How 26 Creative + BUSY Women Make Time to Date

Whether you’re a single lady or currently in a relationship (or somewhere in between) finding time to date is HARD. It’s even more difficult when you work at a job where you’re regularly clocking around 50 hours week. In case you haven’t figured this out already by all the badass content you regularly find on Brit + Co, the ladies who work here are some of the hardest working professionals out there. So with Valentine’s Day just a few days away and dating fresh on our minds, I asked the B+C team to dish some advice on how they make time to date. Grab your notebook, your planner and open up your favorite dating app because you’re going to want to put these into practice ASAP.

Annie Kubena, Designer

I make an effort to actually be out in public and talk to people. If I am in line next to a cute guy or we are looking at the same piece of art at the museum, I strike up a friendly conversation. I really like to ask a new potential date the question, “What is your favorite Tom Cruise movie?” Whatever the answer is, even if it’s, “Hmmm, I’m not really a fan,” speaks volumes about a person. Still waiting for my future husband to say, “I really loved the movie Magnolia. His character was offensive, but his acting was probably some of the best I have seen.” Usually I just get a quick, “Top Gun!” That’s my cue to move on.

Maddie Bachelder, Creative Content Producer

It’s a bit counter-intuitive, but I make plans with friends! Most guys I’ve ended up dating I met at a friend’s party or at some occasion where meeting new people (and conversing with them!) is organic. I’ve tried dating apps, but they’re just so… unromantic to me. The same goes with meeting guys at bars. For some reason, meeting through a friend automatically eliminates the skeez factor, you know?

Lee Schellenberger, Kit Designer

I like to keep a couple nights a week free on my calendar anyway for some chill me-time, so if he’s worth giving up one of those valuable nights off then he’s worth a date!

Marianne Koo, Kit Designer

I feel like dating apps have actually helped me make time for dating. Apps are great screening tools and with some of the information that people volunteer in their profiles, I can make quick decisions on who I think is worth engaging with. I pretty much only commit to drinks for first dates, which is easy to fit into a busy schedule.

Also, having a fun opener is another great way I’ve weeded out the weak. My best friend and I use the same opener: “Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese?” And we always get some pretty great responses (Doritos preferences can be very polarizing). Whether or not a guy will respond to a goofy question is pretty crucial in my decision to meet up for a date.

Kelly Bryden, DIY Designer

My main go to app is Bumble. I love to send funny pictures of dogs or animals. If the dude doesn’t like cute dog pictures I don’t like him. I also use it as a test to see how the guy will respond. My favorites are when the dude sends me a funny animal picture back. The guys that just say “lol cute” are super lame. I normally give myself Mondays and Tuesdays to book dates for the week. Wednesday through Friday are for myself to enjoy my normal activities.

Anita Yung, Creative Project Manager

I am joining a group challenge to go on one date a week! Online dating apps are really hard for me to stay consistent with but being a part of a challenge keeps me accountable. It’s helpful to exchange numbers and take the conversation OFF the app. Also to schedule a date ASAP. I mean, who wants to text for WEEKS and not meet? Is it me or is that weird? I rather an in-person meeting because you know right off the bat, if you connect with someone.

Misty Spinney, Beauty Editor + Stylist

I don’t pay attention to it…when something happens it happens and I roll with it. I don’t like the idea of “searching” for someone to date… too unnatural and forced for me. Call me old-fashioned, but I believe in meeting someone when it’s natural and spontaneous and random versus looking for someone online or whatever.

Marisa Kumtong, Designer

I feel like you definitely have to make time to be out in the dating scene when you’re single. I just took up a challenge to go on a date a week so that helps me get out there, but it definitely takes hard work! You have to put in the time to weed through people’s profiles but it is definitely worth it once you find the right guys on there! I promise!!!

A wise friend once told me to schedule a date before or after your plans with your friends. You won’t be as nervous because your night isn’t planned around this one date, and if the date turns out bad, you can get your mind off of it by having other plans with your friends. Also as a personal tip, I feel like it’s good to not put all your eggs in one basket, so I say go on as many dates as possible to not get overly excited about one guy… until it gets more serious of course.

Lisa Raphael, Editorial Director

I tell pretty much everyone I meet that I’m looking for The One (or at least, A One) and will pointedly ask cool acquaintances if they know anyone they could set me up with. If they say yes, I try to get them to make an intro there/then. It’s aggressive but if I had a date for every person who said “OH I have a guy for you!” and then flaked on making the intro I would, um, possibly be in a relationship.

I’ll also try to gently double book (ex: get a drink with an understanding, married friend and then tell a guy to meet me at same or nearby bar a little later). I have one friend who has met five guys I’ve dated. I guess she’s not exactly a good luck charm but with this schedule, I get the chance to do it all without feeling cheated of my time.

Angela Velez, Community Editor

I use the same approach for dating that I use for all the activities I don’t particularly enjoy doing, but are good for me (i.e. going to the doctor, listening to my voicemails, etc.): by setting clear goals + holding myself accountable. Sometimes it’s as basic as “go on X dates in a month,” or “message X people on some app”. Then I tell my friends, so they can check in on me and make sure I’m following through (by asking lots of nosy questions). Even if nothing works out with your dates, you still feel proud of yourself for accomplishing a goal.

Beth Wischnia, Associate Editor

I am very old fashioned and pretty traditional when it comes to dating which is why I am so terrible at dating apps. I prefer for things to happen naturally IRL. I am that girl who forgets about the dating apps. But then I’ll log on and try to make up for lost time, ha! I’ve had a pretty epic relationship that started when I used Tinder in Finland and have also had a pretty great six-monther I met on Grouper back in the day. While those dating app guys were fun, my best relationships have been from IRL meetings.

Mariaclara Golfo, Product Design

My boyfriend and I have something of a routine set in terms of when we see each other. We spend one (at times two) weekday nights together. It all depends on the mood but often times I cook dinner for us and he assists me and washes up. We then talk, read or stream something, or a combination of all three.

We recently took dancing classes one night a week with a Groupon that I’m hoping we continue with! I wouldn’t say that we have a set day that we go out on a “date night.” We do make it a point to explore our new city, as we both moved here a little over six months ago. I hope our adventures and chill sessions continue as it seems to work for us :)

Alonna Morrison, Production Designer

My boyfriend and I have a date night every Friday. We surprise each other with a new place to go eat or a fun activity that we haven’t done before. We are both designers, so we do design challenges together once or twice a month. It allows us to get a little competitive, while appreciating each other’s creative perspective.

