June Affirmations For Every Zodiac Sign To Bring You All The Luck

June affirmations

Your June horoscopes are bringing all the happiness and big opportunities to the table, and with the right affirmations you can manifest those vibes even more! And with a new moon in Gemini and a full moon in Capricorn, there are plenty of enhanced chances for you to harness the lunar energy and more fully embrace these affirmations. With great intention, these affirmations can help you cultivate your best, luckiest life this June! Read on to see the affirmations for your zodiac sign!

June Affirmations For Your Sun, Moon, And Rising Signs

Photo by Monstera Production

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

June is all about momentum and forward movement for you, Aries. Take every opportunity in stride, and keep these three affirmations in mind!

  • "I am open to new and exciting opportunities that bring me joy in June."
  • "My communication skills are clear and concise, allowing me to connect with others effectively."
  • "I embrace change with a positive attitude and take decisive action towards my goals."

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Now is the time to refresh and embrace your purpose! This could touch many aspects of your life, from work life to who you hang out with. Whatever you decide to dig into this month, these affirmations will help steady you through it all.

  • "I cultivate inner peace and stability, creating a foundation for happiness in June."
  • "I am open to new experiences that expand my horizons and bring joy."
  • "I trust my intuition and make financial decisions with wisdom."

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

It's your time to shine, Gemini! As you continue through your season, now is a great time to dream big and level up. In order to take on this magical vibe, be sure to keep these affirmations at the forefront.

  • "I connect with others on a deeper level through open and honest communication."
  • "I embrace my curiosity and learn new things with an open mind."
  • "I express my creativity and share my ideas with confidence in June."

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer season starts at the end of this month, and it's the perfect time for you to rev up and get your energy going! Manifestation is big for you this month, and these affirmations are perfect to lean into that.

  • "I nurture my relationships with loved ones and create a safe space for connection."
  • "I prioritize my emotional well-being and practice self-care in June."
  • "I am receptive to new beginnings and embrace positive changes that come my way."

Photo by Mariam Antadze

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Now is the perfect time to play, Leo! Enjoy your friends, enjoy your intuition, enjoy a glass of wine — enjoy whatever you'd like! But just keep these themes and affirmations in mind as you do so.

  • "I radiate confidence and shine my light brightly in June."
  • "I celebrate my talents and share them with the world with joy."
  • "I find happiness in creative endeavors and playful activities."

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

You're in your boss era, and you're ready to take on your career even better than ever! Take the month of June to manifest and absorb those wins at work for all they're worth. Remind yourself these affirmations to stay on track!

  • "I focus on practical solutions and navigate challenges with resourcefulness."
  • "I create healthy routines and prioritize self-care in June."
  • "I am open to abundance and embrace opportunities for financial growth."

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

It's the best time to open your mind, expand your horizons, and dig deep. Change doesn't happen overnight, but with the magical experiences coming your way and these inspiring affirmations, you're bound for beautiful growth this June.

  • "I seek balance and harmony in all areas of my life in June."
  • "I collaborate effectively with others and build strong relationships."
  • "I appreciate beauty in all its forms and cultivate a sense of peace."

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

If you're feeling a little wonky this month, that's okay, Scorpio. Right now, you just wanna tune into yourself and reflect on what you want and what's working for you. These affirmations will help you stay grounded throughout it all.

  • "I tap into my inner strength and overcome challenges with resilience."
  • "I release emotional baggage and embrace personal transformation in June."
  • "I connect with others on a deep and meaningful level."

Photo by Ben Mack

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

IDK if it's all this Bridgerton talk, or what, but love and romance is top-of-mind for you this month! Invest in the things you love like travel and experiences, but you also wanna be sure to invest in your relationships as well. These affirmations are perfect for that.

  • "I embrace new adventures and expand my horizons with a positive outlook."
  • "I connect with loved ones and share meaningful experiences in June."
  • "I learn from different cultures and broaden my understanding of the world."

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

You only get one physical body, and you're all about taking care of it right now. Whether you're scheduling that doctor's appointment you've been putting off, heading to the gym, or adding more greens to your diet, this is a major focus for you this June. Keep these affirmations in your back pocket when you need an extra boost!

  • "I work diligently towards my goals and find happiness in the process."
  • "I celebrate my achievements and acknowledge my progress in June."
  • "I create a strong foundation for success and embrace opportunities for growth."

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Your big thinking translates into even bigger passions during June, Aquarius. Don't let the excitement overwhelm you, though — this is a great time to start (and finish) new projects, promote change, and renew your purpose! With these affirmations, the sky is the limit.

  • "I connect with like-minded individuals and collaborate for positive change."
  • "I break free from limiting beliefs and embrace innovative solutions in June."
  • "I use my voice to advocate for myself and others."

