Your January Horoscope Is Here — See What's In Store For Your Sign

january horoscope 2024january horoscope 2024

Take out your calendars, starlights! January is a powered-up month, filled with plenty of dates to remember. We start the new year in Capricorn season, and are all about getting down to business during this time. Whether you're setting New Year resolutions or setting a course with your goals, this will be a successful interlude in place of the end of Mercury in retrograde, creating curveballs with our plans. Here's everything you can expect to find in your January horoscope this year!

What To Expect For Your January Horoscope In 2024

What better day for Mercury to go direct and guide us toward the opportunity to see clearly what we truly want in alignment with our ideas than the first of January? Expect your confidence to soar involving your motivations as Mars enters its favorite sign, Capricorn, on January 4. If you are setting a goal for a business venture or fitness regimen, you will get organized and experience pristine results this time. This inflow of Capricorn energy this month will be an uphill climb, and as you do the work (like Capricorns do), it will be worth it in the end.

Doubt about whether you have what it takes to initiate the changes in your life (look out for imposter syndrome) will creep into your mind on January 6 when the Sun in Capricorn challenges Chiron in Aries. This harsh angle will help you see your weak spot and allow you to embrace your human side, as goals cannot be met overnight. It takes perseverance and consistency.

Expect a second wind of inspiration to flow on January 9 when Mars in Capricorn builds rapport with Saturn in Pisces. The creative flow of your plans will run smoothly as you remain consistent and organized. Visualize your future and tap into your intuition, as this will be the barometer for your next steps. Dream and believe.

The New Moon in Capricorn on January 11 steers you to question your direction and to analyze the big picture. On this day, Saturn in Pisces, supporting Jupiter in Taurus, will extend the patience and the stamina to realize your visions and bring them down to earth. Let go of the idea of instant gratification or overnight success, as this will not hold steady. Becoming balanced and intentional will build credibility and incredible connections with those assisting you on your journey. Listen intently and build trust in the Universe’s process.

The road is officially cleared on January 13 as Mercury enters Capricorn, helping you pick up from where you have left off in 2023. Review all that you have learned since December and ask yourself if your ideas are oriented in a positive flow for your well-being. Remember that your future visions cannot be manifested overnight, but with Mercury in Capricorn, you will have the green light to proceed.

You’re in a mist regarding relationships on January 19 when Venus in Sagittarius collides with Neptune in Pisces. This is not an ideal day to arrange a heart-to-heart with your beloved. It is best to remain still and observe. The direction of relationships is expected to be a bit rocky yet insightful as Mercury has officially left its shadow period. Your energy will be best utilized by indulging your artistic side, getting lost in a film, or nurturing your spiritual practice.

The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20. It is a paramount day to widen the scope of your future vision. Reflect on what it is about your life story and connections that needs reinventing. You will be focused more on your networks and your future aspirations. This is a period to measure your future steps and embrace your bold side. On the same day, Pluto enters Aquarius, presenting a new idea regarding your role in this lifetime. Clarity emerges from your conscious mindset, focusing on who you want to be. As you live more in sync with your soul, this will begin the necessary shift in this planet. A great place to start living the new Plutonian way is by engaging with community-based activities or powering up your connection with spirit.

A shift in status with your relationships arrives on January 23 when Venus enters Capricorn. Expect your love life to get real, as casual or surface-layered relationships will bite the dust. Embrace authenticity, and the truth will be revealed by projecting your desires into how you wish to be treated. Don’t be afraid to show your true colors, as this will power up your ability to attract the love of your life or result in the happily ever after you were looking for.

The Full Moon in Leo illuminates the sky on January 25, invoking the desire for your creative muse to arrive, urging you to reflect on all you have built in your journey. Expect shifts in your love story, creative direction, and your pride can unfold in the weeks after this lunation. On the same day, the Sun and Moon clash with Jupiter, leading to impulsivity and ego-driven decisions. Be mindful and reflective before making significant decisions, or let your ideas rest for a later date.

On January 27, Uranus in Taurus goes direct as it has been retrograde these last five months. As Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money, these last few months led to a standstill or constant blunders with your financial plans and cosmetic needs. The great news is that you have learned what it takes to be patient and even came up with brilliant investment ideas. You have probably even learned about catering to beauty care regimens without sacrificing your wallet. Less is more, and since the rebel planet is direct, changes abound, and you are more than prepared to embrace reinvention.

​Read Your Sun, Moon, And Rising Sign Horoscopes For January 2024

Aries January Horoscope

A continuous flow of inspiration will emerge, and you will contemplate your next steps involving your life purpose and career status. There will be periods where you will feel restless because there are so many ideas spiraling within your subconscious - also feeling unappreciated for your hard work. However, something incredible will be birthed. This is a beautiful opportunity to level up your expertise within the creative realm, such as a book proposal, podcast, or social media venture. Once Mercury leaves its shadow later this month, this is the perfect moment to decide your next steps involving your career, pitch for a promotion, or go after a job opportunity. Fine-tune your instincts by meditation or intuition work.

Taurus January Horoscope

This month, you will undergo a chrysalis phase. Focus inward and consider how you feel about your personal life and relationships. Love and intimacy will experience a series of tests, and sometimes, you cannot contextualize your needs and understand your partner. Invest your time by developing the security within yourself to remain grounded. This requires a clean sweep of your belief systems and narrowing down your wants and needs. This alone will improve the health of your inner and outer world. It is a quiet month, yet it will be cathartic, leading to you living more in the moment.

Gemini January Horoscope

It is all talk and play with you this month, and expect your social calendar to be packed. You will be wearing your heart on your sleeve and expressing childlike charisma that so many will marvel at. Be mindful about word usage or how you react to others, as this can lead to awkward moments involving miscommunication. Once Mercury leaves its shadow period, you will experience a quiet period of reflection and detailing your long-term endeavors involving investments. This is also a great month to level up your manifestation skills and enhance higher learning.

Cancer January Horoscope

You better wear your running shoes because this will be a busy month. Love and commitment will be on your radar, but they will have to take the back seat for now. Your to-do list and little tasks at work will take up more of your time, and it can lead to periods of burnout. Capitalizing on your TLC and daily rituals is best, as this alone will power up your constitution. Don’t worry, you got this! Later this month, you can schedule a date night or tend your social calendar to sweeten your experiences.

Leo January Horoscope

It will be a love on the brain month for you, and this is a period to celebrate you! You will be magnetic and feel a continuous confidence flow everywhere you go. This is an excellent opportunity to get lost in a creative project, reignite the fires of your love story, and even begin family planning. Once Mercury leaves its shadow, expect this time for things to get serious in your personal or business relationship, as this will be the moment for you to say how you feel and decide how you wish to move forward.

Virgo January Horoscope

Family and home will be crucial for you, which can align with prioritizing long-term plans. You will feel inclined to pack your bags and move out or renovate the home. Or to simply beautify the house and reorganize (hello Marie Kondo) to uplift your mood. You will feel the need to escape from the daily stresses. Book a retreat, vacation, or staycation to satiate your restless feelings. This will help you find your center and reignite your creative self. Later this month, love is in the air, and the fun will begin as you feel energized and ready to hit the town with your new and improved outlook.

