5 Questions To Ask Yourself To Become A Better BFF Today

how to be a better friend MBTI

Here’s two questions for you to think about. One is probably quite straightforward to the answer, the other… maybe not so much. Here you go:

  • Question 1: Did you celebrate National Best Friends Day on June 8th?
  • Question 2: How good of a friend are you?

National Best Friends Day is a celebration to honor those who hold the title of best friend in our lives. Of course, if you didn’t celebrate the day, or didn’t know about it, that doesn't mean you aren’t a good friend. But perhaps Best Friends Day is a good moment to stop and think about our friends, and especially our best friend. Do we give them what they need? We tend to see the world through the lens of our own personality, our likes and dislikes, and it can be difficult to put ourselves in other people’s shoes. That’s when knowing something about our personality, and how it differs from that of other people, can help.

One really useful framework in building and maintaining relationships goes by the name of “FIRO”, code for “Fundamental Interpersonal Relationships Orientation”. That’s a bit of a mouthful, but it describes what the FIRO does. It measures what you need, and what you show, in your interpersonal relationships. This can help explain why sometimes other people, including our friends, don’t seem to understand us, or give us what we need from them – and why sometimes we don’t understand our friends.


The FIRO framework looks at three different types of interpersonal needs:

  • Inclusion, our need to belong. How much do you need to be part of a group? How much do you want to be included by other people in their groups, and how much do you want to include others in your group?
  • Control, our need for influence. How much to you need to have clear direction and structure in your relationships, both on a one-to-one level and in groups
  • Affection, our need for intimacy. How important is it for you to have close personal relationships with other people at a one-to-one level?

The FIRO looks at two different aspects for each of these areas. First, how much of that need is expressed to others, how much of that behavior we initiate to others. For Inclusion, for example, how much do we try to include other people in our activities – your FIRO Expressed Inclusion score. It also looks at how much we want from others.

Karolina Kaboompics/Pexels

  • For Inclusion: How much do we need other people to include us in their group and involve us in their activities? Wanted Inclusion.
  • For Control: The extent to which we try to influence and control others, and how much we want to be in an environment that provides us with structure and clarity. Expressed Control and Wanted Control.
  • For Affection: How much we try to be warm and friendly to others, and how much we want others to be warm and friendly to us. Expressed and Wanted Affection.

That gives scores; Expressed and Wanted Inclusion,Expressed and Wanted Control,Expressed and Wanted Affection. And we can have a high, medium, or low score for each of these six areas.

Helena Lopes/Pexels

So how can this explain why someone might be misunderstood? Well, this can happen when someone’s expressed and wanted scores are different. Let’s look at an example. Joe has high Expressed Inclusion, but low Wanted Inclusion. He wants to involve lots of people in his activities but doesn’t want them to include him in their activities. He’s likely seen by others as outgoing and sociable, but he also has a real need for privacy.

Because people see his high Expressed Inclusion, his friends are likely to invite or include him more than he wants to be, and he’ll refuse some of those invitations – which might leave them feeling hurt or otherwise harm the friendship. But knowing his FIRO profile will give Joe the language to describe his behavior and keep the friendship alive.

Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels

Of course, our interpersonal needs involve other people too. Let’s look at Joe alongside his friend Joan. Joe has high Expressed Inclusion and low Wanted Inclusion. Joan has low Expressed Inclusion and high Wanted Inclusion. This might make for a good relationship. Joe wants to include Joan (high Expressed Inclusion), and she wants to be included (high Wanted Inclusion). Joan doesn’t much want to include other people in her activities (low Expressed Inclusion), and that’s fine with Joe, who doesn’t much want to be included (low Wanted Inclusion).

However, things might be a little different on Affection. Joe has high Expressed Affection and high Wanted Affection. Joan is low on both. Joe wants to be warm and friendly with Joan, to get a connection, but Joan, with low Wanted Affection, doesn’t want that. And Joe is looking for warm and friendly behavior from Joan, which she probably doesn’t want to express. This may be an area where understanding their FIRO results helps them to understand why their relationship may sometimes be strained, and gives them the knowledge they need to make that relationship work.

Karolina Kaboompics/Pexels

So take a moment to think about your relationships, your friendships. Are there places where your best friend doesn’t seem to understand you, or you them? Are there times when they don’t quite seem to give you what you need, or vice versa? Maybe understanding your interpersonal needs, or knowing your FIRO profile, could help.

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As we live our lives, most of us accumulate stuff — and sometimes a lot of it. However careful we are about what we buy, however clever we are in evading unwanted gifts, sooner or later it’s time to declutter. This does, however, come easier for some people than it does for others. You might be someone who gets irritated, upset, or can’t relax when your home or work environment is cluttered and untidy, or maybe you just don’t notice until someone else points it out.

MBTI personality type plays a part in this; for example, in research that my organization carried out, people with a Judging personality preference were far more likely to agree to the statement “It annoys me when people have messy, cluttered desks” than were people with a Perceiving preference.

But whatever our type, sooner or later it’s going to be a good idea to declutter — otherwise we could be swamped and overwhelmed. Instead of bugging out about it, here are some suggestions for each of the 16 MBTI types for how to declutter their space.

Photo by Liza Summer/PEXELS


Create a schedule and a routine for decluttering, set aside a regular time, and use a checklist to make sure you don’t miss anything out. It will probably help to set yourself goals. Organize areas for practical use, ensuring that items are easy to find and access.