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Whether you live with a family of five, or you're flying solo, now is the best time to nest. Dig into your domesticity, your family life, and everything in between to make sure you have a harmonious home life. But because we know you, dear Pisces, we know you'll take the less-than-conventional route, and these affirmations will help you do so!

  • "I tap into my creativity and express myself through art and imagination."
  • "I connect with my spiritual side and find peace in nature in June."
  • "I trust the flow of life and surrender to the magic of the universe."

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Header image by Alexandro David

Get ready, everyone: this week promises to be highly charged, with the potential for surprises and unexpected events! It’s important for all of us to keep in mind the higher vibration of Libra as the week unfolds. Strive for balance, fairness, and equanimity in your own life. Observe world events that are beyond our control with compassion, and find beauty within your personal sphere wherever you can. Spend time in nature and enjoy the changing seasons. Take a breath, and know that you can (and you will) get through this.

Want to know how this unique energy will specifically impact you? Keep reading for your weekly horoscope for October 13-19 — and be sure to read for your sun and rising signs!

Astrology Breakdown For Your Weekly Horoscope

Eberhard Grossgasteiger

The Full Moon occurs on October 17 at 24 degrees of Aries. We'll all feel the amplification of energy from this Full Moon — but those with their Sun, Moon, or Rising in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn will be most affected.

Other planetary energies are intensifying in combination with the Moon, which may lead to increased aggression and destruction on the world stage. There is a Cardinal Grand Cross, with Mars opposite Pluto and the Sun and Moon opposing each other. In our personal lives, it’s best to ride the waves with a goal of balance. If you need an extra boost to accomplish a goal or complete a project, harness this energy for resolution. Aries energy embodies the essence of spring, allowing flowers to burst forth through frozen ground and bloom in a riot of colors and aromas. However, Aries can also be aggressive and warlike. We have a choice about how to express this energy in our personal lives; balance action with compassion, and strive for cooperation and self-advocacy.

cottonbro studio

On October 13, Mercury, the planet of communication, forms a challenging square to Pluto, the planet of transformation. Traditionally, this indicates potential conflict, misunderstandings, and aggressive interactions. Try to take the high road and refrain from arguing — especially if you know you cannot convince others of your point of view. Instead, use this energy to look within and deepen your understanding of your own psychology. Engage in profound conversations that reveal the essence of your experience.

Also on October 13, Mars, the planet of action and assertiveness, is squaring Chiron, the wounded healer. You might feel tempted to use force and sheer willpower to address frustration. Issues surrounding independence and power may surface. Try to harness your energy and passion to gain a greater understanding of how your need for independence can coexist with the value of harmony in your relationships. Be aware of any tendencies toward co-dependency, but remain committed to your sovereignty. The Sun shines its light on Chiron today in an opposition, illuminating the issues that are triggered. Once again, balance, fairness, and equanimity are essential.


On October 14, the Sun will square Mars, adding more tension to the week’s energy. Ego conflicts, irritability, and impatience may arise. Refrain from initiating conflict; it's better to walk away if you feel challenged during this time. Instead, use this energy to motivate yourself to accomplish a personal goal. Focus and work hard to complete tasks that need attention. Exercise is advisable — but don’t push yourself too hard, as you could strain a muscle.

Also on October 14, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money, is opposite Uranus, the planet of upsets and unpredictability. Rather than letting this add to the agitation of the week, open your mind to experiencing a new way of being. Use this energy to break a habit that is not beneficial for you, or start a new routine that promotes your well-being. Experiment with different approaches and see how these changes enhance your life. Embrace your creativity and break free from situations that have become dull or unfulfilling.

Nina Hill

October 15 offers a wonderful opportunity to use your creativity to enhance romance, provide inspiration, and tap into higher consciousness for love and harmony. Venus forms a beneficial trine with Neptune, the planet of universal love and compassion. Your intuition will be heightened, and your empathy and sensitivity toward others will be enhanced. Music, art, and breath work are all conduits for expressing your higher self.

​Read Your Weekly Horoscope For Your Sun & Rising Signs

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

With the Full Moon in Aries, you may feel a burst of energy that is hard to contain. Engage in exercise, dance, or any physical activity — just shake it out as best as you can! If you have home projects, now is a great time to finish them. You'll likely feel extra passionate, but avoid confrontation unless you are absolutely certain of your facts and have support. It’s crucial for you to balance your drive for individuality with the need to cooperate with others.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Communication is key this week. You may feel compelled to speak your mind with authority, and debate might come naturally. Ensure that you and your audience are well-informed and receptive — especially when it comes to testy topics that might arise (there's SO much going on in the world right now). Pay attention to your own health and care for others; being of service is more important than fighting to be right.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Take your time this week, Gemini. Focus on practicality and be deliberate as you execute your tasks, whether that be a deck at work, or simply just doing the dishes at home. Use your considerable physical strength and dexterity to channel excess energy, helping you maintain equilibrium. Breath work and meditation will assist you in navigating the week’s intensity.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Leverage your natural athleticism to navigate this week’s energy. Healthy competition can be enjoyable, and it may even help resolve underlying issues (even a card game or two can really get you out of your own head!). Trust your intuition and insights — you ultimately know what's best for you, and what you need next. You might even feel driven to explore topics that have been elusive; research and exploration can be exciting.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You may want to escape the week’s intensity through fantasizing or daydreaming. Instead, channel that energy into creative projects. If you lack energy, exercise, but be disciplined enough to return to your tasks. Whatever you do, though, use your natural creativity to approach something new or unexpected. Take time to recover, but avoid getting lost in an imaginary world. You have big ideas, Leo — you just have to remember how to harness them as best as you can.

