10 Tasty Herbs That Are Easy to Grow in Your Kitchen

Want to live your best plant life? Follow us on Pinterest for more green tips, tricks, and hacks!

Want to live your best plant life? Follow us on Pinterest for more green tips, tricks, and hacks!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Want to live your best plant life? Follow us on Pinterest for more green tips, tricks, and hacks!

Want to live your best plant life? Follow us on Pinterest for more green tips, tricks, and hacks!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Illustrations: Sarah Tate

Nothing adds a splash of color to the home like fresh flowers, especially when you don't have a backyard or garden of your own. But if you're looking for something more permanent than a bouquet, it's time to explore the world of house plants. We've had a look at the many green plants you can add that will clean the air and brighten up the space, but now we're thinking about colorful blossoms you can grow in your own home (or on your front porch). And best of all, all of these plants are brown-thumb-proof, so plant without a care!


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Photo by Karen Cann / Unsplash

You might know these better as pansies, but there are more than 500 varieties in this wide-ranging family. These beauties normally pop up in the spring, but if you grow them in a cool, shaded area they should delay until summer. Try planting some in a window box or porch planter for a shot of color that'll make you smile.

Phalaenopsis Orchid

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Photo by Carmel Arquelau / Unsplash

Don't worry if you've left a trail of plant corpses behind you in the past: These are tough to kill. Low to medium light, warm temperatures and minimal watering will get you months of pretty petals.


Image via Wikimedia Commons

These pretty little flowers are low effort. That's because kalanchoe is actually a succulent that can survive in either full sun or partial shade.

Oxalis Purple Clover

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Get the right balance of light and temperature to produce these royal purple leaves with a unique shamrock shape. Medium light near a window should give you the best and brightest leaves.

Amethyst Flower

Image via Wikimedia Commons

This is another good one for a hanging basket in a warm, shaded area.


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Photo by Eugene Mykulyak / Unsplash

This sweet-smelling herb needs only moderate light. And bonus: The scent keeps pests away. Ahhhh, we feel calmer already.

Persian Shield

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Lots of shade combined with heat and humidity will be best for these quilted purple leaves.

Peace Lily

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Photo by Maria Eliz / Unsplash

They're serene and easy to care for, so it's easy to see why this is a popular flowering houseplant. But if you have kids or pets, beware: It's poisonous.


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Photo by Rob Pumphrey / Unsplash

They're practically unkillable, and they get these gorgeous purplish blossoms. The best part is, your kitchen to game is going to get a huge upgrade: Not only are the chives themselves delicious, you can cook with the blossoms too!

Christmas Cactus

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Okay, if you really think you're too hopeless to care for a houseplant, don't throw in the towel until you try caring for a cactus. Especially this one, which blooms around the holidays.

Purple Basil

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Not only is this jewel-toned take on the classic herb pretty, but it'll also come in handy spicing up your weeknight cooking. You can use it in any recipe where traditional basil is used, and it delivers extra flavor to boot.


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Photo by Severin Candrian / Unsplash

It's easy to see why these are nicknamed "peacock plants." Their variegated, tropical foliage spans from green to purple, and the unique pattern of the leaves does indeed recall peacock feathers. It may be a tad more fussy than other tropical plants, preferring shade or dappled light and some humidity, but the final result is well worth it.

Prayer Plant (Maranta)

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Prayer plants are another leafy option with plenty of distinct color and appealing leaf patterns. They're very easy to care for, though they do sometimes attract pests, something to keep an eye out for.


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Photo by Joydeep Pal / Unsplash

An intoxicating tropical plant with a waxy, red flower, anthuriums are definitely a scene-stealer. Because of this, anthuriums are popular cut flowers as well, but keeping one growing at home means more time to enjoy its beauty. Just be advised that this might not be the plant for you if you have children or pets: All parts of the plant are poisonous.

Shrimp Plant

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Named for its distinctive pink flowers, the shrimp plant is easy to care for so long as you place it in well-draining soil. If kept in a sunny spot, it may well bloom all year round.


