How to Move on When You Still See Your Ex All the Time

Not every workplace relationship ends well. (We blame Parks and Recreation for our unrealistic expectations.) And not every besties-turned-baes scenario does either. (That one’s on Chandler and Monica.) Despite knowing this, we can’t resist these kinds of risky relationships when they present themselves to us. And though they’re fun while they last, these breakups can be particularly brutal because we still have to see the person all the time after the relationship ends. We spoke with April Masini, a relationship and etiquette expert who runs her own relationship advice forum, about what the coping process looks like under these circumstances.

Masini makes it clear that separation is essential after any breakup in order for both people to “individuate,” or rediscover their individuality. “The separation period is profound and different for each couple, depending on the relationship,” Masini says. For example, couples who were in a long-term relationship and developed a codependency tend to struggle through the split more than couples who remained independent during their time together. Long-distance couples find this time of separation especially confusing, as they have always technically been “separated.” With no real observable change in the amount of time spent together, these couples may continue to feel connected and committed to their ex long after their breakup.

For those exes who are neighbors, colleagues, or friends, separation might not even be feasible, and this can cause complications. “If you don’t separate from your ex and still see them throughout the breakup, your breakup may take longer to process and both people may take longer to feel truly single again,” Masini remarks. A lack of physical disconnection can disable the exes from emotionally disconnecting, which slows efforts to move on.

What’s more, being around your ex while actively attempting to move on can still negatively affect you, especially if it’s not going well. “Having your ex see you struggle with re-entry into the dating world can be debilitating and it can slow or stunt the moving-on process, which happens more naturally when you’re broken up and separated,” Masini comments.

If separation is impossible for you and your ex, Masini suggests using these strategies:

1. Disconnect digitally. Social media has a way of making you feel connected to a person even when they’re miles away. “Stop following and unfriend your ex on social media,” Masini says. “Even if you still see each other in person, it’s one less entanglement.” An ex-free feed is the easiest and most practical way to speed up the moving-on process.

2. Part financially. Businesses, bank accounts, belongings — sharing any of these things with your ex will only complicate the separation process, so address them as soon as you can. Masini suggests withdrawing your portion of the money in an account and creating your own or closing the account altogether. Similarly, assets should be divvied up or sold.

3. Branch out socially. Masini says making new friends post-breakup can be liberating and healthy, but it’s also an incentive to pursue untapped interests, such as volunteering or learning a foreign language. “It’s easier to see your ex when you have this new part of your new life to yourself,” Masini explains. So, this technique works twofold — you’ll have less time to spend with your ex and you’ll feel less insecure when they are around.

Masini emphasizes that the concept of moving on is “very subjective” and varies from person to person, meaning these measures might be totally unnecessary for some. According to her, people can go years without seeing or speaking to their ex yet continue to allow them to consume their thoughts and actions daily. Others remain in close contact with their exes and successfully date other people. It’s all about doing what’s best for you.

Been in this sitch? Tweet us how you moved on @BritandCo!

(Photo via Getty)

Valentine's Day is next month, so it's time for a little tough love. Are you ready? Deep breath... You're not going to get far in your relationship by wondering, "What are we doing?" anymore. For such a simple question, it carries the weight of being vague and loaded. It's not that you shouldn't want to know where your relationship is headed, but there are better questions to ask your boyfriend.

From my first relationship to being engaged with an energetic toddler, I know a thing or two about how to broach certain topics. But, I'm no one's expert so I turned to Sean O'Neill, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Clinical Director at Maple Moon Recovery, to help you figure out how to get to the heart of your relationship.

Scroll to see which deep questions to ask your boyfriend for a better, healthier relationship!

Andres Ayrton

1. Questions To Ask If You're In The 'Honeymoon' Stage

Whenever we finally move from flirting with our crushes to being in a relationship with them, it's typically followed by a period of euphoria. You and your boyfriend likely can't get enough of each other right now which is probably making your friends playfully roll their eyes. Since everything is brand new, you can still keep it light though.

O'Neill suggests asking "open-ending questions that prompt curiosity and connection:"

  • What's one dream you've never let me in on?
  • What's one little gesture that can make you feel valued?

"These couple of queries facilitate bonding while generating enthusiasm for the goals and interests of each other," he says.