Some material things will be important to you, with a sentimental value. Make a list of these so you can decide which items to keep, and do not get rid of them accidentally, Aim to create a calm, comfortable environment with these personally important items displayed, or stored where they can be accessed easily. Create a schedule and a routine for decluttering, with a regular timeslot.


Try creating a minimalist environment, with items stored away out of sight, to reduce distractions and allow you to focus on what’s important in life. Create your own system for storage; it needs to make sense to you but doesn’t necessarily have to work for other people. Find ways to store items in an environmentally friendly way.


You may want to create a grand plan for decluttering but remember that you can start small if you need to. However you do decide to organize things, periodically review this to ensure that this still works for you. Create a schedule for this, including a regular declutter.

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You may become bored or demotivated if you spend too long tidying, so declutter in short bursts — short, intensive sessions will probably work better for you than long periods. Set a calendar alert or other reminder so that you don’t forget. Invest in storage solutions that are practical and give you quick access to items, but that are adaptable, perhaps modular, in case you want to change things.


Declutter in a way that works for you. Think about how important items are to you, how you feel about them, and keep the ones that matter; get rid of the ones that don’t. Set a reminder so that you don’t forget to tidy and declutter, but try not to make it into a chore, else you might not get round to it. Perhaps try to make it into a game?


There will be some items that you want to keep, come what may; decide on these and be prepared to get rid of others. Having a fixed routine for decluttering may not work for you, but typing it into another event, such as a friend coming to stay, may help to motivate you. Try using a journal or planner to organize tasks and your reflections, or taking before and after photos to remind you how much you’ve done.


You may not always see the clutter around you, so try looking at your house or apartment through someone else’s eyes. Ask a friend, or step back and think what it would be like if you had seen it for the first time. Then approach decluttering as a problem to be solved, work out an efficient way to do it – and then don’t forget to carry through and actually tidy up.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto/PEXELS


Start off with a triage of your home. Focus on quick wins to get immediate, tangible results and use these to motivate you to keep going. The more active and hands on, the better. Don’t invest in complicated storage systems; use practical, no-nonsense solutions that make accessing items easy.


Make decluttering fun. Do it with friends, make it a game, or pump up the volume and go for it to music. To motivate you to get started, think about how much more friends and family will enjoy being round once your home is more inviting.


Decluttering doesn’t have to be dull. Involve friends, or develop different, aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly ways to store items. Be a trendsetter!


Set yourself a challenge; find inventive and unconventional ways to declutter and stay organized. Use apps or other technology to help. And if you don’t think your home is untidy or cluttered, then ask a friend for their honest opinion – you may find that it is.

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You probably like organizing things, so decluttering may be second nature to you. Create a schedule, set aside a regular time, and use a checklist to make sure you don’t miss anything out. If you are helping a friend to declutter, remember that they are in charge, not you, and that some things may have more sentimental value for them than you realise.


Involve family or friends in tidying and decluttering to make it a social activity. But before you start, make a list of those items that have a sentimental value for you, so that these are not thrown out by accident. Put in place a routine to keep your home tidy and organized.


It’s likely that things need to feel right for you. When you are decluttering, consider how items fit with the environment that you are aiming for. This may take longer, but you are more likely to be happy with the result. If you have not sufficiently decluttered your environment, take a second pass; remember that by donating items, you can give them a second life.


Take a moment before you start to decide on your overall goals and plan. Why are you decluttering? Are there specific reasons or objectives? How much do you need to declutter by? Think also about how this decluttering session fits with any long-term goals you have. Then create your plan and execute it.

Looking for more MBTI tips? Be sure to sign up for our weekly email newsletter!

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Age gap relationships aren't a new phenomenon, but nothing is more interesting than seeing how many years exist between Sam and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Their 23-year gap has been over-analyzed by fans and the media since the beginning of their relationship, and speculations haven't slowed down a bit.

Both Sam and Aaron have been vocal about not letting the public narrative determine their devotion to their marriage, but now things may be a little rocky for this controversial couple. Want to know more about Sam and Aaron Taylor-Johnson's relationship timeline? Scroll down for all the juicy details from 2008 until this year!

Sam And Aaron Taylor-Johnson's Full Relationship Timeline

Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

Early 2008 — Sam Taylor-Woods And Aaron Johnson Connect Via Nowhere Boy

After audition for a role in Sam Taylor-Woods' debut film Nowhere Boy, Aaron Johnson piqued Hollywood's interest with his portrayal of a younger John Lennon (via The Guardian). According to reports, that's not the only thing that made people curious.

It became apparent their interactions on set had ventured into romantic territory when they were spotted "arm in arm" and acting like "teenagers in love," (via The Guardian).

2009 — The Couple Gets Engaged A Year After Filming Nowhere Boy

Aaron Johnson eventually proposed to Sam a year later, despite maintaining boundaries while filming Nowhere Boy. They claimed to Harper's Bazaarthey were "very professional" even though "everyone on set knew" there were something budding between the two.

Aaron didn't hesitate to say, "And a year to the minute after we met, exactly one year to the minute, I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me."

It didn't take long for Sam to become pregnant with their first child either. "I knew I wanted a family with her, I knew I wanted kids, and a month later she was pregnant with our first child," Aaron admitted to The Telegraph UK.