Brittany Griffin, Photographer

We try new things all the time, I think both of us are very good at remembering the other one saying “I’ve always wanted to try such and such” and then the next time we have time we go and do those things. We love to explore and there’s a lot of California I haven’t seen yet so he usually takes me to new places. We have similar hobbies and interests so it makes it easy for us to find something we both like. We also try to make sure we are hanging with each other’s “groups” on a regular basis and take some off nights to hang with other friends or have our own time. It makes you want to see the other person soon after times like that.

Alex Plante, Brand Partnerships Manager

I’m married and we’re expecting our first baby in July so it’s more important than ever to have quality date night time. Most weeknights we are guilty of working late and then just plopping on the couch watching TV. Since we’re sitting next to each other, it seems like we’re “together,” but we’re actually not exchanging one word! So, I make it a point every night (either during dinner or right before we fall asleep) to have what I call “connection time” where we actually face each other, no phones, no TV and really talk. Days are busy here in Manhattan and some days we’ll go without connecting at all, but you can’t beat yourself up! (Photo via Tania Lezack)

Nicole Emanuel, CFO

My husband is a great cook so we mostly eat at home. However, we love food! So we book events and reservations early on and whatever we get is when we go out. We try to go out at least once a week but sometimes more.

Tammy Evrard, Brand Partnerships

My husband and I fell into a rut after our second lil’ monster was born in May of 2014. We would get the kids to bed, clean up the house and then zone out with our mobile devices sitting next to each other in bed with the TV on. In fall of 2015, we made a point to put in a little extra effort. We put a limited phone rule in place for after a certain time of night. Meaning, my work-a-holic self would have to actually put my phone down and engage in a conversation about something other than kids and work. We also put a “no-shop talk” rule in place, neither of us would ramble on about work beyond a quick check in of the day.

We also started Blue Apron. After the littles go to bed, we come back down to the kitchen and make “Dinner Part II” for the adults. It’s been a fun way for us to cook and learn something new together. On the days that we commute together – our adult time in the car (post school drop off) is so important! I don’t care if I sound like I’m 16, I like to hold my husband’s hand in the car for 5 minutes and talk about what we’re going to do that weekend or evening. Planning ahead and creating scenarios to look forward to has been a win for us.

Ashley Perlman, Brand Partnership Planner

We have a weekly “Thursdate” night (date night on Thursdays). We use this evening for just us time. Weekends are usually filled with friends so we want to make sure that we allocate time for just us. We take turns figuring out what we will do each week. We do everything from attend concerts, local events, three-hour long dinner dates, etc. Sometimes we hop around to different restaurants and bars and “travel the world” by going to different types of places. For example, we’ll start in Thailand at a Thai restaurant for apps, head to Japan for sushi, then end in Italy with some gelato. Having something new and fun to look forward to each week keeps things fresh and exciting!

Paige Sager, Brand Partnership Planner

Jon and I love the movies! I’m a real homebody by nature, so it’s easy to just watch a movie from home. But we try to go out and see a movie at least twice a month. He always buys the movie tickets and I always buy the snacks.

Anjelika Temple, Executive Creative Director

In general, we always like to block off nights that we plan to hang out, even if we don’t have a set plan. We do the same thing with weekends because we tend to get booked up with lots of gatherings with friends and family on the reg. I tend to rely pretty heavily on my calendar, even for finding free time. So if we block times that we are planning to hang out, we know that we will!

Last year, I wanted to take our hangtime to the next level and gave my husband David the gift of 50 different dates for the year. On (almost) every Tuesday of 2015, we did something different. Sometimes it was just going to a new restaurant, we went to a bunch of concerts by bands we’d never heard before and so on – basically any evening activity that was possible on a Tuesday. Admittedly, there were a couple of reservations that we canceled so we could snuggle on the couch (or in young persons speak, “Netflix and Chill”) but it was an awesome way to spend more quality time together.

Ashley Stern, Brand Partnerships

We adopted this tradition from our friends called “Secret Loc.” You research a cool spot for a date night – could be a hole in the wall dumpling spot, an underground bar, a pop-up restaurant – and send the address of the location to your SO the morning of your Secret Loc night. The other person is not allowed to Google the address, no cheating! You both meet up at the address at a designated time and surprise your date with a secret adventure. This is a fun way to explore new spots in your city and there’s no fighting over whether you’re going to have Thai or Mexican for dinner!

Kimberly Wang, News Editor

Both of us have pretty busy schedules though I’d say his is worse since he’s a medical resident and therefore his schedule varies week by week. When we see each other tends to revolve around his days off — it’s rare to get to spend the weekend together so when we do, we like to do it up. We’ll catch a last minute Broadway show (you can get them for cheap that way), go out to dinner or hang out with friends at a bar. When the weather is nice, we’ll take a blanket out to Central Park and bring my dog. Otherwise, we’ll watch a movie on Netflix and cook at home. It really doesn’t matter HOW we spend time together, so long as we do.

Brenda Lawrence, Community + Marketing Associate

I think for us it’s important to always being in constant communication, even if it’s short and silly. We text each other when we get to work to say how the ride was, we text what we had for lunch, what we’re excited to be working on today, we text how our meeting goes, what new music we’re listening to… and on and on. We may not have time to write a whole monologue for how our day is going, but a quick message, even about lunch, keeps us connected. For us, being in constant communication, even around our busy schedules makes us feel like no matter what’s going on in the other person’s day, there is always someone there waiting to chat.

Ashley Reed, Offices & Operations Manager

Every Monday night is game night with the family member of the week getting to select the game! Choices can be pretty interesting considering that our family of four consists of a Newfoundland and Golden Retriever…

Yising Chou, Designer

We don’t often get time together throughout the week, so we spend the entire weekend together. Our weekends often feel just as busy as the weekdays, but we do all our tasks together. We run errands, clean, cook, eat and spend time with our friends together. Of course, in between all of that, we set aside a block of time to just relax and talk. We update each other about our weeks – what we did, funny things that happened, lessons we’ve learned, interesting books we’re reading, what we’ve been thinking about. I find that being intentional about having these conversations is really important to sustain our connection and nurture our friendship. Even if we’re doing a lot together, we also need the time to just enjoy each other’s presence and listen to each other.

