How 26 Creative + BUSY Women Make Time to Date

Whether you’re a single lady or currently in a relationship (or somewhere in between) finding time to date is HARD. It’s even more difficult when you work at a job where you’re regularly clocking around 50 hours week. In case you haven’t figured this out already by all the badass content you regularly find on Brit + Co, the ladies who work here are some of the hardest working professionals out there. So with Valentine’s Day just a few days away and dating fresh on our minds, I asked the B+C team to dish some advice on how they make time to date. Grab your notebook, your planner and open up your favorite dating app because you’re going to want to put these into practice ASAP.

Annie Kubena, Designer

I make an effort to actually be out in public and talk to people. If I am in line next to a cute guy or we are looking at the same piece of art at the museum, I strike up a friendly conversation. I really like to ask a new potential date the question, “What is your favorite Tom Cruise movie?” Whatever the answer is, even if it’s, “Hmmm, I’m not really a fan,” speaks volumes about a person. Still waiting for my future husband to say, “I really loved the movie Magnolia. His character was offensive, but his acting was probably some of the best I have seen.” Usually I just get a quick, “Top Gun!” That’s my cue to move on.

Maddie Bachelder, Creative Content Producer

It’s a bit counter-intuitive, but I make plans with friends! Most guys I’ve ended up dating I met at a friend’s party or at some occasion where meeting new people (and conversing with them!) is organic. I’ve tried dating apps, but they’re just so… unromantic to me. The same goes with meeting guys at bars. For some reason, meeting through a friend automatically eliminates the skeez factor, you know?

Lee Schellenberger, Kit Designer

I like to keep a couple nights a week free on my calendar anyway for some chill me-time, so if he’s worth giving up one of those valuable nights off then he’s worth a date!

Marianne Koo, Kit Designer

I feel like dating apps have actually helped me make time for dating. Apps are great screening tools and with some of the information that people volunteer in their profiles, I can make quick decisions on who I think is worth engaging with. I pretty much only commit to drinks for first dates, which is easy to fit into a busy schedule.

Also, having a fun opener is another great way I’ve weeded out the weak. My best friend and I use the same opener: “Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese?” And we always get some pretty great responses (Doritos preferences can be very polarizing). Whether or not a guy will respond to a goofy question is pretty crucial in my decision to meet up for a date.

Kelly Bryden, DIY Designer

My main go to app is Bumble. I love to send funny pictures of dogs or animals. If the dude doesn’t like cute dog pictures I don’t like him. I also use it as a test to see how the guy will respond. My favorites are when the dude sends me a funny animal picture back. The guys that just say “lol cute” are super lame. I normally give myself Mondays and Tuesdays to book dates for the week. Wednesday through Friday are for myself to enjoy my normal activities.

Anita Yung, Creative Project Manager

I am joining a group challenge to go on one date a week! Online dating apps are really hard for me to stay consistent with but being a part of a challenge keeps me accountable. It’s helpful to exchange numbers and take the conversation OFF the app. Also to schedule a date ASAP. I mean, who wants to text for WEEKS and not meet? Is it me or is that weird? I rather an in-person meeting because you know right off the bat, if you connect with someone.

Misty Spinney, Beauty Editor + Stylist

I don’t pay attention to it…when something happens it happens and I roll with it. I don’t like the idea of “searching” for someone to date… too unnatural and forced for me. Call me old-fashioned, but I believe in meeting someone when it’s natural and spontaneous and random versus looking for someone online or whatever.

Marisa Kumtong, Designer

I feel like you definitely have to make time to be out in the dating scene when you’re single. I just took up a challenge to go on a date a week so that helps me get out there, but it definitely takes hard work! You have to put in the time to weed through people’s profiles but it is definitely worth it once you find the right guys on there! I promise!!!

A wise friend once told me to schedule a date before or after your plans with your friends. You won’t be as nervous because your night isn’t planned around this one date, and if the date turns out bad, you can get your mind off of it by having other plans with your friends. Also as a personal tip, I feel like it’s good to not put all your eggs in one basket, so I say go on as many dates as possible to not get overly excited about one guy… until it gets more serious of course.

Lisa Raphael, Editorial Director

I tell pretty much everyone I meet that I’m looking for The One (or at least, A One) and will pointedly ask cool acquaintances if they know anyone they could set me up with. If they say yes, I try to get them to make an intro there/then. It’s aggressive but if I had a date for every person who said “OH I have a guy for you!” and then flaked on making the intro I would, um, possibly be in a relationship.

