How To Cohabitate With A Partner... Without Absolute Chaos Ensuing

how to cohabitate better with a partner

When it comes to cohabitating, the number of married adults in the U.S. surpassesthat of unmarried cohabiting couples, but research shows that might not be the case forever. 59% of adults ages 18-44 have cohabited with a partner *at some point* in their lives according to the Pew Research Center, suggesting its growing popularity among young individuals in relationships.

Like all things change, our collective perception of relationships and marriage has certainly changed –research suggests a “general downward trend for marriage” in favor of… anything but. Divorce, cohabitation, living the #SingleLife, having kids out of wedlock, or simply *not* having kids have all become more prevalent lifestyle choices, thanks to shifting attitudes. Marriage is an uninteresting and “less necessary” option to many.

There’s a little more to the rise of cohabitation than a simple evolution in thinking. The economy has pushed couples to choose the most convenient option – living together – due to rising costs of living and the slow erasure of affordable housing. More contemporary outlooks on work have also contributed to the appeal of cohabitation.

Relationships alone can be a real challenge. Living together just adds yet another layer of hard work in order to nurture the connection between you and your partner. So, if you’re currently embracing all of the intricacies and unique teachings cohabitation brings – and want to know how to cohabitate better – we have your back. Read on for what tips experts have about cohabitation and how to thrive, alone and together, while living with your other half.

How do you know when you are ready to move in together?

Photo by SHVETS production / PEXELS

Looking for signs of readiness within yourself and from your partner is one of the most effective ways to know if you both are ready to move in together, according to Boston-based psychotherapist Angela Ficken, LICSW.

“Signs of readiness may include open communication, shared values and goals, financial stability, and a solid commitment to the relationship,” Ficken suggests. “On the other hand, feeling uncertain about long-term compatibility, unresolved conflicts, or a desire for personal space and independence might suggest someone is still being prepared for cohabitation.”

It can be easy to get caught up in all of the positive signs of readiness from you and your partner, though, which is why Dr. Jess O’Reilly, ASTROGLIDE’sResident Sexologist, stresses the importance of acknowledging the common misconceptions about cohabitation before moving in together.

“Many people also assume that living together will be easy if they love (or like) each other, but liking and loving don’t necessarily amount to compatibility when it comes to cohabitation,” says O’Reilly. “Another misconception involves the belief that you must live together in order for the relationship to progress. This simply isn’t true. You can have loving, meaningful, fulfilling relationships of all kinds — intimate, romantic, sexual, close in proximity, long-distance and otherwise. Some people prefer to live apart for practical reasons and this doesn’t mean that they’re not committed or fulfilled.”

Cohabitation doesn't *always* guarantee a successful or lasting relationship. Whether you’re living with your partner or not, maintaining clear communication and effort from both sides is crucial for a healthy situation.

Some quick tips for preparing for cohabitation include:

  1. Have open (and honest!) conversations about expectations, responsibilities, and boundaries with your partner.
  2. Discuss financial matters, including how expenses will be shared or split, and consider creating a joint budget, if necessary.
  3. Plan, decorate, and organize your living space together, ensuring it suits both partners' needs and preferences.
  4. Prioritize effective communication and conflict resolution skills at all times, even before cohabitating.
  5. Discuss long-term goals, values, and plans for the future to ensure alignment between you two.
  6. Observe how your partner handles responsibilities, respects boundaries, and demonstrates a willingness to work through challenges and take the results into account.

Tips For Communicating While Cohabitating

Photo by Uriel Mont / PEXELS

As you’ve likely heard no less than one million times before, healthy communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Experts agree, but *actually* communicating can be so much harder to act on, rather than just thinking about it.

Before [addressing] communication skills, it’s worth considering your beliefs about what’s right. Oftentimes, we fight about household issues because we believe that what we want is objectively right,” O’Reilly says. “It may be reasonable for you to want the bathroom cleaned once a week, but that doesn’t mean that it’s important to someone else. So first, we need to consider the fact that what we want may not be what someone else wants.”

The differences between you and your partner are exactly what make your relationship stronger, so holding them close and viewing them as positives can help facilitate healthy communication. But knowing them means nothing if you don’t know yourself, suggests Kara Kays, LMFT withThriveworks Colorado Springs.

