14 Hacks For How To Stop Anxious Thoughts At Night, According To Experts

how to stop anxious thoughts at night

Crawling into bed after a long day at school or work should feel soothing — unless you're struggling to stop anxious thoughts at night. It's not like you want to obsess over the awkward conversation you had with your boss, or the fact your lunch order was wrong, but it feels like your anxiety won't let you. Well, that's where you're partially wrong.

You can change your bedtime habits according to licensed therapist Kelsey Thompson, LMFT and biopsychologist Dr. Mary Poffenroth. Together, they explain what anxiety does to our nervous system, why we can't stop spiraling before bed, and ways we can make healthier choices we can get the rest we need!

How does anxiety affect our nervous system?

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

No matter how many therapy sessions I've had, I can't always remember how anxiety affects our nervous system. Kelsey Thompson said, "Anxiety, much like trauma, causes the flight, fight or freeze response to be activated. Cortisol and adrenaline flood our system and cause our heart to race, breathing to speed up, muscle tension, energy is moved from the stomach to more needed areas — such as the muscle and heart — causing stomach issues such as IBS, constipation, stomach aches." It's clear that the list goes on and on.

Dr. Poffenroth further elaborated on the muscle tension that's often caused by anxiety. "Studies have shown that even when at rest, people with anxiety disorders constantly have more tense muscles. Constantly tense muscles can cause physical discomfort, which can make anxiety symptoms worse. The body's 'fight or flight' response is being repeatedly triggered, which is causing this tension." Unfortunately this leaves bodies in a constant state of believing it has to be ready to respond to threats.

So, what are the long-term effects of being in a state of 'fight or flight?' "Research suggests that long term this can lead to more chronic issues such as high blood pressure, insulin resistance, inflammation and chronic stomach issues," Thompson said.

Why does it feel like all of our anxious thoughts occur at night?

Alex Green/Pexels

This leads to the looming big question — why does it feel like our minds race at night? Thompson said, "Often we are so distracted and so busy throughout the day that we are able to push away our anxious thoughts. In American culture we are so wired to do a million things each day, work, clean, cook, sometimes take care of children, that there is often not a lot of time to let ourselves process or thoughts and emotions."

It's one of the things I realized after becoming a mom. You'd think I'd be used to the impossible juggling act that comes with that, but I'm often reminded that no one is able to do everything. It's one of the reasons both Thompson and Dr. Poffenroth said our anxiety goes haywire at night.

Thompson said," When you aren’t distracted by tasks and you slow yourself down and lay in bed trying to get to sleep, you start processing through things, often this is when anxiety can flood in which makes it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep if you wake up in the middle of the night."

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

What's the science behind it? "In low light, the brain's fear center, the amygdala, becomes more active. Studies suggest that there was a decrease in activation in the amygdala and an increase in functional activity in the dark. This increased susceptibility may result in a rise in thoughts that make one anxious," Dr. Poffenroth said.

This has everything to do with the survival tactics that kept our ancestors alive. "When it's dark outside, the brain is more sensitive to possible dangers, even when none exist. Even though it was originally necessary for survival, this evolutionary adaptation can now cause increased anxiety at night," Dr. Poffenroth continued.

What are signs that someone's mind is racing at night?

Liza Summer/Pexels

It's likely you're able to recognize when you're having anxious thoughts at night after the fact, but sometimes you're not always aware in the moment. According to Thompson, some of the thoughts you could be having are:

  • Having spiraling thoughts and repeating them for prolonged periods of time
  • Ruminating about the past, present or future,
  • Thinking about what you may have said to someone that day
  • Worrying about what people think of you,
  • Worrying about the future or others

She said this could physically show up as you being unable to wind down or relax. "You may feel the need to continuously do something or even scroll on your phone as a distraction technique," she mentioned.

Guilty as charged.

Anete Lusina/Pexels

To add to that, Dr. Poffenroth said your "inability to 'switch off'" your thoughts is the most common indicator that your anxiety is running the show at night.

"This cognitive hyperarousal can seriously obstruct one's capacity to go asleep and stay asleep through the night. The 'what if' scenarios or reflections on past events that frequently accompany the racing thoughts can lead to a vicious cycle of worry that can be challenging to break on one's own," she noted.

I've found that I don't experience bouts of insomnia like I used to, but there are nights where I wake up every few hours instead of sleeping soundly. If my anxiety spiral is really bad, I even have a series of weird dreams that wake me bolt out of bed to make sure I'm not fighting some terrible monster who has a personal vendetta against me.

Is there a way to stop the anxious spiral that happens when we're trying to get rest?

