19 Brilliant Camping Hacks We Learned from Instagram

Summertime means getting outside… A LOT. The days are long, with plenty of time to plan what camping food you’ll munch, pull together some cool DIY camping projects and test out that homemade sunscreen. While everyone’s pictures of the great outdoors look effortless on social media, life can get a little bit tricky when you’re at the mercy of Mother Nature. But even though you’ve left behind the world of running water and electrical outlets, roughing it doesn’t have to be too rough, especially with these 19 genius ideas we found on Instagram. Scroll down for all the #campinghacks, and you’ll look like a natural in no time.

1. Gourmet S’mores: Buh-bye, graham crackers! Swap out the old standard for chocolate wafers, Girl Scout cookies or snickerdoodles to make an over-the-top campfire treat.

2. DIY Bug Repellent: Once the sun starts setting, the mosquitos start swarming. Preserve your sanity (and your arms!) by making your own mosquito repellent with lemon and lime slices, rosemary sprigs, and cedarwood and lavender essential oils.

3. Baked Eggs: Gather your baked egg recipes, because you’re going to be making a lot of these over the campfire, thanks to this muffin tin hack. Once your firewood has burned down to embers, set the eggs (and all the tasty add-ins) in the muffin tin and let them bake right on the grill.

4. Toilet Paper Roll Hack: The only thing that can make using an outhouse worse is getting stuck with soggy strands of toilet paper. Keep your TP dry in a repurposed coffee container, and hang it from a tree to keep dirt and bugs away.

5. DIY Lawn Games: Whether it’s Yahtzee, bocce ball or dominoes, you’ve gotta remember to pack your favorite camping games. Bring along paint to DIY a Twister board wherever you set up camp and let the good times roll.

6. Dry Tech: Not even a downpour will bring down your Instagram game with this savvy tech hack. Seal your phone in a plastic baggie all weekend long to protect it from rain, sand, dirt and the occasional marshmallow mishap.

7. Sitting Pretty: Last year’s camp chairs looking a little worse for wear? Put your weaving skills to use and spruce up those chair frames with a whole lot of paracord.

8. Mini Eggs: Treat your campers to a sunny-side-up breakfast with this brilliant cooking hack. Make ersatz pans out of tinfoil and put them directly on the grill.

9. DIY Tiki Lamps: Once the sun goes down you have two major things to deal with: lack of light and bugs. Ugh! DIY citronella tiki torches will light up your campsite so you can make merry long after sunset without the threat of blood-sucking mosquitos.

10. Cork Key Floats: If your camping trip involves any sort of boating adventure, make sure your keys don’t go down with the ship. Attach anything that might sink to a wine cork and you’ll have some peace of mind when your canoe tips over.

11. Grilled Pizza: Pizza might not be the first thing you think of when you’re planning your campfire menu, but the dough grills up nicely for a wood-fired-style pie. Keep the pizzas small enough so that you can eat the whole thing in one sitting and you won’t have to worry about cutting it into slices.

12. Camping Bubble Bath: Okay, this one is a little on the silly side, but dry shampoo can only take you so far. A nice soak in a rubber raft full of hot water doesn’t sound like a terrible idea, especially if you remembered the bubble bath.

13. Jar of Matches: Nothing kills a camping buzz like damp matches (no fire = no s’mores!). Make sure yours stay nice and dry in a glass jar. Add the strike strip to the top of the jar for easy access.

14. Spice Jars: You don’t want to bring your entire spice drawer on your camping trip, but sometimes you need more than salt and pepper for your gourmet fireside meals. Pick a few favorites and store them in tiny plastic stacking containers for easy transport. Don’t forget to make labels so you don’t mix up your cinnamon and cayenne.

15. Handy Silverware: Eating scrambled eggs out of a tin cup with no fork is not a good way to greet the day, so remember this handy hack. Attach utensils with paracord to a carabiner and clip it to your backpack and you’ll never lose them again.

16. Pancake Bottle: Save yourself the trouble of bringing eggs and milk and all the other pancake ingredients to the campsite and mix the batter up ahead of time. Store the batter in a squeeze bottle and you’re only seconds away from a perfect pancake breakfast.