“Learn yourself,” Kays stresses. “It is difficult to communicate effectively if you’re struggling with self awareness, emotion identification and regulation.”

More ways to improve communication while cohabitating include: active listening, expressing your feelings and needs despite any fears, using "I" statements, practicing empathy and understanding at all times, and engaging in scheduled check-ins.

Managing Housework And Chores With Your Cohabitating Partner

Photo by Liliana Drew / PEXELS

When you cohabitate with a partner, you and even your smallest habits are fully exposed. Cleaningand housework habits are oftentimes the most visible, and are a common root of conflict between partners that live together.

Maybe you’re the type to turn a blind eye to the sink full of dishes out of low motivation, or you simply don’t care to make the bedevery morning. Your partner could hold an entirely *different* attitude about these seemingly minute household chores, though, and it’s important to see things from their side.

“Living together means knowing, seeing, and being subject to each other's habits,” says Kays. “Develop space and time to learn these habits, accept what you can, and communicate about the things you cannot. But, be ready for your partner to share concerns as well – even if you don't see anything wrong with your behaviors.”

O’Reilly acknowledges that conflicts surrounding a shared clean space doesn’t just stem from the division of labor, but also relate to personal values and relational issues (do they really care about me if they’re not respecting my requests or values with regard to cleanliness?). These factors could foster “frustration, conflict, and eventually resentment” when not considered in the day-to-day.

Positive and understanding communication can help you and your partner get ahead of potential fights about who’s taking the trash out. O’Reilly offers some questions to ask yourself and each other:

  1. What tasks are important to you?
  2. Which ones do you tend to avoid?
  3. How can you ensure that you both feel appreciated and respected?
  4. How might you consider dividing tasks and checking in when you feel the division isn’t equitable?

How To Handle Finances With Your Partner

Photo by Moose Photos / PEXELS

Money is really never out of the question when cohabitating, and learning to manage finances alongside someone else when you’ve become accustomed to managing your own can be a big adjustment.

“Transparency and fairness are key in financial arrangements,” offers Ficken. “Couples must establish open and transparent communication about financial expectations, create a budget, and determine a fair and equitable way to share expenses based on individual circumstances.”

There’s actually no real wrong or right way to handle money with your partner – as long as the arrangement works for the two of you, and you both are committed to the upkeep, things should go smoothly.

Kays suggests setting time aside with your partner to plan outfinances at the beginning of the cohabitation period and throughout the time you live together.

“Make a plan together on how this time will be spent, and do your best to stay on track,” she says. “Holding a state of the union meeting about finances can go a long way in the exploration of what to spend money on, how much the weekly budget is, who is able to take more or less. When these areas are not set out in clear expectations, conflict can arise.”

Independence vs. Interdependence – Why It's Crucial For A Cohabitation Situation

Photo by Monstera / PEXELS

It’s not unheard of to feel like you’re losing (or have already lost) yourself in the midst of living with your partner. After all, you care about them deeply. But the desire to be side-by-side with them at all times in an effort to not miss out can halt your potential for individual growth. So how can you and your partner work together towards independence (and ultimately, healthy interdependence)?

“Live your own life,” says O’Reilly. “Don’t ditch friends or quit activities just because you move in with someone. You don’t have to do everything together and you can still maintain a degree of independence without checking in with them on every plan.”

And she’s *so* right – though most of us wouldn’t get by without depending on each other, independence is a crucial first step before living with someone.

“Growth individually and together does not, or rather, should not stop when cohabitation starts. Growth together can be accomplished by having meaningful, deliberate conversations about areas of strife as well as areas of excellence,” says Kays. “Growing individually means taking time to be yourself, enjoy your hobbies, build an inner understanding and self awareness.”

So, don’t hesitate to carve out that time for yourself, and encourage your partner to do the same.

“Working through a flow of togetherness and separateness may take time,” Kays offers. “Continuing to find time for self-care, friendships, and hobbies will make time together that much more effective.”

