideas will begin to materialize, and our ability to articulate our messages will improve. However, these next few weeks are all business with little pleasure, so squeeze in date nights or social outings to lighten up.

Here we are again – eclipse season officially starts on September 17. The lunar eclipse (AKA Super Full Moon) is in Pisces, and these next two weeks will be as though you're walking into a fantasy realm. Mystical Neptune aligns with the moon on this day, unveiling the need to let go of a dream we once had. Our emotions will peak, but we are more than prepared as Uranus comes into play, enforcing the need to step out of the storyline that did not meet our expectations.

Begin release work, connect with your intuition, or begin a meditation practice to help you find peace and understanding.

The Sun enters Libra on September 22, helping you see clearly and balance in the following weeks. Libra season offers perspective and mutual understanding in relationships whenever you desire to find meaning. During eclipse season, the Sun, being in Libra, extends support in weighing out what needs to release in your life. Communicate what you want, and remember to factor in fairness. On the same day, Venus enters Scorpio, cranking up the drama in relationships or how you generally view love. So, these two weeks can make or break your relationship.

Conversely, these next several weeks can be filled with passion and a revamp of your connection with your partner. Transparency is key to finding the solution.

Finally, we conclude this month with Mercury entering Libra on September 26, bringing pleasant conversations and the need to beautify our thoughts and ideas. It can also enhance your love or idealize what you want to attract. Libra loves to build bridges and find solutions to miscommunication. This month ends on the need for diplomacy or finding grace after conflict.

If you feel unfinished business, now is the time to find answers. You can do this by reconnecting with those you need closure with or revisiting matters that require a conclusion.

Key Dates + Planetary Transits For Your September Horoscope

Parker Jones

  • 9/1 Uranus Rx, Pluto re-enters Capricorn
  • 9/2 New Moon in Virgo
  • 9/4 Mars enters Cancer
  • 9/9 Mercury enters Virgo
  • 9/17 Lunar Eclipse
  • 9/22 Sun enters Libra, Venus enters Scorpio
  • 9/26 Mercury enters Libra

​Read Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs For Your Weekly Horoscope

Brit + Co


September begins with Uranus retrograde and Pluto re-entering Capricorn, prompting a review of your goals and daily routines. This period is ideal for identifying and releasing what no longer serves you. Release promotes peace. Mid-month, the Lunar Eclipse stirs up the emotional baggage, offering a chance to heal past grievances and step into a new direction. As the month concludes, the Sun and Venus shift focus to your relationships and finances, urging you to balance and refine communication. Assess your investments and values to create harmony and clarity in personal and financial interactions.


As September starts, Uranus's retrograde and Pluto's return inspire a reassessment of your creativity and long-term goals. Reflect on what truly brings you joy and how you express yourself. The New Moon signals a fresh start for hobbies and relationships, setting the stage for exciting developments. It can even manifest a passion project or even family planning. Mid-month, the Lunar Eclipse may shift your social circle or future aspirations, prompting the realignment of your goals. By the end of the month, the Sun and Venus direct attention to health and daily routines, enhancing communication and providing clarity on financial and personal matters.


Early September sees Uranus retrograde, encouraging a deep dive into your home and family life. Reflect on how your past experiences shape the present. The New Moon offers a fresh start for reorganizing your space or addressing family issues. Mid-month, Mars shifts your focus to finances and personal values, prompting new financial goals and reassessing spending habits. The Lunar Eclipse may close a chapter on your career or public image, urging you to rethink your professional aspirations. By month's end, the Sun and Venus enhance your focus on creative projects and personal interests, improving communication and connections.

Brit + Co


September begins with Uranus retrograde, prompting a reassessment of social circles and community roles. Pluto’s return suggests focusing on strengthening key relationships. The New Moon brings a fresh start for communication and learning, and it's ideal for starting new projects or improving self-expression. Mid-month, Mars energizes personal goals and leadership, giving you the confidence to tackle new initiatives. The Lunar Eclipse may lead to shifts in long-term plans or outlooks, encouraging reflection and adaptation. As September concludes, the Sun and Venus focus on home and family, enhancing self-expression and improving personal connections.


