The ‘Healing Girl Summer’ Trend Will Finally Bring You Peace

healing girl summer

At the beginning of 2024, I wanted nothing more than to have a Hot Girl Summer. My first book, IntuWitchin, all about reading the signs and language of the Universe, had just come out. I had features on international media outlets, and I’d worked my butt off for these big dreams to come true. I was ready to celebrate—but right alongside these highlights, came a few personal nightmares.

I don’t have kids, but I have two cats who both disappeared within six months of each other. My partner stoically compartmentalized the loss while I fell apart, which woke me from a slumber too many of us fall into. The one in which we make excuses for staying in relationships where we sacrifice and abandon the most precious parts of ourselves in order to avoid rejection. After almost five years, I had to walk away from my best friend.

A silver lining emerged through an old mantra: “Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.” I turned the Solstice’s Full Moon glow like a spotlight towards myself to illuminate the shadows that had been lurking beyond the breadth of my awareness.

It was time for Healing Girl Summer!

My Healing Girl Summer

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

This season was dedicated to all the things that would actually make me look younger, feel healthier, and get hotter than ever—without any fillers (literally or figuratively)!

A simple shift of intention in how I spent my time, energy, and money could transform every aspect of my life—love, abundance, sex, and purpose!

When people mention healing, it’s daunting because we often don't know what it really means or looks like. Diving headfirst into it can be a really scary place.

That's why it's so important to have a support system around you, and tools and practices to help you come back to yourself during these times. With the right support and resources, you can navigate the healing process more effectively and find your way back to a place of balance and strength.

The first step in Healing Girl Summer was deep inquiry around the patterns that caused my wounds in the first place. Which means taking full responsibility.

As Dr. Gabor Maté writes about trauma, much of what we think is our personality is actually coping mechanisms and defense strategies we learned as kids to survive.

Alena Shekhovtcova/Pexels

We’ve all heard, “You create your reality.” Well if that’s true, you create the dreams just like the nightmares. Taking radical responsibility for every aspect of your life reclaims the reins, returning power to the only person who can do something about it—you.

This means asking hard questions, and having tough conversations with yourself that guide your healing path.

I finally recognized I had been replaying the same major complaint from my dynamic with my father in my romantic relationship.

My mother role modeled overstaying in a situation that was unhealthy and disrespectful of her, then I did the same. Secretly afraid I’d never find anything more than someone who “tolerated” me and shamed my power.

My metamorphosis over the next few months became the great work of my life, and the roadmap for Healing Girl Summer. No matter how my heart aches, I never back away from healing. Which, though it requires massive courage and resolve, has been the greatest blessing I could imagine.

Mihman Duğanlı/Pexels

Part of my work involves leading transformative healing retreats at castles. This year, we're in a fairytale French palace, so naturally, I watched Cinderella to get in the mood. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten her iconic song. “No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, a dream that you wish will come true.”

I’ve made so many dreams come true, I wasn’t going to let a few nightmares stop me.

I committed to weekly sessions of therapy to unwind mental patterns, structural bodywork to alleviate the pain and trauma stored in my body, and many other rituals with specific intentions of release, pleasure, or manifestation. If you find yourself in a healing girl season, here are my daily and scientifically proven practices that are all FREE:

Be in nature

Vanessa Garcia/Pexels

There is nothing more healing for our nervous system than being in Nature. This is a crucial element for all human beings. We literally ARE Nature. Our body is the earth, bones like the stones in the mountains. Our blood is the rivers, creeks and streams of water in our veins. The breath in our lungs is the wind exchanged between us and the trees! And the same fire light that shines outside also radiates from within us, and keeps our hearts beating with its electric energy.

Our starvation from Nature and the knowing of our inherent interconnectedness contributes to so many mental and physical health challenges. She is my greatest teacher and friend, who I needed more than ever. I sat beneath big oak trees, by creek beds, or swam in the ocean and just let Her work Her magik on me.

Let your thoughts out by journaling

Anna Alexes/Pexels

Everything you can’t say, wish you had, or just don’t want to keep burdening your friends with is perfect fodder for the private pages of your journal. I also used specific prompts like, “Why is this actually for the best?”, “What things were always misaligned for us?”, “What parts of myself are ready to grow after this?”, and “What kind of relationship do I actually desire and require?”

Move your body and dance

Elina Fairytale/Pexels

Studies have shown dance is THE greatest remedy to depression. Freestyle movement became a necessity for celebration and release each morning or moment of overwhelm. Put your phone down and get into your body in spontaneous motion. Works every time.

Breathe and meditate

Yan Krukau/Pexels

When the outside is chaotic, creating stillness on the inside can make all the difference. You don’t have to stop thinking, in fact you'll probably be spinning around all the conversations of the day and upcoming to-dos. But the intention of carving out quiet space and time for yourself to just be present and keep bringing yourself back to your breath and sensations sends important signals of safety to your body.

Add yoga or other low-impact workouts to your routine

Elina Fairytale/Pexels

Genuine, sustainable dopamine, yes please! As a dedicated yogi and former gym rat, I alternated each day to regulate my nervous system, push myself when I felt unmotivated, and get a revenge body, obviously.