Libra January Horoscope

Expect your social events calendar to fill up this month. Set aside time to regenerate and focus on what is highest on your list of priorities as you experience a massive amount of tasks if left unchecked. You thrive in the public as a mediator, but this will be your moment to be noticed and received by those who appreciate your talents. Express yourself and align with what makes your heart soar. Things will quiet down when Mercury leaves its shadow, and you will be more confident in asserting your wants and needs involving the home life. Journal all you have learned this month involving your ideas and voice, and witness your progression.

Scorpio January Horoscope

Money and your material possessions will be the primary focus this month. Avoid flash sales and reflect on your purchases pulled by emotional impulse. It is ideal to declutter your home or begin an abundance practice. Educating yourself about money will help you get to the root of the problem behind your spending. Your mental energy will pick up speed later this month, and you will be granted access to utilize all that you have learned toward a financial endeavor. Arrange a meeting with your partner or a professional to stay organized and confident with your decisions.

Sagittarius January Horoscope

Power to you this month. You will feel radiant, confident, and magnetic. This month extends the perfect opportunity to take charge and claim what you want. Whether it be a raise, promoting your gifts, or beginning a new endeavor, all eyes are on you, and the Universe will grant your wishes. Be unapologetically you, and you will see your manifestation game come to life. Later this month, you will experience a boost in your finances, but it can slip through your fingers if you are not careful. Mindful spending will keep you grounded and ensure success.

Capricorn January Horoscope

Feeling spacey involving your life direction is expected. The good news is that you will begin to understand what is happening as you have experienced a void-like feeling these last few weeks due to Mercury retrograde in your sign. With the messenger planet direct, you will share a new perspective and awareness regarding your position in life. The tides may turn for you to leave your job or relationship or to prioritize your inner needs. Remember that to make room for better opportunities, you have to let go. Have a little faith and leap.

Aquarius January Horoscope

The world is your oyster, awaiting your presence with open arms. This month will be filled with enriching experiences with community and networks. Take this window of opportunity to launch an event, business endeavor, or podcast and expect excellent results. When Pluto enters your sign later this month, something magical about you will emerge, and people in your surroundings will hold space for you to showcase your talents. Expect pristine results as your message is ready to be received.

Pisces January Horoscope

Get ready to step into the spotlight. This is your month to take agency and align with your purpose. Pressure and uneasiness are to be expected as you will release your old perceptions regarding security. Be mindful of your personal beliefs. Your energy will be extra magnetic, and everything you project within will reflect tenfold. You will wake up and see how you have the power to rewrite your story and not be confined to an outmoded fate. As Mercury leaves its shadow, expect momentum with your aspirations and take center stage. You are ready.

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Traveling has the power to open our minds and transform the way we view the world. From experiencing different cultures and traditions to meeting new people from other walks of life, every trip you take offers an opportunity to broaden your perspective.

Now, people can have different driving forces behind their wanderlust, whether it's wanting to connect with others or simply enjoying the thrill of adventure. Even so, the zodiac might play a role in shaping our travel tendencies.

Certain signs are naturally more curious and love to explore new horizons. That's why there are eight zodiac signs most likely to be world travelers.

Scroll to see which zodiac signs are most likely to travel!

Brit + Co

1. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

There's no doubt that Sagittarians are the ultimate world travelers. They're free spirits with an insatiable curiosity and a constant desire to go beyond their familiar surroundings.

Since this sign is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of growth, it makes sense why Sagittarians thrive when they're experiencing new things. Travel isn't just about the destination for them, either. They truly enjoy the journey and love diving into the unknown.

Brit + Co

2. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Another travel-hungry zodiac sign is Gemini. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellectual pursuits, Geminis are curious, appreciate variety, and are constantly on the lookout for new experiences.

Travel affords them the perfect opportunity to learn about fresh ideas. Plus, this sign is flexible and adaptable, meaning Geminis can easily immerse themselves in different environments.

Brit + Co

3. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarians are known for having progressive mindsets and a deep desire to explore new ways of thinking. So, this sign tends to be drawn to destinations that challenge their point of view.

As an air sign, Aquarians also adore connection and will often seek out meaningful interactions with locals while traveling. They like to learn and find inspiration in unique corners of the world that others may overlook.

Brit + Co

4. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces are fueled by their imagination and emotional depth, so they seek out destinations that nurture their creativity and offer a sense of peace.

For this sign, which takes a more spiritual approach, travel is a way to escape the mundane to recharge and dream. Whether they opt to visit a quiet coastline or a remote forest, Pisces are inspired by nature and reflection.

Brit + Co

5. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries view traveling in a much different light. Because they're ruled by Mars, they relish excitement and action, like thrill-seekers.

This sign loves trips that get their energy pumping and gives them an adrenaline rush, ranging from skydiving and cliff-jumping to mountain climbing. Aries are independent and spontaneous and appreciate adventures that push them both mentally and physically.

Brit + Co

6. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Next up is Cancer, a water sign that takes a more sentimental approach to traveling. They like familiarity and forging deep emotional connections, so they are drawn to destinations that hold some form of personal significance.

Cancers prefer to bond as opposed to explore, whether that's by visiting extended family or learning more about their heritage roots.

Brit + Co

7. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leos, who love to live their lives in the spotlight, are a different story. They're all about luxury, which extends to their travel style.

This sign looks for places that match their high energy, like cities or high-end resorts. Since Leos have an eye for glamour, their trips usually revolve around fashion, art, or overall indulgence.

So, one thing is certain: going on a vacation with a Leo will be anything but boring.

Brit + Co

8. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Finally, despite Capricorns being known for their ambitious nature, they enjoy traveling (when it works alongside their drive for success).

This sign prefers to visit destinations that are steeped in culture or history as a way to enhance their personal and professional lives. Capricorns also value a balance of leisure and productivity, so they may create itineraries to get the most out of their time away from home.

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It's true we love books that provide a reprieve from everyday worries, but we love reading about complex female characters even more. We know society loves when it can box women in, but doing so denies us our humanity. Whether we're mothers, switching careers, or learning who we want to be in relationships, it often helps to look to see our intricate natures in literature.

Judging from the books we've been reading lately, we're confident we've found the best complicated characters we think deserves a spotlight in adaptations.

Add these to your bookshelf so you can say you read them when Reese Witherspoon decides to adapt them!


Beautylandby Marie-Helene Bertino

Adina Giorno was born special — even she knows that. Her intuition is off the charts and her intelligence seems to know no bounds. It's why she doesn't flinch when she starts communicating with family members who don't live on earth. Their reasoning? They want to know what humans are like.
So, Adina happily obliges as she lives undetected for the most part. The only person who knows there's more to her is her best friend and they feel it's time for the special woman to make her presence known to more aliens who may living among them.


The God of the Woods by Liz Moore

The morning that counselor Louise discovers Barbara Van Laar isn't in her bunkbed is when she starts panicking. She knows that Barbara's brother "Bear" disappeared years before and it caused such a huge scandal that the Van Laars put everything they could into locating him.
Seeing history repeat itself feels like one bad dream that will threaten the future of others unless someone can discover what really happened to the Van Laar children.


The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett

The Vignes sisters may be twins, but their adult lives don't mirror each other. While one twin lives in their childhood town with her daughter, the other escaped as soon as she could and uses her white-passing features to her advantage. Not even the latter's husband is aware of who she is or where she comes from. Though the sisters aren't as close they used to be, their daughters lives will intertwine in a way neither of them can ignore.


