How to Cope With Post-Election Feelings + Stay Politically Active Over the Next 4 Years

I left the country after the presidential election. No, I didn’t move to Canada. I took a little post-election vacation. I thought the trip would allow me to heal after the rough election years (yes, plural) and recover from perpetually feeling on edge, even in the downtime with my friends and family. But after two weeks in paradise, I woke up from a nightmare that revealed a new presidential plot, one that involved plastic surgery and voice manipulators used to fool citizens. My day-to-day fear, anxiety and anger had crawled into my nightly respite, even when I was more removed from my upsetting social media feeds than ever. And I know I’m only among the thousands of Americans having nightmares or experiencing major emotions pre- and post-election. Many Americans suffered what one professor wrote could be described as “a collective trauma” on election day that hasn’t ended.

“Not only did the election come up in therapy sessions, but for at least 80 percent of my clients, it was a topic they stated was important or critical that they be able to discuss. Clients I had not seen in months to years called my office in crisis, needing to talk about how to manage their feelings of fear, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, powerlessness and disgust,” psychologist Anita Sanz divulges. She also gave us insight into what issues drove such strong emotions. Perhaps unsurprisingly, “The majority of those wanting to discuss the election results were concerned specifically about the rights of women, minorities, LGBT individuals and undocumented immigrants being undermined or worse. Many were concerned about what the intent to repeal the Affordable Care Act would do to the ability to have healthcare. It knocked a lot of people off balance,” she says.


Some wonks, like in this Washington Post article, and women, as in this Jezebel article, have advocated for our anger not to end, either on a nationwide or individual level. There’s a call to remain divided, alert, upset — in order to protect our rights. And that makes sense on some level.

“Anger is an emotion designed to change things, to get someone to start doing something or stop doing something,” Dr. Joseph Shrand, Chief of Adolescent Psychiatry at High Point Treatment Centers explains. But many psychologists believe we’ll actually be able to be much more alert and successful in every part of our lives if we start dealing with those feelings, not flame them. “Anger is also one of the few emotions that’s energizing… it comes with additional energy, I like to think it’s to assist us in addressing a violation or attempting to right a wrong, if that energy can be harnessed and used in a healthy way,” notes Dr. Sanz, saying,“If you’re going to survive — much less thrive — during the next four years, you’ve got to play the long game.”

In order to ease the constant stress that flares up with every new political headline and, LBR, at least stop the nightmares about secret hair implants, I know that I need to cope with my feelings. “You need to move out of survival mode and into active coping mode as soon as you’re able to. You’ll know you’re ready when you get a feeling of ‘enough!’ that indicates it would be better to do something, even if you aren’t sure what to do yet or are still feeling intense emotions,” Dr. Sanz says. After talking with several psychologists, I know it’s possible to stay vigilant, active AND healthy. Here are the expert steps that you can take if you’re still upset about the election and want to stay involved, but just can’t live like this anymore.


Several psychologists reached out to me to say the election has come up numerous times in the past few months. So, on that level, you’re “normal,” and not alone. But also, part of the process of coping is to just let yourself feel your emotions. Here are the first two things you need to do to set yourself up for active coping.

1. Name your emotions. “We have a habit of trying to disregard or hide our emotions in order to ‘deal’ with them. It doesn’t work that way,” Cynthia Ackrill, MD, stress coach and board member of the American Institute of Stress, says. “Name your emotions and do so with clarity. We get especially sloppy with stress and fear. But it’s easier to deal if you identify exactly what your fear is. Then recognize what internal powers you have to deal with that fear: courage, creativity, persistence, a good sense of humor, the ability to bring your values to what matters most to you.” Dr. Ackrill says to just keep working on this part of the process until it clicks, because reflection on what you’re feeling can take a long time.

2. Accept your feelings for what they are. If you’ve taken an intro to meditation or mindfulness, this is a similar concept of acceptance. “Don’t try to keep yourself from feeling sadness, fear, shame, helplessness, anger, overwhelm or relief. Allow yourself to feel without blocking, shaming or criticizing yourself,” says Dr. Sanz.


1. Stop feeding your scary or negative feelings. Feeling and accepting your emotions is one thing, and doing things that amp them up is another. “Try to avoid feeding your negative feelings. If you’re scared, don’t keep reading posts on the ‘Trumpocalypse.’ If you’re sad, don’t isolate yourself from your friends and family and ditch all of your self-care. If you’re angry, don’t fuel your anger by picking fights or getting snarky with your partner. Let yourself feel, but also develop a strategy for dealing with the trauma,” Dr. Sanz says.

If you know that going into the black hole of the internet’s upsetting info is tempting, for example, set a proactive goal. “Limiting the amount of upsetting information you’re exposed to can have positive benefits. For example, you may set a limit of one article a day you can tell from the title is going to negatively impact your mental health,” says Brittany Sherwood, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. “Balancing negative news with news that shows you the good people are doing in this world or information that brings you joy can be helpful.”

