Your June Horoscopes For 2024 Are All About Happiness And Big Opportunities

june horoscopes 2024

Welcome to your June horoscope for 2024! Can you believe it's been nearly half a year since the New Year? Navigating each month with you has been an honor. As a professional astrologer and transformation coach, I've noticed a common thread with people seeking answers by working with astrology in these unstable years. They all come when they're in the most challenging moments, wishing and hoping for a silver lining and wanting to know when it will pass. As we navigate Gemini Season, looking at situations from all sides rather than merely assuming is crucial. Being curious and open-minded is vital in mastering this season. Embracing diversity (hello, Pride Month!) and holding space and understanding for others by communication is the way Gemini rolls. No matter where you are in your journey, confused, uncertain, and just plain stuck…know that astrology can help you fill the gaps while gaining peace and self-awareness. Now, let's look at June's astrological forecast.

This month exhibits a delightful blend of happiness and opportunities. Mercury, the cosmic messenger, starts this month as it enters its home sign, Gemini. It enables us to get the conversations going at a comfortable speed and flow. A new moon in the social butterfly sign, Gemini, sets the scene for us to start anew, involving our ideas and even opening pathways in our love stories. What a great start as summer approaches. Then, Mars, the planet of drive and motivation, enters the stable sign Taurus, allowing us to build a solid foundation aligned with our future ambitions.

For the second half of the month, Venus and Mercury enter the nurturing sign Cancer, inviting us to hold space for conscientious-filled discussions and security in our connections. Things will begin to heat up as Vesta, the asteroid of devotion and keeper of the sacred flame, enters the fire sign Leo. It will reawaken our inner fire while igniting a new phase in our journey involving our devotion. The Sun's journey into maternal Cancer manifests a period of self-care and emotional needs. The full moon in Capricorn heralds a moment for you to analyze the state of your structures while letting go of the outmoded in your life. The month wraps up with the structure-oriented planet Saturn retrograde, which gives you a chance to contemplate the kind of life you have been building. Keep reading to understand what this all means for your personal June horoscope!

​Key Astrology Dates For Your June Horoscope In 2024

Photo by Victoria Emerson/PEXELS

  • 6/3 Mercury enters Gemini
  • 6/6 New Moon in Gemini
  • 6/9 Mars enters Taurus
  • 6/17 Venus enters Cancer, and Mercury enters Cancer
  • 6/19 Vesta enters Leo
  • 6/20 Sun enters Cancer
  • 6/21 Full Moon in Capricorn
  • 6/29 Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

What To Expect In Your June Horoscope For 2024

Photo by Vlada Karpovich/PEXELS

May was epic with the solar flares...did you see that? It was a month filled with personal revelations regarding our self-worth and integrity moving forward. June will take these notions a notch higher regarding our communication with others and even analyzing our inner dialogues. It will be your chance to act on your goals (mid-year reset, anyone?) and witness the changes as you continue to master your thoughts. The cosmos begins its dance on Monday, June 3, when Mercury, the planet of communication and ideas, enters its dignity sign, Gemini. This period extends clarity and speed in our dialogue. While airy Gemini can spiral out in different directions, Mercury thrives in this sign, as it will help us feel more open and receptive to ideas from various sources. The more curious and unbiased you are, the better.

The new moon in expressive Gemini on Thursday, June 6, provides a perfect opportunity to socialize and attend events. As Venus is in exact alignment with the new moon, it can lead to experiences filled with love, laughter, and joy. It will be a fun night to remember. Book an outing with your friends or arrange a solo date—this cosmic event will be serendipitous. That weekend, Mars, the planet of motivation, enters the earthy sign Taurus on Sunday, June 9. This planetary ingress will slow things down at a comfortable pace. Ensuring you observe before diving headfirst into things that you may regret later. You will feel more at peace. For those who are impatient (guilty), get that yoga mat out or take long nature walks to work off that built-up steam.

Venus, the love planet, and Mercury enter Cancer on Monday, June 17, shifting our focus to deepen our connections with others while holding heart-to-heart conversations. These two power planets merging on the same day will ignite a breakthrough in your perception of love and values. Expressing your vulnerability will help you see where you stand in your relationship(s). The truth will set you free. Expect your heart to sing as Vesta, the asteroid of self-devotion and commitment, enters the sign Leo on Wednesday, June 19. This transit will ignite a stirring in your core, giving you the courage to step up and claim your happiness. The fire inside will burn stronger as you remain invested in your passion and grit. Allow yourself to take center stage and share your gifts. The world is waiting.

Waterworks Cancer season begins on Thursday, June 20, with the Sun moving into the sign of the crab. This cosmic event heralds the beginning of summer, and we begin to embody warmth, compassion, nurturing, and emotional sensitivity. Hosting potlucks or social outings can be a great way to commemorate your Cancer friends. Focus on building solid, authentic connections. We deserve to rebuild after the eclipse season back in April.

The full moon in Capricorn on Friday, June 21, will bestow us the ability to analyze the state of our structures. Many will realize what needs to be done to rebuild solidity after what has not been fully cultivated. This period can be a bit of a "Debbie Downer," with Saturn in intense opposition to Juno, the asteroid of marriage and committed partners. If you are in a relationship, you will understand what needs to improve or be at peace by cutting your losses and moving on.

Speaking of Saturn, this month concludes with it entering its retrograde phase on Saturday, June 29. Contemplate what kind of life you are building these next several months. Your awareness of karma will heighten, and becoming aligned with integrity and humility will alchemize. A review of your priorities and commitments will inevitably line up.

Read Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs For Your June Horoscope For 2024

Photo by PNW Production/PEXELS


You're set for lots of movement this month, Aries. Mercury entering Gemini will power up your ideas and the ability to articulate your passions. Don't forget to jot down your ideas because your wires may cross. The new moon in Gemini presents an outlet to refine your talents, but it will require you to leave your comfort zone. Try something new. In time for Mars to enter your house of material resources, expect momentum to build as you learn to strategize at work. Remove possessions that weigh you down to make room for an abundant flow to start. When Venus and Mercury enter Cancer, the month will quiet down, helping you deepen the connection with your home and family. It is time to reflect inward and evaluate your emotional needs. The full moon in Capricorn will help you review what you have built in your career endeavors and whether its current direction aligns with you energetically. Saturn retrograde will help you do some soul searching, let go, and allow the Universe to reveal its message. Reflect before deciding.


Get ready for a month filled with momentum and renewed purpose, Taurus. Venus aligned with the new moon in your house of resources and skills will level up your manifestation skills. Remember that it all begins by mastering your thoughts to make your dreams a reality. Clear out the old cobwebs and infuse your purpose by approaching a different direction. In time for Mars, the action planet entering your sign, this will infuse you with extended confidence and assertiveness. Name your terms. Venus and Mercury are in the house of ideas and local groups. If you have been experiencing a mental block or the lack of joie de vivre, expect your zest to power up. Expect serendipitous events as you visit new places locally or start a conversation. The full moon in Capricorn residing in your passion and creativity sector will conclude a project or love story. Investing time by focusing inward and connecting with your heart will guide you toward the right path. This Saturn retrograde in the next few months will grant you the space to review your aspirations and authentic connections. Trust and flow.


Your birthday era continues, and this month, expect delightful surprises, Gemini. Mercury, your ruler planet, will amp up your conversation game. Lead with your dreams, not expectations. This Saturn retrograde will lift the veil on what you can do to attract the happy ending you always wanted. The new moon aligning with your sign signals a time for you to step into your true light and reveal your cards. You are ready. The second half of this month will allow you to level up your income and resources as Mercury and Venus enter Cancer. Talk with your boss or business partner or launch that passion endeavor. Clarity will kick in as you remain assertive. Vesta in your zone of communication and local groups will radiate warmth and welcome from those who align with your message. Share, and don't hold back. When the Sun enters Cancer, expect more upgrades involving your self-worth and resources. Organize your finances, pay your debts, or solve your issues with money–you will see a clearing in time. The full moon in Capricorn will embody your intimacy and merged resources sector, helping you energetically clear from past unresolved matters involving relationships. It is a period of remaining aligned with your renewed self and letting go of who you were.


