DIY Astro Guide: What Your Horoscope Means This Week, 4/27/2015

Sure, we might be helping ourselves to a third cup of coffee this morning (and maybe counting down the minutes until happy hour), but between the news that Chipotle now delivers and a new Inside Amy Schumer episode to check out this week, Monday morning has never looked so good. In between DIYing your mom something spectacular for Mother’s Day and riding the meal-prep train, take a few seconds to check out what the planets have in store for you this week with the best parts of your AstroStyle horoscope.

This week has you breaking out your new spring wardrobe, and it’s no coincidence that it’s all-eyes-on-you. Make sure you’ve got your pitch nailed down, because you’re going to be rockin’ the spotlight and turning heads.

Read This: With all that extra attention, you might as well amp up the hair volume and Learn How to Style the Latest Celebrity Updo Trend. With a ‘do this spectacular, it’ll be hard for anyone to say no to your brilliant ideas.


Coachella may have ended a week ago, but you’re still in recovery mode from all the sun and partying. This week, take it easy and give your body some much needed R&R with a solo hang.

DIY This: We’ve got your Five Essentials for a Serene Solo Day-cation to get your namaste on.


This week has you in full party mode, and all that synergy is going to rock your world. Whether you’re brainstorming next quarter’s game plan or you’re planning a splashy party, getting all those voices in the room will make nailing down nitty-gritty details easier than ever.

Read This: All that networking and group work doesn’t just have to take place inside the conference room. We’ve got Nine Apps to Make Your Happy Hour Even Happier, like PricePerPint, which can help you find a spot with exactly the kind of vibes + booze you’re going for.


Spring cleaning? That’s so two weeks ago. You’ve emptied out those closets and dumped those old tax receipts, and now you’re craving some major redecorating. This week, unleash your Pinterest board at your fave home store, and embrace the new.

Read This: If you’re thinking big picture changes, but you’re not ready to commit to a new color, wallpaper is your new BFF. We’re sharing Everything You Need to Know to Wallpaper Your Home.


Spring break, we hardly knew ya. If you weren’t able to get your beach fix on (or you’re dying for a second dose of sand), this is the week to start planning your next vacation. From adding a few more dollars to your vacation fund to splurging on guidebooks, there’s no way you can go wrong.

Read This: If you need the extra push to start flexing your passport, check out our report: Can Living Abroad Make You More Creative? These Studies Say So! Even if you aren’t ready to say sayonara to your home city, it’ll definitely inspire you to visit somewhere brand new.


We know you’ve spent the past few weeks with your fingers crossed, hoping that something would come through, and you can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Luck is totally on your side this week, but it won’t hurt to add a few more edits to that resume or home application, just in case!

Read This: Nail your interview poise with our guide to Solving Five Common Job Interview Problems, and you could have an offer even sooner than you thought.


You’ve been holding back for far too long… on your passion project, that is. It’s time to shine some light on your work-in-progress and show it to the world. All the new compliments will fuel your energy and carry you to the finish line.

Read This: Whether you’re a budding novelist or you want a professional editor to review your pitch and prospectus, you’ll definitely want to investigate how you could Become the Next E.L. James With This New Book Publishing Service.


This week has your schedule looking extra crazy, and as usual, your to-do list is a mile long. There’s no shame in outsourcing even the most minor tasks, like grocery shopping or picking the brunch place for your next girls’ hang. No matter how simple the task, we bet there’s an app that can take care of it for you

Download This: For proof that technology is seriously amazing, Text This Magic Number + Get Anything You Want Delivered. Amaze your friends and knock out your to-do list in one fell swoop.


Hello, Flirty Mcflirtison. You’ve been ready for date night since 9am Monday morning, and the planets are finally rewarding you. Spring for some heels or dust off the curling iron for all those social plans this week.

Read This: When you’re looking to turn up the romance, who better to guide your look than incredible fashionistas from the past? This date night, Let These ’60s + ’70s Style Icons Inspire Your Next Outfit.


You’re craving some major change, and an update to your home just isn’t going to cut it. If you’ve been scrolling through Pinterest and lusting after edgy haircuts or dye jobs, it’s time to take the plunge and finally get an appointment on the books.

