Big Astrology News! Jupiter In Gemini Is Here To Shake Up Every Star Sign

silhouette of three woman with hands on the air while dancing during sunset

Are you feeling a lack of motivation lately? Don’t worry, because things are about to change. As we near the middle of 2024, you may have let go of your New Year's resolution or neglected your past passion project. The great news is that Jupiter, the planet of optimism and expansion, is leaving the earth sign Taurus and entering the air sign Gemini on May 25. In the next stage of our journey, we will be more socially oriented and open-minded to ideas from all sides.

Everything to know about the planet Jupiter in astrology

Photo by Planet Volumes on Unsplash

The Planet Jupiter

Astronomically, Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in our solar system—also known as the “gas giant.” Jupiter can also be viewed as the bodyguard, protecting our home planet from incoming asteroids.

Astrologically, Jupiter bestows luck and expansive opportunities in our natal charts and transits. Due to its exuberant nature, it can over-inflate good and challenging aspects. In your darkest hour and time of need, look to your Jupiter sign as the key and clue to where you can find the silver lining. You may be in for a huge lesson and luck wherever Jupiter touches your birth chart or in transit. The teacher or guru often walks into your life around these momentous periods, and so long as you are open to learning, you, too, one day will become the teacher as well. Click here to find out where your Jupiter is in your birth chart.

When Does Jupiter Enter Gemini?

Jupiter in Gemini Dates: May 25, 2024 to June 9, 2025

What Does Jupiter in Gemini Mean For You?

Let’s explore this last year before we dive into what’s next. The planet Jupiter spends 12 months in every sign. From 2023 to 2024, while in Taurus, our primary focus was exploring the path of self-worth, wealth, and financial security. Although Taurus is a grounded and earthy sign, last year felt anything but because Jupiter inflates and expands on whatever it touches. Sound familiar? We experienced inflation, resulting in a rise in food prices while also becoming more indulgent and spending more on material comforts.

It could have been a challenging year regarding real estate or business ventures, as everything felt stuck because Jupiter enhances whatever it touches. With Taurus's fixed energy escalated by Jupiter’s influence, it could have already made us feel like sitting ducks with a massive credit card bill. Online shopping and retail therapy galore.

The good news is that as Jupiter shifts, we will focus on collaboration, communication, and multiple streams of opportunities. Although Jupiter is astrologically considered in a “detrimental” position with Gemini, there is a plus side when this transit occurs.

The sign of Gemini extends an outlet for us to become more experimental in our lives. It can be a perfect time to begin that side hustle you were contemplating alongside your job. This is the period to “explore,” not invest. Jupiter in Gemini will give us fun, exploration, and opportunity. Our social calendars are also expected to erupt, and it's time to party.

It is about openness and possibility – refrain from dogmatic systems to stay afloat.

Note that Jupiter last appeared in Gemini in 2012. Reflect on what happened in your life then and for the collective to see what themes may be resurfacing.

Meanwhile, if you have a mutable rising sign or are a mutable sign – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces – Jupiter in Gemini will light up your year.

What Happened 12 Years Ago When Jupiter Was in Gemini?

The last time when Jupiter was in Gemini, pop culture was electrifying with the rise of K-Pop, and Kim and Kanye got together, birthing their ship name ‘Kimye.’ We can expect bands to reemerge as Gemini is about interconnectedness and teamwork. Life was more collaborative and filled with incoming messages from all sides.

Information can get a bit scattered as Gemini represents messages and experimentation. So, it is best to slow down and listen intently before jumping into the next big thing.

It was also the year Taylor Swift released her Red album while dating Harry Styles. FYI, Taylor is a Sagittarius, and we will likely receive big news later this year. Here's a little cosmic intel: Jupiter will trine her North Node in Aquarius in September, opening a door for her to explore her story even deeper. It can push her to tap into a wellspring of creativity while she uncovers a new approach involving her talents. It will likely attract incredible breakthroughs involving personal development and destiny. Could it be a marriage proposal? Shift in love status? Album drop? Time will tell.

While we wait and see what happens, listen to The Tortured Poets Department. I’m a big fan of this one.

Your Jupiter in Gemini Reading For Every Astrological Sign

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Read for your sun, moon, and rising sign for an extended interpretation.


Exciting things will emerge as Jupiter will reside in your 3rd house of communication and ideas. It is time to level up your knowledge, requiring you to start something new that involves your skills. Embrace curiosity as you explore new subjects, languages, and connections. There is potential for short-distance travel to enhance your educational or business pursuits. Your adaptability shines, effortlessly navigating diverse situations with confidence. Avoid scattering your focus and prioritize your goals, maintaining consistency in your efforts. A structured approach to your studies or projects will prevent you from spreading yourself too thin. By setting clear objectives and staying disciplined, you can capitalize on these opportunities and bring your dreams to fruition during this transit.


During Jupiter's transit through your 2nd house, Taurus, seize outlets to enhance your finances and values. It is time to step into your confidence and see your dreams take root by becoming more hands-on instead of waiting. Explore new income sources and improve your financial literacy to attract new income streams. Your adaptability shines this year, enabling you to navigate changing financial landscapes confidently. To achieve your goals, maintain discipline in your financial practices. Avoid impulsive spending and focus on creating a solid financial plan. Set savings goals and budget accordingly. With dedication and perseverance, you can lay the foundation for long-term financial stability and achieve your aspirations.


This is your year, Gemini! With Jupiter in your 1st house, embrace opportunities for self-exploration and growth. Get out of your comfort zone by taking chances. The Universe grants your wishes when you remain curious and with an open heart. Embrace change confidently, knowing you can navigate diverse opportunities and challenges. To realize your visions, maintain discipline in focusing on your goals. Hone your skills, set clear objectives, and take decisive action. Avoid scattering your energy and stay committed to your aspirations. Harness Jupiter's expansive energy to manifest your dreams authentically and create a fulfilling future aligned with your true self.