Ian Gavan/Getty Images for Grey Goose Vodka

April 2010 — Aaron Johnson Shares His Thoughts About Being A First-Time Dad

Aaron sat down with Jonathan Ross of Friday Night with Jonathan Ross and talked about the new role he was prepping for outside of acting. He said he was "not really" nervous about becoming a father because he'd been interacting with Sam's daughters from her previous marriage to Jay Jopling.

July 2010 — Sam And Aaron's First Daughter Is Born

Per reports fromDaily Mail, the couple's first daughter was born a few months after Aaron's appearance on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross. They didn't go into depth about baby Wylda Rae's birth nor were updates shared during the months following her arrival.

Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images for Chanel

January 2012 — The Couple's Second Daughter Is Born

This time a rep announced the birth of Sam and Aaron's second daughter, Romy Hero to People. They experienced a home birth and a rep reported "mother and daughter are well" at the time.

June 2012 — Wedding Bells Ring As Sam And Aaron Get Married

The couple got married in Somerset during the summer of 2012 and it was immediately noticed that Aaron partially changed his last name. "I just don't see why women need to take the man's name. I wanted to be a part of her just as much as she wanted to be part of me," he said (via The Standard).

Sam Taylor-Johnson later praised the "stability" of their marriage by saying to The Guardian, "Being in an amazing relationship, having come out of a difficult one, it felt so good."

Fergus McDonald/Getty Images

January 2017 — Aaron Taylor-Johnson Mentions Sam During His Golden Globe Speech

When Aaron won an award for appearing in Tom Ford's Nocturnal Animals, he made sure to express his love and gratitude for Sam Taylor-Johnson during his speech. "I want to thank my wife for being there with me and supporting me through this." He openly admitted his role wasn't "pleasant," but continued to thank her for "putting up" with him.

He also gave a shout out to their daughters "Anjelica, Phoenix, Wylda, and Romy."

February 2017 — Aaron Admits He's Not A Fan Of Everyone's Prying Eyes

The actor didn't shy away from talking about his great dislike for everyone's opinions about he and Sam's relationship when they first started dating. He told New York Magazine, "The attention was intrusive." At the same time, he said it helped him develop thicker skin so he can let things roll off his shoulders instead of feeling riled up.

Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images for InStyle

March 2017 — Aaron Reveals He Has A Tattoo Of Sam's Name

Aaron took his love for Sam Taylor-Johnson a step further when he let the world see his tattoo of her name in celebration of her 50th birthday (via Daily Mail). Though the focus was meant to be on his new ink, his chiseled abs were also on display.

The actor appeared in Mr. Porterand revealed he'd rather stick to family life than acting. "I get more fulfillment from being a father than I do from being an actor" and even said he thought about "wanting to give it up."

June 2017 — Sam Taylor-Johnson Gushes About Aaron

It seems this couple was in-sync with each other because Sam later gushed about him during an interview with The Times UK. She said, "I literally found my soulmate" in Aaron and talked about not being ashamed of their large age difference. "When you're solid with someone in your own love, you don't think about it."

She later posted a moving Instagram post dedicated to her husband's birthday and wrote, "HBD to the most incredible husband, father, man @aarontaylorjohnson I ❤️U."

Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images for The Hollywood Reporter

June 2019 — Sam And Aaron Taylor-Johnson Look Spiffy At Zoë Kravitz's First Wedding

Sam posted a stylish photo of herself and Aaron getting ready to attend Zoë Kravitz wedding to her first husband Karl Glusman. Aaron wore a tailored marl gray suit while Sam looked amazing in a leopard print dress.

"To the wedding we go... 🎩 @karlglusman @zoeisabellakravitz," she wrote in the caption.

November 2019 — The Couple Reveals What It Was Like Working On A Million Little Pieces Together

Joint projects can cause disagreements to occur between couples, but Sam and Aaron admitted they enjoyed the process of making A Million Little Pieces a reality. "It was the best thing we've ever done," Sam told Harper's Bazaar.

Unfortunately the author, James Frey, admitted to sharing false information in the memoir the film was based on and was even removed from Oprah Winfrey's book club (via New York Times).

Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images

June 2020 — Sam Taylor-Johnson Celebrates The Couple's Wedding Anniversary

Sam took to Instagram to share a black and white photo of the couple together in honor of their wedding anniversary. They looked like they'd stopped to take a quick photo while on a hike as they were both wearing hiking boots. "8 years later. Happy anniversary ❤️ #aarontaylorjohnson ❤️," she wrote in the caption.

She shared another photo of Aaron because Father's day coincides with their wedding anniversary. Her caption simply read, "Happy Father’s Day ❤️ #aarontaylorjohnson 🔥."

March 2021 — Sam And Aaron Taylor-Johnson Set To Work On "Rothko" Together

It was revealed the married couple were set to being bringing the film Rothko to the silver screen in 2021 with Russell Crowe and Aisling Franciosi set to star in it alongside Aaron (via Deadline). It's a film adaptation of The Legacy Of Mark Rothko by Lee Seldes, but nothing else has been reported about a possible release date.

Presley Ann/Getty Images for The Hollywood Reporter

May 2021 — Sam Taylor-Johnson's Excited About Aaron's Latest Project

After it was announced Aaron would star in Kraven the Hunter, Sam Taylor-Johnson couldn't contain her excitement. She posted a comic book version of the titular character on Instagram and wrote, "My husband ❤️ #kraventhehunter #aarontaylorjohnson."