Budgeron Bach

2. Questions To Ask After Your First Big Fight

Even if you and your boyfriend are super tuned in to each other, a disagreement or argument is bound to happen. In case you're worried, your relationship isn't on thin ice because you're not seeing eye-to-eye on something. O'Neill says you can ask:

  • How do you think we handled the argument?
  • What could we do differently next time to make our future fights more productive?

His reasoning is that these questions "promote growth and empathy" so "disagreements are transformed into stronger communication opportunities."

Note: Disagreements should never turn physical. It's not okay for you and your boyfriend to become physically aggressive with each other. If you're concerned about domestic violence, dial the National Domestic Hotline at 1(800) 799-7233.

Keira Burton

3. Questions To Ask Before Introducing Your Boyfriend To Your Parents

Introducing your boyfriend to your parents is a huge step that can be scary and exciting. I was terrified when my parents first met my fiancé because they couldn't stand my ex. But, the conversation between them flowed and everyone always looks for him to be at family events.

If you're ready for introductions to be made, O'Neill wants you to "encourage the normality of preplanned talks" by asking:

  • What is something about me that you think my parents would really love to hear about?

By doing this, he says it'll "help alleviate anxiety and ensure both spouses feel comfortable and attuned before meeting the parents."

Mikhail Nilov

4. Questions To Ask If You Or Your Boyfriend Have An Illness

It's never easy to experience illnesses or health scares, but it can be terrifying if you don't know how to help your partner manage if something unexpected happens. O'Neill says to "nurture insights with queries such as:"

  • What is one thing I could to assist you better when ill?
  • Are there any aspects concerning your healthy that haven't been discussed which make you anxious?

"The conversations provide a safe space for airing concerns while building up mutual support through health difficulties," he adds.

Mikhail Nilov

5. Questions To Ask If You're Worried About Boyfriend's Spending Habits

Financial red flags are always a cause for concern when dating someone — especially when it seems like your boyfriend doesn't care about his spending habits may affect your household if you live together. O'Neill suggests asking:

  • What are your financial goals?
  • How do you see us working towards them together?
  • How do you feel about budgeting as a team?

This will "make goal alignment stronger" because "effective communication about finances can prevent misunderstandings," he says. Also, this helps "lay the foundation for a shared vision of the future."

Bethany Ferr

6. Questions To Ask To Deepen Vulnerability With Each Other

Being vulnerable isn't easy for everyone, let alone two people in a relationship. It took me years to feel comfortable expressing my sadness or fears to my fiancé because I was afraid he'd think I was 'weak.' However, this can cause more harm than good because it becomes difficult for our partners to know what's going on with us if we don't open up.

O'Neill says you can ask:

  • What's one fear or concern you've hesitated to share with anyone before?
  • How can I help you feel safe sharing with me?
These questions "create room for openness and trust between partners" which aids in "helping them connect emotionally," according to him.

Katerina Holmes

7. Questions To Help Move The Relationship Forward

If you're still wondering "what are we doing" after asking some of the above questions, you focus on asking the following "future-oriented questions," according to O'Neill:

  • Where do you see us in 5 years?
  • What's something you envision us doing together as a couple in the future?
"Thinking about what is ahead strengthens commitment to the relationship and brings both partners' goals into line," he says.
Even though my fiancé and I have been together for a while, we still have conversations about our goals, health, raising our son, and more. It helps us to either stay aligned or see what needs to be addressed as opposed to letting physical attraction guide the way we feel 95% of the time.

But that's not all! We have more advice about relationships if you're looking to build a deeper connection yourself, friends, or family in 2025!

For as many amazing finds Costco has (looking at you, almond croissants and heart-shaped ravioli), there are still quite a few items worth skipping. Whether it’s due to texture, taste, or value, Costco shoppers are quick to clock the worst items between the aisles.

The latest discovery is an unassuming frozen meal that looks great from the outside, but the inside? That’s a whole different story.

Scroll on to discover the Costco item shoppers are calling “awful” and even “the single worst thing” they’ve bought there.


Meet the Snapdragon Chicken Pad Thai, a microwavable meal that includes chicken, rice noodles, bell peppers, and bean sprouts in a “tangy” stir fry sauce. The item was surfaced to the Costco community by a Reddit user that definitely had a bone to pick with it.

“This was not a good choice,” they wrote. “The sauce was absolutely dry and the mix of undercooked noodles was not a pleasant experience. Even added a bit of water to the tray, after the general cooking time, to bring some moisture to it. Didn’t work.” Oof.