Happy birthday, Cancer! Your season starts this month with the cosmos leveling up your manifestation skills. Mercury will go through your subconscious and dream realm in the first half of June. It will be a period for you to reflect inward and sift through what aligns with you authentically. The great news is that Mars in Taurus is happening in your networks and friendship circles, giving you the rein to take charge of your aspirations. Remember to attract, not chase after your desired results or connections with others. Expect magic to happen when Venus and Mercury enter your sign, making you an energy magnet. Romance is likely in the works as the love planet powers up your identity and appearance sector. Re-polish that dating app, or go out and mingle. The stars are aligned. The full moon in Capricorn is hosting a party in your house of partnerships and commitment. Single or taken, you will understand what needs to be released to make room for better relationship experiences. The great news is that Saturn retrograde will guide you to attract the desired outcome as you learn to read the cues of your intuition. Trust your gut.

Photo by RDNE Stock project/PEXELS


Last month was all work and no play, Leo. Guess what? Mercury and Venus are shaking up your friendship and networks sector this month. In a good way! The new moon in Gemini will also support your future aspirations. Go out and hit the town with your near and dear, or share your ideas with your professional connections. It will be your big break. Everything work-related will also take a turn for the better when Mars in Taurus resides in your career sector. Expect your confidence to rise, but don't go too high and mighty. Measure your moves, and the right opportunities will fall into your hands. Later this month, the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in Cancer will ignite changes in your subconscious patterns, enabling you to factor in the emotional needs behind your next steps. It is also a dreamy period that will ignite your intuitive abilities. Jot down any otherworldly thoughts that come to mind (don't question), begin a meditation practice, or engage in artistic outlets to ace this transit. It's time to assess and organize your work surroundings, as the full moon in Capricorn will shed light on your mind-body-spirit connection. Smudge your space with sage or clear the air with your colleague or superior to establish better patterns.


Work and professional status will be on your radar this month, Virgo. Mercury, your ruler planet, will stir up the need for you to take charge regarding your career direction. The new moon aligned with Venus in Gemini will support your future endeavors as you integrate an innovative approach at work. You will shine as you trust in your voice. Mars in Taurus will invigorate your personal beliefs and help you step out of your comfort zone. Be bold and book that trip or launch that podcast. Whatever requires faith and courage, go for it. The second half of the month allows you to observe your aspirations and societal standing. Expect a wave of openings with Venus and Mercury in Cancer activating your network zone. Reach out and showcase yourself – but remember integrity is vital. The full moon in Capricorn closes a chapter regarding a project or romantic prospect. Tying loose ends and making peace will build bridges and even better endeavors. Saturn retrograde in your partnership zone over the next few months will help you understand the lack of connection in your relationship or help you improve your love story.


Expanding your horizons will begin as you renew your perception of life, Libra. This month will be filled with magical experiences as you invest time evaluating your journey. Mercury and Venus powering up your higher learning and soul work sector will breathe life back into your intentions. It can open a door for you to realize where the root of your passions rests. Taking a class, working with a coach, or reading a self improvement book can be an excellent place to begin this venture. Later this month, when Venus and Mercury enter Cancer, it will power up your career and public status zone. It will be your chance to position yourself in a role that helps you step into your power. It can be a challenging time to confront injustices with authority, but it enables you to understand the deeper meaning behind your motivation. The full Moon in Capricorn phasing into your emotional security and home life sector will reveal the truth, enabling you to see the full spectrum behind your past choices and helping you shape better outcomes in your story.


This month will feel like an out-of-body experience, Scorpio. Gemini season invites you to retreat and observe your inner self. Mercury and Venus will travel through the house of intimacy and joint resources in the first half of June, presenting a different route to consider involving your connections. As you express your vulnerability, your relationships will strengthen. The new moon in Gemini will revive your purpose and connection with your intimate connection with a significant other or to yourself. It is the opportunity to hone in on what you need instead of "settling." Mars in Taurus will embody your partnership zone, showing you the path regarding your relationship direction or approach to love matters. Exhibiting patience and acceptance will extend healing paths for business or your romantic connections. The second half of June will allow you to step into a new path filled with intention as Mercury and Venus phase into your travels and broadcasting sector. Work on that book and share everything you have learned these past few months. The world is waiting. The full moon in Capricorn closes a chapter regarding an idea or old skill you have considered secure. Embrace this chrysalis period.

Photo by Ba Tik/PEXELS


Your focus will be on your love life and long-term commitments this month, Sagittarius. Mercury in Gemini aligned with Venus will infuse your relationship zone, prompting you to take matters into your own hands rather than leaving things to chance. The new moon in Gemini will open a new path regarding your relationship status or business ventures. Communication and ideas will optimally flow as you hold space for others to express their feelings. Listen first before reacting. When Mars enters your health zone, your energy will build, and it can spiral into irritability if left unmonitored. To master these next few weeks, transmute your pent-up energy by incorporating an exercise and self-care routine. Mercury and Venus will be in your intimacy and resources sector for the second half of the month. These two planets will stir changes within your internal environment, helping you face unresolved matters involving money and long-term investments. If you feel out of sync with yourself, book an energy healing session or reserve a quiet space for clarity to kick in. The full moon in Capricorn will close a chapter involving your debts or shed light on how you deal with money. Learn how to develop a better relationship with money by releasing bad habits regarding spending or overextending your energy to others. It is safe for you to be thrifty.


Capricorn, you will invoke a new approach to your health and well-being this month. The new moon, in line with Venus in Gemini, enters your health zone, infusing you with the need to beautify your mind, body, and spirit self. With your overly ambitious nature, it's easy to overlook your body's needs, but this month will be crucial for you to consider this new approach because your work life is about to get even busier. Manifest what needs to change regarding your daily routine, and your body and work life will even out. The great news is that Mars is entering your romantic and fun sector, and your social calendar will be jam-packed with dates. It is an opportunity for you to incorporate more play to attract better experiences or dating prospects. The second half of the month promises romance, commitment, and stimulating connections. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Cancer phasing over your relationships sector will nurture your connections while creating the necessary changes. Remember to factor in empathy if you seek answers regarding your relationship direction – business or romantic. The full moon in your sign will spotlight your self-image and heightened perception regarding your place in the world. Show your true colors and share your radiance.


Passions run high and will be rose-colored and multifaceted in expression for you this month, Aquarius. Gemini season leads with the significant luminaries such as the Sun and Moon in your romance and creativity zone. If you have gone through a dry spell in love, this new moon and Venus will reignite creative inspiration and zest in your life. As though on the prowl, your thoughts and love life are fertile with endless possibilities, and it can be challenging to ground yourself. Embrace this side of you, but don't forget to assess before leaping with romantic prospects or passion projects. Vesta in Leo will occur in your relationship and commitment zone, igniting a connection and devotion from someone from afar. This transit allows you to reach out and form heart-centered connections with pure purpose. Incorporate transparency to get answers. The full moon in Capricorn residing in your subconscious and dream realms will cleanse old subconscious patterning and let go of past resentments. Clear away the old to allow the Universe to guide your next steps. Saturn retrograde these next few months will help you rebuild your self-worth while strategically planning your new passion pursuits.