Get ready to witness your evolution as Jupiter navigates through your 12th house. This time will help you focus on your deep spiritual growth and inner exploration. Connect with your intuition and emotional depth. Tap into your inner truths while unpacking the unresolved. Dedicate time to meditation and self-reflection, releasing old patterns, and nurturing your spiritual side. To manifest your dreams, maintain discipline in your spiritual practice. Set energetic boundaries, prioritize self-care, and allow yourself to let go of what no longer serves you emotionally. By focusing on your spiritual journey, you can manifest your dreams with clarity and purpose, guided by the wisdom of your inner self.


This is your opportunity to expand your networks while reigniting your aspirations. Jupiter in your 11th house will power up your connections with like-minded individuals and join groups in alignment with your interests. Invest your time and energy in spaces that involve you to extend leadership while influencing others positively. With your social calendar booming this year, stay focused on long-term objectives, prioritize commitments, and avoid distractions. Set clear goals and take consistent action. Turn aspirations into tangible achievements, leaving a lasting impact on your social sphere.


Expect recognition and career advancement as Jupiter is residing in your 10th house. Stepping up and showcasing your skills will shine. Your dedication will show as you share your true passions. If you have plans to launch your business or switch careers, this is your year. You will excel in your career endeavors, earning respect from peers and superiors. Stay focused on career goals, set high standards, and pursue growth opportunities. Avoid perfectionism and self-doubt, trusting in your abilities. With determination, climb the ladder of success and leave a lasting impact in your field. Boldness is key.


Jupiter takes over your 9th house realm, and your life will feel like Wonderland. This is your time for personal growth through higher learning and travel. Expand your horizons, explore new cultures, and deepen your understanding of the world. Learning prayer or meditation can be a powerful tool to level up your spiritual practice. Jupiter's touch will reconfigure anything you once considered tangible. Let go and observe possible new paths to help you achieve fulfillment. Share your story and listen to others to get perspective. Commit to educational pursuits or travel plans, prioritize learning opportunities aligned with your interests, and remain open-minded.


This will be a powerful time in your life, as Jupiter in your 8th house will scope opportunities to pay attention to your shared resources, intimacy, and unresolved fears. Your instincts will sharpen as you focus on your feelings toward others or situations. Embrace the quiet periods and invest time in your inner work. In doing so, your connections and your interconnectedness to life will deepen. The silver lining of this Jupiter transit lies in your emotional depth and intuitive ability. Facing your fears will open the door to your fulfillment. Commit to your healing and growth.


This Jupiter phase will shift your focus toward your partnerships and relationships. With your 7th house active this year, it is your moment to understand your connections and gain clarity regarding your love status. Deepen connections, explore collaborations, and broaden your perspective on love. If you have experienced a waterlog in your love life, Jupiter in Gemini will breathe life back into your connection or in dating. Approach relationships with enthusiasm, embracing diverse experiences and perspectives. Commit to being unapologetically honest to attract healthy relationships, communicate openly, and be willing to compromise.


Expect your work and daily routines to go 180 as Jupiter takes rein in your 6th house. This is a period for you to seize opportunities at work while also refining your skills to enhance your efficiency. Observe what areas in your daily life need reinvention. It can be your wellness routine or your work environment. Establish healthy habits, set achievable goals, and focus on self-improvement professionally. Jupiter can escalate extremities, so remember that maintaining balance will attract steady progress in your career and complete alignment.


Fun times approach Aquarius as Jupiter crosses into your 5th house of creativity, self-expression, and romance. If you have experienced outmoded love stories or situationships, this is the year to explore deeper. Revamp your dating profile or take a class that unleashes your creative side. You may cross paths with “the one.” Something is ready to be birthed into existence (figuratively or literally). Think outside the box, experiment with ideas, and infuse creativity with your unique perspective. Be receptive to new ideas and approaches – don’t overthink it. In small, measured steps, get ready to witness your passions reach fruition.


Expect harmonious breakthroughs involving your emotional security and family systems as Jupiter resides in your 4th house this year. This can manifest a change of residence to a larger space or renovation. You will likely need to reevaluate your priorities at work while figuring out what truly matters to you. As you return to your family roots, you will have an opportunity to understand the root of your past regrets. Living conditions and family life will improve as you commit to creating a harmonious home, prioritize self-care, and make space for resolution with family.

Want to learn the basics of astrology and decode your birth chart? Take a look at Lumi's free beginner's astrology workbook.

Finding the right person can feel really tough, no matter what season of life you're in. But when it's about to be "cuffing season" (you know, where everyone couples up every fall right before the holidays), the search can feel more urgent than ever. But it's okay — our favorite astrologist, Lumi Pelinku, has some ideas for how one Libra can find love in what feels like a hopeless place right now. Here's what she has to say in our latest Ask An Astrologer column!

Nastia Kardash

Dear Lumi: I'm a Libra and keep attracting the wrong type. What are some signs I should focus on for a more fulfilling fall romance based on astrological compatibility?

Dear Libra: This is a common question that I'm often asked — and even pondered about when I dated in the past! I want to point out that filtering out astrological signs just to level up chances is a limiting path to pursue when dating. You can look to sun sign compatibility as a fun way to connect with potential partners. For those intellectual connections, air signs like Gemini and Aquarius can be fantastic matches for you. If you're looking for that fiery passion, fire signs such as Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius might light up your world. But remember, there's depth beyond just sun signs. Exploring your Venus sign has been eye-opening for me and the clients I have worked with — it gives deeper insights into how we love and connect.

Chloe Christiansonn

The main objective is highlighting how you can energetically attract your future partner by mastering your astrological sign. As you are single, let's explore what you can do to make it a self-love season. Celebrating yourself and investing time in leveling up your self-acceptance will lead you to your love sooner than you know.

Also, before we dive into how you can master your Libra energy, you can look to your Venus sign to help you understand how you can power up your confidence and even understand your love story better – the good and the bad. If you don't know your Venus sign, use a birth chart generator to find out.

​Libra's Lessons in Love

Molly McNeal

You are a soul that naturally gravitates towards love and relationships. This path is one that you are meant to fulfill. I cannot stress enough (as a Libra Moon person myself) that balance and complete self-acceptance must be found in your life to attract better relationships — especially for your relationship-oriented sign.

