A good night's sleep is not only good for your health but can beat the productivity and mood slump that can come from not getting one, which is why it is the WORST when your bed buddy snores. Here are a few tricks for not getting seriously annoyed with your love and getting your full night of Zzzs.
1. Hit the hay before they do. Reduce your sleep anxiety about not getting your 8 hours by falling asleep when it's quiet, A.K.A. before he/she falls asleep. You have a better chance of sleeping through and even if they wake you up in the middle of the night at least you've put in some hours (instead of staring at the ceiling from minute one).
2. Sleep in separate rooms. Some couples (1 in 4!) opt for what the Today Show called a sleep divorce. It's not as bad as it sounds. Hang out together in bed for bonding/reading/snuggle/sexy time and when it's time to doze off find your quiet space. It could mean a better night's sleep for both of you and a boon for your relationship.
3. Wear snore-canceling earplugs. Seems obvious but sometimes the drugstore kind just won't do. QuietOn and Bose are examples of a new generation of earplug that promises to block snoring, at a much higher price point. Still, sleep.
4. Try a white noise machine. Drown out the jolting sound on the other side with the sleep-inducing hum of a white noise machine. Fans and air purifiers can do the trick too.
5. Get your partner to sleep on their side. Sleeping on your back is the position most likely to trigger snoring. Shifting to their side is the best way to reduce snoring (and score some sleep) because it opens up the airways.
6. Gift them an anti-snore pillow. If your partner does sleep on their back, a wedge pillow can help keep them elevated so they snore less, or less loudly. It supports their neck and head to also open up their airways.
7. Know when it's a more serious problem. About half of people who snore have what is called obstructive sleep apnea or OSA. How loud they snore (loudly), how often (all. the. time.), and the sound itself (intermittent gasping, choking sounds) are clues someone needs a visit to the otolaryngologist. If your partner needs convincing, ask them if you can record their snoring so, come morning, they can hear your pain. Good luck!