Home and family life will be your primary focus this month, Pisces. Mercury and Venus are aligned in this sector, prompting you to analyze your family and emotional security priorities. What makes you feel safe? The planets Mercury and Venus beckon you to research the deeper meaning behind your insecurities, and the best place to begin this venture is to analyze your family line. Healing your past wounds can be found through epigenetics, reiki, or prayer. The new moon in Gemini will help you turn over a new leaf regarding any past unresolved issues, enabling you to set down new roots. It can be through family planning, moving, or renewing your family connections. When Cancer season begins, you will feel more in flow and centered due to Venus being in a supportive position, and Mars will assist you in grounding your creative ideas. Deciphering your concepts will be seamless. Take charge of your ambition. The full moon in Capricorn will secure your connections with friends and networks as you express your vulnerability. Any unresolved issues or burned bridges can be rebuilt during this lunation. This Saturn retrograde will allow you to review your next moves personally and professionally while helping you preserve your energy. You will experience renewal as you remain invested in your well-being.

Want to learn the astrology basics and decode your birth chart? Take a look at Lumi's new beginner's astrology workbook.

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Header photo by Brit + Co

Did you know the colors you are surrounded with can enhance your mood and energy? Think about the color palette in your closet right now. What colors are you most drawn to? Before you freak out if black or gray are your go-to colors for your daily wear (guilty!) maybe after reading this, it will inspire you to step out of your comfort zone and try to work with new colors. What if I tell you that your astrological sign has a designated color palette to support your journey?

Color therapy, or “chromotherapy,” can supplement your well-being. Integrating astrology will also help you pinpoint the colors you are most attracted to and how to become more in tune with yourself. Astrology is a fantastic modality for gauging self-acceptance while also becoming your best self, and color therapy is the therapeutic means to rebalance and power up your goals.

Working with the colors assigned to your zodiac sign can support your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Read on to learn how color therapy works and which color palette best suits your zodiac sign!

Here's how to make color therapy work for your zodiac sign — and feel good doing it!

What is color therapy?

Helena Lopes

Color therapy is a holistic, non-invasive modality used for the body. Historical figures such as Pythagoras (circa 2,500 years ago) applied “color light” therapeutically, while “color halls” were used as a means of treatment in ancient Egypt, China, and India. The modern medical pioneer patron of color therapy was Niels Finsen of Denmark in 1877. He discovered that visible light was how ultraviolet or red light energy could heal wounds, bacterial infections, or scars. Sounds familiar? In this present, infrared light therapy is used for pain relief, improved sleep, inflammation, facials, detoxes, and more. Knowing this, you can see why color and light restores our mind, body, and emotional needs.

There are many ways in which you can work best with color therapy. To implement physical changes, you can update your selection of colors in your clothing, nail colors, makeup palette, or home decor. For the mind and emotional system, you can work with colors through visualization practices like art, meditation, or a color therapy lamp.

How Can Color Therapy and Astrology Work Together?

let mous

Color therapy works by frequency or wavelengths of colors, which can have a physiological or psychological impact on our well-being. Using appropriate colors guided by your zodiac sign can rebalance or harmonize your body’s energy centers. How can color therapy integrate with your zodiac sign? It begins by knowing and working with your Sun sign, granting you more confidence and understanding regarding your direction. It extends our overall vitality and spreads endless radiance in our lives. It fuels our well-being and emits light wherever it touches in the birth chart. In principle, our Sun sign is our destination point, our identity. Now, the Sun Sign is where we can reach that higher level of understanding about our process and how we will experience fulfillment in this life. Incorporating color therapy guided by astrology can help you obtain confidence, and when you feel balanced, you make sound choices.

​How Colors Align With Zodiac Signs

Brit + Co

Observing the astrological signs, they are all categorized within the elemental values. Starting with fire, the signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are placed within this element. These signs hold precedence over the esoteric realm of spirit as they are meant to initiate, inspire, and teach. Fire tones are within the spectrum of golds, reds, and oranges.

The signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn reside within the earthy realm. They are supportive, detailed, and persevering in nature. The earth element enables humanity to take a firm stance involving patience or consistency. Deep greens, grays, and navy are colors that hold a grounded energy for these signs.

The signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius inhabit the air element. Those who hold this element strongly have the skill to circulate a constant flow of ideas, remain stimulated, and effectively communicate. Air energy guides humanity in the exchange of information, negotiation, and evolution. For clarity, the colors that best support these signs are yellows, pastel blues, or electric blues.

Ending with Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, these signs embody the water element. Natives with a strong water element are receptive to others' feelings and can be intuitive. They can also conjure creativity, withstand intensity, and dive deep into the world of dreams. Colors such as purples, deep reds, or soft greens can help these signs invoke self-love and confidence.

Colors for Each Zodiac Sign

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Personality Traits: Aries is bold, energetic, and daring, often leading the way with confidence and courage. They are natural-born leaders who take on challenges fearlessly.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Colors like red and orange help Aries channel their energy and passion. These colors promote confidence, courage, and an enhanced sense of purpose to match their bold nature.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Personality Traits: Known for their patience, determination, and deep connection to nature, Taurus seeks stability and grounding. They are steady and reliable, with an appreciation for beauty and luxury.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Earthy tones like green and brown are ideal for Taurus. These colors promote relaxation, groundedness, and stability, aligning with Taurus' need for balance and connection to nature.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Personality Traits: Gemini is versatile, adaptable, and intellectually curious. They thrive on communication and change, with a playful and creative side. Their dual nature makes them curious and full of ideas.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Bright yellow and light green stimulate mental agility, creativity, and versatility for Gemini. These colors foster communication and mental clarity, enhancing their natural curiosity and adaptability.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Personality Traits: Compassionate, intuitive, and deeply connected to family and emotions. Cancer nurtures others and seeks emotional fulfillment. They are protectors and caretakers.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Soft white, silver, and pale blue promote emotional healing, inner peace, and nurturing energy. These colors align with Cancer’s need for emotional well-being and tranquility.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Personality Traits: Leo exudes warmth, creativity, and pride. With their strong sense of self, they seek recognition and joy, and they inspire others with their vitality and passion.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Gold, yellow, and orange help Leo amplify their natural creativity and vitality, enhancing their self-expression and sense of pride. These warm colors increase confidence and fuel their dynamic energy.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Personality Traits: Virgos are known for their perfectionism, sharp intellect, and organizational skills. They are reliable, practical, and thrive on productivity and efficiency.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Soft green and blue are ideal for Virgo, promoting balance, healing, and clarity of mind. These colors assist in maintaining a calm and focused environment, supporting Virgo’s need for order and tranquility.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Personality Traits: Libra values harmony, beauty, and fairness. They seek balance in all aspects of life, often striving for peace and cooperation in their relationships and surroundings.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Pastel colors, particularly light blue and pink, promote peace, harmony, and emotional balance. These soft hues help Libra maintain their sense of equilibrium and enhance their diplomatic nature.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Personality Traits: Scorpio is intense, passionate, and deeply transformative. Known for their mystery and depth, they possess great inner strength and are drawn to uncover hidden truths.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Deep red, black, and maroon channel passion, power, and transformation for Scorpio. These intense colors align with their transformative nature and help them harness their strength.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 21 – December 21)

Personality Traits: Sagittarius is adventurous, optimistic, and philosophical. They love exploring new ideas, cultures, and places and often share wisdom and joy with those around them.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Purple and deep blue enhance spiritual growth, adventure, and wisdom. These colors stimulate the Sagittarian desire for exploration and wisdom while supporting their boundless optimism.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

Personality Traits: Capricorn is disciplined, ambitious, and pragmatic. They take a methodical approach to life and are determined to achieve their goals through hard work and patience.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Earthy tones like gray, brown, and navy support Capricorn’s need for focus, discipline, and groundedness. These colors help them stay on course and maintain a practical mindset.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

Personality Traits: Aquarius is eccentric, innovative, and idealistic. They value independence and individuality, often challenging the status quo and embracing forward-thinking ideas.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Electric blue and purple enhance mental clarity, innovation, and independence. These vibrant colors support Aquarius' need for originality and their intellectual pursuits.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 20 – March 21)

Personality Traits: Pisces is intuitive, empathetic, and imaginative. Known for their dreamy and artistic nature, they deeply connect to the spiritual and emotional realms.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Soft green, seafoam blue, and lavender promote relaxation, creativity, and intuition for Pisces. These calming colors enhance their dreamlike state and encourage emotional balance and creativity.

