Introverts, There’s Now Emoji to Express Your Feelings

Just like with iPhone rumors, another week always brings a new set of emoji around here. Which, BTW is totally fine with us ;) While we were pretty pumped about the release of IKEA’s emoji app last week, this week we are being presented with a new group of emoticons and they have us (internally) squealing.

If you ever feel like there’s just not a proper emoji piece to get your social anxiety about a house party across or the together-alone feeling you have with your partner, you no longer have to internalize those vibes. Designer Rebecca Lynch is solving the introspective communication problem with her set of icons, Introji: Emoticons for Introverts. With symbols ranging from drowning + feeling flat to out of sync + complex thinking, these speak the INFP’s language perfectly.

Rebecca told The Guardianthatshe created Introji out of necessity for her conversations, “In my relationships and friendships, I use text messages with emoji, but often find myself reaching for a symbol that isn’t there. So I started making Introji, as an easier visual way to tell a loved one or friend that you need more time and space.”

While there isn’t a keyboard filled with these chilled out emoji ATM, you can always save all the icons to your phone’s camera roll and use them just like you would with reg emoji (like we’re currently doing). Now get to expressing your internalized thoughts to your friends ASAP.

Will you be using Introji to express your introverted feelings? Let us know in the comments.

(h/t Refinery29, photos via Introji Facebook)

We live in a "post your relationship so we know it's real" landscape, and I'd be lying if I said it hasn't made me wonder if there's a larger conversation to be had about it. Some people don't feel the need to post their romantic partner while others share their relationships in a way that rivals the best celebrity couples.

Everyone's different, but it's not not unheard of to question your partner's devotion if they're not posting you on Instagram. You may feel justified in your anger because "so and so" are always in cute pictures and videos together on social media — but are your feelings valid? The best person to answer this is licensed therapist Suzette Bray, LMFT. She has over 25 years of specializing in Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and she's seen this topic come up plenty of times during sessions with clients, so grab a pen and paper to take notes!

Why do people want to share their relationship status with others?

Afif Ramdhasuma

My sister used to ask me this question when I was in my 20's, and I always looked at her like she had two heads growing. I couldn't fathom the idea that people wouldn't want to talk about their relationship online because it felt like everyone was doing it. I mean, a study from Pew Research Center shows 8 in 10 people on social media see relationship posts, so it clearly wasn't outrageous to think it was normal.

But, that still doesn't answer why people are drawn to sharing cute little updates about their partner or relationship. Luckily, Bray has a good indication of what drives people to give others a sneak peek into their lives. "People share their relationship status for all kinds of reasons. Some want to mark their territory — nothing says 'back off' quite like a cute couple selfie! Others are just excited and proud of their partner and want to share the joy," she says. That stems from people's "need for a sense of belonging or to receive positive reinforcement from others," she adds.

But, this doesn't necessarily make people weird. It's just human nature that makes us act the way we do. "We as humans are just hard wired to seek connection, and broadcasting our connections, makes us feel more accepted and secure in our social lives."

Should couples have conversations about their social media expectations?

Katrin Bolovtsova

I don't care how hot you think someone is, you're going to have to learn how to communicate with them. It's true even if your chemistry is off-the-charts because healthy relationships don't fall out of the sky. They're built via honesty, respect, forgiveness, and other important factors.

Before assuming your partner is or isn't okay with you posting about your relationship, Bray is 100% convinced you should talk things through. "Social media is still in the wild west of relationship etiquette, and without discussions, assumptions about 'correct' behavior can run wild," she hints. For example, you could be happily posting about your partner only for someone to point out that they're not following you on social media.

"Some people are super private, while others practically live their lives online. Misunderstandings happen when expectations aren't laid out so talking about it can prevent messiness in the long run," Bray observes.

If two people have gone on a couple of dates, should one of them be upset if the other isn't publicly talking about them?