The film will release in Theaters December 13, 2024, but you can watch the official trailer now! Based on what we've seen, it looks full of action and shirtless moments that will keep us warm during winter.

June 2021 — Sam Also Gets A Tattoo Dedicated To Aaron

Tattoo artist Docta Woo gave Aaron some new ink of the form of a humming bird and also revealed Sam's dedicated tattoo for her husband. "Captured a healed hummingbird on Aaron and added some love ✍🏼 for Sam ✨❤️," his caption on Instagram reads.

John Phillips/Getty Images

June 2022 — The Couple Renews Their Vows

In honor of their 10th wedding anniversary, Aaron posted a lengthy tribute to he and Sam's marriage on Instagram. He partially wrote, "we renewed our vows to one another and confessed our love in front of our nearest and dearest friends and family it was a celebration of love and joy," in his caption.

Sam also posted her own feelings about their vow renewal in a separate post. "10 glorious years 💕 My incredible husband, father to all 4 girls. I love you, I love you, I love you 💕 love conquers all."

September 2024 — Fans Speculate There's Trouble In Paradise

Despite their public love and support for each other, fans are convinced Sam and Aaron Taylor-Johnson are having marital problems. The actor was recently seen without his wedding band while he was out and about (via The Mirror). Neither have commented on the pics, so it could be that he forgot it at home or removed it for a cleaning.

It all seems very TBD...

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Are you stressed right now? Maybe not so stressed that you curl up in a ball, or run around screaming, but most of us have at least some stress in our lives. And often that’s a good thing; the right amount of stress motivates us and gets us up in the morning. But if stress gets too much, we start to suffer, become demotivated, and eventually collapse as our nervous system falls apart.

Fortunately, there are ways in which we can build our resilience. Some of these are useful for everyone; getting support from your family and friends, nurturing a positive view of yourself, doing things that you enjoy and find relaxing, developing realistic goals and taking action to achieve them. But some will be unique to you, to your particular circumstances to your personality. If you know your personality type, you will have a head start on knowing what your stress triggers are (and so dealing with them), how you react to stress, and how to cope with that reaction. In other words, how to build resilience.

Personality Types And How They Deal With Stress

Image via Photo by Mikhail Nilov/Pexels

The personality type framework, as measured by the Myers-Briggs(MBTI) assessment, looks at four aspects of personality:

  • Extraversion-Introversion — People with an Extraversion personality preference are energized by and focus their attention on what’s happening around them, their external world. They are likely to find spending too much time alone without enough external stimulation quite stressful. People with an Introversion preference are energized by and focus their attention on their inner world of thoughts and feelings. They can become stressed if they are forced to spend too much time with others, or when they have to cope with too many external distractions.
  • Sensing-Intuition — is all about how we take in information. People with a Sensing preference prefer information that is realistic, practical, built on past or present real-life experiences, and often detailed. They can be stressed when things are ambiguous and unclear, without any clear direction. People with an Intuition preference are interested in the big picture, in how things connect, and in ideas rather than facts. They will find having to follow exact instructions stressful, and working with people who demand lots of detail.
  • Thinking-Feeling —People with a Thinking preference want to make decisions using objective logic and will be stressed when decisions seem to be subjective, or when they are forced to concentrate on people rather than the task at hand. People with a Feeling preference want to make decisions that line up with their values and they will be stressed if they feel that those values are not being respected, and when there is conflict.
  • Judging-Perceiving — People with a Judging preference want to live in an organized, planned way and will find dealing with disorganized people stressful, or having to rush things at the last minute. People with a Judging preference want to live in a more spontaneous, emergent way and will become stressed when they have to deal with inflexible people, or when they are forced to make decisions before they feel they really need to.

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Everyone will have a preference for Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I), for Sensing (S) or for Intuition (N), for Thinking (T) or for Feeling (F), and for Judging (J) or for Perceiving (P). These four preferences combine together dynamically to give one of 16 types. For example, if someone has preferences for Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking and Judging, then their overall type would be ESTJ. If you know your type, you can identify your likely stressors (and so avoid or mitigate them), your typical behavior under everyday stress (so that you can recognize when you are stressed) and what to do to cope with that reaction, stop the stress cycle and so build resilience. Here’s the detail for each type.

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  • Lack of stimulation and excitement
  • Theoretical, abstract tasks without any practical application right now
  • Being physically confined, e.g. though illness or circumstance

Behavior under everyday stress

  • Seeks out more and more external stimulation and excitement
  • May behave in a thrill-seeking or dangerous way or over-indulge
  • Lives solely in the present moment and will not make any decisions

How to stop the stress cycle

  • Pause, stop what you are doing, or think through what you will do next before you do it

Image via Photo by Karolina Grabowska/Pexels



  • Inefficient people, systems, or organizations
  • Lack of closure, not being able to make decisions, blockers
  • Having to focus on people's feelings, rather than the task

Behavior under everyday stress

  • Becomes overly directive, forceful, or even aggressive
  • Makes snap decisions and imposes them on others
  • Dismisses evidence/other opinions that don't fir your view

How to stop the stress cycle

  • Stop making any decisions until you have taken some time out to explore all the available information.

