Jess Ekstrom On The One Small Thing That Can Help You Be More Optimistic

Jess Ekstrom

Optimism may seem like an increasingly rare and incredibly difficult concept in today's world, but that doesn't mean it's impossible — or that we shouldn't strive for it. In her book, Chasing the Bright Side, author, speaker, and entrepreneur Jess Ekstrom hopes to help people rediscover the power of positivity and apply it to all aspects of life, even it today's difficult times.

Ekstrom credits optimism as a key factor in her own career path. As a young girl, she sent 100 writing submissions for a book (and finally got one accepted) and in college, she started her own company, Headbands of Hope, which donates one headband to a child with cancer for every item sold. Below, Ekstrom shares advice on how to believe in something better, how she once paid someone in Chipotle burritos, and why it's okay to fear failure.

Brit+ Co: In a world where the news seems to grow increasingly bleak, how do you keep up your sense of optimism?

Jess Ekstrom: When we walk through the world with a lens that we can make it better, then we're practicing optimism.

Today, the news is tough. We're constantly feeling like we're being warped into this dark hole of negativity. But optimism is not about staying positive all the time or jumping to your happy place; it's about seeing and absorbing the bad but still believing that the future is good. More importantly, believing that you will be one of the people that create the good.

I started my company, Headbands of Hope, out of my dorm room in college. I was interning at Make-A-Wish and I saw kids losing their hair to chemotherapy and being offered wigs and hats when a lot of them wanted to wear headbands. So I created Headbands of Hope: For every headband sold, one is donated to a child with cancer.

B+C: What is the best way to get back to childlike optimism as an adult?

JE: Something happens when we're kids or early teens that rattles our childlike optimism. Something happens when we become aware of the watching world and stop raising our hand. For me, it was an experience I had my senior year of college when my family was involved in a very high profile scandal, which I describe in the book.

Snapping our fingers to bring back that childlike optimism is borderline impossible because we have more experiences to pull from and reasons to believe that maybe it's not our turn. But one of the strategies I talk about inChasing the Bright Side that we can practice is just throwing darts.

When we throw darts, we're just aiming for the board, and if you're like me, sometimes you miss the board entirely and have to cover up holes in the wall. But throwing darts is just about putting yourself out there time and time again without gripping the result of the bullseye.

In Chasing the Bright Side, I share a story of how, as a young girl, I submitted over 100 writing submissions to Chicken Soup for the Soul because I was obsessed with that book series. One day, I got a letter letting me know that my story was accepted into their teenage edition. Fast forward to now, Jack Canfield (the co-author of the series) endorsed my debut book!

I got published in Chicken Soup for the Soul not because I spent years writing one single poem that was perfect. I threw 100 darts and hoped one would stick. When we miss, we learn something and get better the next time we throw.

B+C: Can you explain how you landed on the title of your book? Is the “bright side” a destination, or is it more about the journey?

JE: When we think of the bright side, we think of optimism or our “happy place.” But my book Chasing the Bright Side is not about reaching a destination of happy; it’s about using optimism as a strategy for better. It’s the journey.

Sometimes optimism can be hard, because you have to progressively think about things that haven’t even happened yet. You have to let yourself dream of a better “next.” But the threat of not being optimistic is stagnancy. We can’t move forward to a better tomorrow if we don’t believe and visualize what could be, and remain confident enough to actively march toward that vision.

The "Chasing" in front of the "Bright Side" insinuates that there will never be an arrival, which was a tough pill for me to swallow in the beginning. I wanted to cross the finish line of success and feel like I made it. But one of the best things we can do is find comfort and fulfillment in making things better not best.

B+C: What is one small thing everyone can do to have and maintain a more positive outlook?

JE: I firmly believe that comparison can be the thief of positivity and confidence. Especially today, it’s so easy to look on social media and feel like you’re not enough or feel unqualified. But someone’s perfectly curated photos are just heartbeats of a life and are not encompassing of the full picture.

But because of the social sharing age we live in, we focus on how things look. How will it look if I fail? What will others think? How will I seem if I post this?

So let me give you one piece of advice that I fall back on when I’m falling into the comparison trap: Success is not what it looks like to others, it’s what it feels like to you.

B+C: There is having optimism, but there’s also taking action based on that optimism. How do you encourage yourself and others to take that next step or leap of faith to move forward?

JE: When we take our minds down a journey of what could go right, we let optimism do its job. Because inspiration is the result of optimism. When we envision a better world, we’re inspired to create it.

Optimism starts with little sparks of an idea or vision, but it’s up to us to decide whether we’re going to follow through. And the follow through can be tough!

So a tip I give in the book is asking yourself this question: What feels light to you right now?