Katie Bond, Community Editor

To be honest, most weeknights are usually spent chilling at home and cooking dinner or ordering takeout — with the exception of Taco Tuesday, of course. After a long work day, that’s just what we want (and need!). Our QT is centered around our weekends, where we like to spend mornings making pancakes or waffles, getting outside and hanging out with friends. We also love a good adventure so are always trying to find time to make weekend road trips up the coast for some camping/surfing with our black lab, Fred. Whatever we end up doing, our favorite adventures together are spontaneous and full of doing things we both love.

How do you make time to date? Share a 140 character tip with us on Twitter @britandco.

With all the sweetness surrounding February 14th, it's no wonder that Valentine's Day desserts are some of our favorites! Sweethearts, sweet desserts, sweet date ideas… it never stops. And when it comes to holiday-themed desserts, you have plenty of pink, red and heart-shaped ideas at your disposal, from healthy Valentine's Day fruit salad recipes to colorful red velvet cheese tart recipes. But here are our absolute *favorite* romantic dessert recipes for lovebirds!

What are popular Valentine's treats?

Image via Mister Mister/Pexels

If it's sweet and maybe features either chocolate or fruit, there's a good chance it's a popular Valentine's Day dessert. With everything from chocolate-covered strawberries and strawberry donuts to cheesecake, chocolate raspberry treats, and crème brûlée, there's something for everyone this Valentine's Day!

What is a sweet thing to eat on Valentine's Day?

Image via Pixabay/Pexels

If you're less of a baked goods kind of dessert-lover, don't worry. There's plenty of candy to choose from. Lollipops, Hershey's kisses, chocolate bars, and candy hearts are all some of our favorite Valentine's Day desserts.

What are the 7 basic desserts?

Image via Ella Olsson/Pexels

There are definitely more than seven desserts on our favorites list. Even though there are plenty of recipes to pick from, you can break them down into seven general categories:
  1. Baked desserts
  2. Frozen desserts
  3. Dessert drinks
  4. Cold desserts
  5. Fried desserts
  6. Puddings and custards
  7. Cobblers

What is the number 1 dessert?

Image via Kalei Winfield/Pexels

When it comes to the best Valentine's Day desserts, some say crème brûlée, some say chocolate chip cookies, but we'd say dark chocolate strawberries are our favorite. No matter what you make, you can't go wrong if it's something that you love!

Homemade Valentine’s Day Lollipops

We were always happy to get lollipops in our valentines as kids, why should that change once you become an adult?! This DIY version calls for sugar, corn syrup, and gelatin dessert. Just don't forget the gold stars! (via Brit + Co)

Non-Dairy Salted Caramel Brownie Sundaes

It's no fun missing out on ice cream when you have a food sensitivity or dietary restriction. Dairy-free sundaes to the rescue! Add some homemade hot fudge and dig in ;) (via Brit + Co)

Heart-Shaped Honey Hazelnut Baked Brie

This sweetened cheese makes for the perfect Valentine's Day dessert since it's flaky and gooey, (and heart-shaped!) all at the same time! (via Brit + Co)

Heart-Shaped Waffles

Every Galentine's get together or Valentine's brunch deserves food that looks this cute. If you're more of a pancakes gal, use your spoon to pour the batter into the shape of a heart. Drizzle with some icing, top with sprinkles, and enjoy. (via Brit + Co)

Homemade Strawberry Tart

The glossy, candied sheen on top of this tart comes from brushing a generous amount of strawberry jam right on the berries. With the fruity burst of flavor and the rich vanilla custard, this might just become your date night dessert from here on out. (via Brit + Co)

Conversation Heart Sugar Cookie Bars

Pastels are always a good idea this time of year, and the candy hearts add a nice crunch. This sweet Valentine's Day dessert is a guaranteed success! (via Brit + Co)

Healthy Peanut Butter Cookies

Not only do these cookies only need three ingredients, but they're also gluten-free *and* vegan! If you have someone with a peanut allergy, just swap the peanut butter for sunflower seed butter and you're set. (via Brit + Co)

Chocolate Bonbons

Chocolate bonbons sound expensive and difficult, but this recipe is the opposite of that. Using your favorite toppings and an ice tray, you can make your own collection of chocolate goodies for all your galentines, valentines, and even a few for yourself too. (viaBrit + Co)

Vegan Dark Chocolate Truffles

This recipe is a fun one to make because once you've melted and mixed all the ingredients (and refrigerated for an hour), it's time to get down and dirty! Roll them into balls between your hands and top them with cacao powder, shredded coconut, or chopped pistachios. (via Brit + Co)

Jacques Torres’ Famous Hot Chocolate

When it's time to cozy up by the fire with your boo, make a mug of this *delicious* hot chocolate. This Valentine's Day dessert recipe requires only four ingredients (whole milk, milk powder, cornstarch, and dark chocolate) and once you try it, you'll never go back to the powdered stuff. (via Brit + Co)

Mini Heart Cherry Pies

Why bake an entire pie that you cut into triangles when you can make a bunch of tiny heart-shaped ones instead? When scooping your filling, make sure to leave enough room around the cherries to press the crusts together. Pass the plate, please! (via Brit + Co)

Sweet Candy Charcuterie Board

Ditch the meat and cheese (even if it's only for one day) in favor of a charcuterie board brimming with all your favorite sweets. We're talking candy, donuts, chocolate, cookies. Our mouths are already watering. (via Brit + Co)

Cheesy Burger Cookies

Instead of giving your friends and family paper valentines, make some cookies that will let them know how you feel! Bonus points if you can come up with some funny burger-related puns. Use an edible marker to write them down. (via Brit + Co)

Cute Dango Donut Holes

There's no doubt that donut holes are delicious, but we think they should look as good as they taste! Withmatcha powder, raspberry juice, and lemon juice for color, and fondant for the little faces, you'll never eat a plain donut hole again. (via Brit + Co)

Fruit Pie

This pie is great because it's totally customizable to include your favorite filling. Alphabet cookie cutters mean you can also pick your own phrase. Go with funny, romantic, or find a mix of both! (via Brit + Co)