[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://media.rbl.ms/image?u=%2Fphoto-1594846911547-eae9c4783861%3Fixid%3DMXwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHw%3D%26ixlib%3Drb-1.2.1%26auto%3Dformat%26fit%3Dcrop%26w%3D1558%26q%3D80&ho=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.unsplash.com&s=970&h=46459d4baa9dfefda4d0d5849df5136d705a615803f46b87048e7fecc9324c79&size=980x&c=3720009839 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//media.rbl.ms/image%3Fu%3D%252Fphoto-1594846911547-eae9c4783861%253Fixid%253DMXwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHw%253D%2526ixlib%253Drb-1.2.1%2526auto%253Dformat%2526fit%253Dcrop%2526w%253D1558%2526q%253D80%26ho%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fimages.unsplash.com%26s%3D970%26h%3D46459d4baa9dfefda4d0d5849df5136d705a615803f46b87048e7fecc9324c79%26size%3D980x%26c%3D3720009839%22%7D" expand=1 site_id=19876466 alt="Clivia plant"]

Photo by Padre_moovi / Unsplash

This South African plant has become sought-after due to its lovely orange-red flowers, which are reminiscent of hibiscus. They thrive in bright indirect light and don't mind if you forget about them occasionally.

Flowering Maple

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Surprising as it may seem, some varieties of maple actually make great indoor plants. As a small indoor tree or shrub, flowering maples make quite an impact thanks to their distinctively veined, multifaceted blooms.

Zebra Plant

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Shiny, appealingly zebra-like leaves make this an instant winner, but if you're willing to help the plant through a period of dormancy, you'll also find that super-saturated yellow blossoms appear like a crown atop this stunning plant.

Want more plant love? Follow us on Pinterest for inspo, and sign up for our newsletter for plant tips!

(Additional reporting by Emily Bihl)

This post has been updated.

As a self-proclaimed homebody, I love to give and get a good stocking filled with my favorite things. From self-care essentials to little treasures that make my home and me happy, these 19 cute and cozy gifts for homebodies will make the holidays a little brighter and your winter a little warmer. Consider your favorite HBs on your list, or grab something you love for yourself! (They make great Secret Santa and White Elephantgifts too!)

Discover the coziest, cutest stocking stuffers for the homebodies in your life here!

Piecework Puzzles

  1. A candle to help your fave homebody wind down after a long day out & about: Homecourt Balsam Fireplace Candle
  2. A cute little self-care set for the best girls' night in: Pinch Provisions Super Spa Set
  3. For the homebody who always has their nose in a book: Where is the Bookstore Embroidered Hat
  4. For your bestie who'd just rather do her nails herself: Le Mini Macaron Nail Lacquer Trio Set
  5. For the one who values comfort above literally everything else: Seavees Apres Puff Slipper in Space Silver
  6. For the cat-lover who just loves cuddles: Cat Lady Socks
  7. For the queen of kitschy decor: Ginger Ceramic Stoneware Sugar Pot
  8. For the at-home bartender: How to Make a Name-tini Book
  9. For the one with big ideas & even bigger to-do lists: Papier Scribble & Scrawl
  10. For the one who just loves a lil soak: Flewd Stresscare Trio
  11. An aesthetically-pleasing (and practical!) toothpaste: hello Activated Charcoal Epic Whitening Toothpaste
  12. For the gal who absolutely adores a sweet treat: Coop's Original Hot Fudge & Salted Caramel Sauce
  13. For the friend who totally loves a cute hobby: Piecework Mini Zodiac Puzzle
  14. For the at-home gym buff: CocoaVia Cardio Health Cocoa Powder Stick Packs
  15. For the gal who loves a little lippie: Hydrashine Lipstick Balm Trio
  16. For the one who always has the best playlists: Burga AirPods Pro Case
  17. For your bestie who adds a little extra oomph to her outfit: We Dream in Colour Gold Bird Earrings
  18. For the friend that's just a little easily overwhelmed: Ban.do Oversized Feel Better De-Stress Ball
  19. For that person who always puts a smile on your face: FP Movement Smiling Buti Ankle Socks

Dive Into Our Cute & Cozy Stocking Stuffers Here!


A candle to help your fave homebody wind down after a long day out & about: Homecourt Balsam Fireplace Candle

I am in love with Homecourt’s seasonal fragrance, Balsam Fireplace. It mimics the scent of a crackling fire (think fresh evergreen, warm spice, and salty amber) and I can't get enough of it, from the candle to thehand wash. Each candle burns for 60 hours, giving you plenty of winter nights by the fire.


A cute little self-care set for the best girls' night in: Pinch Provisions Super Spa Set

Enjoy self care nights on the regular with these eight spa essentials, from a silky sleep mask and gua sha tool to an exfoliating mitt, hair clip, shower steamer, and scalp massager. Scrunchie included!

Uncommon Goods

For the homebody who always has their nose in a book: Where is the Bookstore Embroidered Hat

We found the perfect gift for the book lover/homebody/Francophile crossover (pretty much our entire staff). And it's stocking stuffer friendly!