I peppered in every other healing modality, mindset technique, and biohacking tool I could get my hands on like past life regressions, yoni massage, acupuncture, breath work, sound baths, Sauna/cold plunge, cryotherapy, IV’s and ozone, you name it. Then I jetted off to Thailand for three weeks for back-to-back tantra retreats full of death and rebirth rituals, jungle waterfall immersion, daily massages and an iconic change of scenery.

Now, I’ve been doing this work for almost 15 years, so I’ve had a lot of experience with confronting my fears to get to where I am. But we’ve all had challenges, a dark night of the soul, as they say. So, in case you find yourself there, allow me to offer you the same opportunity, whatever you might be going through.

Here are five simple ways you can start doing healing work that will fundamentally transform you, body, mind and spirit.


1. Connect with Your Inner Child: Imagine your five-year-old self is standing in front of you, what would they want you to remember that you’ve forgotten? Who or what did they want to become? How can you bring a little more of that energy into your daily life right now? Put a picture of them somewhere you’ll see often and remember who you’re doing all this for. Working with your inner child can involve meditation and visualization, embodiment, intentional dialogue, art therapy and so much more.

ArtHouse Studio/Pexels

2. Illuminate Your Shadows: Our “darkness” gets a bad wrap, but this is the realm of the feminine: the void and the birthplace from which life and all its possibilities is born. Treat it as such. Whatever external circumstance is to blame, how can I take the responsibility and shine my eternal light upon it? If you have excuses like, “That’s just the way I am,” look at how it may stem from a hardship in your childhood.

Take an inventory of what is and isn’t working in your life, and see what beliefs you have about the challenges. Who did you see model the kind of struggle you’re experiencing? Each time I saw another negative belief rise up I would immediately change my behavior or thoughts. You can do this by taking an unfamiliar or non-habituated action. Sing an affirmative song until your mind attaches to it and forgets the downward spiral you were heading towards, or whatever works for you.

cottonbro studio/Pexels

3. Abandon Your Comfort Zone: That place is dangerous, leads to complacency, and has more often than not been imposed upon you rather than established by you. The comfort zone never helped me achieve something greater than the status quo. Take the trip, go to the class, talk to that person at the bookstore. Change up your routine even if that means hanging out with different people because the ones you always see aren’t actually enhancing or helping you improve your life.

Doing things you’ve never done will get you results you’ve never thought possible. When all else fails, MOVE! I don’t mean across the country–unless that’s always been your dream. I just mean get up off the couch or out of bed! When you’re down in the doldrums, any type of movement helps shift stagnant energy, get a fresh perspective and brings you home to your center. Yoga, exercise, shaking, hitting a pillow, or just getting up for a walk.

RDNE Stock project/Pexels

4. Try a new healing modality. Maybe you’ve had an astrology reading, are a dedicated daily yogi, or have sat with ayahuasca. Try something new, whatever calls to you, go for it. See what deeper layers you might have access to, and notice if you can navigate this search based on the primary emotion(s) you have the hardest time expressing.

If you feel shameful celebrating yourself and feeling peak joy, try ecstatic dance or female empowerment work. If you have repressed memories try a shamanic drum journey. I love somatic therapy, embodiment practices and going on transformative retreats. (I’m leading one in August at a fairytale French castle if that’s your kind of vibe).

cottonbro studio/Pexels

5. Believe in MAGIK & MIRACLES Perhaps the most important of them all, when we were little, magik was real. I have proven that we don’t have to lose it in adulthood. Even with all this heartache, my life still feels better than a Disney movie most days. Though this prince and I didn’t live happily ever after, we did have some peak life experiences together, because that’s the norm for my existence.

I know, without a shadow of a doubt, it's because of my (sometimes bordering on delusional) faith in magik. I’m not talking about the rabbits out of hats kind of illusions. I’m talking about the infinite universal power that you and I all have access to at every moment. Manifestation is really just a more mainstream word for magik. If you expect the worst, that’s what you’ll continue to receive.

Caterpillars in cocoons liquify and become butterflies through their imaginal cells. Yes, that's really what they’re called. If you can trust the process even in the moments you’re being metaphorically liquified and imagine that your best days are yet to come, you will be reborn as the most magnificent butterfly. I know that’s where I’m headed, and I hope you’ll come with me.

Photo By Sharmaine Monticalbo/Pexels

Your self-care journey doesn't have to end here! We have eight more amazing ways you can romanticize your summer!

Mia Magik is a guest contributor and intuitive advisor who teaches women to trust their inner guidance system, which everyone is capable of. USA Today called her a “spiritual fairy godmother” as she empowers individuals to reconnect with their infinite spiritual abilities as well as nature to help make their dreams come true.

We are head over heels in love with all things Bridgerton. The relationships, the characters, the Gossip Girl-meets-Jane Austen storylines. After waiting far too long for a sneak peek of season 3 of Bridgerton, Netflix FINALLY released exclusive images that continue to have us shipping Polin (Penelope and Colin, of course), as well as a look at Kate and Anthony. My heart cannot take it! Here's the latest season 3 Bridgerton news, as well as some fan theories that might just carry us into Bridgerton season 4. Read up on the Bridgerton world tour too!