You must be thinking, "Now, how is that achievable?"

Your body knows best, and by analyzing your energetic flow, you will notice what is tipping the balance. Do you feel at ease or an adrenaline rush when meeting people? When getting to know or spending time with possible contenders, do you tend to imagine walking down the aisle with this person or start compiling a collage of wedding dresses or venues on Pinterest?

Honestly, I'm guilty here — I used to fantasize like this A LOT, and it only added higher levels of anxiety, thinking that these feelings were "butterflies," but that rush I felt was just a warning to watch out. If you tend to jump to conclusions or dive headfirst into relationships that aren't good for you, start becoming more present and work with your intuition. This alone will help you analyze your connection(s) and see if it's a genuine love, or infatuation.

​Libra, Take Off The Rose-Colored Glasses

Bruna Pontello

Individuals with a Libra sun, moon, or rising tend to lament about failed relationships or the lack thereof — even in friendships. As a Venus-ruled sign, you embody love, complete care for people, and a desire to avoid conflict. People-pleasing and losing yourself in relationships tend to happen when you are not addressing the red flags head-on. Libras also may fall victim to wearing rose-colored glasses and seeing their romantic prospect as perfect. In relationships, they try to paint the red flags green, leading them to complete heartache and loss.

They fall hard and want nothing more than to meet their better half. I promise you it is possible, but a major lesson is in store for Libras. The aim is to become whole, balanced, and at peace with the idea of being alone. Don't worry — this doesn't mean you will be alone forever, but this is the Universe's game that Libra has to play to attract an epic connection. Also, learning how to assert your boundaries at the beginning of relationships so that you can see if your prospect honors your needs is crucial in filtering out your match. Libras are natural romantics; however, it is best to be wholly aligned with authenticity and fairness when dating.

​Libra, Step Into Self-Acceptance To Manifest Your Love

Leah Tackabery

To find fulfillment and happiness, you must be entirely in love with yourself and avoid settling in your life. At this point in your journey, avoid lowering your standards to be in a relationship. Enjoy your life and see the beauty and love around you.

For a Libra like yourself, finding self-acceptance is about personal growth and creating the foundation for a fulfilling relationship with a future partner. Here are some tailored steps that could help you on this journey:

  1. Celebrate Your Unique Qualities: Embrace what makes you distinctly you — your charm, your knack for bringing harmony, and your deep appreciation for beauty. These qualities are what make you magnetic and attractive.
  2. Set Boundaries With Grace: Your natural inclination to please others can sometimes lead to neglecting your needs. Establishing clear boundaries allows you to honor your values and priorities, which in turn attracts partners who respect and value you.
  3. Boost Your Confidence: Confidence is incredibly attractive. Engage in activities that build your self-assurance — whether it's pursuing your passions, achieving personal goals, or simply embracing your unique strengths.
  4. Nurture Inner Harmony: Connect with activities that bring you joy and peace, whether you lose yourself in creativity, enjoy quiet moments in nature, or practice mindfulness. When you're centered and content within yourself, you naturally radiate positivity.
  5. Cherish Meaningful Connections: Relationships matter deeply to you. Invest time and energy in nurturing your connections with friends and family; these bonds provide invaluable support and love.
  6. Clarify Your Relationship Vision: Reflect on what you truly desire in a partner and a relationship. Understanding your needs and aspirations helps you attract someone who aligns with your vision for the future.
  7. Practice Self-Love Daily: Cultivate habits that promote self-love and self-care, whether it's through affirmations, self-reflection, or treating yourself to little moments of indulgence. When you cherish yourself, others will see and cherish you too.

Remember, the journey to self-acceptance is ongoing, but every step you take brings you closer to manifesting a relationship that resonates with your true self. You've got this!

With Love and Stars,


Looking for your own astrological advice? Be sure to Ask Lumi here!

Header image via Margaret Molloy

I am the opposite of a casual Reputation fan. Four of my five most-listened-to songs on Spotify (like, of all time) are from the 2017 album, I wore a Rep-inspired outfit to my Eras Tour show, and I am constantly analyzing (and talking about) its symbolism. I stand by the fact that this album, as misunderstood as it is, is actually the key to understanding Taylor Swift herself, which is why its rerelease is the one I've been most looking forward to. With TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), and Reddit, it feels like there's a new theory every day about when we'll get Reputation (Taylor's Version), but I'm pretty sure Taylor's been telling us the announcement date for awhile.

When is Taylor Swift releasing Reputation (Taylor's Version)?

Image via Source Pictures & Taylor Swift Productions

The cappuccino Easter egg from the "Karma" music video.

We don't have an official Reputation (Taylor's Version) release date yet, but all signs were originally pointing to an announcement on February 16, 2024. When the music video for "Karma" from Midnights came out, featuring a shot of Taylor holding a cappuccino, Swifties clocked that the blue nail (which represents 1989 (Taylor's Version)) lines up with the 8 on the clock, and the black nail lines up with the 2. Taylor ended up announcing 1989 TV on August 9 — and then announced The Tortured Poets Department(also known as TS11) at the 2024 Grammys in February!

The latest theory revolves around an August 20 announcement and September 13 drop. After Taylor was spotted in a semi-green 'fit with a Vivienne Westwood Tuesday bag, fans began wondering if it was a clue for a Tuesday album announcement. The last Tuesday show in London is Tuesday, August 20, which is also the last show until October. This would be the perfect amount of time for Taylor to have announced the album and to drop it on September 13, which is the second to last Friday the 13th of the year!

The other Friday the 13th is December 13, which is Taylor Swift's birthday. The popstar had the date front and center in her Tortured Poets Department pop-up installation. Since the date falls on a Friday, it's the perfect day to drop some new music...If you ask me, that's when we're getting Taylor Swift (Taylor's Version) — because there is literally no better combo than Taylor's birthday, Friday the 13th, and Taylor taking her name back.

Are there any other clues that Reputation (Taylor's Version) will come out next?

Image via Amy Sussman

Taylor Swift attends the 81st Annual Golden Globe Awards at The Beverly Hilton on January 07, 2024 in Beverly Hills, California.