Urban Outfitters

For your bestie who'd just rather do her nails herself: Le Mini Macaron Nail Lacquer Trio Set

Manis and nail art at home are prettier with a pop of color. Here are three shimmering shades to drop into your favorite homebody's stocking.


For the one who values comfort above literally everything else: Seavees Apres Puff Slipper in Space Silver

Cozy, cozy! These Après Puff Slip-Ons are not only so cute, but also so incredibly comfortable. Perfect for the WFHer or even someone who enjoys the comfort of the great outdoors (they're that durable), these fleece lined slippers are the best gift for just about every woman on your list.

Uncommon Goods

For the cat-lover who just loves cuddles: Cat Lady Socks

So fun and playful, these mesh socks are a great way to flex your cat lady pride.


For the queen of kitschy decor: Ginger Ceramic Stoneware Sugar Pot

Sugar cubes in a ceramic gingerbread house make the holidays and your morning coffee routine a little brighter.


For the at-home bartender: How to Make a Name-tini Book

Cocktails at home, but make it personalized! OMG, how cute is this book with a signature drink for them! You get to personalize it based on their drink preferences and customize the cover. It includes a total of 29 recipes to ring in the new year.


For the one with big ideas & even bigger to-do lists: Papier Scribble & Scrawl

For the homebody who is always in their heads, this book is great for jotting down to-dos, thoughts, ideas, inspirations and more. You can personalize the cover with their name, a fun title, an alter ego or a special quote too.


For the one who just loves a lil soak: Flewd Stresscare Trio

These transdermal bath soaks give your homebody buddy up to 5 days of the stress-reducing magnesium, boron, and Omega 3s to reduce anxiety, aches, and stress.


hello Activated Charcoal Epic Whitening Toothpaste

This fluoride-free toothpaste made with activated charcoal whitens teeth with consistent use, but the part we love the most is the sleek, aesthetically-pleasing packaging. Plus, it leaves a minty finish for fresh breath every time.


For the gal who absolutely adores a sweet treat: Coop's Original Hot Fudge & Salted Caramel Sauce

These award-winning toppers, from a women-owned company, make your desserts a little extra. (A little naked scoop once in a while is just as good too!)

Piecework Puzzles

For the friend who totally loves a cute hobby: Piecework Mini Zodiac Puzzle

Homebodies who love to puzzle will enjoy this mini stocking-size one inspired their zodiac sign!


For the at-home gym buff: CocoaVia Cardio Health Cocoa Powder Stick Packs

Hot chocolate, but make it healthy! These packets contain cocoa flavanols, which support heart health, and are perfect for adding to your yogurt, favorite drink, or even oatmeal. A heart-healthy stocking stuffer to show you love them....aww.

Colleen Rothschild

For the gal who loves a little lippie: Hydrashine Lipstick Balm Trio

This kit from Colleen Rothschild Beauty offers a range of buildable hues from barely there for staying in to bold for going out. Get a dewy, glossy finish inspired by your favorite travel destination, like Sipping Sangria red.


For the one who always has the best playlists: Burga AirPods Pro Case

Choose from more than 300+ unique designs and a matching set of cases for all your tech. Whether they're free spirits or v demure, there's a pattern for everyone.

We Dream in Colour

For your bestie who adds a little extra oomph to her outfit: We Dream in Colour Gold Bird Earrings

Give your homebody a reason to dress up with these beautifully detailed brass birds, perfect for Zoom calls!


For the friend that's just a little easily overwhelmed: Ban.do Oversized Feel Better De-Stress Ball

Figure out your next life move with this squishy dice for stressful days.

Free People

For that person who always puts a smile on your face: FP Movement Smiling Buti Ankle Socks

Whether they're working out or Netflix marathoning, these performance-ready socks are fun and happy-inducing. One percent of FP Movement net proceeds benefit its non-profit partner Girls Inc.

Subscribe to our newsletter for more holiday inspiration!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

Let’s be real here. Inflation is…deflating. And there’s nothing more soul-crushing than a week’s worth of groceries costing upward of $150. I’m no financial expert, but I do know that things really suck right now. The current state of the economy and price gouging have undoubtedly changed our consumption habits: we’re leaning heavily on ‘recession-proof recipes,’ skipping the just-for-fun Target runs (yeah, I’m sad about it too), and concocting the cheapest Starbucks orders possible. You can totally shape those habits right at home.