No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake Valentine's Day Desserts

We're pretty sure you can never have too many cheesecake recipes, and that includes this no-bake recipe. While it does call for cream cheese and Greek yogurt, you can definitely swap for non-dairy substitutes if you have allergies. (via Brit + Co)

Retro Pop Tarts

One of the most fun parts about baking a dessert is getting to decorate with whatever colorful, whacky designs you can think of. And these Pop Tarts are about as whacky as they get! Plus since you're making them yourself, you don't have to get stuck with a flavor you don't like. Whew. (via Brit + Co)

Green Tea Waffle Pops

Move over popsicles, there's a new treat-on-a-stick in town. Cut up marshmallows and use chocolate buttons to create the animal faces, or just have some fun dipping the edges into different colors. Either way, you'll get an all-out waffle. (via Brit + Co)

Frozen Cookie Dough Bites

While this Valentine's Day dessert recipe calls for non-dairy ice cream, if you'd rather stick to something that's already in your fridge, try frozen Greek yogurt or blended frozen bananas. Drizzle with your melted chocolate morsels and then prepare yourself for the longest 10 minutes of your life while they set in the fridge. (via Brit + Co)

Glitter Champagne Jell-O shots

Even when it's just you and your S.O. on Valentine's Day, you still want to have a good time, and these Jell-O Shots are an easy way to par-tay. Make them ahead of time so they can refrigerate overnight. You'll have them ready for V-Day *and* you won't have to worry about them while you're making dinner. (via Brit + Co)

Triple Chocolate Scones

Make these scones to go with an evening cup of tea or (if you want some extra chocolate), hot cocoa! Some espresso powder mixed into the batter and the coffee whipped cream take things to the next level. (via Brit + Co)

DIY Strawberry Kabobs

Replace your trusty chicken and veggie kabob recipe with strawberries and cream. Grilled fruit might sound weird if you've never had it, but trust us: this is one trend you'll want to try. (via Brit + Co)

Lemon-Elderflower Waffles

We'll eat waffles for breakfast, dinner, or dessert. This romantic, colorful recipe is the perfect way to celebrate V-Day *and* look ahead towards spring at the same time. (via Brit + Co)

Bruléed Grapefruit Tart

This bright orange Valentine's Day dessert is made with one of our favorite winter finds: grapefruit! Gelatin, cream cheese, and condensed milk come together for a recipe that's great for V-Day, summer picnics, and a birthday cake alternative. (via Brit + Co)

Layered Fruity Terrine

This terrine gives "ice cream cake" a whole new meaning. We're obsessed with the berry layers that make this a perfect V-Day, spring, or summer treat. Before you sprinkle your go-to berries around the edge, pop them in the freezer to give your dish some extra crunch. (via Brit + Co)

Ombré Donuts

We know that donuts make a great breakfast food, but that doesn't stop us from eating them any time of day! Separate white icing into a few different cups and add different amounts of your favorite food coloring to get the ombré color effect. (via Brit + Co)

Upgrade Your Go-To Boxed Cake

Who says boxed cake can't be as good as the made-from-scratch stuff? There are tons of easy hacks — like swapping oil for butter, adding coffee, or even including instant pudding in your cake batter — that can upgrade your blend. (via Brit + Co)

Healthy(er) Strawberry Donuts

Underneath that mouthwatering glaze, these donuts are chock full of fresh berries, Greek yogurt, and whole wheat flour. Doctor yours up with chocolate chips and cocoa powder for a chocolate-covered strawberries spin, or add in more berries for a very berry donut instead. (via Brit + Co)

Strawberry Jalapeño Margaritas

Margs are a great afternoon treat but make one that's sweet enough and you can serve it as dessert too! Agave and strawberries balance out the heat from the jalapeños, but if you're not a fan of spice, feel free to leave the peppers out entirely. Pour and enjoy! (via Brit + Co)

Chocolate-Covered, Champagne-Soaked Strawberries

These skewered treats are equal parts sweet and boozy. They'll be the perfect snack to share with your boo! (via Brit + Co)

Lisa Frank-Inspired Cake Batter Milkshakes

Put your sweets-loving skills to the test with these candy-colored (and candy-filled) milkshakes. Stuff with all your favorite lollipops, marshmallows, donuts, chocolate get the picture. The more colors, the better. (via Brit + Co)

Dominique Ansel’s Mini Madeleines

While these only take 15 minutes to make the day you're baking, don't forget that they also take 15 minutes the day before. You'll refrigerate the batter overnight so that it chills + thickens, giving the madeleines their recognizable hump. (via Brit + Co)

Tie-Dye Mug Cake

To get the tie-dye effect of this cake, add food coloring to your batter while it's in different jars. Pour the batter into your mug in layers, but make sure to only fill halfway so that it doesn't overflow. Once you've got your mug assembled, you just have to pop it in the microwave for a minute and a half. (via Brit + Co)

The Best Chocolate Cake Recipe

As far as we're concerned, when it comes to Valentine's Day desserts, any kind of chocolate takes the cake (we couldn't resist that pun!). Everything about this recipe is a good idea, including licking the bowl. (via Brit + Co)

Sprinkle-Dipped Chocolate Hearts

The best part about these treats is that not only are they easy to make, but they also only take 45 minutes! A heart-shaped silicone mold is the secret to making them extra cute. Simple enough that a baby cherub could do it. (via Brit + Co)

Peanut Butter Banana Shake

Keep your fingers clean with this hands-free drink. Not a huge fan of vanilla? Just swap the regular milk and vanilla ice cream for chocolate instead. (via Brit + Co)

Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes

Beaten eggs are used in place of flour to make these cupcakes a great option for gluten-free gals. Once the cupcakes are finished, just dollop with cream, jam, and a raspberry and serve immediately. You won't want to wait to try these! (via Brit + Co)

Breakable Chocolate Heart

This is one kind of heartbreak that feels good. Whip this edible box up and fill it with candies and (more) chocolates that your Valentine will love. (via A Spicy Perspective)

Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge

To make this gluten-free and vegan Valentine's Day dessert, whisk 1/4 cup of melted coconut oil, 2/3 cup of a peanut butter like the Cocoa PB2, 1/4 cup of unsweetened dairy-free milk, 1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, and 1 pinch sea salt together. Mix in 1/4 cup of maple syrup or agave nectar, add to a wax paper-lined loaf pan and chill in the fridge for an hour in the freezer or three to four hours in the fridge. Sprinkle with freeze-dried strawberries and chocolate drizzle. (recipe and image courtesy of Leelalicious)

Chocolate-Covered Almonds

For people who don't have a crazy sweet tooth, balance sweet and savory with this recipe. Besides the fact that it isn't super sweet, this snack also only requires two ingredients: almonds and chocolate. By making it yourself, you'll also know exactly what you're putting into your body. (via

Raspberry Coulis

This sweet treat make the perfect topper to ice cream or an in-between spread for a cake, but it tastes just as good when it you eat straight from the jar. (via Culinary Hill)

Chocolate Chip Cookie Lava Cake

This cookie with a molten chocolate core is large enough to go halfsies with your date. Although if we're honest, we could also eat an entire one while we binge watch Valentine's romcoms. (via Hot Chocolate Hits)

Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Cheesecakes

Speaking of rich, silky treats, these mini cheesecakes are perfect for Valentine’s Day. Feel free to serve them as-is, or get creative with holiday-inspired (think pink hearts and bright colors) cupcake liners. You can also use heart-shaped cookie cutters to make these goodies extra festive. (via Away from the Box)

XXL Death by Chocolate Cookie

This bad boy is for real chocoholics. It’s EXPLODING with chocolate-y goodness, stuffed with tons of cocoa powder and dark chocolate chips. Bonus points for the colorful heart-shaped sprinkles on top. (via Sally’s Baking Addiction)

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Brownies

Fudgy brownie fans, this one's for you. Chocolate covered strawberries are a Valentine’s Day hallmark, but we love this creative, and much more indulgent, iteration. Serve with a fruity (and preferably pink) cocktail that cuts the sweetness. (via Closet Cooking)

Lavender Crème Brûlée

Crème brûlée is arguably the quintessential date-night dessert for two, so why not serve it on V-day? This version is made with the floral tastes of delicate lavender, making it a feminine and romantic choice. If you don't have a blowtorch to crisp the sugar topping, place the dish under your broiler instead. (via Lavender and Macarons)

Easy Tiramisu Mousse

This delicious tiramisu mousse is ready in about 20 minutes, and is a cinch to make (really!). Coffee lovers rejoice. (via Crazy for Crust)

Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes

Wait until right before serving to add fresh strawberries on top of these babies. Mix the chopped berries with a bit of sugar and they'll release some of their juices for an extra flavorful bite! (via Chocolate With Grace)

Chocolate Salted Caramel Tart

The crust on this Valentine's Day dessert is made from scratch, so this isn't the most low-maintenance option… but we don't mind. It's certainly one of the most delicious! (via Home Cooking Adventure)

Rosé Champagne Mug Cake

Mug cakes are easy to whip up in roughly one minute with the help of a microwave. These particular mug cakes are made with sparkling rosé, sugar, milk and flour (and can be made right in the coupe glass!). Sprinkle with candy pearls before serving. (via Kirbie's Cravings)

Easy Chocolate Creme Brulee

If rosé mug cakes don’t sound like an enticing Valentine's Day dessert, maybe this easy chocolate recipe is more up your alley. Bonus: It’s super easy to make… in fact, it’s no-bake! (via Crazy for Crust)

Cherry Coconut Yogurt Bites

These yogurt bites are so good that you might mistake them for ice cream. But with high-protein Greek yogurt, whole cherries, and maple syrup, they're a lot better for you. (via Greenletes)

No Bake Strawberry Icebox Cake

Here’s another no-bake idea for you. This layered dessert is flavored with strawberries, vanilla and bananas, and is so flexible that it can be made into whatever shape you desire (hearts, anyone?). (via Cakes Cottage)

Black Magic Chocolate Cake

We love, love, love dark chocolate and we cannot WAIT to dig into this recipe! This cake is simply bursting with the flavors of rich, chocolatey dark cocoa and will pair nicely with a glass of milk. (via Diethood)

Easy Chocolate Mousse

Another Valentine's Day dessert idea for the chocolate-obsessed: this frothy, whippy chocolate mousse. It also happens to be amazingly easy to make, and simply has to chill in the fridge for about two hours before it’s perfect and ready to enjoy. Even the kids will love this one! (via Cookies & Cups)

Easy Tiramisu

This traditional yet simple-to-prepare recipe is ideal for rounding out an Italian-inspired V-day dinner. Side note: You’ll notice that this recipe calls for raw eggs. Don’t be alarmed — this is the traditional way to make tiramisu. But feel free to beat the eggs over a double broiler if you feel uncomfortable with using them raw. (via Recipe Tin Eats)

Valentine's Day Puff Pastry Hearts

Give the gift of love and pastries when you bake up a sweet, edible heart. Cover in cinnamon sugar or dip in chocolate, but you can't go wrong, whichever way you choose to make them. (via Salt & Lavender)

Pink Velvet Cake

Red velvet is so passé (JK, we love red velvet cake). But this *pink* velvet cake is even more interesting and romantic, and we are totally on board with that. Top with chopped strawberries for the finishing touch. (via Cake Whiz)

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cheesecake

This sweet and fruity cheesecake recipe is a major crowd pleaser, so it’s perfect for serving at your Valentine’s Day dinner, Galentine's gathering, or family brunch. (via Foody Schmoody Blog)

Raspberry Champagne Cake

Champagne is the perfect way to toast your honey on Valentine's Day, and what better way to do that than with a Champagne-infused dessert? This cake *literally* has bubbly baked right into it. And it's also topped with raspberry-Champagne buttercream. (via The Cake Blog)

Famous Brick Street Chocolate Cake

This indulgent dessert has everything you love about chocolate cake, but it comes with a catch: it’s made in a convection oven! If you don’t have one, no worries. It can easily be adapted to work with a regular oven instead. (via Through Her Looking Glass)

Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes

Is it weird to call cupcakes sexy? Because these cupcakes are *sexy.* They're made with rich chocolate batter, topped with silky buttercream and finished off with a fresh, chocolate-covered cherry. Hot. (via Baked by an Introvert)

Lebanese Avocado And Strawberry Cocktail

If you're someone who prefers your Valentine's Day desserts on the more fresh, less sweet side, then you have to try this recipe. The cream topping and almonds take it to the next level. (via Forks & Foliage)

Follow us on Pinterest for more yummy Valentine's Day desserts!