Monstera Production/Pexels

If you're trying to figure out if you'll ever learn how to stop anxious thoughts at night, know that you're not 'broken.' Just like in Inside Out 2, anxiety wants to keep us safe and will employ any tactic it can so we can plan for possible threats. To help your anxiety understand that you're not being harmed, Thompson suggested utilizing grounding techniques.

She said this can look like:

  • Using guided meditation
  • Listening to sleep sounds music
  • Keeping your environment cold and dark for sleeping
  • Burning energy before bed by going on evening walks, to the gym after dinner or taking hot baths for relaxation before bed
  • Practicing mindfulness and learning challenging and cognitive restructuring skills from CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

Kevin Malik/Pexels

Dr. Poffenroth said, "Cognitive restructuring is an effective method to stop the anxious spiral that occurs when trying to sleep. This method is questioning and rephrasing nervous thoughts. The procedure entails recognizing negative thought patterns, assessing their veracity, and swapping them out for more realistic, balanced ideas."

This is another tool I use when I'm still a little anxious after choosing a grounding technique to focus on. It feels silly to ask yourself, "Is ______ true in this situation," but Dr. Poffenroth said it helps you reassess things so your perceived fear about something can eventually stop disrupting your sleep.

What's the worst thing someone with anxiety can do before going to bed?

Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

Now that we know why we have anxious thought at night, it's time to discuss changing some of our nighttime habits. The first thing Thompson wants you to stop doing is relying on caffeine after 12 or 1 p.m. This sounds like punishment for those of us who love our midday coffee runs, but that extra caffeine may be causing more harm than good.

Also, she doesn't want you to scroll on social media or check your to-do list before going to bed. This is something my work bestie has advised me against doing, but I haven't quite tricked my mind into putting my phone down before going to sleep.

The last thing she says you should avoid doing is getting into a huge argument with someone that goes unresolved. "These are all things that will make it difficult to sleep if you have anxiety at night," Thompson said.


Additionally, Dr. Poffenroth wants you to leave your work emails in your inbox until the next day. "It can be extremely difficult to de-stress and go asleep after engaging in these activities because they raise stress levels and stimulate the sympathetic nervous system."

I know we like to trick ourselves into believing we can work ahead, but the work will always be there. I learned this the hard way when I thought it would be a good ideas to tackle five projects one night only to have more tasks to complete the following day. In addition to missing out on valuable sleep, I was even more anxious the next day.

Dr. Poffenroth said, "Taking up work-related topics right before bed can set off a chain reaction of ideas about outstanding work or impending difficulties, resulting in a restless night's sleep. Setting up a distinct boundary between work and play is essential for encouraging improved sleep hygiene and lowering anxiety."

What are helpful ways to induce a proper night's rest that's void of anxious thoughts?

Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

Therapy is where I started learning how to be aware of my anxious thoughts and it's something Thompson recommends. She said you can also, "Use exercise as medicine, take hot baths at night for relaxation, and make sure you get morning sunlight because this helps with sleep issues." For more information about how to improve your sleep skills, she suggests you listen to the Huberman Labs podcast on sleep skills).

Other helpful things she believes you can do to avoid having anxious thoughts at night are:

  • Journaling after dinner before you start your wind down routine
  • Focusing on progressive muscle relaxation skills like yoga or stretching to get connected to your body and out of your mind
  • Discussing medication options with your doctor (non addictive sleep medications can help)

Yan Krukau/Pexels

Dr. Poffenroth also believes you should focus on your breathing. "Deep breathing exercises are a very powerful tool for helping you get a good night's sleep free from worrying thoughts (via Cleveland Clinic). The parasympathetic nervous system, which is in charge of the body's rest and digest processes, is triggered by deep breathing. This activation aids in mitigating the effects of the sympathetic nervous system, which is frequently hyperactive in anxious people."

She said some of the benefits of deep breathing are:

  • Decreased blood pressure and heart rate
  • An induced relaxed state that's optimal for having a good night's rest

"In addition to being a mindfulness exercise, this method helps to focus attention on the here and now rather than on worrying thoughts," she added.

Can anxious thoughts be completely avoided?

Lina Kivaka/Pexels

This is a question I've asked myself before, but Thompson has some news for anyone us who want to banish anxiety for good. "Anxious thoughts are a natural part of the human experience, but you can learn to manage them, get skilled at mindfulness and learn to not spiral or ruminate," she said.

Dr. Poffenroth actually advises against in trying to get rid of your anxious thoughts, too. "Attempting to repress them may make them worse. Because of the way the brain functions, thoughts become more present the more we attempt to suppress them," she says. "It's more important to recognize anxiety, accept it as a normal aspect of life, and develop healthy coping mechanisms."

