Twitter CEO’s Extreme Diet Is Just Another Example of How We Link Food to Achievement

Let’s talk about Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s eating habits. The 42-year-old tech mogul tweets about them at length, details them in interviews, and waxes enthusiastically over their effects on his productivity and focus.

But as he pulls back more and more of the curtain onto the “wellness” routine that appears to structure much of his day-to-day life, Dorsey’s emergence as something of a health and fitness influencer has made people nervous and, frankly, confused. Can someone even be an “influencer” when they’re already one of the most powerful tech moguls in the world? What does it mean, in a society that values health and getting stuff done, to hear out the dietary advice of a person who is not a medical professional but is possibly among the handful of people on earth best qualified to discover, once and for all, the ultimate productivity hack?

So, here’s what Jack Dorsey eats. On Sunday through Thursday of each week, Dorsey consumes a single meal between 6:30 and 9:00pm that consists of chicken, fish, or steak, and a salad, spinach, asparagus, or Brussels sprouts. He’ll have berries or dark chocolate for dessert, and maybe some red wine. On Friday and Saturday, as of recently, he eats nothing at all.

“The first time I did it, like day three, I felt like I was hallucinating,” Dorsey told CNBC in an April 8 interview that turned its fair share of heads. “It was a weird state to be in. But as I did it the next two times, it just became so apparent to me how much of our days are centered around meals and how — the experience I had was when I was fasting for much longer, how time really slowed down.”

In addition to fasting so hard that it’s made him basically hallucinate, Dorsey says that he walks five miles to work every day except Tuesdays and Thursdays, when he works from home. On those days, or whenever he can’t squeeze in his walk, he does short HIIT workouts from home.

Because Twitter is the platform where people tend to voice their opinions on random things like the dietary choices of tech billionaires, it was there that Dorsey’s extreme lifestyle became a hot topic. A majority of responses to his CNBC interview were not exactly positive, and some even likened his extreme diet to the restrictive behaviors associated with eating disorders. But plenty of others disagreed with that take. “The responses to Jack Dorsey’s biohacking are remarkable,” remarked a Twitter user with the handle @robwynge. “So I guess everyone else thinks we’re crazy?”

We’re not going to get into labels where it comes to Dorsey’s “biohacking” routine, though a new story from Medium suggests there’s some science to back up the clarity-enhancing benefits of at least parts of Dorsey’s approach. (We’ve talked about ways to try intermittent fasting safely, too.) But when a hugely influential CEO proclaims a “right” way to eat, insofar as peak productivity can be attained, it reinforces a stubborn storyline in our culture’s already-fraught relationship between achievement and food.

While many of us try to eat well and exercise for the sake of feeling good, strong, and healthy, it isn’t hard to fall into the trap of viewing physical wellness as a rating system for our own discipline and control — virtues that we’re taught are valuable, and that will help us reach our goals. Think of how many times you’ve joked to a coworker about how you’re “being naughty” as you go in for a second slice of cake at the company party, or complimented a friend for “being good” about sticking to their workouts.

We use diet and exercise as tools to keep ourselves in top working order, but we also use them as measures of accomplishment and self-worth. Yet, for many of us, linking the basic necessities of life to a sense of work ethic can quickly become a losing game. There are only so many hours in a day, and only so much energy to devote to the project of success. It’s no wonder that for so many people, food and fitness are tied to feelings of shame, guilt, and even failure.

There’s little question that Dorsey’s diet details have the potential to be immensely triggering for people recovering from eating disorders — that criticism is valid and fair. But they also threaten to diminish the real joy that can be had from being active and eating well, which transcends metrics of achievement.

We don’t just eat to stay alive and be productive; we eat to experience pleasure, to celebrate culture, and to nurture connections with family and friends. We also don’t just make food and fitness choices based on their effects on our waistlines or our output, but because they improve our quality of life as a whole. Eating well and being active sustains our physical and mental wellbeing, such that we’re able to meet each new day with the energy to uncover its possibility.