I’ll also try to gently double book (ex: get a drink with an understanding, married friend and then tell a guy to meet me at same or nearby bar a little later). I have one friend who has met five guys I’ve dated. I guess she’s not exactly a good luck charm but with this schedule, I get the chance to do it all without feeling cheated of my time.

Angela Velez, Community Editor

I use the same approach for dating that I use for all the activities I don’t particularly enjoy doing, but are good for me (i.e. going to the doctor, listening to my voicemails, etc.): by setting clear goals + holding myself accountable. Sometimes it’s as basic as “go on X dates in a month,” or “message X people on some app”. Then I tell my friends, so they can check in on me and make sure I’m following through (by asking lots of nosy questions). Even if nothing works out with your dates, you still feel proud of yourself for accomplishing a goal.

Beth Wischnia, Associate Editor

I am very old fashioned and pretty traditional when it comes to dating which is why I am so terrible at dating apps. I prefer for things to happen naturally IRL. I am that girl who forgets about the dating apps. But then I’ll log on and try to make up for lost time, ha! I’ve had a pretty epic relationship that started when I used Tinder in Finland and have also had a pretty great six-monther I met on Grouper back in the day. While those dating app guys were fun, my best relationships have been from IRL meetings.

Mariaclara Golfo, Product Design

My boyfriend and I have something of a routine set in terms of when we see each other. We spend one (at times two) weekday nights together. It all depends on the mood but often times I cook dinner for us and he assists me and washes up. We then talk, read or stream something, or a combination of all three.

We recently took dancing classes one night a week with a Groupon that I’m hoping we continue with! I wouldn’t say that we have a set day that we go out on a “date night.” We do make it a point to explore our new city, as we both moved here a little over six months ago. I hope our adventures and chill sessions continue as it seems to work for us :)

Alonna Morrison, Production Designer

My boyfriend and I have a date night every Friday. We surprise each other with a new place to go eat or a fun activity that we haven’t done before. We are both designers, so we do design challenges together once or twice a month. It allows us to get a little competitive, while appreciating each other’s creative perspective.

Brittany Griffin, Photographer

We try new things all the time, I think both of us are very good at remembering the other one saying “I’ve always wanted to try such and such” and then the next time we have time we go and do those things. We love to explore and there’s a lot of California I haven’t seen yet so he usually takes me to new places. We have similar hobbies and interests so it makes it easy for us to find something we both like. We also try to make sure we are hanging with each other’s “groups” on a regular basis and take some off nights to hang with other friends or have our own time. It makes you want to see the other person soon after times like that.

Alex Plante, Brand Partnerships Manager

I’m married and we’re expecting our first baby in July so it’s more important than ever to have quality date night time. Most weeknights we are guilty of working late and then just plopping on the couch watching TV. Since we’re sitting next to each other, it seems like we’re “together,” but we’re actually not exchanging one word! So, I make it a point every night (either during dinner or right before we fall asleep) to have what I call “connection time” where we actually face each other, no phones, no TV and really talk. Days are busy here in Manhattan and some days we’ll go without connecting at all, but you can’t beat yourself up! (Photo via Tania Lezack)

Nicole Emanuel, CFO

My husband is a great cook so we mostly eat at home. However, we love food! So we book events and reservations early on and whatever we get is when we go out. We try to go out at least once a week but sometimes more.

Tammy Evrard, Brand Partnerships

My husband and I fell into a rut after our second lil’ monster was born in May of 2014. We would get the kids to bed, clean up the house and then zone out with our mobile devices sitting next to each other in bed with the TV on. In fall of 2015, we made a point to put in a little extra effort. We put a limited phone rule in place for after a certain time of night. Meaning, my work-a-holic self would have to actually put my phone down and engage in a conversation about something other than kids and work. We also put a “no-shop talk” rule in place, neither of us would ramble on about work beyond a quick check in of the day.

We also started Blue Apron. After the littles go to bed, we come back down to the kitchen and make “Dinner Part II” for the adults. It’s been a fun way for us to cook and learn something new together. On the days that we commute together – our adult time in the car (post school drop off) is so important! I don’t care if I sound like I’m 16, I like to hold my husband’s hand in the car for 5 minutes and talk about what we’re going to do that weekend or evening. Planning ahead and creating scenarios to look forward to has been a win for us.

Ashley Perlman, Brand Partnership Planner

We have a weekly “Thursdate” night (date night on Thursdays). We use this evening for just us time. Weekends are usually filled with friends so we want to make sure that we allocate time for just us. We take turns figuring out what we will do each week. We do everything from attend concerts, local events, three-hour long dinner dates, etc. Sometimes we hop around to different restaurants and bars and “travel the world” by going to different types of places. For example, we’ll start in Thailand at a Thai restaurant for apps, head to Japan for sushi, then end in Italy with some gelato. Having something new and fun to look forward to each week keeps things fresh and exciting!

