Here Are the 2 Things Holding Millennial Entrepreneurs Back

If you’ve been binge-watching Sophia Amoruso’s Girlboss on Netflix, feel uninspired by your current job, or have dreamed of starting your own business for ages, you’re not alone. From wanting more flexible hours to turning a side hustle into a bona-fide business, millions of millennials aspire to achieve self-employed status. Not sure where you stack up? Read on for new research from America’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC), which breaks down how young people view entrepreneurship and what they believe they need to build a company from the ground up.

HALF OF millennials want to launch their own biz

According to the SBDC, there’s a massive boom in young people who want to own a business: 62 percent of millennials say they already have an idea they would love to bring to life, and 61 percent believe that the best job security would come from owning their own business. When it comes to bringing their idea to life, nearly half (49 percent) plan to start their own business within the next three years. Even more, 59 percent of millennials would launch their business within the next year if they had the right idea and the tools and resources to make it happen.

Though this might seem surprising, it makes a lot more sense when you consider that 68 percent of millennials have already owned or worked for a start-up. Though roles at early-stage companies often require long hours and super innovative thinking that can make your brain hurt, anyone who’s done the dance or made the hustle happen knows first-hand how awesome it can be to bring an idea to life. It’s addicting!

Millennials differ from previous generations in that they’re far *less* likely to spend their career working for the same employer, and are at the mercy of quickly changing technology. Worries about job security make self-employment more attractive too, as young people see working for themselves as a more secure option than working for someone else.

but there are Two Things holding them back

1. Money: While a good idea and business smarts are essential to building a successful company, millennials say that they’re also missing the money they need to take action on a good idea. Forty-six percent of people surveyed say financial stability is a must before diving in, while 45 percent of them say not having enough cash is their biggest road block.

While scoring capital might be necessary for some new business ideas (especially if you’re producing physical goods), others can be started as a side hustle or with your personal savings. In those instances, forming the right kind of company, drafting a solid business plan, and working on your idea during your free time could be the best way to get your idea off the ground. There’s really no need to wait!

2. Knowledge: Owning a company calls for a business-minded brain, from figuring out the best business structure to writing a stellar business plan and managing a budget. More than 13 million millennials say that not knowing exactly how to make the leap is the reason they haven’t started a company yet.

This is when a mentor (or mentoring group) may come in handy. Nearly 75 percent of millennials say they would feel encouraged if they knew where to go for help, and 51 percent say that would want help writing a business plan. When it comes to figuring out company finances, 45 percent of millennials say they would make use of accounting software.

When it comes to support and affirmation, the SBDC says that a little goes a long way. Young people just need to know there’s somewhere to go for advice. The good news? The internet is a treasure trove when it comes to resources about best practices for forming a business, and solid Google skills will help you learn how to handle people, processes, and software. Dedicate yourself to doing the research and taking notes, and you’ll be a step closer to making your self-employed dreams come true.

Have specific questions about starting a business? Tweet ’em to us @BritandCo!

(Photos via Getty)

We know it's not uncommon to find yourself a little strapped for cash in the summer. And it's definitely not uncommon to want to work for an additional line of income to fund an upcoming big trip or to be able to afford that one-bedroom apartment you've been eyeing and retire from living life with roommates. Getting yourself a side hustle is the best way to put some supplemental money in your pockets. It's not always fun or easy, but it can definitely be rewarding.

With summer in full swing, starting a side hustle is as appealing as ever. Have a beach vacation planned but low on funds? Get a side hustle. Want to be able to take a few Fridays off but worried about missing out on the income from your nine-to-five? Get a side hustle. Going to one too many rooftops for after-work drinks with coworkers? Get a side hustle to pad your wallet, and use budgeting apps like Mint to track your progress. If you share finances with a partner, you can even see where your household could benefit from some added earnings by using Turbo's Household Income feature.

Here are some popular side hustles you can start this summer and smart ways to make those dollars work for you.

1. Become best friends with your neighbor's dog. With dog-walking apps on the rise, it's becoming more and more popular to help out your fellow neighbors by walking their dog when they need it most. Whether it be early in the morning, during the middle of the day when you're working from home already, or for an extended weekend, you can likely find some time into your day-to-day schedule. With tools like Rover and Wag, you can sign up to be a dog walker when it's convenient for you (good for in between classes and after work). A 30-minute stroll through the park costs a pup's human $20 (sometimes more in larger cities), and an hour costs $30.