Image via Photo by Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels



  • People who say "it'll never work"
  • Too much seemingly irrelevant detail
  • Lack of variety; not being able to do anything new

Behavior under everyday stress

  • Shares increasingly impractical ideas with more and more people
  • Unable to take things seriously, becomes destructively 'playful'
  • Will be tied down to decisions

How to stop the stress cycle

  • Slow down. Take some time out to quietly decide on a course of action

Image via Anna Shvets/Pexels



  • Conflict with others and between others
  • Lack of warmth, not having friendliness reciprocated
  • Injustice in the world at large

Behavior under everyday stress

  • Become effusive and over-friendly
  • Becomes demanding in getting your own and others' needs met
  • Interprets situations in terms of your values, ignoring any other evidence

How to stop the stress cycle

  • Step back from the situation and the people involved and consider alternatives and the facts

Image via Yan Krukau/Pexels



  • Having your carefully reasoned solutions dismissed or ignored
  • Illogical decisions that have not been thought through
  • Excessive displays of approval or emotion from others

Behavior under everyday stress

  • Withdraws to solve problems by yourself
  • Fixates on finding the one correct solution
  • Ignores other people; makes decisions without informing them

How to stop the stress cycle

  • Talk to others to explore information and ideas

Image via Mizuno K/Pexels



  • Having to act without detailed, practical information or plans
  • Having the lessons of your experience dismissed by others
  • Changing things that already work

Behavior under everyday stress

  • Obsessively searches for that one important piece of information
  • Withdraws from the outer world
  • Cannot make a decision until all the information has been found

How to stop the stress cycle

  • Talk to others to help you prioritize and make a decision

Image via Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels



  • People who ignore, dismiss, or contravene your values
  • Working in a job that is at odds with those values
  • Inflexible and unthinking people or organizations

Behavior under everyday stress

  • Withdraws into an inner dialogue
  • Obsessively works through decisions that fir your values
  • Ignores facts that do not fit with the picture you have painted

How to stop the stress cycle

  • Talk to others to get their reassurance and help in considering the facts and alternatives




  • Not having time to think through possibilities before answering
  • Having your well-considered ideas dismissed or ignored
  • Disorganized, opinionated people

Behavior under everyday stress

  • Withdraws to build increasingly complex ideas in your head
  • These models may become divorced from reality
  • Unable to act under every possibility has been explored

How to stop the stress cycle

  • Talk to others to help decide which of your many ideas should be pursued

When you feel stressed, it can get in the way of dealing effectively with life’s demands, and it can affect everything you do. Understanding your MBTI personality type will help you to build resilience.

Looking for more advice geared towards your MBTI? Be sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter!

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My deep, unshakeable love for teen dramas makes total sense when I remember that I grew up on all the classic old school drama TV shows. At any given moment, my family would be watching a Western, a compelling family story, or a sweeping romance. While a lot of the storytelling (and character choices) have become outdated, dramas from the 70s, 80s, and 90s informed all the new TV shows we can't stop watching today. And I was thrilled when I realized how many classics are available to watch on Prime Video! Here are 5 shows to stream for your weekend watch.

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


As someone who's lived on the East coast my entire life, my brain categorizes any story set out West the same way it does fantasy. And this drama TV show, about a doctor who moves to Colorado Springs from Boston in the 1800s, is one of my favorite series ever. Jane Seymour stars as Dr. Michaela Quinn, who, after an accident, ends up adopting three children as well as a new medical practice in Colorado. The show ran from 1993-1998 and scored 19 Emmy nominations and 4 Emmy wins.

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman stars Jane Seymour, Joe Lando, Chad Allen, Shawn Toovey, Orson Bean, Jessica Bowman, and Erika Flores.

The Waltons


Based on the real-life Hamner family (with Earl Hamner Jr. serving as the narrator), this series follows the Walton family on Walton's Mountain as the world moves through The Great Depression and World War 2. Just like Dr. Quinn, The Waltons scored some Emmys (37 nominations and 13 wins) and covered all kinds of issues from war and violence to race and sexuality.
One funny thing I like to look out for is, as the seasons move along (and the real-world behind the scenes enters the 80s), the hairstyles get more and more voluminous.
The Waltons stars Richard Thomas, Ralph Waite, Michael Learned, Jon Walmsley, Mary Beth McDonough, Judy Norton, Kami Cotler, Eric Scott, and Ellen Corby.



Moesha might be classified as a sitcom, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to include it! Especially since it tackles topics like body image, teen pregnancy, racism, sexism, and inappropriate age-gap relationships (like when Moesha's teacher kisses her?! I'll never get over that). Plus, the cherry on top is that Brandy IS Moesha. The show was got 17 Image Awards nominations, and 3 wins, plus 3 Kids Choice Awards nominations and 3 Teen Choice Awards nominations.

Moesha stars Brandy Norwood, William Allen Young, Countess Vaughn, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Lamont Bentley, Shar Jackson, and Marcus T. Paulk.

Little House on the Prairie


Inspired by Laura Ingalls Wilder's novels, this old school drama TV show ran for 9 seasons and follows the Ingalls family as they make a home for themselves in Walnut Grove, Minnesota. At the time, this classic series won 4 Emmys, and got 16 nominations, and was later criticized for being racially insensitive towards Native Americans.

In the era of TikTok, Gen Z is revisiting the series' most terrifying episodes and cracking up at how often Michael Landon (who served as star, executive producer, writer, and director) wrote shirtless scenes for his character.

Little House on the Prairie stars Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, and Lindsay & Sydney Greenbush.