The month starts with Uranus's retrograde and Pluto’s return, urging you to evaluate financial goals and work routines. Refine your approach to stability and productivity. The New Moon sets the stage for new financial plans or exploring income opportunities. Mid-month, Mars directs your focus inward, prompting you to address hidden emotions and self-reflection. The Lunar Eclipse may impact shared resources or intimacy, guiding you to tie loose. By month’s end, the Sun and Venus highlight communication and home life, aiding in resolving both professional and personal matters and boosting interaction skills.


September opens with Uranus retrograde, encouraging a rethink of personal beliefs and long-term goals. Reflect on how your philosophy aligns with your current path. The New Moon in your sign extends a chance for self-improvement and new intentions. The world is your oyster, and you decide how to pave your path. Mid-month, Mars shifts focus to social connections and community, inspiring you to engage more actively. Opportunities await. The Lunar Eclipse may bring changes in partnerships or relationships. This lunation will help you let go of outdated connections. By the end of this month, the Sun and Venus will direct attention to finances and communication, supporting clear planning and addressing relationship matters with newfound clarity.

Brit + Co


In early September, Uranus retrograde shakes your perception of intimacy and prompts a reevaluation of shared resources. Pluto’s return emphasizes addressing changes in your home and emotional foundations. The New Moon invites personal growth and introspection, perfect for setting new intentions. Mid-month, the Lunar Eclipse may lead to changes in work routines or daily habits, providing an opportunity to let go of old habits. This month concludes with the Sun and Venus enhancing focus on relationships and finances, encouraging you to balance and refine communication and financial management for improved harmony in your life.


September starts with Uranus retrograde, which encourages you to reevaluate partnerships and communication methods. Pluto’s return prompts a deeper look into your expression and thought patterns. The New Moon offers fresh opportunities for social activities and community involvement. Mid-month, Mars shifts focus to travel and higher education, fueling your desire for new experiences and learning. The Lunar Eclipse may affect creative projects or romantic endeavors, guiding you to release old patterns. By month’s end, the Sun and Venus highlight home life and personal charm, improving communication and enhancing self-expression.


September begins with Uranus retrograde, prompting a reevaluation of daily routines and financial priorities. This period is excellent for refining how you manage time and resources. The New Moon sets the stage for new career goals or projects. Mid-month, Mars directs energy towards shared resources and personal connections, encouraging you to address financial matters and joint ventures. The Lunar Eclipse may change the home life or family dynamics, offering a chance to heal from what was left unresolved. By the end of the month, the Sun and Venus will enhance their focus on social connections and personal growth, improving communication and collaboration.

Brit + Co


September starts with Uranus retrograde, prompting a reflection on creativity and personal goals. Pluto’s return suggests a period of self-assessment, aligning your goals with your evolving identity. The New Moon invites new opportunities in long-term plans or educational pursuits. Mid-month, Mars highlights partnerships and relationships, encouraging you to address issues and assert your needs. The Lunar Eclipse may impact communication and thought patterns, urging you to embrace new perspectives. As the month wraps up, the Sun and Venus shift focus to career and social life, enhancing communication skills, and pursuing goals.


Early September, Uranus retrograde urges a reassessment of your home life and emotional foundation. Pluto’s return encourages inner reflection and transformation. The New Moon brings new opportunities for managing shared resources and personal growth. Mid-month, Mars focuses on work and daily routines, boosting energy for practical improvements. The Lunar Eclipse may bring shifts in financial situations or personal values, helping you pinpoint what truly matters to you. By month’s end, the Sun and Venus highlight travel, career opportunities, and self-expression, enhancing communication and expanding your horizons.


