How To Nurture Friendships *And* Make New Ones As An Adult

how to nurture friendships
For many of us, the COVID crisis marked a discontinuity in our interpersonal relationships. We could still communicate via Zoom or other platforms, but often something was missing, and sometimes it’s been difficult to get that back. To rekindle existing friendships, and also make new ones, it helps to be aware of our interpersonal needs, and of how the difference between what we show and what we actually want can present a confusing picture to others. That's where knowing more about the FIRO and your MBTI can come in!

Understanding Interpersonal Needs

Image via modoeolhar / PEXELS

We all have needs and motivations around other people, such as the need to belong, the need for influence and control, and the need for intimacy, but we're all different in how important these needs are to us. Relationships can falter when we assume our friends have the same level of need as we do, or when our interpersonal behavior confuses them. The FIRO (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation) framework is a useful tool for understanding interpersonal needs. It looks at three aspects:

  • Inclusion or involvement: Our need to belong, to be included or involved, and to include others.
  • Influence: The extent to which we try to influence and control others, and how much we want to be in an environment that provides us with clarity.
  • Connection: Our need for connection and intimacy with others on a one-to-one basis.

Why You Might Be Confusing Your Friends

Image via Anna Shvets / PEXELS

Crucially, the FIRO assessment looks at both the extent to which we show or express each of these and the extent to which we want each of these. For example, let’s suppose someone scores high on how much involvement they express, but low on how much involvement they want. They will come across as very outgoing and sociable, enthusiastically getting other people to join in with the activities that they set up, but they are likely very choosy about which invitations they accept from others.

Other people can find this confusing, or even hurtful, and this can harm relationships. But if the individual realizes how they behave, they can explain this to others or modify their behavior. Or take someone who has the opposite result — low expressed involvement and high wanted involvement. They want to be included but their natural tendency is to wait for others to do the inviting. In the post-COVID world, they may need to change this aspect of their behavior in order to form new friendships. Of course, for many people what they express matches what they want, but that isn’t the case for everyone.

Forming New Friendships: Extraversion And Introversion

Image via cottonbro studio / PEXELS

Once you have a clear picture of your interpersonal needs, you can start to figure out which are (and which aren’t) being satisfied, alongside which of your relationships satisfy each need. When you're starting new friendships, this will help you to realize what you're looking for. But to get at how you might go about forming those relationships, then also knowing your personality type is really useful, in particular your preferences for either Extraversion or Introversion.

In the MBTI framework, Extraversion or Introversion is all about where you get your energy from, and where you focus your attention. People with a preference for Extraversion tend to focus their attention on the external world, while those with a preference for Introversion focus on their internal world of thoughts and feelings. It’s important to remember that this is a preference, rather than a prescriptive, rigid blueprint. Extraverts do have an inner life, and can spend some time on their own, though this will sap their energy after a while. Introverts can and do enjoy spending time with others, though they may then need to go away and quietly recharge their batteries by themselves.

Tips For Extraverts

Image via Ashford Marx / PEXELS

If you have a personality preference for Extraversion, it’s likely that you enjoy meeting others and are happy to introduce yourself and strike up a conversation with people you’ve never met before. So at face value, making friends shouldn't be an issue. But it’s important to remember that not everyone is the same as you are. If you want to make friends with an Introvert, or keep that friendship alive, here are some suggestions:

  • Give them space. If they don’t respond to what you are saying immediately, it isn’t (or isn’t necessarily) because they don’t understand or aren’t interested; they may be thinking through how best to answer before they say anything. Pause, let them think though what they are going to say and give them time to say it. Don’t talk over them. Be a good listener.
  • Don’t be afraid of getting into deep, meaningful conversations. Introverts may not be big on small talk. Maybe find a shared interest you can talk about.
  • Start off your friendship with one-to-one activities and small get-togethers. Don’t be surprised or offended if they don’t want to come along to big, crowded events.
  • Allow them to recharge their batteries. Don’t be offended if they need some time to themselves, temporarily vanish during a big get-together, or don’t always want to spend time with you.
  • They might prefer emails, texts, or other messaging to phone calls as a way of keeping in touch.