Paige Sager, Brand Partnership Planner

Jon and I love the movies! I’m a real homebody by nature, so it’s easy to just watch a movie from home. But we try to go out and see a movie at least twice a month. He always buys the movie tickets and I always buy the snacks.

Anjelika Temple, Executive Creative Director

In general, we always like to block off nights that we plan to hang out, even if we don’t have a set plan. We do the same thing with weekends because we tend to get booked up with lots of gatherings with friends and family on the reg. I tend to rely pretty heavily on my calendar, even for finding free time. So if we block times that we are planning to hang out, we know that we will!

Last year, I wanted to take our hangtime to the next level and gave my husband David the gift of 50 different dates for the year. On (almost) every Tuesday of 2015, we did something different. Sometimes it was just going to a new restaurant, we went to a bunch of concerts by bands we’d never heard before and so on – basically any evening activity that was possible on a Tuesday. Admittedly, there were a couple of reservations that we canceled so we could snuggle on the couch (or in young persons speak, “Netflix and Chill”) but it was an awesome way to spend more quality time together.

Ashley Stern, Brand Partnerships

We adopted this tradition from our friends called “Secret Loc.” You research a cool spot for a date night – could be a hole in the wall dumpling spot, an underground bar, a pop-up restaurant – and send the address of the location to your SO the morning of your Secret Loc night. The other person is not allowed to Google the address, no cheating! You both meet up at the address at a designated time and surprise your date with a secret adventure. This is a fun way to explore new spots in your city and there’s no fighting over whether you’re going to have Thai or Mexican for dinner!

Kimberly Wang, News Editor

Both of us have pretty busy schedules though I’d say his is worse since he’s a medical resident and therefore his schedule varies week by week. When we see each other tends to revolve around his days off — it’s rare to get to spend the weekend together so when we do, we like to do it up. We’ll catch a last minute Broadway show (you can get them for cheap that way), go out to dinner or hang out with friends at a bar. When the weather is nice, we’ll take a blanket out to Central Park and bring my dog. Otherwise, we’ll watch a movie on Netflix and cook at home. It really doesn’t matter HOW we spend time together, so long as we do.

Brenda Lawrence, Community + Marketing Associate

I think for us it’s important to always being in constant communication, even if it’s short and silly. We text each other when we get to work to say how the ride was, we text what we had for lunch, what we’re excited to be working on today, we text how our meeting goes, what new music we’re listening to… and on and on. We may not have time to write a whole monologue for how our day is going, but a quick message, even about lunch, keeps us connected. For us, being in constant communication, even around our busy schedules makes us feel like no matter what’s going on in the other person’s day, there is always someone there waiting to chat.

Ashley Reed, Offices & Operations Manager

Every Monday night is game night with the family member of the week getting to select the game! Choices can be pretty interesting considering that our family of four consists of a Newfoundland and Golden Retriever…

Yising Chou, Designer

We don’t often get time together throughout the week, so we spend the entire weekend together. Our weekends often feel just as busy as the weekdays, but we do all our tasks together. We run errands, clean, cook, eat and spend time with our friends together. Of course, in between all of that, we set aside a block of time to just relax and talk. We update each other about our weeks – what we did, funny things that happened, lessons we’ve learned, interesting books we’re reading, what we’ve been thinking about. I find that being intentional about having these conversations is really important to sustain our connection and nurture our friendship. Even if we’re doing a lot together, we also need the time to just enjoy each other’s presence and listen to each other.

Katie Bond, Community Editor

To be honest, most weeknights are usually spent chilling at home and cooking dinner or ordering takeout — with the exception of Taco Tuesday, of course. After a long work day, that’s just what we want (and need!). Our QT is centered around our weekends, where we like to spend mornings making pancakes or waffles, getting outside and hanging out with friends. We also love a good adventure so are always trying to find time to make weekend road trips up the coast for some camping/surfing with our black lab, Fred. Whatever we end up doing, our favorite adventures together are spontaneous and full of doing things we both love.

How do you make time to date? Share a 140 character tip with us on Twitter @britandco.

Just like the only thing you need to complete Valentine's Day – other than a box of chocolates and a cute date night dress – is a superbly pink cocktail, the perfect finishing touch for your upcoming Oscars party is a Barbie-approved drink! Strawberries, blackberries, cherries, and more put in the work in these beautiful sippers that can speak to the very-pink vibes floating around.