17. Warm Laundry: Even if you’re just camping for the weekend, a gal’s gotta have a clean swimsuit, amirite? When the weather refuses to cooperate with your laundry plans, put your car heater to good use to get those towels and swimsuits good and dry.

18. Coffee Hack: Forget the French press? Before you panic and run back to civilization and the nearest coffee store, use a glass bottle to DIY your own cold brew or morning roast. Yes, it might be a little gritty and have a Fireball aftertaste, but that’s all part of the experience.

19. Orange Peel Cinnamon Rolls: Just because you’re going camping doesn’t mean you have to give up baking. Use orange peels as a shield against the intense heat of a direct flame and then use tin foil to bake the cinnamon rolls. Plus, the orange peel gives just a hint of flavor to those gooey, cinnamon treats. Genius!

What genius camping hack would you add to this list? If you’re looking for more fun outdoorsy ideas, make sure you follow us on Pinterest!

Paczki Day is coming up on Tuesday, March 1, and what better way to get in the spirit than with some Instagram inspiration. If you haven’t tried Paczki yet, you’re missing out *big time.* These Polish pastries — which are similar to donuts — are a MAJOR staple around this time of year (along with spring detox recipes and Easter dessert recipes). Traditionally, they were made in Polish households to use up all manner of dessert ingredients before the start of Lent, and even today, Paczki Day is still a pretty big deal in cities with large Polish populations, like Chicago and Detroit. Here are 11 of our favorite pics of this seasonal creation.


1. Classic Paczki

First off, let’s start with a description of what Paczki actually ARE. They’re not dissimilar to a jelly donut, but they’re made from an even richer deep-fried dough spun from eggs, sugar, fat, yeast, and milk.


2. Soft on the Outside, Sweet on the Inside

Paczki are traditionally stuffed with fruit or cream fillings, ranging from sweet to uber sugary (savory flavors need not apply). Some of the most traditional fillings include plum and rosehip jam.


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3. Don’t Skip on the Filling

These Paczki are PACKED with delicious filling. The filling itself is sweet and gooey, while the dough is coated in a light, flakey, sugary glaze. Um, yes please.


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4. Chocolate on Top

Perhaps less traditional than some, these tasty Paczki are drizzled with a sweet and chocolatey glaze. Conventionally, they’re glazed with a sugary, citrusy finishing.


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5. NOT Sugar-Free

These bad boys are rolled in a crystal coating of white sugar. They’re decidedly NOT for dieters. Bring on the sweetness!


6. Stack ’em Up

Paczki on Paczki on Paczki. Need we say more?


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7. Bun Basket

Bring your neighbor a friendly basket of delicious homemade Paczki. It’ll be a total throwback to simpler times, and your neighbor will not be able to resist the pull of that super-powdery confectioners’ sugar on top.


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8. Ready for Glaze

So THIS is how they do it. These pastries are piping hot and fresh from the oven, and they’re ready for a delicious vanilla glaze.


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9. Real Fruit and Nutella Paczki

To mix things up, why not try incorporating fresh fruit and/or Nutella into your otherwise traditional Paczki? Case in point: These AH-mazing looking dough balls.


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10. Apricot Dreams

You can barely tell from the pic, but these Paczki are actually stuffed with delicious apricot preserves. In fact, you can feel free to use jam or preserves from whatever fruit you like, from strawberries to blackberries and beyond.


11. Cousins in Sweetness

Paczki and donuts are basically cousins when it comes to the family tree of desserts. Both deep-fried, often filled, and usually glazed, they’re truly the stuff of sweet dreams.

Follow us on Pinterest for more Paczki and other food trends!

Featured image via sheri silver/Unsplash

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On today's episode of "TikTok Made Me Do It," we'll be talking about my latest obsession: at-home latte recipes! It would be funny if I weren't joking because the running joke is social media influences people to do too much. But, there are healthy things to pick up from like spending less money at Starbucks because you've become your own barista.

With the help of my Ninja Espresso machine, I've whipped up everything from a cinnamon sugar to a matcha latte, and they've been frighteningly good coming from someone who rarely drinks coffee.