At her first NFL appearance of 2024, for the KC Chiefs' season opener on Thursday September 5, Taylor Swift wore a denim corset and shorts set with bold, thigh-high red boots. Fans immediately made the connection between this 'fit and what Taylor wears in the "Look What You Made Me Do" music video. This is like a wink from Taylor — I don't think she's giving us direct clues about Reputation (Taylor's Version), but it feels like a reminder that the album is still on its way!

Taylor also showed up to the 81st Golden Globe Awards in an all green ensemble, which is already so Reputation-coded to begin with. However, fans noticed one teeeeeeeny tiny detail about her look that really leans into all the theories that Rep (TV) is next. If you zoom in on her rings, one of them is a snake that's wrapped around her finger. 🐍

And after Taylor Swift released a video teasing her new album(TTPD), Swifties are analyzing all the snakeskin patterns (on the curtains, the floor, and the green couch), as well as the dark visuals. While the video moves from the dark room to a bright one for TTPD, I'm convinced we'll be returning — or continuing down the hallway where you can see a dark picture frame waiting for us...

A recent Disney+ ad that paired the Eras Tour film and Disney Pixar's Cars went viral on Twitter because its tagline is "Getaway Car," one of the most beloved songs on Reputation (Taylor's Version)! No matter when the album drops, having Taylor Swift's final two re-recordings be her name and her reputation is literally so iconic and I can't wait to listen.

What Taylor Swift songs are on Reputation (Taylor's Version)?

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management

We know that, based on previous re-recordings, Reputation (Taylor's Version) will have the original tracklist and an unknown number of vault tracks that Taylor wrote ahead of the Reputation era. PEOPLE also confirmed we'll be able to hear Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do (Taylor's Version)" in the new docuseries for the New England Patriots! You can also hear a snippet in the trailer for Ashley Benson's Wilderness ;). Simone Biles also used "Ready For It?" in her Olympics floor routine!

Here's what you can expect on Taylor Swift's Reputation (Taylor's Version). I'm really hoping the vault tracks include "I Don't Want To Live Forever"!

  1. "Ready For It? (Taylor's Version)"
  2. "End Game (Taylor's Version)"
  3. "I Did Something Bad (Taylor's Version)"
  4. "Don't Blame Me (Taylor's Version)"
  5. "Delicate (Taylor's Version)"
  6. "Look What You Made Me Do (Taylor's Version)"
  7. "So It Goes... (Taylor's Version)"
  8. "Gorgeous (Taylor's Version)"
  9. "Getaway Car (Taylor's Version)"
  10. "King Of My Heart (Taylor's Version)"
  11. "Dancing With Our Hands Tied (Taylor's Version)"
  12. "Dress (Taylor's Version)"
  13. "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things (Taylor's Version)"
  14. "Call It What You Want (Taylor's Version)"
  15. "New Year's Day (Taylor's Version)"

What is Taylor Swift wearing to Grammys 2024?

Image via Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images for The Recording Academy

Taylor Swift showed up to the 2024 Grammys in a sculptural white gown from Schiaparelli Couture. I love how Taylor has hopped on the corset trend. This is my favorite neckline in recent years! Even though the dress is white instead of black or green — and ended up going along with the Tortured Poets Department (or TS 11) announcement — I think it could still be a Reputation (Taylor's Version) Easter egg.

White is, of course, the opposite of black, so I think it's a more unexpected reference to the album, with black accessories like gloves, shoes, and jewelry being a direct nod. Plus, the watch necklace pays homage to Midnights! At the 2022 VMAs, Taylor wore another Reputation-coded outfit before she announced Midnights, so it could be a pattern.

Is there gonna be a Reputation Taylor's Version?

Image Paul Kane/Getty Images

Taylor Swift performs at Optus Stadium on October 19, 2018 in Perth, Australia.

Yes, we're getting a Reputation (Taylor's Version)! Taylor Swift has been very vocal about the fact she's rerecording her first five albums. However, she's been less direct about the order or the release schedule, which is honestly more fun! The official Taylor Nation account added fuel to the fire when they posted a photo of Taylor rehearsing for The Eras Tour — because, like @nashs_mom on TikTok says, the pose doesn't match up with any of the songs.

While all the photos they've previously posted match up with numbers like "Enchanted" or "Illicit Affairs," the new pose seems to match up with "I Did Something Bad" (which is both the last Reputation surprise song left AND the perfect song to announce the rerecording).

What caused Taylor Swift to make Reputation?

Image via Def Jam/UMG

Cover art for Kanye West's The Life Of Pablo, which features "Famous."

The primary catalyst for Taylor Swift's Reputation era was a phone call with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. After Taylor said Kanye did not have her permission to say he "made that b-tch famous" in "Famous," a video leak from Kim seemed to show Taylor did actually give her permission (it was later revealed the video was edited, and Taylor gave her permission to be mentioned, NOT to be called a b-tch).

"#TaylorSwiftIsOverParty" began trending on Twitter, and everyone from the media to the general public began calling her a snake. So she disappeared from the public eye for over a year, and Reputation was born. The era was moody — and full of snake imagery. Taylor says in her TIME interview that the album came from "a goth-punk moment of female rage at being gaslit by an entire social structure," and told Rolling Stone in 2019 that Reputation was a "metaphor" and her "playing a character."

How old was Taylor when she wrote Reputation?

Image via Christopher Polk/Getty Images for TAS

Charli XCX, Camila Cabello and Taylor Swift perform onstage during opening night of Taylor Swift's 2018 Reputation Stadium Tour at University of Phoenix Stadium on May 8, 2018 in Glendale, Arizona.

Taylor began writing Reputation in 2016, when she was 27. However, the stories she's telling go back farther than that since "Dancing With Our Hands Tied" talks about a relationship from when she was 25.

Is Reputation a love album?

Image via Big Machine Records

Cover art for Taylor Swift's Reputation.

While Reputation is sassy, moody, and satirical, I stand by the idea that it's actually a love album at its core. While the general public talked most about "Ready for It?" and "Look What You Made Me Do," songs like "Delicate," "Call It What You Want," and "New Year's Day" are all about healing after the media turned against her. The message of the album is all about how she wants to spend the the ins and outs of life with people she loves, because they make the boring days beautiful, which is also the sentiment running throughout "Lover."