2. Normalize your life. Try to find joy again by doing the things that you liked before you became a sad, angry shell of yourself. “Go back to focusing on your work, social life, physical and spiritual health and self-care routines you had pre-election,” Dr. Sanz says. Those routines and social interactions are a powerful reminder of your ability to cope. “Keeping the aspects of your life that are within your control as normal as possible will allow you to integrate the aspects that are not within your control more easily. This reduces stress and helps you feel more able to cope,” Dr. Sanz says.

3. Give yourself breaks each day to relax and recharge. A little daily deep-breathing is good for you no matter what, but it’s a must if your stress response is still in overdrive. “Do something daily to invoke the relaxation response,” Dr. Ackrill recommends. “This is the physiologic anti-stress power of your own body. You can turn it on with smile breathwork, guided meditations or a number of apps. This also empowers your executive powers, your more creative brain that can help you regulate your out-of-control emotions, keep healthy perspectives and find ways to survive and have a positive influence,” she says.

4. Respect others more than ever. “When is the last time you got angry at someone treating you with respect?” Dr. Shrand asked. “You don’t. The brain doesn’t work that way. Being respected feels great,” he says. “There’s a collective anger and stress because many people now feel disrespected and devalued. But you don’t have to do the same thing. In our brain are cells called mirror neurons. We can mirror what other people feel and are influenced by them.” Instead of being influenced by the anger that you may be surrounded by, he says to consciously BE the positive influence on others.

“At every moment you have an opportunity to remind someone of their value by treating them with respect. Right now a lot of people feel demeaned. But that does not need to stop you from reminding people that they are valuable, deserving of respect and that we’re all in this together.” This advice is so simple, positive and powerful.

5. Stay informed without catastrophizing. This is one of the hardest steps for us, in our social media-heavy world. “You have to find a way to walk the fine line between gathering helpful information about what’s happening and what you can do about it and becoming obsessed and fearful about the future. Seek out sources of information that are reliable and don’t exaggerate and avoid sites that are known for false, conspiracy-based news,” Dr. Sanz says.

Dr. Ackrill agrees it’s important to limit your exposure to inflammatory news. “It’s too tempting to listen to emotional ramp-up messages that support your anger or fear,” Dr. Ackrill says.

6. Empower yourself by setting clear goals for involvement. “It’s very common and entirely understandable to feel overwhelmed by a feeling your efforts aren’t making an impact. Setting yourself up for failure by setting lofty, unattainable and unclear goals doesn’t help you and does not help the cause you are fighting for,” Sherwood says. Instead, move forward and actively empower yourself. She recommends you “take some time to think about what it is you are most concerned about on a large scale, and then spend a little time (30 minutes a day is more than enough) researching organizations currently working on this issue. Sign up for their mailing list, and look into the volunteer opportunities available.”

7. Take action with these ideas. “Knowing there’s something you can do in even the most dis-empowering situation can make the difference in your becoming resilient versus distressed and unable to cope. Within all systems, if you’re a part of that system, you have an opportunity to effect change,” Dr. Sanz says. She shares several ideas for making a difference. “Add your national and state representatives and senators’ emails, phone numbers, websites and Twitter accounts to your contact lists so that you can access them easily. Join groups that are organizing to address issues and problems that matter to you. Donate to organizations which pledge to address the same. You can be powerful in your own life in these ways, and contribute to the change you want to see in the world,” Dr. Sanz says.

Sherwood also says that these actions can be on a smaller, local level. Action that will feel tangible includes “educating yourself on the research supporting your view, selling something you own and donating the money to the cause, putting your change in a donation jar and keeping dollar bills to give to the homeless.”

8. Track your efforts. Doing just one small thing each day adds up, but in our darkest days, that effort and impact can be hard to remember. “Add a page to your journal or phone notes to keep track of each tiny step you take, so that when things seem really overwhelmingly terrible you can get a burst of positive hope and energy from reviewing the things you’ve already done and from the things you will continue to do,” Sherwood says.

Dr. Sanz leaves us with some hope for ourselves, if not the country, with her thoughts on the potential for something called post-traumatic growth. “No one wants awful things to happen just for the opportunity to find a silver lining. But the fact is that most people who’ve experienced devastating life events come out of them eventually not only functioning just as well as they did before but actually feeling stronger and wiser. To prepare yourself to grow from this trauma, ask yourself what you can learn from what has happened, how you can grow, what you can do and how you can contribute to bettering the situation.” We all have a lot of reflection, healing and change to look forward to, and we think the Women’s March is a great place to start the conversation about respect.

If you’re feeling a surge in emotions post-election, how are you coping? Let us know @BritandCo.