7th Heaven

The WB/The CW

7th Heaven serves as both a family drama and a teen drama because, man do these kids go through it. The Camden family, led by pastor Eric and his wife Annie, help their community through all kinds of issues: gun violence, drug abuse, gangs, and more. The show definitely evolves into a caricature of the 90s if you ask me, but the actors who play the five children (later seven, after Annie has twins) are so lovable. Plus, this show launched Jessica Biel into Hollywood so we're more than thankful for that :).

7th Heaven stars Stephen Collins, Catherine Hicks, Barry Watson, David Gallagher, Jessica Biel, Beverley Mitchell, and Mackenzie Rosman.

Tag us with your favorite drama TV show on Instagram!

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When you think of sandwiches, your head goes to lunch — an ooey gooey grilled cheese and tomato soup combo, or perhaps the beloved panini. We'd argue that sandwiches hit the spot any time of day. Truth is, a creative sandwich makes for a totally appropriate dinner option as well — when done right. And by “right," we mean stuffed to the brim with more flavorful goodies and ingredients than your hungry self can handle. Brace yourself, because these dinner-friendly sandwich recipes will have your tummy grumbling hard.

Averie Cooks

Air Fryer Reuben Sandwiches

Fancy sandwich recipes aren't usually made in an air fryer, but look out when they are! This handheld option is packed full of flavorful Worcestershire and chili garlic sauces, minced white onion, sour cream, and more!

The best part is that it takes less than 30 minutes to prep and cook it! Just be sure to set your air fryer's temperature to 390 degrees and you'll be holding this appetizing meal in no time! (via Averie Cooks

Brit + Co

Chrissy Teigen’s Pork Bánh Mì With Quick Pickles & Roasted Broccoli

Enjoy this pork banh mi the Chrissy Teigen way - A.K.A. the delicious way! (via Brit + Co.)

Brit + Co

Cloud-Egg Croque Madame

This cloud-egg croque madame is a mash-up of a classic French croque madame (basically a toasted cheese and ham sandwich, which is usually topped with a simple fried egg) and the cloud egg, which has a fluffy texture that really makes it feel like you’re eating a cloud. (via Brit + Co.)

Brit + Co

BBQ Pulled Jackfruit Sandwiches

Rock your next summer get together with vegan BBQ pulled jackfruit sandwiches. They’re hearty, savory, and filling for a hungry crowd. Jackfruit is a tropical fruit with a neutral taste that has a similar texture and appearance to pulled pork or chicken. Sauté it in a savory-sweet sauce like BBQ and pile high on top of buns for an easy vegan sandwich. (via Brit + Co.)

Brit + Co

Instant Pot French Dip Sandwich

We love a good reason to use our Instant Pot and this French Dip sandwich is better than any we can think of this week. Juicy and delicious, it's comfort food at its best. (via Brit + Co.)

Brit + Co

5 Tasty Tea Sandwiches

This is a fun kid-friendly dinner that goes a step above your plain PB&J. You can make each one of these delightful tea sandwiches in under 5 minutes, and you can use cookie cutters to cut them into fun shapes for the kiddos (or for yourself!). Here are five quick and easy takes on the ultimate finger food. (via Brit + Co.)

Brit + Co

Lazy Girl Breakfast Sandwiches

In your lazy girl era? Try batching out your fancy sandwiches to maximize the yumminess of this recipe. You'll need sausages, eggs, whole milk, unsalted butter, and a few other delicious ingredients! (via Brit + Co.)

Brit + Co

Hawaiian Chicken Sandwich

There's a whole slice of pineapple on this Hawaiian chicken sandwich. It's a savory option to enjoy before fall starts in a couple of weeks! (via Brit + Co.)

Brit + Co

Classic French Dip

Nothing screams fancy sandwich quite like a thick loaf smothered in hearty beef and a single serving of rich au jus broth to go with it. (via Brit + Co.)

Rachel Mansfield

TikTok Grinder Sandwich

We have to hop on the trending grinder sandwich how-to. It's one of the buzzier fancy sandwiches you'll try this year, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing! (via Rachel Mansfield)

Eat In My Kitchen

Grilled Tomato, Chèvre, and Thyme Baguette Sandwich

This toasted baguette is stuffed with so many incredible flavors, it would be a shame to not share the joy with someone. Find your most favorite person ever, and split this with them stat. (via Eat In My Kitchen)

Half Baked Harvest

Antipasto Mozzarella Sandwich with Lemony Basil Pesto

This sandwich is spruced up with homemade pesto that carries a strong citrus flavor. It'll be your new favorite bite! (via Half Baked Harvest)

A Spicy Perspective

Savory Waffle Sandwiches

These sweet and savory sandwiches are fancy like you've never seen before. TBH, we'd scarf this down any time of the day. (via A Spicy Perspective)

Salt & Lavender

Chickpea Salad Sandwich

This vegetarian sandwich take on chicken salad is a healthy mouthful. You enjoy the juxtaposition of the chickpeas and radish sprouts with every bite you take. (via Salt & Lavender)

Half Baked Harvest

Brie and Prosciutto Sandwich

It's like a charcuterie board-turned-sandwich. This fancy stack of brie cheese and prosciutto will hit those Italian food cravings every time. (via Half Baked Harvest)

Eat Good 4 Life

Chicken Caesar Sandwich

If you truly believe that you can’t make friends with salad, you can at least appreciate this recipe. This ‘wich takes your favorite salad and stuffs it between some grilled bread for a filling and satisfying dinner. (via Eat Good 4 Life)