The moment I accepted my anxiety instead of trying to douse lighter fluid on it is when I started making a breakthrough in therapy and my everyday life. It's silly, but I like to check in with my anxiety to see why it's on edge. This is a huge nod to the cognitive restructuring Dr. Poffenroth mentioned earlier.

What can someone tell themselves if they can't stop thinking about past or present situations at night?

Yaroslav Shuraev/Pexels

I'm one of those people who writes everything down. I have a list of affirmations prayers I refer to when I'm feeling anxious

  • Thoughts are just thoughts-you don’t need to give them meaning.
  • Things to not always go according to plan--- and that is ok!
  • You CAN change the way you think.
  • Don’t feed your fears- avoidance makes things worse.
  • Remember your strengths- they are so much stronger than your fears.
  • Your physical health is entirely linked to your mental health.
  • Managing your anxiety is a skill—you must practice it like any other skill.
  • Everyone makes mistakes, failure is a part of life and is inevitable.
  • Don’t take life too seriously.
  • You deserve to be happy.
  • Everything changes and ends, that is part of life --- change is uncomfortable but that’s how you grow.
  • Pain is a part of life, suffering is optional.
  • And will this matter 5 years from now? If yes, then ok. It's valid to spend some energy thinking about this. If not then it’s not worth being anxious about this.

Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels

Another phrase Dr. Poffenroth wants you to say to yourself when you're having anxious thoughts is, "I am safe in the present moment." She believes this can be a useful reminder if you're truly struggling with your thoughts at night.

"By anchoring attention in the present reality, this statement acts as a grounding technique, helping to divert attention from thoughts about the past or future that cause anxiety. This strategy is in line with mindfulness exercises, which have been demonstrated to be successful in easing the symptoms of anxiety," she shared.

By reminding yourself that you're safe in your bed, your thoughts won't have as much of a big impact on you like they usually do.

If we could get rid of every anxious thought or scary feeling that triggers stress, I think most of us would race to take that option. But we're only human so we can't wave a magic wand to get rid of things that don't make us feel good. What we can do is slowly make changes to our habits so we can think healthier thoughts.

Remember, the goal isn't perfection. Right now, it's all about making sure you get the proper rest you need so you can go out and live life to the fullest.

Looking for more expert advice? Be sure to follow us on Facebook so you never miss a thing!

Header image via Lina Kivaka/Pexels

We love a good beauty hack, from time-saving tips to discovering new beauty finds that make us feel confident and glowy for the season.

The B+C edit team recently swapped out our summer lip routine for City Beauty’s new plumping gloss, City Lips Sparkling Cider, and City Lips Night Oil, a smooth exfoliator that hydrates your lips while you sleep. I’m literally obsessed with it! They’re both Leaping Bunny-certified (AKA cruelty-free), and made without irritants or harsh chemicals. Plus, they plump more and more over time.

We all agreed the color looked great on our respective skin tones and the plumping factor didn’t sting like other plumping glosses. “I seriously can't believe it doesn't tingle when you apply it!,” said Jasmine, our staff editor. Read on for our full review of the City Lips Sparkling Cider plumping gloss and City Lips Night Oil, plus other City Beauty products!

Mallory Levy, Editorial Social Lead

The Cider lipgloss is great to have on hand in your car or on your desk for those last-minute touch-ups before your next Zoom call. “I love the soft sparkle. It’s not too flashy for work or casual outfits,” says Mallory. “It’s a great daytime shade to wear on no or light makeup days so I don’t look dead on Zoom calls.” LOL. It looks great layered on top of a base shade too. “I wore it on my anniversary and my husband loved it, “ says Mallory, who celebrated her first wedding anniversary. “He never notices my makeup!” She also found it less sticky than other lipglosses, which is a bonus when you have long hair on windy days.

Jasmine Williams, Staff Writer

Jasmine, who tends to avoid color on her lips, loves the color for fall. “I usually rely on clear lip oils whenever I wear makeup, but I can't get over how much Sparkling Cider reminds me of a golden sunset.” SAME. “Considering it's a plumping lip gloss, I'm shocked at how moisturizing it is. I only needed one coat to get the job done, but the smooth application made me add a few more.”

We all agreed there was no tingling effect, which was awesome. “It's not super sticky like some lip glosses tend to be,” adds Jasmine. “I can see myself reaching for Sparkling Cider no matter which fall outfit I choose to wear.”

Meredith Holser, Affiliate Writer

“I love the plumping component,” says Meredith. “I can definitely tell it’s working when I put it on, but it’s not overly distracting or painful. Plus, I notice a difference in the volume of my lips after applying!”