Don’t worry about creating the next Spotify or Airbnb, and don’t think that your next move has to be revolutionary. Just focus on doing the small things: Get your website domain, grab coffee with someone who’s walked the same path, doodle a business plan, create a logo on Canva.

When we assign immense pressure to the end result, we become paralyzed to take the first step. It’s like telling your kid their first day of gymnastics that they have to go to the Olympics. So instead, give yourself permission to do the small things (I built my website by paying someone in Chipotle burritos). The small things add up and completion of small tasks gives us the confidence to then go do bigger tasks.

B+C: How much do you think a sense of optimism is an innate characteristic vs. how much can it be taught/nurtured in someone?

JE: I believe optimism comes pretty natural to us as kids. Think about it, we had to have it when we learned to walk! But I believe it fades for everyone over the years and then it’s up to us to determine if we’re going to make an effort to get it back. That’s what I hope Chasing the Bright Side does for readers, whether you consider yourself an optimist and want to really tap into it, or if you feel you lost that balloon somewhere along the way, this book is here to help.

B+C: How has your company, Headbands of Hope, influenced the way your optimism and how you approach business (or life)?

JE: Headbands of Hope is the result of one flicker of optimism. I remember where I was when I got the idea... sitting in a Hibachi restaurant and I decided I was just going to do it.

I had zero business experience, but I did have a belief in something better. And when we believe our work is connected to something bigger than us, we will do whatever it takes to just figure it out.

So Headbands of Hope has taught me (and hopefully my story will teach you!) that success is not born out of skill, school, where we’re from, who we know, or what we scored on the SAT. None of us were born ready or knowing what to do. But we are born with something more important than skill. We’re born with optimism — the initial seed for success. Optimism fuels the belief that you can be the one to create the good the world needs.

My book was written to show a different success narrative: one where you don’t have to know what you’re doing to know that you can get there.

B+C: What was the biggest disruption/obstacle you’ve had to face and what have you learned from it?

JE: When I was first starting my company, I was working with this manufacturer and I needed money to start the first round of production ($10,000 to be exact). This was a problem because I had about $500 in my bank account at the time and still on the college Ramen Noodle diet at the time. I ended up taking a loan from my dad. Wired this factory the money... and I never heard from them again.

It took me a long time to finally start telling this story because I was ashamed. I thought my wounds were my worth. But overtime, I realized that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s just a part of it.

So in the book and in my speeches, I aim to be super transparent about all the mistakes I made and things that didn’t go right because those were the narratives I needed to hear but wasn’t hearing. I was seeing people “at the top” but not all the dips and dives it took to get there.

I used to think a clear path meant you were successful. Now I realize that a clear path isn’t success, it’s safety. Success is not about the absence of resistance, it’s just the navigation of it.

B+C: Should people fear failure?

JE: It’s actually okay to fear failure. In fact, it’s a necessity for survival. We should have a little fear if we go swimming with sharks or embark on a new adventure! So give yourself a little grace when you feel fear. But the real question is whether or not we let fear take the driver's seat, or if it’s just along for the ride.

One of my favorite analogies is that boiling water can soften a potato but harden an egg. So it’s not as much about the circumstance as it is about the subject. It’s okay to fail, it’s okay to feel fear, but no circumstance is more powerful than who we are as people.

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This article has been updated.

No matter how much effort we put into relaxing after a long day — whether through meditation, fitness, or a hot bath — sometimes we just don’t have the time or energy to commit to going to the gym or focusing on breath work. Personally, the last thing I want to do when I’m trying to de-stress is stare at a screen. I spend my entire day looking at screens, and my eyes and brain simply can’t handle another pixel. That’s why I opt for screen-free activities like reading, crocheting, or, better yet, coloring before bed to wind down.

Now you may be wondering, does coloring ACTUALLY have a positive impact on your mental health? We spoke to Dr. Caroline Fenkel, a licensed therapist and Chief Clinical Officer at Charlie Health, to getting better understand of just how much the simple act of coloring can actually do to relieve stress.

Are adult coloring books good for mental health?

Lada Balakireva

Coloring offers many benefits for mental health, particularly in reducing stress and anxiety after a long day of work or school. Similar to meditating, coloring allows us to focus our mind and engage in mindfulness. Dr Fenkel explains, "The repetitive motion of filling in shapes with color can soothe your mind, allowing you to temporarily set aside worries or stressors that might be weighing you down."

Because the activity itself is very low stakes, it is a perfect way to unwind. You can focus as much or as little as you like, and for however long you choose. "When choosing colors and filling in a design, your brain can take a break from the overthinking that often contributes to stress," Dr. Fenkel says. "It’s a way of giving yourself permission to pause, slow down, and reconnect with a sense of calm."