RDNE Stock project

So, you swiped right on Tinder or Bumble, and you had a few amazing dates with one of your matches. Before you start publicly declaring your love for them, Bray wants you to reconsider. "Hold on! It's just a few dates! Let’s pump the brakes. The early stages of dating is not the time to make grand social declarations," she declares. As someone who tried to 'date' people from Tinder, those first few dates aren't a guarantee that you've found the love of your life.

"Posting someone on social media can feel like a big step to some people so expecting that level of public commitment too soon might be too much pressure. If you’re already thinking, 'Why haven’t they posted about me yet?' after two dates, it might be a good time to check in with yourself about where those expectations are coming from," advises Bray.

I've recovered from my former, "Is he the one" obsession so also take it from me — see where things go first and then refer back to question #2!

Is it a red flag if someone doesn't post their partner on social media?

Budgeron Bach

It would be so much fun if we personally had Dustin Poynter, the flag guy, from TikTok helping point us in the right direction — but this is one of those things that errs on the subjective side. Though Bray doesn't feel it's necessarily healthier to keep your relationship private, she thinks "context matters." "Some people are just more private or feel weird about social media in general," she says.

But, that doesn't mean certain behaviors don't warrant a few eyebrow raises. She notes," If someone is super active on social—like posting about their dog’s morning routine and every cupcake they’ve ever had—but doesn't ever mention their partner, it could create a need for a deeper conversation." Before you feel justified about grilling your partner — as satisfactory as that may feel — take a second to breathe.

Bray would prefer you work to understand "why they don't post, rather than assuming your partner is keep you a secret." If you discover the latter to be true, follow your instincts and let that person go because you don't deserve that!

Do you think it's healthier for couples to keep certain aspects of their relationship private?

Fábio Carvalho

Everyone has a different view of what makes a romantic relationship healthy, so this is one of those things Bray says, "absolutely depends on the couple" because some "genuinely enjoy sharing their lives online." You've probably seen your share of couples who make cute content together whether they're married or not. I'd be lying if I said I don't specifically keep up with a few whose content makes me smile.

But, other couples may not be interested in sharing their relationship online because they "want to be private and keep the relationship free from the judgements or opinions of others," according to Bray. That's not to say they have something to hide, though. Instead, think of it as a personal preference.

"As long as both partners are on the same page and it’s not a source of tension, it’s all about finding the balance that works for them. If it starts to feel like a performance for likes rather than genuine connection, though, that’s where it can become problematic," Bray reminds.

How can someone bring up their partner's posting habits without sounding accusatory?

Timur Weber

You may feel eager about posting about your partner while they're less enthusiastic and this could make you feel upset. It's easy to jump to conclusions when you're already upset, but Bray feels "tone is everything." Ironically, she suggests something I've heard in therapy sessions and that's "to be curious, not confrontational." Hopefully this stopped you in your tracks if you were ready to give your partner a piece of your mind.

"You can say something like, 'Hey, I’ve noticed we haven’t shared much about each other on social media? What’s your take on sharing stuff about us online?' It’s important to frame it as a mutual exploration of rather than a demand for a public declaration," Bray points out.

What would you tell someone who wants to emulate couples who consistently post content together?

Vlada Karpovich

We've all seen couples who we think have the cutest relationship, even though we've never met them before. As much as you may admire a couple, Bray thinks it's a "slipper slope" if you want to try to recreate their online moments. "I’d encourage someone to focus more on what makes their own relationship feel fulfilling, rather than chasing #couplesgoals," she encourages.

However, this isn't a sign that you're not supposed to ever share anything about your partner or relationship! "If posting together feels fun and real, go for it! But if it starts feeling like a performance or that you are in competition with other couples, it's probably good to take a step back," she warns.

Also, keep in mind that social media doesn't show you every single moment of couples' lives so don't worry about trying to look picture perfect based on a 30 second to 30 minute video.