When the basic tools of sustenance become targets to either get right or wrong, they can feel like chores of adulting — as if we didn’t already have enough of those, in the first place. For some of us, the trade-off between peak productivity and everyday enjoyments will never feel worth it, and that’s totally okay. The best things in life aren’t always the ones that are easiest to measure.

(Photo by Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for WIRED25 )

Clean eating is one of the most practical eating styles because it’s not necessarily a formal diet. Clean eating doesn’t focus on excluding certain foods (unlike veganorPaleo) – instead, its focus is on whole, organic foods. None of the processed stuff! If you’re struggling with planning top-tier clean eating recipes(or justhealthy recipes in general), let this clean eating grocery list save you the headache. You can take this list right to the store in order to craft some absolutely delicious dishes like Sweet Potato Bean Burgers, grain bowls, and Lemon Chicken Skewers and more!

What is clean eating?

Lum3n / PEXELS

Clean eating is an approach to eating that focuses on consuming whole, minimally processed foods, while avoiding foods that have been highly processed, refined, or contain artificial ingredients.

What foods are considered clean eating?

Larissa Deruzzi / PEXELS

Organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats are all foods that are considered clean eating.

Save This Clean Eating Grocery List For Your Next Trip

Polina Tankilevitch / PEXELS

Fruits + Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables play a big role in clean eating. In order to abide by the clean eating guidelines, shop for fruits and veggies that are organic and GMO-free.

  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Bell peppers
  • Carrots
  • Tomatoes
  • Berries
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Avocados
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Lemons

Vie Studio / PEXELS

Whole Grains

Whole grains are an absolute powerhouse element to include in your clean eating regimen and meals. They provide important vitamins and minerals, and plenty of fiber that keeps you feeling regular.

  • Quinoa
  • Brown rice
  • Whole grain pasta
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Whole wheat wraps
  • Oats

Leeloo The First / PEXELS


Protein (whether animal- or plant-based) keeps you fuller for longer, sustains your energy throughout the day, and can help you build muscle. These clean eating protein sources will bulk up your meals perfectly, no matter how you use them. Again, keep an eye out for organic labels when grocery shopping.

  • Chicken breast
  • Grass-fed beef
  • Salmon
  • Eggs
  • Lentils
  • Chickpeas
  • Black beans

Polina Tankilevitch / PEXELS

Dairy + Dairy Alternatives

These dairy and dairy alternative essentials can be enjoyed easily on their own or incorporated into your fave clean eating recipes for a healthy bite.

  • Greek yogurt (plain, unsweetened)
  • Almond milk or other plant-based milk (unsweetened)
  • Organic or grass-fed butter / PEXELS

Oils + Condiments

Keeping these oils and condiments on-hand allows for a seamless cooking process when making clean eating meals. You don't have to limit your next grocery trip to just these items, either – feel free to branch out with whatever wholesome ingredients your go-to recipes call for.

  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Dijon mustard (no sugar)

Diana / PEXELS

Herbs + Spices

Spice things up with these must-have herbs and spices! Again, you're not limited to using only this short list for your dishes. Look for items that have been minimally processed!

  • Basil
  • Cilantro
  • Garlic
  • Turmeric
  • Cinnamon
  • Black pepper
  • Sea salt

Subscribe to our newsletter for more clean eating tips and healthy recipes!

On today's episode of "TikTok Made Me Do It," we'll be talking about my latest obsession: at-home latte recipes! It would be funny if I weren't joking because the running joke is social media influences people to do too much. But, there are healthy things to pick up from like spending less money at Starbucks because you've become your own barista.

With the help of my Ninja Espresso machine, I've whipped up everything from a cinnamon sugar to a matcha latte, and they've been frighteningly good coming from someone who rarely drinks coffee.

Scroll to find your next at-home latte obsession aka discover the best latte recipes that'll make you place an Instacart order tonight

Jasmine Williams

Iced Caramel & Cinnamon Sugar Latte

This was my first successful attempt at making an at-home latte recipe and it's easily become my favorite thing to drink in the morning. A ton of trial and error was involved, but I've perfected the amount of ingredients I like to use so it's super easy to make.