Blue Sistersby Coco Mellors

Avery, Bonnie, and Lucky Blue have always been extraordinary in their own right. However, the death of their sister Nicky left them scarred in different ways. Avery's left her former addiction in the past, Bonnie's still nursing her bruised ego, and Lucky can't seem to shake the party life. The only thing that stops the sisters in their tracks is the realization their childhood apartment will finally be sold. Before this happens, each sister will have to confront parts of themselves they haven't wanted to.


Ana Turns by Lisa Gornick

Ana Koehl is a mess and she knows it. She hasn't been sexually close to her husband in almost ten years and has been having an affair with a journalist in between that time. It's true she loves her job as a book doula, but can't seem to catch a break. She also has to contend with her complicated family and conflicting thoughts.
Told from various people's viewpoints, Ana Turns is a delicious look at a complex woman who may or may not become your favorite character by the telling of her story.


Colored Television by Danzy Senna

Jane and her family finally find themselves resting in the lap of luxury after they're tasked with maintaining a home near Los Angeles. It's great because she's been taking some time to rest and find energy to finish a moving novel her husband Lenny knows is taking a toll on her.
When things go haywire, Jane scores a meeting with producer Hampton Ford that brings her ideas closer to fruition. But what starts off as perfect timing turns into the worst situation of Jane's life.


When Women Were Dragons by Kelly Barnhill

Young Alex Green witnessed the transformation of women who turned into dragons in 1955 and it was a such a large event that people forbade others to talk about it. However, she's always wanted to know why her Aunt Marla turned and her mother didn't. She's not supposed to talk about what happened, but it hasn't made her life easier.

Now she'll have to choose to remain silent while her cousin Bea shows an interest in the forbidden or allow herself to search for the truth too.


Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid

Alix Chamberlain hasn't had to worry about much in her life. She's successful and doesn't mind spreading her knowledge with other women who want a taste of what she has. However, an encounter involving her child's babysitter, Emira Tucker, leaves her shaken and wanting to assure her that nothing like this will ever occur again. But Emira isn't easily placated and doesn't fully trust Alix. Things go from bad to worse when a video of the incident draws the attention of someone Alix hasn't spoken to in a while.


Witchcraft for Wayward Girlsby Grady Hendrix

Teenaged Fern finds herself living at the Wellwood House in St. Augustine, Florida after becoming pregnant. She's supposed to become reformed until she gives birth and then she'll rejoin society while her child is given to a suitable family. Like her, other unmarried girls live at Wellwood under the strict "care" of Miss Wellwood. However, the rules keep changing and the girls often find themselves subject to harsh conditions.

All of this changes when Fern receives a book of spells that she and the girls begin utilizing. Though they seek their revenge, their newfound powers have consequences that sends them over the edge.


Piglet by Lottie Hazell

Piglet doesn't care for her nickname, but other parts of her life are going well. She has a great career as a cookbook editor and is surrounded by love from friends to her amazing fiancé. His family can be a little snooty, but she can tolerate them well enough. However, Kit does the unthinkable and Piglet's hunger is unleashed.
Despite forgiving him, she can't stop the strange behavior she's exhibiting and comes to grips with the fact she may have been masquerading as someone else all along.


The Grace Year by Kim Liggett

Tierney James lives in Garner County where she and other girls are allowed to use magic when they turn 16. The reason is so they can be made whole and ready for a life of marriage. The problem is that some of them won't make it back home. Beyond that is the understanding that some of them will turn on each other.


Hungerstone by Katt Dunn

Lenore's been having strange nightmares, but decides they're nothing to be worried about. She's married to the successful Henry so she's ready to focus on their upcoming move to the British moorlands for his latest venture. However, an accident brings a woman named Carmilla into their lives and she awakens a hunger in Lenore that's been dormant for a while.


Annie Botby Sierra Greer

Annie Bot's not like regular women because she's an artificial robot meant to satisfy every need of her owner Doug. She does everything a traditional housewife would, albeit with a few errors. He doesn't let her forget when makes mistakes even if he claims to love how "human" she is. Soon, Annie begins to explore everything that makes women feel "real." The more she does, the more Annie desires to be the perfect being for Doug. She also wonders if Doug even knows what he wants.

All of this makes her capable of complex feelings, disproving the idea that robots are unable to feel.


Meredith, Alone by Claire Alexander

Meredith's completely fine with being at home with her cat Fred. It's not like she doesn't get to see anyone because her best friend visits her as much as she can. She also has a lot of things to keep her occupied even if memories of her past come flooding back. But the emergence of two two new figures and a call from her sister changes the safety net she's cast around herself, thrusting her in a position that alters her world.

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Love may be blind, but is it written in the stars? Season 8 of Love Is Blind premiered on February 14, with 32 hopeful romantics putting their hearts on the line in the ultimate social experiment.

Sagittarius women and Taurus men dominate the cast this season, but they're not the only ones hoping to prove love transcends first impressions. Let's dive into the zodiac signs of each cast member. Their astrological profiles might reveal something about their journey to "I do."

Scroll to find out every zodiac sign for the Love is Blind season 8 cast!


Aries (March 21 – April 20)

There are only three Aries on the reality show this season: Britanny, Monica, and David.

Britanny is 35 years old, works as a partnership executive, and relishes new experiences, which is why she relocated to Minneapolis. Meanwhile, Monica is 28, a digital marketer, and describes herself as family-oriented, wanting her partner to "feel like another family member."

David, the only male Aries, is a 33-year-old medical device salesperson who, contrary to what his job might suggest, hates superficiality and "too much Botox."

This zodiac sign is known for its boldness, passion, and unwavering determination when it comes to love. They have strong and adventurous personalities that could bring excitement and maybe even a little drama to Love Is Blind.


Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

There are four male Tauruses in the cast this season, including Alex, Daniel, Joey, and Mason, as well as one female, Casandra. So, ladies first! Casandra is 30 years old, a hairstylist, and believes that the "ultimate green flag" is a good sense of humor.

Moving over to the men, Alex is 29, works as a commercial real estate broker, and plays a ton of instruments, including the guitar, piano, bass, violin, drums, and clarinet.


Daniel, on the other hand, is a 30-year-old sales account executive who was actually a former Gerber baby model. Finally, Joey is a 35-year-old physician associate, and Mason is a 33-year-old cinematographer.

Tauruses are known for their loyalty and appreciation for the finer things in life. This group can bring stability (or maybe even some stubbornness) to the season.


Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

There's just one Gemini on Love Is Blind this season, but she shouldn't be overlooked!

Tiera is 34 years old, employed as a marketing strategist, and values the "old ways" of dating. In fact, she even ditched dating apps in hopes of meeting her beau-to-be in the real world.

Geminis are witty, adaptable, and curious. Tiera's mindset and adoration of traditional romance could bring a refreshing mix of charm and depth.


Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Only two men are Cancers on Season 8. First up is Andrew, a 27-year-old realtor who wants to connect with someone on a deeper level, saying, "I'm someone who is constantly searching for answers to not always the simplest questions. I'm looking for someone who is willing to go on that journey."

Brian, a 30-year-old wine bar owner, also bears this zodiac sign and hopes to achieve a better work-life balance with his future significant other. He's also most complimented on his smile.