Scroll to find your next at-home latte obsession aka discover the best latte recipes that'll make you place an Instacart order tonight

Jasmine Williams

Iced Caramel & Cinnamon Sugar Latte

This was my first successful attempt at making an at-home latte recipe and it's easily become my favorite thing to drink in the morning. A ton of trial and error was involved, but I've perfected the amount of ingredients I like to use so it's super easy to make.


3 Teaspoons Cinnamon Sugar

2-3 Teaspoons of Nescafé Gold Espresso Blonde, Instant Coffee

Ghiradelli Premium Caramel Sauce

Caramel Syrup (any brand works!)

Unsweetened Original Almond Milk (I Prefer Silk)

A mini hand frother (if you don't have an espresso machine at home)



  1. Drizzle caramel sauce in your glass of choice and add ice to it.
  2. Using a separate, smaller cup, scoop in cinnamon sugar and Nescafe' Gold Espresso Blonde. Pour in a small amount of unsweetened almond milk and use a handheld frother to mix them together. Set aside once done.
  3. Take the same unsweetened almond milk and pour in a few oz. to the glass you drizzled caramel sauce in.
  4. Pour your cinnamon sugar, milk and, Nescafé Gold Espresso Blonde mixture into it.
  5. Enjoy!

Jasmine Williams

Strawberry & Caramel Latte

Does strawberry and caramel really go together? If you ask this delicious latte, they do! I actually used the same ingredients from my Caramel & Cinnamon Sugar Latte outside of using strawberry syrup instead of caramel! The only tip I have is to avoid being heavy-handed with how much you use because it can be unbearable sweet if you're not eyeing it. Two pumps at the most should do the trick!

Half Baked Harvest

Iced Peach Lemonade Matcha Latte

Summer's only a few months away so it's time to start thinking about easy-going latte recipes that don't feel like you're preparing for a long, harsh winter. This recipe is perfect because it features two unlikely components — peach and lemonade — that sweeten its overall deal! Yum! (via Half Baked Harvest)

The Girl on Bloor

Homemade Nutella Mocha Latte

Your eyes aren't deceiving you — nutella is one of the ingredients in this yummy latte. It's almost replaced my love for hot chocolate which says a lot because no chocolatey drinks ever tasted this good to me before. Plus, the coconut whipped cream really completes the flavor profile! (via The Girl on Bloor)

P.S. It's a sweet drink so make sure you're prepared!

Averie Cooks

Pumpkin Spice Latte

Who am I to tell you pumpkin spice season is over? It's your kitchen so you get to make the rules and if that means you want to make this latte for the rest of 2025, I won't judge you. Don't be surprised if your roommates or partner ask if they get a cup because this easy recipe is delicious, and only takes 5 minutes to make! (via Averie Cooks)

Earthly Provisions

Iced Lavender Matcha Latte

You can never make too many matcha recipes because there's so many ways to have fun with them! For example, this one calls for lavender syrup which blends together with the oat milk and matcha powder you'll also be mixing together. (via Earthly Provisions)

Feel Good Foodie

Golden Milk Turmeric Latte

I highly recommend that you drink this latte recipe during golden hour in the morning. You'll love feeling the soothing milk turmeric as it gently warms your insides. (via Feel Good Foodie)

P.S. You may think you don't need to add cinnamon on top, but it adds an extra layer of warmth that's sometimes needed to prepare you for the day.

The Edgy Veg

Biscoff Latte

Cookie lattes are trending on TikTok, but I can see why. They're comforting without making you feel like you're drinking something seasonal. For instance, this vegan Biscoff Latte calls for actual biscoff spread or any cookie butter of your choosing. As fancy as that sounds, it only takes five minutes to make this tasty drink! (via The Edgy Veg)

The Endless Meal

Coconut Turmeric Latte

Not only is flu season still here, now we're moving into allergy territory. But you know what combats both? This yummy coconut turmeric drink I didn't expect to like. It has all the makings of a typical latte, but the addition of black pepper kicks things up a notch. (via The Endless Meal)

Rachl Mansfield

Magical No-Coffee Cacao Collagen Latte

This recipe's for anyone who's not the biggest fan of coffee. I've since learned that you don't actually need it to make a great latte which may be surprising. All you need is a little blend, hot water, cacao powder, collagen peptides, and dates. Yes, the fruit. (via Rachl Mansfield)

Munching with Mariyah

Homemade Iced Chai Latte

Look, it's another chai latte recipe! It seems like there's only one way to make it, but it's not! You can make a "hot" one or opt for a iced version like this! IMO it's much lighter than other lattes I've drank and doesn't have a weird aftertaste. (via Munching with Mariyah)

Half Baked Harvest

Gingerbread Chai Brûlée Latte

This recipe has Christmas drizzled and mixed all over it, but I don't mind. Like my mom loves to tell me, everyday's a gift so we should treat it like one.

