5 Ways to Strengthen Your Intuition

woman meditatingwoman meditating

Have you ever struggled with making a decision? Do you wish you had a crystal ball to guide you? Fortunately for you, we do have a built-in superpower that can help us with life’s biggest (and smallest) decisions: our intuition.

I’ll never forget the time I was on a flight home from Mexico and the turbulence was getting out of control. Overhead bins were opening, suitcases were flying out… it was terrifying. I started freaking out and was about to beg the seated airline stewardess for a mini vodka bottle, when I heard the voice in my head: “You’re going to be fine. You’re safe. Calm down.”

It was the first time I had heard “the voice.” It came from nowhere and it had a sense of authority that made me sit back down, and I slowly began to feel a sense of relief. The voice sounded like any other thought I’ve had, but it felt like it wasn’t from me. I understand now that it was my higher self coming through, speaking from a place of intuitive guidance.

Intuitive guidance can appear in different ways, therefore, it’s important to take the time to understand how yours shows up. For some people it’s a feeling in their gut, while others hear a subtle voice. Intuition can also show up as patterns, signs, or even as vivid dreams.

woman meditating

We All Have a Sixth Sense

Unlike what is depicted in Hollywood, we actually all have a sixth sense where both intuition and various psychic abilities reside. Due to the fast-paced lifestyle our society has become accustomed to, many of us don’t take the time to nurture and strengthen our sixth sense, leaving us feeling even more confused than ever. In this article, I’ll help you tap into your ancient wisdom, which will help you feel more confident, happy, and at ease.

How to Tune In To your Inner Guidance System

To begin working with your guidance system, you’ll need to understand how it shows up for you. The best way to do that is to spend more time in nature, take care of your health, remove toxic relationships from your life, and set aside time to meditate or simply sit in silence each day. I also recommend gettingquality sleep and keeping a dream journal next to your bed. As soon as you wake up, think about your dreams and then write down the people, events, and symbols that stood out the most.

We need to be taking care of our minds and bodies for our souls to speak to us. Our mind can be our best friend or our worst enemy, but it’s truly up to us. If you’re allowing your mind to focus on negative thoughts or distractions, it’ll be really hard to tune in to your guidance. Just as a radio station dial needs to be at the correct number to avoid static, we must invite silence into our life to “hear” the wisdom.

5 Ways to Strengthen your Intuition

1. Stay Hydrated

Have you ever had a massage or healing session where they’ve told you to drink a lot of water? That's because the human body is 70 percent water and your brain is 90 percent water. If you become dehydrated, you could experience a mineral imbalance and your blood becomes more concentrated, leading to unfortunate symptoms like headache, dizziness, and muscle cramps. We need water flowing through us to assist with self-regulating our emotions and neutralizing our energy.

As you can imagine, if you’re dehydrated it’ll be very difficult to hear any type of inner guidance. The more hydrated you are and the more your body is taken care of, the easier it’ll be for your intuition to come through.

2. Decrease and/or Eliminate Inflammatory Food and Beverages

The foundation of our inner guidance system is built on the health of our body and its functions. If possible, try eliminating sugar and alcohol, and decreasing caffeine while you’re working on strengthening your intuition.

Consuming too much sugar can have a negative impact on your ability to tap into your intuition. However, if you're someone who loves sugar, don’t be alarmed… just take small steps toward reducing your sugar intake. A study showed that inflammatory blood markers were improved by 30 percent when sugar was reduced.

You might not want to hear this, but alcohol reduces your vibrational frequency. I’ve experienced this firsthand in the past and can attest to the enormous difference of living a sober (or at least sober curious) lifestyle, in which it’s very easy to tap into my intuition, versus a life where I was consuming alcohol daily, finding it very difficult to connect.

I love my morning cup of coffee and won’t be giving that up any time soon. However, I only have one cup of the finest, mold-free coffee as I know it can stress out the adrenal glands. The spiritual reason behind this is that it’s very hard to go within and connect with your heart if it’s beating very quickly. The way I deal with this is to drink my coffee at 6 a.m. and then meditate around 12 p.m. or 1 p.m., once the alert feeling has passed.

3. Get Outside and Move Around

Nature is very healing and can actually help us tap into the ancient intuition we used when we actually lived outside and relied on it to keep us alive from predators and the elements. Many of us spend all day on our phone and/or computer, but our mind truly needs a rest and nature is the perfect place.