Brit + Co

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

Take advantage of every opportunity to collaborate. Be mindful that some people may display aggressive behavior, and tactfully sidestep anyone who is combative — you can control who you let in your corner. Pool resources, develop teams, and work creatively with others. Think outside the box to find ingenious solutions. The world is your oyster, Virgo!

Brit + Co

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

The Full Moon is opposite your Sun, urging you to take action. Be proactive and assertive. Reflect on your behaviors and modify anything that feels out of balance. This week is an opportunity to focus on your own needs as well as the greater good. Remember the airline safety protocol: put your mask on first before helping others. Maintain balance and harmony by advocating for yourself.

Brit + Co

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

You may feel especially powerful this week, making it imperative to engage in the right use of that power. Take time to reflect before acting, ensuring you see the bigger picture clearly — it's okay to pause before pressing play sometimes. Pursue what you know to be true with efficiency and tenacity. Self-care is crucial as you navigate this intense energy, especially if you are making long-overdue changes. Your actions over the next few weeks will set you up for the future, so pay attention to details and move forward confidently.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

Look for ways to transform your health that differ from your usual methods. Reach out to your community for inspiration. Use your body to move energy this week, even if it feels unfamiliar. Open your mind and change your attitude for profound growth. Be willing to embrace something different, because it may be all the healing you've needed all along.

Brit + Co

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

You have a chance to balance your relationships in meaningful ways. Embody the Libra qualities you admire most. While achieving equanimity among partners, friends, and family can be challenging, the energy of the Full Moon offers an opportunity to make significant strides toward that balance. If you feel unbalanced internally, focus on creating equanimity within yourself. You deserve to fill up your cup with calm waters, Capricorn.

Brit + Co

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

Stay open to unexpected encounters with people or things you might not usually find appealing. Life lessons and inspiration can come from all sorts of experiences — even in the most mundane of moments! Pay attention to your health and make long-term beneficial choices. Be mindful of who you meet, what you see, what you eat, and how you help others. Embody Libra qualities whenever possible. This balance will drive you!

Brit + Co

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

Your intuitive abilities are heightened right now, Pisces. You can find great satisfaction and inspiration through creative expression. If you feel stuck, move your body — dance, swim, or practice Tai Chi. Let music and nature inspire you. The intense energy from the Full Moon is available for you to manifest your art and uplift your spirit — tap into it with abundance. Establish boundaries to repel aggressive energies, ensuring your art remains your sanctuary.

Looking for a more thorough reading? Reach out to Tina at SevenSistersAstrology.com!

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Tom Holland and Zendaya are the "it" couple right now, and they're both at the top of their game. Tom Holland took a recent break from acting and has been doing phenomenal charity work with his Brothers Trust foundation, while Zendaya's had hit after hit with Euphoria, Dune 2, and Challengers. And it looks like the couple, who met doing Spider-Man: Homecoming, could be doing another new Marvel movie. Here's everything we know about Spider-Man 4.

What has Tom Holland said about returning as Peter Parker?

Jay Maidment/Sony Pictures/Marvel

Tom Holland recently revealed that he's actually already read a script for Spider-Man 4 — and that he loved it! “We have a creative and we have a pitch and a draft, which is excellent,” he tells the Rich Roll Podcast (via Variety). “It needs work, but the writers are doing a great job. I read it three weeks ago and it really lit a fire in me. Zendaya and I sat down and read it together and we, at times, were bouncing around the living room like this is a real movie worthy of the fans’ respect.”

“One of the things is that, with Marvel, your film is a small cog in a large machine,” he continues. “That machine has got to keep running. You have to make sure you can fit into that timeline at the right time to benefit the bigger picture. That’s one of the challenges we’re facing. The time in which we need to get that done is a tall order but definitely achievable with the people we have working on it now.”

Peter Parker is one character fans take very seriously, and I know that with Tom and Zendaya at the front, this movie is going to be just as special as Spider-Man: No Way Home!

Is Spider-Man 4 coming out?