Tips For Introverts

Image via Katya Wolf / PEXELS

If you have a personality preference for Introversion, it’s likely that you have a set of close friends rather than a wide circle of acquaintances. But it can be useful for one or more of this select group to be an Extravert; this can open doors and help you meet new people. Here are some tips that might be useful:

  • Recognize that you might need to step out of your comfort zone. Try to engage in small talk with a new acquaintance; to some extent, this is a skill that you can develop. Go along to bigger, noisier events on occasion if these seem important to an Extraverted friend.
  • Express your needs. Let others know that you will need some tome alone to recharge your batteries. Extraverts may not realize this unless you tell them! Don’t be afraid to say things like, “Let me just think about that for a moment,” when asked a question.
  • Be a good and active listener. Show interest in what is being said. Use this as a basis for having a conversation with the other person.
  • Find a connection. Don’t think that you "should" have a large number of friends; making a smaller number of meaningful relationships is likely to suit you better.
  • Respect other people’s preferences. You may want to communicate by text, but sometimes you may need to meet up in person!
Identifying your interpersonal needs, having the language to explain them to others, and understanding Extraversion and Introversion are a good starting point in forming and maintaining friendships in this post-COVID world.

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John Hackston is a chartered psychologist and Head of Thought Leadership at The Myers-Briggs Company where he leads the company’s Oxford-based research team. He is a frequent commentator on the effects of personality type on work and life, and has authored numerous studies, published papers in peer-reviewed journals, presented at conferences for organizations such as The British Association for Psychological Type, and has written on various type-related subjects in top outlets such as Harvard Business Review.

Header image via Julia Larson / PEXELS

As much as we used to look forward to taking a sick day in grade school, there's nothing fun about having cold or flu-like symptoms as an adult. Sure, you may get to miss work for a few days, but the body aches, fever, and sore throat combination are awful. It's even worse if your period decides to join the party!

There's so many different OTC (over-the-counter) cold medicines and supplements out there...which leads us to wonder: does Emergen-C actually work, or not? Since we're unsure, we turned to Board-certified family medicine physicians Dr. Laura Purdy, MD, MBA and Dr. Jennie Stanford, M.D., FAAFP, DipABOM to help answer our burning questions!

P.S. You'll find be able to tell the difference between pesky allergies and cold symptoms here — thank goodness!

What's the difference between cold and allergy symptoms?

Polina Tankilevitch

Having seasonal allergies can be confusing when they coincide with cold season. Between kids being back in school and the weather changing, the fall/winter seasons seem to bring on sneezing, coughing, and more. But, how can you tell when you're merely dealing with allergies or something else?

"Colds are viral infections. Symptoms include a sore throat, cough and feeling tired," says Dr. Purdy. Dr. Stanford further explains that viral infections have "traditionally been Rhinovirus species, but it may also be Adenovirus species and others." Colds can also be accompanied by a fever in some cases.

On the other hand, Dr. Purdy and Dr. Stanford both agree allergies are specifically caused by allergens or irritants. "Common Symptoms include sneezing and itchy eyes," says Dr. Purdy. According to the CDC, around one quarter of adults deal with seasonal allergies (raises both hands), so it's not weird if you get confused about when it's time to switch from Claritin to Dayquil.

How should people relieve cold symptoms before heading to the pharmacy?

Anna Tarazevich

Before you head to CVS at the first sign of sneezing and a sore throat, there are a few things Dr. Stanford suggests you do. "Optimizing our immune systems by focusing on overall health and wellbeing can help reduce the risk of infections, including the common cold. This includes eating a healthy diet, being physically active, getting enough sleep, and keeping stress in check," she says.

Unfortunately, Gallupreports that 57% of people feel they're not getting the proper amount of sleep they need. But, this doesn't mean you should ignore your lack of rest just because others are struggling too. Take it from someone whose insomnia impacted their mental health and a nasty bout of the Flu followed by Covid-19 two years ago! "Properly treating other health conditions can also help prevent acute illnesses, like the common cold," says Dr. Stanford.