Many Greek philosophers discovered a deep, intuitive connection between walking, thinking clearly, and writing. Being away from social mediaand technology will provide space for your inner guidance system to come through.

Finally, sunshine and gentle sunbathing is very healing, as well. I recommend enjoying about 15 to 30 minutes of morning sun, which will energize your chakras and can provide powerful healing.

Photo by KoolShooters/Pexels

4. Breathwork

Breathwork is a very simple way to begin connecting to your intuition, while also healing your immune system and mind. When you breathe with intention, it canreduce stress and help you get more oxygen into your system. When your brain is receiving the right amount of oxygen, your intuition will be easier to hear. I highly recommend alternate-nostril breathing for 11 minutes. Try it now: place your right hand in front of your face and use your ring finger to close off your left nostril. Slowly inhale through the right nostril. Then close off the right nostril with your right thumb and slowly exhale through the left nostril. Repeat 11 times and you’ll feel refreshed! Another one of my favorites is the 5.5 breath.

5. Practice Silence, Meditation, and Awareness

Now that you’ve put a lot of work in for the mind and body, it’s time to start reaping the rewards! If you don’t already have a meditation or mindfulness practice in place, I do recommend taking at least 5 minutes one to three times per day for silence. Just focus your attention on your breath if you have trouble with mind chatter. When you breathe in, think: “I am,” and when you breathe out: “my breath.” Or if you’re an advanced meditator, focus on the silence and allow any thoughts to drift by like clouds.

During meditation, you’ll do a lot of soul work. This is where you’ll connect with your higher self or your guides, and set intentions for what you want to know more about. Meditation doesn’t have to be complex, in fact, it can be just taking a few minutes of silence. If you’re interested in more advanced meditation techniques, make sure to sign-up for my newsletter as I’m always providing free meditations and mindfulness practices for my inner circle.

Finally: Keep your eyes out for the signs, subtle whispers, and the patterns. When you take time for silence or before you meditate, you can ask yourself: “How do I truly feel about this? Please show me.” Or: “Higher self, please help me by providing a clear sign about what I’m needing help with (be specific).”

Many times the answers will show up or pop into your head when you least expect it. Be conscious of any signs or patterns in alignment with your question and pay attention to your dreams.

Don’t Give Up

Anything new takes practice! This includes learning how to tap into your intuition and get messages from your inner guidance system. Be patient with yourself and know that this is a very natural thing to do, therefore, your mind, body, and soul will support your progress.

Have you tried other techniques to open up your intuition? If you have, DM us @britandco and tell us about your experience!

Featured photo via Michelle Leman/Pexels.

At the beginning of 2024, I wanted nothing more than to have a Hot Girl Summer. My first book, IntuWitchin, all about reading the signs and language of the Universe, had just come out. I had features on international media outlets, and I’d worked my butt off for these big dreams to come true. I was ready to celebrate—but right alongside these highlights, came a few personal nightmares.

I don’t have kids, but I have two cats who both disappeared within six months of each other. My partner stoically compartmentalized the loss while I fell apart, which woke me from a slumber too many of us fall into. The one in which we make excuses for staying in relationships where we sacrifice and abandon the most precious parts of ourselves in order to avoid rejection. After almost five years, I had to walk away from my best friend.

A silver lining emerged through an old mantra: “Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.” I turned the Solstice’s Full Moon glow like a spotlight towards myself to illuminate the shadows that had been lurking beyond the breadth of my awareness.

It was time for Healing Girl Summer!

My Healing Girl Summer

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

This season was dedicated to all the things that would actually make me look younger, feel healthier, and get hotter than ever—without any fillers (literally or figuratively)!

A simple shift of intention in how I spent my time, energy, and money could transform every aspect of my life—love, abundance, sex, and purpose!

When people mention healing, it’s daunting because we often don't know what it really means or looks like. Diving headfirst into it can be a really scary place.

That's why it's so important to have a support system around you, and tools and practices to help you come back to yourself during these times. With the right support and resources, you can navigate the healing process more effectively and find your way back to a place of balance and strength.

The first step in Healing Girl Summer was deep inquiry around the patterns that caused my wounds in the first place. Which means taking full responsibility.