The Colorful Kitchen

Vegan Smoky Tahini Jackfruit Sandwich

Smokey flavors aren’t reserved for meat, and this sandwich proves it. Vegans get to enjoy the essence of BBQ with this glorious pulled jackfruit phenomenon. (via The Colorful Kitchen)

Salt & Lavender

Green Goddess Chicken Sandwich

You'll love the fresh flavors included in this chicken sandwich. Don't fret about a dry bite – this recipe encourages a homemade green goddess dressing to add some moisture. (via Salt & Lavender)

Cilantro Parsley

Chicken Caprese Sandwich

You only need a few ingredients to build this 'wich. Gather some chicken cutlets, mozzarella cheese, roasted red peppers, vinegar, and a baguette for the best easy fancy sandwich ever. (via Cilantro Parsley)

Vegetarian Gastronomy

Crispy Eggplant Parmesan

Eggplant Parmesan is, hands down, one of the *best* vegetarian spins on a meaty classic. Even the leftovers are irresistible, especially when turned into a big ol’ sandwich. (via Vegetarian Gastronomy)

Two Peas & Their Pod

Pesto, Artichoke, and Havarti Grilled Cheese

Grown-up grilled cheese is a thing of beauty, and this one is no exception. Treat yourself to a simple yet nostalgic dinner that will tug at your childhood fave. (viaTwo Peas & Their Pod)

Honestly Yum

Fancy Muffaletta

This concoction just screams Italy. Layers of cold cuts and cheese are slathered with a tangy olive spread to bring the elements of an antipasto plate to your mouth in one magnificent bite. (via Honestly Yum)

The Edgy Veg

10-Minute Easy Vegan Grilled Mac and Cheese Sandwich

This grilled vegan mac and cheese sandwich is the epitome of indulgence with its gooey, melty plant-based cheese and creamy macaroni nestled between perfectly toasted bread. It's a quick and easy comfort food creation that will satisfy your cravings and take your taste buds on a mouthwatering journey. (via The Edgy Veg)

Half Baked Harvest

Thai Basil Steak Sandwich

We're obsessed with this take on a Vietnamese banh mi. With every bite, you'll taste the fresh flavors of basil, cilantro and lime that all come together for a fantastic meal. (via Half Baked Harvest)

Culinary Hill

Monte Cristo Sandwich

We'd gladly do breakfast for dinner every day if it meant we get to munch on this Monte Cristo sandwich. The mustard-jam in this recipe adds a fancy flavor element, too. (via Culinary Hill)

A Spicy Perspective

Baked Rueben Party Sandwich

Reach for this easy recipe when you need to prepare a hearty meal for a group. They hold a perfectly tangy flavor and look gorgeously elevated on a mixed rye bread. (via A Spicy Perspective)

A Beautiful Plate

Connor's Ultimate BLT

This isn’t your average “BLT,” folks. The open-faced sandwich gives us some more breakfast for dinner in the most delicious way with the addition of creamy avocado, peppery arugula, and a Sriracha mayo spread. (via A Beautiful Plate)

My Berry Forest

Sweet Potato Sandwich with Beetroot Cashew Cheese

If you haven’t tested out that sweet potato toast trend yet, this might be a good time. The low-carb option is filling, colorful, and full of refreshing flavors. (via My Berry Forest)

The Girl on Bloor

Mini Grilled Cheese Sandwich Appetizers

Why not make things mini? With this recipe, you can enjoy the gooey goodness of grilled cheese in the palm of your hand! (via The Girl On Bloor)

Savory Spice Rack

Cajun Panko Crusted Shrimp Po Boys

All of the shrimp, please! These crispy Cajun-spiced gems make for a fab homemade Po Boy, and you’ll probably crave it on the regular. #SorryNotSorry. (via Savory Spice Rack)

Happy Foods Tube

Sweet Chili Pesto Burger Sliders

A fun mix of sweet chili sauce and pesto puts a unique twist on these addictive fancy sliders. (via Happy Foods Tube)

Half Baked Harvest

Spicy Maple Grilled Chicken Sandwich with Smoky Bacon Corn

A spicy and sweet flavor combo is to die for in this fancy sandwich recipe. (via Half Baked Harvest)

Pink Owl Kitchen

Sweet And Tangy Homemade Vegetarian Sloppy Joes

You should make these sammies for dinner tonight to experience the *perfect* balance of smoky, savory, and sweet. Each one is packed with a mix of plant-based protein and vibrant vegetables that will leave you wanting seconds. (via Pink Owl Kitchen)

Feel Good Foodie

Roasted Vegetable Grilled Cheese

Pack your regular grilled cheese full of peppers and zucchini to get a healthy boost of veggie goodness. (via Feel Good Foodie)

Two Spoons

Vegan Egg Salad Sandwich

Prep this vegan egg salad ahead of time using a few ingredients to have an easy healthy lunch option during the work week! You won't even have to press the tofu that makes this recipe super protein-packed. You can thank us later. (via Two Spoons)

Barley & Sage

Turkey Avocado Grinder

This delicious sandwich is another take on the viral TikTok grinder recipe, full of healthy ingredients and fresh taste. (via Barley & Sage)

Culinary Hill

Turkey BLT Croissant Sandwich

Building a sandwich on a croissant just adds a whole other fancy element to the process. Get into the buttery, flaky layers of the beloved French bake while balancing it out with creamy mayo and fresh turkey. (via Culinary Hill)