September opens with Uranus retrograde, prompting a reevaluation of communication and interactions. Pluto’s return suggests focusing on long-term goals and social circles. The New Moon turns a new leaf for partnerships and deepening connections. Mid-month, the Lunar Eclipse brings a shift in personal identity, encouraging deep reflection and letting go of outdated self-perceptions. By the end of the month, the Sun and Venus focus on shared resources and personal growth, improving communication about finances and leading to transformation in both individual and financial realms.

Looking for your own astrology advice? Submit your questions for Ask Lumi here!

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Who's the first person you turn to when you're having a rough day? For some people it's a parent or a partner, while others find solace in their best friends. Friendships can extend your lifespanand boost your confidence, and considering our deepest relationships can change our behavior, surrounding yourself with great people can even make you a better person.

And while friendship with women your own age means you can bond over shared experiences (who else will understand how badly Gen Z wanted to be Justin Bieber's "One Less Lonely Girl" than other members of Gen Z?), a recent viral video from Maddy Sue Hull shows that young people are craving intergenerational relationships, too. And the great thing is, not only are they fun, they're actually healthy!

Angela Roma/Pexels

The video, which currently has 1.3 million likes and 4.5 million views, reveals that Maddy had been desiring more friendships when she met an older woman named Kathy at a gas station. "Now [we] see each other multiple times a week, go on lunch dates, and are best friends," she says in the video caption.

Maddy and Kathy's relationship inspired viewers to think about their own relationships in a new way, and even led to some of Maddy's followers donating money to buy Kathy new furniture! "You showed her that it's never too late to meet someone amazing in your life," one comment says, while another reads, "My sweet grandma passed away last year and some older lady adopted me and it's been so healing."

What are the benefits of multigenerational friendships?

cottonbro studio/Pexels

Friendship Expert and Life Coach Shari Leid reveals that intergenerational friendships can benefit older generations just as much as younger generations. "Seeing the world from different angles—through the experiences and history of the older generation and the fresh ideas and openness of the younger generation—is truly enlightening," she says. "The older generation brings a sense of reassurance that things will work out, while the younger generation embodies the boldness to try something new."

Leid experienced this firsthand during her 50 States Project, where she met with a different woman in each state to find similarities between us all. "The beauty of getting older, I realized, lies in the opportunity to continuously make new friends," she adds.

RDNE Stock project/Pexels

I was overjoyed to learn that not only can friendship influence our experiences, but it can actually benefit our minds and bodies too. "In Blue Zones, where people live longer and healthier lives, the secret often lies in their relationships," Leid says. "The laughter shared with friends, which isn’t always possible in the workplace or other relationships, acts as a vital mental health fix. This happiness reduces stress hormones that can be damaging to our bodies, enhancing our overall well-being."

How to be closer to friends?

Anastasia Shuraeva/Pexels

While it's so easy to get into a routine of work, chores, and bedtime (it is entirely possible for me to go multiple days without seeing another person), that mental health fix is just another reason it's important to prioritize friendships. And Leid says growing roots with the people you love all comes down to two supposedly simple concepts: time and conversation.

"It’s about being there for each other, sharing personal experiences, and being open," she says. Leid recommends seeing each other in person, and making time for phone calls to hear each other's voices. "Friendship thrives on small gestures—checking in, spending time, and being consistent. It doesn’t require grand gestures. The accumulation of small, thoughtful actions strengthens the bond, creating a tapestry of connection and support that enriches our lives."

RDNE Stock project/Pexels

If you're thinking that sounds a lot easier said than done, you're not alone. Dr. Leid shares a few thought-starters for helping deepen relationships. "Go deeper with your conversations by asking about their childhood," she adds. "These shared conversations open up a level of intimacy that goes beyond casual friendships. They deepen relationships, making friends feel more connected and helping you understand each other better."

And the more you understand and care about each other, the deeper your relationship will go. Check out our Questions For Friends andQuestions To Avoid Painful Small Talk for more ideas on where to start!

Lead image via Anastasia Shuraeva/Pexels

Brit + Co has reached out to the creator for comment, and will update the story accordingly.