​Color Therapy Visualization Technique

Anh Nguyen

Now that you know which color vibrates with your zodiac sign, you can use this visualization technique to connect more with your Sun sign. Color therapy is a powerful tool for balancing energy, emotions, and well-being. By using the healing properties of colors, you can encourage emotional release, relaxation, and revitalization. Each color carries its frequency and vibration, which can help align and support different aspects of your life, from physical health to mental clarity.

This color therapy visualization technique will guide you through grounding, relaxation, and energetic renewal. Connecting with the colors that resonate with you will activate healing energy within your body and mind, clearing away any negative or stagnant energy. It’s a simple yet powerful practice that you can do daily to restore balance and promote a sense of calm and well-being.

Energetic Healing Visualization Technique

Mikhail Nilov

  1. Position yourself comfortably or sit in a lotus position. Place your left hand over your heart area.
  2. Take a deep breath through your nose, then exhale slowly through your mouth. With each breath, feel your body becoming more relaxed.
  3. Focus on the soles of your feet and imagine an energetic pull grounding you, anchoring you in the present moment.
  4. Take another deep breath, feeling a nurturing energy rising from the ground, reaching up to the soles of your feet. Allow this energy to gently move upward, relaxing and energizing your body—feet, calves, thighs, core, shoulders, arms, neck, face, and head.
  5. Imagine a bright, glowing light in the sky above you. This light represents your Higher Self.
  6. See the light spiraling down toward you, entering through the crown of your head and flowing through your body. As it moves, it changes into a vibrant color that resonates with you.
  7. Take another deep breath and allow the colored light to fill your core center. Visualize it growing brighter and expanding with each breath, filling your entire body.
  8. Imagine the light forming a dome or egg-like shape around your body, extending outward, cleansing your physical and energetic space.
  9. Release any tensions, worries, or negative energy, visualizing them fading away into the ground. Trust the process of transformation.
  10. Continue this visualization as long as you need. When you feel light and neutral, place your hands in a prayer position and silently offer thanks.
  11. Visualize the light around you returning to its source, and when ready, gently open your eyes.

This practice can be done 1-2 times daily, ideally in the morning or before bedtime.

Adara Cox

By integrating color therapy with your astrological sign, you can tap into a powerful tool for enhancing your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. These simple yet effective practices allow you to align with the natural flow of your energy and support your unique traits, helping you to feel more balanced and connected to yourself. Whether you choose to surround yourself with the colors that resonate with your sign or engage in visualization techniques, color therapy offers a profound way to nurture your overall health and personal growth.

Remember, your journey toward healing and balance is personal, and using the right colors can be an uplifting part of that process. Take time to explore the colors that speak to you and notice the subtle shifts they create in your life.

Do you wish to learn more about Lumi's work with astrology and her holistic approach? Lumi Pelinku invites you to dive deeper into your journey through an extended reading that can provide tailored insights and inspiration. Click here to book your reading today!

For more astrology advice, be sure to Ask Lumi for advice and follow the conversation on Facebook!

Every Gilmore Girls fan knows that Luke and Lorelai were always endgame. Despite the fact they had to watch each other get into different relationships (while I love Max, I'll never be able to stomach the way Christopher acts ugh). But there's one moment in an early Gilmore Girls episode that teases Luke and Lorelai getting married, and even though I've watched it countless times I never caught it before!

Here's that Luke and Lorelai wedding detail you probably missed in Gilmore Girls season 2.

Lorelai teased her wedding date way before 'A Year in the Life'

@dianaathome Caught on my 11523rd rewatch 🤯 #gilmoregirls#gilmoregirlstiktok @valeriescateyescream ♬ original sound - Diana @ Home

Gilmore Girls season 2, episode 3, "Red Light on the Wedding Night" opens with Lorelai and Rory tasting Fran's cakes at Weston's Bakery ahead of Lorelai's wedding to Max. And when Fran insists the girls stay to figure out exactly which cake flavor they like the best, sticking firm to the idea that there's nothing more important than your wedding day, Lorelai doesn't bat an eye when she says, "Well, it ain't Guy Fawkes Day." And TBH, Fran's confused response is exactly how I felt the first time I watched this episode.

We all know Lorelai gets cold feet when she realizes she's not actually in love with Max and bails on him before the wedding. After all, it's definitely more memorable than Lorelai's joke, which I've always taken to be a throwaway line (she really does have a random sense of humor). That is, until @dianaathome on Tiktok pointed out that Guy Fawkes Day, a British holiday celebrating the failed Gunpowder Plot that happened in 1605, takes place on November 5 — the same day as Luke and Lorelai's wedding in A Year in the Life.

I can't believe I never caught this! And I'm not the only one. "I don't know if I'm more impressed that someone snuck this in or that you found it!" one user commented, while another says, "It is Helen Pai and Dave Rygalski's anniversary. [Luke and Lorelai's] original wedding date June 3rd is Helen Pai's birthday!" (Helen Pai is the real-life, albeit loose, inspiration for Lane Kim!)

Now, while this is a super fun connection to find, a lot of Gilmore Girls viewers are realizing just how much they dislike Lorelai's behavior in the actual scene (as in, eating all the cake knowing Sookie was already preparing one). And it's sparked a ton of conversation.

"I felt so bad for [Fran]! She put all the effort and make all those adorable and tasty cakes and the two of them are like “Hehe screw ethics we get to eat free cake!”since Sooki was just going to make one for free," one Reddit user says. "Maybe it’s the service industry in me talking but I can’t get over how annoyed I would be."

Another goes so far as to say this scene is why they "I like to think this is the reason she wouldn’t sell the Dragonfly to Lorelai & Sookie. Revenge."

If Fran's cake tasting really was free, then eating her out of house and home just for fun is definitely not cool, Lorelai. (Although I still think it's not as unrealistic as her showing up to Chilton in a tee and shorts).

Did you catch this Gilmore Girls Easter egg the first time around? Let us know on Facebook!

Welcome to February 2025, the month of love. Mars, the planet that rules physical intimacy, remains retrograde for the rest of this month, resulting in professional delays or feelings of disconnect in relationships. However, on the plus side, the love planet, Venus, moves into spicy Aries, which will fuel our motivation and hope. Want to dive deeply and learn more about what is in store for you this February? Keep reading and see what is in store for your zodiac sign in your February horoscope for 2025!

Scroll to see your February horoscope for 2025!

What to Expect in Your February Horoscope for 2025

Isabella Bonnet

While Mars retrograde continues, this month proves to be lovely and filled with possibilities. Now that the action planet is still in its backspin motion, it doesn’t mean you should be holding back from visualizing your dreams. Appreciate the stillness and explore different possibilities before deciding what’s right for you. Although you may feel like a sitting duck, I beg to differ. This Mars retrograde proves to be a test of our will by not being impulsive. Luckily, Mars goes direct later this month, so hang on tight before losing momentum.

