How This Watercolor Artist Became Insta-Famous

Can’t decide whether or not to post that [insert creative project here] you just finished working on? Maybe you’re working on a drawing, a weaving, a music video? You want to post it to share with your peeps but have that classic creative-person insecurity — will my friends/family like it? Will anyone else like it? Okay, maybe I won’t post it. Well, as you’ve probably guessed from the title, we’ve got an artist’s story that just might give you the confidence to post all your creative work. Because you never know — it just might lead to a total career change!

Meet Jenna Rainey, the completely lovely gal behind our Intro to Watercolor Online Class and our featured maker this week! A few weeks ago I spent an afternoon with Jenna, wandering the streets of the Mission in search of coffee, pastries and cocktails. Along the way, I learned a heck of a lot about this brilliant artist.

Before I let her tell her own story, let’s get to this Insta-fame. A couple years ago, Jenna was minding her own business (and technically, the business of others), working as a financial planner. Though she’d grown up surrounded by artists and creating her own work for her whole life, she hadn’t really considered a career as a professional maker. Then she decided to start posting some of her creative explorations, specifically watercolor and calligraphy, on Instagram. Lo and behold: an Insta-star was born. Her friends started liking, commenting and sharing — and then commissioning. All sorts of folks found her on Instagram and inquired about custom work, rates and more. She described the whole thing as so surreal, it almost felt silly. Is this really happening? The answer was obviously yes, and pretty soon she was able to quit her nine-to-five and turn her passion into a career.

Now, let’s hear more about Jenna in her own words.

What inspires you? Why do you love to design, create and make?

I’m most inspired by people. I think the way we interact, our stories and personalities are so fascinating. I’m also very inspired by the arts in general. A particular song can send me into a wave of creativity that I won’t be able to stop for a few hours. I might not produce the best work during that time, but that feeling alone is all worth it. I love being able to feel free to create for myself as well as interacting with a client’s particular taste and vision on a project.

What inspired your company, Mon Voir?

Mon Voir began out of a passion for painting that began when I was a little girl. Growing up in a family of artists greatly influenced my own story and technique as a self-taught painter, calligrapher and designer and has helped to develop a truly unique approach and style. We specialize in fine art and calligraphy for beautiful, bespoke wedding and event stationery. Along with stationery and print materials, we also offer fine art and calligraphy expertise for branding, logo design, tattoos and any other pieces you can dream up!

What’s one piece of advice you’d share with other makers?

Don’t waste your time feeling incompetent. Art is more about the experience and journey than it is impressing others. Once it becomes more about impressing other people, you completely loose who you are as an individual and a creative.

Tell us how technology has changed and supported what you do.

Instagram and social media in general have given me so many jobs and opportunities. While I was working at the financial planning office, I began exploring creating for more than just myself, eventually getting bold enough and posting work on social media. Things kinda snowballed after that, and I was able to quit that job and do Mon Voir full time because of all the jobs I was getting directly from posts!

What’s on your studio playlist?

Ha! No music, or Claire de Lune on repeat. It sounds depressing, but actually music is a huge part of my life (I sing and play piano), but I just get so distracted by it if I’m working.

How do you get into the creative flow? How does it feel?

In order to get into the creative flow, I either need complete silence or a particular song on repeat… usually without words. I’m so easily sidetracked that if I’m listening to music that’s just one notch too loud, or the lyrics stand out to me too much, I won’t be able to create. I also need great natural light to feel comfortable. Once I’m there, it feels like I’m dancing in a ballet. It’s soothing, therapeutic and my mind is able to turn off.

What do you love about teaching people to make? And inspiring people who don’t think they are traditionally creative?

The most rewarding part is when people realize that being creative IS for everyone. People get really hung up on talent and if they don’t have any of it within the artistic creative realm then, well, they’re not creative. But that just isn’t true. Talent is produced from hard work and dedication, whereas I believe creativity is something we are all born with and just need to tap into at the right time. So, each class presents a challenge to help someone see that with the right materials and training they can tap into that, and I enjoy that challenge the most I think.