The Bossy Kitchen

Grilled Ham & Cheese Cranberry Sandwich

Savory meat cuts meet a sticky-sweet cranberry jelly that'll remind you of all the best flavors of Thanksgiving! (via The Bossy Kitchen)

Most Hungry

Chicken Cutlet Sammies

Stack a flavorful chicken cutlet on your favorite bread for an easy dinner hack. This recipe recommends reaching for a sharp-tasting provolone cheese to pair. (via Most Hungry)

Salt & Lavender

Baked Salmon Sandwich with Zesty Lemon Mayo And Arugula

This yummy bite comes together in no time, but tastes like it takes hours to prepare. Full of flavor, you'll want to eat this baked salmon sandwich every day of the week. If you don't feel like baking the fish, try out this super convenient air fryer hack. (via Salt & Lavender)

The Endless Meal

Porchetta Sandwich

Porchetta, AKA thinly sliced roasted pork belly, completes this sandwich easily for the ultimate fancy meal. (via The Endless Meal)

The Endless Meal

Grilled Cheese And Apple Sandwich with Sriracha Butter

Try stacking apple slices on your savory and spicy grilled cheese. You might surprise yourself with how delectable the flavors are! (via The Endless Meal)

Cozy Cravings

Shredded Rotisserie Chicken Sliders

These sliders are irresistibly good with their tender, breaded chicken, gooey melted cheese, and zesty marinara sauce, all nestled between soft slider buns. It's a bite-sized explosion of flavor that brings the classic Italian dish to a handheld delight. (via Cozy Cravings)

Cozy Cravings

Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese

Putting jalapeno poppers on a sammie is the best meal idea we've seen in a while. When you're feeling cheesy, check out this easy recipe. (via Cozy Cravings)

Chef Bai

Lion's Mane Benedict Sammie with Hollandaise

Lion's mane mushrooms are the star of this recipe. They are easy to prepare, full of adaptogenic health benefits, and soak up any flavor they're cooked with. You'll prep a "crab" cake to be presented on a full plate of fresh ingredients. Dig in! (viaChef Bai)

Takes Two Eggs

Japanese Egg Sandwich

This Japanese egg salad sandwich recipe is exceptionally delicious, due to its creamy and flavorful filling combined with crunchy vegetables, all sandwiched between soft, pillowy slices of Japanese milk bread. It's a harmonious blend of textures and flavors that will leave you craving more. (via Takes Two Eggs)

Two Spoons

Vegan Chickpea Tuna Sandwich

Chickpeas take the place of tuna for this fancy chickpea salad sandwich recipe. Get a boost of protein for your lunch or dinner, whenever you decide to enjoy this sammie. (via Two Spoons)

Cilantro Parsley

Hot Honey Fried Chicken Sandwich

Hot honey pairs well with the spicy and savory flavors on this fancy sandwich. Make this recipe for when you're feeling like getting take-out. Trust us, it'll taste so much better than the drive-thru. (via Cilantro Parsley)

Live Eat Learn

15-Minute Avocado Sandwich

We have to hand it to this recipe. This easy sandwich is stuffed with healthy ingredients and makes a quick lunch option. (via Live Eat Learn)

Averie Cooks

Barbecue Chicken Sliders

It's football season which means it's likely you'll be going to or hosting parties to celebrate your favorite team. Whip up these quick and easy BBQ chicken sliders as an appetizer! (via Averie Cooks)

Completely Delicious

Chicken Shawarma Sandwich with Tzatziki Sauce and Feta

Tzatziki sauce and feta cheese don't have to be reserved for your favorite healthy bowl. They're also a great addition to this chicken shawarma sanwich. (via Completely Delicious)

Vanilla And Bean

Italian Pressed Sandwich

Move over panini press, this Italian pressed sandwich can be made without you. It's filled with yummy roasted veggies and an olive tapenade that'll send your taste buds over the moon. (via Vanilla And Bean)

Veggie Society

Avocado Tempeh Sandwich

This avocado tempeh sandwich is a great option if you're looking for a healthy yet fulfilling snack. (via Veggie Society)

Two Peas & Their Pod

Slow Cooker Italian Beef Sandwiches

Slow cooker recipes are often filled with appetizing flavors and this Italian beef sandwich recipe is no different. It's one of those recipes whose combined ingredients will make you do a happy dance every time you take a bite. (via Two Peas & Their Pod)

The Fast Recipe

Falafel Sandwich with Pita and Tahini Sauce)

Nothing is more yummier than this homemade Falafel sandwich that's filled with Tahini sauce. (via The Fast Recipe)

Bowl of Delicious

The BEST Vegetarian Breakfast Sandwich

Sunny-side-up eggs are wonderfully versatile and can be incorporated into any breakfast recipe you can think of. If you're tired of eating them the traditional way, pair them with this vegetarian breakfast sandwich. (via Bowl of Delicious)

Where Is My Spoon

Danish Open-Faced Sandwiches – Smørrebrød

For a completely different version of a fancy sandwich, try making this Danish open-faced sandwich recipe. It's not meant to be hand-held so be sure to use a fork to indulge in all it's goodness. (via Where Is My Spoon)

Find more sandwich recipes on Brit + Co's Food page and Pinterest!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This article has been updated.

Header image via Most Hungry.