2. Turn that brain into money. Whether you're a recent graduate looking for extra cash or looking to give back academically, there is definitely money to be made. Colleges are becoming more and more selective in who they admit, making parents more motivated to shell out for tutors across all subjects. Tutoring in specific topics can make you good money, but parents are willing to pay the big bucks for SAT/ACT tutors. If you did well on either of those tests, you can leverage that into charging anywhere from $50-$100 an hour.

3. Have car, will travel. If you look at the apps on your or your best friend's phone, you're more than likely to see an entire folder dedicated to transportation, e.g., Lyft, Uber, Curb, and Via. The trend of ridesharing and on-demand cars is all the rage, so why not capitalize on it? It's easy to sign up for Lyft and Uber, with one catch: You do need a car. Once you're signed up and ready to hit the road, you're able to turn on the app and pick up passengers whenever it makes sense for your schedule.

4. Be your own boss and start your (fill in the blank) blog. It's not a simple task to start your own blog and gain a strong following, but if you are a subject matter expert in a certain industry (design, travel, fashion, etc.) and have a passion to share your story, it can be very lucrative. If you're passionate about writing in general, you can also look for freelance postings at your local newspaper or an online publication you follow religiously.

Do you have any tips for earning some summer money? Share them with us @BritandCo.

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Glen Powell is the gift that keeps on giving, TBH. From his viral Anyone But Youpress tour to his iconic Twisterscowboy-in-the-rain scene, it's Glen Powell's world and we're all just living in it. Thankfully, the Glen-iverse is expanding with a new movie, and it's set to be spicier than ever. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Homewrecker, the upcoming erotic thriller, just officially landed at a production company, finally making Glen's new movie a reality. Wanna know more? Let's get into it!

Here's everything to know about Glen Powell's upcoming erotic thriller, Homewrecker!

Not too much is known about Homewrecker — other than that it's an erotic thriller. The film is based off of an unpublished story by Neil M. Paik (Reawakening, Rainbowfish) that's only three chapters long.
The Hollywood Reporterbroke the news that Legendary won the bidding war for Homewrecker this week. According to the outlet, there was "a seven-figure outright purchase" for the film rights and "a seven-figure arrangement" to have Paik write the screenplay.
With that deal in place, Glen Powell is set to star and produce this project, with Paik writing the script. So far, everything else is very under wraps, but here's what I do know:
  • Glen Powell is one of the most charming men in Hollywood, so I know he's gonna bring that charm to new heights in this film — even if they're slightly sinister heights!
  • Glen Powell in the rain in Twisters (yes, it's the second time I'm brining this up — it's fine) was so hot, and he wasn't even doing anything actually hot...just imagine the erotic thriller possibilities here!
Basically, all this goes to say, the girlies stay winning when it comes to Glen Powell. 🙌 Can't wait for more updates on this very exciting project!

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Is this the year you make the leap and become your own boss? Having a side hustle could be the way you do it. So if you love to cook for a crowd, know how to bake killer cookies, or want to bottle the salsa that friends and coworkers all say you should sell, jam on. To help you get started or take your business to the next level, we tapped five female entrepreneurs in the food industry to share their best tips for creating a successful side hustle.

Start slow

Getting to the point where your side hustle is your main source of income takes time. Megan Gordon, founder of Marge Granola, says, “Honestly, unless you have an impressive financial cushion, give yourself a break and start slow (preferably even while working for someone else to ensure you have some solid income). I see a lot of under-funded businesses and struggling small businesses, and making smart fiscal decisions for the company can become really hard if you’re in a desperate spot yourself.” Gordon started her granola company in 2010 after making a transition from teaching in a high school to food writing and catering. She sold Marge Granola in 2017, all the while writing about food for income and as a creative outlet. Gordon stresses the importance of keeping an eye on finances. “While it’s awesome following your passion and seeing a dream through, it’s important to realize you may not pay yourself for at least a year (I waited two years), so as unsexy as it is to think through the financial reality, it is really critical,” she says.

Fulfill a need

“Today there are hundreds of gluten-free mix companies alone,” says Beth Hillson. When she started Gluten-Free Pantry in 1992, none of that existed. She’d been recently diagnosed with celiac disease and that diagnosis kick-started her packaged mix company, which she ran from her basement for the first three years so she could keep costs down and take care of her son until he became school-aged. It took two years to make it her primary business, and she eventually sold the company in 2005. Over time and as a result of building a customer base, she found community with her customers too. “Gluten Free Pantry filled an important need for them. As Gluten Free Pantry grew, our relationships grew stronger. Our customers became my best sales force,” Hillson says.