Emma McIntyre/Getty Images

While Marvel Studios has yet to confirm Spider-Man 4 is officially on its way, the movie is definitely in the works. Producer Amy Pascal tells Variety (when asked if they're making a fourth film), “Of course, we are."

It might feel like this report conflicts with the fact Spider-Man: No Way Home set up an MCU without Tom Holland's Peter Parker, especially since Tom said he needed to take a break from acting after The Crowded Room "broke" him. ("I’m now taking a year off, and that is a result of how difficult this show was," he tells Extra.)

However, Tom's also been very vocal about how much Spider-Man means to him, and how much he loves the movies. He also told Variety at The Crowded Room premiere that he's “been having meetings” about the next installment.

“The simple answer is that I’ll always want to do Spider-Man films,” Tom tells Deadline at the Sands Film Festival. “We have the best in the business working toward whatever the story might be. But until we’ve cracked it, we have a legacy to protect...The third movie was so special in so many ways that we need to make sure we do the right thing.”

Will Zendaya be in Spider-Man 4?

JoJo Whilden/Sony Pictures/Marvel

With the recent news that Euphoria season 3 is delayed — and the cast has been given the greenlight to take other projects — it's totally plausible Zendaya will return for Spider-Man 4. And fans are hoping for even more characters they love! "Hopefully Kingpin, Scorpion, Daredevil and Black Cat," says one Reddit user.

Forbes has also recently reported Sydney Sweeney could be joining the cast of Spider-Man 4. Sydney was in Madame Web earlier this year, and after rumors she booked the role thinking she was joining the MCU, this newest Tom Holland film would give her the opportunity to do just that. We could see her as Gwen Stacy, or as Felicia Hardy/Black Cat. Considering we've already gotten an extensive plotline surrounding Peter and Gwen in Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone's universe, I'm hoping we'd see her as Felicia!

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Ringsdirector Destin Daniel Cretton is in talks to take over from Jon Watts, who directed the first three movies.

Has Spider-Man 4 started filming?

Columbia Pictures/Sony Pictures/Marvel

Spider-Man 4 hasn't started filming yet, but check back here for official updates!

The InSneiderhad originally reported the movie could start filming in September or October of 2024, but those rumors proved to be false.

What will be the title of Spider-Man 4?

Columbia Pictures/Sony Pictures/Marvel

We don't have an official name for Spider-Man 4 yet, but fans are already coming up with new ideas. Some fan titles include The Spectacular Spider-Man,Spider-Man: Homeless, and Spider-Man: Home Again. I'd love for Spider-Man 4 to continue with the "home" theme, but switching things up with a brand new title would provide a fresh feel we haven't gotten before. I'm excited to see what Marvel goes with!

What are the Tom Holland Spider-Man movies in order?

Columbia Pictures/Sony Pictures/Marvel

Tom Holland has three Spider-Man movies, but he also shows up in some other MCU titles. If you want to watch all the movies Tom Holland plays Peter Parker, here's how you should watch them:

  • Captain America: Civil War
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming
  • Avengers: Infinity War
  • Avengers: Endgame
  • Spider-Man: Far From Home
  • Spider-Man: No Way Home

What do you want to see in Tom Holland and Zendaya's Spider-Man 4? Let us know in the comments!

This post has been updated.

Sometimes we're looking for love in all the wrong places — and sometimes we're just looking for love in all the wrong ways. That's where your rising sign can come in. In this week's Ask An Astrologer column with Lumi Pelinku, our reader feels like they just can't find their footing romantically. Luckily, Lumi has the best relationship advice — and it all starts with your rising sign! Here's how you can use your own rising sign to level up your romantic life!

Juan Pablo Serrano

Dear Lumi: Will I ever be worthy of being loved romantically? I have never been in a relationship, and I’m scared I will never be. I have so much love to give, but I don’t think I’ll ever have the chance to show it.

Bean, Illinois

  • Sun sign: Virgo
  • Rising sign: Cancer
  • Moon sign: Gemini

Yuri Manei

Dear Virgo: I understand where you're coming from, as many people feel this way these days. Here’s a little personal story from my journey: In my early 20s, I was pretty inexperienced in love and pressured by societal expectations to settle down by 30. Sigh...

I went to great lengths to attract a partner, even dabbling in spells and misleading manifestation techniques. Please tread carefully if you're trying this. Instead of finding true love, I drew a series of “ghosts” and situationships. I felt I had so much love to offer, but it all led to emptiness and eventually a toxic relationship with someone I thought was my soulmate, but turned out to be my karmic partner. There’s more to this story, but let’s save it for another time.

The end of that relationship led me to discover the essence of self-love and self-acceptance, eventually stepping into my own worth. Astrology has become a guiding light for me in that regard — and can be for you, too.