The color is also an ideal match for Meredith’s skin tone and lip color, though a bit more shimmery than the lip products she typically uses. I personally love the shimmer and it’s not too overwhelming. Meredith also really liked the City Lip Lip Oil. “The scent is very unique, almost floral,” she says. “The oil is definitely thicker than other lip oils I’ve tried, which is nice for the long-wear since you’re meant to apply it at night and let it soak in.”

Theresa Gonzalez, Branded Editor

As someone with naturally thin lips, I love the lip oil too and agree it feels weightier than other oils, which is part of its appeal. The gloss color is super pretty over my neutral base, especially for a fall look.

As the only (tired) mom on the edit team, I appreciated the Lid Lifting Treatment and was surprised how quickly I noticed a lift! I applied it at night and in the morning with a small dab on my lids, and I felt that I looked visibly more awake! It nourishes your skin too to soften the look of fine lines and wrinkles. It makes a great primer for eye makeup too.

Want to try it yourself? Upgrade your lip routine this fall with City Beauty’s new City Lips Sparkling Cider plumping lipgloss, and City Lips Night Oil!

Photos by B+C Edit team

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

2023 proved to be one of the best years in television history, and one TV show everyone was talking about was the new season of The Bear. Not only did it provide even higher career stakes for all of our favorite chefs, but it also deepened the relationships, connections, and heart the first season gave us. And The Bear season 3 takes the drama a step further — and features an episode that somehow rivals season 2's "Fishes."

The Bear season 3 premiered in June 2024, and at the 2024 Emmys, the series won big! Here's everything you need to know about the new installment, and all their Emmy wins. Yes, chef! Check out the latest season 4 news too.

Did The Bear win any Emmys?


In 2024, The Bear won 11 Emmys (breaking its own record!). Ebon Moss-Bachrach won for Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy, Liza Colón-Zayas won Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy, and Jeremy Allen White won the Best Lead Actor in a Comedy.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, so much," Jeremy said in his acceptance speech. "My heart is just beating outside of its chest...This show has changed my life. It has installed a faith that change is possible, that change is possible if you're able to reach out, you're really truly never alone. I thank this show."

"My beautiful cast, I love you forever," he continues. "I love to work with you, and I want us to be in each other’s lives forever. I love you so dearly.”

Watch The Bear Season 3 Trailer Now!


The Bear season 3 trailer gives us a peek at the brand new episodes, and unfortunately it looks like all is not well in restaurant land. As Carmy, Sydney, and the rest of the team work to solidify The Bear as a Chicago staple, tensions threaten to boil over. We get a glimpse at Carmy’s quest for a Michelin star, Fak trying to repair Claire and Carmy’s relationship, Sydney and Carmy exploring a partnership agreement, and Uncle Jimmy talking to Natalie about paying back his loan. I cannot wait for new The Bear episodes to hit Hulu this summer!

Are The Bear cast friends?

Image via Chuck Hodes/FX Networks

Yes, the cast of The Bear are all friends! In a recent profile with Vanity Fair(which dropped after THAT video of Jeremy Allen White & Ayo Edebiri at Wrigley Field went viral), Ayo Edebiri reveals that filming the pilot was almost "too enjoyable," and they weren't sure whether the show would be popular enough to continue.

“Work can be a very intimate thing and a very personal thing and a very emotional thing, and I think when you’re also in industries that are creative or creative adjacent, I think there’s something that also invokes feelings of passion,” she continues.

“We really enjoy each other in life, on camera and off camera," Jeremy Allen White says. "I have a tremendous amount of respect for her as a person, but also as an artist. And so I hope that sort of that kind of thing shines through on camera between Carm and Syd...Syd is always able to [deliver] something different to Carmy, and she’s usually right. And I guess I think Ayo is also usually right.”

“Also, boy’s got some beautiful blue eyes," Ayo says. "You know what I mean? Those are eyes you want to project onto.”

When is The Bear season 3 coming out?

Image via FX/Hulu

The Bear season 3 is coming to FX and Hulu Thursday June 27, 2024. During the 2024 SAG Awards, Matty Matheson let us know that filming for season 3 is going "really well."

"It's just heads down, full hearts," he says. "We're just back in Chicago, weather's kind of nice. Big scripts, big scenes, cameras are on and we're ready." Until we get to see The Bear season 3, feel free to rewatch seasons 1 and 2 on Hulu — I know I will!

Who's going to be in The Bear season 3 cast?

Image via FX/YouTube

You can expect all your favorite The Bear cast members to return for season 3, including Jeremy Allen White, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Lionel Boyce, Liza Colón-Zayas, Abby Elliott, Matty Matheson, and Ayo Edebiri. And it's official: fan favorite guest star Will Poulter will be back for season 3 too!

Jeremy Allen White also told Deadlinethat he'd love to see another episode where “we can get as many (guest stars) to come back for one day,” just like the chaotic family Christmas episode of The Bear season 2.