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Allow yourself freedom to pivot

Gordon didn’t start with granola as the focus of her company. Instead, Marge began as a baked goods company which offered pies, cookies, and brownies. “I narrowed it down to just granola a few years in as it was extremely popular and shelf-stable, and I could see a way to market to wholesale clients (pie is hard!),” says Gordon. “Plus, I became tired of all the overly sweet granola and cereal on store shelves, and knew I could make a superior product.”

Be a part of your customer market

Jules Shepard of gfJules says, “This business is too hard, too time consuming, [and] too draining to do it because you think you’re going to make a buck. You may, or may not, but your heart has to be in it to get you through the tough times, and the best way I know to have your heart in it is to be a part of the group you’re serving.” Shepard started her original flour company in 2008 before dissolving it over a disagreement with investors and later creating gfJules, a gluten-free flour company, in 2014. She currently augments her flour business by writing and working as associate editor at Gluten-Free & More magazine, as well as consulting on recipe projects.

Phone a friend

Gordon says that when you’re in the planning stages of starting a new business, it’s key to talk to people who are in the field you want to be in. “Don’t be afraid to reach out! You’d be surprised how many people will be willing to talk with you about their journey — or even field specific questions,” says Gordon. She’s paid it forward and finds it inspiring when others reach out with food business questions, as it reminds her of when she started out and the people who helped her.

Keep your head

While she was a full-time graduate student in 2013, Jessica Hilbert co-founded Red Duck Foods, a line of ketchups and BBQ sauces. She and her collaborators wanted to start a company from the ground up, be their own bosses, and set their own schedules. Since then, she’s learned that there’s no way to get around the fact that running your own business is hard. “There will absolutely be times when the water seems like it’s continuing to rise at such a fast rate that you aren’t sure if you can keep your face above its surface,” Hilbert says. “But then you have a really good day and that water level falls just as fast as it seemed to rise.” For the first two years after co-founding the company, she worked there part-time, working several “odds and ends jobs” on the side as well for about three years before being solely at Red Duck. Hilbert also emphasizes the importance of sharing the wins and losses of running your own company. “I learned how important it is to really like and respect your team (no matter how big or small) as people first and foremost because it makes the highs taste that much sweeter and the lows that much less bitter,” she says.

Be Patient

Tenacity goes a long way. Many people quit. It’s the ones who hang on who make it,” says Cybele Pascal of Cybele’s Free to Eat, a food-allergy-friendly pasta and cookie company started in 2012 that grew out of her cookbooks and subsequent reader requests. It took her two to three years after conception for her company to become her main thing. “It’s really true that success, the kind that sticks, usually takes a long time to build. Be patient. Know there are cycles. And things shift quickly,” Pascal says. She suggests finding a mentor or two who have been where you want to go and can provide insights about what they’ve learned.

Create lasting relationships

To make her granola company great, Gordon discovered the secret sauce came down to cultivating good relationships across the board. “Food trends come and go, but to really hang in there and become a strong regional (and even national brand), you’ve got to put in your time and connect with people,” she says. By the time she sold her company, Marge Granola, her granola was available in Whole Foods in the Pacific Northwest, as well as in regional grocery chains and nationwide via her website. For her, that meant connecting with customers personally online, [and] strengthening ties in-store with grocery team members knowing “who to call at a particular store if there was an issue and [being able to] chat with them about the weather or their mom’s health.” Connecting in-person when possible with her maple supplier forged a friendship and also helped her better understand the sourcing of the ingredient.

Don’t try to do everything yourself

Begin to delegate functions to others so you can free yourself to focus on growing the business,” Beth Hillson says. By the time she sold her company, it had national distribution in natural food and grocery stores, along with international coverage. Growing and scaling her business didn’t mean necessarily adding to the head count, but rather entailed smart thinking about where she could outsource. “Every day hundreds of problems and distractions come up,” she says. “The more you can build resources like a payroll service, co-packer, [and] sales team, the more you can stay focused on the primary goals of the company.”

Know your worth

Over the years of working in the food business, Shepard has learned a valuable lesson: “You have to stand up for yourself and not allow yourself to be put down. You know what you’re capable of, and never let anyone take that from you.”