"I want your midnights, but I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day" and "We can leave the Christmas lights up 'til January" are the same!!

What are the Reputation Taylor's Version vault tracks?

Image via Warner Bros. Entertainment

A Horcrux from Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part I

While we don't have the tracklist for Reputation (Taylor's Version) yet, she did mention in her TIME interview that the vault tracks will be "fire."

"I’m collecting horcruxes,” she says of the rerecordings. “I’m collecting infinity stones. Gandalf’s voice is in my head every time I put out a new one. For me, it is a movie now.”

I'm going to be real honest, this is the line that sent me into a tailspin because the idea that Taylor loves stories like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and the MCU as much as I do is too much!! But it makes sense because after all, she IS a storyteller.

Do you think we'll get Reputation (Taylor's Version) in February 2024? Check out our Facebook for the latest Taylor Swift news and browse ourUltimate Taylor Swift Gift Guide!

Lead image via Big Machine Records

This post has been updated.

If I'm completely honest, there are very few celebrity couples I care about the way I care about Tom Holland and Zendaya. Aside from the fact this couple is like a walking friends-to-lovers plotline IRL, and are both power houses on their own, these two actors and philanthropists are just unstoppable together. They also keep their relationship pretty private. Here's the latest news on it.

The Latest News On Tom Holland And Zendaya's Relationship

Image via Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney

July 2016 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Join Spider-Man: Homecoming

Tom Holland and Zendaya met and became friends when they were cast in the MCU's Spider-Man: Homecoming. Tom had already made an appearance in Captain America: Civil War, but the new Spider-Man movie was a huge deal for both Marvel fans and the couple themselves! Not only did Tom Holland and Zendaya spend time together on set, but they also hung out at the pool together during their free timeand goofed around during San Diego Comic Con.

Image via Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images

November 2016 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Are On The Cover Of The Hollywood Reporter

Tom Holland and Zendaya basically broke the internet when they graced the cover of The Hollywood Reporter's Nov. 2016 issue. The shoot was filled with plenty of classic Hollywood throwbacks, but I have always *loved* the blue dress Z wears on the cover. "Over the moon with my first cover," Tom writes on Instagram. "So grateful that I got to share it with the one and only @zendaya. Thanks mate for helping me out."

"Honored to share it with the very best...Spider-Man himself @tomholland2013," Zendaya says in her post. "Thank you for this beautiful cover @THR."

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images

May 7, 2017 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Attend The MTV Movie And TV Awards

At the 2017 MTV Movie And TV Awards, Tom Holland and Zendaya premiered a clip from Spider-Man: Homecoming...and Tom did a flip onstage and then asked Zendaya to homecoming.

Image via Robert Marquardt/Getty Images for Sony Pictures

July 13, 2017 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Are Reportedly Dating

In July 2017, a source seemingly confirmed what many fans had been wondering for months: that Tom Holland and Zendaya had been dating. Considering the two other sets of Spider-Man leads (Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst and Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield) both dated, it felt like this was one relationship that was bound to happen.

"They started seeing each other while they were filming Spider-Man," the insider tells People. "They've been super careful to keep it private and out of the public eye but they've gone on vacations with each other and try and spend as much time as possible with one another."

"They're both really ambitious and they challenge each other — but, most importantly, they make each other crack up," says another insider. "They seem to have a really similar sense of humor and love joking around together."

Tom Holland and Zendaya actually took to Twitter (now X) to tackle the rumors. "Wait favorite is when it says we go on vacations together HA! I haven't been on a vacation in years!" Zendaya says, to which Tomreplies, "Does the press tour count[?]"

Image via Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

August 8, 2017 — Zendaya Shuts Down Dating Rumors

"We are friends," Zendaya tells Variety. "He's a great dude. He's literally one of my best friends. This past how many months we've had to do press tours together. There's very few people that will understand what that's like at 20 years old."

Image via Noam Galai/Getty Images for New York Magazine

May 8, 2018 — Tom Holland Supports Zendaya's Iconic Met Gala Appearance

Zendaya showed up to the 2018 Met Gala (which had the theme Heavenly Bodies) as Joan of Arc, and it's quickly become one of her most iconic and recognizable carpet looks. Tom loved it just as much as we did and wrote on Instagram, "All hail the queen. Killing it mate."

Image via Theo Wargo/Getty Images

July 2019 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Have A Very Chaotic Press Tour For Spider-Man: Far From Home

For Spider-Man: Far From Home in 2019, Tom Holland, Zendaya, and Jacob Batalon did dozens of junkets together, and many of the interviews have gone viral — like Tom and Jacob finally meeting their favorite Watch Mojo hostandthe cast playing games with Jimmy Kimmel. Junkets are always fun to watch, and this one is no exception!

Image via Cindy Ord/Getty Images for SiriusXM

July 2, 2021 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Are Seen Kissing

After years of denying they were dating, Tom Holland and Zendaya really and truly broke the internet when pictures of them kissing in a car showed up on social media. This was such a vital moment that I remember exactly where I was when I found out.

"THEY ARE END GAME DREAM COUPLE," one X user tweeted. "I don't know if I want to be Tom Holland to kiss Zendaya or be Zendaya to kiss Tom Holland," another user joked.

Tom Holland and Zendaya were later seen attending a friend's wedding...and sitting very close to each other.

Image via Tom Holland/Instagram

September 1, 2021 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Make Their Relationship Instagram Official

On Zendaya's 25th birthday, Tom Holland posted the sweetest picture from the Spider-Man makeup trailer on Instagram. "My MJ, have the happiest of birthdays," he says in the caption. "Gimme a call when [you're] up xxx."

Image via Michael Loccisano/Getty Images

November 17, 2021 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Open Up About Their Relationship

In an interview with GQ, Tom Holland opened up about his relationship with Zendaya and how their relationship to fame has impacted everything. "One of the downsides of our fame is that privacy isn’t really in our control anymore, and a moment that you think is between two people that love each other very much is now a moment that is shared with the entire world,” he says of their July 2 kiss. “I’ve always been really adamant to keep my private life private, because I share so much of my life with the world anyway...We sort of felt robbed of our privacy.”