Ahead, the best pink cocktails you can make ahead of your night out with your boo *or* with your gals. No matter what pink cocktail you make, you'll be sipping in true party fashion.

Strawberry Jalapeño Margaritas

Sweet + spicy is a flavor combo that we will never fall out of love with, which makes us love this margarita recipefor V-Day. (via Brit + Co)

Grapefruit Mezcal

Grapefruit is so full of flavor, especially in the winter, which makes it a great pick for an anytime pink cocktail. (via Brit + Co)

Watermelon Jelly Margaritas

This pink cocktail is equal parts sweet and tart, and will make any romantic night in way more fun. (via Brit + Co)


Channeling Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City is a major power move to make for V-Day, so of course, you gotta go with her signature cocktail – which also happens to be pink! (via Brit + Co)

Spicy Blackberry Margarita Sour

Sip on some frozen goodness with this pink marg recipe! The berries technically make it healthy, right? (via Half Baked Harvest)

Rosé Sangria

This pink batch cocktail recipe makes a sizable amount that you can share with all of your girls for Galentine's. (via Amanda Wilens)

Grapefruit Paloma

The light citrus notes of grapefruit are perfectly complemented by bouts of chunky salt in this delicate pink cocktail that makes a play on the classic Paloma. (via Barley & Sage)

Sex on the Beach Cocktail

Peach, orange, and cranberry join forces to form a super fruity flavor in this sipper. (via Veggie Society)

Watermelon Basil Gin Cocktail

You can always count on watermelon to leave you refreshed! Prep this spiked pink drink to cool down when you need it most! (via A Spicy Perspective)

Sea Breeze Cocktail

This sip is as simple as shaking three ingredients together and enjoying it with your lover for Valentine's Day. (via Culinary Hill)

Elderflower Sour

This delicate pink cocktail highlights the sweet floral notes from Empress 1908 Elderflower Rose Gin. To make it, shake 2 oz of the gin, 0.75 oz fresh lemon juice, 0.75 oz simple syrup, and 1 oz egg white over ice. Shake it again without ice. Then, strain into a chilled coupe glass and garnish with rose petals for a touch of pure romance! (via Empress Gin)

Strawberry Mint Margarita

Strawberry and mint additions make this pink cocktail ultra-light! (via Cozy Cravings)

Raspberry Mojito

Raspberries turn your regular mojito into a totallyBarbiecore sipper. (via Amanda Wilens)

Raspberry Thyme Negroni Sour

The combo of fruit and herbs that this cocktail highlights make it the most elevated pink cocktail for the holiday. Serve it some cool glassware for added enjoyment! (via Half Baked Harvest)

Bloomtown Gimlet

This pink cocktail version of a gimlet is wonderfully tart. To make it, shake 1 oz Freeland Gin, 1 oz lime juice, 1 oz simple syrup, 2 dashes Bittercube Cherry Bark + Vanilla bitters, and 2 dashes Miracle Mile Yuzu bitters over ice. Then, strain the contents into a Nic & Nora glass to enjoy! (via Freeland Spirits)

Easy Triple Citrus Margarita

Take happy swigs of OJ and grapefruit juice in this healthy margarita! (via Rachel Mansfield)

Blood Orange French 75

The French 75 is just about as classy of a cocktail as they come. Traditionally made with lemon, champagne and gin, this one gets an unexpectedly sweet flavor (and hot pink color!) from juicy blood oranges. (via Cookie and Kate)

Cotton Candy Champagne Cocktail

Anything from Lauren Conrad is *obviously* going to be an elegant show-stopping winner. Plus, a pink drink doesn’t get much simpler than pouring champagne over cotton candy — no cocktail shaker needed. (via Lauren Conrad)

Pink Mojito

With this pink cocktail, you can pretend like you’re on a island getaway. Add a beachy rom-com to your Netflix queue and chill without a care in the world! (via Supergolden Bakes)

Silver & The City

This pink cocktail is for the lovers who wanna get lit this Valentine's. To make it, shake 1.5 oz Patrón Silver, 0.75 oz Patrón Citrónge, 0.75 oz cranberry juice, 0.5 oz lime juice, and 0.25 oz simple syrup over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass! Garnish with an orange twist for a classy finish. (via Patrón Tequila)

Pink Lemonade Vodka Cocktail

Pink lemonade just screams summertime – but you can sip it anytime! In this case, it gets spiked and garnished to power up the lively vibes. (via No Spoon Necessary)

Rhubarb Basil Cocktail

If you’re a fan of mojitos, you’re definitely going to dig this pink cocktail. The fresh basil is such a refreshing flavor alongside the tart rhubarb. Don’t stress if you can’t find fresh rhubarb right now — frozen works just fine! (via Kitchn)

Strawberry Ginger Pink Lemonade Cocktail

This pink cocktail uses homemade strawberry vodka to infuse the deliciously fresh flavor into every sip. (via Healthy Seasonal Recipes)

Thyme + Pink Grapefruit Greyhounds

The elegant herbal touch of thyme in this pink cocktail is a perfect complement to the grapefruit. (via Freut Cake)

Follow us on Pinterest for more pink cocktails!