(Photos via Getty)

Did you leave your family Thanksgiving dinner last year feeling like you were the one who got carved up and digested? You weren't alone. In an increasingly polarized sociological climate, family events where opinions differ can feel fraught with high stakes and conflicting moral obligations. And if you're already dreading Thanksgiving because all of the brawlin' that's sure to go down, you might be considering opting out of the festivities entirely.

In our Teach Me Something New podcast, Alexandra Carter, Columbia law professor and mediation expert, talks to Brit and Anj about the powers of persuasion to get the results you want in a conversation. The key to the Thanksgiving political discussion? Listening, asking open questions, and finding some common ground.

Here's what you can do to make it through Thanksgiving when your relatives just keep being problematic and things get awkward...

"I might say something like, 'I hear that you're concerned about national security and that's what led me to have this viewpoint.' So sometimes using a little bit of focusing on what you have in common can help you to have a civil conversation and not have anybody throwing mashed potatoes across the table," says Carter.

Here are more expert-backed tips for navigating the holiday awkwardness, even if it's just via Zoom. Make stuffing your face great again this Thanksgiving by implementing our seven-step plan.

Askar Abayev

1. Choose your battles ahead of time.

You're not going to change everyone's opinion about all of the things over the course of a meal and a football game. You might want to show up ready for a duel of words with your Facebook-meme-king cousin, but that's just going to put your opinionated family member on the offensive from the moment you walk in. Decide ahead of time if there's one issue that you really cannot keep your mouth shut about if it comes up, and have two or three talking points ready that clarify your position on that topic. If your hot button does get pushed, your talking points will help you keep from making things personal.

2. Confer with the host.

If you feel comfortable with the person that's organizing or hosting Thanksgiving, speak to him or her in advance about how you can be on Team Keep the Peace. Most people aren't keen on a political brouhaha breaking out around their dinner table, so they'll probably be relieved to hear that you're on board and willing to help make the day go smoothly for everyone. Brainstorm some ideas about seating arrangements or wholesome activities to fill the idle family time that can lead to trading barbs.

Element5 Digital

3. Make it a game.

Caitlin Bergstein, a Boston-based matchmaker and relationship expert for Three Day Rule, suggests a fun twist on the swear jar concept. “If your family is up for the challenge, you can even make it a game. Each time someone mentions something political, they have to put a dollar in a jar (or take a drink, depending on how your family celebrates the holiday). At the end of the night, that cash can be put aside for the next family get together!"

4. Have a moment of silence.

Sometimes the idea of a quiet table can be intimidating (all those chewing noises!), but encouraging a moment of reflection among your holiday guests can actually be transformative. Whether you observe several seconds of silence in honor of relatives you've lost, as a way to silently acknowledge your individual blessings, or as an act of prayer or meditation, you've hopefully brought the room back to focus on each other's company and the gift that it is to be together.

Monstera Production

5. Be an active listener.

If your one doggedlypersistent aunt can't let go of her obsession with the latest political scandal, reconsider what she's actually trying to tell you. Chances are, it's not just about what she saw on the news. “Assume that your polarizing relative actually probably just wants to connect, feel respected, and reduce their own anxiety about holiday gatherings, and interpret even difficult behavior as such," advises Mary Fisher, a Salt Lake City psychotherapist who specializes in family relationships. “Express the desire to connect while redirecting the conversation," Fisher recommends. Emphasize the fact that you're interested in protecting the time your family spends together. That can help soften the blow when you ask to instead hear them share a family memory or talk about a hobby you both share.

6. Disengage.

Remember that if angry words or offensive language start flying at you across the sweet potato pie, you don't have to respond. Have a script in mind to use, something like, “While I hear where you're coming from, I don't share your opinion, and I'm done talking about it today." Convey the message that you're quite clear on the matter being discussed, and you're not going to take the bait. You may have to repeat yourself several times, or you may choose to remain silent until things cool down around you. Either one is okay.

7. Duck out early.

If you feel like you have to retreat from the situation entirely, do it. One of the best things about being an adult is leaving when you want to leave. You don't have to subject yourself, your spouse, or your family to any kind of dialogue that is insulting, bigoted, or aggressive. Fisher shares these words of advice: “While we might think that the holidays are the time to resolve differences, they are actually the time to affirm and nurture connection, which can be an uphill battle with politically polarizing relatives." If you don't feel like a connection is being nurtured and the environment is not good for you to be in, say goodbye and make a break for it.

Looking for more holiday help this year? Be sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter so you never miss a thing!

This article has been updated from a previous post.