As Dr. Gabor Maté writes about trauma, much of what we think is our personality is actually coping mechanisms and defense strategies we learned as kids to survive.

Alena Shekhovtcova/Pexels

We’ve all heard, “You create your reality.” Well if that’s true, you create the dreams just like the nightmares. Taking radical responsibility for every aspect of your life reclaims the reins, returning power to the only person who can do something about it—you.

This means asking hard questions, and having tough conversations with yourself that guide your healing path.

I finally recognized I had been replaying the same major complaint from my dynamic with my father in my romantic relationship.

My mother role modeled overstaying in a situation that was unhealthy and disrespectful of her, then I did the same. Secretly afraid I’d never find anything more than someone who “tolerated” me and shamed my power.

My metamorphosis over the next few months became the great work of my life, and the roadmap for Healing Girl Summer. No matter how my heart aches, I never back away from healing. Which, though it requires massive courage and resolve, has been the greatest blessing I could imagine.

Mihman Duğanlı/Pexels

Part of my work involves leading transformative healing retreats at castles. This year, we're in a fairytale French palace, so naturally, I watched Cinderella to get in the mood. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten her iconic song. “No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, a dream that you wish will come true.”

I’ve made so many dreams come true, I wasn’t going to let a few nightmares stop me.

I committed to weekly sessions of therapy to unwind mental patterns, structural bodywork to alleviate the pain and trauma stored in my body, and many other rituals with specific intentions of release, pleasure, or manifestation. If you find yourself in a healing girl season, here are my daily and scientifically proven practices that are all FREE:

Be in nature

Vanessa Garcia/Pexels

There is nothing more healing for our nervous system than being in Nature. This is a crucial element for all human beings. We literally ARE Nature. Our body is the earth, bones like the stones in the mountains. Our blood is the rivers, creeks and streams of water in our veins. The breath in our lungs is the wind exchanged between us and the trees! And the same fire light that shines outside also radiates from within us, and keeps our hearts beating with its electric energy.

Our starvation from Nature and the knowing of our inherent interconnectedness contributes to so many mental and physical health challenges. She is my greatest teacher and friend, who I needed more than ever. I sat beneath big oak trees, by creek beds, or swam in the ocean and just let Her work Her magik on me.

Let your thoughts out by journaling

Anna Alexes/Pexels

Everything you can’t say, wish you had, or just don’t want to keep burdening your friends with is perfect fodder for the private pages of your journal. I also used specific prompts like, “Why is this actually for the best?”, “What things were always misaligned for us?”, “What parts of myself are ready to grow after this?”, and “What kind of relationship do I actually desire and require?”

Move your body and dance

Elina Fairytale/Pexels

Studies have shown dance is THE greatest remedy to depression. Freestyle movement became a necessity for celebration and release each morning or moment of overwhelm. Put your phone down and get into your body in spontaneous motion. Works every time.

Breathe and meditate

Yan Krukau/Pexels

When the outside is chaotic, creating stillness on the inside can make all the difference. You don’t have to stop thinking, in fact you'll probably be spinning around all the conversations of the day and upcoming to-dos. But the intention of carving out quiet space and time for yourself to just be present and keep bringing yourself back to your breath and sensations sends important signals of safety to your body.

Add yoga or other low-impact workouts to your routine

Elina Fairytale/Pexels

Genuine, sustainable dopamine, yes please! As a dedicated yogi and former gym rat, I alternated each day to regulate my nervous system, push myself when I felt unmotivated, and get a revenge body, obviously.

I peppered in every other healing modality, mindset technique, and biohacking tool I could get my hands on like past life regressions, yoni massage, acupuncture, breath work, sound baths, Sauna/cold plunge, cryotherapy, IV’s and ozone, you name it. Then I jetted off to Thailand for three weeks for back-to-back tantra retreats full of death and rebirth rituals, jungle waterfall immersion, daily massages and an iconic change of scenery.

Now, I’ve been doing this work for almost 15 years, so I’ve had a lot of experience with confronting my fears to get to where I am. But we’ve all had challenges, a dark night of the soul, as they say. So, in case you find yourself there, allow me to offer you the same opportunity, whatever you might be going through.

Here are five simple ways you can start doing healing work that will fundamentally transform you, body, mind and spirit.