Penelope...Or Lady Whistledown?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Nicola Coughlan wore a gorgeous silver, metallic dress to present an award at the 2024 Emmys. The sophisticated look (complete with a peplum silhouette!) is chic, sharp, and has the exact sass that Lady Whistledown brings to the Ton.

What is the new season of Bridgerton about?


After giving up on whether Colin could ever return her feelings, Penelope decides to find a husband who will give her the independence she needs as Lady Whistledown. But when Colin offers to help her along the way, and his help begins to pay off, he realizes that his feelings for her might be more than platonic.

Netflix just released a bunch of new Bridgerton season 3 images that give us more insight into the characters, their emotions, and their relationships. Cressida and Eloise might be friends now? Penelope might be entering her Reputation era? Colin is super moody for no reason? Color me intrigued!

Which couple will season 3 of Bridgerton be about?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Bridgerton season 3 will focus on Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington. This is the first time fans will get to see a couple they've been rooting for since the beginning.

The official trailer (which dropped on April 11) features plenty of flowers and beautiful costumes, and in addition to the romance, pining, and stolen glances between Colin and Penelope, I can already tell this will be the most romantic season yet. Friends-to-lovers is my personal favorite romantic trope, and this is the Bridgerton couple I have been waiting for!

During the junket for her new series Big Mood, actress Nicola Coughlan (who plays season 3 leading lady Penelope Featherington) expressed how excited she is for Penelope to shine. "It felt really different this time, I think just because she's finally a grown up and I love coming back to a show and playing a character again, and finding the new sides to them," Nicola says. "She's becoming a woman and finding her self-worth — that side of her I really loved getting to play. It was great."

"And the glow!" Nicola's Big Mood co-star Lydia West adds. "You look so stunning. [I love] the different wigs."

"When the wig comes off, it's so sad because you just like under a wig, you just look like a little wet rat and it's all your hair is just all slicked back," Nicola jokes.

When is Bridgerton season 3 is coming out?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Netflix announced on December 12 that season 3 of Bridgerton will release in two parts in 2024: Part I on May 16 and Part II on June 13th. Until then, catch up on the first two seasons, as well as the prequel series Queen Charlotte, on Netflix!

Why is Penelope wearing more blues and greens than her staple yellows?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

It's clear throughout the first season that each family has their own color representing the journey ahead of them — the beloved Bridgertons wear sophisticated blues and lavenders while the Featheringtons wear loud yellows as they try to climb the social ladder.

This is very intentional, and throughout season 3 we'll see Penelope transition from her staple yellow dresses into more greens and blues, a symbol of her union with Colin Bridgerton. Costume designer Sophie Canale confirmed this color theory to People, sharing that the green dress Penelope wears in episode four was a nod to her future relationship with Colin. After all, green IS a mix of yellow and blue.

In the beginning of the season, Penelope and her mother are both wearing green instead of their usual lemon yellow. But instead of a pastel green like her previous dress, this one is very vibrant and tinged with a lot of warm tones. Even if Penelope is growing, the ties to her family are still strong.

Considering season two ended with Penelope getting into a fight with Eloise — and overhearing Colin say he would never court her — it makes sense that Penelope would turn more into her family than ever before.However, in an on-set interview with This Morning, Coughlan wore a dress that appears to be a muted seafoam, meaning it features more blue than yellow.

If Penelope wears lime at the beginning of the season and seafoam at the end, it's a perfect representation of her emotional arc. She moves from feeling overshadowed by her family to being embraced by Colin (hopefully sooner rather than later!!), and it creates a whole new color just for her.

Penelope is, and always will be, a mix of both Featherington and her love for Colin. Good thing for us, Canale takes us on that journey with her.

What are the season 3 Bridgerton episodes?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

We finally got the official episode list for Bridgerton season 3, and it could hold huge meaning for Colin and Penelope. Just like Pen's wardrobe reflects her emotional arc, the episode titles have us expecting a major transformation. Starting the season with "Out of the Shadows" and ending with "Into the Light" could be a ~reflection~ of Penelope moving from wallflower to main character. It could also mean we'll see her embrace those beautiful, sunny (read: yellow) parts of herself she's wanted to hide in the past. Here are the episodes for Bridgerton season 3:

  1. "Out of the Shadows"
  2. "How Bright the Moon"
  3. "Forces of Nature"
  4. "Old Friends"
  5. "Tick Tock"
  6. "Romancing Mister Bridgerton"
  7. "Joining of Hands"
  8. "Into the Light"

Who's in the season 3 Bridgerton cast?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Season 3 of Bridgerton will be led by Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton, and we'll see lots of our favorites return, like Jonathan Bailey, Simone Ashley, Luke Thompson, Claudia Jessie, Hannah Dodd, Will Tilston, Florence Hunt, Ruth Gemmell.

Will Penelope and Eloise happily reunite in season 3 of Bridgerton?


It seems like former best friends Penelope and Eloise are having a conversation. Judging from the expression on Penelope's face and Eloise's folded arms, it appears that things are still tense between them. Jess Brownwell, Bridgerton's show runner told the outlet, "I'm rooting for them," while admitting their friendship breakup is, "...a chance for the two of them to grow and learn about themselves..."