After his breakout role as Spencer Dutton in 1923, and his take on Atlas in Colleen Hoover's viral It Ends With Us(opposite Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni), there's a very good chance you'll recognize Brandon Sklenar. And if not, it won't take long. In addition to his upcoming roles in thrillers The Housemaid and Drop, the actor will lead a brand new biopic about Olympic rowing champion Brad Alan Lewis (which feels very timely considering his Housemaid costar Sydney Sweeney is starring as boxer Christy Martin!).

Here's everything you need to know about Brandon Sklenar's Brad Alan Lewis biopic, The Olympian.

'The Olympian' script has been a favorite since 2016.

Based on Brad Alan Lewis' Assault on Lake Casitas, the movie follows Brad, who has one last opportunity to compete as a rower in the 1984 Olympics before he ages out. But when he loses his spot on the Olympic team, Brad pairs up with fisherman Paul Enquist to go rogue, beating the official Olympic boat in the national trials and winning America its first gold medal in rowing since 1964. Talk about an underdog story!! (Plus 2+ hours watching Brandon row? Yes please).

Despite the fact the movie's never been made, The Olympian script was on The 2016 Black List, an annual list of popular screenplays that have yet to be turned into movies. But it's finally writer-director Tony Tost's time.

And it's the perfect movie to watch before the 2028 Olympics.

It's still super early in the moviemaking process, meaning we don't have too many details, but considering the 2028 Olympics will once again be held in Los Angeles, there's no better time to bring this inspiring true story to the big screen!

We don't have info on The Olympian cast or release date quite yet, but stay tuned for everything you need to know about this new movie.

Next month, you can watch Brandon in 1923 season 2, which hits Paramount+ February 23 and is the "best thing" the actor's ever read.

"The finale of the series is probably one of the best things I’ve read in my life," he told Forbes. "I’ve kind of known how it was going to end since day one — Taylor [Sheridan] kind of told me. I knew the full arc of Spencer from day one, so in shooting part one, you're mindful of where he needs to go. I’m really excited."

Considering I haven't been able to stop talking about this show since I binged all of season 1 in a couple days, I'm really excited too, Brandon.

Thankfully there are quite a few new Brandon Sklenar movies on the horizon. Hoping to see him as Atlas Corrigan again? Here's what he had to say on a potential It Starts With Us movie.

Social media is full of trends that come and go — think loud budgeting or sleepmaxxing — but I have a feeling one may grow legs beyond TikTok or Instagram: the 4B Movement. TBH, it doesn't feel right to call it a 'trend' because its origins are rooted in something much deeper than saying or doing something controversial for likes.

If you're not familiar with this movement and are curious about it, we're going to take a deep dive into where it originated, it's purpose, and why women in the U.S. have started to abide by its principles. To understand the 4B Movement's sustainability and potential benefits, I spoke with Somatic Trauma Therapist and Founder of Freshwater Counseling & Consulting, Blessing Uchendu; Sex and Relationships Coach Leah Carey, host of the Good Girls Talk About Sex podcast; and Senior Statistician and Addictions Researcher at UCLA Nicole Prause

Here's what they had to say!

Scroll To Learn What The 4B Movement Is, How It Started, & What It Means For Women In America

  • The 4B Movement is all about abstaining from relationships with men, from dating to sex.
  • This movement started in South Korea after an atrocious act of gender-based violence.
  • Since the 2024 election, American women are exploring the idea of abstaining from relationships with men as well.
  • Ultimately, the 4B movement could lead to de-centering men from women's lives, eliminating some fears surrounding reproductive health and ultimately improving their mental health overall.

What is the 4B Movement?

According to The Washington Post, this is a "radical Korean feminist movement that swears off men to reclaim a sense of agency." It sounds similar to abstinence, but the trickle down effects are vastly different. Abstinence is taking a step back from anything that usually taps into your pleasure center — and that doesn't always mean sex. However, the 4B Movement is specifically rooted in 'de-centering men' completely.

CBSstates that researchers Jieun Lee and Euisol Jeong wrote a paper for Yonsei University about the movement, and deciphered that the "B" has four meanings:

  1. biyeonae — "refusal of dating men"
  2. bisekseu — "sexual relationships with men"
  3. bihon — "heterosexual marriage"
  4. bichulsan — "childbirth"

How did the 4B movement start?

In 2016, Hankyoreh reported that a man in his 30's chose to stab an unknown young woman in Seoul, Korea. When asked why he committed the crime, he gave this answer: "I did it because women have always ignored me." In response to the random attack, Hong Seong-su, a law professor at Sookmyung Women’s University, share a chilling message that the outlet recounted in the article. "The fact that [Kim] chose ‘some woman’ [as opposed to ‘some person’] as the target for his crime suggests it is not going too far to view this as a crime of hate against women."