Not only does it help with de-stressing, it can also contribute to help processing your emotions. "The creative expression involved in coloring can also help you process emotions. Even though it might seem simple, the colors you choose and how you apply them can reflect your inner state," according to Dr. Fenkel.

"Coloring isn’t just a pleasant pastime, but also a small but effective tool for managing stress, nurturing mental well-being, and cultivating peace in a busy world, " Dr. Fenkel says.

So sit back, relax, grab your markers or pencils, and start coloring!

Find Your New Favorite Adult Coloring Book Here!


Yournotes Publishing Mindfulness Coloring Book For Adults

This book offers a wide variety of animals and flowers to choose from! The intricate patterns encourage you to pay attention to detail and let you get super creative with your color choices! This book gives you 50 different patterns to color in, so you have enough to last for a while, too.


Crayola Flower Coloring Book

This 40 page adult coloring book is a breath of fresh, floral air. Made by Crayola, AKA coloring book royalty, you know the quality on this book is gonna be good. These gorgeous illustrations are on perforated pages as well, so you can tear out your favorites to share on your fridge!


Adult Swear Words Coloring Book

Sometimes you just gotta laugh, you know? These 40 single-sided pages are full of swear words and illustrations to help you take the edge off. Some designs are more simple, some are more intricate, and all are a real good time. And if you don't believe me, this adult coloring book has 4.6 stars out of over 3,000 ratings!


Kytefox Publishing Stress Relief Adult Coloring Book

This book features larger images, which is perfect if you’re not a fan of smaller details. It has a very nature-inspired and mystical vibe, so if that’s your style, this coloring book would be perfect for you! There are a total of 60 designs to color in, so you've got a lot to work with while you wind down.


RYVE Adult Coloring Book for Women

This adult coloring book is "thoughtfully designed to provide a peaceful, mindful experience, combining the joy of coloring with the power of introspection." Each illustration is paired with personal growth prompts, so you can ground yourself even more. This book features bleed-resistant paper, so you don't have to worry about accidentally coloring over your prompts for tomorrow.


Cozy Friends: Coloring Book for Adults and Teens

This adult coloring book is perfect for a sweet, cute little vibe! I’ve seen these little characters all over TikTok, and they’re just so adorable! I love the characters and all the cute settings the book places them in. Each of the 40 pages features hand-drawn designs, so you know this one's special.


Cozy Spaces Coloring Spooky Cutie Coloring Book for Adults and Teens

With fall right around the corner, I thought it was only fitting to include a seasonally themed coloring book too! I mean could this get any cuter? You definitely wanna pick up this 40 illustration book ASAP!


Mindfulness Patterns: Coloring Book with Creative Pattern Designs for Stress Relief and Relaxation

Mindfulness really is the big goal with these adult coloring books. This one has 50 illustrations on single-sided pages, and features "a variety of shapes and zentangle doodle patterns." Don't know what "zentangle patterns" are? Me either! According to, these are images created by drawing structured patterns — cool!

Large Print Easy Color & Frame - Stress Free Adult Coloring Book

This adult coloring book is spiral bound with larger print — again, that's really helpful for folks who wanna worry less about coloring in all the intricate, tiny little lines. There are 31 coloring pages, with each being one-sided and perforated. Plus, this well-loved book (4.7 stars out of almost 5,000 reviews) features thicker paper to prevent bleed-through.

Markers, Pens, And Pencils For Your Adult Coloring Books


SFAIH Brush Tip Alcohol Markers Set

Hands down, this is the best marker set on Amazon for a reasonable price! It’s always helpful to have both thick and fine tips to cover larger or smaller areas of the page. I also love the variety of shades within the same color, and they're all SUPER cute!


Caliart 34 Double Tip Brush Pens Art Markers

This is another excellent marker option if you’re looking for an even finer tip! These are perfect if your coloring books have teeny-tiny details, and if you’re a perfectionist (like me) who loves to stay inside the lines.


Soucolor 72-Color Colored Pencils for Adult Coloring Books

If you’re more of a colored pencil girl than a marker girl, I highly recommend this 72-piece colored pencil set. They have every color you could ever need! Plus, colored pencils are great for blending if you want to get a bit more technical with it.


Artownlar Premium 72 Colored Pencils with Coloring Books Set

Finally, if you’re always on the go or want to color while traveling, you should grab a coloring book set! It comes with everything you need and is perfect for bringing on a road trip, to the park, or even as a thoughtful gift for a friend!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Header image via Amazon.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. I'm referring to our holiday movie watchlist, of course. The best new Christmas movies always make for a good time. But when it comes to the worst Christmas movies ever? Honestly, sometimes they make for an ever better time (especially when you're really dedicated to hate-watching). See which movies made the list below!

Keep reading to see the 13 worst Christmas movies that are so bad, they made the naughty list.