If you feel that your partner doesn't post you enough on social media, talk to them before launching into an angsty rant because your assumptions might not always be right. I wish someone would've shared this advice 10 years ago, but all that matters is knowing you don't have to let being upset about your partner's lack of relationship posts be the reason your day is ruined.

The problem arises when your partner doesn't seem receptive to talking about your concerns because dismissive or evasive attitudes are a no-no!

We have more relationship advice if you're looking for more romantic tips and tricks!

If Gilmore Girls andThe Marvelous Mrs. Maisel have shown me anything, it's that creator Amy Sherman-Palladino always has an incredible story up her sleeve. Her new show Étoile, which is coming to Prime Video, promises to be a beautiful and sophisticated look at the world of dance, and if the fact that it's from Amy wasn't enough reason to watch it, it's also Prime's first new show to get a two-season order! Here's everything we know about the series.

What is the next Sherman Palladino show?

Writer/Producer/Director Amy Sherman-Palladino, Writer/Producer/Director Daniel Palladino seen at Netflix's Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life premiere.Eric Charbonneau/Netflix

Following our beloved Gilmore Girls and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Dan and Amy Sherman-Palladino's next series is Étoile, which is set at two world-famous ballet companies in New York City and Paris. When both companies run into some trouble, the decide to swap their most talented stars in a last-ditch effort to save themselves.

And based on the first set leaks from New York City, it looks like Étoile will definitely be packing on the drama. This short clip shows Luke Kirby standing outside Lincoln Center in a serious conversation (probably about the fate of his ballet company, TBH).

"Well, guess that plan for early retirement will have to wait," Dan and Amy said in a joint statement (via The Hollywood Reporter). "Instead, we’ve decided to embark on an international journey with an unbelievable group of players and the most talented ballet dancers in the world. We will sleep when we’re dead."

But this isn't the first time ASP has forayed into the world of ballet! Her ABC Family series Bunheads (which premiered on June 11, 2012) follows Michelle (Sutton Foster) who moves to her hometown of Paradise and starts working at her mother-in-law's dance studio The Paradise Dance Academy.

Who will star in the new show?

Photo via WB

The best part is that the role of Michelle's mother-in-law is played by Emily Gilmore herself, Kelly Bishop!

When does Étoile premiere?

Anya Juárez Tenorio/Pexels

We don't have an official release date yet, but considering THR recently revealed the show will finish filming soon, we're hoping to see Étoile in 2025. Just like Gilmore Girls is the ultimate fall rewatch, maybe Étoile will be the ultimate winter rewatch!

Who's in the Étoile cast?

Luke Kirby attends the The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Finale Celebration at the Fonda Theater in Los Angeles on Mon, May 22, 2023. Todd Williamson/JanuaryImages/Prime Video

So far, we know that Étoile will star Luke Kirby, Gideon Glick, Camille Cottin, Simon Callow, Lou de Laâge, and David Alvarez. Yanic Truesdale, who played our favorite Gilmore Girls concierge Michel, has also joined the series as a recurring character! I'm so excited to see Yanic working with Amy Sherman-Palladino again — it's like a Gilmore Girls reunion!

What does Étoile mean?

Jeremy Thomas/Unsplash

Étoile translates to "star," and there are so many different connections here! We have the ballet stars themselves, but you also wish upon a star and reach for the stars when you're working towards a dream. If you ask me, Étoile is the perfect name for this series.

How many episodes does Étoile have?

Merve Sehirli Nasir/Unsplash

The first season of Étoile will have eight episodes total, but considering Prime Video ordered two seasons, we'll definitely be getting more episodes.

Are you excited to watch Étoile? Check back here for the latest news on the series, and stay updated on your favorite TV shows and movies on our Facebook!

This post has been updated.

In our Take 5 series, sponsored by Verizon, we ask women in business about unexpected challenges, their inspirations, recent wins, and how the free Verizon Small Business Digital Ready Program has helped propel their business forward. Here, we meet Rita Suzanne, a marketing strategist for health and wellness businesses who learned to network, connect with other entrepreneurs, and build her business online and IRL.