Cancers are very emotional, intuitive, and devoted partners who seek meaningful connections and a strong sense of home. With Andrew's introspective nature and Brian's desire for balance, these two water signs may spark some sentimental moments in Love Is Blind.


Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Watch out: there are two Leos on Season 8, and they could try to steal the spotlight.

Madison is a 28-year-old artist who admitted her most stable relationship has been with her French bulldog named Henri. The pup even has his own Instagram. Meanwhile, Adam is a 33-year-old co-owner and fashion director who traveled to six continents by the time he was only 13.

This zodiac sign is confident, charismatic, and loves being adored. As fire signs, Madison and Adam will surely inject the show with some passion, excitement, and perhaps a touch of drama.


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Season 8 has no male Virgos, only two women. Ashley is 28 years old, works as a client success manager, and has previously been told by past partners that she's "a bit too much."

"I'm not willing to sacrifice my excitability. I really just want a partner that can embrace that fully," she said.

Then there is Kylie, a 28-year-old medical student who's "very religious" and wants to find a husband who shares her values.

Virgos are intelligent, practical, and deeply devoted, hence why they make thoughtful and committed partners. Ashley and Kylie seem like they'll approach love with both passion and purpose.


Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Just one man and one woman are Libras in the latest Love Is Blind installment. Meg is a 31-year-old oncology nurse who's free-spirited, goofy, and can be a little "air-headed" on occasion. On the other hand, Ben is 28 years old, works as a developer, and admits to being competitive. Even so, he doesn't like seeing others get excluded.

"I have kind of a sixth sense for that and love to just bring people in and make them feel included," he explained.

As charming and social peacemakers, Libras appreciate harmony in relationships. Meg and Ben embody this zodiac sign's balance between fun and fairness.


Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Tom is the lone Scorpio in Season 8. He's 38 years old, works as a management consultant, and is a native of Brazil. However, he was raised in Minnesota and calls himself a "fitness fanatic." Now, he wants to channel his determination and commitment into a lifelong relationship.

This zodiac sign is intense, passionate, and deeply loyal. Tom is clearly disciplined and desires a lasting connection so he can bring depth, focus, and a touch of mystery to the table.

Oh, and Nick and Vanessa are Scorpios, too! They even share the same birthday — November 9!


Sagittarius (November 21 – December 21)

Lauren, Molly, Vanessa, and Yemi are all Sagittarians seeking love this season. For starters, Lauren is 31 years old and works in educational sales, but her past relationships haven't lasted longer than six to nine months. She's seeking a partnership that lasts the test of time.

Next, Molly is a 30-year-old executive assistant who owns her own home, and Vanessa is a 31-year-old media planner who's actually a classically trained ballerina. The final Sagittarian woman is Yemi, a 30-year-old product sales manager. She's independent and successful in her career, so she wants an ambitious man who helps her grow.


There are just two male Sagitarrians: Brad and Scott. Brad is 35 years old, works as a dentist, and hopes to find a "best friend" who's easy to talk to. As for Scott, he's a 34-year-old project manager who's been described as a "golden retriever" and has a close bond with his loved ones.

These adventurous and free-spirited singles balance a mix of ambition with a longing for deep connections. They could bring spontaneity and a few bold moves to Love Is Blind.


Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

Mo is the sole male Capricorn in Season 8. He's a 35-year-old property manager who actually learned English as his third language and hopes to find someone who's trustworthy and values his big heart.

Amanda, Sara, and Virginia are the three female Capricorns. Starting with Amanda, she's 43, works as a district retail manager, and really wants a real-life meet-cut. Sara is a 29-year-old oncology nurse who's seeking a goal-oriented significant other. Lastly, Virginia is 34 years old, employed as a healthcare recruiter, and has endured draining situationships.

"Still showing up and wanting love is my hugest accomplishment because it's really easy to become jaded," she admitted.

This zodiac sign is ambitious, practical, loyal, and focuses on long-term goals. Whether this season's Capricorns are looking for trust, stability, or a fresh start, they'll bring determination and resilience to Love Is Blind.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

Benji, a 26-year-old entrepreneur and realtor, is the only Aquarian in Season 8. He's bounced around over the last seven years as a "huge traveler," but now, he's hoping to settle down with someone who checks all of his boxes.

His dream partner is spontaneous (with the ability to plan) and pushes him to try new things (while also making him feel comfortable).

Will Benji find everything he's looking for? It's unclear. Nonetheless, Aquarians are innovative and forward-thinking, so Benji's curiosity could lead him somewhere unexpected.


Pisces (February 20 – March 21)

Last but certainly not least is Pisces, the sign home to one woman and two men this season. Let's begin with Taylor. She's a 32-year-old colonoscopy nurse who lost herself in previous relationships and wants to "love fearlessly and wholeheartedly" again.

As for the men, Devin is a 29-year-old youth director/coach who built a basketball training business and hopes to find a woman who supports him from the sidelines. Meanwhile, Hugo is a 30-year-old marketer who enjoys escaping the mundane and wants a woman who matches his spontaneous spirit.

This zodiac sign is romantic and intuitive. Viewers can expect some empathy and creativity from the Pisces on Season 8 of Love Is Blind.

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Easter has always been a time for family, faith, and fun — but as the years pass by, some of the most classic traditions seem to be fading away, whether due to increasingly busy schedules, more casual modern celebrations, or even the rise of technology.

Still, there's something special about the old-school customs that truly capture the essence of the holiday. From getting dressed in your Sunday best to baking hot cross buns, here are the Easter traditions we wish would make a comeback.

Scroll to see which old-schoolEaster traditions we totally miss!

1. Wearing Easter Bonnets


For decades, Easter Sunday wasn't just a day to celebrate family and faith but also an opportunity to dress up in your finest attire, complete with a bonnet or hat.

Dating back centuries, people topped off their Easter Sunday outfits with colorful Easter bonnets (like this one) that featured flowers, ribbons, or even lace. The tradition was so iconic that in 1933, Irving Berlin sang, "You'll be the grandest lady in the Easter parade."

2. Gifting Easter Corsages

Tony Meyers

Gifting corsages isn't just for proms or weddings. It was also once a staple for holidays like Easter.

Men would purchase corsages for the women in their lives, like their mothers, wives, or daughters, and pin them on to add a special touch to their Easter outfits.

Bringing back this tradition would revive a meaningful gesture and add even more style to your holiday celebration.

3. Enjoying A Classic Easter Feast

cottonbro studio

Dining on a classic Easter feast brings families together. For many, the holiday marks the end of Lent, a period when Catholics typically give up certain treats. So, it makes chowing down on a big meal even more special, as you'll get to indulge in the foods you've abstained from for 40 days.

We know it can be tough to coordinate fancy feasts today, but this tradition is well worth your effort. Pay homage to classic dishes like ham or lamb chops, deviled eggs, and fresh carrots. Plus, get your family involved in the food preparation to make some meaningful memories.

4. Good Old-Fashioned Easter Egg Hunts

Eren Li

In a world where devices often take center stage, the classic Easter egg hunt offers a much-needed break from screens and encourages kids to unplug, run, and explore. The beauty of this timeless tradition lies in its simplicity and ability to bring communities together.

Yes, you can just hide eggs around your own living room or backyard to keep your kids busy. However, there's something to be said about gathering with other families in your neighborhood for a big old-fashioned hunt. Coming together presents an opportunity to connect with neighbors and pass down the practice to the next generation.