It's interesting to see if Eloise will remain icy towards Penelope after the abrupt end of their friendship in Season 2.

Why is Lady Danbury so important in Bridgerton?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

We loved getting to know more about Lady Danbury in Queen Charlotte, and turns out, we weren't the only ones! At a Bridgerton x International Delight event in NYC, we talked to Lady Danbury herself, Adjoa Andoh! "In seasons one and two, I had a pretty strong sense of who Lady Danbury was," Andoh says in our exclusive interview. "Doing Queen Charlotte filled in a lot of the early life for me in concert with Shonda [Rhimes'] enormous storytelling brain. And so I could take all of that into season three."

Andoh also says that since the Bridgerton's grandfather was the love of Lady Danbury's life, it explains why she cares so much about their family: "You understand the investment she has in the Bridgerton family more because they are his grandchildren, and so I am invested in them because I loved him."

But for Bridgerton season 3, we'll also see a stronger connection between Lady Danbury and Penelope Featherington. "I think Lady Danbury sees a lot of her young self in Penelope," she continues. "I think she's sort of an overlooked item who is shoved in one direction just as Penelope is an overlooked item who no one thinks is ever gonna get married. So both of these women in their young lives have had to understand that if they are gonna survive, they have to live on their own natural brilliance, strategy, intelligence, and gifts."

"[Season 3 of Bridgerton] made me sad and it made me happy and all those things in between because it just reminded me of being the wallflower teenager that I was," Andoh says. "I think there's heaps of us out there, not just women, I think there's heaps of us out there who have felt that we are regarded as less than by our peers. And so, this is the season for us."

Andoh's advice for the wallflowers out there? "I have a friend who says, 'What's for you won't pass you by,'" she says. "Don't wait and pine, hang out with your friends have a fabulous life. The world is amazing and interesting and just dive into your curiosity. Think about what's fabulous about you and lean hard in on that and don't wait for someone else to give you the confirmation that you are as fabulous as you should know you are."

Will Benedict still play a role in season 3 of Bridgerton?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

The third book in the Bridgerton series, An Offer From A Gentleman, focuses on Benedict Bridgerton and Sophie Beckett. Even though the third season of the show will revolve around Colin and Penelope, fans are anticipating an important plot point could still happen this year.

"I'm reading Benedict's book, and between the ball the Bridgertons threw where he met Sophie and when they meet again there's a gap of two years, enough for the unfolding of Penelope and Colin's [arc]," lovin_da_dix says on Reddit. "My theory is that the Bridgertons will throw the ball this season, we would briefly see Sophie and the writers would carry the storyline through season 4."

Not only would a ball give us an excuse to see Colin and Penelope dance again, but it would also set up the next season of the show! That is some serious script planning. But considering the characters in Bridgerton love throwing a party, and a ball would fit right in with the book's timeline, this is one theory we could totally see coming true.

What is the mirror scene in Bridgerton season 3?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

In a sneak peek from season 3 of Bridgerton, we see Penelope and Colin standing in front of a mirror (looking longingly at each other, of course). "A look such as this from Mister Colin Bridgerton would surely make even the most perennial of wallflowers swoon, would it not?" the official Bridgerton X account asks.

While Colin and Penelope don't share words in the clip, their hands do brush, which is something period drama fans always go crazy over. Plus, the sneak peek as a whole totally references the upcoming "mirror scene" (where Colin wants to have sex in front of a mirror so Penelope can see how beautiful she is) Bridgerton fans have been waiting for.

Watch This Official Clip From Bridgerton Season 3


After Colin told literally everyone at the Featherington ball that he would "never" court Penelope (I'm still fuming, TBH), he finally realizes something is wrong in their friendship. When he says he misses her, soft-spoken and sweet Penelope finally confronts him about the hurtful things he said at the party, which is exactly what he needs to hear if you ask me. If this man doesn't beg for her forgiveness I don't want it!! Watch the clip here.

The Newest Bridgerton Season 3 Clip Is All About Kate And Anthony

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Simone Ashley and Jonathan Bailey gave us the dance scene to rival all dance scenes during Bridgerton season 2 (the tension! The yearning! The eyebrows!). But as a married couple in season 3 of Bridgerton, they're all smiles! TBH, I would also be all smiles if I was married to either one of these people.

The First Season 3 Bridgerton Sneak Peek


There are two things I love aboutthis new season 3 Bridgerton clip: first, the tension and chemistry between Nicola Coughlan's Penelope and Luke Newton's Colin is SO REAL and I am HERE FOR IT. The second is how awkward this interaction is because when you realize you're falling in love with your best friend, it really is awkward sometimes. I cannot get enough of this duo and I can't wait to see them finally admit their feelings for each other (hopefully after some more will-they-won't-they pining) later this spring. Watch the sneak peek here.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Colin doesn't look too shabby either.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

(Hopefully) a happy couple in the works!

Liam Daniel/Netflix

...Or not as happy as we thought.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

It looks like the loving couple are still enjoying marital bliss in season 3 of Bridgerton.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Colin's expression makes us want to ask him, "Why so serious?"