This radical moment was an inception point for the movement overall, started in opposition to this gender-based violence, as well as gender-based discrimination as a whole. The Korean Herald noted that factors like pay inequality and a Donald Trump-like president of their own (Yoon Suk-yeol) were driving forces in 4B. Since his election in 2022, Yoon Suk-yeol has "promised to abolish the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, which has been popular with his anti-feminist base," (via Korean Herald). Between all this and the global sensation of #MeToo, the 4B Movement gained major momentum throughout the last eight years.

The 4B Movement's Lasting Impact In South Korea

According to The Korean Herald, over 150 elementary schools aren't seeing first-graders walk through their doors and it has everything to do with the falling birth rate in South Korea. CNN reports that officials are so concerned, they're willing to do something to combat it. President Yoon Suk Yeol said, "We will mobilize all of the nation’s capabilities to overcome the low birth rate, which can be considered a national emergency."

But, this isn't the first time the birth rate has been addressed. Another CNN article reported that South Korea dished out $200 billion to "boost the population over the past 16 years." Still, things haven't worked in the government's favor. It's evident less women are having children and it seems to directly stem from women upholding the ideology they're not allowing their bodies to be used for motherhood anymore.

American Women's Response To The 4B Movement

After the shocking results of the 2024 presidential election, many women began to rethink how they relate to the men in their lives, finding South Korea's 4B Movement in the process. Based on the current rhetoric about women who don't have children and the restrictive anti-abortion laws with hardly any policies in place to reduce the maternal mortality rate, it's understandable why some women are fearful or fed up — and why many women are now finding parallels to what sparked 4B in the first place.

When you see people like Nicholas J. Fuentes tweeting things like "Your body, my choice. Forever," on the same day Trump won a second term as president, it can leave a sickening taste in one's mouth. One user's response to this was, "Funny how the loudest champions of 'freedom' are often the first to undermine it for everyone else."

Alongside this are men's social movements that are clearly intertwined with the current political climate, too. While obviously not all men believe in these ideologies, there's been a stark rise in their prevalence.

Mizuno K

In 2020, ADL reported about the mindset of "Incels" and discovered that they feel emboldened by the 'manosphere.' So, what do they tend to believe? According to outlet, there's a belief "that the current sexual 'marketplace' gives women too much freedom to choose their own partners." Not only that, but the outlet says Incels tend to think women choose to ignore men unless they look a certain way or have a certain status, "leaving the remaining 80 percent of men (including incels) without a potential partner."

Nicole Prause, a UCLA Statistician and Academic, is well-versed in abstinence movements, and what they ultimately indicate based on statistics. "There are a number of similar men's movements already, especially Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW)," she says. According to her, MGTOW don't pursue marriage or relationships with women, but "seek sex when it is on their 'terms.'" She says, "They're often viewing it as a battle pitting sexes against one another. These movements tend to be separatist, often evolving into misogyny and violent speech, such as glorifying sexual coercion and rape."

started in south korea. now in america? yas. #4b #4bmovement #jesusisking

As a result of these growing men's movements and the incoming 47th President of the United States — a convicted felon with multiple allegations of sexual assault — there have been growing calls from women on social media to consider the 4B Movement for themselves. X user @jungsooyawning wrote, "american women it's time to learn from the koreans and adopt the 4b movement as a matter of fact women from all over the world should adopt the 4b movement i'm so serious," on the platform.

Freelance writer Daria Yasmiene also wrote about about why she's taking part in the movement for POPSUGAR. She said, "As a Black woman who has lived through three back-to-back elections with Trump as a focal point, I'm so far beyond tired that I need a lifestyle change." Ultimately, she wants to continue having the freedom to choose to live her life in a way that's not solely governed by men.

"With the little autonomy that I have left, I would rather be alone and safe from the consequences of male influence in my life than lie next to someone who doesn't see me as an equal. We deserve so much more than that."

Meanwhile, Sex and Relationships Coach, Leah Carey says that 4B "makes sense as a response to realizing that a majority of men valued the economy over a woman's right to self-determination." Depending on where you stand, she also says that it can be "seen as 'punishment' for men" or "as a choice of self-determination and self-protection for women." Somatic Trauma Therapist, Blessing Uchendu shares Carey's sentiments in that the movement is "a response to patriarchy and the centering of men and conversely the objectification of women, with the expectation that they fulfill roles as wives and mothers."

Potential Benefits Of The 4B Movement

Antoni Shkraba

So with all that in mind, is a movement like 4B beneficial? And is it even sustainable? I'm not going to tell you that you should or shouldn't join the 4B Movement because it's a personal decision. It's always wise to examine where you are in life instead of relying on social media, news outlets, or even the government to determine what you're going to believe. Still, there may be some benefits to the 4B Movement that outweigh any potential fallouts.

Carey says that "not being refused care for reproductive matters" is a potential benefit of 4B, while also highlighting that "the mental health benefits can also be huge for people who deal with anxiety, depression, or anything else that might cause emotional hardship in the current climate."