3 Teaspoons Cinnamon Sugar

2-3 Teaspoons of Nescafé Gold Espresso Blonde, Instant Coffee

Ghiradelli Premium Caramel Sauce

Caramel Syrup (any brand works!)

Unsweetened Original Almond Milk (I Prefer Silk)

A mini hand frother (if you don't have an espresso machine at home)



  1. Drizzle caramel sauce in your glass of choice and add ice to it.
  2. Using a separate, smaller cup, scoop in cinnamon sugar and Nescafe' Gold Espresso Blonde. Pour in a small amount of unsweetened almond milk and use a handheld frother to mix them together. Set aside once done.
  3. Take the same unsweetened almond milk and pour in a few oz. to the glass you drizzled caramel sauce in.
  4. Pour your cinnamon sugar, milk and, Nescafé Gold Espresso Blonde mixture into it.
  5. Enjoy!

Jasmine Williams

Strawberry & Caramel Latte

Does strawberry and caramel really go together? If you ask this delicious latte, they do! I actually used the same ingredients from my Caramel & Cinnamon Sugar Latte outside of using strawberry syrup instead of caramel! The only tip I have is to avoid being heavy-handed with how much you use because it can be unbearable sweet if you're not eyeing it. Two pumps at the most should do the trick!

Half Baked Harvest

Iced Peach Lemonade Matcha Latte

Summer's only a few months away so it's time to start thinking about easy-going latte recipes that don't feel like you're preparing for a long, harsh winter. This recipe is perfect because it features two unlikely components — peach and lemonade — that sweeten its overall deal! Yum! (via Half Baked Harvest)

The Girl on Bloor

Homemade Nutella Mocha Latte

Your eyes aren't deceiving you — nutella is one of the ingredients in this yummy latte. It's almost replaced my love for hot chocolate which says a lot because no chocolatey drinks ever tasted this good to me before. Plus, the coconut whipped cream really completes the flavor profile! (via The Girl on Bloor)

P.S. It's a sweet drink so make sure you're prepared!

Averie Cooks

Pumpkin Spice Latte

Who am I to tell you pumpkin spice season is over? It's your kitchen so you get to make the rules and if that means you want to make this latte for the rest of 2025, I won't judge you. Don't be surprised if your roommates or partner ask if they get a cup because this easy recipe is delicious, and only takes 5 minutes to make! (via Averie Cooks)

Earthly Provisions

Iced Lavender Matcha Latte

You can never make too many matcha recipes because there's so many ways to have fun with them! For example, this one calls for lavender syrup which blends together with the oat milk and matcha powder you'll also be mixing together. (via Earthly Provisions)

Feel Good Foodie

Golden Milk Turmeric Latte

I highly recommend that you drink this latte recipe during golden hour in the morning. You'll love feeling the soothing milk turmeric as it gently warms your insides. (via Feel Good Foodie)

P.S. You may think you don't need to add cinnamon on top, but it adds an extra layer of warmth that's sometimes needed to prepare you for the day.

The Edgy Veg

Biscoff Latte

Cookie lattes are trending on TikTok, but I can see why. They're comforting without making you feel like you're drinking something seasonal. For instance, this vegan Biscoff Latte calls for actual biscoff spread or any cookie butter of your choosing. As fancy as that sounds, it only takes five minutes to make this tasty drink! (via The Edgy Veg)

The Endless Meal

Coconut Turmeric Latte

Not only is flu season still here, now we're moving into allergy territory. But you know what combats both? This yummy coconut turmeric drink I didn't expect to like. It has all the makings of a typical latte, but the addition of black pepper kicks things up a notch. (via The Endless Meal)

Rachl Mansfield

Magical No-Coffee Cacao Collagen Latte

This recipe's for anyone who's not the biggest fan of coffee. I've since learned that you don't actually need it to make a great latte which may be surprising. All you need is a little blend, hot water, cacao powder, collagen peptides, and dates. Yes, the fruit. (via Rachl Mansfield)

Munching with Mariyah

Homemade Iced Chai Latte

Look, it's another chai latte recipe! It seems like there's only one way to make it, but it's not! You can make a "hot" one or opt for a iced version like this! IMO it's much lighter than other lattes I've drank and doesn't have a weird aftertaste. (via Munching with Mariyah)

Half Baked Harvest

Gingerbread Chai Brûlée Latte

This recipe has Christmas drizzled and mixed all over it, but I don't mind. Like my mom loves to tell me, everyday's a gift so we should treat it like one.