What is the story of how you got to where you are today?

My mom and both of my grandmothers are all painters. I’ve grown up observing them and their technique for art along with having the freedom to create with no hinderance. I went to school for psychology, where I learned the importance of listening, learning and bringing out what’s best in a person. This has translated in so many ways to how I run my business as well as teaching workshops. I feel art is something that everyone should enjoy and not be afraid to try.

Before I became a full-time artist, I worked in restaurants for seven years, and my most recent job prior to Mon Voir was working for a financial planner for about four months. Both of these jobs taught me how to work hard and manage stressful environments. I feel that my experience as a waitress has far outweighed any experience I would’ve had at an art school. You learn how to put people’s needs first, deal with unruly/angry customers and work long hours under pressure.

What other makers inspire you?

Well, Luli Sanchez is my favorite watercolor artist, ever. I could never be so bold to paint with such dark, moody colors. I’m also inspired by The 2 Bandits (jewelry designer) and Ariele Alasko (wood worker). Van Gogh has always been my favorite painter.

What is the weirdest, most unusual or worst job you’ve ever had?

I would have to say working at a tiny sports bar in downtown Chicago, IL, where I’m pretty positive the owner was affiliated with something shady. Let’s just say, I had to call the police on a regular basis, my manager got in fist fights with a customer (regularly) and not many people who worked there showed up sober.

What other things do you love to make?

music and food :)

Scroll on to see a few more snaps from our wander around the Mission. Warning: Things got weird… in the best way ever ;)

Intro to Watercolor Online Class

Everyday Watercolor: Learn to Paint Watercolor in 30 Days, to really put your new creative skills to good use!

Happy making!

Creative Crushin': How This Designer Quit Her Day Job and Became a Nomad

First off, are nomads still a thing? Yes. Yes, they are. And in the case of Cat Coquillette, they come in the form of an insanely inspiring artist! Self-described as “a location-independent designer,” Coquillette’s story is one that will certainly inspire a healthy combo of hard-workin’ hustle and dreamy wanderlust. In just two years, Coquillette has lived in 13 different countries, and she’s barely scratched the surface when it comes to all the places she wants to check out.

Coquillette’s most recent adventure brought her to the exotic land of San Francisco (!) where she filmed Brit + Co’s newest online class on Stylizing Lettering in Photoshop. Check it out, and get ready to up-level your lettering skills :)

Anjelika Temple here, Founding Partner and Chief Creative Officer at Brit + Co, and unofficial Cat Coquillette fangirl. Read our latest installment of Creative Crushin' to learn all about how Cat got started, what sparked her nomadic life change, and some of the wildest things she’s experienced over the last couple years.

Brit + Co: First, the basics. Where are you from? Big or small family? What did you study in college? Did you always know that you wanted to be a professional artist?

Cat Coquillette: Despite only having one sibling, the house I grew up in was bustling with energy– we had dogs, cats, bunnies, guinea pigs, doves, frogs, turtles, and more gerbils than I could count. My brother even had a pet snake that lived in the basement — until my mom found out about it. Growing up in this environment is probably why I’m such a huge animal lover today.

I grew up near Kansas City, which has a top-notch art and design community. I’ve always gravitated towards creative paths and have been drawing for as long as I can remember. My art teachers encouraged me to pursue my passions, so by the time I got to college, I double-majored in graphic design and illustration at the University of Kansas.

B+C: What types of day jobs did you have before you were able to go all in on art and design?

CC: If you want to go way back, my first job was at a paint-on-pottery studio when I was 16. It was short and sweet — I was canned after a few months because I spent more time painting the merchandise than doing my actual job. So I guess this was pretty foretelling of my future career as a self-employed artist.

Fast-forward to the more recent past: My design professors in college had great industry connections, so I hounded them to help me get connected with Willoughby Design, an award-winning branding firm. Willoughby offered me an internship during my senior year, followed by a job offer. I was ecstatic.

I worked as a designer and art director there for four years and loved every minute of it. The founder, Ann Willoughby, is an incredible mentor to me. She started the business from the ground up back in the '70s, when women in design were few and far between. She continued to grow and cultivate the firm into the success it is today.