5. Sending Easter Lilies

Meri Verbina

Sending Easter lilies carries deep symbolic meaning and offers a beautiful way to celebrate the season.

These elegant white flowers represent purity, renewal, and hope. In many cultures, they're believed to have sprouted where Christ's blood and tears fell during the crucifixion and in the Garden of Gethsemane following his betrayal.

Sending someone a lily during Easter is a thoughtful gesture that signifies faith, remembrance, and the promise of new beginnings.

6. Baking Hot Cross Buns

Taryn Elliott

Hot cross buns, which are sweet, spiced, and adorned with a cross on top, have been made and enjoyed for centuries, often on Good Friday or Easter Sunday.

We understand that it might just be easier to pick them up at your local bakery. Nonetheless, baking this treat with loved ones is a tradition that will create lasting connections and memories.

7. Donning Your Sunday Best

Anastasia Shuraeva

Traditionally, if you and your family were attending church on Easter, you had to look your best. Putting on your finest clothes is more than just a fashion statement; it's a way to honor the significance of the holiday and show respect.

This trend has mellowed out in the modern day, but it deserves a resurgence. Iron your suits, polish your shoes, and don't be afraid to wear lace or floral patterns. Your outfit will set the tone for the day (and make for a great family photo).

8. Being Present For Family Time

cottonbro studio

Speaking of family, being present for quality time isn't just lost on Easter; it's a tradition that's struggling to persevere on practically every holiday.

Today, screens and schedules often take priority, making it tough to truly connect with loved ones. Easter is the perfect time to put your phone away, turn off the TV, and talk to those around you. Share a meal, play a game, or just enjoy each other's company. You'll be thankful you did when you look back years down the line.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

We cover so many different amazing options for our readers to shop that often times, we let the results of which products sell the most speak for themselves. This list covers the top selling products that our GenX and Baby Boomer audiences have been buying in the past few months. It covers some of the hottest trending products you probably know as well as some unknown gems you can't wait to get your hands on.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

This Fitness Plate Improves Balance


Enjoy an at-home workout with this fitness plate that uses high-frequency vibrations to activate your muscles. The adjustable intensity settings let you customize workouts, perfect for beginners and advanced users alike.

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This Ponytail Hat For the Athletic Friend


This Ponytail Hat is designed with a ponytail hole, perfect for outdoor workouts or chilly trail runs. Its snug fit and warm fleece make it a practical and fashionable choice for the active person in your life, relieving the stress of getting your hair in your face while you break a sweat.

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A Shiatsu Massager That's Easy to Use


Remove tension from your neck and shoulders instantly with this shiatsu massager. It offers a variety of deep kneading settings, and you can even add heat to warm up and fully relax.

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Sinus Pressure Relief Mask Is A Soothing Option To Clear Your Sinus Passages


If you're someone who suffers from painful sinus pressure, especially during the winter months, check out this Sinus Pressure Relief Mask. This mask can help alleviate sinus pressure by clearing your nasal passages and providing relief. Give it a try and see if it works for you!

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This Eye Brightener With Instant Results


This eye cream combines the long-term benefits of hyaluronic acid and shea butter to soften and brighten your skin over time while also acting as a medium-coverage concealer for instant results. Its pink tint neutralizes the blue tones often visible under the eyes.

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This Vitamin C Clay Mask With Calming Turmeric


With vitamin C to brighten and even skin tone and turmeric to improve dullness and soothe irritation, it's no wonder this clay mask is one of the top in its category. Best of all, a small amount goes a long way, making this affordable jar last for ages.

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This Crow Lamp Is Perfectly Macabre


If your taste leans toward the spooky side, this crow lamp is a must-have for your home. The bare bulb hanging from the crow's mouth makes it look slightly ominous and super odd.

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Upgrade Their Bedtime Routine with These Satin Pillowcase


Upgrade their bedtime routine with these Satin Pillowcases that boast over 216K five-star ratings. Known for benefits like being better for your skin and minimizing hair frizz.

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This Powder Foundation Won't Look Cakey


The Laura Geller Baked Balance-n-Brighten Color Correcting Powder Foundation will give you light to medium coverage. It's got a demi-matte finish and is buildable so you don't have to worry about it looking cakey.

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This All-in-One Scrub Gently Buffs Away Dead Skin


This all-in-one cleanser leaves your skin feeling refreshed and polished with its Korean Pink Aloe Vera Water that hydrates and calms the skin. The mungbean and soybean scrub uses super fine powder particles that gently buff away dead skin, making way for smoother skin.

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Thickened Down Jacket for that Extra Puff


A little extra warmth on a cold day is a welcoming delight and you can get this in the thickened down jacket. It even zips up all the way to keep heat in and cool air out.

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A Heated Eye Massager for Ultimate Relaxation


Whether you deal with migraines and headaches or you're just looking for some extra relaxation in your life, this heated eye massager is the answer! It helps reduce eye strain, reduce the dark circles under your eyes, and help to relax your face. It's a great option for settling down and releasing tension after a long day.

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The Sol de Janeiro Bum Bum Cream Everyone Loves


This hydrating, tightening cream from Sol de Janeiro has been making the rounds online lately. It smells like a beachy dream while it's working hard on your skin, and the formula is made of all sorts of great, enriching products that are going to give your skin the love that it so richly deserves.

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This Bonding Oil for Shiny and Frizz-Free Hair


This bonding oil is a go-to for professional stylists, with its patented technology that locks in moisture and keeps your hair frizz-free and shiny for up to 72 hours. It’s unscented, super affordable for a luxury brand, and has near-perfect reviews.

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Get Healthy-Looking Skin With This Kombucha Cream Essence


This kombucha cream essence is made with kombucha tea, which is made from fermented black tea and is full of probiotics and vitamin B that keep your skin healthy. This potent vegan formula uses ingredients such as Camellia Sinensis Leaf Water and Extract, plus Schisandra Chinensis Fruit Extract.

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This Mattress Top Massage Cushion Turns Your Regular Bed Into a Massage Bed


A mattress top massage cushion takes two to tango, but it’s well worth nabbing for you and your partner. Once mounted to your bed frame, this cushion can cradle your head face up or face down like in a real massage parlor.

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Clean All Sorts of Fabric With This Vacuum


If you're not vacuuming your bed regularly, you should be. This handheld vacuum allows you to get dead skin, shed hair, and even pet dander out of your mattress for a cleaner sleep. It's also great for your sofa.

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Charming Candle Holders With Staggering Heights


Every cozy space needs a few candles, and these wooden candle holders are the perfect way to display your favorite scents. This set of three features a rustic wood design that adds warmth and charm to any decor theme.

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This water bottle creates water with up to 9+ pH AND is insulated!


This water bottle lets you transform your water into high pH Alkaline Water in mere minutes! The replaceable diffuser lasts up to 315 refills, and it makes your water alkaline, antioxidant, and hydrogen-rich. Plus, it is vacuum insulated, keeping your water cold for up to 24 hours! It is high-quality, has an easy-to-hold ergonomic design AND you can even get it in a choice of 6 cute colors to best match your style!

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This Sofa Buddy Keeps Everything You Need Right at Hand


Ok, I'm in love with the sofa buddy. It's like a little caddy that lets you hold remote, drink, snacks, phone, and more on your couch without worrying about spilling. Perfection.