How? Indoor gardening. Yep, the green thumb life you’ve always dreamed of is within close reach, plus it’s extremely beneficial for saving money right now. It may sound a little granola, but growing your own groceries is made fairly simple with indoor gardening. Read more on the best plants to grow indoors, and helpful tips to get you going on your earthy journey.

Images via sadclowncentral on Tumblr

Tips For Indoor Gardening

  • Indoor plants are obsessed with direct sun. For most varieties, you’ll have to work around your space’s lack of light with some grow lights. If there’s not tons of direct sun coming into your indoor gardening space, or you don’t have a south facing window, grow lights may be in your future. They’ll ensure your growing plants stay happy and healthy.
  • Some plants can be really finicky, so pay close attention for signs of struggle. Look for yellowing and browning on the leaves, wilting, or crisping. If you suspect your plant is choking out on you, try a different lighting situation, placement, and watering routine. Even humidity levels can impact your plants, so monitor how they best respond to your care!
  • Seed germination can take a lot of commitment, so if you’re not feeling like becoming a full-time gardener (or just simply don’t have the time and money for it), starting your indoor garden from cuttings/propagations helps expedite the growing process. You can find cuttings and starters at most home improvement stores, or I’m sure your nice green thumb neighbor could even cut one for you from their garden!
  • There’s no doubt that indoor gardening is a larger initial investment, but it will pay off over time. You’ll need some equipment to get you started, if you don’t have some already. Grow lights, roomy pots and planters, seeds, and soils are the most basic needs for an indoor garden project.

Vegetables and Herbs You Can Grow Indoors

Romaine Lettuce

Romaine lettuce is one of the easiest plants to grow in an indoor garden – and you don’t even need to start from seeds. Just pop the butt of a lettuce head into a shallow dish of water, and place it by your sunniest window. In a few days you’ll see significant growth. This method also works just as well for green onions and celery! You’ll want to replace the plant’s water often throughout the process, so it doesn’t sour. Starting lettuce from seeds is a tad more involved than this method, but if you want to start from scratch, this guide is super helpful.

@mikeposner This will change your life and bring your eating habits to the next level!! #sprouts#broccolisprouts#foodtok#tipsandtricks#beforeandafter#diy♬ Sunny Day - Ted Fresco


If you’re living it up in a micro apartment, microgreens are a great grocery to grow indoors. They don’t take up much space, plus sprouts and microgreens carry massive amounts of nutrients and vitamins for your diet. When it’s so cheap to grow them at home, why pay up to $10 for them at the store? This mason jar hack slays indoor gardening in such a simple way!

To start growing with seeds, all you need is special micro seeds, a shallow planter with drainage, and a soil made for seed starting. Ensure these little guys get 4-6 hours of sun (or grow light) a day, and soon enough you can sprinkle your homegrown microgreens on all the salads and sandwiches!

Image via Brit + Co.


The sheer power you feel when you use homegrown herbs in a recipe is indescribable. I used some Thai basil in a recent noodle recipe, and it just hit different. You can grow rosemary, basil, thyme, mint, oregano, and more from your kitchen! Basil is an annual herb that needs more heat and light to thrive. Keep your basil away from windows in the winter, and opt for grow lights instead, to avoid total chill. Perennial herbs like rosemary, thyme, mint, and oregano fare better in the cold, as long as they get some light in. Some herbs grow trailing down, so pull out your hanging planters for some decorative garden flair!


Root Vegetables

Onions, beets, and carrots. Oh my! These are just a few of the root veggies you can grow in your indoor garden. Root vegetables are fairly resistant to the cold, so they grow just fine inside during winter. Since their roots are bigger, they need a lot of water and some biiig pots to live in. For carrots and parsnips, you’re likely looking at a pot up to 12 inches deep! The best part about gardening root vegetables is the leafy tops – they can be used to top salads and garnish healthy dinners, so nothing goes wasted.

Photo by Anna Nekrashevich / PEXELS


Spice things up in your indoor garden with homegrown peppers! There’s a huge range of pepper varieties, but some are easier than others. Peppers under the Capsicum Annuum family are recommended for beginners. This includes the spicy boys: jalapenos, serranos, thai peppers, and cayenne peppers.

Indoor peppers thrive under heat treatment during germination. A warming mat like this one helps expedite the 4-14 day process, so you can get to planting them quicker. Once planted, peppers need high levels of light – whether that comes from the actual sun or grow lights is up to you!