What's an unexpected business challenge that you've had to face and how did you overcome it?

The hardest thing for me was my sister passed away and I ended up taking custody of my nieces. I ended up being a single mom of four kids. This is the thing that transitioned my whole entire life. I stopped doing web design and started my podcast Mom Owned and Operated. I wanted to reconnect with other moms and figure out how they were able to run their businesses and raise a family and take care of themselves because I wasn't able to do all three at the same time. Through that journey, I realized that I really needed to connect with other people and how important it was for my business. It helped me to create that community that I was yearning for that I didn't realize that I needed.

What's a recent small win for your business?

For me, the win was just pivoting back to something that I actually wanted to do. Also, I’ve started to say no to things that I no longer want to do.

Who is a woman in business that you look up to and why?

I have always admired and looked up to Amy Porterfield [author of Two Weeks Notice]. I listened to her all the time when I was starting out. I think that she's amazing and I love her stuff. She just seems like a very genuine person.

Is there a resource that has made an impact on you as an entrepreneur?

I listen to a lot of audio books. One of my favorites that has been huge for me is You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero. I was told when I first started my business, by a friend who was a business coach, that I have a mindset problem. Ten years ago, I had no idea even what “mindset” was. Sincero’s book helped me to see what she meant by “mindset” and helped me adjust that mindset and fix some of the things that I didn't realize were broken.

How has the Verizon Small Business Digital Ready Program helped propel your business forward?

There are a lot of things that I have loved about it. There are local networking and training opportunities, and that has been great, and the online training is very valuable. It's a great resource. I find that marketing needs a three-tiered approach, meaning you need to network it locally, socially, and then also have a very comprehensive online approach to your marketing. One of the Verizon Small Business trainings that I took was all about taking advantage of your local resources. I found that to be extremely valuable because often people think they need to just focus on social media. I don't think that people focus enough on their local community.

Learn more about the free Verizon Small Business Digital Ready Program and Rita Suzanne.

Illustration by Daniela Jordan-Villaveces

Opening my stocking is absolutely my favorite part of Christmas morning. There’s nothing a tiny lil’ gift can’t fix! If you’re looking to bulk up your fam’s stockings this year, Target’s got you covered with tons of fun finds under $5. I scoured 300+ Target stocking stuffers and found some truly stunning (and cute) options just in time for Christmas!

Scroll on for the best Target stocking stuffers you can shop for $5 or less!


Wondershop Winter Road Trip Cozy Crew Socks

You can't ever go wrong with a cozy pair of socks! These recall the holiday season in the cutest way.


Favorite Day Reindeer Christmas Cocoa Mix

This readymade hot chocolate mix comes complete with marshmallows for the tastiest cup around. Plus, how adorable (erm, a-deer-able) is that packaging?


Room Essentials Disco Notepad + Pen Set

This shiny notepad will come in handy for collecting New Year's goals, work notes, and, of course, miscellaneous doodles.


Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge + Travel Case Ornament

Whether you hang it on the Christmas tree or stuff it in their stocking, any beauty lover will appreciate a brand-new blending sponge (and the handy travel case)!


Teak + Tobacco Reading Light Candle

Got a bookworm in your life? They're sure to love this cozy candle that smells like a robust blend of teak and tobacco for their reading sessions.


Anihana Aromatherapy Shower Steamer

Gift 'em a dose of self-care with this calming, sinus-relieving shower steamer! The aroma is truly heaven.


Burt's Bees Lip Balm Set

This lip + hand care duo comes in the cutest Christmas-y packaging to evoke so much cheer.


Wondershop Christmas Tree Mug

A $5 mug will always get me. This one comes in the shape of a festive Christmas tree for hosting all sorts of hot chocolates, teas, and hot toddies.