Cora Pursley

February is off to a fiery start as Venus moves into Aries on Tuesday, February 4. Love and relationships will take on a new tempo, either sultry or temperamental. It's a period to experience excitement or realize what needs to be refined in your connection. On the same day, Jupiter, the planet of luck, goes direct! You will begin to see the silver lining in your journey and even the solution in how you can proceed. It's also a time to see how fate has played out in your story. If you're discontent, this is your chance to turn your life around. Having a little faith will take you much further than lowering your vibration with negativity. Listen to a mentor or take on a new sacred practice that elevates your well-being. Follow through with your promises and brighten someone’s day. Pay it forward to turn the tides.

Hannah Rivera

The Full Moon in Leo illuminates the sky and infuses us with optimism and renewal on Wednesday, February 12. Full Moons denote the need to let go and move on from what no longer serves your highest good. The great news is that this celestial event leaves us with a glimmer of hope and the willingness to close the chapter. On Friday, February 14, our communication ability will be poetic and ethereal as Mercury moves into Pisces. If you plan to go out on Valentine’s Day this year, expect this day to be more romantic than in past years. Speaking from the heart and through feeling will result better than pride or logic. Be playful and in the moment. Cherish your love.

Abbie Bythewood

The mist begins to thicken, and our intuition heightens as the Sun moves into Pisces on Tuesday, February 18. This season is all about fine-tuning our empathy and interconnectedness with life. Inner reflection and exploring your artistic side will help you stay centered. Honor your sensitivity and be unconditional. On Sunday, February 23, the motivation planet Mars goes direct. It’s not time to push through with an agreement or project. Recalibrate and pick up from where you left off last October 2024. This is your time to decide whether an idea or concept stays or goes. Expect traction and things to pick up speed in the next several weeks.

In closing, the New Moon in emotive Pisces happens on Thursday, February 27. It’s time to start a new chapter involving your subconscious beliefs. This lunation will imbue you with the ability to trust the Universe and dream bigger. Hold onto the faith and set small steps to cultivate your vision.

The 6 Zodiac Signs That Will Experience Luck in Love in February 2025

Alexis Charles

February 2025 is a month filled with romantic potential, and these six signs are in for a wave of love and connection. Aries, with Venus in your first house, your natural magnetism is at an all-time high, making it the perfect time for new romantic opportunities or reigniting the passion in existing relationships. Gemini, Venus in your eleventh house enhances your social life, bringing you closer to potential partners through shared interests and group activities. Cancer, Venus shining in your tenth house makes you irresistible to others, especially in professional or public settings, paving the way for admiration and romantic recognition. Sagittarius, Venus in your fifth house brings love, fun, and creative expression to the forefront, encouraging you to dive into romantic adventures or spice up your current relationship. Virgo, with Venus in your eighth house, expect deep emotional connections and intimacy to take center stage, creating powerful moments with your significant other. Lastly, Pisces, Mars in your fifth house adds extra spice to your love life, increasing passion and desire. Whether you’re single or coupled, expect a surge of fiery energy that ignites your romantic connections. February is your month for love, so let the stars guide you toward the connections you deserve. Keep reading for extended astrological insight into your sun, moon, and rising sign.

Key Dates for Your February Horoscope and Aquarius Season 2025

Melina Martin

  • 2/4 Venus enters Aries, Jupiter Direct
  • 2/12 Full Moon in Leo
  • 2/14 Mercury enters Pisces
  • 2/18 Sun enters Pisces
  • 2/23 Mars Direct
  • 2/27 New Moon in Pisces

Read Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs For Your February Horoscope

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

It's time to power through past obstacles this month, Aries. Remember that to get what you want, you must let go of self-limiting beliefs. Expect your confidence to level up as the love planet Venus graces your first house of identity and appearance. If you feel burnt out and less motivated lately, Venus moving into your sign will give you a boost — even with manifestation. Be careful what you wish for because your magnetism will attract results in the first half of February. This is a time for self-expression and embracing your desires with a bold, unapologetic flair. Meanwhile, Jupiter turning direct in your third house offers fresh opportunities for communication, learning, and connecting with others—be open to conversations that can expand your perspective. As the Full Moon on February 12 illuminates your fifth house of romance and creativity, you're called to release old habits in love or self-expression, making room for new, more authentic experiences.Mid-month, your life grows quiet as Mercury and the Sun move into your twelfth house. Your intuition heightens, and your dreams will become more lucid — keep a dream journal handy. As Mars finally goes direct in your fourth house on February 23 you're ready to take action on home, family, and your emotional foundation matters. Get organized, declutter your home, or begin focusing on what you want regarding domestic affairs. The last half of the month directs your focus on your inner life with the New Moon in Pisces and your twelfth house on February 27; it pushes you to reflect on your subconscious desires and healing, urging you to establish new beliefs and trust in the Universe. Magic will unfold once you establish a better mindset and understanding of how your energy works. By the end of the month, you're emerging from a period of internal growth, ready to build a more secure and fulfilling future.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Have you been paying attention to your energy levels lately, Taurus? Something may not be clicking or in flow. The great news is that February invites you to step back and focus on inner reflection and long-term goals. Appreciate the quiet moments, and incorporate self-care as Venus enters your twelfth house. This will reveal what you need regarding your inner world. Healing and releasing old emotional baggage will create movement. Do the work and let go. At the same time, Jupiter, direct in your second house of finances and self-worth, will shed light on matters involving your wealth and long-term responsibilities. Avoid being frivolous with spending, and be strategic with your money. Research and learn how to budget accordingly. On February 12, the Full Moon in your fourth house brings clarity to home and family matters, urging you to release any emotional ties or situations holding you back from feeling secure. Ask for feedback or have an honest heart-to-heart with loved ones to rebuild security. The lines of communication open on February 23 when Mars direct in your third house picks up speed, and you’ll find it easier to express your thoughts and ideas with clarity and confidence.

Big win! Your paradigm lightens up mid-month with Mercury and the Sun moving into your eleventh house, and your social life and goals come into focus. Connect with friends, network, and surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your hopes and dreams for the future. Life will be extra dreamy and hopeful when the New Moon in Pisces on February 27 powers up your eleventh house, making it a potent time to set intentions about your social circles and long-term vision.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Prepare to make big moves and slay this month, Gemini. If life has been lackluster lately, your luck is about to change, involving social networks, career, or finances. Venus blazing its way into your eleventh house, you will find yourself attracting new friends and connections in places you didn't expect. Joining groups and connecting with those who support your beliefs this month will turn the tides in your favor and potentially lead to incredible opportunities. Relationships, love, and professionalism become the source of your joy and expect more harmonious exchanges. That's not all. Jupiter Direct in your first house levels up your charisma. It will be a powerful time to take on new endeavors and even take a chance on your dreams. When the Full Moon enters your third house, you may feel in a frenzy with inner thoughts, communication habits, or incomplete tasks on February 12. This lunar event prompts you to let go of old ideas and thought patterns and work on your task management.

Mid-month, Mercury and the Sun move into your tenth house of career and public matters. Focus on your professional goals and ambition, and it's time to make a mark and trust yourself. Expect to feel motivated and inclined to take charge of finances and material resources as Mars turns direct in your second house on February 23. Invest in yourself, find solidity in your financial plans, and remember you can get what you want. The month concludes by bringing fresh energy to your career path — the New Moon in Pisces on February 27 invites you to set new intentions and move forward with clarity in your professional life.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Ready to be on cloud nine, Cancer? February presents a regenerative and positive month filled with opportunities for professional growth and spiritual insight. To start with the beauty planet Venus, gracing your tenth house of career early this month — your efforts will be recognized. Your public image will be well received, and exchanges with superiors (or audience) will be more positive and rewarding. Jupiter’s direct motion in your twelfth house invites deep spiritual growth and healing, inspiring you to trust your intuition and have faith in the Universe. Allow optimism to attract a better flow in your life — this will show a more precise path filled with serendipitous experiences. The Full Moon in your second house on February 12 focuses on financial matters and enables you to reflect on future payment plans or revise future spending. Review your process and build a stronger sense of self by letting go of past fears or unsettling feelings around money.