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Colin may be showing Penelope potential suitors she can engage with.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Something is really concerning Lady Violet, but Francesca (played by Hannah Dodd who replaces Ruby Stokes) and Hyacinth seem to be taking it in stride.

Keep up to date with our season 3 Bridgerton news and let us know in the comments what you're looking forward to seeing in the new season!

Lead image via Liam Daniel/Netflix.

This post has been updated.

I was totally enraptured by Shōgun as soon as I saw the first trailer. The first season of the trending Hulu series premiered in February of 2024 to rave reviews, and The Hollywood Reporter confirmed in May that it looks like we're getting a season 2 AND a season 3 of the drama. Considering Shōgun was originally a limited series, I'm over the moon! Here's everything we know about the upcoming sophomore season.

Is Shōgun nominated for any awards?


Ahead of Shōgun season 2, the first season of the hit show scored 25 Emmy nominations(yes you read that right) including Outstanding Drama and both Lead Actor and Lead Actress in a Drama — and it ended up winning all of them! Anna Sawai cried in her acceptance speech, thanking her mom and all the women "who expect nothing" but continue to change the world anyway. We're not crying, you are!!!

Will there be a season 2 for Shōgun?


Yes, we're getting a Shōgun season 2! The news that season 2 was in the works was confirmed May 16. "There’s a lot of chaos but creative chaos, where we’re throwing everything that we have at the wall, seeing what sticks," co-creator Rachel Kondo tells THR. "It’s been exciting and nerve-wracking because, obviously, this is uncharted territory — we don’t have a roadmap, we just have history.”

She continues that the team is figuring out “which events, which characters, which characters can you conveniently combine — those sorts of things that kind of allow you to make something new.”

The end of season 1 saw John Blackthorne at his absolute end. His ship and his crew are gone, as is Lady Mariko, who sacrificed herself to thwart Yabushige. And it's here that we'll pick back up. This is going to be one season premiere to remember!

When is Shōgun season 2 coming out?


Shōgun season 2 won't begin production for quite some time, but the writer's room begins summer 2024.

Who's in the Shōgun season 2 cast?


I hope we'll see Hiroyuki Sanada, Cosmo Jarvis, Tadanobu Asano, Takehiro Hira, Moeka Hoshi, and Fumi Nikaido.

Tell us your best Shōgun season 2 predictions in the comments, and check out The Best New TV Shows Coming In 2024 for more!

Lead image via FX/Hulu

Our favorite murder mystery is returning for another season! Only Murders in the Building, which stars Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez, is Hulu's most-watched original comedy — and season three was the platform's most-streamed original project this year. It looks like Arconiacs really DO want more because we're getting Only Murders in the Building season 4. Here's everything we know about the upcoming installment of the show, and don't forget to read our interview with costumer Dana Covarrubias! After you've rewatched seasons 1-3 (again), check out The Best New TV Shows Coming In 2024for more!

Does Selena Gomez like Steve Martin and Martin Short?

Image via Selena Gomez/Instagram

Yes, Selena Gomez, Steve Martin, and Martin Short are all close! While presenting the award for Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series, Selena Gomez and Martin Short had a moment onstage that totally reminded me of Oliver and Mabel. While making their way to the mic, Selena had to jog to keep up with Martin and Steve (she was wearing a stunning Ralph Lauren dress, after all). And when she expresses some nerves about tripping, Martin grabs her arm and says, "I got you baby." The sweetest!!

And Selena shows just as much love to her iconic costars. "I want to thank @stevemartinreally and Marty (who hates social media) for truly being the most kind, gentle, warm and powerful influences in my life," Selena Gomez says on Instagram. "You have shown me a level of class, intellect and humor that doesn’t seem to be easy to find anymore. You guys are truly best friends to me forever." I love this trio so much!

When is the next season of Only Murders in the Building coming out?

Image via Selena Gomez/Instagram

Only Murders in the Building season 4 is coming to Hulu Tuesday August 27, 2024. That means we're getting the Olympics, Bridgerton, The Bear, Emily in Paris, and House of the Dragon all in one summer. WOW.

Selena Gomez posted a screenshot on March 1 announcing that filming had begun! In honor of Day 1, Martin Short and Steve Martin sent her a bouquet of flowers with a note that reads, "We're so happy to be back with you, love, Steve and Marty." Okay cute!!

What is the Only Murders In The Building Season 4 filming like?

Image via Only Murders/Instagram

The official Only Murders in the Building Instagram account shared the first shot from set, and we couldn't be happier to see our favorite trio! "The besties are back," the post reads. "Season 4 🎥." And it looks like the costume color palette is still shades of green, blue, and red like in previous seasons, with Steve Martin's Charles wearing blue slacks and green shoes, and Martin Short's Oliver wearing rust-colored pants. Selena Gomez' Mabel is sticking to neutrals for now, but I'm sure we'll see plenty of color in her wardrobe in the weeks to come!

Selena Gomez also revealed to The Hollywood Reporter that shooting season 4 was a blast. "This is our most exciting season yet. That’s what I would definitely say with confidence, because it was far too fun," she says. "It’s going to be, to date, probably my favorite season."