This post has been updated.

Eating out as a vegan can be a true challenge, especially if you don’t exactly know that what you’re ordering is 100% vegan. Fast food faves like McDonald’s and Taco Bell are secretly packed with vegan items, and Starbucks is no exception. From oat milk coffees to satisfyingly savory snacks, you’ve actually got plenty of plant-based choices when you pull up at your local Starbucks.

Scroll on to explore every vegan Starbucks drink and food item you can add to your order!

Vegan Starbucks Drinks


1. Brown Sugar Oatmilk Cortado

This new-to-the-menu espresso drink combines brown sugar syrup and oat milk to balance out the punchy coffee notes.


2. Latte (Iced + Hot)

You can totally enjoy a latte at Starbucks if you're vegan. Their oat, almond, coconut, and soy milks are vegan, plus many of their syrups qualify as vegan, too, if you want to flavor up your drink. According to this Starbucks supervisor, all of Starbucks "clear" syrups are vegan and dairy-free. Starbucks' regular and white mocha sauces and caramel drizzle are also vegan and dairy-free.


3. Americano (Iced + Hot)

Starbucks' Americanos are just water and espresso, so you don't have to worry about any dairy being in there. Optionally, you could ask for a splash of non-dairy milk and pumps of your fave syrup.


4. Brewed Coffee (Iced + Hot)

Same goes for their brewed coffees, including iced coffee. Easily ask your barista to add in some non-dairy milk and a few pumps of syrup if you desire!


5. Nondairy Salted Caramel Cream Cold Brew

This vegan cold brew drink is crafted with non-dairy cold foam that's flavored with salted caramel – and it's delish!


6. Nitro Cold Brew

A plain nitro cold brew from Starbucks is fully vegan and dairy-free. You can choose to add a splash of non-dairy milk, if you wish your sip to be a bit smoother and creamier.


7. Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso

This one's a classic: shots of espresso get shaken up with ice and brown sugar syrup to create a frothy foam, then the drink is topped off with oat milk to cut the bitterness. It's quite a delectable order, even if you're not eating fully vegan.


8. Starbucks Refreshers

All of Starbucks' fruity Refreshers are vegan. Plus, you can can add lemonade, tea, other flavor inclusions like strawberry and peach to add some extra oomph.


9. Iced Black Tea

Their refreshing iced black tea is certifiably vegan, too.


10. Iced Green Tea

If you prefer green tea, Starbucks' offering is vegan-friendly. If you tend to take your tea a bit sweeter, just order it with however many packets of your preferred sweetener, and your barista will add it in.


11. Lemonade

You truly can't go wrong with a lemonade!


12. Hot Teas

Starbucks' hot teas are totally vegan, too. If you want to make them fancier, ask for an additional splash of your go-to non-dairy milk!

Vegan Starbucks Foods


1. Rolled & Steel-Cut Oatmeal

Now onto the food! First up is Starbucks' oatmeal, which you can fancy up with nuts, berries, and brown sugar. Make sure to order it with water to ensure it stays vegan.


2. Plain Bagel

Surprisingly, Starbucks' bagels are also vegan.


3. Everything Bagel

The plain and everything bagels will work for any vegan eater.


4. Avocado Spread

Plus, you can order your bagel with a side of this delicious avocado spread for a nutritious boost!


5. Spicy Falafel Pocket

This 100% vegan snack pocket is new to the Starbucks menu, but it's already become a fan-favorite amongst vegans and non-vegans alike.


6. Chipotle Almond Dip

You can order the Spicy Falafel Pocket with a side of this fully-vegan Chipotle Almond Dip (AKA Bitchin’ Sauce). Yum.

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You've DIY'd their gift, picked out the perfect date night outfit, and now it's time to settle on a romantic, mouth-watering drink menu for Valentine's Day. We're here to report that pink cocktails are the perfect solution for Valentine's Day.

You don't have to be a master chef or cocktailextraordinaire to make these delicious pink cocktails. No matter what you indulge in, these pink drinks lend a festive air to your evening at home and taste pretty darn good, too! Keep reading to pick out your favorite pink cocktails for the holiday!