Mid-month, as Mercury and the Sun move into your ninth house of higher learning, travel, and philosophy, your trust or connectedness in the Universe will strengthen! Explore new approaches to spirituality — become the student and explore all angles of life and your role in it. Celebrate as Mars goes direct in your first house on February 23! Expect to feel more energized and prepared to cross off your checklist of goals and assert yourself with greater confidence and endless determination. Take measured steps. By month's end, the New Moon in Pisces on February 27 will infuse you with hope and inspiration. It offers a fresh start involving endeavors or spiritual journeys.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

How often do you reflect, Leo? February sets the stage for you to engage more with your heart and to pinpoint what truly fulfills you. The month begins with Venus in your ninth house, allowing you to explore your passions and revitalize your perspective on the world. Book a solo trip, or revive that project left behind. Jupiter’s direct motion in your eleventh house ignites your social life while giving you cosmic support to begin a harmonious collaboration. Surround yourself with those who allow you to shine and appreciate your transparency. On February 12, the Full Moon in your first house shines its light on you and all your shades. Give thanks for your past self, and release any aspects that don't align with who you want to be.

By mid-month, when Mercury and the Sun enter your eighth house of sex, secrets, and shared resources, it will be revelatory. This is a period for you to do inner work while also getting to the bottom of any unanswered questions involving your intimate relationships, dealings with resources, and Self. Be reflective and trust your intuition. On February 23, Mars turns direct in your twelfth house, and your inner world becomes more active, guiding you toward spiritual growth and the courage to release hidden fears. The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 further illuminates these findings while offering a fresh start in these areas of your life—whether through healing, letting go of past baggage, or creating more meaningful connections. Begin a new era that aligns with your well-being — but it's crucial to factor in your true feelings for the best results.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

If you're wondering where your soul tribe is, Virgo, February will be a month to observe your connections. The goal is to learn how to be comfortable with letting down your guard. Starting with the love planet Venus, blazing in your eighth house of vulnerable and intimate connections, you will learn how to deepen your bonds. Clear the air by arranging a sit down with those who need to hear you out. Lucky Jupiter Direct happening in your tenth house ignites your presence in the public eye while giving you the green light to make big moves in your career. Expect to feel more withdrawn or reflective with the Full Moon on February 12 in your twelfth house. Rest and release past baggage that may have been holding you back from your full potential.

Mid-month, expect your communication to improve in your personal and professional relationships as Mercury and the Sun move into your seventh house. The best support for this shift is Mars Direct in your eleventh house beginning February 23. You will pick up speed with your aspirations and reignite your group collaborations. Begin your passion project or create an impact with those who support your vision. This month concludes with the New Moon in Pisces on February 27, energizing your seventh house of partnerships. It offers a new beginning in your closest connections and inspires you to manifest harmonious and balanced relationships.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Feeling burnt out lately, Libra? This month, it's all about recalibrating relationships and self-care. February kickstarts with your ruler planet, Venus, energizing your seventh house of commitment and relationships. If you need more spice in your love life, this is your moment to make it happen and to change your paradigm. Go on date night or go out with your friends. Speaking of changes, Jupiter Direct in your ninth house shifts your focus regarding your perception of life, traveling, or personal beliefs. Be playful in your approach, and consider this an opportunity to believe in yourself and your limitless possibilities. Then, on February 12, the Full Moon in Pisces in your eleventh house closes the chapter on your connections and past aspirations. If it feels right, letting go of old friendships or groups may be in the stars, but remember that your memories shaped you into who you are now. There is a part of you that is ready to evolve.

Mid-month, review your approaches to work and daily routines as Mercury and the Sun illuminate your sixth house — focus on self-care and set your work goals to optimize your energy. Begin a fitness regimen or detox to fine-tune your mind, body, and spirit. If you have been feeling like a wallflower at work lately, that is all about to change, with Mars Direct happening on February 23 in your tenth house of career. Name your terms and get ready to see your hard work paying off. Finally, a new chapter begins with the New Moon on February 27, adding sparkle to your well-being and work environment. Set new intentions for creating balance in your daily life. We believe in you!

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Expect a change in the wind, Scorpio. Refocus your mindset and prioritize work, creativity, and joy to revamp your energy this February. It begins with Venus entering your sixth house. Expect pleasant exchanges in your work environment while energizing yourself through an exercise regimen. Be organized in your approach and make it happen. Jupiter Direct in your eighth house gives you a dose of magic to see how your energy works. As a Scorpio, you naturally emit emotion and be mindful that whatever you project inside reflects the outcome. Clear out from emotional or financial attachments that could block you from experiencing a better flow. On February 12, the Full Moon in your tenth house brings clarity and potential endings to your career goals or public image, helping you explore new avenues professionally.

By mid-February, Mercury and the Sun enter your fifth house of creativity, romance, and self-expression. Focus on joy, whether through creative endeavors or spending time with loved ones. There will be stars in your eyes on February 23 as Mars Direct in your ninth house revives your personal beliefs and expands your reach. It's time to pick up where you left off on your bucket list. Make it happen! Then, on February 27, the New Moon in Pisces opens doors for you in romance, creative endeavors, or simply joie de vivre. Set your intentions and pin down what fulfills you.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 21 – December 21)

Love is in the air, Sagittarius. February supports your passion projects, romance, and domestic life. This month checks off on what you set your heart on. The love planet Venus in your fifth house will make you feel like you're in a fantasy — if you're single, go out and start to mingle. If in a partnership, book a getaway or date night. Love, fun, and creative expression take the spotlight. Play, you deserve it! Your ruler planet, Jupiter Direct in your seventh house, shifts your focus on your relationship and commitment. Expect a resurgence of optimism and growth in your partnership — love and business included. Have faith and allow positivity to flow through you to find the solution for any past conflicts. The Full Moon in your ninth house on February 12 encourages you to release outdated beliefs or expand your understanding of the world while bridging closure or clarity to your long-term goals and aspirations. Revision is necessary for success.

Mid-February, Mercury and the Sun powers up your fourth house of home and family, shedding light on your emotional security, family matters, and the home. Assess your living situation or adjust based on mutual understanding with loved ones. Inner peace is key. On February 23, Mars Direct, in your eighth house of intimacy and shared resources, equips you to make a move on future decisions that align with your emotional well-being. The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 concludes this month by revitalizing your home life, bringing security and comfort to long-term plans.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

It’s not just what you say but how you say it that makes all the difference, Capricorn. February is all about fine-tuning the context of your messages. Becoming heart-centered will bring progress in your home life as Venus graces your fourth house of family and emotional security this month. Nurturing your loved ones or living space will ensure harmony and inner peace. Jupiter Direct in your sixth house of work and health brings a second wind of positive interactions and your well-being. Effort and kindness will advance you sooner than expected. The Full Moon on February 12 in your eighth house signals the end of past emotional burdens, fears, or financial constraints. It’s time to release and heal—whether by settling debts or making amends, even energetically.

Mid-month, Mercury and the Sun move into your third house, refining your communication and connection with others. Expect a better flow of discussions, new learning experiences, and perhaps even a short trip to refresh your perspective. When Mars goes direct in your seventh house of relationships on February 23, momentum builds in partnerships. Whether personal or professional, you’ll feel ready to take decisive action and strengthen those connections. February concludes with the New Moon on February 27, offering a fresh start involving your ideas for long-term projects. Set intentions around learning, networking, and expanding your connections. This month, focus on balancing your inner world and outer interactions.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

Happy Birthday, Aquarius! You were born to be an innovator. February brings a month filled with opportunities to build what you set your mind on. It's all in the details. With Venus entering your third house of ideas and communication, you will be equipped with bravado and a sharp focus. This month, get involved in localized group settings and exchange ideas to help you gain confidence in the long run. Jupiter Direct in your fifth house encourages you to revive your dream projects, find joy, and connect with children. Then, the Full Moon on February 12 in your seventh house of partnerships brings clarity to your relationships, helping you to release any patterns or connections that no longer align with your goals.