Read This: Once you’ve got that appointment booked, take a glance through these 10 Celebs Who Rock Pretty Pastel Hair for the ultimate hair inspo. (Photo via @ddlovato)


This week, multi-tasking is practically your middle name, but all that to-do-list success may mean less time to devote to your friends. Though it might feel strange to treat your social life like your job, making friend appointments will keep you and your loved ones happy.

Read This: One-on-one friend hangs are cool, but let’s be real: Getting everyone to sip on spring cocktails is even better. Be even more efficient with your time and plan to see all your BFFs at once with these 10 Ways to DIY a Kicking Kentucky Derby Party.


There’s some romance headed your way, but only if you take charge and make it happen. Appoint yourself the master of date night, and let chemistry do the rest.

DIY This: While you’re planning that romantic meal, we’re recommending you sneak one of these 11 Aphrodisiac Foods to Try into your frisky feast. (Photo via The Boys Cl)

What are you planning to do this week? Let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to check out your full AstroStyle horoscope!

Now that we're fully into Scorpio season, it's time to really dig in deep — especially when it comes to this week's horoscope. Scorpio loves to delve deep, explore hidden truths, and face necessary changes with honesty. However, embracing change in life requires courage and is seldom easy. Often, we endure considerable discomfort before reaching the point of saying, “No more!” or “I’m ready!”

Wanna know more about what that means for your week ahead? Read your horoscope for your sun and rising zodiac signs below!

Weekly Astrology Forecast For November 3-10

jasmin chew

This week, we can draw strength and inspiration from the planetary movements. As mentioned last week, intense energies are in play, and global events may be volatile, possibly even violent. The U.S. elections are this week, adding to the tension. It’s wise to exercise caution and avoid confrontations where possible. Stay grounded and focused on making a positive impact.

In your personal life, channel this intense energy into actions that improve your life and those around you. Mars, the planet of action, opposes Pluto, the planet of transformation. This opposition will repeat on January 3 and April 26 in 2025. The coming five months may be challenging, but they also offer an opportunity for a paradigm shift toward living in alignment with your true self. The key to navigating this period successfully is to stay grounded, centered, and resolute. If feelings of weakness, indecision, or doubt arise, take a step back, recenter yourself, and restore your balance. Activities such as meditation, walks, nutritious meals, dancing, creating art, or listening to music can all be helpful.

Taylor Thompson

On November 3, Venus, the planet of love, opposes Jupiter, the planet of abundance and joy. This beautiful opposition encourages us to nurture what we love. There may be a heightened desire to socialize and indulge in life’s pleasures. If you've managed your finances well, this can be a chance to celebrate. However, if finances are tight, avoid extravagance and instead find joy in life’s simpler pleasures. Spend time connecting with your playful side by dancing, playing games, or taking a walk in nature. Spend quality time with children or animals. Whatever you do, just find a way to more fully embrace your life right now.

PNW Production

Also on November 3, Mars enters Leo, where it will remain until June 17. This transit includes a retrograde period from December 6 to April 19, when Mars will dip back into Cancer from January 7 to April 29. With Mars in Leo, we’re encouraged to be bold leaders in our lives, a theme that aligns with the Mars-Pluto opposition. Embracing change and stepping into authenticity takes courage. Professionally, it's time to take charge and lead — even if your “team” is just yourself! When making decisions, tap into your heart for guidance.

If you practice yoga or meditate, focus on keeping your heart chakra open and clear, as it connects our higher and lower selves. During the retrograde months when Mars is in Cancer, practice kindness and address family matters with compassion, offering an opportunity for healing any ancestral wounds.

Yury Oliveira

If you need motivation, a harmonious trine between the Sun and Saturn early in the week encourages discipline and responsibility. Saturn’s influence reminds us that navigating the Mars-Pluto opposition requires self-control and effort. This alignment can also help fine-tune your approach to routines and hard work.

Toward the end of the week, Venus squares Neptune. While this transit can bring confusion or illusion, it also calls for increased compassion and understanding of others' perspectives. Let go of control and expectations, be flexible, and embrace creative expression, whether through art, journaling, or simply staying grounded.