I had so many opportunities while working there and learned from the best in the business. I worked alongside a team of talented creatives as we whipped up logos, branding identities, websites, packaging, photoshoots — you name it.

My job was incredibly fulfilling and challenged me in all the right areas. A lot of the methods I use today are based on the things I learned during that job, like crafting the perfect proposal, working with clients, and laying down a solid strategy before diving into the creative process.

B+C: Was there a turning point when you realized you could turn your side hustle into your main hustle?

CC: The turning point for me was fairly straightforward. When I started earning more with my side hustle than I did at my regular job, I made the decision to pursue self-employment. It was a slow-build, so I had a lot of the logistics worked out before I put in my two-weeks notice — I’d incorporated as an LLC, worked with my CPA to establish how much I should expect to pay in taxes, and saved up a “nest egg” of income just in case things went south.

It was incredibly difficult to leave behind a job that I loved so much, but ultimately it was the right choice for me.

B+C: What inspires you? Why do you love to make things?

CC: Travel has become my primary inspiration for the artwork I create. I snap photos of the interesting things I encounter around the globe, then use the photos as references for my paintings. Because of this, each of my paintings holds a special memory for me — my alpacas watercolor is more than just a set of six cute alpacas; to me, it’s a memory of my trip to Peru with my family when we hiked up to Machu Picchu.

B+C: On your website, you note that education is a huge focus for you. We’re so thrilled to launch your class here on Brit + Co (more deets here!). Tell me more about what drew you to teaching.

CC: I believe in community over competition and have devoted a large part of my brand to creating resources that allow fellow artists to thrive. After all, I sought help from artists’ blogs and entrepreneurial programs when I was first getting started.

Before I got involved with art education, my focus was on growing my art portfolio and business. I have to admit that education wasn’t even on my radar. However, as my brand expanded, I began receiving emails from people that were seeking guidance about how they, too, could find success in creative fields. This was the first time that I ever considered that I might have advice worthy of sharing.

Initially, I was pretty timid about marketing myself as an educator. After all, I’d never taught anything in my life and wasn’t sure how to go about doing so. However, I saw a need in the realm of art entrepreneurship — so many creatives had the potential to succeed, but weren’t sure where to begin. This is exactly how I felt at the beginning of my career, so I decided to focus on helping this audience. I realized that I could use my experience to help other creatives reach their full potential.

B+C: When did you take the plunge and become “location-independent”? Did a specific event spark your decision?

CC: One of the best perks about working online is that I have complete freedom over where I do my work. As long as I have a steady WiFi connection, I can pretty much do my job anywhere.

After the lease expired on my Kansas City apartment, I packed up all my belongings and stored them in my brother’s basement. I tossed the rest into a duffel bag and spent the next six months road-tripping from Colorado to California. I worked in coffee shops and stayed in Airbnbs.

My goal was to spend those six months testing the waters and figuring out where I ultimately wanted to live. There was only one big problem — I didn’t have just one favorite city, I loved the entire experience of exploring every new place. It took me the entire six months to realize that I didn’t need to pick a new permanent home; I could make this nomadic lifestyle work instead.

Since that moment, I’ve worked and traveled through Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Norway, Italy, Switzerland, Mexico, and the USA.

B+C: How long have you been a nomad?

CC: Only a few short years — I’ve been location independent since July of 2016.

B+C: Alright here’s a tough one. Top five craziest/best/most inspiring/incredible moments from your travels so far?

CC: 1. Staying up 'til Midnight on My Birthday: What made it particularly unique was my location — I was looking at the midnight sun’s reflection off a fjord in Norway. My birthday is in June and the summer sun never sets that far north. My boyfriend and I were staying in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, just 12° away from the North Pole, the furthest north we’d ever been in our entire lives. I never imagined I’d be celebrating my (summer) birthday by hiking up a glacier and petting snow dogs. Fun fact: any time we left the town perimeter, we had to be accompanied by a guide with a high-powered rifle. The last thing they want is for one of their tourists to wind up eaten by a polar bear.