​Let’s Talk About Your Rising Sign & How It Defines Your Relationship Standards

Luke Miller

In astrology, examining your rising sign can offer profound insights. With Cancer rising, your soul yearns for deep, emotional connections. Creating a biological or soul family may bring you joy and fulfillment. Opposite Cancer is Capricorn, which governs the 7th house of your birth chart — the area that reveals the type of partners you need and what you should embody to feel complete, whether you’re with someone or not. A Capricorn-ruled 7th house suggests that a structured, secure, and straightforward partner will align with your needs. If you find yourself in a relationship that feels stagnant or uncertain from the start, it’s a sign that you’re not embodying Capricorn’s qualities, and it might be time to move on.

Arina Krasnikova

Your natural tendency to give and care deeply for others stems from a place of genuine concern and desire to ensure everyone’s well-being. However, it’s crucial for you to seek security from within. Feeling at home in your skin and living in the moment are great starting points.

Avoid individuals who offer unrequited love or broken promises. You may have an intuitive sense that you might overlook — trust it. By becoming more aware of your physical and emotional responses to others, you can discern between genuine connections and energy-draining situations. Establishing a practice of quiet reflection and observation can facilitate understanding the root of your heightened emotions.

Cliff Booth

The core message here is to build security within yourself and extend grace and understanding to yourself throughout your journey. It’s perfectly okay to be single right now; you're worthy of attracting a partner who will cherish all of you. To find the love of your life, you must first love yourself — not in a self-centered way, but by honoring your own needs and boundaries. Saying no to situations and people not aligning with your sensitive soul will make you stronger than you realize. The Universe will respond with an endearing relationship by practicing this because you’ve learned to honor yourself.

With Love and Stars,


​How Your Rising Sign Cultivates Self-Acceptance and Attracts the Love You Need

Alexander Mass

Like an outfit, your rising sign showcases your personality, identity, and perception of the world. What if I tell you that the rising sign can also attract the love you need in your journey? Think of your rising sign as your energy and how you embody it. It's the mirror we carry, and by our energy, we can keep it clean and pristine or murky and distorted. Sometimes, we cannot stand what we see in ourselves, and that channeled energy emanates outward, creating distortion-filled experiences. When this happens, you lose your 'main character' energy, which results in you leaving your life to chance rather than writing your chapters. When you embody complete self-acceptance and happiness within yourself, these are the key ingredients in powering up your rising sign and your 7th house.

As you begin to feel at peace, love, and harmony to the best of your ability, this will attract what you desire in your life and in love. The world will respond and reflect back all that we project. It’s that simple. Our rising sign is responsible for this active energy, and learning how to master it, will be the key to help you understand the nature of your personality while also attracting your dreams. The ascendant is the portal of your experiences, good and bad. Now that we understand the gist of the rising sign, let's explore your rising sign and how you can tap into your main character energy.

​Love Alchemy: How Your Rising Sign Shapes Relationships

Brit + Co

Aries Rising

Aries Rising radiates a bold, adventurous energy, often attracting equally spirited partners. To attract the love of their life, they should embrace their assertiveness and passion. By channeling the competitive energy of their 7th house (Libra), they can cultivate harmony in relationships without sacrificing their individuality. Self-acceptance means recognizing their fierce independence while being open to collaboration and compromise. The dynamic energy of Mars empowers them to attract a partner who admires their fiery spirit yet values partnership.

Brit + Co

Taurus Rising

Grounded and sensual, Taurus Rising can attract lasting love through their nurturing nature. Their 7th house energy in Scorpio encourages depth and intensity in relationships. To manifest their ideal partner, Taurus Rising must embrace their inner beauty and the pleasure of self-care. By embodying their desire for stability and security, they can project an aura of comfort and reliability, making them irresistible to those seeking genuine connections. Venus, their ruling planet, enhances their allure, helping them draw the right kind of love.

Brit + Co

Gemini Rising

With a quick wit and charm, Gemini Rising attracts partners through intellectual stimulation. Their 7th house in Sagittarius encourages exploration and adventure. To attract their soulmate, they should openly embrace their duality and communicate their needs and desires. Their self-acceptance journey involves acknowledging their inquisitiveness while finding ways to ground themselves in relationships. Mercury, their ruling planet, sharpens their communication skills, enabling them to draw in a partner who shares their passion for life and learning.

Brit + Co

Cancer Rising

Cancer Rising embodies warmth and nurturing energy, making them deeply appealing to potential partners. Their 7th house in Capricorn requires a balance between emotional depth and practical commitment. To attract a lasting love, Cancer Rising should accept their need for security while being open to vulnerability. Utilizing their emotional intelligence to discern their connections creates a safe space for love to flourish. The Moon, their ruling planet, enhances their intuition and empathy, helping them attract a partner who values their nurturing nature and ambition.