Erin Jones on TikTok makes the fantastic point that bringing in another chef, possibly one from Carmy's past life, that shows interest in Sydney could help steer the romantic side of the show because it could help Carmy realize he likes her. I, for one, am totally here for Sydney x Carmy endgame, and while it's still up in the air, you simply cannot deny that Jeremy Allen White and Ayo Edebiri have incredible chemistry. (And I am still waiting on Ayo Edebiri to star in a romantic comedy!!)

Did The Bear win any SAG Awards?

Image via FX/Hulu

The Bear once again won big at the 2024 SAG Awards, winning for Comedy Series Ensemble, Male Actor in a Comedy Series, and Female Actor in a Comedy Series. During our Q+A with Inside Out 2's Ayo Edebiri, she mentioned the biggest lesson she's learned from Sydney is to embrace good lessons — not just the hard parts of life.

"You don't need to learn lessons from hard things or bad things, it's equally as important to learn them in wonderful moments, [even if] it sometimes might feel hard to," she says. Check out our interview here!

What is The Bear season 3 about?

Image via FX

In an interview with Variety, Jeremy Allen White revealed that after all of season 2 focused on Carmy and the gang opening a brand new restaurant, The Bear season 3 will feel more aligned with season 1.

"Now, in the third season, I think we’re going to go back to that functioning kitchen atmosphere that we had in the first," White said in the interview.

Now that the staff of The Bear has finished opening the restaurant, they're able to just run it!

"In January, I’m going to spend a fair amount of time getting together with some chefs," White continued. "There’ll be a menu set, I believe, that’s going to be for the restaurant in the third season. And I know that I’m going to start putting together that menu with different chefs and cooking and just trying to get prepared to do more of that stuff on camera."

Who are the Faks in The Bear?

Image via FX/Hulu

The Faks are family friends of the Berzattos. The two Faks we know best are the hilarious brothers Neil (Matty Matheson) and Theodore (Ricky Staffieri). Neil is always around to help Carmy and the gang fix something (because, naturally, something is always broken) and we hope he's around a lot more for The Bear season 3!

Did The Bear win any Emmy Awards?

Image via FX/Hulu

Yes, The Bear won a bunch of Emmys this past year, including: Outstanding Comedy Series, Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series for Jeremy Allen White, Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series for Ebon Moss-Bachrach, and Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for Ayo Edebiri.

Who plays Carmen's mom in The Bear season 2?

Image via FX/YouTube

Natalie and Carmy's mom, Donna (who you can see in the season 2 episodes "The Fishes" and "The Bear"), is played by Academy Award winner, Jamie Lee Curtis.

Why is Carmy called Bear?

Image via FX/Hulu

Carmy's last name is Berzatto, so multiple family members are called different forms of "Bear" as a family nickname or term of endearment (like "Sugar Bear" or "Mikey Bear"). Carmy is most frequently referred to as just "Bear," and decides to name his restaurant The Bear.

Let us know what you want to see in The Bear season 3 on Facebook and check out the rest of our New 2024 TV Shows.

Lead image via FX/Hulu.

This post has been updated.

Learning how to get over a crush can be equal parts soul-crushing and infuriating because you've likely spent months daydreaming about someone. You probably graduated from thinking about the first unofficial meet cute you had with your crush to planning the day you introduce them to your parents. Maybe you even threw in a few — clears throat — moments that rival some of those Bridgerton scenes that you've memorized.

No matter where how unfiltered your romantic thoughts about a former crush were, getting over them hurts and can be really hard. But, there's hope for the love torn person who's struggling to move on!

Star Rose Bond

Trauma informed psychotherapist Star Rose Bond, LCSW has extensive knowledge about how to navigate tough moments in life without any snarky comments. Specializing in PTSD, she's a PEARL clinical supervisor and Co-Founder and CEO of Life Camp who has more than 15 years of experience. Here's what she suggests for getting over a crush.

What are the giveaway signs that someone has a crush on another person?

Studio Labonheure/Pexels

We've all been with our friends when someone's words seems to get caught in their throat when an attractive person walks by. It could be someone everyone knows, or the bartender at the buzzy new spot that just opened up near you. Crushes could be anyone, and though you may know your friend like the back of your hand, it's not always easy to pinpoint if they have a crush on someone if they haven't verbally said anything. But Bond says there's a few ways you can tell.

"People pay more attention to the person they have a crush on, often seeking opportunities to be around them. They may feel nervous or anxious in the presence of their crush, sometimes resulting in awkward behavior." she says. This can look like babbling in a conversation or making a self-depreciating joke that confuses their crush.