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The Perfect Lipstick for Every Skin Tone? Clinique Almost Lipstick Is Going Viral.


Everyone's been talking about Clinique Lipstick and its ability to look good on every skin tone. When two sisters with completely different looks tried it out for themselves, they were both amazed. This versatile shade can be dressed up or down to suit any makeup look.

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This Glow Skin Balm is a 4-in-1 Wonder Cream


The Missha Glow Skin Balm is a four-in-one skincare wonder. It works as a primer, moisturizer, morning mask, and illuminating cream, leaving a dewy, luminous finish that lasts all day.

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These Waterproof Snow Boots For Outdoor Fun


If you are going on a ski trip this winter, you will absolutely need these Waterproof Snow Boots. They feature a warm and cozy inside that is lined with faux fur and slip resistant soles.

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This Rice Water Spray Is Incredible For Hair Health And Growth


You may have heard of the incredible benefits of rice water for your hair. Not only does it work to increase hair shine and strength, but it can also promote growth. This new spray has proved popular with customers due to its incredible smell and fantastic results. Some reviews say they saw results in less than a week.

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Maximize Bathroom Space With a Four-Tiered Storage Tower


Make the most of small spaces with a four-tiered storage shelf. This vertical organizer is ideal for bathrooms, providing ample space for toilet paper, skincare, and toiletries while taking up minimal floor space.

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These Gummy Worms Are Packed With Vitamin D


A lack of sunlight can affect our vitamin D intake, but these gummy worms are designed to replenish the levels and naturally lift our spirits. They also contain saffron, which has been found to have natural mood-boosting benefits, and reviews say they taste delicious.

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This Mini Stair Stepper With Built-in Resistance Bands


There's no need to go to the gym when you have this mini stair stepper in the comfort of your home. This accessory is made with hydraulic resistance technology, providing a smooth and reliable workout for all fitness levels.

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This Turkish Cotton Towel Set Is 45% Off


This Turkish Cotton 6-Piece Towel Set has over 40K rave reviews about how buyers love them so much. Replace your threadbare towels with this luxurious set that includes two bath towels, two hand towels, and two washcloths.

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This Leave-In Hair Treatment With Impressive Results


Keeping your hair strong and healthy doesn't require soaking it in a mask, thanks to this nourishing hair treatment that works without needing to wash off. Infused with healthy ingredients like argan oil and vitamin E, it softens and repairs from root to tip.

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The TikTok Famous Cosrx Snail Mucin


The famous Cosrx Snail Mucin is a no-brainer for affordable skincare with a big return. This product's social media popularity has undoubtedly earned it a spot on nearly everyone's wish list. This effective skincare product is a must-have that's garnered rave reviews for its transformative properties.

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Let This Extendable Snow Brush Clear The Snow Off Your Car


No need to dance around your car, getting all of the snow off of all the areas of your car. This extendable snow brush has thick bristles, a strong scraper, and can extend to 47 inches, reaching across even the widest of windshields. You can easily clear off the roof of your car with the help of the thick bristles on the brush, too.

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Spice Things Up With a Two-Tiered Rotating Spice Rack


Maximize storage with a two-tiered rotating shelf, perfect for organizing spices in the kitchen or beauty products in the bathroom. Whether placed in cabinets or on countertops, it keeps essentials within reach while minimizing clutter.

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Drizzle or Douse Using a Honey Dispenser


This honey dispenser is beautifully designed to keep sticky liquids from making a mess while making it delightful to add honey to your food. The stand stops drips from hitting the table, and the double-stopper design ensures you only get as much as you want.

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This Memory Puzzle Book for the Problem-Solver


Keep your brain sharp through the new year with this memory puzzle book filled with over 175 brain-boosting activities. This book is designed for adults looking to challenge their memory and boost their mental agility and is accessible for all vision levels.

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This Milky Toner Brightens Dull Skin


This lightweight milky toner uses rice water, niacinamide, and ceramides for deep hydration while brightening dull skin. It has a non-sticky finish and contains soothing ingredients that calm any irritation.

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Blow Off Some Steam With A Dammit Doll


When you just can't take it anymore and need to yell and scream, take it out on a Dammit Doll. "The Classic Dammit Doll is engineered to absorb all that negative energy so you can let go and get your happy back on." Verified Purchaser, A. Preston, said, "I have been gifting Dammit Dolls for several years, they never fail to get a smile out of the recipient!"

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Drift Off to Soothing Sounds With This White Noise Machine


White noise can be a powerful tool for an anxious mind and help to improve focus and switch off. This sound machine has 31 soothing sounds, including bird song, gentle rain and the crackle of a camp fire. The sleek design also makes it a stylish choice for your nightstand.

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This Cloud Kit With Unique Colors


The best part about this cloud kit is that it can sync to your favorite songs and provide your home with a multicolor effect. This light kit has a variety of different hues, perfect for creating a mood throughout your space.

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The All-in-One L'Oreal Lumi Glotion


The L'Oreal Lumi Glotion is a product you can use to give yourself a bronzed look and enhance your natural features. It helps illuminate the high points of your face while providing a contoured and bronzed appearance, along with some hydration. You can use this as a primer for the rest of your makeup for a dewy finish.

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This Dreamy Body Lotion With 24-Hour Hydration


Creamy, soft, and supple are the first three words that come to mind when describing this shea butter body lotion. The vanilla cashmere scent is a fan favorite, providing 24-hour hydration that leaves your skin feeling incredibly smooth and never sticky.

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These Gummies Can Reduce Your Stress


These gummies are made with lion's mane mushrooms, which researchers believe can reduce stress, provide a burst of energy and even help to regulate mood. It's safe for kids to use too, and reviews say you can see results within days.

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This Bath Pillow to Turn Your Bathroom Into Your Own Personal Spa


If you're looking for a bath pillow that is both supportive and luxurious, this one comes highly recommended by reviewers. It's made of polyester fiber and offers maximum support with nice padding, which makes it the perfect way to unwind after a long day, making bath time that much more calming.

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Quirky Pop-up Notes With Cat Dispenser


Stay organized with the cat pop-up note dispenser. This 3x3-inch dispenser is both cute and practical. It makes it easy to grab a note while adding a charming touch to your desk. It's perfect for cat lovers and office decor.

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This Seamless Bra Offers Support With Comfort


Sometimes the bras with extra support can leave us feeling pinched or with a loose piece of wire digging in. But this seamless design is ideal as it offers support with unbeatable comfort. The seamless and wireless design means it looks great under any clothing and reviews say it's the perfect find for larger busts.

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This Rechargeable Bikini Trimmer Is Totally Waterproof


With 30 days of run time on just a two-hour charge, this bikini trimmer is always ready when you need it. Its waterproof design means you can store it right in the shower, and the protective guard ensures it glides over your skin without any nicks or scratches. Plus, it includes an interchangeable head that you can use on your face!

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Silky Smooth Skin, Pain-Free


Achieve salon-quality hair removal at home with this painless IPL device. It features 999,999 flashes for long-lasting results. Perfect for women and men seeking smooth, hair-free skin without expensive salon visits.

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These Massage Shoes Can Provide Relief for Runners


Running and intense exercise can be great for our body, but it can lead to sore muscles and aching feet. These shoes have nodes to target pressure points and help relieve the pressure. Customers say they're a little sore at first, but you soon feel the benefits.