However, it's not unusual to get a cold because Dr. Stanford says they're the "result of germs spread from contact with others." Taking precautions just helps your immune system work the eliminate the viral infection faster.

Do elderberry and Vitamin C fight off colds?

Polina Tankilevitch

This is where things get a little tricky. Though elderberry and Vitamin C have been hailed as supplements that combat colds, not everyone agrees on their effectiveness. Dr. Stanford says, "While the evidence for Vitamin C in treating colds is mixed, sufficient research suggests that taking vitamin C supplementation can shorten the duration and reduce the severity of cold symptoms." But if you're thinking about relying on Vitamin C supplements, Dr. Stanford is less likely to encourage you to take them because they haven't been proven "to be effective in preventing common cold symptoms."

She also doesn't think you should take elderberry as if that'll also fight off a viral infection. "Elderberry is not effective in preventing colds, and evidence is insufficient to suggest that it is effective in treating the common cold," she explains.

Do you recommend relying on Emergen-C to help combat cold symptoms?

Karolina Kaboompics

So, what's the verdict on taking Emergen-C once it's confirmed you have a viral cold? The brand has several products that range from gummies to drink mixes, all aimed at supporting your immune system — but does that mean they're safe to take? According to Dr. Purdy, they are! "Emergen-C contains Vitamin C which is great for a good and healthy immune system and recovery. It also contains other good for you ingredients that help with your immune system like vitamin E and Zinc."

However, it's valid to want to know if there's a difference between Zicam and Emergen-C. According to Dr. Stanford, there is! "Similar to Vitamin C, evidence suggests that zinc may be effective in reducing the duration and severity of cold symptoms, but it is less likely to be effective in preventing the common cold," she explains. Plainly put, think of the two like this:

  • Zicam = Zinc
  • Emergen-C = Vitamin C

She even says, "Studies suggest taking both zinc and vitamin C could be beneficial!"

Can certain teas help soothe sore throats associated with colds?

Arina Krasnikova/Pexels

Drinking warm tea can help alleviate cold symptoms, though you shouldn't think they're your only defense against viral infections. In conjunction with cold medicines, "throat coat teas really help soothe inflammation and help manage symptoms," says Dr. Purdy. The reason for this is that most "throat support products are indicated to ameliorate sore throat and similar symptoms, often by numbing agents, temperature, and other factors," Dr. Stanford explains. In short, don't be afraid to use tea as a form of hydration while you're sick!

Dr. Purdy says other things you can use to help alleviate your symptoms are a humidifier, nasal spray, and drops. Take it a step further by taking a "steam shower" to "provide some much needed relief."

Shop Emergen-C, Zicam, & Throat Coat Teas


Emergenc-C 1000mg Vitamin C Daily Immune Support

Visit our Amazon Storefront to see our top picks for staying hydrated!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

One thing every girl needs in her wardrobe is a good, reliable black dress. It's that comfort piece that can carry you through so many seasons, events, and milestones. Whether you're headed to a wedding, a funeral, a bridal shower — truly, you name it! — a classic black dress has you covered.

However, not every black dress is THE black dress. Since there are so many out there, I scoured through hundreds of dresses to find the best of the best — and the ones that are the most loved by fellow shoppers! So, keep reading to see which black dress should be your next trusty purchase!

Ann Taylor

The Scoop Neck Sheath Dress

This is a quintessential little black dress! Between the scoop neck and the knee-length skirt, you could wear this just about anywhere! I definitely see this as your next office siren slay, but I wouldn't blame you if you pulled it out for date night, jury duty, or anything in-between!


J.Crew Fitted Knit Mockneck Dress

A mockneck dress is so perfect for transitional seasons like fall! It covers just enough, while still allowing you to layer your outfit appropriately for the weather. I especially love that this J.Crew dress could easily be worn on your stroll through the farmer's market, or in your next boardroom meeting.