She also says, "A person will frequently compliment their crush and try to make them feel good about themselves." This can look like paying attention to that person's life, hobbies, and opinions. "They often initiate conversations, text messages, or social media interactions," Bond says.

One behavior that's completely obvious is seeing someone exhibit "signs of jealousy if they see their crush with someone else," adds Bond.

Can it be distracting to have a crush?

Polina Zimmerman/Pexels

If you happen to have a crush on someone, you may find it odd that your friends have pointed out how often you talk about your crush. A small part of you could even ask yourself, "Is having a crush on this person becoming a distraction?"

Bond says, "Yes, having a crush can be very distracting. It can preoccupy a person’s thoughts, making it hard to focus on tasks at hand, whether it’s work, school, or other responsibilities."

Whether you can't get that person off your mind because you're imagining scenarios with your crush or wondering if they feel the same way you do, you could run the risk of temporarily forgetting reality.

"Managing these distractions is important to maintain productivity and well-being," Bond suggests.

Is it possible to have a crush on multiple people?

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

I know we talk about twin flames and the invisible string theory, but Bond says it's possible to have a crush on multiple people at once.

"Crushes are often based on admiration, attraction, or emotional connection, and it’s normal for someone to experience these feelings towards more than one person at a time. However, the intensity and nature of each crush can vary," she shares.

The best example I have is someone who has a list of celebrity crushes. They can think everyone from Chris Evans to Timothée Chalamet is hot, but that doesn't mean they necessarily value one over the other.

Do you think people are supposed to date their crushes?

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

This question is subjective because no one can really tell you that you shouldn't try to pursue a relationship with your crush. "Whether someone should date their crush depends on various factors, including mutual interest, compatibility, and timing," says Bond.

I know I'm incredibly glad that a lot of my crushes didn't lead anywhere because I later found out they weren't someone I truly wanted to be in a long-term relationship with.

Bond says, "While dating a crush can lead to a fulfilling relationship, it’s important to assess if both parties share similar values and goals. It’s also crucial to ensure that the feelings are reciprocated and that both individuals are ready for a relationship."

How can a person navigate being rejected by their crush?

Liza Summer/Pexels

Being rejected by a crush can feel like a gut punch if you've been thinking about them on a daily basis. I'd be lying if I said that I've never experienced rejection — it can feel humiliating — so I understand if things feel shattered because your crush isn't interested in pursuing something romantic.

Bond says, "Navigating rejection can be challenging, but it’s important for emotional well-being." She wants you to keep the following in mind:

  • Allow yourself to feel and process the emotions that come with rejection.
  • Focus on activities that make you happy and help you relax.
  • Maintain a positive outlook and remind yourself that rejection is a part of life and not a reflection of your worth.

It's not the end of the world if your crush doesn't like you. It usually won't matter years from now!

If a person realizes their crush isn't the person they thought they were, how can they start getting over them?

Valeria Ushakova/Pexels

I briefly mentioned this early, but sometimes it's you who ends up rejecting your feelings about a crush. They could do several things that are on your 'ick' list, reminding you that crushes don't have to become more than that. But, how do you even get over the fact you romantically liked someone?

Bond says there are several steps you can take. They look like:

  • Accept that the person may not meet your expectations or ideals.
  • Limit contact and interactions with the person to reduce emotional attachment.
  • Engage in hobbies, activities, and self-improvement to shift focus away from the crush.
  • Talk to friends or a therapist about your feelings and get support.
  • Reflect on what you truly want in a relationship and how this person may not align with those values.

What would you say to someone who feels it's impossible to fully get over an ex?

Alena Darmel/Pexels

And if your ex happened to be the crush that you successfully entered into a relationship with? Well, the rules still apply. You have to give yourself time and understand that you can't rush the healing process.

Bond says, "Healing from a breakup takes time, and it’s okay to feel like it’s a long process. Allow yourself to feel and process all emotions related to the breakup without judgment."

She still wants you to find new activities and experiences to focus on because you'll like create positive memories that have nothing to do with your ex or former crush.

By focusing on personal growth and seeking support, it is possible to move forward and find happiness beyond a past relationship.

While you're learning how to get over a crush, here's over 10 self improvement books that'll help you focus on growing as a person.

Header image via Liza Summer/Pexels

If you're kind of over feeling tweaked from caffeine mid-morning (and ultimately crashing in the afternoon), maybe it's time to make the switch to drinking caffeine-free drinks. Whether you're aiming to drink less caffeine, no caffeine, or just aren't able to drink it, there are plenty of options out there – starting with caffeine-free Starbucksdrinks: naturally, the chain has endless order combos that don't necessarily give you that insane boost of energy.

Find your next order with these 25 caffeine-free Starbucks drinks below. In the mood for something refreshing? Check out these 13 Caffeine-Free Beverages You Can Buy Or DIY!