This could also lead to women identifying and honoring their true desires instead of following society's scripts about who they should be. Somatic Trauma Therapist, Blessing Uchendu believes that 4B is about women de-centering men and re-centering themselves — about "being the 'stars of their own stories,' rather than supporting characters in a malde-dominated narrative." Uchendu says. "It can be incredibly empowering to step away from systems that have felt compulsory in order to reflect on whether you are making decisions centered on yourself and your desires or whether these decisions are centered on the expectations of the society around you."

The most important thing Carey wants to note is that women aren't unable to find love and joy ever again by participating in the 4B movement. "Just because a woman chooses not to date, have sex, get married, or have kids with a man doesn't mean she can't do those things: with other women. it's more and more common for adult women to explore their same-sex attractions after divorce or widowhood," she notes. "With a generation of young women growing up with the understanding that heterosexuality is not the only option, we may see a wave of younger women also exploring in this arena (in addition to all the younger women who already know themselves to be queer)."

I would also say that you can always go back to dating and engaging with men whenever you want — this movement doesn't have to be a permanent choice if you don't want it to be. The whole point is to take charge and embrace your own sense of agency.

Yet, Prause does pause to mention the downside to "separatist movements." She explains that without support from men, women could struggle financially given pay disparities and other gender-based work inequities. Still, she says this doesn't really affect much if women have been figuring things out for themselves with little help from men.

Ultimately Uchendu says women having the freedom to exist without the weight of society's patriarchal standards on their shoulders is the "ultimate freedom." She says, "In the words of Audre Lorde 'If I did not define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and be eaten alive."

Andrea Piacquadio

No woman should have to live in fear of having violence committed against her, but history continues repeating itself in terms of how society treats our bodies. "When a woman's right to make choices about her own body and health care are removed, she may decide to not put herself in a position where pregnancy can become an option," Carey says.

Prause chimes in with, "On average, women are more likely to experience mental health declines with marriage to a man (the opposite is true for men). While men also can experience domestic violence and sexual assault, the risks are exceptionally higher for women." Not only that, but she also points out that "women risk unwanted pregnancy, from which they now have fewer healthcare rights to address" and "are at much higher risk for sexually transmitted infections, even from their regular romantic partner."

As if that weren't a slap in the fact, Prause mentions that "childcare continues to fall disproportionately on women and does cause less income for women over time."

So, at the end of the day, I can't tell you what the right choice is, but I do know that patriarchy's long-lasting fixture in society has harmed everyone. From men who think women owe them something to women who believe they're not worth anything unless they're married or mothers, there's a lot to unpack.

What I do know is that no one should have the right to control the personal lives of other people nor should they try to make their personal beliefs and religious ideologies into laws that govern people who will be around long after they're not.

No matter where you stand on the matter, hatred and violence should never be tolerated or praised. Remember to take care of yourself by diving into more self-care stories we have on-site.

Winter is undoubtedly here (boo, snow and cold!), but a whole new wave of weather means it’s time to step up not only your layering game, but your shoe game, too. From stylish tall boots to cozy lined house shoes, these 5 types of winter shoes are simply the perfect pairs to get you through the season in style.

Check out the 5 must-have winter shoe styles to keep your winter wardrobe looking and feeling fresh this year!

Free People

Frye Campus 14L Boots

1. Tall boots

Tall boots are just that girl when it comes to winter outfits. They truly wear well alone, but for wintertime, they look especially stunning when you layer ‘em up with leggings or tights.

Free People

Jeffrey Campbell Katrina Pull-On Tall Boots

There are quite a few variations in design when it comes to tall boots, so you could snag them in a moto, cowboy boot, or sleek style.


Tecovas The Abby Boots

Whatever tall boot style speaks to you the most and will be most practical for your needs will be perfect!


Blundstone All-Terrain Thermal Chelsea Boots

2. Snow boots

Snow boots are honestly non-negotiable if you live somewhere, well, snowy.


Sorel Tivoli V Faux Fur Lined Waterproof Boots

Snow boots are designed with the cold in mind, so they’re often expertly insulated and boast reliable textured soles that won’t fail you on slippery ice.


Hunter Amble Booties

Sorel, UGG, Hunter, and Blundstone make some of my favorite snow boots since they still look effortlessly stylish, all while keeping your feet safe and warm!


SeaVees Bodega Clogs

3. Clogs

Where would I be without my clogs?! Seriously – they’re super helpful if I need to run a quick errand or take my dog for a brief walk outside. The best part about clogs is they’re extremely easy to put on and take off – no time for traditional laces over here!

I thoroughly enjoy this gardening-inspired pair from SeaVees because the soles are fitted with a good amount of traction to keep me from slip-sliding when I have to go out in the snow. They’re also waterproof, keeping my feet dry with every step.