Fruits You Can Grow Indoors

@gardeningindoors Replying to @adventure.abigail Hope this was helpful 🌱🍅   #indoorgardentips#cherrytomatoes#growyourownfood#gardentok#growyourownvegetables#indoorgardentok#gardeningindoors#smallspacegardening#indoorgardening#growingtomatoes♬ original sound - gardeningindoors


To grow tomatoes indoors, the seeds need to germinate before anything else. It’ll take around 5-10 days of constant warmth and moisture for them to begin sprouting. Once they’re ready to be potted, tomatoes will need 8 or more hours of sun (or grow light) a day. They’ll also need sizable planters with plenty of plant stakes. Plant stakes provide stability for the vines, and facilitate upward growth as your plants get bigger. Since your plants aren’t living it up outside, you’ll have to pollinate them. All this takes is shaking or tapping the vines on a regular basis. Smaller varieties typically have more success indoors, so that’s a plus if your indoor garden is also crunched for space. Make sure these babies stay fairly warm (70+ degrees F) for best results!

@herbal.ash It takes years for it to actually bear fruit but it’s still such a unique plant to grow! #avocadoplant#planttok#plantlover♬ Natural Emotions - Muspace Lofi


Okay, this indoor gardening hack is a *little bit* of a plant cheat. We hate to break it to you, but it can actually take up to 10 years for avocado trees to produce fruit, AKA an actual avo. But, you can grow a gorgeous (inedible) houseplant from the seed, and marvel in its beauty! First, wash off the seed from your morning avocado toast avo, and peel the skin off. After that, germinate the seed using a moist paper towel inside a plastic bag. After 4-8 weeks, you’ll see sprouts, then you can transfer the seed and suspend it in filtered water for leaves to grow!

Photo by Lum3n / PEXELS

Surprise, surprise. You can also grow apricots indoors, as long as you have a sunny room. It’s recommended to not start from seeds if you’re working indoors. The conditions just aren’t always super favorable, so it’s better to start your fruit from a direct cutting! Self-pollinating trees (like dwarf apricot trees) also take out some extra steps in the process, because you don’t have to facilitate pollination. A neutral soil is non-negotiable for indoor gardening apricots. You can use store bought soil, or easily make your own. Bonus points if you throw a bit of compost in there! Be patient with this tree – it doesn't bear fruit until 3-4 years out, but will look beautiful the whole way through.

Photo by Karoline Grabowska / PEXELS

Meyer Lemons

Known as the easiest citrus to grow indoors, Meyer lemons supplement all your favorite desserts, lemonades, cleaning solutions, and more. It’s honestly a pain to try growing this variety from seeds indoors. The easiest method starts with a 2-3 year old tree. A younger tree is easier to monitor and care for. For these trees, your indoor garden will need 8-12 hours of daily light. They love constant moisture, but this doesn’t necessarily mean constant watering. Infrequent but large amounts of water is the Meyer lemon tree’s BFF! Since this guy isn’t self-pollinating, you have to pollinate the flowers yourself indoors with cotton swabs. It’s not too complicated! Make sure to scoop some citrus tree fertilizer when you’re planting your lemon tree – it’ll eat the nutrients up!

What Do I Need To Get Started?

If you're feeling intimidated by the gardening aisle at your local Lowe's or Home Depot, don't sweat it! Here are some great options to start your very own indoor garden.

Grow Lights for Indoor Gardening

iGrowtek LED Grow Light for Seed Starting ($57)

Planters and Pots for Indoor Gardening

Pri Gardens Upside Down Tomato Planter, 2-Pack ($18)

Seed Starter Soils for Indoor Gardening

Minute Soil Compressed Coco Coir FIber Grow Wafers ($17)

Sign up for our newsletter for more gardening and planting tips!

Brit + Co. may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Hosting for the holidays just got a whole lot more magical with Anthropologie’s goodies. From elegant tableware that'll totally "wow" your guests to whimsical decor that sets the perfect festive mood, Anthropologie is the premier destination for polished party essentials. Whether you're planning a chic dinner party or getting lit with your cousins, these are the best finishing touches for a spirited gathering. Get ready to impress your guests with our picks!

Our favorite holiday hosting necessities from Anthropologie:

Let's dive into some of the best holiday hosting pieces from Anthropologie, from tableware to decor!


    Holiday in the City Stoneware Dessert Plate

    These adorable dessert plates are available in several different designs, all of which depict a different city pictured in holiday snow. Your Christmas sweet treats will look stunning served on these!