Dôen Ischia Dress

If you ever wondered what my most worn item of clothing was, then here you have it! This Dôen dress genuinely makes me want to get dressed every morning — I'm not even kidding. It's an easy outfit to throw on and not have to think about, plus it's insanely comfortable! I honestly feel like I'm wearing pajamas, and I'm sure it'll easily become your most worn piece of clothing as well!

Reformation Arabella Dress

Black midi dresses are a great way to create a solid, comfortable, and cozy outfit for the fall and winter. You just need to accessorize it well with a coat, belt, boots, and slouchy bag. This one from Reformation is super well-loved by many, and I can see why. It's great quality — and it's actually one of their lower-priced items! Score!


Reformation Mayve Black Dress

A little, cutesy mini dress is all a girl really needs in her wardrobe. Well, that and some adorable accessories to go with it! A mini dress with a matching bag and boots combination is one of my favorite looks in the fall, because it's just so fashionable, and so easy to style.


Wild Fable Women's One Shoulder Maxi Slip Dress

Target never lets me down, so I'm not surprised they have a fantastic black dress for us to pick from today! I love this elegant neckline — it's so sleek and sophisticated! This dress sizing goes up to a 4x, making it a great option for a wide range of bodies, too.


Madewell Ruffled One-Shoulder Midi Dress

I can totally picture this little ruffled number at a Friday night wedding! It's a flowy, feminine look that would pair so well with some black heels, silver jewelry, and a sleek low bun. It gives you something elegant to wear with enough movement to totally take over the dance floor throughout the night.

Free People

Free People Butterfly Maxi

I love a good patterned dress, and I've seen this one all over social media lately! It went pretty viral for being extremely flattering, and I've seen it look good on so many different body types. I'm currently been debating picking this one up, and seeing all the rave the reviews for it makes me convinced!


Anthropologie Somerset Maxi Dress

This dress from Anthropologie has a ton of reviews, so it's safe to say that it is definitely a popular "little black dress" contender. I love how elevated yet casual this dress is at the same time — it gives you so much versatility! You can style it up with heels, or even style it down with sandals, depending on the occasion. The velvet is also fabulous given how perfect it is for the fall transition into winter — it'll be here before we know it!


J.Crew Collection Lace-Trim Slip Dress

This screams "date night dress" loud and clear! I love how sexy and mature this black dress is, complete with lace trim, spaghetti straps, and sleek satin. Grab your strappiest heels and a red lipstick to make it a night to remember!


Significant Other Long Sleeve Dress

This dress is for all my ladies on the hunt for a modest dress option this wedding season! This long sleeve, maxi dress is a great option — and has plenty of reviews to prove how incredible it is! Personally, I would pair this dress with some statement, sparkly heels to go with the matching clutch as pictured above. You'll be sure to shine in this stunner.

Ann Taylor

Ann Taylor Boatneck Pleat Front Belted Sheath Dress

This is another fantastic, classic black dress. I'd throw this on for a big presentation in front of the C-levels at your office, or accessorize á la Blair Waldorf for a preppy everyday look. Either way, you're sure to look gorgeous!


Reformation Rayana Dress

I love having one good, reliable wedding guest dress that can be used just about every time. It seriously helps divert the impending stress of buying a new dress every time you get invited to yet another wedding. Trust me: the invites just keep coming as you get older. This dress is that perfect option, giving you something silky, luxurious, and flattering to wear every time!


Zoe and Claire Midi Dress

This under-$100 dress is well-loved over on Nordstrom for being insanely versatile and insanely affordable. It could take you straight from the office with its professional and chic cut, right into dinner with the girls after work. I'd pair this with a trench coat and flats, or with heels and a clutch!


Reformation Petite Mini Dress

Okay, Kacey Musgaves, we see you! The country star's collection with Reformation has been a hit all over social media, and this dress has been all I'm thinking about for the past couple weeks since it dropped. The coquette, cottagecore style has me in an absolute chokehold this fall and winter.