2. Eating a Fried Tarantula in Cambodia: I chewed and swallowed the legs, but I chickened out when I got down to just the body. I was too squeamish about it potentially being gooey inside! Since then, I’ve eaten loads of crickets. Those don’t bother me and are surprisingly tasty when deep-fried.

3. Getting First Place in a Halloween Costume Contest in Thailand: I’m really really into celebrating Halloween. It’s the one time of year where I get to have fun with SFX makeup. I was in Thailand last October and convinced my friends to let me give them gory makeovers. I’ll never forget the looks we got on our motorbikes on our way to the Halloween party.

4. Earning My Scuba Diving License in Ko Tao, Thailand: I was so focused on following the instructions and doing everything right that I completely forget to reapply sunscreen between dives. By the end of the week, I’d receive both my scuba license and the gnarliest tan line you could ever imagine.

5. Hiking With My Family in Sapa, Vietnam: We were led by a local Hmong guide named Ze. She told us stories about growing up in a small village and how her life eventually led her to learning English and becoming a guide for foreigners. We hiked from village to village and spent the night in locals’ homes, ate with their families, and learned about their culture. The entire experience was beautiful and unforgettable.

B+C: Is there a place that you’ve stayed in that you could see returning to for a longer stint? Why? Or why not?

CC: I’m absolutely smitten with Mexico City. It was never really on my radar, but I recently visited CDMX for a conference and left with a solid appreciation for this city. Between the street food, friendly locals, art culture, great coworking spaces and cafes, and nearby mountains, I’m adding this CDMX to my list of “must return” places.

B+C: Given that you’re on the move all the time, what does your support system look like?

CC: I’m so grateful for my family for providing such a solid support system. Without them, this lifestyle would be much more challenging to maneuver through.

My brother is a computer genius, so he helped me set up a remote server that backs up to the Cloud every night, so even if I lose my computer somewhere in the world, my files are always safe. My brother also set up an alert system so that if I ever go 24 hours without opening my laptop, he gets an email. I’ve gotten a few phone calls from him over the years asking if I’m alive. On those occasions, I’ve had to sheepishly explain that I’m taking a *rare* weekend away from working.

All of my personal and business mail goes to my parents’ house in the US. They also let me keep all of my staple belongings there so I always have a place to crash when I’m back home. I’m also incredibly grateful for my mom, who spoils me every time I’m home by stocking the fridge with my favorites — brie cheese and dill pickles. Yum! My brother and sister-in-law also let me store all my extra belongings at their place (and trust me, I have a lot of shoes.)

B+C: How do you manage your time? Do you come up with set hours for yourself or just go with the flow?

CC: I keep my schedule fairly flexible. I work when I have things to accomplish and step away from my computer when I need to recharge. If I’m working in a coffee shop and catch myself idly browsing through Facebook, I close my laptop and take that as my cue to go for a walk and get some fresh air.

I’ve never been a nine-to-five kind of person; instead, I take plenty of mini-breaks throughout the day and get the bulk of my work done in the evenings. I feel most creative at night, so that’s when I spent my time painting, drawing, and brainstorming new creative avenues. Ultimately, I’ve found that this is how I am most productive.

B+C: When you’re feeling creative burnout, how do you reset?

CC: The best cure for creative burnout is to get out of my comfort zone, even if that simply means exploring the other side of the city. It can be refreshing to get lost in your own city and to discover things for the first time.

Another remedy for burnout is to head into nature, whether it’s a walk along a nature trail or a day in the mountains.

B+C: What’s on your studio playlist?

CC: I’m a huge fan of podcasts. My favorites: Radiolab, The Daily, How I Built This, Reply All, This American Life, Planet Money, Lore, The Moth, TED Radio Hour, Stuff You Should Know, Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History, Freakonomics Radio, Creative Pep Talk, and Home of the Brave.

B+C: What advice do you have for emerging artists who are ready to take the leap and work for themselves?