Read Your Weekly Horoscope For Your Sun & Rising Signs

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Your horizons are expanding, with opportunities to travel or learning something new. Don't have time for a big getaway?Shorter day trips may bring fresh experiences outside of your day-to-day reality. No matter how long your visit, be sure to document your journey, whether through journaling or photography. An added bonus could be to spend some time with your siblings or reconnect with your family this week, too! The whole point is to just connect with your community and the world around you.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Are you feeling financially secure? Now is a great time to consult a financial planner and develop a solid plan that brings peace of mind. You wanna seek ways to create stability in case of unforeseen changes — nothing's worse than getting caught off guard by a surprise vet bill or other unexpected expenses. Like a bamboo forest, if you create a solid base, you'll be able to sway with the wind to remain flexible. You may even find valuable lessons in how your elders managed their own security, so don't be afraid to ask trusted loved ones for advice. Emulate their experiences, or go the opposite direction to create your own stability.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

This week, discipline at work will pay off. Even if you're feeling frustrated or burnt out, staying on schedule and focusing on details will yield substantial rewards and recognition from your superiors. Don’t get distracted by anything outside the task at matter how tempting the TikTok doomscrolling gets. Just approach your work with a joyful attitude — hard work is more rewarding when paired with genuine delight.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Are you prioritizing self-care? This week is perfect for recharging at home and embracing healthy habits. Tap into your creativity. Practice discipline by eating well and exercising more regularly (and yes, your Hot Girl Walk counts). Find your perfect skincare routine before it gets too cold. As winter approaches, building these habits now will benefit you in the coming months — especially when the nights get longer and motivation gets increasingly harder to find. And if you're looking for some accountability buddies, share your knowledge about a healthy lifestyle with your loved ones.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

With Mars in your sign, courage will come more easily this week. It's a fantastic time to take on leadership roles and bring joy to those around you whenever you can. The lighthearted attitude you have now will inspire others, so shine on! If new ideas arise, share them with confidence, overcoming any shyness you might feel because your thoughts matter and can make a major impact! Stay grounded, though — effective leaders inspire others without letting ego interfere and you don't wanna isolate anyone.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Did you successfully achieve work-life balance last week? Continue those efforts, as distractions may persist — and you really don't wanna fall back into old habits and end up struggling with burnout. Outside of the office, relationships might require extra attention, but don't sacrifice your equanimity to others. You can show love and respect to other people without forgetting about yourself in the process. So, prioritize routines that sustain you — especially as winter approaches — because balance remains essential to building resilience and strength.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

This week offers chances for you to travel and expand your horizons, Libra! It's important to keep an open mind and practice compassion toward others. Your willingness to understand and support people — especially your friends — will be met with kindness in return. And if they're being a little...annoying? Just remember how truly magnanimous you can be! The energy you put out will be reflected right back to you in the end. Stay positive!

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

It’s time for deep personal insight and vulnerability in your relationships this week — as gritty as that may sound. Really though, embrace this opportunity for personal growth and release any power struggles you've got floating around right now. Instead, find contentment in everyday events, like the way the leaves fall in autumn, or how good your morning coffee is. Greet the intensity with these small joys and a resolve to achieve your goals. Oh, and your financial matters may finally find resolution — it's an excellent time to work toward stability and security.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Expressing love and devotion feels especially fulfilling for you this week, so soak in all those sweet vibes. You might feel overly generous and go overboard in your display of affection with your friends or S.O...just be mindful not to overindulge. Joyful connections with loved ones don’t need to be extravagant — small acts of kindness and creativity can be just as meaningful. So take your bestie out to lunch! Grab that book your partner's been meaning to buy for themselves! Remind the people you care about that you see them in all the small ways, too.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

This week really emphasizes health and routine for you, Capricorn. Even though mundane needs like this aren't always exciting, try channeling your energy into creating positive habits. Make and freeze meals to help ease you through the week. Get up a little earlier to listen to your favorite podcast on the treadmill. Grab a good book instead of your phone first thing in the morning. These minor changes can have a major impact for you! Also, acts of service and connecting with your spirituality will be rewarding during this more intense, Scorpio-driven period. Dig in and share your wisdom with others.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

Your career is a source of security, so continue working toward financial stability during this time. Take responsibility for your own comfort and confidence, leaning on all the effort you've already put in. And don't worry about marching to the beat of anyone else's drum while you're at it — apply your originality to build a solid future that works for YOU. Use your creativity to establish balance, focus on your priorities, and resist external distractions. You've got this!