It's the perfect drink to lift your spirits if you've been having a rough work week because the maple syrup, ginger, star anise, and chai tea will instantly put a smile on your face. If you think I'm bluffing, make it at home one time and tell me if you don't chuckle at least once! (via Half Baked Harvest)

Follow us on Pinterest for more fun drink recipes!

Summer hair is all about laid-back looks, but even our favorite easy hairstyles need a bit more structure when it's time to go back to work or school. Updos can add serious style and personality to an outfit, and are a fun way to keep your look constantly changing. From unique takes on the braid to soft curls and edgy accessories, these hairstyles will make you excited to get ready!

Milkmaid Braids


All you need to do for this easy hairstyle is braid your hair into two braids, wrap them across the top of your head, and pin behind your ear. Pull out some face-framing pieces to complete the look.

Sleek Pony


There's nothing chicer than a high pony. Add some texturizing spray to give it a messy finish or keep things sleek with some hairspray.

Sock Curls


We know that curling your hair with socks sounds crazy, but it really works! You'll get voluminous curls with a fraction of the effort.

Add A Headband


Headbands keep your hair out of your face and add serious style to your outfit. Pearls, bows, velvet — there's plenty to choose from!

Top Knot


Top knots are fun because they can be sleek, messy, curly, or straight, and they always look good.

Pin It Back


We know that having short hair can leave you with only a few styling options. Accessorize with some cute bobby pins for a chic and edgy look.

Braided Low Pony


A mini braid makes this easy hairstyle anything but boring. Scoop your hair into a low pony and braid a small section. Wrap that around the elastic and then secure with a pin. Voilà!

Dutch Braid Bun


A braided bun is a great option for keeping your hair out of your face and off your neck. Not only is it cute enough for work, it's also practical enough for cleaning and working out.

Loose Waves


We're pretty sure that this look will never go out of style. Add some clips, a headband, or leave it as is.

All Natural


Rock those curls!

Mini Pony


A half-up ponytail adds the perfect amount of spice to your look.

Rope Braids


Swap your normal updo for a half-up look that has the right amount of detail. Try fishtail braids, rope braids, or French braids.

French Twist


This classic 'do is a lot easier than it looks. Just make sure you have enough bobby pins!

What's your go-to easy hairstyle? Follow us on Pinterest and subscribe to our email newsletter for the latest beauty content from B+C!

Sydney Sweeney broke the internet when she announced she'd postponed her engagement. And when she clapped back at her bikini body haters. And when she went topless on Instagram. But her recent Instagram post from filming The Housemaid just broke our Brit + Co group chat because of just how many times Brandon Sklenar appeared — and one very specific video that had us squealing.

Here's a breakdown of Brandon Sklenar & Sydney Sweeney's new Instagram video.

Brandon Sklenar and Sydney Sweeney get cheeky in a new Instagram video.

Throughout Sydney Sweeney's newest Instagram post, which she calls "a very very late jan x feb photo dump," she posts some reunions with Euphoria costars Maude Apatow and Barbie Ferrera and behind the scenes from The Housemaid (where she stars opposite Amanda Seyfried and Brandon Sklenar).

I couldn't help but notice that Brandon shows up multiple times in the photo carousel: a selfie while he, Sydney, and a couple other women wear racing helmets, a photo in an arcade, and then a video where they're trying out a TikTok trend.

In the video, Brandon lifts Sydney up to sit on his shoulders while Rihanna's "Breakin' Dishes" plays in the background. They do more than a couple attempts until they get the video just right — and that includes lots of giggles from Syd, and a moment where she almost falls off his back.

"we love costars with chemistry," one X user says, while another adds, "They look so cute together."

Although, my goodness, if a man lifted me onto his shoulder that easily, I'd be in a fit of giggles too! (Although his strength makes sense given his upcoming role in The Olympian).