Cohabitation's Effects On Sex And Intimacy

Photo by Pixabay / PEXELS

The “dead bedroom” is undoubtedly a real thing, even outside of marriage. You’re often in close quarters with your other half when cohabitating, and many expect this closeness to lead to more sex – when in fact, it can lead to less sex or no sex.

“Proximity breeds familiarity, which can erode away at passion, excitement, and desire,” says O’Reilly. “[Your partner] becomes more familiar and predictable. They also begin to play multiple roles beyond the lover — roommate, confidant, friend, support system, business partner, and more. This can detract from desire, as you no longer see them solely as an object of your desire.”

Stress also contributes to declining sexualintimacy while living together, whether it’s coming from inside the relationship or from external things like work, friends, and money.

“For many people, stress detracts from desire and pleasure,” says O’Reilly. “When cortisol spikes, it can heighten tension and increase the likelihood of conflict. It can also detract from sensuality and feeling connected to your body — you’re focused on survival as opposed to pleasure.”

Not all is lost, though, if you’re feeling disconnected from your sexual self and your partner. Learning to manage stress can alleviate tension in the bedroom. O’Reilly even suggests creating some distance, risk, and mystery into your relationship to counteract familiarity and predictability.

“If you continue to explore, remain curious and peel back the layers to learn more, you can revive desire and passion,” she says. “This might include trying new things (like role playing, dirty talk, fantasy exploration, toys) or simply changing the way you flirt and interact on the daily.”

More than anything, it’s important to maintain an open thread of communication when easing into how to cohabitate. Having this skill in your relationship toolkit will make managing sex, money, chores, and more together *so* much easier.

“Cohabitation can be fun and exciting,” says Kays. “It allows for a relationship to develop in a new area, learn from each other in a new way, and grow, hopefully, in the same direction.”

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Header photo by Danik Prihodko / PEXELS

Some quotes have been edited for clarity.

Valentine's Day is next month, so it's time for a little tough love. Are you ready? Deep breath... You're not going to get far in your relationship by wondering, "What are we doing?" anymore. For such a simple question, it carries the weight of being vague and loaded. It's not that you shouldn't want to know where your relationship is headed, but there are better questions to ask your boyfriend.

From my first relationship to being engaged with an energetic toddler, I know a thing or two about how to broach certain topics. But, I'm no one's expert so I turned to Sean O'Neill, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Clinical Director at Maple Moon Recovery, to help you figure out how to get to the heart of your relationship.

Scroll to see which deep questions to ask your boyfriend for a better, healthier relationship!

Andres Ayrton

1. Questions To Ask If You're In The 'Honeymoon' Stage

Whenever we finally move from flirting with our crushes to being in a relationship with them, it's typically followed by a period of euphoria. You and your boyfriend likely can't get enough of each other right now which is probably making your friends playfully roll their eyes. Since everything is brand new, you can still keep it light though.

O'Neill suggests asking "open-ending questions that prompt curiosity and connection:"

  • What's one dream you've never let me in on?
  • What's one little gesture that can make you feel valued?

"These couple of queries facilitate bonding while generating enthusiasm for the goals and interests of each other," he says.

Budgeron Bach

2. Questions To Ask After Your First Big Fight

Even if you and your boyfriend are super tuned in to each other, a disagreement or argument is bound to happen. In case you're worried, your relationship isn't on thin ice because you're not seeing eye-to-eye on something. O'Neill says you can ask:

  • How do you think we handled the argument?
  • What could we do differently next time to make our future fights more productive?

His reasoning is that these questions "promote growth and empathy" so "disagreements are transformed into stronger communication opportunities."

Note: Disagreements should never turn physical. It's not okay for you and your boyfriend to become physically aggressive with each other. If you're concerned about domestic violence, dial the National Domestic Hotline at 1(800) 799-7233.

Keira Burton

3. Questions To Ask Before Introducing Your Boyfriend To Your Parents

Introducing your boyfriend to your parents is a huge step that can be scary and exciting. I was terrified when my parents first met my fiancé because they couldn't stand my ex. But, the conversation between them flowed and everyone always looks for him to be at family events.

If you're ready for introductions to be made, O'Neill wants you to "encourage the normality of preplanned talks" by asking:

  • What is something about me that you think my parents would really love to hear about?