1. Connect with Your Inner Child: Imagine your five-year-old self is standing in front of you, what would they want you to remember that you’ve forgotten? Who or what did they want to become? How can you bring a little more of that energy into your daily life right now? Put a picture of them somewhere you’ll see often and remember who you’re doing all this for. Working with your inner child can involve meditation and visualization, embodiment, intentional dialogue, art therapy and so much more.

ArtHouse Studio/Pexels

2. Illuminate Your Shadows: Our “darkness” gets a bad wrap, but this is the realm of the feminine: the void and the birthplace from which life and all its possibilities is born. Treat it as such. Whatever external circumstance is to blame, how can I take the responsibility and shine my eternal light upon it? If you have excuses like, “That’s just the way I am,” look at how it may stem from a hardship in your childhood.

Take an inventory of what is and isn’t working in your life, and see what beliefs you have about the challenges. Who did you see model the kind of struggle you’re experiencing? Each time I saw another negative belief rise up I would immediately change my behavior or thoughts. You can do this by taking an unfamiliar or non-habituated action. Sing an affirmative song until your mind attaches to it and forgets the downward spiral you were heading towards, or whatever works for you.

cottonbro studio/Pexels

3. Abandon Your Comfort Zone: That place is dangerous, leads to complacency, and has more often than not been imposed upon you rather than established by you. The comfort zone never helped me achieve something greater than the status quo. Take the trip, go to the class, talk to that person at the bookstore. Change up your routine even if that means hanging out with different people because the ones you always see aren’t actually enhancing or helping you improve your life.

Doing things you’ve never done will get you results you’ve never thought possible. When all else fails, MOVE! I don’t mean across the country–unless that’s always been your dream. I just mean get up off the couch or out of bed! When you’re down in the doldrums, any type of movement helps shift stagnant energy, get a fresh perspective and brings you home to your center. Yoga, exercise, shaking, hitting a pillow, or just getting up for a walk.

RDNE Stock project/Pexels

4. Try a new healing modality. Maybe you’ve had an astrology reading, are a dedicated daily yogi, or have sat with ayahuasca. Try something new, whatever calls to you, go for it. See what deeper layers you might have access to, and notice if you can navigate this search based on the primary emotion(s) you have the hardest time expressing.

If you feel shameful celebrating yourself and feeling peak joy, try ecstatic dance or female empowerment work. If you have repressed memories try a shamanic drum journey. I love somatic therapy, embodiment practices and going on transformative retreats. (I’m leading one in August at a fairytale French castle if that’s your kind of vibe).

cottonbro studio/Pexels

5. Believe in MAGIK & MIRACLES Perhaps the most important of them all, when we were little, magik was real. I have proven that we don’t have to lose it in adulthood. Even with all this heartache, my life still feels better than a Disney movie most days. Though this prince and I didn’t live happily ever after, we did have some peak life experiences together, because that’s the norm for my existence.

I know, without a shadow of a doubt, it's because of my (sometimes bordering on delusional) faith in magik. I’m not talking about the rabbits out of hats kind of illusions. I’m talking about the infinite universal power that you and I all have access to at every moment. Manifestation is really just a more mainstream word for magik. If you expect the worst, that’s what you’ll continue to receive.

Caterpillars in cocoons liquify and become butterflies through their imaginal cells. Yes, that's really what they’re called. If you can trust the process even in the moments you’re being metaphorically liquified and imagine that your best days are yet to come, you will be reborn as the most magnificent butterfly. I know that’s where I’m headed, and I hope you’ll come with me.

Photo By Sharmaine Monticalbo/Pexels

Your self-care journey doesn't have to end here! We have eight more amazing ways you can romanticize your summer!

Mia Magik is a guest contributor and intuitive advisor who teaches women to trust their inner guidance system, which everyone is capable of. USA Today called her a “spiritual fairy godmother” as she empowers individuals to reconnect with their infinite spiritual abilities as well as nature to help make their dreams come true.

The beginning of spring is the perfect excuse to refresh your wardrobe with breezy, flattering dresses that make you feel ahh-mazing. Amazon is packed with adorable plus-size styles for the season, from flowy maxis to perfectly-cinched wrap dresses that highlight your curves in only the best ways. If you’re looking for effortless spring dresses that also abide by this year's hottest fashion trends, these Amazon picks are calling your name!