CC: Explore various avenues and find what works best for you. One person’s success won’t be the answer for everyone. Once you find your jam and hit your stride, capitalize on that momentum and hustle hard.

Embrace the business side of your career. Being creatively talented got me far, but my interest in business got me to where I am now. Andy Warhol said it best, “Business art is the step that comes after Art. I started as a commercial artist, and I want to finish as a business artist.”

I get so amped up over the entrepreneurial side of my career. I’m constantly trying out new tactics and it’s exciting to see what sticks. For every hour that I spend painting, I typically spend another marketing, promoting, corresponding with clients, or doing any number of tasks like adding new content to my site or updating financial spreadsheets and tracking invoices.

B+C: Any tips/tricks/tools you’d recommend for someone who wants to try their hand at a modern nomadic lifestyle?

CC: Adaptability isn’t just great for my business, it’s also key for my location-independent lifestyle. My best advice for anyone that’s interested in traveling full-time is to be flexible, open-minded, and curious. Some of my favorite adventures happened after I took a wrong turn or had to change plans at the last minute.

You don’t need to have every little detail planned out before you embark on your journey. In fact, when it comes to both traveling and running my business, sometimes it’s better to work things out along the way as I strive towards my larger goals. If you would have told me a few years ago that I would have quit my stable job, left the United States, and spent 24/7 exploring the globe and working on my laptop, I would have had a million questions about how this was even possible. What about all of the minutia it takes to do this, like not speaking the local languages, finding a place to live, and ensuring that I can continue earning enough to support myself? When you consider all of this at once, it can be overwhelming, which often leads to inaction. Instead, I prefer to envision large goals and deal with the small steps it takes to achieve them as they arise.

B+C: In five years, where do you see yourself? :)

CC: The world is a big place, and I’ve experienced a sliver of it. In five years time, I hope to still be traveling with the same zest and curiosity as I do now.

“And at the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling.” ― Shanti

Wow. Talk about inspiring. You can follow Cat's adventures @CatCoq on Insta, check out more of her work at, and school yourself on how to stylize lettering in Photoshop in Cat's online class.

For more crush-worthy creatives, be sure to check back on our Creative Crushin' series. We've got lots of bold, brilliant, badass stories to share with you!

Let us know if you have a creative crush you want to share @BritandCo.

Author: Anjelika Temple (Photos via Cat Coquillette and Brit + Co; Design by Sarah Tate)

The 1980s gave us some of the most iconic movies in film history, but if we're being honest, some of them haven't aged well. (Neither have these 90s movies, honestly).

While they might've been considered harmless fun at the time, many have plot lines, jokes, and general themes that wouldn't fly in today's more socially conscious world.

From problematic gender dynamics to outdated stereotypes and downright disturbing antics, here are 10 cringy '80s movies that would never be made today.

1. Heathers (1988)

New World Pictures

In 1989, Heathers was viewed as a bold, dark satire on high school social hierarchies. Viewers watched Veronica, played by Winona Ryder, and her psychotic boyfriend J.D., portrayed by Christian Slater, as they embarked on a murder spree. Each of their kills was also disguised as suicide.

Back then, the idea of teens turning against each other in such a violent way was considered an edgy, basically absurd take on high school drama. But today, school violence is no longer a far-fetched idea.

2. Dream a Little Dream (1989)

Vertron Pictures

Dream a Little Dream seems like another lighthearted body-swap comedy on the surface, but it has a pretty unsettling subplot.

It follows a teenage boy who ends up possessed by the spirit of an old man due to a bizarre accident. Then, while navigating this weird predicament, he also falls for a girl named Lainie, who's stuck in an abusive relationship.

That premise alone might sound strange, but how Lainie's situation is addressed is even worse. Not only do her parents dismiss her concerns, but they actively side with her abusive boyfriend!

In fact, they threatened to uproot their entire family because she refused to sleep with him. Can you imagine this working on the big screen today?

3. Revenge of the Nerds (1984)

20th Century Fox

This '80s movie about bullied misfits finally getting their vengeance has some problematic content that really hasn't aged well. First of all, it contains a lot of racist and homophobic jokes.