Memoriesea Black Dress

This black dress has over 1,400 reviews singing its praises for how form-fitting and flattering it is. It's seriously ideal for so many different body types, because the slinky and stretchy fabric will accentuate your body and make it look fabulous! I think this is the perfect for any occasion, from a nice date night to a fall wedding.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations

The 2010s was dominated by girl bosses, girl gangs, and girl power. And TBH, love it or hate it, nobody did girl gangs like Taylor Swift. While those phrases don't feel like they have much depth today, the intention behind them — deep-rooted relationships, understanding, and empowerment — are at the heart of all our best female friendships. Taylor Swift's squad has evolved over the years, but there are a number of gals who have stuck by the singer's side through thick and thin — and they prove just how powerful female friendships can be. Taylor Swift's girl gang is so back!!

Who is in Taylor Swift's squad?

Ethan Miller/Getty Images

In 2015, at the birth of Taylor Swift's squad, the singer was frequently seen with Selena Gomez, Karlie Kloss, Hailee Steinfeld, Zendaya, Diana Agron, Sarah Hyland, and Jaime King.

Taylor Swift/Instagram

Now, Taylor is most frequently seen with gals like Brittany Mahomes, Blake Lively, Selena Gomez, and HAIM. Here are their most powerful friendship moments!

Taylor Swift Name Drops Abigail Anderson On "Fearless"

Larry Busacca/Getty Images for NARAS

Abigail is one of Taylor Swift's oldest and closest friends. She joined Taylor at the Grammys in 2015 and last year for Taylor's birthday, she posted a never-before-seen photo of the BFF's laughing together. She's also one of the only people Taylor has name dropped in a song (yes, she's THAT Abigail from "Fifteen"!), which just proves that she has a pretty special bond with Taylor.

Selena Gomez Calls Taylor Swift Her "Big Sister"

Amy Sussman / Getty Images

When it comes to the music industry, my favorite celebrity BFFs are Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez. Selena just revealed that she can call the "Fortnight" singer at any time, and that Taylor is basically the big sister she never had. These two met thanks to the Jonas Brothers, and even though Taylor & Joe and Selena & Nick didn't work out, Selena & Taylor is an even better relationship ;).

Blake Lively's Daughter Is Featured On Taylor Swift's "Reputation"

Amy Sussman/Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

Taylor Swift and Blake Lively had one of their first friendship outings at a theme park (can I join next time?). This duo has celebrated a variety of holidays together, and Blake's daughter James is the voice at the beginning of "Gorgeous" on Reputation. Most recently Blake and Ryan Reynolds were seen at Taylor's Rhode Island house — along with Gigi Hadid, Bradley Cooper, Jason and Kylie Kelce, and Patrick and Brittany Mahomes.

...And Lana Del Rey Is Featured On "Midnights" (Twice)

Francis Specker/CBS

Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey met at the MTV EMAs in 2012, and have loved spending time together ever since. They find each other at parties, support each other's music, and Lana was recently featured on "Snow on the Beach" from Taylor Swift's Midnights (both the original version and a "More Lana" rerecording). Maybe we'll get a Taylor feature on Lana's next album?

Emma Stone And Taylor Swift Support Each Other's Work

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Emma Stone and Taylor Swift go way back — they met at HollywoodLife's Young Hollywood Awards in 2008 and immediately hit it off, with Taylor showing up to Emma's premieres and Emma attending Taylor's concerts. In December 2023, Taylor attended the premiere of Poor Things in NYC. We love women supporting women!

Taylor Swift Joins HAIM To Sing "Gasoline"

Maddie Meyer/Getty Images

Taylor Swift and the Haim sisters (Alana, Este, and Danielle) became friends after tweeting that they loved each other's music (relatable). The gals have attended Taylor's birthday and Grammys parties together, and HAIM also opened for Taylor's 1989 World Tour, while Taylor made a surprise appearance at their July 2022 show in London to sing "Gasoline"! Most recently the sisters hung out with Taylor and Selena Gomez during last year's Fourth of July celebration — and screamed their heads off at a Chiefs v. Patriots game, naturally.