    Bow Icon Juice Glasses

    Anthro's viral Icon Juice Glasses are super cute for a variety of occasions, but these bows feel especially holiday-esque. Snag a set for your next gathering's cocktail lineup!


    Waterfall Coupe Glasses

    Martini, anyone?! These stunning, shine-lined glasses have the perfect touch of elegance.


    Benedita Bow Ceramic Stoneware Serve Bowl

    This serving bowl is perfect for salads, pasta salads, soups, and more. Bring it to a holiday potluck, and everyone will be asking where you got it.


    Morgan Shot Glasses

    Now it's really gonna be a party with these colorful shot glasses. Practical in the moment and quite cute when not in use, your bar cart is begging for this set!


    Festive Bistro Tile Dessert Plate

    'Tis the season for more and more sweet treats, but you could even serve dinner or apps on these unique dessert plates.

    Subscribe to our newsletter for more holiday decor, hosting tips, and recipe ideas for the season!

    Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

    It seems like there are never enough hours in the day, whether you have work to get done or fun things you want to do. Luckily, we can create time for ourselves using handy items that streamline tasks, inspire productivity, and take some of the pressure off. From faster coffee-making methods to strengthening your core while you sit, these products are powerful tools for increasing productivity in your daily life. Scroll on to discover the products that will make you the most productive version of yourself.

    Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

    Dry Dishes Quickly With a Stone Drying Mat


    With this stone drying mat, your dishes and washed produce will dry off in a flash, saving you time and keeping your kitchen hygienic. No more cleaning up pools of water on the counter or waiting 24 hours for plates to dry — this stone absorbs water in minutes.

    See it on Amazon

    Conquer Every Morning With a KitchenAid Automatic Espresso Machine


    Take all the work out of having fresh espresso in the morning with this fully automatic espresso machine. It grinds, brews, froths, steams, cleans, and even turns itself off. There's nothing this espresso machine can't do, at least when it comes to making your coffee.

    See it on Amazon

    Collect Your Thoughts With a Rocketbook Smart Notebook


    Notes aren't helpful if they're lost, which is where this smart notebook helps. Write in it like a traditional notebook, then watch it digitize all your notes and send them to the cloud! Keep it by your bed or on your desk to effortlessly collect your thoughts.

    See it on Amazon

    Stop the Grime With a Microwave Steam Cleaner


    Keep your microwave clean without effortful scrubbing thanks to this easy-peasy microwave steam cleaner. Save your time and elbow grease by filling this with water and vinegar and popping it in the microwave for a few minutes.

    See it on Amazon

    Sit Comfortably All Day With a Memory Foam Chair Cushion


    Elevate your sitting experience with a memory foam chair cushion designed to keep you comfortable for hours. It helps improve posture, supports spinal alignment, and alleviates pressure on your lower back and tailbone, reducing the need for frequent breaks due to discomfort.

    See it on Amazon

    Get More Done With an Adjustable Dual Monitor Stand


    With this adjustable dual monitor stand for your computer, you can save time and get more done. Set up your screens just how you need them—no more switching between tabs every other second, squinting at screens, or craning your neck!

    See it on Amazon

    This Daily Calendar Will Motivate You


    Not only will this daily calendar help boost your motivation, but it's also a great tool for organization. Every date on the calendar includes a special quote or piece of motivation. Its compact size makes it easy to keep on your desk or in your bag for easy access. Plus, its durable design means you can use it year after year.

    See it on Amazon

    Speed Up Your Hair Routine Using a Satin Microfiber Hair Towel


    This satin hair towel is extra absorbent and gentle, drying your hair five times faster than normal towels or air-drying while preventing frizz. You can skip blow-drying and straightening! This one product can save loads of time, making your hair routine faster than ever.

    See it on Amazon

    Use Rise and Shine Daily Ritual Cards to Greet Each Day


    Wake up on the right side of the bed every day when you use these daily yoga, meditation, and inspiration cards. Each morning, choose 10 cards to flow with or meditate on, centering yourself before you leave your bedroom.

    See it on Amazon

    Make Glasses Sparkle With This Wine Glass Cleaning Liquid


    If you have to rewash and repolish your wine glasses because of pesky streaks, this wine glass cleaner is for you. The liquid evaporates quickly to prevent spots, stains, and streaks, leaving your glasses glistening and ready for your next pour.

    See it on Amazon

    Enhance Comfort With an Adjustable Foam Footrest


    Make long work hours more comfortable with an adjustable foam footrest. This ergonomic upgrade brings the floor up to your feet, reducing pressure on your hips and legs and helping you maintain a comfortable posture during those marathon workdays.