Moreover, the so-called "revenge" the nerds take on their bullies involves them breaking into a sorority house, stealing underwear, and secretly installing cameras to spy on the women inside. It's just plain creepy.

4. Sixteen Candles (1984)

Universal Pictures

Even though Sixteen Candles is remembered for its coming-of-age story and sweet romantic moments, it also features one of the most offensive Asian stereotypes: Long Duk Dong.

The foreign exchange student is reduced to an embarrassing caricature, and every time he appears on screen, a gong sound effect actually plays. As if the audience didn't already get the "joke."

5. Zapped! (1982)

Embassy Pictures

Zapped! is another '80s movie with a premise that would definitely be deemed too wild today.

After a science lab explosion gives a high school student telekinetic powers, he uses his newfound abilities to literally tear girls' clothing off. Sure, it's a raunchy teen comedy, but it arguably toes the line into harassment.

6. Can't Buy Me Love (1987)

Touchstone Pictures

In Can't Buy Me Love, young Patrick Dempsey plays Ronald, a socially awkward high schooler who ditches his dream of buying a telescope and instead spends $1,000 to bribe the most popular girl in school into pretending to be his girlfriend.

Spoiler alert: the plan works, and Ronald transforms from a lovable underdog into an arrogant guy who treats his friends like trash.

Yet the issue with this movie isn't just the idea that money can buy love and social status. It's that Ronald gets let off the hook without much consequence. He still gets the girl and learns a conveniently shallow lesson about staying true to himself.

7. Weird Science (1985)

Universal Pictures

If you haven't been able to tell already, teen comedies in the '80s loved to embrace nerds. Weird Science took this to a whole new level.

Two geeky teenagers use their computer to create the "perfect woman," who isn't just beautiful but also has supernatural powers. If that isn't eyebrow-raising enough, the boys treated the woman more like a wish-granting object than an actual person.

8. Fatal Attraction (1987)

Paramount Pictures

Some elements of Fatal Attraction could hold up today. After all, psychological thrillers about obsessive relationships are still a Hollywood staple.

Even so, this film takes things to an extreme that would be hard to pull off now. Perhaps the most shocking scene is when Alex, a woman whose brief affair spirals into obsession, boils a pet rabbit alive.

What's worse is that the filmmakers used a real (albeit already dead) rabbit for the shot.

9. Mr. Mom (1983)

Twentieth Century Fox/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

In 1983, the idea of a stay-at-home dad was comical. Today, it's simply called parenting.

Mr. Mom follows Jack, a father who takes on household duties while his wife returns to work. Unsurprisingly, it leans heavily into outdated gender stereotypes and portrays Jack as utterly clueless when it comes to housework and childcare. Meanwhile, his friends and strangers treat him like a failure for stepping into a traditionally female role.

10. A Christmas Story (1983)


This last one might be controversial, as A Christmas Story is a holiday classic. Even so, there are some cringeworthy moments in this 80s movie.

First of all, there's the infamous scene in the Chinese restaurant where the servers' accents are exaggerated for laughs. Plus, there are outdated parenting techniques, like kids getting their mouths washed out with soap for swearing or being threatened with corporal punishment.

Aside from all that, the largest issue is how the plot revolves around a 9-year-old begging for a rifle. Given the current climate of school safety, a movie mixing kids and firearms wouldn't fly today.

What do you think of these cringy '80s movies? Did we miss any? Let us know on Facebook!

Want to learn watercolor on your schedule? In this three-class bundle, you’ll get access to on-demand classes that you can take at your own pace. In our new Watercolor Lover Bundle, you’ll start with an introduction class, and work your way up to digitization to create all kinds of watercolor artwork.

You’ll get access to these three watercolor classes for just $61 (originally $87):

  • Intro To Watercolor Painting
  • Watercolor Lettering + Illustration
  • Watercolor Painting + Digitization

You’ll start with the basics by learning how to work with watercolors to paint florals. Then, in the second class, you learn how to incorporate lettering into your watercolor skills. And lastly, our third class will show you how to create watercolor fruit slices, but you’ll take it to the next level by digitizing them to create colorful patterns in Adobe Photoshop.