Taylor Swift And Gracie Abrams Collab In More Ways Than One

Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images for The Recording Academy

Taylor Swift and Gracie Abrams might be a more-recent friendship but Gracie has loved Taylor her whole life! "All I can tell you for now is that some of the most fun I've ever had in my whole entire life was writing this song together," Gracie said while announcing the Secret of Us tracklist, and Taylor Swift's feature. "Hands down. I am currently smiling and sweating thinking about it and I'll never get over the shock of seeing this one on the tracklist. You know how I feel."

Gracie was also an opener for the Eras Tour and has gotten an invite to a few of Taylor's birthday parties!

Taylor Swift Parties With Brittany Mahomes

Al Bello/Getty Images

As a member of the Wives and Girlfriends club, Taylor and Brittany Mahomes love to show up to a Chiefs game, cocktails in hand, of course. It doesn't matter if it's a party, game, or celebration — these gals love to have a good time.

Multiple Celebs Show Up To The Eras Tour

Katy Perry/Instagram

From Katy Perry to Gigi Hadid to Emma Watson, a bunch of celebs came out to support Taylor's Eras Tour. Katy and Taylor's post-feud selfie healed 2015 me, especially with Katy saying, "Got to see an old friend shine tonight" in the caption, and I never knew I needed this video of Emma dancing until now!

Tell us your favorite celebrity friendship moment in the comments! Mine? Emma Stone And Jennifer Lawrence's Cutest BFF Moment At The 2024 Oscars.

It’s only mid-October, but I already feel my skin severely drying out. These days, I never let a tube of Aquaphor out of my sight, but what really saves my dry skin is a solid night cream. I’ve been loving thicker, slug-worthy formulas (like the few I’ll mention in this list), but there are a ton of different options to choose from when it comes to the best night cream for you. No matter what, late fall and winter are surely going to bring on more dryness than you’re used to – so stock up on one of these effective hydrating night creams now. They’ll put in all the work for your dry skin while you sleep peacefully, so you can wake up looking rejuvenated and moisturized to the gods!

Best Tested & Reviewed Night Creams:


Versed Sweet Relief Night Mask + Face Balm

This is my absolute favorite night cream, and honestly, one of the best skincare products I've tried in my life. I've repurchased the pot three times now. Why do I love it so much? Well, for nighttime, it's exceptionally hydrating. I am a huge fan of the slugging technique (AKA slathering your skin in a thick jelly or cream to prevent water loss), and this pick really gets the job done. I wake up looking super hydrated, especially living in a dry climate! Plus, this product is very fun to scoop up and put on. The formula is also boosted with bacuri and kokum butters and apricot kernel oil to support the skin barrier, which is always welcome.


Youth To The People Superberry Glow Dream Mask

Not only does this mask hydrate, it also brightens – we love a multi-hyphenate! The formula has a very rich texture that soaks into the skin while simultaneously sitting lightly on top to lock in moisture. It's like a fresh gulp of water for your dry skin – with a subtle fruity scent that makes applying it very fun.

B+C’s VP of Content, Alison Ives, is a big fan of the Superberry Hydrate + Glow Dream Mask.

“Believe the hype, people! I’d heard amazing things about Youth To The People for years, so when I saw a mini version of this for sale, I couldn’t resist ordering it to try it out. The jar was the ideal size for frequent travels when you want to keep up with your skincare routine while away, and the formula felt really luxurious on my dry skin. I use it a few times a week when I need an extra boost of hydration overnight. Plus, squalane is great for anti-aging concerns and reducing the little lines I have in my eye area.”


CeraVe Skin Renewing Night Cream

If fine lines and wrinkles are your primary skincare concern, this is one of the best night creams for you. CeraVe products are commonly recommended by dermatologists for any and all skin types, since they're often gentle, yet effective! This cream in particular is fragrance free, non-comedogenic, and non-irritating, so those with sensitive skin can enjoy its hydrating benefits. It has hyaluronic acid and 3 essential ceramides to boost the skin's hydration and elasticity, which can help reduce the look of those pesky wrinkles.