Alexa Chung and Madewellare cooking up another collaborative collection, a whole 14 years after their initial partnership that launched in 2010. Per the The New York Times, it’s focused on pieces that are “aggressively untrendy” this time around, as opposed to garments influenced by the ‘indie sleaze’ Tumblr era that Chung herself helped define. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming collab, including what you can buy, and when and where to shop!


Though Madewell hasn’t yet hinted at all of the exact styles that’ll join their collaboration with Chung, their website offers a small sneak peek at the general vibe of the drop. On a teaser page, Chung, a true "it" girl, confidently dons a fur trench coat and dark wash jeans for the campaign. The emphasis on unique wardrobe staples – what Madewell does best – is definitely evident.

Alongside her recent interview with NYT that touches on the upcoming Madewell collection, Chung is pictured in a flattering denim-on-denim getup that she designed for the brand. The long-sleeve denim shirt is reported to go for $128 (up to size XL), while the jeans she wears in a similar wash will go for $178 (up to size 33).

Per the article, the Alexa Chung x Madewell collab contains nearly 30 pieces. The first half of the collection will drop on September 4 at 12pm ET with items like “high-rise flared jeans, button-down shirts, long denim skirts, and dresses,” all of which have a Western workwear vibe.

The prices will range from $128 to $850, with the most expensive item being an ankle-length cognac suede coat. The rest of the collab will be available to shop in November.

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Elevate your work-from-home experience with upgrades that are designed to boost your productivity and transform your workspace into a hub of efficiency and comfort. This list highlights essential products that will take your home office to the next level, helping you stay focused, organized, and motivated. From ergonomic chairs that support your posture during long hours to sleek standing desks that keep you moving, these upgrades ensure you work smarter, not harder. Whether you're looking to revamp your setup or fine-tune your work environment, these work-from-home upgrades will make your days more efficient and enjoyable than ever.

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Stay Organized and on Track With a Glass Dry-Erase Desktop Whiteboard


Ditch the sticky notes and embrace organization with a glass dry-erase desktop whiteboard. This sleek tool lets you jot down reminders, to-do lists, and important notes right where you need them — on your desk. Say goodbye to paper clutter and hello to a more efficient way to stay on top of your tasks.

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Charge All Your Devices Efficiently With a Wall Charger With Six Outlets


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Tame Cable Clutter With a Flexible Power Strip


Maximize your workspace flexibility with a flexible power strip featuring a five-foot extension cord. This versatile strip twists and bends to fit your desk setup, making it perfect for small workspaces with multiple electronics. Now, you can plug in everything you need without the clutter of tangled cords.

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Stay Focused With a Rotating Timer


Boost your productivity with a rotating timer that helps you manage your time effectively. Set it for focused work sessions or reminders to take a break, ensuring you stay on task and maintain your energy throughout the day.

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Plan Your Week Like a Pro With a Handy Agenda Pad


Stay on top of your tasks with a weekly agenda pad that provides ample space to plan your week. This organized approach helps you track deadlines, manage your workload, and stay ahead of the curve, setting you up for success and that potential year-end promotion.

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Enhance Comfort With an Adjustable Foam Footrest


Make long work hours more comfortable with an adjustable foam footrest. This ergonomic upgrade brings the floor up to your feet, reducing pressure on your hips and legs and helping you maintain a comfortable posture during those marathon workdays.

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Support Your Wrists With Memory Foam Gel Pads


Protect your wrists with a set of memory foam gel pads designed to provide ergonomic support whether you’re using a laptop or a desktop setup. These cushions help prevent cramping and discomfort from hours of typing, keeping you pain-free and productive.

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Add Comfort to Your Workspace With a Set of Armrest Pads


Add comfort to your workspace with armrest pads that provide extra cushioning when working away from your desk. Perfect for those who like to work from the couch or a cozy chair, these pads help reduce strain on your wrists as you tackle your inbox.