Brit + Co

Leo Rising

Confident and charismatic, Leo Rising draws people in with their radiant energy. Their 7th house in Aquarius encourages them to seek uniqueness in relationships. To draw in the love they need, Leo Rising must embody self-love while giving space for individuality. By embracing their creativity and leading with generosity, the Sun, their ruling planet, inspires them to attract a partner who appreciates their vibrant spirit and shares their vision for a progressive, loving partnership.

Brit + Co

Virgo Rising

Practical and detail-oriented, Virgo Rising has a unique charm that attracts partners seeking stability and support. Their 7th house in Pisces invites them to explore relationships' emotional and spiritual aspects. Virgo Rising should love their imperfections and the beauty of vulnerability to attract an epic partnership. By cultivating self-acceptance and finding joy in the little things, Mercury, their ruling planet, helps them draw in a partner who appreciates their grounded nature while encouraging emotional exploration.

Brit + Co

Libra Rising

Charming and harmonious, Libra Rising attracts partners through their innate ability to create beauty and balance. Their 7th house in Aries prompts them to be more assertive in love. Libra Rising must embrace the desire for partnership to attract their ideal partner while also recognizing the importance of self-identity. Being bold in expressing their needs will ignite their main character energy, as Venus, their ruling planet, empowers them to draw in a partner who values connection and independence.

Brit + Co

Scorpio Rising

Intense and magnetic, Scorpio Rising naturally attracts people with their enigmatic presence. Their 7th house in Taurus urges them to seek relationship stability and loyalty. Scorpio Rising should tap into their emotional depth and learn to communicate openly to attract the love they desire. Valuing their worth is vital to mastering their life path. By engaging in self-love and finding a balance between their passionate nature and a desire for security, Pluto and Mars, their ruling planets, will manifest in attracting a partner who appreciates their intensity and commitment.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius Rising

Adventurous and free-spirited, Sagittarius Rising attracts partners through their love of exploration and philosophy. Their 7th house in Gemini encourages communication and curiosity in relationships. To attract their ideal love, Sagittarius Rising has to tap into their quest for knowledge while remaining open to commitment. By cultivating self-worth and expressing their authentic self, Jupiter, their ruling planet, guides them in drawing in a partner who shares their passion for adventure and intellectual pursuits.

Brit + Co

Capricorn Rising

Disciplined and ambitious, Capricorn Rising manifests partnerships through their drive and determination. Their 7th house in Cancer encourages them to explore emotional depth in relationships. To attract lasting love, Capricorn Rising should tap into their nurturing side and allow themselves to be vulnerable. By practicing self-love while balancing their ambitions with emotional availability, Saturn, their ruling planet, aids them in attracting a partner who admires their strength while valuing emotional connection.

Brit + Co

Aquarius Rising

Innovative and independent, Aquarius Rising draws in partners with their unique perspectives and humanitarian spirit. Their 7th house in Leo invites them to ignite creativity and passion in relationships. Aquarius Rising must acknowledge their desire for freedom while recognizing the value of connection to attract the love they desire. By embodying their authentic and unique self, Uranus, their ruling planet, inspires them to draw in a partner who appreciates their individuality and shares their vision for a better world.

Brit + Co

Pisces Rising

Dreamy and compassionate, Pisces Rising attracts partners through their empathetic and intuitive nature. Their 7th house in Virgo encourages them to seek practicality and service in relationships. To attract true love, it's vital for Pisces Rising to embrace their sensitivity while grounding themselves in reality. By practicing self-love and setting healthy boundaries, Neptune and Jupiter, their ruling planets, will manifest a partner who appreciates their depth and aligns with their desire for meaningful connections.

Katerina Holmes

Understanding your rising sign can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. Exploring your ascendant's unique traits and energies will help you get to know yourself and all its shades and how you navigate love and relationships. This awareness empowers you to embrace your authentic self and enables you to identify patterns that may hold you back. As you align with your rising sign's essence and ruling planet, you can cultivate more happiness and confidence, opening pathways to attract meaningful connections and experiences that resonate with your true essence. Embracing your rising sign invites you to step into your main character energy, allowing you to write your story with intention and authenticity.

Want to find out how astrology can be the guiding tool to self-acceptance and fulfillment? Click here and claim your copy of Lumi's Beginner's Astrology Book.

For more astrology advice, be sure to Ask Lumi for advice, and follow the conversation on Facebook!

  • Emma Stone was seen at the premiere of A Real Pain wearing a wig, confirming she shaved her head.
  • She was also seen wearing a beanie around London in August.
  • Emma Stone reportedly shaved her head for Bugonia, the upcoming film with Yorgos Lanthimos.

As an Emma Stone superfan, I'm always waiting to see what the actress and producer does next. After all, she has the power to create viral moments, she's endlessly relatable, and she's starred in a movie scene that broke my heart so deeply I'll never forget it. (The end of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, in case you're wondering). Oh, she's also been described by Andrew Garfield as "a shot of espresso" and like being "bathed in the sunlight" so there's that.