A third X user wonders whether the video is just a marketing strategy to drum up conversation — especially after Sydney confirmed all that chemistry with Glen Powell during Anyone But You was literally just to get the internet in a tizzy.

"I wanted to make sure that we were actively having a conversation with the audience as we were promoting this film," she told The New York Times. "Because at the end of the day, they’re the ones who created the entire narrative."

"Once [the movie] did become a success, a lot of the interviews were just questions about [the rumors], so I don’t know if we necessarily were planning on ever talking about the strategy behind any of it," she added in a conversation with Vanity Fair. "We just had very specific questions and when you say no to a question, people think that you’re a b—ch, so."

Are you excited to see Sydney Sweeney & Brandon Sklenar in The Housemaid? And check out the 10 Most-Anticipated Book-To-Film Adaptations We Can't Wait To See In 2025.

With St. Patrick's Day right around the corner, plenty of people are already celebrating Irish culture and trying to bring a little extra fortune into their lives.

One charming way to tap into the spirit is by naming your little one something lucky. Here are eight of the most adorable baby names that have luck-related meanings.

Scroll to see all the lucky baby names we love for 2025!

1. Evangeline

Zura Modebadze

Evangeline is Greek in origin and derived from the words "eu" and "angelma," meaning "good news" or "good tidings."

This name has gained popularity in the U.S. because it carries a sense of hope and prosperity, making it a wonderful choice for parents welcoming a little girl.

2. Felix

Yan Krukau

With Latin roots, Felix is a timeless baby boy name that means "happy" and "fortunate." If you want to bless your child with a life full of joy, this name definitely conveys positivity and good fortune.

Felix also dates back to the 1st century BC and has ties to the New Testament, as well as several popes. It remains a popular pick in North America, South America, and Africa.

3. Gwyneth

Anna Bondarenko

The name Gwyneth is Welsh in origin and derived from the word "gwynaeth," which means "happiness." It embodies cheerfulness, and "Gwynnie" can even be used as a cute nickname.

It's no secret that actress Gwyneth Paltrow has popularized this name, but it also carries a bit of fantasy, thanks to characters like the priestess Gwyneth Berdara in the beloved book series "A Court of Thorns and Roses."

4. Merritt

Карина Суховерхая

When spelled a bit differently as "Merit," this baby name of Latin origin holds multiple meanings, including "valuable," "worthy," and "deserving of praise." Otherwise, "Merritt," which is British, actually means "boundary gate."

Either way, a baby boy with this name will be lucky, as the ability to set healthy boundaries (and stick to them) is a very sought-after trait.

5. Felicity

Travis Grossen

Derived from Latin, Felicity is another charming name that means "happy" and "good fortune." It's perfect for a little one you hope will bring joy to those around her.

The TV show "Felicity" added to this name's popularity, as well as the release of the American Girl doll Felicity Merriman. Some cute nickname options include Flick and Fee.

6. Asher

Holly Landkammer

While Asher, a name with religious ties, has traditionally been given to boys, it's growing in favoritism as a girl's name as well.

In the Hebrew Bible, Asher is the eighth son of Jacob and the founder of one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Jacob blessed Asher before his death, and Moses said, "May Asher be blessed above other sons."

That's why this name is often said to mean "happy" and "blessed." It's a lucky choice that's particularly popular among Jewish families.

7. Destiny

Subin Cherian

Do you feel like your daughter was meant to be? If so, Destiny may be a delightful fit. Derived from the Old French word "destinée" and the Latin "destinare," it translates to "fate" or "one's certain fortune."

In addition to its divine connections, Destiny also has ties to Hollywood. You may not know that Miley Cyrus' given name was actually Destiny when she was born in 1992. Plus, we obviously can't forget about the iconic girl group Destiny's Child.

8. Chance

Sergey Makashin

Last but not least is Chance, a strong name with British roots and a meaning of "good fortune." Originally a diminutive of Chauncey, it's also tied to the title Chancellor, which is given to high-ranking government officials.

So, to set your little one up for a life full of opportunities and luck, you can't go wrong with choosing Chance as a baby name.

Looking for more baby & parenting advice? Be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss a thing!