It's the perfect drink to lift your spirits if you've been having a rough work week because the maple syrup, ginger, star anise, and chai tea will instantly put a smile on your face. If you think I'm bluffing, make it at home one time and tell me if you don't chuckle at least once! (via Half Baked Harvest)

Follow us on Pinterest for more fun drink recipes!

And just like that, Bridgerton Season 3 has officially been released, and if you ask me, it's for all of us who have wanted the wallflower to finally get the respect (and love) she deserves. I'm still not over the way Colin and Penelope's story developed, or how she took the first step to show women they're able to be more than what society says. Dare I say Mrs. Bridgerton has joined the ranks of women who are all about empowerment in the series?

It seems like other people feel the same way I do about this epic season — and thatending — so I put together a list of the best Twitter reactions!

Violet Bridgerton is the ultimate mama bear who wants her kids to experience a full love like she did.

But, I have to admit I'm here for seeing Violet Bridgerton begin a new chapter in her life with Lady Danbury's brother (hopefully)!

The scream I screamed!

Eloise Bridgerton was so conflicted because she truly still cared for Penelope underneath her hurt masked as anger. And thankfully Kate was there to swoop in with her wisdom.

The music and silent confirmation from Colin that these two have always been destined for each other sent me over the edge. So many happy tears were shed during this scene!

This tweet was too good to ignore! Cressida was like, "I'm leaving here with something," and it doesn't include being married to an older man who wants to dim her light.


It was nice to see a nod to the friendship Penelope and Lady Danbury had in the Bridgerton books this season.

Kilmartin may be introverted, but his charisma is off the charts when he decides to let it show.

Bridgerton Season 4 better give Benedict his flowers.

This is yet another scene that broke me and stitched me together at the same time.

I don't think we're okay after this season 😭.

No, someone should really check on us.

I thought Bridgerton Season 2 was the best one, but it seems like the series keeps getting better. I guess that's the point.

What was YOUR reaction to Bridgerton season 3? Let us know on X!

Lead image via Liam Daniel/Netflix

Sydney Sweeney broke the internet when she announced she'd postponed her engagement. And when she clapped back at her bikini body haters. And when she went topless on Instagram. But her recent Instagram post from filming The Housemaid just broke our Brit + Co group chat because of just how many times Brandon Sklenar appeared — and one very specific video that had us squealing.

Here's a breakdown of Brandon Sklenar & Sydney Sweeney's new Instagram video.

Brandon Sklenar and Sydney Sweeney get cheeky in a new Instagram video.

Throughout Sydney Sweeney's newest Instagram post, which she calls "a very very late jan x feb photo dump," she posts some reunions with Euphoria costars Maude Apatow and Barbie Ferrera and behind the scenes from The Housemaid (where she stars opposite Amanda Seyfried and Brandon Sklenar).

I couldn't help but notice that Brandon shows up multiple times in the photo carousel: a selfie while he, Sydney, and a couple other women wear racing helmets, a photo in an arcade, and then a video where they're trying out a TikTok trend.

In the video, Brandon lifts Sydney up to sit on his shoulders while Rihanna's "Breakin' Dishes" plays in the background. They do more than a couple attempts until they get the video just right — and that includes lots of giggles from Syd, and a moment where she almost falls off his back.

"we love costars with chemistry," one X user says, while another adds, "They look so cute together."

Although, my goodness, if a man lifted me onto his shoulder that easily, I'd be in a fit of giggles too! (Although his strength makes sense given his upcoming role in The Olympian).

A third X user wonders whether the video is just a marketing strategy to drum up conversation — especially after Sydney confirmed all that chemistry with Glen Powell during Anyone But You was literally just to get the internet in a tizzy.