On September 5, at the New York Film Festival premiere of A Real Pain (backed by Emma & her husband Dave McCary's production company Fruit Tree), the Easy A actress showed up in an asymmetrical striped Louis Vuitton dress...and a wig. But it wasn't just a style choice because the actress reportedly shaved her head for another upcoming collaboration with Yorgos Lanthimos, who worked with Emma Stone on Poor Things and this summer's Kinds of Kindness. And considering I've been told we look like sisters, she's got me wondering if I could pull off a shaved head too.

Who's in the Bugonia cast?

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

Bugonia Cast

The cast of Bugonia includes Emma Stone and her Kinds of Kindness costar Jesse Plemons. And on October 17, it was announced that Alicia Silverstone is also joining the cast!

When is Bugonia coming out?

Bugonia Release Date

We don't have a release date for Bugonia yet, but it looks like it could come out sometime in 2025. Stay tuned for an official report!

What is Bugonia about?

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for FLC

Bugonia Plot

Bugonia is adapted from Save the Green Planet!, a 2003 South Korean sci-fi epic. Elite Daily reports that Emma's character will be a gender-flipped version of Save the Green Planet!'s main character, who's both a "powerful pharmaceutical executive" and, you guessed it, bald.

According to Variety, the film will follow "two conspiracy-obsessed young men who kidnap the high-powered CEO of a major company, convinced that she is an alien intent on destroying planet Earth." Casual.

“We started out with the belief that the film’s concept was ahead of its time and that [maybe we] could make an indie movie, but as we traveled around Hollywood, we realized that there were many hidden fans of the original film. I happened to be in L.A. and saw Ari Aster moderating a screening of Save the Green Planet at a theater, so I reached out to him and asked him to be a part of the production. So he came on board as a producer,” Jerry Jerry Ko, head of CJ ENM’s film division, told The Hollywood Reporter. “Then Will Tracy, a screenwriter of Succession, came on board and wrote the story. The buzz started to build from then on. Later Yorgos Lanthimos and some great actors came on board.”

Why did Emma Stone shave her head?

Emma Stone reportedly shaved her head for her upcoming movie with Yorgos Lanthimos, Bugonia. We don't have many details on the film quite yet, but if Poor Things and Kinds of Kindness were any indication, it's clear that we'll once again see Emma totally transform for the film.

After hugging Jazz Charton (the wife of A Real Pain star, and Emma Stone's ex, Kieran Culkin), you can see Emma Stone point out the edge of the wig. TBH, it's so close to her regular hair, I couldn't even tell!

Emma Stone was seen walking around London in August wearing a teeny tiny beanie and striped sweater, and not only is this the ultimate fall outfit inspo, but it was hinting at her shaved head all along! After all, there's no way she could shove all her hair up there.

Now I'm wondering if there's going to be an additional surprise. Did she dye her buzzed hair a crazy color? Is she filming with temporary tattoos on her head? Does she just have a really cold scalp? We'll have to wait until the first look at Bugonia to find out.

Where is Bugonia being filmed?

Bugonia filmed in High Wycombe, England through the summer and early fall of 2024.

If you love Emma Stone as much as I do, see where your favorite movie falls on our Definitive Ranking Of Emma Stone's Best Movies.

Remember those easy days way back when life was so simple and McDonald’s graced us with the dream of an all-day breakfast? We could eat that delicious Sausage McGriddle at any time of day (or night), and it seemed as if all our dreams had finally (finally!) come true. Well, hold onto your hats, because while McDonald’s giveth delivery, McDonalds taketh away, nixing the all-day breakfast in a move that’s crushing us to the core. Fear not though, we do have a whole post on recreating your favorite McDonald breakfast items at home!

Does McDonald's serve breakfast all day?


Sadly, during the start of the 2020 pandemic, due to reduced staffing and a lack of dine-in traffic, McDonald's made the decision to end their super popular all-day breakfast to "provide better speed of service" to customers. We're still sad about it, TBH.

How late does McDonald's serve breakfast?

Polina Tankilevitch / PEXELS

While opening hours vary by McDonald's location (usually 5am, with some locations open 24 hours), breakfast now ends at 10:30am on weekdays and 11:00am on weekends. Sorry for the sad news, all, regarding McDonald's breakfast hours.

McDonald's does not serve any breakfast after 11:00am. 😭

What time does McDonald's stop serving breakfast?

Image via McDonald's

McDonald's typically stops serving breakfast after 11:00am, though the exact hours might depend on where you're located.

What is on McDonald's breakfast menu?