“It was quite strange and weird and confusing and invasive,” Zendaya agrees. “I think loving someone is a sacred thing and a special thing and something that you want to deal with and go through and experience and enjoy amongst the two people that love each other."

“Our relationship is something that we are incredibly protective of and we want to keep as sacred as possible," Tom later told The Hollywood Reporter. "We don’t think that we owe it to anyone, it’s our thing, and it has nothing to do with our careers.”

Image via Emma McIntyre/Getty Images

December 15, 2021 — Zendaya Posts A Tribute To Tom Holland As Spider-Man

Before Spider-Man: No Way Home hit theaters, Zendaya posted a pair of photos featuring Tom in his superhero costume on set, and in a costume as a kid. "My Spider-Man," the caption reads. "I’m so proud of you, some things never change and good thing♥️." Adorable!

Image via Aurelien Meunier/Getty Images

February 22, 2022 — Tom Holland Says He'd Love To Be In Euphoria

Zendaya shattered records when she became the youngest person to win the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series for Rue in Euphoria. Tom also made headlines related to Euphoria when he said he'd be interested in making a cameo in the series. "I would be in Euphoria. I think I would be a really good Maddy," he jokes during a BuzzFeed puppy interview. "I'm a big Euphoria fan. I love the show and I love season 2. I visited a lot while they were shooting it and I really, really enjoyed it...I would love to guest star or just be an extra in it. Or maybe I am and you just don't know."

Image via Momodu Mansaray/Getty Images

April 20, 2022 — Zendaya Talks About Tom Holland's Support During Euphoria

"I think it's great to have that support and love around you, because you need that," Zendaya tells Entertainment Tonightduring Euphoria's Emmy For Your Consideration event. "This isn't an easy job, so it's good to have that to free you up from it every now and then."

Images via Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for TIME and Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images

June 1, 2022 — Zendaya Celebrates Tom Holland's Birthday

For Tom's 26th birthday, Zendaya posted a rare photo of her with Tom, captioning the post, "Happiest of birthdays to the one who makes me the happiest <3."

Image via Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

March 20, 2023 — Zendaya Wears A Ring With Tom Holland's Initials

I am always in favor of cute, meaningful, and minimalist jewelry, and apparently, Zendaya is too! When Zendaya's nail artist posted a video of the actress' new ballet pink manicure, fans quickly noticed the "TH" ring Z was wearing.

Image via Ethan Miller/Getty Images

April 27, 2023 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Go To An Usher Concert

2023 was the year of concerts for everyone, including celebrities! While Zendaya attended CinemaCon to promote Dune 2, she also went to an Usher concert with Tom Holland. "Childhood dreams come true, going to an @usher concert," Zendaya said on her Instagram story (via People).

Images via Frazer Harrison/Getty Images and Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

May 4, 2023 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Attend An NBA Game

Tom Holland and Zendaya had another date night in May, complete with the perfect athleisure, popcorn, and relaxed smiles.

Image via Xavi Torrent/Getty Images

January 12, 2024 — Tom Holland Confirms His Relationship With Zendaya Is Still Going Strong

After Zendaya unfollowed everyone on Instagram ahead of her new movie Challengers (Blake Lively pulled a similar move before her film A Simple Favor, as did Taylor Swift before Reputation), rumors started swirling that the pair had called it quits. When asked whether they had broken up, Tom says (via TMZ), "No, absolutely not."

Image via Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

January 14, 2024 — Tom Holland Says He Loves Watching Spider-Man: Homecoming With Zendaya

During the 2024 Critics Choice Awards, Tom Holland told Extra how much he loves rewatching his first Spider-Man movie, especially when he watches it with Z. "Zendaya and I will, every now and then, watch Spider-Man 1 and reminisce about being 19 and making those movies again," he says. "I love those movies, and I love savoring those moments, so I try not to watch them as often as I would maybe like to because it’s so special. It's such a luxury, such a gift to be able to sit down and sort of relive your youth.”

Image via Tom Holland/Instagram

January 23, 2024 — Tom Holland Shows Zendaya Some Love

Since Tom Holland and Zendaya are very private, they don't often post about their relationship on social media. But when Zendaya debuted a new look at Paris Fashion Week, Tom Holland couldn't help but post a pic of Z to his Instagram story with three heart-eye emojis. We share the same sentiment, Tom, what a coincidence!

Image via Joe Maher/Getty Images

February 15, 2023 — Tom Holland Supports Zendaya's Dune 2

The London premiere of Dune 2 was *very* eventful. Zendaya basically broke the internet by wearing a Mugler "Machinenmensch" robot suit (before changing into this chic black dress from Mugler by Casey Cadwallader), a certain actress spoiled her appearance in the movie by showing up to the carpet, and Tom Holland and Zendaya were spotted at the afterparty together. I love the care and attention Tom shows Zendaya (I, too, would be overwhelmed if I was surrounded by paparazzi like in this video of the couple), and I hope they got to unwind after a crazy night!

Image via Tom Holland/Instagram

February 21, 2024 — Tom Holland *Also* Supports Zendaya's Challengers

After the new trailer for Challengers dropped, Tom Holland shared it to his Instagram story, promising the movie looks just as good as we're hoping. "You ain't ready for this one!" he says alongside the trailer.

Image via Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images

February 21, 2024 — Zendaya Says Tom Holland Has The Best "Rizz"

When asked who has the best "rizz" (short for charisma) in the Dune 2 cast, Zendaya immediately pivots and makes the answer more personal! "Everybody's kind of got their own [rizz]," she tells Buzzfeed. "I think someone who has beautiful charisma, not on the Dune cast, works for me, is Mr. Tom Holland."

"I'm more shy and kind of quiet, so it takes a little bit more to pull me out of my shell but he's great at just talking to people and getting to know people," she continues. "He's just naturally very good at that. Or as for me, I've definitely had to pull it out of me a little bit. He's got that natural gift."