Scroll on for 11 flattering plus-size spring dresses – all shoppable on Amazon!


Pinup Milkmaid Sundress

A milkmaid neckline will never not flatter your figure. Plus, with plenty of florals, this dress is totally spring-ready!


Holipick Strapless Tube Top Sundress

Your next vacation 'fit is calling! This easy, breezy sundress lets you get some good sun while still shaping your waistline, thanks to the stretchy smocked top.


Talisea Off-The-Shoulder Puff Sleeve Maxi Dress

We love a white maxi dress for springtime! This one is sooo dreamy with its puff sleeve design and tied front. Pair it with your fave sandals or flats, and you're ready to step out in style.


Amegoya Boho Square Neck Floral Midi Dress

Just look at those colors! This tiered maxi moment is exceptionally flattering since it features a tie-back waist that'll cinch you in nicely.


Dokotoo Tie-Back Lantern Sleeve Dress

Spring dresses with square necklines are some of our favorite styles out there. This adorable dress comes in so many different colors to match your personal style, plus sizes up to XXL!


Talisea Sweetheart Neckline Dress

The light chiffon material this mini's made of practically screams springtime.


Pinup Chiffon Smocked Midi Dress

This charming dress couldn't be more comfortable! This stunning pattern features some shiny, tiny gold dots to enhance your look without being entirely overwhelming, pattern-wise.


Scomchic Wrap Skater Mini Dress

This dress combines both a v-neckline and a wrap silhouette to hug your body in all the right places.


Hanna Nikole Casual Bohemian Maxi Dress

This classy style features a pleated front, which adds a head-turning factor to your spring looks. This number would look stunning with some tall boots (especially a little cowboy boot moment) and a denim jacket!


Pinup Strapless Ruffle Beach Dress

If you've got a beachy vacay planned, you need to add this strapless dress to your packing list. It's easy to put on and even easier to wear, thanks to the loose-fitting skirt.


Soly Hux Short Sleeve Mini Dress

Hello, pink! This mini is undeniably flattering with a milkmaid neckline and fitted waist to pull you in comfortably.

Subscribe to our newsletter to shop more plus-size fashion picks!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

I'd always been curious about meditation, but skeptical that I'd ever be able to really achieve the mindfulness needed to really sit and do nothing for longer than a few minutes – I mean, who actually has the time?! But this past May, I committed to an 11-minute session every morning to see what benefits I'd gain after a month or so.

I chose a spot away from my computer and devices, but close enough that I could hear my online meditation guide. My daybed in my home office – AKA my giant dog bed where my schnoodle sleeps while I work – was the perfect cozy spot by a window where I could hear birds chirping and the wind and just focus on the sound of nature. Lucy, my anxiety-prone pooch, would curl up next to me, and I'm pretty sure she benefitted from the daily morning practice too.

Want all the peaceful benefits my and my puppy soaked in during our meditations? Here's how you can better incorporate this mindfulness practice into your own life.

Types of Meditation

The first thing to know is what type of meditation works best for you. I had tried silent meditation at the San Francisco Zen Center and really struggled with resting my mind. My mind would wander more easily and I'd get impatient. What I learned is that it's ok to let your mind wander. Just accept the thought and let it go. But what I learned later is that I really responded to guided vs. silent meditation.

I started following Sarah Vie's free 11-Minute Morning Meditation after attending a workshop with her, but there are also ones on Headspace (love the breathing feature), Calm, Ope n, and many more on YouTube. There are also others like a mantra-based style called Vedic, Visualization, Reflection, Transcendental and many more. Learn more in our meditation for beginners guide to learn what might work for you.

Now here's what I experienced after a month of meditating every day for 11 minutes.

I Learned To Use My Breath To Feel Calm

Photo by Anete Lusina

I always say I have a healthy amount of anxiety, where it isn't debilitating but it motivates me to get things done. But I can sometimes take on too much – from creative projects at home to work projects to making sure I am always present with my kiddo.

My meditation practice helped me learn how to pause and take deep, slow breaths when I started to feel overwhelmed. I would naturally start to breathe in deeply, hold my breath for a couple seconds, and then breathe out any thoughts that got in my way. This started to become a habit for sure and has helped me navigate any feelings that rattle me.