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 20 – March 21)

Are you thinking of refreshing your home? You have plenty of energy for home improvement projects, but make sure to plan well and communicate clearly with anyone you’ve hired — or asked — to help you. Whether going big or sticking to a modest update, prioritize organization to avoid stress and debt. You can create the home you want — you just need to make sure you know what you want, so you can go after it accordingly! This is gonna make your space feel more like a haven and less like a burden.

Looking for a more thorough reading? Reach out to Tina at!

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Last year, some of us celebrated the holidays apart from our families for the first time. COVID has brought with it many changes, some of them arguably positive (like increased flexibility to work from home), some difficult (such as the realization of vastly different political and social views between family and friends), and some horrible (obviously, the health implications of a global pandemic). However, for some of us, celebrating the holidays without family members isn't exclusively due to COVID. In addition to so many of us living in different areas than our families of origin, some of us simply don't have close bonds with the people we grew up around. Sometimes, this can cause loneliness.

If you're not close with your family members, the holidays can be a difficult time. This is doubly true if you don't have a close circle of friends to call upon. But make no mistake, if this sounds like your situation, you're not alone — there are thousands of other people going through the same struggles you are. We sat down with Irad Eichler, founder of Circles, a website that connects people who are sharing similar struggles, like heartbreak, grief, or loneliness. Here are some of Eichler's tips for coping — and even thriving! — during the holiday season when you're not planning on spending it with your family, for one reason or another.

Don't Fall For "Perfect Families" On Social Media

Laura Chouette

The first VERY important step to having a joyous holiday season when you're going it alone is to stop believing the narrative that others' family situations are perfect, Eichler says.

"Remember people only post a moment in time, and only the moments when they look their happiest and best."

In addition to the fact that everything you see on social media is curated for the 'gram, it's also important to remember that by focusing on what others have and you lack, you risk failing to see the great things at play in your own life.

"These holiday periods can become a time of focusing on who and what we don't have, rather than who or what we do, and can cause a negative spiral into depressing and dreadful feelings of inadequacy," says Eichler.

Gratitude is the reason for the season, after all. So instead of only seeing the negative, try some gratitude journal prompts to help you focus on what's actually really wonderful about your life right now.

Make An Effort To Deepen New Connections

Joel Muniz

While it may seem like everyone has friends and family to spend time with during the holiday season, that doesn't mean no one is available for deepening a blossoming relationship or new friendship.

"Make a list of people you can or would like to connect with, and try to reach out to at least one of them," advises Eichler.

Reaching out doesn't have to mean a big plan or an hour-long conversation. Even a quick text letting a friendly coworker know you're thinking about them can go a long way toward deepening the relationship and moving it in the direction of closer friendship.

Don't have an acquaintance in mind? Then it's time to make new acquaintances. What's more in line with the Christmas spirit than attending a Meetup or event full of people eager to make new friends?

"Join groups with similar interests to yours, such as hiking, baking, or games. Push your boundaries and be brave - you might find new people who have much in common with you."

Give Back

Priscilla Du Preez

The holiday season is a great time to focus on giving back to your community, and coincidentally, acts of generosity and kindness are known to reduce loneliness and help people feel happier. One study found that knowing a few of your neighbors and doing small acts of kindness for them — such as cheering them up, listening to them, mowing their lawn, providing advice about local business recommendations and job opportunities, and chatting over the fence — was statistically correlated with feeling less lonely and having a lower risk of depression.

Helping out elderly neighbors can be a particularly gratifying way to give back.

"Notice older lonely people in your neighborhood or community who might have no family at all, and offer to help them," says Eichler. "These can become mutually meaningful connections, and help you 'adopt' a grandparent."

Connect With Others Online

Thought Catalog

Finally, use the Internet for its highest and best purpose: to connect people. Whether you're using Meetup to find in-person events, digital forums for having conversations about special interests, or programs like Circle for getting support from others in your situation, the opportunities to create new connections are practically endless.