Additional reporting by Chloe Williams and Meredith Holser.

This article has been updated from a previous post.

I never shut up about Marvel, and I will continue to talk about it because my girl Sadie Sink is joining Spider-Man 4! Sources tell Deadline that the Stranger Things actress (who's starring in Broadway's John Proctor Is The Villain this spring) is set to join Tom Holland in his new superhero movie. Here's everything we know — from an absolute fangirl you can trust.

Sadie Sink is joining Tom Holland's Spider-Man 4, set to start filming this summer.

Sadie Sink will have a "significant" role in 'Spider-Man 4.'

Tom Holland confirmed that Spider-Man 4 is set to start filming in the summer of 2025, and Deadline reports that Sadie's role is "significant." Brit + Co reached out to Sony and Sadie Sink's reps for comment.

While we don't have any official news on the specifics of Sadie's character, considering the movie comes a couple of months after 2026's Avengers: Doomsday, I think there are a few characters Sadie would knock out of the park.

Is Sadie Sink playing Jean Grey?

With Sadie Sink's red hair, she would make a perfect variant for Zendaya's MJ (who is, herself, a version of Mary Jane from the comics). But with her sunny disposition and confidence, I could totally see her as Gwen Stacy too. My lead theory surrounding Avengers: Doomsday is that the characters we know so well will wind up in another universe — and could finally bring the X-Men into the MCU.

Even before Sadie's casting was confirmed, the leading rumor was that she'd join the MCU as Jean Grey/Phoenix, a role held by Famke Janssen and Sophie Turner in previous X-Men adaptations. And this is the role I hope we see her in!

Spider-Man fans will remember that No Way Home ended by erasing Peter Parker's existence from the world...but if Peter meets characters from another world (ahem, Jean), or if all our favorite heroes wind up in another world, the spell shouldn't affect them. And fighting to get back home is exactly the kind of theme I'd love to see in Spider-Man 4.

Check out the 5 New Marvel Movies Worth Watching for more!

Whether you're celebrating with your significant other for the first time or the tenth, you've probably already given some thought to your Valentine's Day dinner ideas. You'll be hungry by the time the sun sets, whether you've spent the whole day together, or you've just come back from the best date night ever. These recipes are perfect for ending the night on a delicious note or they can serve as your date night — cooking together is a super fun way to spend your time.

You can show your favorite valentine love with DIY Valentine's gifts, pink cocktails, fruit salad, or you can whip up a fancy-schmancy (and romantic) dinner. You can try the same recipe until it's just right, or experiment with a different pick every night of February. No matter what your favorite cuisine is, there's something for everyone.

Here are our favorite Valentine's Day dinner ideas for a date night meal to remember.

​What is a good Valentine's Day dinner?

A good Valentine's Day dinner is anything that is delicious and romantic, and that will change for every couple (or if you're alone!). V Day is always a good excuse to cook up a steak if you and your partner eat meat, but pasta or seafood are also great ideas. Or go for a surf and turf dinner that incorporates all of them. You can also add aphrodisiacs into the menu, but whatever you pick, don't forget dessert!

What is the Valentine's Day menu?

Your Valentine's Day menu is totally up to you and your partners' tastes. You can check out what's local to your area if you want to have a menu that reflects this time of year in your state. In terms of courses, you can opt for dinner and dessert or go all out with an appetizer, entrée, drinks, and dessert.

What to make for a romantic dinner at home?

Here are some popular Valentine's Day foods you can consider making:

  • Steak
  • Seafood
  • Chocolate
  • Pasta
  • Sushi
  • Wine
  • Fish
  • Crème brûlée
  • Strawberries

Sous Vide Steak

Prepare to swoon over this simple sous vide steak. Pair it with a baked potato and steamed veg. (via Brit + Co)

Coffee Rubbed Steak With Chili Lime Butter

Nothing says high class quite like a well-cooked steak. Take it from the pros and cook it medium-rare for the most intense flavor. We love the classic steak and baked potato combo, but feel free to shake things up with a different side. (via Brit + Co)

Spicy Pesto Pasta Alla Vodka

Image via Half Baked Harvest

You know we love vodka cocktails, so we are all about some vodka pasta! It's a 30-minute recipe topped with basil pesto and loads of your favorite cheese and you can add some red pepper flakes for some extra spice if you want. Swap the vodka for broth or water if you don't want to cook with alcohol. It'll taste just as good! (via Brit + Co)

Smoked Salmon Poke Bites

For charcuterie board fans or those of us who'd rather much on apps than have a full-blown dinner, these poke bites are cute, delicious, and have us dreaming of summer. Pickled ginger, avocado, and red onion take this recipe to a new level. Yum! (via Brit + Co)

Slow Cooker Creamy Tortellini Vegetable Soup

A soup that's delicious *and* features veggies, cheese, and pasta all in one? Count us in. Just put everything in your slow cooker and let it come together while you finish getting ready. (via Brit + Co)

Roasted Salmon Nicoise

This one-pot wonder is great for any day of the week. Salmon, potatoes, olives, and green beans (along with some other delicious ingredients) come together to create a flavorful combo that you'll daydream about until you can eat it again. (via Brit + Co)

Instant Pot Butternut Squash

A healthy, colorful dish like this butternut squash recipe makes for a great dinner recipe for vegetarians and carnivores alike. Plus it makes for an awesome winter comfort food. (via Brit + Co)

Air Fryer Salmon

Air fryer salmon is a great Valentine's Day dinner idea for anyone who works long hours and doesn't want to spend hours upon hours in the kitchen. Plus it's healthier than your other frying options! Not a fan of salmon? Try chicken or potatoes for other yummy options. (via Brit + Co)

Apple-Onion Pork Chops And Cheesy Crushed Potatoes

This recipe from Rachael Ray has some of the most interesting and captivating flavors we've tasted in a long time, and with meat, fruit, dairy, and starches, you're eating a lot of the food groups. (via Brit + Co)

Red Sauce Rigatoni Recipe

All you need for this delicious date night recipe is sausage, canned tomatoes, and pasta. And don't forget your favorite cheese, of course. This is a great option for having a fancy dinner at the dining table or curling up on the couch for a romantic movie. (via Brit + Co)