By doing this, he says it'll "help alleviate anxiety and ensure both spouses feel comfortable and attuned before meeting the parents."

Mikhail Nilov

4. Questions To Ask If You Or Your Boyfriend Have An Illness

It's never easy to experience illnesses or health scares, but it can be terrifying if you don't know how to help your partner manage if something unexpected happens. O'Neill says to "nurture insights with queries such as:"

  • What is one thing I could to assist you better when ill?
  • Are there any aspects concerning your healthy that haven't been discussed which make you anxious?

"The conversations provide a safe space for airing concerns while building up mutual support through health difficulties," he adds.

Mikhail Nilov

5. Questions To Ask If You're Worried About Boyfriend's Spending Habits

Financial red flags are always a cause for concern when dating someone — especially when it seems like your boyfriend doesn't care about his spending habits may affect your household if you live together. O'Neill suggests asking:

  • What are your financial goals?
  • How do you see us working towards them together?
  • How do you feel about budgeting as a team?

This will "make goal alignment stronger" because "effective communication about finances can prevent misunderstandings," he says. Also, this helps "lay the foundation for a shared vision of the future."

Bethany Ferr

6. Questions To Ask To Deepen Vulnerability With Each Other

Being vulnerable isn't easy for everyone, let alone two people in a relationship. It took me years to feel comfortable expressing my sadness or fears to my fiancé because I was afraid he'd think I was 'weak.' However, this can cause more harm than good because it becomes difficult for our partners to know what's going on with us if we don't open up.

O'Neill says you can ask:

  • What's one fear or concern you've hesitated to share with anyone before?
  • How can I help you feel safe sharing with me?
These questions "create room for openness and trust between partners" which aids in "helping them connect emotionally," according to him.

Katerina Holmes

7. Questions To Help Move The Relationship Forward

If you're still wondering "what are we doing" after asking some of the above questions, you focus on asking the following "future-oriented questions," according to O'Neill:

  • Where do you see us in 5 years?
  • What's something you envision us doing together as a couple in the future?
"Thinking about what is ahead strengthens commitment to the relationship and brings both partners' goals into line," he says.
Even though my fiancé and I have been together for a while, we still have conversations about our goals, health, raising our son, and more. It helps us to either stay aligned or see what needs to be addressed as opposed to letting physical attraction guide the way we feel 95% of the time.

But that's not all! We have more advice about relationships if you're looking to build a deeper connection yourself, friends, or family in 2025!

Landman fans, how we feeling? The first season of Taylor Sheridan's new drama came to a close on January 12 with the season finale, "The Crumbs of Hope," and it provided viewers with plenty of to think about as tensions between the cartel and M-Tex Oil came to a head — and one character suffered a potentially-fatal medical emergency.

Here's everything you need to know about the Landman season finale, including THAT (potential) character death.

What happens in the last episode of Landman?

Emerson Miller/Paramount+

The last episode of Landman opens after Monty's (Jon Hamm) ruptured aortic aneurysm in episode 9 lands him in the hospital for a heart transplant...if they can find a new heart in time. (I'm getting flashbacks to Dan's heart transplant catastrophe in One Tree Hill). But based on the fact Monty flatlines and Cami (Demi Moore) and their daughters cry over his bed, things aren't looking hopeful.

Meanwhile, Tommy (Billy Bob Thornton) takes over as M-Tex Oil president, and as he works on smoothing things over between the cartel and the oil company, he gets kidnapped by the cartel, who also blow up an oil tank and drive a nail into Tommy's leg for good measure. But just when it looks like Tommy might meet his end, cartel leader Galino (Andy Garcia) wipes out the other members and helps him escape.

Billy Bob and Andy have actually been friends for awhile, but this is the first time they've acted onscreen together! "Andy is such a great guy and great actor, and when we did those scenes at the end of the last episode, it felt so good, because we kind of had us two old veterans going head to head,” Billy Bob Thornton told Variety. “It was quite an experience, and I have to say every moment of it felt real. Tommy’s dealing with someone now who is really smart. The other guys were hired to work for him, but now Tommy’s talking to the man himself. There are advantages and disadvantages to that. Since he is so smart, who knows what Tommy is going to get tricked into?”