    See it on Amazon

    Brighten Your Smile Fast With This 10-Minute Teeth Whitening Kit


    We all want gleaming white teeth, but dentist appointments and constant brushing take time. Instead, use this clever 10-minute teeth whitening kit while you watch your favorite show, fold laundry, or get work done, incorporating whiter teeth into your daily routine.

    See it on Amazon

    Feel Fresh and Bright Using Peppermint Essential Oil


    Peppermint essential oil is known for its invigorating and focus-boosting effects. A dab of this potent and pleasant oil on your wrist, a few drops in the shower, or spritzes from an oil diffuser can create a more productive vibe in your space. It's a refreshing way to start each day.

    See it on Amazon

    Get Inspired With a Matchbox of Bright Ideas


    If you want to be more productive creatively, whether it's writing, drawing, or redecorating, this quirky box of "Bright Ideas" can help. The box comes with 50 matches that offer ways to spur your creativity, from unplugging to breaking your own rules.

    See it on Amazon

    Take Sweeping to the Next Level With a Smart Broom


    Traditional brooms can be ineffective, but this smart broom makes quick work of dirt, dust, and debris. It even handles liquids! The unique design creates static electricity to attract hair and particles while the blades smoothly clean all kinds of surfaces.

    See it on Amazon

    Keep Your Shower Pristine With Wet & Forget Shower Cleaner


    This shower cleaner lives up to its name, as it requires zero scrubbing to make your shower shine. Just spray down your shower and walk away. The next day, it'll be clean and shiny, no matter what your tub and material are made of.

    See it on Amazon

    Soothe Yourself Using a Sandscape Machine


    For folks who always feel frazzled, productivity is hard. Calm your mind and center your space with this soothing sandscape machine, complete with customizable lighting, curated playlists, and a cute sand raking tool.

    See it on Amazon

    Stand and Sit Straighter in an Adjustable Posture Corrector Brace


    Double up on your productivity by improving your posture at all times. Whenever you wear this posture corrector brace, you'll be helping your spine stay in alignment and taking pressure off your neck. Be proactive about your spine health without interrupting your daily routine.

    See it on Amazon

    Streamline Mornings With the Mueller Conical Burr Grinder


    With this bean grinder, you can enjoy high-quality coffee or espresso each morning without wasting time grinding manually. Set your grinding time and coarseness to get your coffee grounds just how you like them while you focus on other tasks.

    See it on Amazon

    Take a Plant-Based Supplement to Boost Your Brain


    There are many health supplements out there, but the Huperzine-A supplement is specifically formulated to boost cognitive function, improving focus, memory, and learning. Add this to your daily routine and embrace a clear mind and productive attitude.

    See it on Amazon

    Lock Away Distractions With a Timed Lockbox


    It's tough to be productive when your phone is pinging or your favorite TV show is calling your name. The solution is this timed lockbox with three Willpower Modes! Lock away your phone, the TV remote, tempting snacks, and other vices that hinder productivity.

    See it on Amazon

    Cut Down on Prep Time With the Cuisinart Chopper


    Chopping and prep are often the most time-consuming aspects of cooking. With the speedy Cuisinart counter chopper, you can reduce the effort of cutting vegetables, fruits, cheese, nuts, and other ingredients. This easy-to-use tool cuts your chopping time from minutes to seconds.

    See it on Amazon

    Streamline Chores With a Laundry Folding Board


    Use this handy laundry folding board to finish up your laundry faster and move on with your day. Fold shirts, pants, sweaters, hoodies, and more perfectly in seconds. This can also free up wardrobe space, so you can buy more clothes (our favorite thing).

    See it on Amazon

    Spin a Spice Rack With Free Refills to Save Time


    This spinning spice rack means you can stop fumbling around in your cabinets and drawers for the spices you need. It's easy to find specific spices, and the rack comes with five years of free refills, so you don't have to waste time at the grocery store.

    See it on Amazon

    Plant Watering Globes to Care for Your Green Friends


    These dainty watering globes are an aesthetic way to ensure your indoor plants are hydrated. They release the exact amount of water each plant needs, so you can skip the daily watering and focus on other tasks that need your attention.

    See it on Amazon

    Replace Irons and Steamers With Downy Wrinkle Releaser Spray


    Ironing your clothes takes forever, and steaming is only slightly better. Take these chores out of your routine completely with wrinkle release spray! Just hang up your wrinkled clothes, spray them, and you'll have smooth, wrinkle-free clothes in minutes.