"There are many interest groups that can be found digitally, where or any person can connect with others in the same life stage, going through the same challenges, or who would like to explore the same interests," Eichler states. "Meaningful connections can be formed easily in these circumstances. The Internet enables us to find and connect to people all over the world who fit this, and to whom we can become more easily attached, as we are able to find people with the exact interests that energize us."

If you're struggling with loneliness, you're not alone. Connect with our digital community of makers and creatives here at Brit+Co by following us on IG and signing up for our newsletter!

This post has been updated.

We're officially one week into Scorpio season — are you feeling it? Is your intuition heightened? Are you super sensitive and a bit more introverted? It’s a good time to slow down, feel your feelings, and tap into the inner wisdom of your soul. Scorpio is often misinterpreted, perhaps because this season coincides with Halloween, the decreasing daylight in the northern hemisphere, or simply Scorpio’s intensity and power. A key word for Scorpio is transformation, which is never easy.

Think of the caterpillar’s metamorphosis — its time in the cramped and dark cocoon. That primordial, gooey existence is anything but comfortable. Transformation requires time, a willingness to experience discomfort, and patience before emerging as a beautiful butterfly.

Ajaila Walker

Scorpio is one of the healing signs in the zodiac, and while the Sun is in Scorpio, we can make great strides toward healing ourselves and helping others. There’s nothing superficial about Scorpio — it demands depth, wanting to uncover layers and expose what’s hiding. That’s why it’s a great time to focus on your inner world and subconscious mind. All forms of therapy are beneficial during Scorpio season, but psychotherapy is especially powerful if that's an option for you.

Eager to know what this transformational energy has to offer? Read on for your weekly horoscope to understand how this can impact your sun and rising sign!

​Astrological Overview For Your Weekly Horoscope

olia danilevich

The New Moon in Scorpio occurs on November 1 at 9 degrees of Scorpio. You'll want to check your birth chart to see where 9 degrees of Scorpio falls — this is the area of your life where you can experience transformation and growth. New Moons are powerful times to plant seeds for future growth, to dream and plan for the coming month. Take time to reflect on what truly matters during this period of darkness and inward focus.

Yuliia Tretynychenko

Mars, the planet of action and determination, has been opposite Pluto, the planet of transformation, for months. Both Mars and Pluto co-rule Scorpio, creating an intense and volatile energy. This opposition becomes exact again on November 3 and 4. Use this energy to propel yourself in a new direction and honor your true self. Strength and focus can harness this intensity for personal breakthroughs, but be cautious in making impulsive decisions during this time — on the global stage, tensions may rise, and there could be heightened aggression.

Sam Lion

Adding to this turbulent energy, Mercury, the planet of communication and learning, leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius on November 2. As Mercury exits Scorpio, it forms a beneficial trine to Mars and a sextile to Pluto. This is a powerful opportunity for words to contribute to healing, so take care in how you communicate. Be mindful of the power your words hold, especially as Sagittarius can be blunt and outspoken. While Mercury is in Sagittarius until January 9, focus on expanding your consciousness, learning new skills, and broadening your horizons.

Key Dates For Your Weekly Horoscope

Ashley Singerling

  • November 1 — New Moon in Scorpio
  • November 2 — Mercury enters Sagittarius
  • November 3-4 — Mars and Pluto opposition becomes exact

Read Your Horoscope Based on Your Sun and Rising Signs

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

You’re being asked to dig deep into your subconscious this week. Keep your eyes and ears open for messages from dreams or moments of creativity. Meditation or solitude may reveal powerful realizations. If you feel the need to make a major life change, be sure your decisions come from the heart. You’re on the cusp of a creative breakthrough, but make sure your actions are driven by authenticity.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 22 – May 21)

Relationships are in focus for you. This is a great week for couples therapy or deep, transformative conversations with your partner. Be willing to make changes that benefit your relationships, home, and career. Your sensitivity may be heightened, so incorporate self-care and self-love into any changes you make. Don’t shy away from this potential for growth — there’s tremendous opportunity for profound shifts.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Good fortune and harmony are possible, but luck won’t just fall into your lap — you need to be proactive. This could show up in your relationships with others or in your relationship with yourself. Kindness, equality, and fairness are key to success. Be cautious around people exhibiting aggressive behavior. You’ll receive back what you give out, so practice kindness and ensure you’re approaching things with fairness and balance.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