What is a good romantic drink?

While we'd consider anything shared with your partner to be a romantic drink, red wine is a great option since it's considered to be an aphrodisiac drink. If you're not into wine, pink cocktails will do!

What alcohol should I get for Valentine's Day?

If you're planning on making one of these pink cocktails, grab some fruit juice from the store or buy some fresh fruit as a mixer. Grapefruit juice, passion fruit juice, or blood orange juice are all great options. Here's the booze you can stock up on:

  • Gin
  • Vodka
  • Wine
  • Tequila
  • Mezcal
  • Champagne or sparkling wine

What is the most romantic cocktail?

Any cocktail with champagne in it is a great, romantic choice for a Valentine's Day drink.

What are the 5 most popular cocktails?

You can never go wrong with classic cocktails like Old Fashioneds, margaritas, martinis, Bloody Marys, and Palomas. Check out our Cocktails 101 guide for more sippable inspiration!

Delicious Pink Cocktails To Make This Valentine's Day

Citrus Mezcal Cocktail

Mezcal is a sister liquor to tequila, with a slightly smokier and more complex palette. There's nothing to not love about these refreshing and delicious Valentine's cocktails made with mezcal, grapefruit soda, rose, lime juice, and thyme! (via Brit + Co)

Strawberry Jalapeño Margaritas

It's getting hot in here! Spice things up this V-Day with these delish pink margs that also pack the heat. (via Brit + Co)

Strawberry Rhubarb Bellinis

For an elegant option, make sure that both of your primary ingredients are pink. This pink cocktail is sweet, bubbly, and exactly what we need this Valentine's. (via Brit + Co)

Rachel Green-Inspired Rose Gulab

To create this pretty pink drink, shake 1.5 oz Ketel One vodka, 0.75 oz pomegranate syrup, and 0.75 oz lemon juice, then strain into a glass. Top it with rose petals and some lemon zest to make it an extra fun drink. Once summer rolls around, swap the ice for ice cream for a sweet treat! (via Brit + Co/ Byblos Miami)

Honey Strawberry Basil Margarita

You don't have to wait for warm weather to whip this margarita up, and V-Day is the perfect excuse. With honey, basil, and strawberries, this is one pink cocktail that will surely dance across your tastebuds. (via Brit + Co)

Watermelon Jelly Margarita

This watermelon and lime tequila cocktail is the perfect combination of boozy fun and simple sweetness. It's an enticing hot pink shade for the holiday! (via Brit + Co)

Rose Gin + Tonic

This pink drink earns its colorful qualities from a splash of Glendalough Rose Gin. To make it, add 2 oz of the gin to a wine glass with ice. Finish the cocktail off with tonic water, a lime slice, and a sprig of mint for one of the best (and easiest) Valentine's cocktails out there! (via Glendalough Distillery)

Rosa Raspberry Chocatini

Any drink that has anything to do with chocolate is a hit in our books. To make this dessert-y drink, mix equal parts chilled Rosa Regale red wine and Stoli Chocolat Razberi vodka in a wine glass. Garnish with raspberries and shaved dark chocolate! (via Rosa Regale)

I've Got A Slush on You

This satisfyingly slushy pink cocktail is perfect for sharing over a V-Day pregame. Blend 2 oz Cutwater Hibiscus Vodka, 1oz Aperol, 2 oz strawberry syrup, 1 oz lemon juice, and a few drops of rosewater with ice and pour it up! (via Cutwater)

Blushing Kiss Martini

The hint of elderflower liqueur in this gin martini adds a floral element that can’t be beaten. Rim the glass with a slice of grapefruit and stir with a thyme stem for a subtle herbiness. (via Bakers Royale)

The Love Potion Cocktail

Sweeten up this pink Champagne cocktail with a blackberry simple syrup that adds a ton of flavor and turns it all a light shade of pink. (via Lark & Linen)

French Blonde

The French Blonde just so happens to be one of Taylor Swift's favorite cocktails, and even if you're not celebrating February 14 with a partner, this sip is one of the best Valentine's cocktails to enjoy with your gals for Galentine's!