How did Landman end last night?

Landman season 1 ends with Tommy returning home with a proposition (er, more like a friendly demand) from Galino that the oil business and the cartel become allies. After all, the cartel's interested in taking part in the industry — and seeing what it has to offer.

“The cartel and the oil industry are kind of these odd neighbors living side by side in West Texas,” co-creator Christian Wallace tells Variety. “Now Andy’s character is thinking he is going to make a change and utilize that proximity in a way that could benefit him.”

Hopefully Paramount+ greenlights Landman season 2 so we can see just what happens between Galino and Tommy in the future...and if Monty makes it out of the hospital alive.

What did you think about the Landman finale? If you're a Taylor Sheridan fan who's still reeling from those final moments — and the Yellowstone finale — check out 17 TV Shows Yellowstone Fans Should Watch Next.

Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck are officially divorced. Bennifer 2.0 gave both Ben and Jennifer a second shot at their love story after they got back together in July of 2021 (following the end of their previous engagement in 2003), but both TMZ and Page Six report that after just two years of marriage, the celebrity couple's divorce has been settled.

Keep reading for the latest news on Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck's divorce.

Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck have settled their divorce with no prenup.

- YouTube

In addition to confirming the settlement, TMZ reports that both Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck will take what they earned individually throughout the time they were married — and neither will pay spousal support. Ben will also keep his stake in Artists Equity, the production company he created in 2022 with Matt Damon.

Divorce rumors first started swirling in May of 2024, when a source told InTouch Weekly that there was trouble in paradise. "The writing is on the wall – it’s over," the source says before adding, "They’re headed for a divorce – and for once, [Ben’s] not to blame!" Even though Ben and Jennifer love each other, the source believes they're just too different.

In June, the couple listed their home for sale(for $65 million), which only added to the rumor mill. And by the time August rolled around, TMZ reported that Jennifer Lopez had filed for divorce from Ben Affleck with no prenup. "The fairy tale she was promised turned out to be a nightmare in the end," a source told People. "She's in a really good place and just wants to close the door on this crazy chapter."

Jennifer Lopez also says she doesn't regret "one second."

In an conversation for Interview Magazine, comedian Nikki Glaser (who you'll recognize from her recent stint as this year's Golden Globes host) asked if she regretted any of the difficulties she experienced, and Jennifer Lopez responded with, "not one second." The 55-year-old also notes that growth is "a lifelong process."

"I think that’s what I love about life, that there’s no arrival point. There’s only getting better and growing if you want to," Jennifer continues. "It’s either growing or dying, and I don’t want to do the dying part. And yeah, there’s times when I thought I figured it out, and then life goes, 'Let’s send you another thing and see if you fall for it. Let’s see if you really have learned that lesson.' And I hadn’t."

But Jennifer Lopez adds that she'll only use those lessons to grow even more in the future. "I understand that now in a much deeper way, which doesn’t mean that I won’t make mistakes in the future, but again, when your whole house blows up, you’re standing there in the rubble going, 'How do I not ever let that happen again?' And then you start examining it little by little saying, 'Okay, I did this, this was my part in it, this was what I should have seen early on, this is what I didn’t look at.' Those things are what really are the lessons."

We're wishing Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck the best.

It Ends With Us has quickly become the most memorable movie of Blake Lively's career after rumors of drama between her and costar & director Justin Baldonimorphed into a full-on legal battle. And after the feud was uncovered, the internet has spiraled over what Blake Lively's relationships with her other costars are like — and whether what's happening behind the scenes of her movies are going to delay them. Well, A Simple Favor 2 director Paul Feig had the perfect response to rumors that another feud between Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick caused Amazon to shelve the movie.

Here's exactly what A Simple Favor 2 director Paul Feig had to say about Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively's relationship.

Paul Feig offers a very promising update on 'A Simple Favor 2'

- YouTube

When a viral tweet claimed that Amazon had indefinitely delayed A Simple Favor 2 because of a feud between Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick, director Paul Feig stepped in to clear up the rumors.