Snapdragon Food

Now, one shopper with a single negative review is one thing, but many more fellow Costco patrons chimed in re: the disappointing nature of the Pad Thai on the same Reddit thread.

“I'm surprised Costco still carries this,” one person wrote. “I thought it was awful.”

“It was so awful,” another said. “I couldn't make myself eat it.”

“Might be the single worst thing we’ve bought from Costco,” one more user commented.

Nadin Sh / PEXELS

A lot of people also noted that the noodles in the dish were dry, the chicken was not of good quality, and that the overall flavor was lacking – which, according to my hunch as a food lover, is a simple lesson that authentic international dishes shouldn’t always be replicated in a quick and convenient, “heat and eat” format.

So, all this to say: if you’re craving Pad Thai, it’s best to skip this Costco pick and order takeout from your local Thai joint. It's always better fresh!

Subscribe to our newsletter for more Costco finds!

By now, you may be able to recognize signs of gaslighting or other toxicbehaviors, but do you know how to take everything you've learned and become a super compatible couple? According to experts, there are a few key things super compatible couples rarely argue about — even with whatever faults each person brings to the relationship table. While the topics these couples avoid may not surprise you, the reason why they're able to avoid them might. But first, let's talk about what makes couples more compatible than others.

Dr. Brooke Keels, Ph.D., LPC-MHSP, LPC-Supervisor, Chief Clinical Officer at Lighthouse Recovery, has this to say: "Couples are compatible when they share similar values, goals, and know the best way to communicate with each other." Notice she didn't say these couples are just alike.

More so, she explains that "it's about how well they handle differences, whether they can support each other through tough times, and how they connect emotionally." Dr. Keels adds, "when there’s respect, trust, and a good balance of give-and-take between them?" Dr. Keels believes this gives couples a better chance "to be in sync."

Scroll down to see the topics you'll rarely hear compatible couples arguing about!

RDNE Stock project

1. Long-term goals like marriage aren't often a cause for concern.

Have you ever dated someone that made you wonder what you saw in them once you pay attention to certain red flags? You may have found yourself arguing with them about everything from religion to reproductive health, leaving you feeling dizzy afterwards. But Dr. Keels says compatible couples are more likely to be aligned on "whether they want the same things out of life."

Her examples include:

  • Relocating for careers
  • Family planning
  • Finding somewhere to settle down in general (i.e. apartment, condo, different state, close to family, etc.,)

"This common ground lessens the chance of fighting over these big topics," Dr. Keels reiterates.

Vlada Karpovich

2. There's a lesser chance arguments about weekend activities occur.

We're no strangers to indecisive moments where we couldn't agree about what to do on the weekends with our partners, but Dr. Keels says compatible couples don't always run into this issue. "When you enjoy similar activities or have overlapping hobbies, you're more like to find ways to unwind together, rather than feeling disconnected or frustrated by each other's choices," she adds.

While it varies from couple to couple, you and your partner may enjoy the following:

  • Buying tickets to watch the latest college basketball or football game
  • Going to a 'Paint and Sip' class for fun
  • Having a mini outdoor picnic
  • Visiting a national park if it's on your couple's bucket list
  • Spending a day at a local arcade

The possibilities are endless, but all that matters is that "this mutual understanding makes spending time together feel natural and fun," according to Dr. Keels.

Mikhail Nilov

3. Communication styles aren't causing a daily disruption.

Some people have a more direct way of communicating while others may be passive or even passive-aggressive. Less arguments aren't happening because compatible couples communicate the same however. "When they both understand each other's communication style — whether it's direct or more subtle — it helps avoid misunderstandings and frustration."

Here's a couple of examples:

  • If you're having a bad day that has nothing to do with your partner, they don't take it personal when you prefer some alone time.
  • If your partner says something they perceived to be a joke, but you didn't, you're less likely to immediately accuse them of being insensitive. Instead, there's a higher chance of asking what they mean by something and expressing why you didn't like it instead of arguing.

Compatible couples "know how to express their feelings and needs in a way that the other person can easily understand" which makes "it easier to resolve issues calmly," according to Dr. Keels.

Alex Green

Are couples better (or more compatible) because they don't have a lot of arguments?