Hire other women

Female-led businesses have better success rates. So I’ve been told,” says Pascal. “I have an all-female team except for my sales manager. And he grew up with four sisters and a single mother.” Above all, Jessica Hilbert keeps it real. “Don’t forget to laugh. At the end of the day, it’s just ketchup and BBQ sauce. Or cupcakes. Or granola. Or whatever your food business ends up being,” she says.

Find ideas for starting your own side hustle by following us on Instagram!

(Photo via Brittany Griffin / Brit + Co)

Taylor Swift's birthday (which any Swiftie will tell you is December 13, 1989) is always a reason to celebrate. But this year, considering her birthday came five days after wrapping the Eras Tour on December 8, Taylor's BF Travis Kelce took things to the next level by giving the popstar an Eras Tour-themed party! And according to Jo-Jo Edwards-Hilaire, it was a total surprise. Not only did the guest list include some of your favorite celebs, but they all dressed up asTaylor, wearing outfits inspired by each Era in the concert. There's only one thing to say: Long live all the memories we made!

Check out all the pictures from Taylor Swift's surprise 35th birthday party, thrown by Travis Kelce.

Patrick & Brittany Mahomes celebrated Taylor Swift (and the Eras Tour) with themed outfits.

Patrick and Brittany Mahomes showed up to Taylor's birthday wearing two of the best outfits of the night (which you can see on Brittany's Instagram): Britt was dressed as Fearless-era Taylor with a silver dress, jacket, and long curls, while Patrick was dressed in a suit just like Travis wore when he showed up onstage during "I Can Do It With A Broken Heart" in June 2024!

"My people🫶🏼," Brittany captioned the post, adding the heart hands Taylor has become known for. In addition to Britt's on-theme outfit, Taylor wore a black dress with red lipstick, Lyndsay Bell donned a Lover-approved pink sparkly outfit, and Ashley Avignone added some Reputation into the mix by wearing a plush snake around her neck, Voldemort style.

Ross Travis also posted photos from the event (including his incredible pink suit embroidered with ballerinas, heart sunglasses, and feather boa), showing off an epic dance floor. I want to belt "You Belong With Me" with Taylor and Travis!

But an epic party wasn't the only way Taylor Swift spent her 35th birthday.

And Taylor Swift's surprise birthday party wasn't the only event on her calendar last week. On December 12, the singer spent time with patients at the Children's Mercy Kansas City Hospital, petting dogs, making TikToks, and signing Eras Tour books. It was such a sweet and memorable way to kick off her birthday!

One of my favorite things about this visit is that not only is Taylor writing each kid a personalized message on their Eras Tour book, but she gets down to their eye level and stops writing to look at them when they're talking. Just like her lyrics make us feel seen when we hear them, Taylor goes out of her way to make every single kid feel known and important, and it just makes us love her even more.

When one child said, "I like Travis now," Taylor immediately replies with, "Yes, me too. That's an absolute yes on that one." We'd have to agree, Taylor ;).

While you relisten to The Tortured Poets Department, check out why This Taylor Swift Karma Release Date Theory Is Too Good Not To Believe. And sign up for our weekend newsletter for even more pop culture news!

Struggling with the winter blues? From the short days to the dark nights and frosty temperatures, it's not surprising that the season can have an impact on our mood. But these 41 innovative products are designed to offer a much-needed boost. From light therapy lamps and energising supplements to cozy weighted blankets and calming gadgets, these items provide practical solutions for enhancing your mental well-being and creating a brighter, more uplifting atmosphere at home.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

These Light Therapy Glasses Can Offer Relief


These glasses are lightweight and comfortable for long wear, plus they don't hinder your sight. The blue-enriched white is available in three intensity settings, and can not only help with winter blues but also jet lag.

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These Gummy Worms Are Packed With Vitamin D


A lack of sunlight can affect our vitamin D intake, but these gummy worms are designed to replenish the levels and naturally lift our spirits. They also contain saffron, which has been found to have natural mood-boosting benefits, and reviews say they taste delicious.

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Wake Peacefully With the Sunrise Alarm Clock


The Hatch Restore 2 Sunrise Alarm Clock is designed to mimic a sunrise and naturally rouse you from a deep sleep. Customers say it helps them to feel alert in the mornings rather than groggy. Plus, it has a wind-down mode and soothing sounds for bedtime.

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These Gummies Can Reduce Your Stress


These gummies are made with lion's mane mushrooms, which researchers believe can reduce stress, provide a burst of energy and even help to regulate mood. It's safe for kids to use too, and reviews say you can see results within days.