Our Little Secret (2024) — On Netflix Now

Chuck Zlotnick/Netflix

We're starting off strong with a Rotten Tomatoes rating that made my jaw drop! Despite the fact Lindsay Lohan's new comedy, which follows two exes who realize their partners are siblings, made me laugh out loud, it only got a RT rating of 36 percent and audience rating of 59 percent, as well as an IMDb rating of 5.8 out of 10. Yikes.

Four Christmases (2008) — On Hulu

New Line Productions

In my opinion, Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon are a match made in Heaven in Four Christmases, which follows their characters Brad and Kate as they go through four separate family gatherings on Christmas Day. Unfortunately, it looks like audiences disagree because the movie got a 5.7 out of 10 on IMDb and a 47 percent Rotten Tomatoes audience rating (with only a 25 percent from RT itself!!).

I'll Be Home For Christmas (1998) — On Hulu

Walt Disney Pictures

In I'll Be Home For Christmas, Jake (Jonathan Taylor Thomas) returns home for the holiday hoping that his estranged dad (Gary Cole) will get him a porsche...but winds up getting left with nothing but a Santa suit in the middle of the desert thanks to the football team. To make matters worse, his GF Allie (Jessica Biel) has no clue what happened to him, and decides to hitchhike with Jake's nemesis Eddie (Adam LaVorgna).

Even though it has a ton of elements that could make for an entertaining movie, this flick only got a 23 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, along with a 41 percent audience rating, and a 5.5 out of 10 on IMDb.

The Christmas Candle (2013) — On Tubi

EchoLight Studios

Despite the fact historical films like A Christmas Carol are beloved by so many, critics consider The Christmas Candle one of the worst Christmas movies. The story follows a minister (Hans Matheson) in 1800s England who finds himself in a standoff against townspeople (including Samantha Barks) who believe a candle, and an angel's touch, offer a miracle every Christmas Eve.

The movie only got a 22 percent on Rotten Tomatoes (despite the fact it has a 74 percent audience rating), and a 6.3 out of 10 on IMDb.

​Tyler Perry's A Madea Christmas (2013) — On Tubi

KC Bailey/Lionsgate

Tyler Perry continues to be a fan favorite, proven by the fact that even though A Madea Christmas got a 21 percent on RT and a 5.1 out of 10 on IMDb, its RT audience score is 70 percent!

The Christmas movie follows Madea (Tyler Perry) and her niece Eileen (Anna Maria Horsford) on a journey to surprise Eileen's daughter Lacey (Tika Sumpter). Turns out, the reason Lacey didn't come home is she eloped! But it's with a character played by Chad Michael Murray, so I'm more than willing to press play on this one.

The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (2006) — On Disney+

Walt Disney Studios

The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause was one of my favorite movies as a kid, and apparently the sentiment is not shared. This threequel follows Scott Calvin/Santa Claus (Tim Allen) goes toe-to-toe with Jack Frost (Martin Short) in a battle for the North Pole.

The movie only has a 17 percent RT rating and a 39 percent audience score, plus a 4.8 out of 10. Big yikes.

Deck the Halls (2006) — On Hulu

20th Century Fox/20th Century Studios

This horrible Christmas movie pairs up Matthew Broderick and Kristen Chenoweth three years after their stint in Disney's The Music Man, and follows Steve (Broderick) whose detailed, perfect Christmas is ruffled by Danny's (Danny DeVito) arrival in the neighborhood. One thing leads to another and suddenly Steve and Danny are in a battle to be the best-decorated house on the block. Oh, did I mention Kristin Davis costars?!

Deck the Halls has a startingly low rating of six percent on Rotten Tomatoes alongside its audience rating of 30 percent and a 5.1 out of 10 on IMDb.

A Law For Christmas (2023) — On Tubi

WesleyBros Productions

This new movie might have come just in time for the holidays last year, but viewers are wishing Santa had kept it for himself. The story (which stars Savannah Lathem and Chase Giacomo) follows a young politician who swaps the city for the country, and her job for her true calling.

It sounds romantic, but based on the 1.1 out of 10 rating on's not.

The Star Wars Holiday Special (1978)


I recently saw this special on air and, I'm sorry, I can totally see how some people consider this one of the worst Christmas movies. Aside from the fact it features OG Star Wars cast members like Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford, it just doesn't have the same magic as the movies we know and love.

The Star Wars Holiday Special follows Chewbacca and Han Solo as they journey to Kashyyyk (the Wookiee homeworld) for Life Day, and then have to entertain themselves when they're stopped by an Imperial blockade. Nothing says happy holidays like a 2.2 out of 10 IMDb rating and a 25 percent for both critics and audiences on RT. Unfortunately, it looks like this special isn't even available to stream.