Wild Fable Essential Gloves

Gloves make the perfect practical gift for those who live somewhere cold. These even have touch screen compatibility on the fingertips so they don't have to sacrifice comfort to make a call or send a text.


Chapstick 4-Piece Lip Balm Set

If your giftee is anything like me, they'll always adore a new set of lip balms (even though their collection may be overflowing).


Favorite Day Hot Chocolate Drink Bomb

I fear it truly doesn't get any more festive than a chocolate and peppermint combo. This $4 find is sweet.


A New Day Cozy Knit Ribbed Embroidered Cherry Crew Socks

Oh, these socks are so cute! They have little embroidered cherries on the top and even come with an attached gift tag so you don't necessarily have to wrap them.


Wondershop Christmas Cat Mug

Any cat lover will want to reach for this festive feline all year long!


Da Bomb Bath Fizzer Snowflake Gingerbread Bath Bomb

This delicious-smelling bath bomb will infuse their next soak with notes of freshly-baked gingerbread. Plus, once it fizzes away, a little surprise (both adult- and kid-friendly) awaits inside!


SpaLife Radiance Eye Masks 3-Pack

These under eye masks wake up tired eyes with vitamin C and coffee – the perfect post-holiday refresh.


Vitamasques Candy Cane Lip Butter Balm

This sweet lip butter smells like a candy cane, all while nourishing dry winter lips. I'll take 5, thanks.


eos Holiday Candy Cane Lip Sugar Scrub

This $5 lip scrub is a total treat to dehydrated, flaky lips. They'll be reaching for it every day!

Subscribe to our newsletter to discover more amazing gift ideas!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

The holidays are great, but they can be pretty taxing on bank accounts. We all want to buy gifts for our friends and families that feel like we went out but don't break the budget. We've worked hard to dig through Amazon and find the hottest gifts of the year that feel like a splurge but are wallet-friendly. No matter who you want to impress with your gifts, we've got what you need. From gadgets to purses to trending kitchen buys, you'll find just what you need to finish your holiday shopping.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

This Purse Gives a Designer Feel Without a Designer Price


Accessories don't have to be a huge, expensive gift. Made from premium vegan leather, this purse brings the style to any outfit, whether they lean more towards casual or upscale.

See it on Amazon

This Hydrating Cuticle Oil Is a Fan Favorite


Reviewers rave about the restorative effects of this Cuccio Naturale Revitalizing-Hydrating Oil for Repaired Cuticles. This overnight moisturizing treatment repairs damaged cuticles, leaving them soft, smooth, and healthy.

See it on Amazon

This Winter Scarf Looks Like a Million Bucks


They'll reach for this thick scarf on a daily basis. The gorgeous, elegant layer keeps them cozy and stylish whether they pair it with a formal outfit or their favorite tee and jeans combo.

See it on Amazon

A Rainfall Showerhead With Incredible Water Pressure


Your giftee can swap out their old showerhead for this rainfall showerhead in just minutes. It's easy to install yourself and provides increased water pressure and a filtered system that's better for your hair and skin.

See it on Amazon

This Set of Bags Keeps Everything Organized


Give them the gift of organization with these bags. The set offers two bags that look luxurious and pricey, giving them the perfect place to pack up those smaller necessities and keep them organized.

See it on Amazon

These Earrings Look Like a Luxury Piece


Even when it comes to jewelry, you can spend far less and get far more than you think. These heart earrings are a dangling dream, making it look like you spent way too much on their gift.

See it on Amazon

This JBL Speaker Is Made for Adventures


This awesome Bluetooth speaker is prepped and ready to go anywhere. The water- and dustproof body and the five hours of playtime make it a great gift for the music lover in your life.

See it on Amazon

These Cocktail Mixers Make Things Simple


Gift them these mixers along with a gorgeous set of glasses and you've got a great, upscale gift. The variety pack offers tons of skinny, non-alcoholic flavors they can enjoy on their own or with their favorite liquor.