I Set Better Boundaries

Photo by Anna Shvets

Not wanting to lose my feeling of zen, I was more aware of the boundaries I needed to set in order to keep stress at bay. I started to say no to what felt like obligations or inconvenient vs. things I really wanted to do. Normally, I would say yes if it seemed even remotely like a good time. I decided I didn't need to say yes to every invite -- I could just stay home and chill.

I Looked Forward To That 11 Minutes

Photo by Vlada Karpovich

I started to look forward to my meditation mornings – allowing myself those 11 minutes of the day to breathe, quiet my mind, and start the day feeling ready it vs. exhausted by it. If I missed a morning, I would make sure to meditate when I could, whether it was after my morning meetings or before bed.

I Thought More Creativity

Photo by Vlada Karpovich

I started to think more creatively, on projects outside of work too. My mind a bit clearer, it opened up room thinking about future creative goals, home projects, and even creating more playful games with my daughter (making up characters and stories in the car together or writing graphic novels called "Weed Monster" and "Plant Girl" after gardening.)

I Practiced Mindfulness

Photo by Greta Hoffman

I started to eat more mindfully, slowing down and paying attention to what I was eating, especially when eating out. I'd choose healthy, delicious spring salads over burgers and fries (or sometimes salad and fries, because that feels good too!) In the shower I found myself catching myself from ruminating over things and just started to be more present in my actions throughout the day.

I Was More Productive

Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Giving up 11 minutes of your day to practice meditation actually saves you time later on, I found. I was feeling more clear-headed and balanced, and focused better on my works tasks and juggling my day to day. I made a real effort not to jump from one thing to the next without pausing. Even my desk was cleaner!

I Faced Difficult Days With Grace

Photo by Elle Hughes

The best part of meditation is that it allows you to visualize how you want your day to go. By starting the day with that idea, it helps you sort of manifest a more rewarding day. That said, it also prepares you for when things don't go your way. I started the day more calm and rested and when something unexpected did come up I was a bit more easy breezy about it.

I Was More At Peace

Photo by Samson Katt

At the end of my meditation month, I feel more at peace with my life in general. I've learned to communicate better, put myself and my needs first (as much as a single mom can!), and balance all the things that come my way with grace. I'll continue my morning practice for sure and maybe try to go beyond the 11 minutes. But for now, I know that's what I am able to commit to and that's ok.

Looking for more wellness advice? Be sure to sign up for our weekly email newsletter!

Lead image via Shutterstock

Bridgerton is known for its romantic storylines, the insane chemistry between its couples, and its beautiful costumes. But it's also known for its needle drops, AKA orchestral covers of iconic rap and pop songs. They bring a contemporary flair to the show but also fit right into a regency ball. After season 3 FINALLY included "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift (not to mention the fact "Give Me Everything" by Pitbull was also there), I have quite a few songs I need to hear in season 4. Let's break 'em down (with spoilers!! You've been warned).

Here are the 10 songs we need to hear in Bridgerton season 4, Netflix!

1. "That's So True" by Gracie Abrams

StillMoving.Net for Netflix

The internet went absolutely crazy over "That's So True" — and posted endless edits of TV characters running during the bridge. So I'm gonna need to see Benedict and Sophie run to one another while this plays in the background, K?

2. "Pink Pony Club" by Chappell Roan


Nobody throws a party like the Bridgertons, and nobody creates party music like Chappell Roan. I could totally see this song being added to Bridgerton season 4's music during a big, empowering scene...or during a more upbeat moment in the masquerade ball.

3. "Taste" by Sabrina Carpenter

Gavin Brown/Netflix

"Taste" is all about Sabrina's love — and the other woman in his life. Since Benedict is torn between Sophie and the Woman in Silver, this could be a clever way to play up Sophie's double identity! (I know what you're thinking: What about "Espresso"? Feel free to add multiple Sabrina songs, Netflix).

4. "Love Story" by Taylor Swift

Liam Daniel/Netflix

With the star-crossed-lovers of it all, what could be more fitting than Taylor Swift's "Love Story," which is all about a Romeo and Juliet-esque romance?