To make it, shake 0.5 oz elderflower liqueur, 1 oz dry gin, 2 oz Lillet Blanc, 2 oz fresh grapefruit juice, and a few dashes of lemon bitters over ice and strain. Sip away! (via Lillet)

Haru’s Cherry Blossom Cocktail

Think outside the bar cart and combine some sake and cherry-flavored vodka in a shaker with peach puree and cranberry juice. It's like your new vodka cranberry! (viaPolka Dot Wedding)

Grapefruit Elderflower Spanish Gin + Tonics

Curl up on the couch with your love and this subtly pink drink, and you're in for some major cuddles. There's no shaker required, so refills are a cinch. (via Craft & Cocktails)


This pink cocktail blends botanicals and the bright kick of lemon for a sweet V-Day sip. To make it, mix 1 oz gin, 1 oz fresh lemon juice, 1 oz Chambord over ice, garnishing the drink with a lemon wedge. If you wanna get fancy, top this cocktail (or any of our Valentine's cocktails) off with a heart-shaped lollipop! (via Chambord Liqueur)

La Fleurette Cocktail

Serve this tasty pink cocktail in an elegant coupe class for that romantic old-Hollywood feel. (via Lulus)

Love Potion #9 Martini

This triple-berry martini is easy to make, easy on the eyes and really easy to drink. Give it a sultry feel with a few cubes of dry ice... your cocktail will be smokin’. (viaThe Cookie Rookie)

Mi Amor 24

Tequila, grapefruit soda, and rosé Prosecco form this fun twist on the classic French 75. Make this pink Valentine's Day cocktail even more romantic by garnishing with berries! 

To make it, combine 1 oz tequila, 0.75 oz pomegranate juice, and 2 oz grapefruit soda in a chilled glass. Next, top the glass off with Josh Cellars Rose Prosecco. Enjoy! (via Josh Cellars)

Kir Royale

This fruity pink drink features champagne and creme de cassis, and if you want an extra pink look, swap the blackberries for raspberries. (via Culinary Hill)

Pink Señorita

Tequila is the way to just about anyone’s heart. Mix a couple of these sweet and sour Pink Señoritas to pair with your chips and guac this V-Day. (via Superman Cooks)

Rhubarb Bramble

This eye-catching pink cocktail is as fun to make as it is to sip on! To make it, shake 1.5 oz gin, 0.75 fresh lemon juice, and 0.75 oz simple syrup over ice until cold. Strain the mixture into a rocks glass filled with crushed ice. Finish it off with a drizzle of crème de cassis and a orange twist for garnish. (via Edinburgh Gin)

Pink Strawberry Sangria

If playing mixologist isn’t really your thing, a simple sangria will be the perfect pink cocktail for your Valentine’s Day celebrations. This one only requires strawberry vodka, pink Moscato, lemon-lime soda, and fresh strawberries. We're in love with fruity Valentine's cocktails like these! (viaSimply Whisked)

Strawberry Champagne Margarita

Pair these sweet and sparkling margs with your date’sfavorite tacos and they’ll never forget the sweet gesture. Don't have champagne? Swap it for sparkling wine instead. (via Pizzazzerie)

Pomegranate Rose Gin Fizz

Earthy gin pairs beautifully with the fruity pomegranate and rose water included in this Valentine's cocktail recipe for a truly botanical experience that anyone will be pleased with! (via Ahu Eats)

Raspberry Pink Champagne Floats

This desserty drink is the ultimate way to end the evening on V-Day. All it takes is a scoop of raspberry sorbet and a splash of pink Champagne! Easy Valentine's Day drinks for the win. (via The Cookie Rookie)

Berry Gin + Tonic

This is a super easy pink cocktail that you can make in a pinch! To make it, mix 2 oz Aviation American Gin and 4 oz Fever Tree Grapefruit Tonic Water in a glass before finishing it off with ice, a few raspberries, and a lemon wheel. (via Aviation American Gin)

Strawberry Cream Mimosa

The morning after Valentine's Day should be just as special as the night before. If your previous sentiments didn't solidify your love, breakfast in bed and this strawberry cream mimosa on Feb 15 totally will. (via Swanky Recipes)

Rosé, Gin and Pink Peppercorn Cocktail

If you’ve ever turned your nose up to boxed wine, prepare to change your opinion. All you have to do to make these Valentine's Day cocktails is add a few choice ingredients to boxed rosé, and it’s transformed into the pink cocktail of every foodie’s dream. (viaKitchn)

Rose Lemon Spritzer

Why give a bouquet of roses when you can make a rose cocktail? This spritzer is a refreshing, elegant and simple way to say, “I love you.” (via Half Baked Harvest)

What are your Valentine's Day plans this year? Share your pink cocktail recipes with us @BritandCo!

This article has been updated from a previous post.

What is it about family sagas that seem to make book clubs more interesting? Maybe it's because we know interpersonal relationships can be a little dysfunctional. It could be that we still don't know how to communicate with the people we love the most. Even if we love our parents and siblings, reading about other families' fictional twists and turns gives us a rush of adrenaline.