Here are a few more details about each class:

INTRO TO WATERCOLOR PAINTING: In this class, you’ll start with a basic introduction to watercolor supplies, brush up on color theory, and then put it all into action by creating your own flower arrangement one petal at a time. Your awesome instructor, Jenna Rainey, will be guiding you every step of the way. After taking this class, you’ll know how to:

  • Build a custom watercolor palette using the principles of color theory
  • Properly hold your paint brush and create the outline of florals using different brush strokes
  • Fill-in and use shading techniques to bring your florals to life on paper
  • Use Rainey’s tips for bleeding watercolor together and a simple way to fix mistakes

WATERCOLOR LETTERING AND ILLUSTRATION: Let’s combine some of our favorite things. In this class, you’ll learn how to use watercolors to combine illustrations and florals with lettering. Yes, please! Plus, your instructor, Valerie McKeehan, will be teaching you all of her techniques and tips to create beautiful watercolor designs. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to :

  • Layout a cohesive design using anchor points, margin lines, and more
  • Use a Micon pen to add in details to your watercolor illustrations
  • Work with watercolor to add embellishments and quotes into your final design

WATERCOLOR PAINTING AND DIGITIZATION: This painting class is great for both beginner and intermediate watercolor artists! In it, you’ll learn how to paint a variety of colorful fruits, including vibrant blood oranges, lemons, and strawberries. But you’re not done there! Your instructor, Susan Chiang, will also be showing you how to digitize your watercolor artwork in Adobe Photoshop. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to :

  • Use the three most popular watercolor techniques
  • Paint colorful fruit slices with intricate details
  • Import your artwork for digitization in Adobe Photoshop
  • Create digital elements from your paintings to arrange your artwork the way you want it

And don’t forget to scoop up your class supplies. For all the classes, you’ll need the following:

For the full supply lists, make sure you take a glance at the Materials section for each class.

Loving on bundles? Good news — There’s more! Check out our curated collection of bundles hand-picked with you in mind. They have our top performing classes bundled up so you can save big!

Ready to enroll in this bundle? Make sure to share your final projects by tagging us on Instagram and using the hashtag #bcclasses. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Everyone has a social butterfly in their life; that person who has an undeniable knack for lighting up a room as soon as they walk in.

They thrive in social settings, have energy that's almost infectious, and somehow manage to keep the festivities going all night long.

While general charisma is one possible factor, astrology suggests that certain zodiac signs are just naturally gifted at stealing the spotlight and bringing people together. So, here are the eight signs most likely to be the life of the party.

These highly social zodiac signs are naturally bubbly and know how to have fun!

1. Leo

Brit + Co

It's hard to miss a Leo showing up at a party. These fire signs don't just attend gatherings; they command them.

Leos are confident, charming, and entertaining, thriving on attention and drawing people in. They have an inherent warmth that helps people feel welcome and a flair for the dramatic. So, this sign has a way of making any celebration feel larger than life.

2. Aries

Brit + Co

Aries are full of energy and enthusiasm, meaning they are captivating in high-energy environments where they can take the lead and keep the momentum going.

This sign also doesn't retreat from a challenge, whether that's starting up a game with other partygoers or rallying the crowd for an impromptu adventure. Aries are both confident and spontaneous, which is irresistible in social settings.

3. Gemini

Brit + Co

Geminis can work a room with ease, bouncing from one conversation to the next like it's no problem at all. They're charismatic, quick-witted, and curious, which keeps things exciting.

This sign always has a clever joke or good story up its sleeve. But perhaps most importantly, they never make anyone feel left out and can adapt to any group.

4. Sagittarius


Sagittarians have the ability to turn even the most ordinary get-togethers into full-blown parties. They have a huge sense of adventure and boundless optimism that makes them almost magnetic.

Moreover, this sign never tends to sit still and is always up for trying something new. It's this fearless enthusiasm that helps others let loose, too, and embrace the moment.