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This Therapy Lamp Is Great for on the Go


This lamp has four timer settings and three intensity levels, allowing you to personalize the experience to suit your needs. The standing bracket and a 90-degree rotation allow you to adjust the angle with ease, and the sleek design means it can fit into your purse.

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Practice Mindfulness With a Breathing Buddha


One way to boost your mood is to pause and meditate. If you're a newbie, this breathing buddha works like a visual tool to count your breathing and help you block out distractions.

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This Weighted Blanket Feels Like Pure Luxury


Weighted blankets can help to put your nervous system into “rest” mode and promote better sleep. This velvet design feels so soft and is crafted from premium velvet. It's perfect for keeping warm on cold nights but is also breathable for the summer.

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This Blanket Can Keep You Toasty


Not only is this blanket weighted, but it has a heat function to keep you warm on those frosty winter nights. There are ten adjustable heat settings to help you find your optimal temperature, and customers say it achieves their best sleep ever.

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This Sleep Mask Is Made for Deep Sleep


Struggling to adjust to the short days? This sleep mask has layered padding that gently cushions your face, plus it blocks out any light. The silky fabric makes it easy to sleep in, and it also keeps your skin and hair protected.

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This Mask Is Like a Weighted Blanket for Your Face


This weighted face mask applies gentle pressure and can help to calm an over active mind. It's ideal for when you're struggling to switch off and can be used for both side and back sleepers.

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This Wearable Blanket Is Made With Coziness in Mind


The winter has its challenges but the long nights can also provide the perfect excuse to unwind and relax. This blanket with sleeves offers hands-free comfort, plus there are pockets for your phone or snacks. It comes in a choice of colors and patterns, so you can pick one to suit your style.

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Drift Off to Soothing Sounds With This White Noise Machine


White noise can be a powerful tool for an anxious mind and help to improve focus and switch off. This sound machine has 31 soothing sounds, including bird song, gentle rain and the crackle of a camp fire. The sleek design also makes it a stylish choice for your nightstand.

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This Indoor Water Feature Feels so Calming


The sound of water can be so soothing, and this indoor piece is perfect if you're lacking in outdoor space. The three tiers create a gentle flow, and customers say it's great value for money.

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This Spray Is for Your Pillow


This spray has been proven to help you fall asleep faster, using the calming power of lavender, chamomile and vetivert. It's also cruelty-free and contains no sulphates, petrolatum, phthalates or synthetic colours. Simply spray onto your bed linen and enjoy the indulgent scent.

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This Sleep Pillow Has Slots for Your Arms


This orthopedic pillow is designed to soothe aching necks and muscles, and promote better sleep and energy levels. It creates the perfect lift, and there are arm holes for unbeatable comfort. Plus, the gel-infused memory foam keeps you cool.

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This Therapy Lamp Is Great for the Desk


Struggling with your energy levels when you work from home? This lamp is the perfect size for a home desk, and it's dimmable with three color settings. One customer claimed the results of this lamp were 'life-changing' after battling seasonal depression.

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This Bulb Feels Like the Sun


This two-pack of Norb Everyday Sun Light Bulbs are designed to create the feeling of natural light in your home without harmful UV rays. The LED design is also energy efficient, plus customers say they're a breeze to install.

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Ease Stress With This Roll On


The soothing essential oils of this roll on can provide an instant feeling of calm, and the compact size makes it perfect when you're on the go. Use as part of your bedtime ritual or whenever you're struggling with stress.

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Melatonin Gummies Can Help Sleep Issues


If the short days have disrupted your sleep pattern, melatonin supplements can help to achieve better slumber. These gummies are chewable, and free from synthetic flavors or colors.

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These Capsules Work to Release Melatonin Throughout the Night


The Ritual Sleep Melatonin capsules use BioSeries technology to release melatonin steadily throughout the night and ensure a better quality of sleep. They've been clinically shown to achieve deeper sleep, with one review hailing them a total 'game changer'.

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The Sleep Pod Is a Cocoon of Comfort


This innovative sleep blanket feels like a hug. It keeps you warm and cozy, while replicating the pressure of deep touch. Plus, there is the option to let your feet breathe if you need it.

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This Best Selling Supplement Helps Find Your Calm


These Anxie-T supplements are made from all-natural ingredients, including the Ashwagandha plant which is commonly used to combat stress. You can take three in the morning to induce a natural feeling of calm and one at night for better sleep.

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This Herb Tea Has no Caffeine


Enjoy the soothing and comforting benefits of tea without the caffeine. The Republic of Tea is great tasting and the perfect addition to your night time routine. Reviews say you will feel instantly sleepy.