Well, no. That's actually a stretch because everyone has arguments. "Even compatible couples can argue about everyday things like chores or schedules. No matter how well they get along or how "in sync" they are, little annoyances can still pop up here and there, and cause some tension between them," Dr. Keels shares. "The difference," she points out, "is that they're usually better at handling these moments and keeping them from turning into bigger problems."

The other thing she's seen couples argue about is money. "It's such a common stress point because everyone has different habits and priorities when it comes to spending or saving," she says. But, guess what? "Compatible couples tend to approach the conversation with more understanding and a willingness to find a compromise," she continues.

If you feel like you and your partner aren't on the same page, it may not be time to break up just yet. We've learned that that it can take time to effectively communicate with a romantic partner or understand them. Compatibility is great, but it's not an indicator that a relationship will be smooth sailing!

Keira Burton

How can I have healthier disagreements with my partner?

Like we said, getting to a point where you and your partner aren't consistently hurting each other's feelings during disagreements takes time as well as skill. No one's born knowing all the answers so don't think your relationship is over because you're still figuring things out.

Dr. Keels says one way you and your partner can work on the kind of disagreements you're having is by "knowing how to communicate/compromise." Look, we heard your sigh and know it's probably the antithesis of how you feel. We struggled with compromising, but you don't get far in life thinking that everyone else has to bend to your will all the time.

"Even if they don’t see eye to eye all the time, healthy couples listen to each other's perspectives, and look for solutions that work for both of them. It’s not about 'winning' the argument and getting to say who's right, but finding common ground so they can move forward together," adds Dr. Keels.

SHVETS production

Also, "staying respectful event when things get heated or when you're upset" is a way to have a productive arguments, according to Dr. Keels. What happens is that "healthy couples avoid yelling or saying hurting things during disagreements," she says. This means no cursing or raising voices to the point your next door neighbors feel they have to call the police to do a wellness check on you.

"Instead, they just focus on the real problem and stay calm, which helps them work through the issue without hurting each other and the relationship," Dr. Keels says. And in the event you and your partner can't find common ground in a given moment? She highly suggests you "take breaks or pause when things get too heated."

Couples who do this "know when to step away and cool off before continuing the conversation," she adds. There are times where it's difficult to have a proper conversation when you're anxious or angry, so it's always better to revisit the topic.

Dr. Keels agrees and says, "This gives them a chance to cool down first so they can properly think things through, and think of a solution that works for both of them without saying anything they might regret."

Visit more of our relationships articles to find more advice about navigating friendships and love.

Nordstrom’s sale section is the number one destination when it comes to finding underrated fashion gems. It’s the first place I usually think of when I’m shopping for something new because it’s typically packed with items from my favorite brands, like Free People, Reformation, BDG, Adidas, and more – for way less.

Whether you’re hunting for a designer piece (at a fraction of the price) or stocking up on wardrobe basics, I’ve found the 20 best Nordstrom sale items after scrolling through over 700 of ‘em.

Get ready to shop the best Nordstrom sale finds below!

Clothing Finds


Faherty Stretch Terry Wide Leg Pants

These 35%-off wide-leg pants are such a steal. Inspired by workwear, they'll hold up extremely well through years of use. The material they're made of has a "touch" of stretch, so you're always comfy.


Topshop Cable Stitch Cardigan

I adore the retro look of this cardi, thanks to the multitude of buttons and textured cable knit. It makes the ultimate cold weather layer, plus it's 40% off right now!


Levi's Quilted Faux Fur Short Teddy Jacket

Originally $180, this paneled faux fur jacket is now only $80! Sounds like the perfect piece to get on sale right now if you live somewhere that's still super cold.


Topshop Oversize Rib Sweater Dress

When it comes to sweater dresses, I only want an oversized fit. This Topshop pick (25% off, BTW!) checks all the boxes since it also boasts a fuzzy feel and subtle ribbing details along the hems that don't feel overly distracting.


Reformation Haisley Ribbon Accent Organic Cotton Peplum Top

It's not every day you find a Reformation piece as cute as this top for a whopping 40% off. Yep, I'm obsessed.


Reformation Alistar Halter Vest

This spring- and summer-ready one is 55% off! It has a flirty open back detail that wears well with everything from jeans to maxi skirts.


Skims Stretch Cotton Jersey Long Sleeve T-Shirt

This "tried-and-true classic" long sleeve tee makes a cozy base layer for cooler days, plus this 30%-off pink color is simply too cute.