So it's no wonder Jenna Bush Hager's January book club pick feels like something we can read without putting down. It's full of complicated relationship dynamics, love, and reconciling one's identity with their past. You can say it's the perfect read to kick off your 2025 reading goals!

Learn more about Jenna Bush Hager's 2025 book club pick and fall in love with one character's journey of self-discovery.


The Life Cycle of the Common Octopus by Emma Knight

Penn should be excited about advancing her education at the University of Edinburgh, but she can't stop thinking about the secret her parents have been keeping from her. For some reason, she believes she'll uncover it while she's in Scotland because Lord Lennox — her father's friend — is in the area.

Her hunger for the truth leads her to Lord Lennox's estate where she she starts mingling with his family and even discovers love in this moving novel.


Jenna Bush Hager's Thoughts About The Life Cycle of the Common Octopus

Jenna Bush Hager thinks readers will love The Life Cycle of the Common Octopus because "it's a rich novel" with themes of "friendship and motherhood" (via Instagram). It's so good, she's sure "it will sweep you off your feet (via Instagram).

We hope you enjoy reading about Penn's journey in The Life Cycle of the Common Octopus and encourage you to check out Reese Witherspoon's January book club pick next!

Trader Joe’s loves to keep us on our toes when it comes to their new arrivals. We’re constantly monitoring the aisles to discover all the new TJ’s sweet treats and savory snacks they launch – and these 7 new picks for January 2025 are not to be missed! All of these Trader Joe’s products will run you less than $5, which only makes sealing the deal on your grocery bill easier.

From delicious dips to a very enticing new frozen meal, these are the 7 best new Trader Joe’s finds you absolutely need to try in January 2025.

Trader Joe's

1. Teensy Candy Bars

These tiny little candy bar bites ($2.99) resemble Snickers in the best way possible: layers of nougat, caramel, and peanuts are enveloped in a delicious chocolate coating for maximum snackage. We're gonna have to resist eating the whole bag! TJ's even suggests using these bits as decoration for other desserts, like sprinkling some on a scoop of ice cream or baking them into some cookies.

Trader Joe's

2. Olive Tapenade Hummus

Trader Joe's array of dips is simply too good to resist, and this newcomer hummus ($3.49) is no exception! It's a tub of "smooth and nutty" hummus topped with a tapenade comprised of black olives, manzanilla olives, capers, and olive oil to give it a salty effect. It's gonna taste so great as a dip for crackers or as a spread on a Mediterranean pita wrap.

Trader Joe's

3. Organic Concord Grape Jelly

This squeezable grape jelly ($3.49) is nothing short of nostalgic. Trader Joe's says it's "super smooth, joyously juicy, and potently purple," which immediately has us sold on making PB&Js every day now.

Trader Joe's

4. Spicy Chicken Nuggets

Oh, yeah. Bring on the spice with these spicy nuggs ($3.99) that make the perfect easy meal no matter the time of day! Made from all-natural chicken breast and rib meat, breaded with wheat, rice and corn flours, then covered in hot sauce and lightly fried, TJ's has their texture down to a tee. You can easily cook 'em in the air fryer, oven, or microwave before chowing down!

Trader Joe's

5. Crispy Potato & Poblano Pepper Tacos

These halved and fried frozen tacos ($4.99) will totally crush your Taco Bell cravings, since they come together super quickly and contain flavors with mind-blowing authenticity! Each taco is filled with a blend of seasoned mashed potatoes and some "ever-so- slightly spicy" poblano peppers that'll work so well with any dipping sauce, from TJ's salsa to their creamy Jalapeño Sauce.

Trader Joe's

6. Strawberry Mini Hold The Cone!

Just in time for Valentine's Day, Trader Joe's is debuting a new flavor ($3.99) of their classic Hold The Cone! frozen dessert: strawberry! These tiny, chocolate-covered cones are lined with even more "rich" chocolate on the inside, then packed with strawberry ice cream, which TJ's says is crafted with plenty of strawberry purée.

Trader Joe's

7. Caesar Salad Dip

Trader Joe's shoppers have said this new Caesar Salad Dip ($3.69) makes a perfect girl dinner addition– which, if you get it, you get it! The tub starts with a "creamy" base that's then loaded up with Caesar-seasoned sour cream, mayo, anchovy paste, Parmesan, and finely shredded Romaine for the crunch. It's best enjoyed with crackers or veggie sticks to dip, but you could also smatter fried chicken or seared steak in it for some ahh-mazing flavor!

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