"I wanted to make sure that we were actively having a conversation with the audience as we were promoting this film," she told The New York Times. "Because at the end of the day, they’re the ones who created the entire narrative."

"Once [the movie] did become a success, a lot of the interviews were just questions about [the rumors], so I don’t know if we necessarily were planning on ever talking about the strategy behind any of it," she added in a conversation with Vanity Fair. "We just had very specific questions and when you say no to a question, people think that you’re a b—ch, so."

Are you excited to see Sydney Sweeney & Brandon Sklenar in The Housemaid? And check out the 10 Most-Anticipated Book-To-Film Adaptations We Can't Wait To See In 2025.

With St. Patrick's Day right around the corner, plenty of people are already celebrating Irish culture and trying to bring a little extra fortune into their lives.

One charming way to tap into the spirit is by naming your little one something lucky. Here are eight of the most adorable baby names that have luck-related meanings.

Scroll to see all the lucky baby names we love for 2025!

1. Evangeline

Zura Modebadze

Evangeline is Greek in origin and derived from the words "eu" and "angelma," meaning "good news" or "good tidings."

This name has gained popularity in the U.S. because it carries a sense of hope and prosperity, making it a wonderful choice for parents welcoming a little girl.

2. Felix

Yan Krukau

With Latin roots, Felix is a timeless baby boy name that means "happy" and "fortunate." If you want to bless your child with a life full of joy, this name definitely conveys positivity and good fortune.

Felix also dates back to the 1st century BC and has ties to the New Testament, as well as several popes. It remains a popular pick in North America, South America, and Africa.

3. Gwyneth

Anna Bondarenko

The name Gwyneth is Welsh in origin and derived from the word "gwynaeth," which means "happiness." It embodies cheerfulness, and "Gwynnie" can even be used as a cute nickname.

It's no secret that actress Gwyneth Paltrow has popularized this name, but it also carries a bit of fantasy, thanks to characters like the priestess Gwyneth Berdara in the beloved book series "A Court of Thorns and Roses."

4. Merritt

Карина Суховерхая

When spelled a bit differently as "Merit," this baby name of Latin origin holds multiple meanings, including "valuable," "worthy," and "deserving of praise." Otherwise, "Merritt," which is British, actually means "boundary gate."

Either way, a baby boy with this name will be lucky, as the ability to set healthy boundaries (and stick to them) is a very sought-after trait.

5. Felicity

Travis Grossen

Derived from Latin, Felicity is another charming name that means "happy" and "good fortune." It's perfect for a little one you hope will bring joy to those around her.

The TV show "Felicity" added to this name's popularity, as well as the release of the American Girl doll Felicity Merriman. Some cute nickname options include Flick and Fee.

6. Asher

Holly Landkammer

While Asher, a name with religious ties, has traditionally been given to boys, it's growing in favoritism as a girl's name as well.

In the Hebrew Bible, Asher is the eighth son of Jacob and the founder of one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Jacob blessed Asher before his death, and Moses said, "May Asher be blessed above other sons."

That's why this name is often said to mean "happy" and "blessed." It's a lucky choice that's particularly popular among Jewish families.

7. Destiny

Subin Cherian

Do you feel like your daughter was meant to be? If so, Destiny may be a delightful fit. Derived from the Old French word "destinée" and the Latin "destinare," it translates to "fate" or "one's certain fortune."

In addition to its divine connections, Destiny also has ties to Hollywood. You may not know that Miley Cyrus' given name was actually Destiny when she was born in 1992. Plus, we obviously can't forget about the iconic girl group Destiny's Child.

8. Chance

Sergey Makashin

Last but not least is Chance, a strong name with British roots and a meaning of "good fortune." Originally a diminutive of Chauncey, it's also tied to the title Chancellor, which is given to high-ranking government officials.

So, to set your little one up for a life full of opportunities and luck, you can't go wrong with choosing Chance as a baby name.

Looking for more baby & parenting advice? Be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss a thing!