As kids, the word “mine!” entered our vocabularies shortly after “mom” and “avocado” (what, that wasn’t your first word?). Our understanding of ownership then led us to declaring a best friend and letting the world know by way of BFF necklaces, friendship bracelets and dressing like twins (my bestie and I liked to switch right shoe for left so that we had mismatching pairs in true Punky Brewster form). Many of us never lost this childhood connection or the urge to proclaim best friendship, and we continue to see bestie designators in fashion today. In fact, just this week we saw some amazing best friend leather jackets at NYFW and knew we had to do a DIY copycat. The original jacket pair is marked at $1,000 (read: BANANAS), so put away your credit cards and read on for our $100 version. Your wallet and your best gal pal will thank you!
– 2 black leather jackets (we picked ours up at H&M)
– paper
– tailor’s chalk
– white leather paint
– pen
– scissors
– paint brushes (one thin, one thick)
1. Fold a piece of paper in half and draw half of a heart with the folded side in the center of the heart. Cut out your paper heart, unfold it and draw a zig zag line down the center. Cut down this jagged line.
2. Using tailor’s chalk, trace one heart half onto the back of a leather jacket. Trace the other half onto the second jacket. Add “BE” “FRI” to one jacket and “ST” “END” to the other.
3. Once you are happy with your heart and lettering, go over the chalk with leather paint. Let dry.
First we’ll make a stencil so that the hearts are perfect. Using our favorite trick, fold the paper in half and draw half a heart with the center of the heart along the folded line. This will ensure you create a symmetrical shape. Cut out your half heart and unfold it to reveal a perfect heart shape. Draw a zig zag line down the center and then break that heart in half by cutting along the lines.
You’re almost finished — can you believe it? Trace each half heart onto the backs of your leather jackets using tailor’s chalk. Then add best friends by writing “BE” and “FRI” on one half heart and “ST” and “ENDS” on the other. Go over your chalk with leather paint, choosing the paint brush that best suits the thickness of your lines.
Let these puppies dry and then gift one to your favorite lady.
What other NYFW copycats would you like to see on the site? Share your ideas in the comments and show us your projects using the hashtags #britstagram and #iamcreative.