But Only Murders in the Building season 4 also came with its own challenges. "We used to shoot everything in order, and that would help me a lot," she continues, "but because we had so many different things that were happening, and we wanted to make sure everybody was comfortable and we could adjust to people’s schedules, it jumped all over the place [this season]."

Who's going to be in the Only Murders in the Building season 4 cast?

Image via Patrick Harbron/Hulu

Unfortunately, Mabel and Tobert won't reunite for Only Murders season 4 because actor Jesse Williams just confirmed with People he's not returning for the series with a very straightforward, "I'm not on that show anymore."

Selena Gomez, Martin Short, and Steve Martin will return to lead Only Murders in the Building season 4. We'll also see Meryl Streep return alongside newcomers Eugene Levy, Eva Longoria, Kumail Nanjiani, Desmin Borges, Siena Werber, Lilian Rebelo, and White Lotus star Molly Shannon. While we don't have any info on Eugene and Eva's role, we'll see Molly as a "high-powered Los Angeles business woman who finds herself drawn into the world of the investigation in New York,” via Variety.

As someone who was head over heels obsessed with Cheaper By The Dozen 2 as a kid, I can't wait to see Eugene Levy and Steve Martin onscreen again!

What is Only Murders in the Building season 4 about?

Image via Patrick Harbron/Hulu

"I think the idea of what you create is a thing you put out to the world, and sometimes you can’t be prepared for the repercussions of what potentially the world does with your thing," showrunner John Hoffman tells The Hollywood Reporter. "So, the podcast and everything else that’s happened, and what it all means, and what it could have been meaning all along."

We've seen the way Mabel, Oliver, and Charles' podcast has catapulted them into danger and adventure in the last three seasons, and it sounds like Only Murders in the Building season 4 will focus even more on the repercussions of their podcast — and it's going to happen in Los Angeles.

"Well, I’m very excited to see Steve, Martin and Selena take a little break from the apartment building and come to Los Angeles," ABC boss Craig Erwich tells Deadline. "So in the same way that John Hoffman used the canvas of Broadway to tell [Only Murders season 3], the same unique Only Murders take will be applied to Los Angeles, which I’m really excited about."

How many episodes of Only Murders In The Building on Hulu are there?

Image via Patrick Harbron/Hulu

All three seasons of Only Murders in the Building have 10 episodes each. We're definitely going to binge watch all 30 multiple times before season 4 comes out!

Who dies at the end of season 3 of Only Murders in the Building?

Image via Patrick Harbron/Hulu

At the very end of Only Murders season 3, we see Sazz (played by Jane Lynch) get shot while walking around Charles' apartment — and then try to write him a message with her own blood. Crazy! But even crazier is the fact she was dressed up like him, meaning the murderer was actually after Charles. But the great thing about Only Murders in the Building is that the victim becomes an even larger part of the story than they were before.

"The more personal you can make the victim to one of our trio, or the murderer to one of our trio, the better," showrunner John Hoffman tells THR. "It felt like a perfect opportunity to let Charles have this connection and explore more of that connection. It’s one of the great characters. We’ve loved writing Sazz so much, and that’s the beauty of the show is, you get a lot more time with the victims. They’re not gone when some ill fate happens to them."

Where is the Arconia in New York?

Image via Patrick Harbron/Hulu

In real life, the Arconia is the The Belnord Apartments. The building takes up an entire city block, and the Italian Renaissance Revival style it was made in is absolutely beautiful. You can see the outside of the building in New York City's west 86th street, but since it's a real apartment building, you won't be able to go inside!

How did they get Sting to be in Only Murders in the Building?

Image via Craig Blakenhorn/Hulu

Sting was a guest star in the first season of Only Murders in the Building thanks to his friendship with Steve Martin and casting director Bernard Telsey! That's also how Meryl Streep (who's also friends with Steve Martin and Martin Short) got to be a part of season 3.

Where can I watch Only Murders in the Building?

Image via Patrick Harbron/Hulu

You can watch the Emmy-nominatedOnly Murders in the Building on Hulu now!

Where did the inspiration for the costumes come from?

Image via Patrick Harbron/Hulu

In our interview with costume designer Dana Covarrubias, she mentioned how much her and Selena Gomez' Mexican heritage influenced her outfits in season one, while the aesthetics of The Hardy Boys and Alfred Hitchcock's films influenced her looks in season two.

"I was trying to figure out something within that [murder mystery] world again, but our whole season is about Broadway and about theatre, and I think that just trumped everything else," she says. "It was very exciting to re-explore some of my favorite musicals...Almost all of Mabel's costumes this season are directly inspired by one or two musicals."

We're talking Guys and Dolls, Chicago, and Little Shop of Horrors. Check back here for the season four costume inspo!

Will there be a season 4 of Only Murders in the Building?

Image via Patrick Harbron/Hulu

Yes, Only Murders in the Building season 4 is confirmed! The official Instagram announcement post features our favorite trio against a vivid green backdrop. Selena Gomez stuns in a bright red sweater dress with a cold shoulder silhouette, while Martin Short wears a blue suit and Steve Martin wears purple. This definitely feels like a nod to the Only Murders in the Building costumes — Selena's Mabel wears a lot of marigold and red, while Steve's Charles started off the show in blue and Martin's Oliver chose shades of purple.