You prefer to avoid conflict, but this week you’ll have the chance to step out of your comfort zone. You don’t have to be confrontational, but a bit of assertiveness will help you move toward your goals. The seeds you plant during this New Moon will grow stronger if you add passion and creativity. Follow your intuition, especially when making important decisions. Your dreams need a touch of energy and action.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The Mars-Pluto opposition has likely stirred up some drama in your life. Have you mustered the courage to start something new? If not, this week offers an opportunity to fully step into your authentic self and begin a new chapter. Don’t hold back, but be prepared for uncharted territory. Your relationships, particularly with yourself, may need a refresh. Self-love and self-care are essential as you embark on these transformations. You might even consider sprucing up your home or making a move.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Career growth is in focus this week, but you’ll need to find a balance between your home life and work life. You may feel the urge to do more in both areas, but it’s crucial to stay grounded. Pay attention to details and avoid overindulgence. A balance between home and work will lead to the best results — be sure to tend to both areas without letting one consume the other.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Your finances and values are the focus this week. Now is the perfect time to ensure your financial life is in order. Meet with a financial planner or make sure your will is up to date. This planning will give you peace of mind and reduce future stress. Once Mercury moves into Sagittarius on November 2, you’ll feel freer to have fun and pursue adventure, knowing that your financial security is taken care of.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Your power and determination will only grow as the week progresses. Use this time to tap into your inner authority and work toward concrete goals. There’s likely to be movement in your career, but it won’t happen overnight. Patience and sustained effort are required. Cultivate joy and focus on long-term goals — there’s no rush, but steady progress will lead to great results.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Mercury entering your sign on November 2 invites expansion and learning. If you’ve been waiting to start a new project, learn a new skill, or expand your understanding of the universe, now is the time. Subjects like spirituality and philosophy will be easier to grasp during this time. Be mindful, though — your blunt communication style could come off as caustic, so take a breath before you speak.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Mental well-being should be a priority. Use this time to focus on learning and honing your skills. Your approach to life and work is inspiring to others. If you’ve been dealing with self-doubt, discard any negative self-talk and practice self-compassion. You have a natural ability to teach others, so don’t hesitate to share your knowledge with those who might be facing something similar to your experiences.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

This week focuses on your community and your relationship with like-minded people. Group learning and activities will be more impactful than solo efforts. Mercury in Sagittarius from November 2 will encourage you to learn through travel and adventure. Something exciting and transformative is on the horizon — seize the opportunity for growth through connection with others.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 20 – March 21)

It’s time to focus on your physical health. The energy of this week will make it easier to start a health regimen and stick to it. While you may become more serious about your health, don’t push yourself too hard. Take small, steady steps to make lasting changes. As the week progresses, you’ll feel more confident and enthusiastic about these positive changes to your well-being.

Looking for a more thorough reading? Reach out to Tina at!

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Zach Bryan and Brianna "Chickenfry" LaPaglia's explosive breakup is everywhere right now. From his seemingly one-sided social media posts to all the bombshell revelations she keeps dropping, it's clear this split is NOT amicable. Both parties are dropping tons of lore, info, and everything in between — including new music?! — right now, so it makes sense if you can't keep up. Luckily, I'm here to help break this breakup down for you! Here's everything you need to know about Zach Bryan and Brianna Chickenfry's relationship...or lack thereof.

Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for The Recording Academy

October 22, 2024 – Zach Bryan Announces His Breakup With Brianna Chickenfry

On October 22, 2024, after some recent speculation that Zach Bryan and Brianna Chickenfry split up, Zach took to his Instagram stories. The country star said, "Addressing something: Brianna and me have broken up with [each other] and I respect and love her with every ounce of my heart. She has loved me unconditionally for a very long time and for that I'll always thank her."

He continued, noting, "I have had an incredibly hard year personally and struggled through some pretty severe things. I thought it would be beneficial for both of us to go our different ways. I am not perfect and never will be. Please respect Brianna's privacy and space in this and if you have it in your heart, mine too."