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Speed Up Your Workflow With a Shortcut Keyboard Cover


Master your software shortcuts with a shortcut keyboard cover tailored for Adobe Photoshop, Final Cut Pro X, and more. This cover makes it easy to remember and use shortcuts, saving time and reducing frustration as you work more efficiently on your creative projects.

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Brighten Your Workspace With an LED Desk Lamp


Brighten up your workspace with this versatile LED desk lamp. This lamp creates an inviting and productive environment with ten brightness levels and five color modes. Plus, the adjustable head ensures you can direct the light exactly where you need it, helping you stay focused and energized throughout the day.

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Keep Cables Out of the Way With a Wire Cable Basket


Keep your cables organized with a sleek wire cable basket that easily attaches to the back of your desk. Say goodbye to tangled cords and cluttered spaces—this basket keeps everything neat and in place, ensuring your devices stay plugged in and ready to go. While it might not directly boost your productivity, a tidy workspace certainly helps.

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Work Comfortably From Anywhere With a Foldable Laptop Stand


Transform any surface into a standing desk with this foldable laptop stand. Whether you're working from your desk, kitchen table, or vanity, this stand elevates your laptop to a comfortable height, promoting better posture and reducing strain during those long work sessions.

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Create the Perfect Ambiance With a USB-Powered LED Light Strip


Illuminate your monitor with a USB-powered LED light strip that not only looks cool but also reduces eye strain. By balancing the brightness between your screen and the room, this light strip helps you work more comfortably, especially during those late-night sessions.

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Protect Your Desk and Stay Organized With a Reversible Waterproof Desk Mat


Protect your desk with a reversible waterproof desk mat that doubles as a mousepad. Accidents happen, and this mat provides a barrier between your workspace and any spills, keeping your desk in pristine condition while ensuring smooth mouse movement.

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Keep Your Headphones Accessible With a 360-Degree Rotating Headphone Holder


Declutter your desk with a 360-degree rotating headphone holder. This clever accessory sticks to the side of your desk, giving your headphones a designated spot when they’re not in use. It’s an easy way to keep your workspace tidy and your headphones within reach.

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Optimize Your Viewing Angle With an Adjustable Phone Stand


Keep your phone accessible with an adjustable phone stand. Whether you're taking calls, responding to texts, or sneaking in a quick Netflix break, this stand holds your phone vertically or horizontally, so you can stay connected and entertained while you work.

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Add a Touch of Warmth With Some Fairy Lights


Add a cozy touch to your workspace with some fairy lights. These charming lights create a warm, ambient glow, making your desk area feel more inviting. They’re easy to hang and provide just the right amount of light to make long work hours a little more enjoyable.

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Bring Color and Fun to Your Setup With a Colorful Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Set


Bring color and comfort to your setup with a wireless keyboard and mouse set. This colorful duo not only livens up your workspace but also offers a more comfortable typing experience, helping you stay productive without the strain of using a cramped laptop keyboard.

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Maximize Desk Space With an Adjustable Wood Shelf


Stay organized with an adjustable wood shelf that keeps your books and materials within arm’s reach. This shelf adds a touch of natural style to your desk while providing easy access to the essentials you need to power through your workday.

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Keep Your Desk Clean With a Miniature Wastebasket That Mounts to the Side


Upgrade your desk setup with a clip-on wastebasket that attaches right to the side. This gives you a convenient spot to toss snack wrappers and sticky notes without leaving your workspace. The adhesive backing means no tools are required — just peel, stick, and get back to work.

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Improve Posture With an Ergonomic Exercise Ball Chair


Stay engaged and active with an ergonomic exercise ball chair that encourages subtle movements throughout the day. This innovative chair supports your lower back and shoulders, helping you maintain focus and comfort during those long work sessions.

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Sit Comfortably All Day With a Memory Foam Chair Cushion


Elevate your sitting experience with a memory foam chair cushion designed to keep you comfortable for hours. It helps improve posture, supports spinal alignment, and alleviates pressure on your lower back and tailbone, reducing the need for frequent breaks due to discomfort.