5. "Messy" by Lola Young

Gavin Bond/Netflix

Sophie is constantly overworked and used by her step-mother, and "Messy," which essentially talks about the idea of never being good enough, is a perfect fit the moment Sophie doesn't know what to do.

6. "Symphony (feat. Zara Larsson)" by Clean Bandit

Liam Daniel/Netflix

I know, I know. This became one giant meme and can't be taken seriously anymore. But you can't deny this is the PERFECT party song for Bridgerton season 4.

7. "Sailor Song" by Gigi Perez

Liam Daniel/Netflix

This haunting and ethereal song has been on repeat — and I can just hear it playing while Benedict daydreams about Sophie. (Or when they finally have their first kiss 👀).

8. "Champagne Coast" by Blood Orange


This is another emotional song that I've been obsessed with. Netflix, it's perfect for any and all montages and flashbacks, just in case you were wondering.

9. "Birds of a Feather" by Billie Eilish

Liam Daniel/Netflix

I love the women of Bridgerton — and when Penelope, Eloise, and Kate inevitably welcome Sophie into the family, this would make the perfect background song.

10. "Diet Pepsi" by Addison Rae

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Bridgerton loves a steamy scene...and the people love Addison Rae's "Diet Pepsi." I'll leave it at that.

What's your dream Bridgerton season 4 playlist? Tell us the songs on Instagram!

The wait is officially over – Dunkin’s spring menu just dropped! Starting March 5, you’ll be able to bask in the glory of 2 “highly requested” drinks returning to the lineup (looking at you, Dunkalatte!). There’s also a handful of savory snacks joining the spring roster, and I couldn’t be more excited to try ‘em. Plus, non-dairy milk will no longer cost extra at Dunkin’ starting March 5. Truly a cause for celebration!

Scroll on to see the full Dunkin’ spring menu lineup, which also includes a can’t-miss deal on their breakfast offerings!

2 Fan-Fave Drinks Return To The Dunkin' Spring Menu



You read that right – after selling out last fall, the "highly-requested" Dunkalatte has returned to the Dunkin' spring menu! Crafted with rich coffee milk, the latte (that truly tastes like a milkshake) also boasts shots of espresso that make it totally charged with caffeine. Dunkin' called it an "instant sellout," which is all the more reason to give it a try. You'll be able to order this baby iced or hot.


Pistachio Coffee

Another Dunkin' fan-favorite, the Pistachio Coffee, has also made its return to the spring menu! This nutty coffee flavor first debuted in 2018, and I've been dreaming about it ever since. It's made with a "subtly sweet" pistachio syrup and Dunkin's Original Blend coffee for a satisfying sip. It's also orderable iced or hot.

More Drinks On The Dunkin' Spring Menu


Brown Sugar Shakin’ Espresso

This Sabrina Carpenter-approved sip will thankfully stay on the Dunkin' menu. It boasts an icy, shaken mix of "bold" espresso, brown sugar, and oat milk.


Raspberry Watermelon Dunkin’ Refresher

With notes of raspberry and watermelon, this Refresher is the perfect springtime sipper! You'll have a choice of mixing it with either green tea or lemonade this season.

New Dunkin' Snack Alert!


Ham & Swiss Pretzel Sliders

Sound the alarms! There's an all-new breakfast snack on the Dunkin' spring menu this go-around. Featuring King's Hawaiian Pretzel Slider Buns, these sliders are stacked up with Black Forest ham, honey mustard, and Swiss cheese. There are two sliders per box, so you can easily snack away.

Dunkin' Snacks Returning (For A Limited Time!)


Sweet Black Pepper Bacon

The Sweet Black Pepper Bacon will also be available at Dunkin' (for a limited time!) this season, available as a Breakfast Sandwich, Wake Up Wrap, or just the plain Snackin’ Bacon.


Chicken & Bacon Croissant Stuffer

Just when I was missing chicken-filled breakfast options at Dunkin', the Chicken & Bacon Croissant Stuffer returns to the spring menu! Available for a limited time, this flaky pastry is stuffed with chicken, bacon, and Colby Jack cheese.

Don't Miss Out On The $6 Meal Deal


The greatness of the famed Dunkin' $6 Meal Deal continues! For just $6, this bundle includes a medium (14-ounces) hot or iced coffee, a Sausage, Egg & Cheese breakfast sandwich, and hash browns. Deal? More like a steal!

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