Home Alone 3 (1997) — On Disney+

20th Century Fox/20th Century Studios

When are they gonna learn not to mess with originals?! Instead of picking up with Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin), Home Alone 3 introduces us to Alex Pruitt (Alex D. Linz) who has to defend his home from a new set of crooks when he's home sick.

The film has a 35 percent RT score and 27 percent audience rating, which is a far cry from Home Alone's respective 66 and 80 percents! The movie does star a young Scarlett Johansson though, so that's a plus.

Unaccompanied Minors (2006) — On Paramount+

John Bramley/Warner Bros. Entertainment

Being an unaccompanied minor might be every kid's dream but turns out, the movie's a nightmare. The story follows five stranded young adults (Dyllan Christopher, Tyler James Williams, Gia Mantegna, Quinn Shephard, and Brett Kelly) who take the opportunity to run buck wild in an airport ( still low-key a dream of mine TBH). Unfortunately their airport official (Lewis Black) and his assistant (Wilmer Valderrama) are not amused.

This bad Christmas movie has a 30 percent on RT with an audience rating of 35 percent, and an IMDb score of 5.4 out of 10.

The Perfect Holiday (2007) — On Peacock

Yari Film Group

The Perfect Holiday? Not so perfect. The movie follows divorcée Nancy (Gabrielle Union), whose youngest daughter Emily (Khail Bryant) plots to put a smile back on her mom's face. When she asks a store Santa Benjamin (Morris Chestnut) to give Nancy a compliment, she beings a chain of events that might just bring some Christmas magic back into their lives.

Sadly the movie only got a 19 percent RT score and 52 percent audience rating alongside an IMDb rating of 4.8 out of 10.

The Nutcracker: The Untold Story (2010) — Rent On Amazon Prime

Freestyle Releasing

And we're rounding out the list with what might be the worst Christmas movie of all; somehow The Nutcracker: The Untold Story got a ZERO PERCENT RATING on Rotten Tomatoes! How is that even possible?!

The movie follows Mary (Elle Fanning), who receives a magical nutcracker from her Uncle Albert (Nathan Lane). When the nutcracker comes to life and transports Mary to a magical land on Christmas night, she has to stand off against the evil Rat King — and rescue the nutcracker when he's kidnapped.

Unfortunately, the inspiring plot did not inspire viewers considering it got a 28 percent RT audience score and 4.1 out of 10 on IMDb.

Do you think these are the worst Christmas movies ever? Let us know your pick on Facebook!

There’s always been a sort of DIY element to the IKEA brand, from building the furniture yourself to IKEA hacks to their bolts of Scandinavian-inspired fabrics to make everything from pillows to accessories. Now IKEA stores are blowing it up with Tyg, a new collection of home textiles that inspires us to get creative with fabric.

The pre-cut fabrics come in 3-meter cuts, or a little more than 3 yards each – just enough to get creative with canvas covers, bags, fashion and accessories. Choose from 20 cheerful, vibrant, and nature-inspired patterns that reflect Scandinavian modern design to transform and personalize your space. Look out for the collection in stores this July 2024!

In the meantime, here’s some inspiration for turning them into something you love! Make sure to bookmark it!

Pencil Skirt


"Our collections are a homage to the rich Scandinavian design identity that we cherish and aim to preserve," says a rep from IKEA Sweden. There are also some vintage prints in the mix. Try our easy pencil skirt pattern for a fun summer skirt.

No Sew Belted Tote


Storage hack: Use these bold prints to cover boring cardboard boxes and add a leather handle for a chic and practical use.

Low-Sew Ottoman Cover


Learn how to reupholster an ottoman and pick fun IKEA fabrics to create a statement piece.

Tote Bag


You can never have too many tote bags, right? This floral pattern would make for a cute and colorful market tote!

Hugs + Kisses Pillows


Try this animal print in our most adorable hugs and kisses pillows. New to sewing? Try our sewing class!

Overall Dress


Practice your sewing skills by making a simple overalls dress! This fabric would be perfect.

Box Covers


Wrap them like gift wrap around shoe boxes using a staple gun for another easy storage hack.

No Sew Pencil Pouch


A small print like this black and white check is great for small projects like a pencil pouch.



Colorful stripes are perfect for a pillowcase pattern (via PurlSoho), where you just stitch two rectangles of fabric together (standard size is 20 by 26 inches) right sides together. Then hem the opening!

Wall Organizer


This wall organizer is another easy DIY, where you can sew the rectangle around the dowel, or iron the edges with no-sew hem tape. Hand-sew or machine stitch the pockets, making sure to fold under the edges for a cleaner look!



This drawstring planter cover is a cute idea for covering ho-hum planters or vases.

Kids Travel Pillow


Traveling with a kiddo? Keep them comfy with this sweet travel pillow pattern from Joann's.