"Despite glowing test screenings, Blake Lively’s refusal to promote—amid her messy legal battle with Justin Baldoni—and growing tensions with Anna Kendrick have derailed the sequel," X user Eric B tweeted on January 10. "Anna is furious. Paul Feig is disappointed. Hollywood is in shock. This isn’t just a movie—it’s an implosion."

"This is total BS. Sorry," Feig said in his retweet that same day. "The movie is finished and coming out soon. Don’t believe anything you read on social media these days."

And Anna Kendrick says reuniting with Blake Lively was "lovely."

Anna Kendrick also spilled on reuniting with Blake Lively, claiming that working together felt "a little bit like riding a bike."

"She lives on the East Coast, I live on the West Coast, so we don't get to see each other often," she told PEOPLE. "But it was lovely, and I think that those characters have such weird chemistry that it's so fun to just get the gang back together."

We don't know many details about the plot just yet but we do know it involves a destination wedding — and Blake Lively's Emily in a very fancy wedding dress. Stephanie and Emily "head to the beautiful island of Capri, Italy, for Emily’s extravagant wedding to a rich Italian businessman," according to the movie's synopsis (via People). "Along with the glamorous guests, expect murder and betrayal to RSVP for a wedding with more twists and turns than the road from the Marina Grande to the Capri town square."

Sign me up!

Check out The Best Blake Lively Movies to get ready for A Simple Favor 2.

Are you anxiously waiting for new TV shows to debut this year? Me too, particularly Meghan Markle's series With Love, Megan (January 15). But, we at Brit + Co have the perfect buffer that'll hold you over — revisiting the '90s.

Instead of trying to cram the likes of Dawson's Creek or Sex and the City into one weekend, we have the best show you should watch based on your zodiac! We've already made cozy plans to curl up with a cute blanket from T.J. Maxx so we can watch endless reruns of the shows associated with our signs, and we hope you join us!

Scroll to find the '90s show that perfectly matches your zodiac sign!

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Bold, fearless, and always ready for a fight, Aries will love Buffy's courageous spirit and kick-ass attitude. She's got all the makings of a fire sign who means business.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Friends

Taureans appreciate stability and comfort. Friends offers warm, familiar characters and a cozy, sitcom vibe. If you really want to tap into this vibe, call your besties and have an impromptu watch party!

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Felicity

Curious and ever-changing, Geminis will relate to Felicity's journey of self-discovery and her endless quest for knowledge. There's also the inevitable complicated relationship Felicity has with Ben and Noel that's hard to resist.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Moesha

Cancerians are nurturing and empathetic. They'll connect with Moesha's family-oriented values and emotional depth. Though she didn't get everything right, Moesha always tried to remedy things whenever they went wrong — just like a true Cancer.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 - August 22): Beverly Hills, 90210

Leos love the spotlight and drama. 90210 delivers glamorous characters, high-stakes situations, and plenty of over-the-top moments.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): The X-Files

Virgos are analytical and detail-oriented. The X-Files offers a perfect blend of mystery, science, and a touch of the paranormal. What's not to love?

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 - October 22): Sex and the City

Libras appreciate beauty, balance, and social connections. Sex and the City explores love, friendship, and fashion in a stylish and sophisticated way.

P.S. We won't be shocked if some of you discover you're more of a 'Charlotte' than a 'Carrie.'

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Charmed

Intense and passionate, Scorpios will be drawn to the supernatural world of the Charmed Ones, filled with dark magic and powerful sisterhood.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Adventurous and optimistic, Sagittarians will enjoy the Fresh Prince's witty humor, vibrant personality, and knack for getting into trouble.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Dawson’s Creek

Ambitious and disciplined, Capricorns will appreciate Dawson's intellectual pursuits and the show's exploration of complex relationships and coming-of-age themes.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Daria

Quirky and independent, Aquarians will identify with Daria's unique perspective and her ability to see through societal norms. It's also not surprising that Daria has what some call a 'black cat' personality because Aquarians can have a dry sense of humor that's borderline sarcastic.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Sabrina, the Teenage Witch

Dreamy and imaginative, Pisces will love Sabrina's magical adventures and her ability to navigate the challenges of adolescence with a touch of magic.

Revisit your weekly horoscope to see if our predictions for your zodiac came true this week!