Charcuterie Board

Image via SocietySocial and QueenBrieCLT/Photography Demi Mabry

There's something so sophisticated and stylish about having a charcuterie board anytime of year, but especially on Valentine's Day. You can make it a red, pink, and white color scheme with fruit, dried flowers, and cheese, or try your hand at a breakfast-for-dinner board with heart-shaped pancakes, berries, and chocolate. (Via Brit + Co)

Instant Pot Indian Butter Chicken

Quick, easy, and delicious, what's not to love about this chicken recipe?! Tomato-y, buttery chicken goes great with flavorful naan and white rice. Sprinkle with cilantro before you serve. (via Brit + Co)

Zucchini Noodles

If you're avoiding regular pasta, try zucchini noodles instead of regular for a healthy take on your favorite dishes. Serve with pesto, olive oil and vinegar dressing, or Alfredo sauce to make a creamy pasta. (via Brit + Co)

Cauliflower And Burrata Valentine's Day Recipe

Photo via Half Baked Harvest

This dish might be geared for summer picnics, but it will also make a great option for your winter nights in. Change up the spices and seasonings depending on what your favorite flavors are, or make a couple different mixes and try them all! (via Brit + Co)

Baked Hot Chocolate Doughnuts

Photo via Half Baked Harvest

Okay so donuts don't technically count as an option for dinner but you can definitely make them for dessert! (Especially if you've already had your fill of lobster tails or pasta). You can even add some espresso to the chocolate glaze for a mocha taste. (via Brit + Co)

Cauliflower Rice Sushi

Not only does sushi make for a yummy Valentine's Day dinner for you and your S.O. but the actual construction of the sushi sounds just as great! Swap regular rice for some DIY cauliflower rice but feel free to keep your favorite fillings and sauces. (via Brit + Co)

Stuffed Avocado

Another great option for a smaller, finger food dinner, stuffed avocados make for a tasty and filling dish. You can also leave out the shrimp to make this an easy meat-free recipe. (via Brit + Co)

Crock-Pot Crispy Caramelized Pork Ramen Noodle Soup with Curry Roasted Acorn Squash

We're huge fans of ramen noodle meals and know this is one Valentine's Day dinner idea that can't be topped. Call us biased, but you'll find it hard not to be once you get a taste of this caramelized blend of pork, open face-egg, and jalapenos. (via Brit + Co)

Slow Cooked Lamb Shanks in Red Wine Sauce

Get your hands messy with this appetizing and flavorful recipe! With ingredients like tomato paste, garlic cloves, and red wine, your taste buds will be satiated. (via Brit + Co)

Creamy Cajun Mushroom Pasta

Looking for Valentine's Day dinner ideas that are healthy and won't put a dent in your budget? Try your hand at this creamy Cajun mushroom pasta! (via Brit + Co)

Puff Pastry Breakfast Egg Tarts

Eating breakfast for dinner seems to stir up our inner little girl, so we're sharing this delish recipe with you! (via Brit + Co)

Chicken Piccata

Chicken is always a pretty safe option when cooking dinner, but this recipe dresses it up into something extra delicious. (via Culinary Hill)

Duck Confit Salad

Make your Valentine something extra fancy with this confit salad. Not only is this Valentine's Day dinner elegant but it also features pomegranates and avocados, so we can't say no. (via A Spicy Perspective)

Strawberry & Cream Croissant French Toast

Photo via Tieghan Gerard of Half Baked Harvest

Whether you're making brunch or having brunch for dinner, this is a great French toast-croissant hybrid. Swap the drizzle of maple with a chocolate drizzle to make it extra Valentine-esque. Serve with white wine or champagne. (via Brit + Co)

Crispy Honey Glazed Chicken Thighs

This recipe will be appreciated by couples who are trying to eat healthier in the new year. (via Brit + Co)

Cuban Mojo Marinated Pork

With classic Cuban flavors, this mouthwatering pork recipe is juicy and moist. Pro tips: Spring for a high-quality meat source from your local butcher or farmers’ market, and marinate the pork overnight to make this top-notch recipe even tastier. (via The Food Charlatan)

Shrimp and Gnocchi With Garlic Parmesan Cream Sauce

If you’re both eating garlic, then you won’t have to worry about dreaded “garlic breath” after. Shrimp and gnocchi are already amazing on their own, but put them together for a powerhouse meal that everyone will want. You'll want to grab some red wine to go with this one. (via Damn Delicious)

Beef And Lamb Shwarma Wraps

If you prefer something a little more casual (or just love handheld food), try out these amazing wraps. Make your own tzatziki if you're feeling adventurous. (via Forks and Foliage)

Soul-Warming French Onion Pot Roast

Nothing says love like pot roast. This particular iteration boasts the flavors of onion, garlic, Worcestershire sauce, fresh apples, thyme, celery, and bay leaf. (via Little Spice Jar)

Strawberry Ravioli With Balsamic and Basil

These naturally pink ravioli are packed with decadent flavors and topped with a balsamic reduction for a sweet and savory combo. Plus considering it's Valentine's Day, we'll take all the pink food that we can get our hands on. (via A Beautiful Mess)

One-Pan Cheesy Spaghetti Pie Valentine's Day Dinner Idea

Permission granted to have your own Lady and the Tramp moment while feasting on this dish. For a healthier version, feel free to sub turkey or chicken for ground beef and whole wheat spaghetti for the refined version. (via Half Baked Harvest)

Slow-Cooker Cassoulet

Don’t fear the cassoulet. It’s not as tricky to make it as you might imagine. Toss it all into the slow cooker for restful meal prep. (via Leite’s Culinaria)

Spinach and Three Cheese Manicotti

Pasta dishes have a certain sensuousness to them, and this indulgent, cheesy manicotti dish cries out for a cozy and lovey-dovey night in. Feel free to use store-bought marinara sauce or make your own. Bring on all the bread and garlic butter. (via The Cooking Jar)

Skillet Chicken Pot Pie

Have a busy Valentine’s Day schedule? Get a head start with this slow-cooker recipe. About a half an hour before mealtime, pop some veggies in the oven to serve alongside the dish. (via Plays Well With Butter)