Summer Crop Top


A great first sewing project is this crop top in this fun purple check!

No Sew Covered Canvas


Probably the easiest way to use this fabric is by staple-gunning it around a canvas for an easy and creative art piece!

Laptop Case


Protect your laptops with a fabric case in a bold striped pattern. This fabric would also make a great curtain!

Pet Bed


OMG, how cute! Make your pet a bed (via Joann's) in a playful print you'll both love.

Seat Cushion


Learning the straight stitch on your sewing machine will get you very far. New seat cushions in every room!

Tasseled Pillows


I never met a tassel I didn't love. Add bright colored tassels to this B&W print.

Travel Bag


Toss your toiletries in something handmade with thistravel bag pattern.

Pocket Patch


Pocket patterns are great for adding to furniture and clothes. This top-stitched one is handy for holding the remote, emergency snack bag, or a small book.

Look out for the IKEA Tyg collection in stores this July 2024!

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Images via IKEA

Gilmore Girls fans can all agree that, despite how much we love the show, Lane Kim (Keiko Agena) deserved WAY better. But Keiko admits that even though Lane's treatment on GG leaves a lot to be desired (starting with the fact that Lane is Korean American and Keiko is Japanese American), it was still a special role.

Keep reading to see which Gilmore Girls costars Keiko Agena talks to the most!

Keiko Agena has a complicated relationship with 'Gilmore Girls' character Lane Kim.

Saeed Adyani/Netflix

“I think what [the role] was for people was different than what it was for me,” she tells Juliet Litman on an episode of the Dear Felicity rewatch podcast (via People). “In a weird way, I feel like I want to honor the experience that people had from the show, and what it meant to them, especially young Asian people, because I get that comment a lot, about what it was like for them to see someone like that on screen.”

And it's no surprise that as much as Gilmore Girls viewers love Lane, Keiko "[loves] her too. I can tell, when I meet someone who knows Gilmore Girls or who loves Lane, it's like, I recognize that love. I see that you love that person."

But it's possible to hold two conflicting emotions at the same time, and although Lane Kim was an incredibly special role at the time, there are some things Keiko would do differently today. “The best thing is to have a Korean American writer [and a] Korean American actor,” she says. “I don't think that that role, cast that way, would happen today. But at that time, in 2000, it was such a different time that I definitely know I wouldn't have said no or pulled myself out of that situation at that time...Now it's just a mix of just having gratitude for having gone through that experience and having that experience.”

Keiko Agena also keeps in touch with two very special 'Gilmore Girls' costars!

And one aspect of Gilmore Girls that Keiko Agena is thankful for is her relationship with the Gilmore Girls cast! And there are two costars in particular she frequently keeps in contact with: John Cabrera (who played Brian) and Sean Gunn (who starred as Kirk).

“There is this kind of lovely nostalgia for that time, and yet also we have years since then,” she says. “I [have] gone to both of their weddings. Our friendship is part Gilmore Girls and appreciation for that crazy time, and then part just like a million other things that are just like friends.”

I was totally surprised to learn she keeps in contact with John and Sean (supposedly) more regularly than Alexis Bledel, but it makes sense when you remember Keiko, John, and Sean are all around the same age — and Alexis is 7 years younger. Hopefully we get another Gilmore Girls reunion to see our favorite television BFF's reunite!

Watch Lauren Graham & Scott Patterson's Mini Gilmore Girls Reunion for more Stars Hollow love!

Turn your home gym into your favorite workout spot with these affordable upgrades that maximize functionality and motivation. This article highlights must-have equipment and accessories that can transform any space into a personalized fitness haven without breaking the bank. From versatile resistance bands and adjustable dumbbells to space-saving storage racks and cushioned workout mats, these upgrades are perfect for all fitness levels. Whether you’re just starting your fitness journey or enhancing your current setup, our curated list ensures you’ll find budget-friendly solutions to elevate your home workouts. Get ready to break a sweat and crush your fitness goals in a gym tailored just for you!

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

Upgrade Your Strength Routine With These Adjustable Dumbbells That Go Up to 24 Pounds


Lift smart with adjustable dumbbells, the ultimate space-saving solution for strength training. With a magnetic pin mechanism, you can seamlessly switch weights between three and 24 pounds per hand. The ergonomic rubber grip ensures a comfortable and secure hold, so you can focus on crushing your goals worry-free.

See it on Amazon

Add Variety to Your Workouts With This Essential Pilates Ring


Target stubborn areas with this Pilates ring, your go-to tool for toning thighs, arms, hips, and more. Lightweight and portable, it even includes a carrying pouch, making it perfect for at-home or on-the-go workouts.