    See it on Amazon

    Take Care of Crumbs and Dirt With a Desktop Vacuum


    If you stop working to sweep crumbs, dirt, dust, and debris from your desk, use this desktop vacuum. It's a small time-saver, but the high-suction design rids your desk, keyboard, and computer of irritating debris in seconds, giving you more time to focus on tasks instead of the mess.

    See it on Amazon

    Make a Game Plan With This Productivity Planner


    This isn't your average planner. Along with to-do list and schedule sections, this productivity planner features self-reflection prompts, mindfulness quotes, habit trackers, mood trackers, and more. Not only does it help you be productive, but it helps you practice gratitude.

    See it on Amazon

    Stay on Schedule With a Cute Mushroom Timer


    If you tend to lose track of time, a timer can help. You don't need a complex gadget — this adorable mushroom kitchen timer can help you time your tasks and breaks to stay on schedule. Plus, it's so pretty you'll want to carry it around everywhere.

    See it on Amazon

    Use Apple AirTags to Track All Your Belongings


    If you spend a few minutes every morning searching for your keys or waste an hour each week panic-looking for your wallet, you need Apple AirTags. Assign one to your keys, wallet, and other items you often misplace to save you time every day.

    See it on Amazon

    Achieve Your Goals With a Colorful Habit Tracker Calendar


    For anyone trying to set good habits or break bad habits, this comprehensive habit tracker is a must. The colorful design makes habit tracking fun and rewarding, which makes you more likely to stick to your goals.

    See it on Amazon

    Stay Neat With a Wooden Desk Organizer


    A messy environment can stifle productivity, which is why this cute and thoughtful desk organizer is a must-have. Tiny drawers, different-sized compartments, and small cubbies help you keep everything in its place. Use it in your office, kitchen, bedroom, or bathroom!

    See it on Amazon

    Turn on This Blue Light Energy Lamp for a Boost


    Hours and hours of blue light can stress your eyes, but this blue light energy lamp offers a burst of bright energy whenever you need it. Set it to 10, 20, or 30 minutes any time you need a pick-me-up.

    See it on Amazon

    Use the Coffee Machine Descaler for Tastier Coffee


    If your coffee machine isn't clean, your drinks might taste funky. Cleaning these devices is painstaking, but not with this strong coffee machine descaler. It works with most coffee machine setups, and all you have to do is pour it in and let it do its thing!

    See it on Amazon

    Use a Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Cleaning Checklist to Become a Cleaning Master


    Build cleaning into your daily routine with this comprehensive cleaning checklist, complete with a cleaning supplies list and habit stacking worksheet. Stick to this organized schedule and your home will be spotless all the time, and you'll accomplish something each and every day.

    See it on Amazon

    Season Like a Pro With the Spiceology Spice Blend Collection


    These ready-to-go spice blends and rubs can save you time making every meal. Rather than grabbing ten different spice jars to make your dinner delicious, you can create rich flavors with just one jar from this diverse collection.

    See it on Amazon

    Make Taking Your Medicine Easier With a Monthly Pill Organizer


    Organize all your pills and supplements for the entire month so you can stop fussing with multiple bottles each morning. Even weekly organizers can take too much time, but you only need to fill this monthly pill organizer once every four weeks, and you're set.

    See it on Amazon

    Discover the Convenience of a Cleaning Caddy


    We've all made three trips back and forth to the cleaning supplies cabinet because we didn't realize what we needed. Stop that nonsense by keeping all your supplies in this wearable cleaning caddy, which can hold all your gear. It's sturdy, adjustable, spacious, and portable!

    See it on Amazon

    Shake it Up With the Bartesian Cocktail Machine


    Making a delicious cocktail is not always quick, from measuring to shaking to straining. Rather than compromise the quality of your drinks, outsource the task to a Bartesian machine. Load it up with liquor and cocktail pods, and it'll do the rest for you.

    See it on Amazon

    Check Off To-Do's on a Whiteboard Chore Chart


    Whether you have a daily to-do list or monthly set of goals, this chore chart allows you to change them and check them off with complete customizability. Use dry-erase markers to write in tasks, and slide the buttons to show a checkmark when they're done. It helps with productivity for all ages!

    See it on Amazon

    Focus Better on a Stability Stool


    This funny-looking stool can help quiet an overactive mind, improve core strength, correct posture, and enhance comfort. Not only will you be able to focus more, but you'll be supporting your physical health!

    See it on Amazon