Mid-month, as Mercury and the Sun move into your second house of finances, you’ll feel a push to reassess your financial situation, values, and material resources. It's a perfect opportunity to reflect on your self-worth and set new intentions for increasing your stability and self-sufficiency. As Mars Direct on February 23 in your 6th house, expect to feel more motivated to take action toward your work goals and establish better routines that support your long-term well-being. The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 offers an opportunity to start fresh in your approach to money and personal resources.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 20 – March 21)

Pisces, what role are you playing in your own story? February extends a stream of personal growth and the importance of self-worth. If you have been feeling faded lately, expect a resurgence of vitality as Venus powers up your second house this month. This is a period for you to rebuild your esteem and take steps toward financial security. Wait, there's more stardust coming your way! Jupiter Direct in your fourth house supports your domestic life, opening new discussions with loved ones (like family planning/expansion) and igniting changes in your living environment. The Full Moon in your sixth house on February 12 encourages you to release any habits or work-related stress that no longer serve your well-being, offering you a chance to make room for healthier routines.Expect to feel even more awake mid-month as Mercury and the Sun move into your first house. The focus shifts to personal goals and self-image, giving you the energy to communicate clearly and welcome new beginnings. Expect momentum and creative flow, spicy interactions, and overall happiness in love when Mars goes direct in your fifth house on February 23. The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 offers a powerful reset for you to set new intentions for the future, whether it’s about how you present yourself to the world or what new goals you wish to pursue. Cheers to you!

With 2025 in full swing, it’s the perfect time to explore how to power up your year ahead. Lumi Pelinku invites you to dive deeper into your journey through an extended reading that can provide tailored insights and inspiration. Click here to book your reading today!

For more astrology advice, be sure to Ask Lumi for advice, and follow the conversation on Facebook!

Love is in the air – and, as it turns out, on the shelves at Target! We can always count on Target to have the cutest home decor pieces for every holiday, and right now, their Valentine’s Day decor is making us swoon. Target has everything you need to create a festive and cozy vibe (and for way less $!), whether you’re planning a romantic dinner, a Galentine’s Day party, or happily spending the season solo.

Get ready to fall head over heels for these 13 Target Valentine’s Day decor pieces that’ll help you celebrate the season, all for $10 or less.

Check Out The Best Target Valentine's Day Decor For 2025

Here's a quick glimpse at what's available as part of Target's sweet Valentine's Day decor drop. We are obsessed.

Shop Our Favorite 2025 Target Valentine's Day Decor


Cherry Duo Valentine's Day Figurine

This $5 figurine gives us so much joy. It'd be perfect on your desk, bedside table, or car dash to keep the love flowin' this V-Day.


Metallic Hearts Wall Garland

Got a Valentine's party planned? This $10 wall garland is just the thing your space needs to feel a bit more festive.


Valentine's Day Disco Ball

Everyone needs a dash of disco in their life, and this $10 heart-shaped piece makes that possible. We'd keep this one up year-round!


Valentine's Day XO Love Pillow

It's not V-Day without a bunch of X's and O's! Decorate your space appropriately with this cutesy $5 pillow.


Coffee & Croissant Valentine's Day Figurine

This $5 decor piece would also make a great gift to give your partner, BFF, or just the person that completes you.


Light-Up Valentine's Day Hearts

These heart-shaped lights mimic conversation heart candies in the cutest (and cheekiest!) way with various sayings.


3-Wick Sugared Watermelon Candle

This candle makes the season even sweeter with a delicious sugared watermelon scent.


Featherly Friends 'Toots' Valentine's Day Decorative Object

Target's collection of cute spirited birds is everything. This lil' birdie comes complete with a love letter – ooh!


Red Lips Pillow

Need a smooch? This $10 pillow is just what your couch is craving!


Glass Heart Valentine's Candle Holders

Set the mood at the table with this adorable trio of candle stick holders in the perfect V-Day hues!


Cherub Valentine's Day Figurine

This glasses-wearing cherub would look so cute on your desk during the Valentine's season.


Pink & Red Taper Candle Set

These playful candle sticks come in squiggly shapes and are adorably dotted in tiny white hearts for the holiday.


XO Square Valentine's Day Pillow

Perfect for the sofa or your bed, this plush pillow will last your V-Day decor game for years to come!

Subscribe to our newsletter to shop more seasonal decor!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Creating a home that radiates peace and comfort starts with thoughtful decor. Whether revamping your living space or adding small touches for a cozy vibe, these 41 handpicked finds from Amazon will effortlessly elevate your home. With top ratings and standout features, each item on this list is designed to bring serenity and style to your surroundings.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

Sleep Peacefully With This Faux Fur Throw Blanket


Wrap yourself in warmth with this plush faux fur throw. It boasts over 2,000 five-star reviews and’s perfect for draping over your sofa or snuggling up on chilly evenings. Available in neutral tones for a seamless blend with any decor.

See it on Amazon

This Hotel-Quality Cotton Duvet Set Is a Customer-Favorite


This 100% cotton duvet set has a breathable weave, perfect for year-round comfort. The simple design complements both minimalist and classic bedroom aesthetics.

See it on Amazon

Warm Your Vibe With This Himalayan Salt Lamp


Known for its warm glow and calming ambiance, this Himalayan salt lamp is compact enough for your bedside table. Reviewers praise its ability to create a soothing atmosphere.

See it on Amazon

Sleep in Serenity With This Tufted Velvet Headboard


Add elegance and comfort to your bedroom with this tufted velvet headboard. Its soft texture and inviting design create a serene focal point, perfect for unwinding at the end of the day.

See it on Amazon

An Indulgent Chocolate Brown Ottoman


This warm chocolate brown ottoman combines timeless style with versatile functionality. Upholstered in rich, premium leather, this piece adds warmth and sophistication to any space, serving as a comfortable footrest and a chic accent.

See it on Amazon

Every Serene Space Needs This Quilted Coverlet


Layer your bed with this lightweight quilted coverlet for comfort and style. The soothing pastel colors and gentle texture make it ideal for a serene retreat.

See it on Amazon

Keep Cozy Underfoot With This Plush Area Rug


Sink your feet into the luxurious softness of this plush area rug. It adds warmth and texture beside your bed, making every step a soothing experience.

See it on Amazon

A Sleeping Beauty Bed Canopy


Create your dreamy retreat with this lightweight canopy. Paired with soft, twinkling LED lights, it transforms your bed into a tranquil haven of comfort and whimsy.

See it on Amazon

Layer Textures With This Woven Pillow


Bring a subtle bohemian charm to your bed with this woven pillow. The soft fringe and neutral palette add texture without overwhelming your serene aesthetic.

See it on Amazon

Store More With These Wicker Baskets


Declutter your space with these woven wicker baskets. Their natural textures and versatile size make them perfect for storing blankets or accessories, adding a touch of calm to your bedroom.

See it on Amazon

These Amber Glass Jars Fit Your Spa-Inspired Bathroom


This set of refillable Amber Glass Jars adds a touch of sophistication to your countertop. Ideal for soaps or lotions, they come with waterproof labels for easy identification.

See it on Amazon

Style Your Space With This Gold Coffee Table


This chic gold coffee table combines a sleek metal frame with a clear glass top and storage shelf, offering functionality and elegance. Its airy design and soft metallic finish create a sense of openness and light, enhancing the calm and balanced feel of any living room or small space.