See it on Amazon

Support Your Workouts With Copper-Infused Compression Leggings


Recover like a pro with these copper-infused compression leggings, designed to boost circulation, reduce inflammation, and support muscle recovery. They're even antimicrobial to keep bacteria at bay, helping you jog back into your fitness routine with confidence and style.

See it on Amazon

Expand Your Strength Routine With a Resistance Band Set Complete With Handles


Get a total-body workout with resistance bands featuring handles, the ultimate at-home fitness essential. Compact, versatile, and travel-friendly, these bands make strength training accessible and effective. Start your home gym journey with these bands and watch your progress soar.

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Sculpt Your Core Anywhere With a Portable Ab Wheel


Level up your core workouts with the portable and budget-friendly ab wheel, the go-to tool recommended by fitness pros. In just 10–15 minutes, this compact wheel delivers an intense ab burn. Whether you’re at home or sneaking in a quick office session, it’s your ultimate core-crushing companion.

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Enjoy Yoga Anywhere With This Supportive Yoga Mat With a Carrying Strap


Make floor workouts comfier with this thick yoga mat, offering extra cushioning and nonslip support. Whether you’re planking, stretching, or practicing Pilates, this mat provides the comfort you need, available in multiple colors and complete with a convenient carrying strap.

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Bounce Into Fitness With This Trampoline That Isn't Just for Kids


Bring the fun back to cardio with a mini trampoline, a low-impact workout tool that’s as entertaining as it is effective. Featuring guided workouts and an LCD monitor to track your progress, this trampoline will have you bouncing your way to better fitness.

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Strengthen Your Core With This Wobble Board for Targeted Abs Workouts


Challenge your core with the wobble board, the perfect accessory to enhance balance and stability. Whether you’re planking, squatting, or just trying to stay upright, this tool engages your muscles for a fun and functional workout.

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Soothe Your Muscles With an Air Compression Calf Massager


Soothe tired legs with this calf massager, a portable device that provides air compression therapy for swelling and soreness. With adjustable intensity and a remote control, it’s like having a personal massage therapist on call, anytime, anywhere.

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Perfect Your Crunches With the Ultimate Neck and Back Support Tool


Upgrade your ab routine with this versatile crunch assistant, designed to boost the effectiveness of crunches while doubling as a tool for push-ups and dips. Compact and easy to use, it’s a must-have for any core-focused workout.

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Hop on This Yoga Wheel


Do you suffer from back pain? If so, this yoga wheel is exactly what the doctor ordered. It fits perfectly in between your shoulder blades to target muscle relief.

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Channel Your Inner Gymnast With These Durable Rings


Channel your inner gymnast with gymnastics rings, which are ideal for building upper body strength and improving flexibility. While you might not make it to the Olympics, these rings deliver a full-body workout that’s both challenging and rewarding.

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Keep Your Phone Secure on Runs With This Cell Phone Armband


Keep your essentials close with this handy armband, perfect for holding your phone, keys, and more during workouts or runs. Lightweight and secure, it’s a practical accessory that won’t hold you back.

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Boost Agility and Coordination With This Agility Ladder


Boost speed and coordination with the agility ladder, a compact tool favored by athletes for improving footwork and balance. Easy to set up and portable, it’s a game-changer for anyone looking to level up their training routine.

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Enhance Your Workouts With These Wearable Weights for Added Intensity


Amp up leg day with adjustable ankle weights, perfect for adding resistance to exercises like leg lifts and glute kickbacks. With multiple weight options, these versatile weights help you intensify your workouts and achieve your fitness goals.

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Blow Off Steam With This Heavy-Duty Punching Bag


Punch out stress with this punching bag, the ultimate way to combine fitness and therapy. Compact and perfect for apartments or small spaces, it helps you release tension while building strength and endurance. Punch your way to both physical and mental health.

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Stay Comfortable While Toning With These Mesh Sneakers


Step up your footwear game with these slip-on sneakers, combining fashion and function. Featuring cushioned support, breathable mesh, and an easy slip-on design, they keep your feet comfortable while engaging leg muscles for better movement and style.

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Maximize Cardio With a Space-Saving Compact Exercise Bike


Stay active anywhere with this mini exercise bike, perfect for pedaling under your desk or in front of the TV. With adjustable resistance, anti-slip pedals, and an LCD monitor, it’s a compact way to incorporate movement into your day without leaving your seat.

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Protect Floors and Joints With Puzzle Exercise Mats That Interlock Easily


Transform your home gym with these puzzle exercise mats, providing a cushioned, nonslip surface for safer and more comfortable workouts. Easy to assemble and versatile, they protect your joints and flooring, making them a must-have for any home fitness space.

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Customize Your Strength Training With This Adjustable Fitness Bench Offering 16 Configurations


Maximize your exercise options with this adjustable fitness bench, offering endless possibilities for targeting muscle groups. From step-ups to bench presses, this height-adjustable bench includes storage space, blending functionality with convenience.