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This Mushroom Lamp With a Dimmable Feature


TikTok users have fallen in love with this mushroom lamp that is covered in a leopard print design. The adjustable light colors allow you to customize your experience, alone with the dimmable feature.

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These Spending Tracker Sheets Come in a Pack of 60


Take control of your finances in 2025 with these spending tracker sheets that come in a set of 60. The minimalist design makes it easy to categorize whether you're paying off debt or just trying to cut back on unnecessary purchases.

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This Ultra-Dark and Waterproof Eyeliner Makes a Bold Statement


Dark eyeliner is back in the spotlight, and this affordable stick is leading the charge. The creamy formula has a retractable design that creates fine lines without the need for a pencil sharpener. Plus, the highly pigmented color is water- and smudge-proof, keeping your bold look in place all day and night.

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This Facial Massager Uses 3 Techniques at Once


Light, heat, and vibration combine for the ultimate facial therapy with this massager. Three light therapies restore skin, while heat and massage relieve tension, boost lymphatic drainage, and reduce the appearance of a double chin. Plus, its cordless design keeps it simple to use and store.

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This Shower Head Means Business With Multiple Spray Settings


Get one of the most relaxing showers of your life with this shower head. The curved head and the extendable shower hose mean you can get a quality clean on your back and relaxing spray all over.

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Cooling Eye Balm That Smooths and Depuffs


This eye balm goes beyond just hydrating the skin and reducing dark circles — it's infused with ingredients that actually cool the skin, like Iceland moss and other marine extracts. Gliding on smoothly and lightly, you can use it anytime, even over makeup.

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This Lip Oil Is Your New Best Friend


Every Vanilla Girl has a lip gloss that they can't live without and this Lip Oil is the one that Amazon users are falling in love with. With a variety of hydrating ingredients infused in this oil, your lips can feel smooth and plump every time you step out of the house.

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This Salt Lamp Is a Best-Seller


This Himalayan lamp emits a calming amber light and is handcrafted for that unique touch. It comes with a dimmer switch and is the ideal way to create a soothing setting.

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Keep Your Makeup on All Day Long With This Glowy Fixing Spray


This fast-drying spray will give you a dewy finish as it adds a subtle shimmer. Use it as a primer or a setting spray. It keeps your makeup in place all day, and users love it. One five-star fan wrote: "Works so well; it dries quickly, and my makeup does not move after I use this. It makes it so dewy looking. After I use this and apply my highlight, it shines so well."

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Promote Healthier Hair Growth With a Scalp Brush


A scalp brush massage can help nourish your scalp and promote healthier growth. It will get to the root of your hair and increase blood circulation, sloughing away dead skin and helping to improve any signs of dandruff.

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This Stepper Is Great for at Home Workouts


Getting to a gym takes time, but this stepper provides an intense workout from the comfort of your home. The stepper can work to activate your core and engage your glutes, plus it comes with resistance bands for an upper body sweat session.

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The e.l.f. Monochromatic Multi Stick for a Little Color


This handy makeup stick does it all. The e.l.f. Monochromatic Multi Stick can be used on your lips, eyes, and even your cheeks for a little color boost. Not only will it save you time, but it'll also give you an enviable glow.

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These Shoe Storage Boxes if You Need More Closet Space


It’s time to do some cleaning this season, so don’t overlook your crowded closet. For that, you might need this shoe storage. These extra-large, clear boxes are perfect for everything from your casual sneakers to stilettos and can be easily stacked to maximize space. The set includes 12 storage boxes, each big enough to fit shoes up to size 14.

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A Pet Hammock For Your Favorite Fur Baby

Amazon conducted a poll of pet parents and discovered that a whopping 94% purchase holiday gifts for their pets. The pet hammock is a gift you'll both enjoy. Pets will enjoy a new, comfy place to lounge, and humans will appreciate the pet bed's sleek, modern appearance and having their companion nearby.

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This Shower Liner That Solves Storage Woes and Keeps Floors Dry


No more struggling for space in your shower or bathtub. The MAYTEX shower liner is a game changer, keeping water off your floor and offering nine clear storage pockets. Perfect for stashing razors, shampoo, soap, and more, each pocket can hold up to a pound! Vicki raves, "So many pockets of different sizes. Fits all my bath products. No more clutter on tub surround. This liner is what you never knew you always needed."

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This Alarm Clock With 13 Soothing Sounds


Become an early riser in the new year, thanks to this alarm clock that gradually simulates a sunrise, offering a soft, natural light each morning. It also includes 13 nature sounds, creating a relaxing experience that you will love.

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These Butter Leggings Are Unbelievably Soft


It may be in the name but you won't believe how buttery soft these high waisted leggings are. This Amazon brand favorite recently released this butter luxe edition of its famous yoga pants, and it's safe to say we're obsessed.

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A Chunky Plaid Scarf


Scarves are underrated in terms of how warm they can keep you, especially big chunky ones, like this Amazon's choice one in dark beige. Wear it with your coat in winter and as an additional top layer in spring. It is available in six colors.

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Aoxjox Tank Top With A Breathable Twist Back Design


Don this Aoxjox Tank Top while working out to not only show your figure, but also to stay cool, as the tank top leaves your back almost completely exposed while still offering plenty of support. Plus you can also wear it as a sundress bra, as some reviewers have done.

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A Trendy Coat Rack With Adjustable Height


Having a coat rack by your door feels elegant and chic, especially when it matches the minimalist style that's trending. This one is split into four sections, allowing you to style it at different heights, with up to eight hooks to hold your things.

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Thermal Underwear Will Keep You Warm And Dry All Day Long In Any Outdoor Winter Activity


Stay warm and comfortable in cold weather with this set of long Thermal Underwear. They're designed to be an extra layer when just one won't do, and they're lightweight, squat-proof, and moisture-wicking, making them perfect for outdoor activities in the winter. Whether you're hitting the slopes or just shoveling snow, these thermal underwear will keep you warm and dry all day long.

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Organic Castor Oil That's Withstood the Test of Time


Products with a history spanning centuries always deserve attention, especially when they're as affordable as castor oil. This natural oil delivers a range of benefits, from promoting hair growth to moisturizing and smoothing the skin.

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Ice Scraper Is A Small But Might Gadget To Remove Ice And Frost


Winter weather can be tough on cars, especially when it comes to getting rid of stubborn ice and frost. Despite its small size, this Ice Scraper is incredibly effective at busting through caked-on frost. If you're looking for a reliable and compact ice scraper, you can stash in your car then give this one a try.

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Precision Tweezers That are the Top of Their Class


Few things are more frustrating than when tweezers just don’t grab the hair, which is why quality matters. For just $10, you get a pack of four with different angled tips, and reviewers say they’re always pleasantly surprised.

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This Air Fryer Includes a Cookbook


Enjoy more at-home meals this year with this air fryer that is the perfect cooking companion for beginners. This cooking gadget includes quick, easy, and delicious recipes, making it easier than ever to create flavorful meals with less oil.

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Top-Selling Retinol Treatments in Individual Capsules


It's easy to overdo retinol and irritate your skin, which is why these retinol treatment capsules are such a standout. The pre-portioned doses ensure you get just the right amount. Clinically proven to reduce fine lines and even deep wrinkles, these capsules have earned glowing reviews for their effectiveness without the worry of overuse.