Are you excited for Only Murders In The Building Season 4? Check out our email newsletter for more pop culture news!

Lead image via Patrick Harbron/Hulu

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Despite a new celebrity breakup every other day, love is still in the air...and it's led Saiorse Ronan to the altar. Call us overzealous, but her marriage is the news we've been waiting for!

With films like The Lovely Bones (Susie Salmon) and Little Women (Jo March), Saoirse's cemented a place in our hearts. However, as monumental as her onscreen performances can be, she prefers to keep her private life tucked away — not that we blame her. BUT...showing up to a fashion show wearing a diamond ring on that finger was a pretty huge statement, and her first red carpet appearance since tying the knot is even sweeter. Here's everything we know so far + details about Saiorse Ronan's relationship with Jack Lowden!

See Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden's 2024 Emmys Date Night!

Amy Sussman/Getty Images

At the 2024 Emmys, Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden made their first red carpet appearance as a married couple and I simply cannot get enough of them. The Little Women actress stunned in a navy skirt and bandeau set, complete with draping detail and a silver necklace, while Jack Lowden wore a complementary navy and black tux with a bowtie.

Are Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden married?


Yes, Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden are reportedly married! Documents from a Scottish civil marriage registry show that the couple have an official license and tied the knot in Edinburgh (via People).

They had an intimate ceremony that was kept under wraps by all who attended (via Irish Independent). This is on par with the couple's tendency to keep the details of their relationship out of the public eye.

It's hard to say if they'll make a public statement about their marriage, but we're still happy for the cute couple!

Where was Saoirse Ronan seen wearing a diamond ring?

According to People, Saoirse made an appearance at the Louis-Vuitton Womenswear SS 2024 runway show last year. In addition to gorgeous blonde bob she was seen sporting, close observers noticed a beautiful diamond ring on her finger — hence the engagement speculations.

How long did Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden date before they reportedly got engaged?

Duncan McGlynn/Getty Images for Universal

The lovely couple have been dating for some time now. In 2018, Page Six shared that Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden were dating following their appeared in the film Mary Queen of Scots. A source told the outlet, "We don’t know when they got together...but they seem very happy and sweet."

They've mostly kept their relationship under wraps but have made appearances here and there.

What has Saioirse Ronan said about Jack Lowden?

In an interview with Harper's Bazaar UK, Saiorse Ronan offered a brief glimpse into their relationship. She said, "When a person you respect as much as I do him says that, it means more than anyone else’s opinion."

What has Jack Lowden said about Saiorse Ronan?

Jack has sang Saoirse's praises when talking about her work ethic with him recently telling Esquire UK, "Saoirse is, first and foremost, one of the best actors in the world, so to work with her in that way and help in any way I could was great." He was referring to her role as Amy Liptrot in The Outrun - a film their production company is producing.

What has Saoirse Ronan been working on lately?

FOE | Official Trailer

Saoirse recently appeared in Foe, which premiered in theaters October 6th. She stars alongside Paul Mescal as they play a married couple whose bond is tested when they're met with an unusual offer. Two words — artificial intelligence.

To watch it in theaters, visit AMC to get tickets!

Do you think Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden are engaged? Let us know in the comments and share your thoughts on Facebook!

Featured image via Tim P. Whitby/Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images for Sony Pictures Releasing UK.

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If you're on pins and needles for all things Big Little Liesseason 3, don't worry! Author Liane Moriarty has plenty of other books —including a brand new release! — you can read while you wait for the highly-anticipated season. She's sold over 20 million copies of her books worldwide, and it honestly doesn't seem like she's in the market to slow down anytime soon. With the release of her new novel, Moriarty's continuing to show readers why she's earned the title of best-selling author with more than one beloved TV-adaptation.

From her other book-to-screen stories to other exciting works full of twists and turns, here's a total breakdown of every adult novel she's written!

Who is Liane Moriarty?

Liane Moriarty, über photography

Liane Moriarty is an Australian-born and New York Times Best-Selling author who's written 10 adult novels and three children's books that are a part of the Nicola Berry series. Prior to this, Liane was a successful freelance advertising copywriter.

How many of Liane Moriarty's books have been adapted for TV or film?

Vince Valitutti/Hulu

Nicole Kidman as Masha Dmitrichenko in Nine Perfect Strangers

Aside from Big Little Lies, two more of Liane Moriarty's books have been adapted into limited series. Starring Nicole Kidman, Nine Perfect Strangers captivated audiences so much that a second season will be premiering on Hulu. Though there were a few noticeable differences between the book and the TV show, it put the book back on the radar for new readers to discover!

Her most recent adaptation is the limited series was Apples Never Fall. It premiered on Peacock on March 14 and starred Annette Bening, Sam Neill, Alison Brie, and Jack Lacy as a family who has to contend with the wild disappearance of their matriarch.

What's the name of Liane Moriarty's latest book?


The thrilling author's latest novel, Here One Moment, just hit bookshelves and already has a 4.3 rating on Amazon! It's an intriguing novel that answers the big "What if" question about fate.