See it on Amazon

This Teddy Fleece Is So Luxurious


Gift them this jacket and give them years of a luxurious look they can style with all their wardrobe favorites. The affordable buy looks like it stepped right off a J.Crew runway!

See it on Amazon

This Mask Is Like a Salon Treatment


This awesome Amika hair mask is deeply nourishing and hydrating, helping to restore and heal your hair with every use. Gifting this is like gifting a much more affordable trip to the salon.

See it on Amazon

These Sea Salt Flakes Make Every Meal a Splurge


If you've got a chef on your list, amateur or pro, this box of Maldon sea salt flakes is a must-have. The flakes are delicious and rich, adding so much flavor to every meal they make.

See it on Amazon

Elevate Any Look With These Earrings


These chunky earrings are 14k gold-filled, hypoallergenic, and beautifully huggie. The set is a thoughtful, affordable option for the friend in your life who likes a little luxurious sparkle.

See it on Amazon

These Cozy Slippers Feel So Bougie


These slippers are so soft and warm and look like the sort of slippers you'd pay an entire paycheck to buy. The Amazon Essentials are an affordable way to share a little luxury with friends.

See it on Amazon

These Socks Are the Ultimate Purchase


It might seem like a lot of money for socks, but if you have a hiker in your life, they'll be thrilled to get nothing but this pair. The socks last for years, are comfortable, and provide plenty of cushion.

See it on Amazon

This Sol de Janeiro Set Makes the Brand Affordable


If you want to gift a pricier product without hurting your bank account, this set of top sellers is a must. Featuring body wash, body butter, and perfume, this set screams "splurge" for a steal.

See it on Amazon

This Packing Cube Set Is So Glamorous


The traveler on your list is going to fall in love with this set of packing cubes. These Baggu bags don't just organize and store all their essentials; they also add plenty of style to their luggage.

See it on Amazon

This Wallet Is Perfectly Coquette


The Coquette Girly in your life is going to love this elegant wallet. With a bright gold bow taking center stage and plenty of storage space inside, this wallet looks so luxurious.

See it on Amazon

Give Them a Good Grip With This Paddle


Featuring a cushioned, anti-slip grip, this pickleball paddle is a must-have for newbies and pros alike. The carbon fiber material means they'll be able to use this paddle for years of use.

See it on Amazon

This Initial Necklace Is Beautifully Dainty


Jewelry is an easy gift, but it's also easy to mess up. This gorgeous, dainty necklace comes at an affordable price and is a great buy for the friend in your life who appreciates a personal touch.

See it on Amazon

This Puzzle Is the Height of Luxury


Jonathan Adler is one of the most luxurious brands out there, but this puzzle isn't the splurge it seems. Your style-forward friend is going to love putting together and displaying this piece.

See it on Amazon

A Coffee Table Book Always Looks Fancy


Not only does a coffee table book feel like a splurge purchase it also instantly elevates any space it's added to. The Art Book is a beautiful piece that's going to take center stage in the recipient's home.

See it on Amazon

These Glasses Steal the Show


Gift them a beautiful tablescape when you give them these crystal glasses. The gorgeous, rich, jewel-toned cups instantly take center stage in anyone's home, no matter their personal style.

See it on Amazon

Give the Gift of Style With These Nails


Gift them these Glamnetic nails and they'll have nails not just for weeks, but years. The reusable press-ons are built to last and come in a gorgeous array of colors, patterns, and shapes.

See it on Amazon

This Fishwife Set Is All the Rage


The internet is obsessed with Fishwife and all the delicious flavors of tinned fish they have. Give your bestie the gift of delicious flavors and all sorts of cool points when they have visitors over.

See it on Amazon

This Purse Has Plenty of Storage and No Shortage of Style


This Amazon Essentials purse looks a lot like some of the fancier, name-brand purses, but it comes in at half the price. Choose from four classic colors and give them something they'll use daily.