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Stop the Stacking With a Pan Organizer Rack


All the cooking and organizing influencers love these pan organizers that stop you from roughly stacking your pans. Stacking can cause damage and wear and grabbing the bottom pan is annoying. This rack is the easy solution, protecting your pans from one another.

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A Set of Kawaii Erasable Gel Pens That Is Just Adorable!


According to Wikipedia, "kawaii" (rhymes with Hawaii) is the "culture of cuteness in Japan." That explains how popular Hello Kitty and Pikachu are. The Pig, Bear, Cat, and Mouse that make up this Set Of 4 Erasable Gel Pens can certainly be described as Kawaii. See, listicles can be educational! Only .55 cents!

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This Workout Planner Tracks Your Progress


This workout planner is perfect for anyone who likes to stay accountable. Designed with daily workout tracking, progress charts, and goal-setting pages, this planner offers everything you need to track your workouts and monitor your growth.

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An Electric Makeup Brush Cleaner That Cleans and Dries in Seconds


We all need to clean our makeup brushes more, and this electric spinner makes the process quick and easy. It connects to brushes of eight different sizes and can be powered by battery or USB.

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Eyeliner Stencil


Take the fuss out of makeup application with this Eyeliner Stencil. This little device provides a comprehensive and fuss-free guide for novices to experts applying your eye makeup. Create detailed and flawless eye makeup looks and save yourself time making mistakes with this error-free method.

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These Storage Bins Are Stackable


Declutter your space with these storage bins that TikTokers swear by. They have four tiers and a stackable design, leaving you plenty of room to hold supplies, shoes, or other accessories.

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This Paper Towel Holder Is Weird and Bold


This dino paper towel holder is so unexpected and weird. Your guests are going to be delightfully surprised when they see it, and you'll love having a weird counter companion.

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A Tea Sampler for Any Mood


Winding down at the end of the day with a stress-relief herbal tea is a great way to prioritize your self-care routine. This tea sampler includes a year’s worth of herbal mixes and 32 teabags and is designed to promote overall wellness.

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These Dermaplaning Tools Have Nearly 200,000 Reviews


We love a highly rated product, and these dermaplaning tools have earned their spot as one of the most reviewed items we've seen. Priced at under $6 for a pack of three, these facial shavers are perfect for shaping eyebrows, removing fine hairs, and dermaplaning your skin.

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This Storage Rack for the Spice Collection


If you enjoy cooking with spices, this storage rack is a go-to option for keeping your favorite spices organized. The metal design makes it easy to attach to your refrigerator or oven, providing a chic and convenient way to store your spices in the kitchen.

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This Pore Mask For Unrecognizable Skin


Formulated to refine and refresh your pores, this Pore Mask leaves your skin free from impurities with one quick use. Use this mask weekly to transform your skin into a glass-like finish that will become a complexion that you will love.

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This animatronic toy of The Child has a stunning 4.8-rating, so I’m not the only one that loves it!


With over 17,292 ratings and a nearly perfect rating, this animatronic toy of The Child is so much fun to have around! It works perfectly and is incredible, with many realistic sound effects from The Mandalorian that are just adorable, and with cute movements – because anything that The Child does is just so adorable!

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Boost Your Look With a Lightweight Serum


Powered by rice extract and alpha-arbutin, this lightweight serum brightens skin, fades dark spots, and evens tone. It is perfect for achieving a radiant, glowing complexion while nourishing and soothing sensitive skin.

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These Skeleton Hands Are Fun All Year


Sure, these hands might look like a Halloween decoration, but they're a lot cooler if you just keep them out all year long. This sculpture is made from resin, making it lightweight and durable.

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This Storage Rack With a Ton of Compartments


Create a dedicated workout space in your home with this storage rack that can neatly organize your yoga mats, foam rollers, dumbells, and more. It has multiple storage compartments that will organize all of your belongings.

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The Viral Scalp-Cleaning Comb


The hollow teeth of this scalp-cleaning comb collect dirt and loose skin as you brush, while a button on the back pushes out the buildup for easy cleaning. It's currently making waves online, with users amazed at how much debris it removes.

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This Overnight Mask Will Leave You With Super-Hydrated Skin


This Korean overnight mask will leave you with super-hydrated, glowing skin. It's packed with niacinamide, squalane, and a probiotic-derived complex; it works while you sleep to hydrate and strengthen your skin’s moisture barrier deeply.

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You Won't Regret Buying The Warmies Marshmallow Booties


These Warmies Marshmallow Booties are anything but basic. Made from the same incredibly soft material, these boots can even be microwaved for extra warmth during the cold winter season.

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This Essence Toner Delivers Intense Moisture


This highly concentrated essence toner sinks deep into your skin, delivering intense moisture that leaves it feeling soft and plump. Clinically proven to keep your skin hydrated for 24 hours, it reduces dead skin cells, boosts radiance, and helps control oil production.

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Say Goodbye To Redness With This Rescue Balm


This Rescue Balm from Hero Cosmetics has been a fan favorite for awhile, but this new edition now comes with encapsulated green pigments to color correct and reduce shine. With its powerful ability to blur imperfections and even skintone, it's a tiny multitasking miracle worker that you won't want to live without.

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Address Your Posture On This Neck and Shoulder Relaxer


Loads of buyers have found success using this neck and shoulder relaxer, which aims to stretch your neck and even improve your posture. By gently laying down atop it, the relaxer orients your neck in a more ergonomic position, a therapeutic result according to many reviews.

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This Lip Color Actually Stays On All Day


Behold, a lipstick that truly lasts all day long! This new SuperStay Vinyl Ink liquid lip color from Maybelline stands the test of time with a 16-hour no-budge color. Choose from pretty neutrals or bold reds for a makeup look that is sure to turn heads. One five-star reviewer says, "This lip color is what it claims- it is in fact a super stay lip color. I can drink coffee, eat and color stays on. For me the red color of Wicked lasted for 11 hours. The price is incredible for the quality of this color."

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Stay Sanitary Using a Automatic Soap Dispenser


Few things are grosser than touching your soap pump with dirty hands. Influencers are recommending automatic soap dispensers that are touch-free. This dispenser uses an infrared sensor to detect your hand and pump out the right amount of soap for clean hands.

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This Mandoline Slicer Streamlines Food Prep


Looking for a way to streamline meal prep? This mandolin slicer makes it easy to prepare vegetables for any meal, quickly delivering even slices in the safest way possible. With 30 plus slicing options, you'll be able to create all of your favorite dishes, and the compact design takes up little space in your cabinet, making this an ideal gift for any home cook.

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Declutter Your Bathroom With This Shower Curtain With Pockets


Declutter your bathroom with a shower curtain with storage pockets. These waterproof, built-in compartments store your toiletries within reach, making your shower experience more convenient while keeping the space organized.

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Achiou Winter Gloves Have A Touchscreen Capability Design To Keep You Warm And Connected


If you've ever tried to use your phone while wearing gloves, you know how frustrating it can be. If you're looking for a pair of gloves that will keep you warm and connected, I highly recommend the Achiou Winter Gloves. They're incredibly soft and warm, and best of all, I can use my phone without having to take them off and expose my fingers to the cold.

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