Erik Mclean / PEXELS

Here’s what the full McDonald's breakfast menu looks like:

  • Hash Brown McMuffin
  • Egg McMuffin
  • Sausage McMuffin with Egg
  • Sausage McMuffin
  • Bacon, Egg & Smoky Gouda McMuffin
  • Egg & Jalapeño Cheddar McMuffin
  • Bacon, Egg & Jalapeño Cheddar McMuffin
  • Egg BLT McMuffin
  • Chicken McMuffin
  • Bacon, Egg & Cheese Biscuit
  • Sausage Biscuit with Egg
  • Sausage Biscuit
  • Bacon, Egg & Cheese McGriddles
  • Sausage, Egg & Cheese McGriddles
  • Chicken McGriddle
  • Bacon, Egg & Smoky Gouda with Plain Bagel
  • Bacon, Egg & Smoky Gouda with Sesame Bagel
  • Bacon, Egg & Smoky Gouda with Everything Bagel
  • Sausage McGriddles
  • Big Breakfast
  • Big Breakfast with Hotcakes
  • Hotcakes
  • Hotcakes and Sausage
  • Sausage Burrito
  • Hash Browns
  • Plain Bagel with Butter or Cream Cheese
  • Everything Bagel with Butter or Cream Cheese
  • Sesame Bagel with Butter or Cream Cheese
  • English Muffin with Butter
  • Egg BLT Bagel
  • Fruit & Maple Oatmeal
  • Fruit ‘N Yogurt Parfait

Will McDonald's all-day breakfast ever come back?

Photo by Lisa Fotios / PEXELS

No official news about the comeback of McDonald's all-day breakfast has broken, but in 2020, the company tweeted that they're "evaluating" the need to bring it back. Obviously, there haven't been any new 24-hour breakfast McDonald's locations to make our all-day breakfast dreams come true.

What happened to McDonald's all-day breakfast?


Originally, McDonald's planned an all-day breakfast option because of failing sales across the US. They hoped that giving so many of us what we’d been asking for so long would improve the company’s bottom line. Turns out, not only has it not worked, but the chain’s sales of all-day breakfast menu items such as McDonald’s Sausage McMuffins, Egg White Delights, Sausage Biscuits, and Sausage McMuffins to name a few have decreased by almost 2% in the last few months (!).

In an interview with Buzzfeed News, CEO Steve Easterbrook said that the chain is trying to figure out how to fix sales here at home, even though around the world, the company is still doing quite well. Easterbrook says that focusing on making McDonald’s the “restaurant of the future” is a top priority (although sales are down while wait times are up). New focuses include curbside check-in, mobile ordering and advanced kiosks.

Need a new breakfast go-to now that McDonald's all-day breakfast is gone?

Polina Tankilevitch / PEXELS

With many people turning away from fast food in favor of healthier options, the comfort of knowing exactly what you’re getting at every single McDonald’s still can’t be beat — we still love the occasional hash brown after noon, so needless to say, we’re beyond bummed about the change in McDonald's breakfast hours.

Need some early morning inspiration to get over the bad news? Here are some easy breakfast meal ideas to try from home!

Still hungry for McDonald's breakfast?

I'm Hungry For That

While we can't turn back time if you've missed the cut-off, here's a list of great Mickey D copycat recipes – and we'll specifically call out this awesome McGriddle recipe from I'm Hungry For That!


For the meat patties:

  • 1lb. ground breakfast sausage (or 4 pre-made sausage patties)
  • Salt and pepper

For the omelette:

  • 6 eggs
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 4 tbsp. softened butter
  • Salt and pepper

For the pancakes:

  • 1 ¼ cups flour
  • ⅔ cup milk
  • Just under 3 tbsp. melted butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 ½ tsp. baking powder
  • 2 tbsp. maple syrup
  • ½ tsp. salt

And to finish it off:

  • 6 slices of crispy bacon
  • 4 slices American cheese

Get the full recipe and instructions on I'm Hungry for That, and enjoy! In the meantime, RIP, McDonald's all-day breakfast. RIP.

More McDonald's Breakfast Copycat Recipes

Barley & Sage

Sourdough Bagels

Slather on all the cream cheese and jelly, or stack some scrambled eggs and sausage patties on these homemade bagels that taste so much better than the McDonald's drive-thru – plus, they'll stay good for longer! (via Barley & Sage)

Culinary Hill


The best part about McDonald's breakfast is hotcakes. It's a spiritual experience to drizzle countless packets of syrup on them, before taking the sweetest, stickiest bite. Make them easily at home when you don't feel like leaving the house. (via Culinary Hill)

Feel Good Foodie

Fruit & Maple Oatmeal

Emulating McDonald's Fruit & Maple Oatmeal is super easy with a stovetop, a few ingredients, a short amount of minutes. This recipe nails it! (via Feel Good Foodie)

What’s your favorite McDonald’s breakfast item? Tell us @BritandCo!

This post has been updated.