Image via Matthew Stockman/Getty Images

March 17, 2024 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Watch A Tennis Game

Ahead of Zendaya's spring movie Challengers (in which she plays a tennis pro-turned-coach opposite Mike Faist and Josh O'Connor), she watched the BNP Paribas Open Men's Final at Indian Wells Tennis Garden. Alongside Tom Holland and her assistant Darnell Appling, who she frequently calls her brother, Zendaya got comfy in a cream-colored tennis skirt, tank top, and zip-up hoodie ensemble. Spring really is here!! My favorite part of the afternoon is when Tom Holland and Zendaya sang along with Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance With Somebody."

Image via James Gourley/Getty Images

April 9, 2024 — Zendaya Raves About Tom Holland

In her Vogue cover story for May 2024, Zendaya talks a lot about how fame has affected both her life and Tom Holland's. “His [career] changed overnight. One day you’re a kid and you’re at the pub with your friends, and then the next day you’re Spider-Man,” she says. “I definitely watched his life kind of change in front of him. But he handled it really beautifully.”

That star power was evident in 2022, when Tom Holland and Zendaya spent the afternoon at the Louvre in Paris...and almost broke the internet. “You just kind of get used to the fact that, 'Oh, I’m also one of these art pieces you’re going to take a picture of. I just gotta be totally cool with it and just live my life,'" Zendaya continues. (She also says that when the museum let them walk around after-hours, "it was like Night at the Museum.”)

This spring, Zendaya can't wait to see Tom Holland in his London production of Romeo & Juliet: "[I] could not be more proud. I’m going to try to see as many shows as I possibly can.”

Image via Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images

April 10, 2024 — Challengers Premieres In London

Tom Holland showed up for the London premiere of Challengers, and got to support Zendaya in the sweetest way. In this video captured at the premiere, you can see Tom and Z share a hug and a kiss on the cheek during the evening. Even the smallest gesture can mean a lot during a busy night, and I love how in sync Tom Holland and Zendaya are!

The latest viral clip about Tom Holland and Zendaya also has to do with Challengers. During another Challengers press tour stop, Zendaya's overjoyed to be presented with a bouquet of gardenias. “These are my favorite flowers!” she exclaims. When asked if Tom Holland buys her flowers, she points at the camera and jokes, “I hope he's watching!”

While not every girlfriend necessarily wants a bouquet, every couple definitely has to figure out each other's love languages so they can get to know each other better — and apparently A-listers are the exact same!

Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images for LVMH x Vogue x NBC

August 31, 2024 — Zendaya And Tom Holland Match On A Day Date

After a summer starring in Romeo and Juliet, Tom Holland took a late-summer stroll with Zendaya in Calabasas, California. They also ended up wearing matching white tanks (Zendaya styled hers with trousers and ballet flats, while Tom opted for cargo-esque joggers and white sneakers) for the ultimate twinning moment.

Keep checking back here for the latest news on Tom Holland and Zendaya's relationship, and see what Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are up to as well!

Lead image via Cindy Ord/Getty Images for SiriusXM

This post has been updated.

I've struggled with flat, lifeless hair my entire life. It gets greasy super easily (especially since I play with it so often. Oops!), and even on the days I spend an hour curling it, any ounce of humidity or rain sends it back to its natural, stick-straight state. But when I brought this up to the Brit + Co team while describing my dream short hairstyle, they showed me the one product I'd never tried before: texturizing spray! Since adding this hack to my routine, my hair has completely changed — and my confidence has skyrocketed. Here are some common FAQ's about texturizing sprays, and the best texture sprays to try the next time your thin hair needs some extra oomph!

What does a texturizing spray do?

Elina Sazonova/Pexels

A texture spray offers texture, hold, and volume to flat or thin hair. We'd recommend saving it as the last step in your hair routine (after you've dried it or applied heat). Just hold it about a foot away from your hair and spray it directly into your strands! You can apply it normally, or flip your head upside down for even more volume, and I like to run my fingers through my hair afterwards.

What is the difference between texture spray and hairspray?

neomi drewel/Pexels

Hairspray has always been used to hold hairstyles (and flyaways) in place for a perfect, shiny finished look. Texture spray is a little more flexible and gritty. And sometimes you strike gold by finding a texturizing hair spray!

Is texturizing spray the same as volumizing spray?

Luis Quintero/Pexels

Yes, volumizing spray and texturizing spray can be used interchangeably.

Kristin Ess Hair Dry Finish Working Texture Spray


This texturizing spray has totally transformed my hair. I just add a little bit to the middle and ends of my hair in the morning, run my fingers through it, and I'm good to go! It gives my hair shape and hold it's literally never had before.

Kenra Platinum Dry Texture Spray 6


This texturizing spray both gives your hair volume and soaks up oil and impurities. The best part is that it's lightweight so your hair will feel as well as look effortless.

amika Rising Star Volumizing Finishing Spray


Not only is this bottle super cute, but this hair product features a clean ingredient list AND is cruelty free. And not only does it offer volume, but it protects your hair from heat too!

SGX NYC The Do-It-All 3-in-1 Dry Texture Spray


Whether you use it in the morning or in between work and happy hour, this spray will refresh your hair no matter what time it is! The citrus, fruit, and warm woods fragrance makes us smile almost as much as the fact SGX never tests on animals.

Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Sea Salt Spray


Any beach kid will tell you the best your hair will ever look is right after you come out of the ocean. Recreate some of that magic (and make summer last all year long!) with this sea salt texturizing spray. This trio is on sale for $16!

Drybar Triple Sec 3-in-1 Texturizing Spray


Get your own at-home blowout when you use Drybar's texturizing finishing spray on your 'do. It's sulfate-free and works on every single hair type.

VERB Volume Dry Texture Spray


You don't have to worry about dry or crunchy hair with this texturizing spray, thanks to its nourishing pro-vitamin b5 and aloe vera.

CHI Infra Texture Dual Hair Spray


If you want a two-in-one hair product, opt for a texture hairspray. This pick promises to give your hair beautiful shine and movement without any of the build up or flakiness you might find with other products. Yes, please!