For the passengers on a particularly harmless flight, they have no idea how extraordinary it'll turn out to be. Among faces like a muscular guy and a nervous flight attendant is someone who holds everyone lives in the palm of her hands.

For some reason, she's able to predict the passengers' deaths — which isn't unsettling until six of them realize their lives will end sooner than they'd like. One by one, their deaths begin occurring as predicted and it begins to make the remaining passengers question if they'd rather meet their fate or find ways to change it if they can.

Liane Moriarty's Books In Order


Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty

Triplets Lyn, Cat, and Gemma Kettle have the uncanny ability to have all eyes on them no matter where they go. They're the kind of sisters you'd love to know more about even if you can tell their lives are filled with as much drama as fun-filled moments.

Despite their resemblance to each other, the sisters each have their own hectic lives to deal with. One can't live life without checking off a series of lists while the other two are dealing with weird relationship woes. Somehow, their rivalry with each other only stokes their drama even more.

But, that's what happens when you and your sisters are still learning how to navigate life as separate entities outside the womb.


The Last Anniversary by Liane Moriarty

Sophie Honeywell can't get her mind off Thomas Gordon and regrets the day she caused him deep pain. Instead of remaining at a standstill, Thomas got married while Sophie's love life halted.

A family secret explodes. A first kiss betrays. A mystery is solved. A marriage is tested. It all happens on one extraordinary night — the Last Anniversary!

Sophie Honeywell always wondered if Thomas Gordon was the one who got away. He was the perfect boyfriend, but on the day he was going to propose, she broke his heart. A year later he married his travel agent, while Sophie has been mortifyingly single ever since. Now Thomas is back in her life because Sophie has unexpectedly inherited his aunt Connie's house on Scribbly Gum Island — home of the famously unsolved Munro Baby mystery.

Sophie moves onto the island and begins a new life as part of an unconventional family, where it seems everyone has a secret. Grace, a beautiful young mother, is feverishly planning a shocking escape from her perfect life. Margie, a frumpy housewife, has made a pact with a stranger, while dreamy Aunt Rose wonders if maybe it's about time she started making her own decisions.

As Sophie's life becomes increasingly complicated, she discovers that sometimes you have to stop waiting around—and come up with your own fairy-tale ending.


The Hypnotist's Love Story by Liane Moriarty

Hynotherapist Ellen O'Farrell has a decent business and living situation because of a nice inheritance from her grandparents, but that's where her luck seems to run out. Though she's not desperate to fall in love, she wonders what it would be like to be in a relationship that lasts.

She's surprised when she meets the sexy and charming Patrick. He's everything she's been hoping for, and he feels the same way about her. His only problem? His ex won't stop stalking him.

It doesn't rub Ellen the wrong way until she finds out who Patrick's ex is...


What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty

Alice Love is confused about what happened to the last 10 years of her life when she wakes up on a gym floor after passing out. Somehow she's gone from being completely in love with her husband and expecting their first child to being close to divorcing her husband with three children in tow. She's even confused about what happened to her relationship with her sister and who she's become since she's somehow forgot things.

The more she puts together pieces of the puzzle, Alice begins asking herself if it's worth remembering what happened or if she's better off constructing a new story for herself.


The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty

Cecilia Fitzpatrick may be successful career-wise, but one letter from her husband brings her world crashing down. It's always unsettling when you discover you don't know someone the way you thought you did, but it's even worse when Cecilia meets other women who knew her husband...and his secrets.


Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

Big Little Lies revolves around a community of women whose lives become intertwined bit by bit. There's the sharp-witted Madeline who rules as the 'queen bee,' the beautiful Celeste whose glass walls are about to shatter at any moment, and newcomer Jane whose past is shrouded in mystery.

They're connected when a death is discovered and the mystery of what happened beings to be investigated.


Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty

Sam and Clementine's relationship has always been steady, but things change when they're introduced to Tiffany and Vid. Neighbors of Clementine's friend Erika, their backyard barbecue seems like it'll be a good place to be. However, something happens that makes things rocky and it begins challenging a seemingly strong relationship.


Nine Perfect Strangers by Liane Moriarty

Tranquilium House is supposed to be a peaceful health resort that welcomes various guests for 10 days. Each of them have their own reason for being there, but they'll spend more time together than they thought.

Though she knows she shouldn't question their reasoning, former best-selling author Frances Welty can't understand why some of the guests are there. She thinks she's the only person who physically looks like they're in need of a change, but she'll quickly realize that some things aren't surface-level.


Apples Never Fallby Liane Moriarty

As much as The Delaneys love each other, they can fight like cats and dogs at times. Nothing bands siblings Amy, Logan, Try, and Brook — together more than when their mother mysteriously disappears and it looks like their father is responsible for what happened to her.

It's odd because it seems like Stan and Joy Delaney are the pillar of perfection with their intense chemistry and successful tennis academy. But time reveals how unhappy they've become over the years and it's hard to ignore. Plus, the arrival of the unknown Savannah seems to coincide with Joy's disappearance.

As the siblings team up in pairs to either prove their father's innocence or condemn him for all of his secrets, they'll encounter a shock that makes them look at their family differently.

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