Chaco Ramble Water Resistant Puffer Clogs

Puffer styles like these are especially great if more warmth is what you’re seeking this season.


Chaco Paonia Clogs

I also can’t recommend these Chacos clogs enough, since they’re remarkably durable and perfect for year-round wear.


Adidas Samba OG Shoes

4. Reliable sneakers

Sneakers are a must no matter the season, but having a pair for winter can really depend on your season-specific needs. Whether it’s a running sneaker that’s primed for the gym’s treadmills or a more fashion-forward design that you want to rock with all of your ‘going out’ outfits, there’s a winter sneaker for everyone.

New Balance

New Balance 530 Sneakers

I tend to shop sneakers for winter in more toned-down color palettes, since I typically wear more monochromatic ‘fits when the weather’s gloomy. I really adore my New Balance 530's since I can easily take them from a workout to a night out.


UGG Disquette Slippers

5. Cozy house shoes

Finally, cozy house shoes should be a given when it comes to winter. I surely spend more time at home around this time of year, and when I’m hibernating, my toes get annoyingly cold! I know I'm not the only one, too.


Dearfoams Chloe Soft Knit Clog Slippers

That’s where a good slipper or house shoe comes in – they exist to protect your feet from the elements, ensuring you stay cozy all season long.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Valentine's Day is almost here, and whether you're single or happily taken, you can always have an amazing time celebrating the season with your best girlfriends. We're channeling our inner Leslie Knope this Galentine's Day with 50 ideas for spending it with your squad. From gathering your girlfriends for a Galentine's Day party or embarking on an epic road trip, now is the time to plan your February weekend with the best of your friends, near and far.

Scroll on for 50 Galentine's Day ideas to celebrate with your girls!

The Best Galentine's Day Ideas For 2025

Brit + Co

Add Some Pink With These Taylor Swift Fuzzy Dice

Pink is always a good idea when it comes to Valentine's Day decor, so for any of your Galentine's Day parties this year, DIY these Taylor Swift fuzzy dice inspired by "Cruel Summer"! (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Make DIY Galentine's Day Candy Boxes

Send your best friends home with adorable candy boxes that may or may not be used as trinket trays later on. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Have A Bachelor Marathon

Calling all Bachelor fans! Catch up on new episodes from your favorite season by hosting a marathon viewing party. Not a Bachelor fan? Try one of these Netflix originals that are perfect for Galentine's Day. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

DIY Galentine's Day Fort

Camp out with your BFFs in this homemade fort that's just as much fun to make as it is to relax in! It's the perfect Galentine's Day idea at home. (via Brit + Co)

A Beautiful Mess

Host A Nail Pampering Galentine's Day Party

Pamper yourself and your BFFs with a nail design party! Put out bottles of their favorite polishes and create a fun playlist of your favorite love songs. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Host A Galentine's Day Bake-off

BFFs stand together even when they're single or happily taken. Host a delicious bake-off with your gals to see who can get the most creative in the kitchen! (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Make Conversation Heart Care Packages

For friends who live near and far, make these sweet care packages filled with their favorite things. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Host a Galentine's Day Party Game Night

Play Gin Rummy with your favorite gin cocktail, dominoes, charades, whatever floats your game-loving boat! Don't forget the candy charcuterie! (via Brit + Co)

Taylor Simpson

Plan A Girl's Getaway

Here are the happiest cities in the world. Grab your girls and escape winter for an amazing Galentine's Day weekend you'll never forget. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Take a Class Together

Film photography is cool again. One reason to get creative with your gals with a day of fun learning and doing. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Host a Brunch

Our epic Galentine's brunch menu has everything from red velvet heart waffles to DIY centerpieces to Galentine's card writing stations. Thisgem-inspired brunch is a fun idea, too! (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Have A DIY Party With Planters

Get a jump on spring decor with an easy DIY planter party! With a few basic steps, you and your girls can create living wall decor to decorate your space for February and even all the way through the summer months. (via Brit + Co)


Host a Cookie Party

Check out our list of 30 Valentine's Day cookie recipes and start a holiday cookie tradition, G-Day style! (via Brit + Co)

Element5 Digital

Go On A Road Trip With Your Gals

You don't have to spend your Galentine's Day party inside. If you're not near the beach, you can take a day trip instead. Some ideas include visiting a ski resort, going for a hike, or exploring that small town you've been meaning to hit. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Have A Puppy-Love Play Date

Galentine's Day isn't just for humans. Invite your BFFs and their furry friends over for a puppy-love playdate. If you want to keep things a bit more relaxed, host a movie night and ask your friends to bring their dog beds, too.