Caffeine-Free Cold Drinks



Starbucks' lemonade may be caffeine-free, but it still packs a punch with a zesty sip.

Blended Lemonade

You can also order the lemonade blended, which combines the drink with ice for a slushy consistency. This is one of the easiest caffeine-free Starbucks drinks to order!


Peach Lemonade

For something sweeter, order the Starbucks lemonade with a splash of peach juice!

Blended Peach Lemonade

You can also get the Peach Lemonade in a blended version for an icier feel. This caffeine-free Starbucks drink is perfect for summertime.


Strawberry Lemonade

If you aren't keen on the peachy flavor, then Starbucks also has strawberry that you can add to lemonade to keep it caffeine-free.

Blended Strawberry Lemonade

Try ordering this beverage blended for a fun twist on the classic caffeine-free Starbucks drinks!



This one feels like a no-brainer, but not many people know that you can order straight-up cold milk (whole, 2%, skim, almond, oat) from the Starbucks register. If you're craving it on the go, you know where to find it.

Caffeine-Free Teas


Passion Tango Tea

The Starbucks Passion Tango Tea comes iced and brings forth flavors from apple, hibiscus, and lemongrass for a vibrant (non-caffeinated) bev! You can also order this caffeine-free Starbucks drink with a splash of lemonade for a very juicy balance.


Mint Majesty Tea

The herbal teas at Starbucks are free from caffeine, and our #1 fave is the Mint Majesty. It's used to make the Honey Citrus Mint Tea (AKA the Medicine Ball), providing a nice aromatic mint feel compared to other caffeine-free Starbucks drinks.


Peach Tranquility Tea

The Peach Tranquility is a bit on the sweeter side, and provides a great opportunity to warm up during the colder months.

Caffeine-Free Frappuccinos


Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino

Vanilla bean powder, milk, and ice are blended to create this whipped cream-topped Frapp. It's still sweet, but nixes the caffeine entirely.


Caramel Ribbon Crunch Crème Frappuccino

This Frappuccino flavor is similar, except it's quite strong on the caramel, and has some interesting crunchiness to it from the little caramel bits that they shake in. Dessert-y caffeine-free Starbucks drinks FTW!


White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino

Additionally, you can order a crème Frappuccino with white chocolate (or more popularly, white mocha). You can also order this pick with regular mocha for a tasty caffeine-free Starbucks drink.


Caramel Brulée Crème Frappuccino

This Frapp is flavored with one of the best seasonal syrups, Caramel Brulée, and gets topped with whipped cream and little bruléed bits for a yummy caffeine-free Starbucks drink.


Peppermint White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino

Skip the caffeine rush and aim for a full-on sugar rush with this minty Frappuccino. Like the White Chocolate Crème one, you can also swap the white mocha for regular mocha.


Chestnut Praline Crème Frappuccino

Spiced praline crumbs adorn this frozen bev that's featured on the Starbucks winter menu.


Strawberry Crème Frappuccino

This fruity yet creamy Starbucks caffeine-free drink gives you a dose of strawberry puree and sweet cream.

Caffeine-Free Hot Drinks


Hot Chocolate

The Hot Chocolate and White Hot Chocolate are both easy and comforting caffeine-free Starbucks drinks to refer to during the winter.

Peppermint Hot Chocolate

You can also order the hot chocolates with peppermint syrup for even more spirited caffeine-free Starbucks drinks.


Milk Steamers

Grab any kind of milk that Starbucks carries hot for a comforting, caffeine-free sip.


Vanilla Steamer

The Vanilla Steamer is just hot milk with vanilla syrup for that extra dose of flavor.

Chestnut Praline Steamer

You can get any Steamer with any sort of syrup, but the Chestnut Praline is a fan-fave when it comes to caffeine-free Starbucks drinks.

Sugar Cookie Steamer

The Sugar Cookie Steamer with almond milk is an elite Starbucks caffeine-free drink.


Steamed Apple Juice

Alternatively, order steamed apple juice for a less dense hot drink.


Caramel Apple Spice

This underdog drink is apple juice enhanced with cinnamon syrup, whipped cream, and a caramel drizzle.

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Images via Starbucks.

This post has been updated.

I L-O-V-E season 3 of Bridgertonin all its friends-to-lovers, springtime, romantic glory, and I'm already thinking about Bridgerton season 4. I'm a sucker for any storyline about siblings, and the Bridgertons are some of my favorites. We've been speculating that season 4 of Bridgerton would follow Benedict and his love interest Sophie, or Eloise's love story, and on July 23, Netflix finally confirmed which sibling the series would cover next. Here's everything you need to know about season 4 of the hit TV show. And check out everything you need to know aboutThe Bridgerton Season 3 Ending!