Aveeno Positively Radiant Moisturizing Face & Neck Night Cream

Dealing with uneven skin tone and texture? Opt for this night cream that still gloriously hydrates your skin. It features niacinamide, a skincare hero for reducing the look of dark spots. The brand reported that 91% of users had softer, smoother-feeling skin in just one week after using this product!


La Roche-Posay Toleriane Dermallergo Night Cream

Made to soothe and hydrate, this night cream also purifies the skin, drawing out excess oil overnight to minimize blemishes and clogged pores. It has a gel-cream texture to it, so it doesn't feel overly heavy on the skin – but is still nourishing! The fragrance-free formula is safe for sensitive skin types, and works most effectively in conjunction with other La Roche-Posay products.


Cocokind Resurrection Polypeptide Cream

This rich moisturizing cream lets you easily get the look of plumped skin overnight. It includes polypeptides that aid in collagen production, improving firmness while combatting fine lines and wrinkles. The formula has a "dreamy" and "cushion-like" texture that hugs the skin so it can deliver all the goodness!


Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream

This cream is a true staple in my skincare routine, morning or night. It sounds unreal, but my skin truly looks more alive after I slather it on. It's somehow rich and creamy, but still lightweight enough that I can wear it throughout the day under my makeup. The 4.5% squalane helps maintain the skin’s moisture, while the glycoproteins (derived from glaciers – so fancy!) boost hydration even more. It helps your skin feel balanced and healthy, no matter what time of day you apply it.


Dieux Instant Angel Moisturizer

This is another one of my beloved night creams that I use on a weekly basis when my skin really needs quenching. Dieux's Instant Angel Moisturizer is a total expert at providing your skin with moisture and protecting its barrier. Supporting your skin barrier can help it maintain healthy hydration levels, so you won't have to overcompensate with more creams and products that may not work 100% of the time.

Subscribe to our newsletter to shop more editor-loved skincare picks!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

With Halloween coming up, now is the time to get planning and prepping those costumes. Why not get the whole family in on the fun this year? It will be exciting for you and the little ones in your life. From classic storybook characters to throwbacks from your favorite movies, we've got ideas for every type of family costume this year.

Brit + Co

The Cat in the Hat + Goldfish

This costume was completely DIY for the little goldfish, and the Cat in the Hat was super easy because we purchased the accessory package that made this look come together.

Brit + Co


We are still in love with Brit's pregnant troll costume — nude body-con dress, YASSS girl! We updated this costume for the whole family — it's pretty simple, and all you'll need is tan colored clothing and wigs for you and your family.

A Beautiful Mess

Peter Pan and the Lost Boys

Harness that rebellious spirit as a whole family this Halloween. All you'll need are some PJs , cardboard swords and a Pan getup.

Brit + Co

Big Bird and Elmo

We decided to go ALL IN on DIYing Big Bird's costume, so we felt it was best and more realistic to just purchase the Elmo costume for your mini. Real talk: Who has time to make BOTH costumes? :) It's okay, because your mini will lose their minds when they see the life-like Elmo 'fit in person!

Brit + Co

Outerspace: If you need an awesome and easy family costume for Halloween — we've got you. ICYMI, the Morin Fam is kind of a big deal around here (obvi), and they never disappoint when it comes to creative Halloween costumes. This year they really hit it out of the park (or rather, the atmosphere)!

Costume Works

Beekeeper + Bees

Keep it light and sweet this year with an adorable beekeeper-themed costume.

Tell Love and Party

Monster Family

Take a little inspiration from the famous Munster family this Hallows' Eve. We're sure your little mummy and bat will approve.

Brit + Co

Sriracha and Taco

This one is a show-stopper! The popular hot sauce will give you an excuse to turn your mini into a teeny tiny taco!

Say Yes

Disneyland Tourist

Okay, this one might be a little confusing to the kiddos, but just tell them you are just practicing for that trip later this year ;).

The Rollins Ruckus


Let your little ones choose their favorite superhero for this year's costume. They'll be full of all kinds of powers and fun once they get into character.