5. Aquarius

Brit + Co

Aquarians have quirky personalities and fresh ideas. Their unpredictable energy makes no two nights ever feel the same.

This sign loves to keep things interesting, whether by stirring up debates or sharing shocking stories. Aquarians are also open-minded, which allows them to connect and relate to people from all walks of life.

6. Libra

Brit + Co

Do you have that "safe space" person you gravitate toward during social gatherings? They might be a Libra.

This sign can easily make any function feel welcoming and warm. They're socially graceful and able to bring all sorts of people together to ensure everyone feels included.

Libras might help smooth over awkward moments, check in on others, or put together the perfect party playlist. Regardless, their love for balance helps every gathering feel like a good mix of lively and laid-back.

7. Pisces

Brit + Co

This sign is extremely intuitive and emotionally intelligent, which is great for making other guests feel seen and understood. Pisces can share an uplifting story of their own or lend an ear to someone in need.

Either way, they help create a loving atmosphere where people are sure to spark meaningful connections.

8. Taurus

Brit + Co

Finally, Tauruses know that a great party isn't just about the people. Rather, it's about the experience.

This sign has an eye for ambiance and makes sure every single detail, from lighting to music and food, is on point. Aside from hosting, they also made great attendees who appreciate the finer things and love to soak up the moment.

Want more zodiac sign content? Find your weekly horoscope and more astrological insights on Brit + Co!

Just like fashion trends, coffee orders can quickly go out of style, and some drinks give serious early-2000s energy (ahem, Señorita Awesome’s PSL order). New flavors and innovations are constantly being made in the coffee world, rendering a lot of once-popular sips obsolete.

From overly-sweet concoctions to blends that have lost their edge, these 7 “outdated” coffee orders are practically begging for an upgrade. If your go-to drink feels stuck in the past, it might be time to shake things up and sip on something a little more current. (Luckily, there are some exciting new menu drops coming from our faves at Dunkin’ andStarbucks!)

Scroll on to discover the top 7 “outdated” coffee orders that are no longer worth the hype – and the ones your barista is probably judging you for.

Olena Bohovyk / PEXELS

1. Frappe (Frappuccino)

While ice-blended coffees are still enjoyed in some places, the classic frappe has been overshadowed by a slew of other options like cold brew, iced coffee, and shaken espresso. Plus, these drinks can get quite complicated with chains offering endless customizations and add-ons.

Esra Afşar / PEXELS

2. Mocha

This combination of chocolate and espresso with steamed milk was pretty trendy for a while, but it’s definitely evolved with more diverse flavors and types of chocolate (dark choc for the win). Plus, mochas can get extremely sweet extremely fast, erasing the taste of coffee altogether.

Emilie Faraut / Dupe

3. White Chocolate Mocha

Mochas made with white chocolate were the drink to order… in the 2010s. Now, they may be seen as overly-sweet compared to more nuanced coffee flavors – especially if you ask a seasoned barista.

Esra Korkmaz / PEXELS

4. Caramel Macchiato

This highly-Instagrammable coffee bev used to be a go-to for many people, but over the years, it’s been associated more and more with tween and teen sippers – likely due to its sweetness and (very) high sugar content. If you want your coffee order to seem more age-appropriate and sophisticated, shift towards simpler options like iced coffee or cold brew!

Itschansy / PEXELS

5. Instant Coffee

While instant coffee is convenient, many baristas and coffee enthusiasts will turn their noses up at the mention of it. Oftentimes, you can get a way better flavor (and overall drinking experience!) with freshly-brewed or specialty coffees. Just save the instant coffee for your next camping trip!

Kelley McQuillen / Dupe

6. Espresso Con Panna

You don't see this one too much anymore. Espresso con panna – AKA a shot of espresso topped with whipped cream – was once considered a luxurious treat. With many people preferring sweeter coffees, it’s just less common now.

Mathias Reding / PEXELS

7. Irish Coffee

While still a total classic coffee order in bars (and especially around St. Patrick’s Day), Irish coffee is just not something you hear ordered as frequently in cafes anymore.

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