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This Calming Cream Is Infused With Lavender Oil


This cream works to support natural sleep and offer some calming relief from anxiety or nerves. It's free from harsh chemicals and suitable for sensitive skin types too.

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This Lavender Latte Is Great for a Subtle Boost


If you're trying to cut down on coffee, this latte powder is made with lavender, blue spirulina and coconut sugar. It's got a deliciously smooth taste, plus the bold pop of color can add some joy to your morning beverage.

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This Sleep Instrument Uses Vibration to Relieve Pressure


Using low-frequency electrical pulses to calm your body, this sleep instrument can achieve a noticeable reduction in anxiety. The ergonomic design provides a comfortable grip, and it's suitable for all ages.

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These Sheet Masks Nourish and Soothe


Sometimes the best way to combat the winter blues is with some self-care. And these soothing sheet masks are packed with natural goodness to leave your skin glowing. The texture isn't sticky, and the formula uses three types of hyaluronic acid to tackle dry winter complexions.

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Plant Seeds With This Bonsai Tree Kit


Plants are proven to have calming powers, and this bonsai tree kit is a great way to feel at one with nature. It contains four variations of seeds, and the joy of seeing fresh life grow can be an uplifting experience.

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This Breathing Bear Is Perfect for Kids


If you want to switch off with your kids, this breathing bear can provide the most adorable meditation pal. It works to guide you through the famous 4-7-8 breathing technique, and can also work as a white noise machine and night light.

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Make Your Home Feel Like a Spa With This Essential Oil Diffuser


This diffuser not only releases a calming mist, but it can also put on a light show for that feeling of a luxury spa experience in the comfort of your own home. You can enjoy the soothing mist for up to six hours, and the ultra quiet fan makes it discreet for home working.

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Drown Out Distraction With These Noise Cancelling Headphones


These Bose QuietComfort Headphones offer two innovative modes of audio. The quiet mode drowns out background noise for an immersive experience, while the aware mode allows you to be mindful of your surroundings. The ear cups provide a cushion of comfort, and just 15 minutes of charge provides over two hours of playtime.

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This Candle Is Indulgent Without Being Overpowering


Made from aromatherapy natural oils, this candle from Slow North is also free of any petroleum byproducts, as well as synthetic chemical fragrances. Breathe in the calming botanical ingredients, and enjoy 30 hours of burn time.

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This Zen Garden Restores Some Inner Peace


This zen sand garden can create hundreds of patterns, and you can adjust the colors and speeds. Sync to your phone to control with the app and create custom playlists to suit your mood.

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This Yoga Mat Is Great for Newbies


If you want to enjoy the calming benefits of yoga but don't know where to start, this yoga mat is designed with beginners in mind. It has the poses printed on, so you always have a visual reference for ease. Plus, the thick material provides support and comfort.

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Try Epsom Salts For a Stress Free Soak


When in water, Epsom salts break down into magnesium and sulphate and help to soothe muscles and relieve pain. This packet from Amazon is such a steal for the price and has thousands of glowing reviews.

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These Epsom Salts Are All Natural and Organic


Make your bath feel a little more boujee with these Epsom salts from LOVERY. They're enriched with essential oils and herbs for a nourishing boost to the skin, and the packaging has such an opulent appeal.

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This Migraine Cap Targets Pain


One of the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder is headaches, but this cap provides instant relief. The gel formula creates a cooling sensation that helps to soothe the pain, plus you can wear over your eyes to reduce puffiness.

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Let Cats be the Cure With This Hoodie


Being around cats can have a calming impact on our mental health, and this hoodie lets you keep your feline friend close. The fleece pouch envelopes them in comfort, while the pom poms provide some stimulation.

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Get Creative With This Coloring Book


Coloring can bring us such nostalgic joy, and is also a soothing stress reliever. This book is designed for all ages, and contains 52 large pages just waiting to be filled in.

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Start Your Morning With Golden Milk


Golden milk, or haldi doodh, has been a part of Indian culture for centuries and is a warming beverage used to ward off ailments like the common cold. This superfood blend from Sunfood contains a cocktail of goodness, including anti inflammatory turmeric and energy boosting maca.

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Relieve Facial Tension With Ice Rollers


Facial tension can lead to painful migraines, but these ice rollers are the perfect remedy. They can also tackle morning puffiness, contour the face and help you feel more alert for the day. A necessity on those cold, dark mornings.

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