Mother The Dodger Sneak Wide Leg Jeans

Everything about these 40%-off jeans is perfect: the mid-ride, the wide legs, the loose fit, and the medium wash that pairs with anything! I'd easily rock these year-round.


BDG Tie Front Cardigan

This sweet sweater ties in the front so you can really get playful with your looks. It currently comes in 4 adorable colors – light blue, navy, red, and cream white – for up to 55% off.


Reformation Josefina Off The Shoulder Knit Dress

Though it has quite the sophisticated look, this off-the-shoulder number is made of a "super soft and stretchy" blend of lyocell and organic cotton to keep you feeling comfortable as ever. It originally sold for $198, but is now on sale for $109!


BP. Oversize Cozy Mock Neck Sweater

You can never have too many oversized sweaters in your closet. Snag this one for 25% off in so many different colors!


Zella Zelfit High Waist Wide Leg Pocket Pants

I love these wide-leg pants (40% off) because they can work for everything from a gym sesh to a chill movie night at home. They're fitted with pockets, too, which can be hard to find in good, stylish leggings.


Free People Movement Hit the Slopes Fleece Jacket

This iconic Free People fleece is an entire 30% off right now!

Shoe Finds


Nordstrom Miah Water Resistant Chelsea Lug Boots

The chunkier, bolder soles on these Chelsea boots instantly make 'em commute-ready. Shop them on sale for $60 instead of the original price of $100 right now!


New Balance 9060 Sneakers

There are limited sizes available for these 25%-off New Balance sneaks – run to see if they're still in stock!


Adidas Gazelle Indoor Sneakers

This unique color combo of fashion's current "It" girl shoe is on sale for 40% off. I am in love with the serene green!


Sam Edelman Michaela Mary Jane Flats

With 7 on-sale colors, these Mary Jane flats are unquestionably iconic, plus they won't break the bank since you'll literally save 50% off the OG price of $130.


UGG New Heights Lined Clogs

I'm a certified clog lover, which is why I was pumped to see these platform UGGs on sale for $90 (35% off the original price)!


Hoka Clifton 9 Running Shoes

Hokas are often in high-demand, meaning they're not on sale often. Luckily, I found this cream white pair for 24% off, so they now go for $110, not $145.


Naturalizer Edda Knee High Boots

Oh, these tall black boots are everything. The thick block heel and squared-off toe combo qualifies them as super trendy for 40% off!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

After almost 17 years of marriage, Jessica Alba just officially split from her husband, Cash Warren. TMZ reported that the actress and film producer have been separated for a while now, and this article seems to make everything even more official. Here's everything we know so far about the breakup — including how long it seems like the pair's actually been split up.

Here's everything we know about Jessica Alba's split from husband, Cash Warren.

On January 8, 2025, sources spilled to TMZ about Jessica Alba and Cash Warren's separation. The sources shared that the couple is allegedly "moving forward" with a divorce, so unfortunately it doesn't seem like this split is a short-term solution.

TMZreported that both Jessica and have gone in public without wedding rings recently — Jessica as recent as the Golden Globes afterparties on January 5, 2025. Apparently, one of the last times the two were spotted publicly was back in November 2024. Outside of that, the couple celebrated their son's birthday at Universal Studios together in January, but it's unclear how official the separation was at that point.

Well, Jessica just confirmed her split from Cash on Instagram. The actress shared:

I've been on a journey of self realization and transformation for years - both as an individual and in partnership with Cash. I'm proud of how we've grown as a couple and in our marriage over the last 20 years and it's now time for us to embark on a new chapter of growth and evolution as individuals.

We are moving forward with love and kindness and respect for each other and will forever be family. Our children remain our highest priority and we request privacy at this time.

A source toldUS Weekly that the couple could actually file for divorce "soon." The source said, "Cash has been slowly moving things out of their house but since the fires, they have been spending more time under one roof as a family. They are being there for each other right now as it is a very stressful time."

According to PEOPLE, Jessica and Cash got engaged in 2007, after meeting on the set of Fantastic Four back in 2004. They got married and stayed together for 16 years, welcoming three children to their family: Honor (16), Haven (13), and Hayes (7).

Back in 2021, Alba told PEOPLE that they tend to "over-communicate" in order to best support each other and their different needs. She said that they don't have a "secret" to making it work — they "just need to check in with each other."

Whatever happens next, we hope that Jessica, Cash, and their kids are able to find peace and happiness throughout this major transition.

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