Brit + Co

Pac Man

Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, and the cutest little ghost you ever did see? Yes please. This retro family Halloween costume is colorful, fun, and super affordable to DIY.

Brit + Co

Finding Dory

Delight your little Dory fans with this family favorite.

Vintage Revivals

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

It's never too early to break out those Christmas socks. Whoville won't know what hit it with this family costume.

Brit + Co

Toy Story

Get ready to go to infinity and beyond this Halloween. Feel free to add more characters depending on your family size.

Tell Love and Party

Circus Family

Everything about this costume just screams cuteness. We can't decide which we like better: the cute lion or the super strong little man.

Brit + Co


Okay, to be fair, this isn't a full tutorial, but take this fam costume as some seriously adorable inspo.

Brit + Co

Princess Peach and Toad

Forget Mario and Luigi. We all know *these* were the fastest characters in Mario Kart.

Brit + Co

Paw Patrol

Kiddos love PAW Patrol? This is the cutest group costume for you, paws down! Click to learn how to DIY costumes for everyone — like firedog Marshall, high-flying Skye, recycling Rocky, and police pup Chase.

See Vanessa Craft

Care Bears

Perfect for busy moms and dads, this tutorial is even no-sew, so you won't be up all night before trick-or-treating.

Monkey Mash Button/Flickr

Pirate Family

Excuse us while we try to get over how adorable this baby parrot is with his pirate dad.

Brit + Co

Queen Bey[oncé] and Blue Ivy

Go for a punny pop culture costume with this playful look at the Queen and her kin.

Loft 3 Photography

Addams Family

Get creepy and spooky with your favorite scary family this Halloween. “Thing" required.

A Beautiful Mess

Raggedy Ann Dolls

Dressing up like your mom is one of the best parts of being little. Plus, making these yarn wigs is an activity you can do together. Feel free to add another parent to the mix with a short (or long!) wig.

Coolest Homemade Costumes


Believe it or not, your fave dysfunctional family can be achieved with yellow long underwear and lots of foam.

Jen Loves Kev


Steal everyone's hearts with this sweet + sneaky costume.

Kickcan & Conkers


Any costume with pom poms is a winner. Give your family the carnival-chic vibe with this amazing costume.

The Fickle Pickle

Shark Attack

The kiddos will definitely be into this under-the-sea-inspired costume.

Brit + Co


Not only is this one super easy, but it's also perfect for all those Pixar fans.

The Kirbys


There's nothing scary about the bears in this costume.

Life Among Pirates


A little Minecraft action never hurt anyone. This costume would be a fun DIY with the little ones.

1337 Mom

King Kong and Empire State Building

How hilarious is this costume? Monkey costumes are pretty easy to find for kids, and you can make the Empire State Building from cardboard boxes.

Costume Works

Ninja Turtles

Two words: turtle power!

Brit + Co


Throw it back with this '80s classic. While this costume costs $3000 on Etsy, you could probably DIY something just as rad with foam.

Costume Works

Root Beer Float

A sweet costume for your favorite sweetie.

High Heels to Sneakers

Monsters Inc.

What family member doesn't love Monsters Inc.? Not only do you get to dress up as one of your favorite Disney characters, but you get to dress up as a monster too!


The LEGO Movie

Everything about this LEGO cast is awesome.

Stevenson Insider

Nightmare Before Christmas

No wonder this was a costume contest winner! The attention to detail here is totally on point.

Pink Suede Shoe

Rainbow Brite and Twink

One of the '80s best BFFs also make an amazing family costume.

Brit + Co

Top Gun

Looking for an easyfamily Halloween costume that works for years to come? Yeah, we thought so. '80s babes, we have you covered with a simple holiday look that works for you, your boo, and your little one too.

Brit + Co

Russian Nesting Dolls

A group of Russian nesting dolls is the perfect group Halloween costume for families of all sizes. The key is to dress every member of the family the same and include a piece with an intricate pattern.

Have you ever done a group costume with your family? Let us know @BritandCo!