See it on Amazon

A Spa-Inspired Shower Curtain


Achieve a spa-like aesthetic with this crisp white waffle weave shower curtain. Its durable cotton construction ensures longevity, and reviewers love its upscale feel.

See it on Amazon

Upgrade Your Showers With This Bamboo Bath Mat


This eco-friendly bamboo bath mat adds a touch of luxury to your bathroom while being naturally water-resistant and easy to clean.

See it on Amazon

Curate Charming Meals With These Ceramic Plates


Bring an artisan touch to your dining table with these hand-painted ceramic plates. Each set features unique patterns, combining functionality with artistic flair.

See it on Amazon

A Comfy Cozy Loveseat Sofa


Wrapped in soft, durable teddy fabric, this loveseat sofa offers a cozy embrace, perfect for year-round use. Its wear-resistant material ensures it can handle daily life while adding a touch of warmth and comfort to your home. Ideal for bedrooms or living rooms, this small sofa is the perfect blend of style and functionality.

See it on Amazon

A Serene Scented Soy Candle


The soft glow and fresh scent of this linen soy candle enhance relaxation, making it ideal for a quiet evening or self-care moments. Place it in your living room, bedroom, or bathroom for an added layer of tranquility.

See it on Amazon

This Fringe Blanket Fits Anywhere


This natural-toned throw blanket introduces a touch of understated elegance while providing the ultimate coziness. Its lightweight yet warm material makes it ideal for relaxing moments, whether you’re reading, napping, or watching a movie.

See it on Amazon

A Functional Yet Stylish Swivel Recliner


This swivel recliner promotes relaxation with its seamless reclining feature and smooth gliding motion. Whether you’re winding down after a long day or rocking a baby to sleep, it fosters a sense of tranquility and ease.

See it on Amazon

Style Meets Function With This Ottoman


This leather ottoman combines functionality and elegance, offering a clutter-free, cozy feel. Use it to store extra pillows, as a relaxing seat to remove your shoes, or as a decorative element to ground your room’s aesthetic.

See it on Amazon

Cast Warm Light With This Ceramic Lamp


This ceramic lamp in a natural concrete finish features a subtle design that brings a grounded, calming presence to your space. Its gentle illumination is perfect for creating cozy corners in bedrooms, living rooms, or reading nooks.

See it on Amazon

Hang This Neutral Landscape Canvas Set


The gentle, earthy tones and abstract shapes of this landscape canvas evoke a sense of balance and tranquility, bringing visual harmony to your space. These artworks are a grounding focal point that complements a restful and clutter-free environment.

See it on Amazon

A Rustic Round Wooden Side Table


Combining natural wood tones and minimalist accents creates a balanced and calming vibe. This round wood side table features a lightweight design that makes it easy to move, allowing you to reconfigure your space to maintain order and simplicity.

See it on Amazon

Upgrade Your Aesthetic With This Eucalyptus Wreath


This 20" eucalyptus wreath brings a touch of nature indoors with its lifelike greenery, symbolizing growth and renewal. Its versatile design and soft, natural tones create a welcoming and calming aesthetic, perfect for maintaining a serene atmosphere year-round.

See it on Amazon

Infuse Farmhouse Charm With This Bread Bowl


This natural wood bread bowl embodies rustic charm with its hand-carved, natural wood finish, adding warmth and organic texture to your space. Its timeless design and versatility as a centerpiece or decorative element promote a grounded, harmonious atmosphere in any room.

See it on Amazon

Mix Materials With This Pillar Candle Holder


This pillar candle holder combines the elegance of clear glass with the warmth of natural wood, creating a harmonious blend of materials. Their soft candlelight enhances a calming atmosphere, while the minimalist design brings understated sophistication to any table or centerpiece.

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Use This Acacia Paddle Anywhere


This round acacia paddle adds an organic, natural element to your space with its rich acacia wood tones and smooth finish. Its timeless design enhances the warmth and simplicity of your kitchen or dining area, fostering a serene and inviting environment.

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Set Your Scene With Some Ceramic Jugs


This set of distressed ceramic jugs exudes farmhouse charm with its textured and neutral design, making it a versatile addition to any room. The understated elegance and soft tones create a calming focal point, enhancing your space's tranquil and harmonious feel.

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Curate Your Dream Gallery With These Photo Frames


This set of wooden photo frames brings warmth and personalization to your home with its natural brown wood finish. The ability to showcase cherished memories or calming artwork promotes emotional well-being and creates a comforting, serene atmosphere.

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A Bookshelf for Your Favorites


This sturdy 7-cube bookshelf features a natural wood finish and open shelf design, perfect for maintaining an organized, clutter-free space. Its clean lines and functional layout enhance any room's tranquil and balanced atmosphere and allow you to show off the items that reflect your style.

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Add Style and Convenience With These Nesting Coffee Table


This 2-piece nesting coffee table set combines a natural wood finish with a handcrafted ring motif, adding warmth and artisanal charm. Its versatile design promotes functionality while maintaining a clean, harmonious aesthetic, perfect for a serene living room setup.

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Cherish Little Moments With This Latte Mug Set


This ceramic latte mug set features soft, neutral tones and a modern, boho design, creating a soothing and inviting aesthetic. The handcrafted look and feel encourage mindful moments, making them perfect for enjoying your favorite beverages in a calm and serene environment.

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Upgrade Your Serenity With This Tea Kettle


Le Creuset's enamel tea kettle combines functionality with timeless elegance, featuring a calming olive tone and gold finishes. Its soothing aesthetic and practicality create a warm, tranquil atmosphere, perfect for enhancing peaceful moments in your kitchen.

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Brighten Your Space With This Pharmacy Floor Lamp


This adjustable pharmacy floor lamp in aged brass offers style and practicality, providing focused lighting for relaxing or reading. Its traditional design and warm metal finish create a comforting and harmonious ambiance, perfect for enhancing a serene home environment.

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Enhance Your Entryway With This Console Table


This console table with faux marble top features a sleek golden frame and minimalist design, bringing understated elegance to entryways or living spaces. Its clean lines and light-toned surface create an uncluttered, serene atmosphere, perfect for a peaceful home.

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Get Cozy With This Oversized Lounge Chair


This oversized corduroy chaise lounge chair combines plush comfort and soft beige tones to create a cozy retreat for relaxation. Its inviting design and washable cover make it a practical yet calming addition to a serene bedroom or living room.

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Mount Stylish Storage With This Bathroom Wall Cabinet


This modern bathroom wall cabinet features a natural oak finish and fluted sliding door, blending modern elegance with functionality. Its clean lines and faux marble top bring a sense of calm and order to your bathroom, promoting a serene and organized space.

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Liven Up Your Space With This Potted Succulent


This artificial potted succulent offers a touch of greenery without the upkeep, adding a natural and calming element to your space. Housed in a rustic black clay planter, they bring subtle charm and balance to any room, enhancing the serene atmosphere of a peaceful home.

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Keep Your Bedroom Tidy With Floating Shelves


Simplify your space with these minimalist floating shelves. Ideal for decluttering your nightstand, they keep essentials like books and plants within reach, promoting a sense of order and tranquility.

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Layer Your Space With Linen Curtains


Soften natural light with these breezy linen curtains. Their delicate texture and neutral tones evoke a peaceful ambiance, turning your bedroom into a light-filled sanctuary.

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Create High-Traffic Transitions With This Runner Rug


This hallway runner rug in soft, neutral tones adds warmth and texture to your space while maintaining a clean, minimalist aesthetic. Its hand-woven design and washable material make it practical and calming, ideal for creating a serene and inviting atmosphere in high-traffic areas.

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