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Create a Calming Environment With a Stress Relief Candle


Create a calming work environment with a stress-relief aromatherapy candle infused with soothing scents like lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, and sage. With up to 60 hours of burn time, this candle helps you unwind and stay focused, turning your workspace into a serene haven.

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Keep Your Workspace Spotless With a Compact Double-Sided Cleaning Tool


Keep your workspace spotless with a compact keyboard cleaning tool that’s perfect for removing crumbs and grime from your keyboard and screen. This dual-sided tool is a must-have for maintaining a clean and efficient workspace, ensuring your devices stay in top condition.

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Organize Your Books With a Set of Hugging Duck Bookends


Organize your books and add a touch of personality to your workspace with these charming duck bookends. They’ll keep your favorite reads within reach while bringing a bit of fun to your office decor, making your space both functional and stylish.

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Work in Comfort With a Minimal Office Chair


Simplify your office setup with a sleek, minimal ergonomic chair that offers the support you need without overwhelming your space. It’s the perfect solution for anyone looking to create a comfortable, productive environment in a smaller home office.

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Take Breaks in Style With an Under-the-Desk Hammock


Give your feet a break with an under-the-desk hammock that lets you stretch out and relax while you work. This creative addition not only provides comfort but also adds a bit of whimsy to your daily routine, helping you stay refreshed and focused.

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Stay Cool While You Work With a Retro Mini Desk Fan


Stay cool under pressure with a retro-inspired mini desk fan that’s as stylish as it is functional. This compact fan is perfect for keeping your workspace comfortable, so you can stay focused and productive, even when deadlines are looming.

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Write and Work in Style With a Clear-Top Writing Desk


Maximize your workspace with a clear-top glass writing desk that adds a modern touch to your home office. The transparent surface creates the illusion of more space, helping you stay organized and inspired as you tackle your to-do list.

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Switch Between Sitting and Standing Easily With an Adjustable Standing Desk Converter


Upgrade your work setup with an adjustable standing desk converter that lets you switch between sitting and standing effortlessly. It's a game-changer for anyone concerned about the health impacts of sitting all day. Plus, when you’re sitting, it doubles as a monitor stand, ensuring your screen is always at the perfect eye level for optimal comfort.

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Keep Supplies Tidy With a Set of Stackable Clear Drawer Organizers


Keep your desk drawers organized and clutter-free with a set of stackable clear drawer organizers. These organizers are perfect for keeping your pens, sticky notes, and other essentials neatly separated. No more rummaging around — everything you need will be easy to find, making your workday more efficient and stress-free.

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Work Ergonomically With a Cordless Logitech Vertical Ergonomic Mouse


Say goodbye to hand and wrist pain with the cordless Logitech vertical ergonomic mouse. Designed to promote a more natural hand position, this mouse is a lifesaver for those with carpal tunnel, arthritis, or other mobility issues. It’s a comfortable alternative to struggling with a laptop trackpad, helping you work longer without discomfort.

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Sit Upright With a Kneeling Chair with an Innovative Design


Improve your posture and relieve pressure on your back and hips with a kneeling chair. Its innovative design encourages you to sit up straight by distributing your weight evenly and keeping your spine aligned. If you’re someone who struggles with bad posture from sitting all day, this chair could be the solution you’ve been looking for.

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Stay Active While Working With a Compact, TikTok-Famous Rolling Desk Bike


Boost your productivity with a compact, TikTok-famous rolling desk bike. This clever gadget lets you incorporate lower body movement into your work routine, perfect for those who get restless legs or need more than just standing breaks. Cycling while you work helps you stay focused and energized, making it easier to power through your to-do list.

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Keep Your Coffee Warm With an Electric Mug Warmer


Keep your coffee or tea at the perfect temperature with this electric mug warmer. It’s an essential upgrade for anyone who likes to savor their drink throughout the day without worrying about it getting cold. Whether you’re deep in concentration or juggling multiple tasks, this gadget ensures your beverage stays warm, keeping you energized and focused.

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