See it on Amazon

Elevate Entertaining With These Tapers


These stunning tapers steal the show. If you have someone on your list who loves entertaining, they'll love these unscented, long-lasting candles in any color you choose.

See it on Amazon

This Might Be the Ultimate Gym Bag


The gym rat in your life is going to love this gorgeous duffle bag. The lightweight bag has a shoe compartment, a pocket for water bottles, and a strap for securing a yoga mat for easy carrying.

See it on Amazon

This Loungewewar Set Feels So Luxurious


It might seem like you're splurging on this loungewear set, but it's so affordable! Gift them shorts, a top, and a cozy robe. The waffle-knit fabric is comfortable, breathable, and so trendy.

See it on Amazon

This Brush Is Worth Every Penny


It might seem a little pricey, but this Drybar brush is truly worth every penny. This brush can stand out as a gift all on its own, offering easy detangling and silky smooth locks with every use.

See it on Amazon

This Soft Purse Goes With Everything


This soft purse matches pretty much any style. Something about the texture and silhouette makes it a classic that won't ever go out of style. Choose from a handful of stunning, exciting colors.

See it on Amazon

This Bowl Dresses Up Their Petware


If you love someone who has a pet, you already know how much they'll love this Jonathan Adler bowl. The removable no-skid cover helps minimize messes and spills while the pattern brings the style.

See it on Amazon

This Salad Bowl Instantly Elevates Dinnertime


Whether they love to entertain and host or they just love sit-down meals, this glass salad bowl with the included tongs makes such a gorgeous statement piece on their dinner table.

See it on Amazon

This Dumpling Kit Brings the Restaurant to Their Kitchen


No need to go out and buy pricey dumplings anymore. This kit gives them not only the chance to make those tasty treats in their home but also to try their hand at a brand new recipe.

See it on Amazon

This Cast Iron Skillet Looks Extra Fancy


It might look like the fancier name brands, but this cast iron skillet is so much more affordable than that. The cream color really sells the idea that it's far more expensive than it really is.

See it on Amazon

This Hand Cream Smells Divine


The Salt & Stone hand cream feels like an incredibly expensive purchase that you could find at a spa. The cream repairs dry, cracked skin and gives hands the nourishment they need.

See it on Amazon

This Seashell Necklace Is Dreamy


If you want to gift them something that feels like a seaside luxury, this necklace is perfect. The shell-shaped pendant, coupled with the gorgeous pearls across the face, makes it look so luxurious.

See it on Amazon

Prepare Smooth, Delicious Espresso With This Tool


With this gorgeous espresso pot, they can prepare it the old-fashioned way. This stovetop maker might look pricey, but it comes in under $20 and is a perfect gift alone or paired with some espresso beans.

See it on Amazon

This Candle Is an Internet Sensation


The La Jolie Muse candle has been on gift list after gift list this year. This luxury candle makes a stunning gift for anyone on your list, adding not only a beautiful scent to their home but elegant style.

See it on Amazon

These Slippers Are Cozy and Cute


Keep their feet toasty and warm for years with these slippers. The sherpa look, coupled with the lightweight, barefoot-style soles, makes them comfortable to be in all throughout the day.

See it on Amazon

This Glass Skin Set Is a Fabulous Find


Your skincare-loving bestie is going to love this COSRX set. The products are made for daily use, gifting them radiant, glowing skin that feels nourished, hydrated, and fresh.

See it on Amazon

This Delicious Variety Pack Is So Tasty


This Tony's Chocolonely bundle is such a sweet gift for the candy lover in your world. The chocolate is cruelty-free, made with plant-based ingredients, and chock full of flavor.

See it on Amazon

Complement Those Meals With This Olive Oil


The internet is obsessed with this oil! This delicious extra virgin olive oil is always fresh and never blended, offering a bold, even taste that adds the finishing touches to their favorite meals.

See it on Amazon