Anyone else desperate for new kid activities that involve climbing, jumping and make-believe and *don't* involve couch cushions, your body as a jungle gym, or cardboard boxes?
When I spotted Wiwiurka's imaginative play structures in my Instagram feed, I had to know more. Do kids really like playing on these things? (YES). How much can you really do with a few simple pieces? (A WHOLE HECK OF A LOT!). With these gorgeous handmade Montessori-inspired pieces, you can truly turn any indoor or outdoor space into an open-ended play area.
Anjelika Temple here, co-founder of Brit + Co and mama to two adventurous little babes. My older daughter Anokhi is 3 1/2 and my youngest gal Indira is 1, and both of them have loved exploring all the different ways to play, climb and improvise with our Wiwiurka pieces. Scroll on to check it out. And for a limited time we're offering Brit + Co readers an exclusive discount — just use the code BRIT+CO10 for 10% off any product on the Wiwiurka site.
Outdoor Setup
We love all the different ways you can set up each of the pieces. As a mini climbing wall, a slide, a rocker, a bridge and more. In just a few weeks of playing with these items, we've noticed both girls' physical confidence totally increase.
We went with three foundational items:
- XXL Rocker Balance Board
- Rock Climbing / Slide Ramp
- Pikler Triangle
Scenes from a pandemic — definitely not the worst place to be stuck with the kiddos.
Even little Indira is climbing her way up to the tippy top!
Anokhi likes to make believe that she's the captain of a ship and we are all along for the ride. We've also used the Pikler Triangle as a fort that Anokhi can get cozy and read in, and the balance board flips over to be a pretty sweet rocker for the whole fam.
I know it's just a matter of time before this girl is climbing, sliding and balancing on anything and everything.
I chose the "Earth Tones" color palette to seamlessly blend with our outdoor space but they have a ton of crazy colorful options as well.
Now, onto the great indoors!
Indoor Setup
Inside is a cozy take on more of the same: climbing, sliding and playing.
She legit tore down the slide at least a dozen times during this shoot.
Anokhi is the head chef and owner of a renowned Marin coffee shop dubbed "Pastaland." You've probably read about it on Yelp. Adding this gorgeous counter to the scene really up-leveled the quality of her offering ;)
Toys that look good and encourage imaginative play, physical confidence and creativity? We are IN.
Now off to squeeze my babies! And remember, for a limited time we're offering Brit + Co readers an exclusive discount — just use the code BRIT+CO10 for 10% off any product on the Wiwiurka site. Happy playing y'all!