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Build Strength With a Set of Adjustable Dumbbells for Versatility


Get stronger with these adjustable dumbbells, the ultimate space-saving solution for a full-body workout. Whether you're building strength or toning muscle, these dumbbells adapt to your fitness needs, offering versatility and effectiveness in one compact package.

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Level Up Your Training With This Kettlebell in Various Weights


Add a cardio and strength-training powerhouse to your routine with this vinyl-coated kettlebell, available in weights from five to 50 pounds. Its smooth handle ensures a secure grip, making it an excellent choice for building endurance and strength.

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Relieve Muscle Tension With a Foam Roller Featuring a Textured Surface


Roll out muscle tightness with this affordable foam roller, your personal sports masseuse at home. With a high-density textured surface, it’s perfect for relieving tension, increasing circulation, and mimicking gym machine exercises to elevate your recovery and flexibility.

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Add a New Dimension to Your Training With These Egg Weights That Fit Perfectly in Your Palm


Supercharge your workouts with these small egg weights, the perfect addition for resistance training. These half-pound palm-sized weights are ideal for boxing or adding a challenge to any fitness routine. Lightweight, portable, and easy to grip, these little eggs pack a powerful punch.

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Elevate Your Bodyweight Workouts With This Set of Parallel Bars


Take your strength training to the next level with parallel bars, a compact solution for dips, pull-ups, and more. Crafted from heavy-duty carbon steel, these bars provide unmatched stability and durability, making them an essential addition to your home gym setup.

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Experience a Full-Body Workout With This Pilates Bar Kit Complete With Accessories


Bring the Pilates studio home with this portable Pilates bar kit, featuring resistance bands and accessories for balance, coordination, and muscle toning. This space-saving kit fits neatly into a carry bag, making it perfect for both at-home and on-the-go workouts.

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Take Your Home Workouts to New Heights With a Suspension System Featuring Industrial-Strength Straps


Challenge your entire body with a suspension training system equipped with industrial-strength straps for adjustable exercises. Target your upper and lower body with ease—just find a sturdy anchor point and get ready for a full-body workout experience.

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Enhance Core Strength With This Weighted Medicine Ball


Enhance core strength with a weighted medicine ball, a versatile tool for building muscle and improving balance. Available in multiple weights, its textured rubber surface ensures a secure grip, making it a staple for dynamic and effective workouts.

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Step Into Fitness With a Step-Up Platform for Sustained Cardio


Elevate your cardio game with a step-up platform, perfect for heart-pumping exercises and a dose of nostalgia. Featuring a slip-resistant surface and adjustable risers, it’s a customizable, ’80s-inspired fitness essential for any workout routine.

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Add Resistance to Any Routine With a Breathable Weighted Vest


Push your limits with a weighted vest designed to evenly distribute weight for a safer, joint-friendly workout. Made from breathable neoprene, it’s comfortable and versatile, allowing you to increase intensity while staying cool and focused.

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Get Low-Impact Cardio With This Space-Efficient Rower


Row your way to full-body fitness with an affordable rowing machine, offering a low-impact, high-reward workout. With a foldable design and an LCD screen to track your progress, it’s the ultimate cardio machine for any fitness level.

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Track Your Progress With the Advanced Apple Watch Health Metrics


Stay on top of your fitness goals with the Series 8 Apple Watch, your ultimate wrist companion. Packed with features like temperature sensing, blood oxygen monitoring, and ECG tracking, it’s more than a watch—it’s a mini supercomputer dedicated to your health and performance.

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Increase Workout Intensity With a Set of Resistance Bands in 6 Tension Levels


No room? No problem. These resistance bands are a space-saving powerhouse, perfect for a full-body workout without the need for heavy, bulky equipment. From squats to bicep curls, they adapt to your routine at home or on the go.

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Work Out Anywhere With These Dual-Sided Sliders for Any Surface


Add intensity to your bodyweight exercises with sliders, the small but mighty upgrade your workouts need. Boost plank variations, enhance lunges, and challenge stability—all without weights. Lightweight and travel-friendly, these sliders are a home gym essential.

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Stay Light on Your Feet With an Adjustable Jump Rope


Boost your cardio with an adjustable jump rope, designed for full-body engagement. Improve coordination, balance, and stamina with this compact, low-impact workout tool designed for small spaces. Whether you're into fitness or upping your game, this rope delivers.

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Anchor Your Workouts With This Simple Yet Effective Door Anchor for Resistance Bands


Transform any doorway into a gym with a door anchor and resistance bands. This dynamic duo creates a cable-machine-like setup without the hefty price tag. Affordable, portable, and easy to use, this dynamic duo turns any space into your personal training zone.

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