Aww Sam

Host A Mean Girls Movie Night

Prepare for a cozy night in with your ladies by catching up on one of the most classic flicks (or the newmusical update!). Set the tone for the night with a DIY burn book vase that doubles as a hilarious take-home treat. (via Aww Sam)

Sasha • Stories

Have A Beach Day Picnic

If you live on the coast, host your Galentine's Day gathering at the beach. Make sure you bring your favorite beach bag, a pair of sunglasses, and perhaps some bubbly!

Kelsey Chance

Have A Wine Tasting

You and your girls love your wine, so use the day as an excuse to host your very own rosé tasting party.

Brit + Co

Hit The Slopes

An adventurous way to get outdoors and spend time with your ladies is to take advantage of the snow. Go skiing or snowboarding, or build a snow(wo)man. Then enjoy après ski cocktails!

Brit + Co

Have A Pool Party

If you live in a warmer climate (or have a heated pool), throw a fun G-Day pool party complete with all of the essentials like vino, floaties, and sunhats.

Brit + Co

Host A Parks & Rec Marathon

The best way to celebrate Galentine's Day is by honoring the creator, Leslie Knope, with a Parks and Rec marathon viewing party. Ask your ladies to supply the booze, and you can serve up the snacks and the show — or any of our other favorite feel-good TV shows.

Brit + Co

Host An Outdoor Dinner + Movie

Your ladies deserve a get-together that's sure to give each gal the much-needed fun she deserves. Host a movie and dinner for your ladies, outdoors if the weather permits. Step up your party with favors, swag bags, and a night of unlimited drinks.


Have A Karaoke Party

What better way to start off your Galentine's Day shindig than by belting out a few tunes with your favorite ladies? Yep, we didn't think we'd have to tell you twice.

Brit + Co

Go on A Hike

Keep up with your health goals with an active day outdoors. It's a great way to bond with your girlfriends and with nature.

No Revisions

Book A Spa Day

What better way to show self love than to book a much-deserved spa day with gal pals. You'll feel refreshed and recharged.

Brit + Co

Zoom With Surprise Takeout

Bestie live in another state? Plan an evening Zoom call and send each other dinner delivery for a fun gab session and thoughtful Galentine's Day gift. Oh, what a night!

More Galentine's Day Party Ideas

A pom pom and lantern wall is literally the perfect way to add some texture to any Galentine's Day party! Plus, you can reuse them for upcoming bachelorette parties and baby showers.

Take a simple white table cloth (bonus points if it's paper) and paint "XOXO" across it for a personalized, romantic addition to your table.

Never underestimate the power of gold letter balloons. They're our favorite!

In lieu of flowers, fill some of your favorite vases with all kinds of red and pink candies.

If a pure candy charcuterie board is overwhelming, opt for a mix — supplement chocolate, marshmallows, and strawberries with meat and cheese for a board that's both lunch and dessert.

Mix up your Galentine's Day party mimosa bar by providing different juices and different garnishes that your guests can choose from.

Letter boards are a super easy and super fun way to add spunk to your party. Plus, they don't take up a lot of room, so that's a win-win for us!

Grapefruit juice is the perfect addition to your Galentine's Day party's pink cocktails — or to sparkling water for a low-key mocktail.

Candlesticks, jars, cake trays, oh my! The more dishes, the better as far as we're concerned.

It's easier than ever to find super cute, super sassy napkins. It's a small touch that goes a long way!

Mini bottles of champagne aren't just good for your Galentine's Day party — have everyone write a goal on their bottle, and wait to pop it until that goal is achieved!

Find heart-shaped plates to add extra romance to your tablescape.

Galentine's Day Party Favor Ideas

Miniature potted plants are as cute as can be, and when they're wrapped in pink napkins? To die for.

Cupid would totally approve of these red candy kabobs.

If you have a collection of white bags for your Galentine's Day party favors, go crazy with the designs! Draw hearts, arrows, or write a little note to each of your friends.

Nothing says "I love you" like knowing your friend's favorites — which means you'll knock beauty product gift bags out of the park.

Red lollipops get a fruity upgrade when you wrap their sticks in green tape. Voilà!! The cherry on top of all your Galentine's Day festivities.

Wall envelopes are the perfect place to stash all your candy — or a super artsy Galentine's Day note.

Less is more with a Galentine's Day party favor that lets your BFF know how much she means to you.

A little bit of thoughtful wrapping makes a colorful bouquet even more beautiful than it already is!

Add tiny bows to all your champagne bottles for a true coquette party theme.

Use a pair of scalloped scissors to turn regular gift bags into something even more eye-catching!

Galentine's Day party favors don't *just* have to be candy and cards — celebrate your friends' hobbies with thoughtful gifts, too!

We'll literally never say no to chocolate, especially when it includes flower petals!

Looking for more reasons to get together with your girls this Galentine's Day? Follow us on Pinterest for even more ideas!

This article has been updated from a previous post with additional reporting by Sarah Koller and Theresa Gonzalez.