Your First Look At 'Bridgerton' Stars Yerin Ha & Luke Thompson

Gavin Bond/Netflix

Yerin Ha and Luke Thompson are already getting to know each other ahead of Bridgerton season 4 filming. And Yerin is loving every minute. "I don’t think there are enough words in the dictionary to describe what it’s like joining the family, but I’m just very, very grateful, and everyone’s been so welcoming with open arms," Yerin Ha tells Shondaland. "It’s been a lovely experience so far."

"And it’s yours now too," Luke adds before Yerin says, "Ours. It’s our family." I'm crying!

And after teasing the next installment will be the perfect mix of reality and fairytale, Yerin describes Sophie's journey like a prism. "Like when the light comes in, and then it goes into a rainbow," she says. "I’m using that as a metaphor for the character of Sophie for before she meets Benedict and after."

Will there be season 4 of Bridgerton?


Yes, we're getting a Bridgerton season 4! The senior season of the Shondaland show will follow An Offer from a Gentleman, which revolves around second-eldest son Benedict (played by Luke Thompson). While Anthony and Colin are now happily married, Benedict isn't sure he wants to settle down — until his mother's masquerade ball introduces him to a Lady in Silver he can't stop thinking about.

In an interview with the LA Times, showrunner Jess Brownell revealed one major change. "We always live in this perpetual spring in Bridgerton, but we’re playing around with the idea of fall...for the first time," she says. "Some of that is about story and some of it is, honestly, just for practical reasons because we’re shooting in the fall. It’s still going to be just as lush and colorful, but just more in those warm fall colors instead of the pastels. There will still be some pastels, so it won’t look like a totally different show. I’ll give you that." It's giving Gilmore Girls and I'm more than happy with that!

Season 4 is already in rehearsals, which includes dance lessons for Yerin Ha and Luke Thompson! “I’ve only stepped on Yerin’s toes once, which is good,” Luke says in an interview with Tudum.

The dance lessons have been “really special and very vulnerable,” according to Yerin. “The dancing is like an extension of their emotions, and a way for them to connect."

Who's in the Bridgerton season 4 cast?

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Variety confirmed on August 16 that Yerin Ha (Halo) will star in Bridgerton season 4 as Sophie Baek! Bridgerton season 4 will also star Luke Thompson as Benedict Bridgerton, as well as Luke Newton, Nicola Coughlan, Jonathan Bailey, Simone Ashley, Claudia Jessie, Hannah Dodd, Will Tilston, and Florence Hunt as the rest of the Bridgertons + their spouses. Plus, Harriet Cains, Nicola Coughlan, Jessica Madsen, and Bessie Carter!

Michaela is played by Masali Baduza, who fans had originally thought was playing Sophie. You might recognize the actress from movies like The Woman King and Slumber Party Massacre. "They never disappoint, casting geniuses," one Reddit user says.

When is Bridgerton season 4 coming out?

Image via Liam Daniel/Netflix

Considering part one of Bridgerton season 3 is hitting Netflix May 16, 2024, we definitely won't see season 4 of Bridgerton for awhile. So far, there have been two years in between each season, so I'm expecting season 4 to start streaming in 2026. And showrunner Jess Bronwell agrees.

"We are working to try and put the seasons out more quickly, but they do take eight months to film and then they have to be edited, and then they have to be dubbed into every language,” she told The Hollywood Reporter. “And the writing takes a very long time as well, so we’re kind of on a two-year pace, we’re trying to speed up but somewhere in that range.”

How many episodes will season 4 of Bridgerton have?

Image via Liam Daniel/Netflix

Considering all three seasons of Bridgerton so far have eight episodes each, we can expect Netflix to keep up that pattern. Having the same number of episodes each season means the pace and arc for each Bridgerton sibling will be equal, making it a much more balanced watching experience! Plus, eight siblings, eight episodes, eight seasons.

Will Bridgerton have all 8 seasons?

Image via Liam Daniel/Netflix

Yes, Bridgerton will have all 8 seasons, one for each Bridgerton sibling — at least, that's the plan. "This being a family of eight children and there being eight books, I would love to be able to focus and really tell stories and love stories for all the Bridgerton siblings. For each character, for sure," showrunner Chris Van Dusen tells Collider.

After Bridgerton season 4, I'm most interested to see youngest sibling Hyacinth's love story play out! Seeing her arc throughout all eight seasons, especially mirrored with the way her brothers and sisters evolve over the course of the show, is going to be the perfect way to wrap this series up.

What are you looking forward to the most for Bridgerton season 4? Follow us on Facebook for more TV show news!

Lead image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images

This post has been updated.