Creamy Masala Mussels

Mussels are delicate, fleshy, and delicious and lend a hand to any full-bodied sauce. The beer base will require all the bread to sop up every last drop of goodness. (via Drizzle and Dip)

Fettuccine Alfredo Valentine's Day Dinner Idea

Forget lightened-up, pre-made sauces; fettuccine Alfredo is meant to be rich and delightfully naughty. It features Parmesan and heavy cream, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. (via Two Peas & Their Pod)

Butter Candles

Add a little bit of ~mood lighting~ with these candles that are literally made out of butter. They make the perfect addition to any dinner and are like 2023's version of butter boards. (via Brit + Co)

Galentine's Day Sweet Treat Board

If you're celebrating Valentine's Day with your girlfriends, or even going stag, make this colorful and sweet dessert board. You might spoil your dinner but honestly, it's worth it. (via Amanda Wilens)

Paleo Pot Roast

This healthful, Whole30-approved pot roast doesn't skimp on yum factor even though it's made with completely clean ingredients. (via Noshtastic)

Creamy Coconut Lentil Curry

This curry recipe is *bursting* with healthy proteins and fats. Bonus: Your leftovers will be easy to reheat and use up throughout the week. (via The Endless Meal)

Creamy Vegan Tomato Sauce

This plant-based tomato sauce blends cashews, roasted tomatoes, and onions. It is so good, the non-vegans in your life won't mind eating it too. (via Fit Foodie Finds)

Raspberry Almond Crumb Cake

Let this moist raspberry almond crumb cake help set the tone for sexy activities after dinner. It's full of ooey-gooey goodness that'll leave you and your date's mouths watering. (via Cozy Cravings)

For more Valentine's Day dinner ideas follow us on Pinterest and check out our online cooking classes!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This article has been updated from a previous post.

Additional reporting by Chloe Williams and Jasmine Williams.

Trader Joe’s carries much more than groceries – from skincare goodies to alcohol, you can find some pretty neat stuff between their aisles. You’re going to want to make a beeline to their home goods section ASAP though, because TJ’s just dropped a delightful $4 tomato-scented candle that’s being compared to bougie brands like Loewe and Maison Margiela!

Scroll on to discover more about Trader Joe’s new Tomato Leaf candle.


On shelves now, Trader Joe’s Tomato Leaf candle smells like – you guessed it – fragrant tomato leaves. Some shoppers have said it comes across as “verdant and fresh” while others say it’s “slightly sweeter.” So far, the aroma has been divisive among TJ’s fans, but smelling it myself, I think it smells exactly like tomato leaves with a hint of refreshing sweetness – making it a perfect scent to ease you into springtime!

Julia Nagy / PEXELS

This iteration of the Trader Joe’s Tomato Leaf candle is technically a remake of the same scent they released several years ago, but stopped stocking because the glass jars it was cased in posed a safety hazard (ahem, exploding). But fret not – this new container is made of metal, so you shouldn’t expect any glass malfunctions. Plus, it boasts the same precise scent – nothing’s changed in that department!


Trader Joe’s fan account @traderjoesobsessed shared the new find with their Instagram followers, and plenty of customers sounded off with excitement.

“Omg yes this is the best one!!!!” one person said.

“This is their greatest candle to date imo,” another person wrote.

“I was actually talking about this a couple days ago with my boyfriend and then magically it appeared!!” someone else commented. “Glad it’s in a tin option even though the glass was beautiful!”

Agence Mald / PEXELS

The Trader Joe’s Reddit page also had some thoughts about the new scent:

“I love this friggin candle,” one person said. “It really took me by surprise.”

“I’m so excited!!” another rejoiced. “This is my all time favorite candle scent of any line ever!”

While some Trader Joe’s shoppers praised it, others had some strong opinions.

“Soapy with a hint of tomato,” someone else noted. “I personally really like it, but I like green, fresher-smelling candles. I hate bakery or sweet candle scents.”

“I love this candle and everyone I know hates it and I’m not allowed to light it when I have my friends over 😆😆,” another said. “It’s SO divisive!!”

Maison Margiela

Across both Instagram and Reddit, several shoppers compared the new Trader Joe’s Tomato Leaf candle to brands that are so bougie. Some comparisons that were made include the Loewe Tomato Leaves candle, Maison Margiela's From The Garden perfume, and the Roma Heirloom Tomato Candle from Flamingo Estate. The Trader Joe’s Tomato Leaf candle costs just $4 for 5.3 ounces worth of candle, so you could absolutely get a similar luxe effect for way less.

Flamingo Estate

The Trader Joe’s Tomato Leaf candle is crafted from a blend of soy wax, coconut oil, and beeswax. It also comes complete with a lead-free cotton wick to ensure a clean burn. Totally fresh and definitely unique, I’d say it’s worth the money – especially for a fresh feel during spring!

Subscribe to our newsletter to discover more Trader Joe's hidden gems!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner keep making headlines — and apparently Jen's boyfriend, John Miller, may not be too happy about it. A source spoke to Page Sixabout John's reaction to everything, and all signs point to potential trouble in paradise. After giving her an ultimatum, could this be the end of our recent Jen and Ben sightings? Here's what we know.

Scroll to find out what's going on with Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, and John Miller...

A source recent spoke to Page Six, giving everyone a behind-the-scenes look at on what's really going on between Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, and John Miller right now. While this trio isn't exactly in a love triangle, there are some complicated emotions flying at the moment.

The source explained that John "has always been supportive of Ben and Jen’s co-parenting relationship, but feels Ben crossed the line." This comes after the recent — and very cozy — paintball pictures of the ex-spouses.

“John knows there’s nothing going on between Jen and Ben," the source continued. "But he doesn’t think those photos are a good look and feels it’s disrespectful to their relationship.”

Apparently, John “gave Jen an ultimatum” recently, explaining that “he doesn’t want to see anything like that again or he has no choice but to walk away.” Yikes!

According to PEOPLE, Jennifer Garner and John Miller have been linked together since 2018 — with a brief break apart around 2021. However, a source told PEOPLE that Jen was "very happy" with John back in December, and that she "sees him almost every day," intimating that things were just fine between the couple.

Do you think these two will make it? Or will Ben actually find his way back in (another) Jen's good graces? Only time will tell I guess!

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