Bumble and bumble Thickening Dryspun Volume Texturizing Spray


This spray is great for thin hair AND thinning hair. Its 4-star rating caught my eye (especially since it has almost 2 thousand reviews) as well as the fact it'll instantly give your hair 40 percent more volume!

Living Proof Full Dry Volume Texture Spray


One of the frustrating parts of having straight, thin hair is how easily clips, ponytail holders, and ribbons slide out. But with a nice dose of texture spray, that problem goes away!

ColorWow Texturizing Spray


Not only does this product provide your hair with sexy texture, but it also doesn't cloud your hair color, meaning your style can be as vibrant as it deserves!

Tag us with your favorite texturizing sprays on Instagram and check out 5 Ways To Reverse And Prevent Hair Thinning, According To Experts.

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Lead image via Cora Pursley/Dupe

Welcome back, Upper East Siders. When the leaves turn orange and coats start to be brought out of storage, it’s a sure sign that Gossip Girlseason is upon us once again. And what better way to ring in fall than to figure out which iconic Gossip Girlcharacter you are based on your zodiac sign?

I’ve typed twelve of the Upper East Side’s most familiar faces based on a combination of their official birthdays and the personalities they exhibit throughout the show. A lot of the time, the two happen to be perfectly aligned (I’m convinced Blair’s birthday was chosen on purpose). Strap on a headband and your cutest stilettos; it’s time to walk down Fifth Avenue and meet your Gossip Girl astrological match. XOXO, Brit + Co.

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Aries: Jenny Humphrey

As the first sign in the zodiac, Aries is full of unbridled optimism. Jenny Humphrey thought she could be Constance’s new queen bee, get away with cutting school with a full-time internship, and launch a highly successful fashion career as a high school sophomore — that’s pretty much the definition of blind optimism. Jenny’s spunky, outspoken, and unafraid to ruffle a lot of feathers to get what she wants. Her red-hot spark is something to be admired.

Giovanni Rufino

Taurus: Dan Humphrey

Dan Humphrey may have the keen analytical eye of a Virgo, but he’s got the taste for luxury of a Taurus. He prides himself on being down to earth, yet he can’t resist getting close to that famed Upper East Side glamor. He’s stubborn when it comes to love, which may explain why he keeps going back to Serena time and time again. Some may call it silly; Dan calls it stable.

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Gemini: Georgina Sparks

You’ve got to hand it to Georgina — she knows how to transform herself into whoever she needs to be whenever she wants. She can be a total darling at one minute and deliciously wicked the next. Geminis like her are more than just “two-faced,” though; they’re also quick-witted, restless, and spontaneous. It’s what makes them so fun to watch.

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Cancer: Nate Archibald

Nate is the Golden Retriever of the Gossip Girl boys. He’s popular, laidback, loyal, and compassionate. This rich boy next door wears his heart on his sleeve and is always willing to lend a hand to a friend in need. But don’t take advantage of this crab’s kindness. If you do Nate dirty, he’ll protect himself behind his tough outer shell, and it’ll take a lot to regain his trust.

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Leo: Serena van der Woodsen

There’s only one zodiac sign iconic enough for the Upper East Side’s "It" Girl: Leo. Serena craves being in the spotlight – so much so that she’s been known to act a little wild just for some attention. She’s also incredibly warm and loyal to those she loves (until she feels threatened). Her magnetic presence lights up any room she walks into, just like you, Leo.

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Virgo: Dorota Kishlovsky

Blair’s ride-or-die maid, Dorota, is a Virgo. Her moral compass might not always align with Blair’s schemes, but her sharp mind plays a crucial role in helping them succeed. She’s a supportive, hardworking friend who always has others’ best interests at heart and never hesitates to take action on their behalf.

Warner Bros. Television

Libra: Lily van der Woodsen

Lily is the definition of luxury. She’s a woman of high class with high tastes, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. But her elegance isn’t the only thing that makes her a Libra. She’s also got Libras’ hallmark ability to charm a room and get along with nearly everyone, which comes in handy when cleaning up her daughter’s (and her own) messes. Aesthetics are everything, so she’ll take a rain check on the emotional soul-baring, ‘kay?

Warner Bros. Television

Scorpio: Blair Waldorf

Cunning, romantic, ambitious, and sensitive: Blair Waldorf carries these traits with the pride of carrying a Birkin bag. Blair is canonically a Scorpio, and the sign couldn’t be more fitting. She’s highly strategic and calculating, which makes reaching her goals and exacting revenge on her enemies that much more satisfying. She places a high value on sex and love and is willing to wait as long as it takes for a man who meets her extremely high standards.

Warner Bros. Television

Sagittarius: Rufus Humphrey

Rufus’s birthday is December 7, making him a Sagittarius. He definitely lived up to the fun-loving nature of his sign during his rock ‘n’ roll years, but as he got older, he chilled out a lot more. As long as he has his art gallery, his guitar, and his daydreams about things finally working out with Lily, he’s all set. Play some Lincoln Hawk and make some waffles in honor of your GG twin, Sag.

Warner Bros. Television

Capricorn: Chuck Bass

Blunt yet smooth-talking Chuck Bass was born on January 19, which makes him a Capricorn. He certainly embodies the stereotypical hard-working nature of the sign; he’s a businessman first and a teenager second. His party-boy ways are actually in line with the fun, often hidden side of Capricorn, as is the loyalty he reserves for those lucky enough to be let into his inner circle.

Warner Bros. Television

Aquarius: Vanessa Abrams

As a social justice-loving Aquarius, Vanessa’s actively trying to make the world a better place. She doesn’t tolerate anyone’s BS, especially from anyone who lives on the UES, and she isn’t afraid to tell them to their face. She’s got a strong moral compass, a drive to tell the truth, and a strong appreciation for the arts, all three of which are highly important to Aquariuses.

Warner Bros. Television

Pisces: Eric van der Woodsen

Eric van der Woodsen is probably the most easygoing character on Gossip Girl. All he’s ever wanted is for everyone to get along. He often pushes his own needs and concerns aside for the sake of his friends and family, as Pisceans tend to do. At his best, Eric is witty, supportive, intuitive, and wise.

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