To wrap it all up, he closed by apologizing to his fans. He said, "With everything I am and to anyone I let down, I am sorry. I try my best in everything. I failed people that love me and mostly myself."

- YouTube

Brianna hopped on her own Instagram stories shortly there after. She posted, "Hey guys I'm feeling really blindsided right now. Gonna hop off social media for a while and attempt to heal privately, when I'm ready I'll be back and ready to talk. I love you guys so much thank you for all of your kind words. Remember you are so loved and everything's always gonna be okay 🫶"

The Brianna got on Youtube next, posting a raw, emotional video about the situation. Sitting on the floor of her bathroom, she opened up as much as she could in the moment about her breakup. She said, "I just woke up to Zach posting on his Instagram that we broke up and I had no idea that post was going up. He didn't text me, he didn't call me. I just woke up to a bunch of texts, like, 'Are you okay?'"

Brianna, with her teary eyes and red face, explained she's been crying for "five days straight." She said, "I'm at the point where it's like, how can you give someone everything and love them so unconditionally, like through stuff that you shouldn't because you just love them and you want them... like you see the good in them?"

The internet personality said that this is all "so embarrassing" and "really, really heartbreaking." She elaborated that the couple broke up on October 21, but wanted to process on her own and "didn't want it to be public."

Much like her Instagram story, she told her audience that she'll come back when she's ready.

- YouTube

November 7, 2024 — Brianna Claims Zach's Emotionally Abusive, Wanted $12Mil NDA

Well, it appears this week, Brianna decided she's ready. On Barstool Sports' BFF's Pod November 7, 2024, Brianna gave an inside look at the breakup unlike any other. Not only did she claim Zach was abusive, but she also alleged that he offered her a $12 million NDA to "not talk about the relationship."

After saying it's been the hardest year of her life, she said. "I'm still scared right now because I'm scared of him. My brain's rewired and I'm scared to make him mad and last week, I didn't want to talk about it 'cause I was scared."

Brianna then described the alleged emotional abuse. She noted that everything was cyclical and that he would build her up only to break her back down again. "There was always another excuse as to why he was treating me so poorly and why I'm crying myself to sleep every night, why he's screaming at me," she said. "And then you wake up, it's the apology, it's the 'I'm going to be better like I need you in my life,' but if you've been through this — I don't expect people to understand emotional abuse if you haven't been through it. I hope you never have to go through it but if you've been there you know what I'm talking about."

Not only does Brianna allege she was offered an NDA, but she said that other women that came before her had to sign their own agreements. She declined the offer because she didn't want to "sign away [her] experiences and what [she] went through to protect someone that hurt [her]." She also wanted to share this experience for other women who've suffered something similar.

And when it comes to the logistics of losing out on the famous lifestyle and alleged $12 million? She said, "It was never about the money — I was with the dude because I loved the dude."

Jason Kempin/Getty Images for Pilgrimage Music & Cultural Festival

November 8, 2024 — Zach Quit Touring Amid Abuse Allegations

On November 8, 2024, Zach posted on Instagram — where he clearly loves to share all his big news — that not only is his new single "High Road" out today, but that he's also ending his tour early. Read his full statement here:

After not being home for a year and a half I drove out to my mothers gravestone in the dead of night a few days back on familiar Oklahoma roads and I came to realize just like in the past, that she never would call me again

Told her I quit touring because I got accepted to get my masters in Paris next year, I told her I was back in Oklahoma, told her about all my best friends in New York and all the nights we howled with the moon, told her about the immeasurable laughter my band and me have shared these last five years, all the calluses on my finger tips, every tear shed, told her about making it on The Rolling Stone and most importantly told her about porch swinging with my beautiful sister.
I wrote the chorus for this song a month or two back and finished it when I realized I was blessed with all these things.

I figured it was about time I released it.

Thank you guys for listening to ‘This Worlds a Giant’ last night and thank you to all the people who love me; who have truly carried the weight with me.

Seems that all these Quiet Dreams have gotten much too heavy but I’m home now and I’ll hold you through the pain.

High Road is out today and I appreciate all of you"

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