Katy Perry Just Won Halloween As Hillary Clinton

Katy Perry is known for getting pretty creative when it comes to Halloween (you might recall her Daria outfit or even her stint as a flamin’ hot Cheeto.) This year, however, she’s really outdone herself, in a move that just might trump whatever the Queen of Halloween, Heidi Klum herself, could ever dream up.

A staunch Hillary Clinton supporter all year long (did you read her Tweets during the debate?), Katy Perry was nearly unrecognizable after she transformed herself into HRC herself. Not only that, but she even got a pal to go as Bill Clinton (boyfriend Orlando Bloom is the Bozo behind them dressed up as Trump).

But these two didn’t just dress up in suits ― they went all out, undergoing makeup sessions of epic proportions that must have taken HOURS. And, just in case there were any doubts that it truly is Katy under there, the pop star posted a photo of herself to her page mid-transformation, confirming her identity.

“Having a little pre-party before I take office. #IMWITHME,” she writes.

Not only was Katy the spitting image of Hillary, she truly committed to the part, playing Hill to a tee with a pointed finger in nearly every photo taken, as “Bill” (and their “Secret Service” friends, also dressed to the nines) looked on in amusement.

Our hats off to you, Katy — you have officially won Halloween.

Do you think these two had the best costume ever? Share with us @BritandCo.

(Photos via David Becker/Getty)

Editor’s note: An earlier version of this post stated that Orlando Bloom was dressed as Bill Clinton. The post has been updated, and we regret the error!

Did you leave your family Thanksgiving dinner last year feeling like you were the one who got carved up and digested? You weren't alone. In an increasingly polarized sociological climate, family events where opinions differ can feel fraught with high stakes and conflicting moral obligations. And if you're already dreading Thanksgiving because all of the brawlin' that's sure to go down, you might be considering opting out of the festivities entirely.

In our Teach Me Something New podcast, Alexandra Carter, Columbia law professor and mediation expert, talks to Brit and Anj about the powers of persuasion to get the results you want in a conversation. The key to the Thanksgiving political discussion? Listening, asking open questions, and finding some common ground.

Here's what you can do to make it through Thanksgiving when your relatives just keep being problematic and things get awkward...

"I might say something like, 'I hear that you're concerned about national security and that's what led me to have this viewpoint.' So sometimes using a little bit of focusing on what you have in common can help you to have a civil conversation and not have anybody throwing mashed potatoes across the table," says Carter.

Here are more expert-backed tips for navigating the holiday awkwardness, even if it's just via Zoom. Make stuffing your face great again this Thanksgiving by implementing our seven-step plan.

Askar Abayev

1. Choose your battles ahead of time.

You're not going to change everyone's opinion about all of the things over the course of a meal and a football game. You might want to show up ready for a duel of words with your Facebook-meme-king cousin, but that's just going to put your opinionated family member on the offensive from the moment you walk in. Decide ahead of time if there's one issue that you really cannot keep your mouth shut about if it comes up, and have two or three talking points ready that clarify your position on that topic. If your hot button does get pushed, your talking points will help you keep from making things personal.

2. Confer with the host.

If you feel comfortable with the person that's organizing or hosting Thanksgiving, speak to him or her in advance about how you can be on Team Keep the Peace. Most people aren't keen on a political brouhaha breaking out around their dinner table, so they'll probably be relieved to hear that you're on board and willing to help make the day go smoothly for everyone. Brainstorm some ideas about seating arrangements or wholesome activities to fill the idle family time that can lead to trading barbs.

Element5 Digital

3. Make it a game.

Caitlin Bergstein, a Boston-based matchmaker and relationship expert for Three Day Rule, suggests a fun twist on the swear jar concept. “If your family is up for the challenge, you can even make it a game. Each time someone mentions something political, they have to put a dollar in a jar (or take a drink, depending on how your family celebrates the holiday). At the end of the night, that cash can be put aside for the next family get together!"

4. Have a moment of silence.

Sometimes the idea of a quiet table can be intimidating (all those chewing noises!), but encouraging a moment of reflection among your holiday guests can actually be transformative. Whether you observe several seconds of silence in honor of relatives you've lost, as a way to silently acknowledge your individual blessings, or as an act of prayer or meditation, you've hopefully brought the room back to focus on each other's company and the gift that it is to be together.

Monstera Production

5. Be an active listener.

If your one doggedlypersistent aunt can't let go of her obsession with the latest political scandal, reconsider what she's actually trying to tell you. Chances are, it's not just about what she saw on the news. “Assume that your polarizing relative actually probably just wants to connect, feel respected, and reduce their own anxiety about holiday gatherings, and interpret even difficult behavior as such," advises Mary Fisher, a Salt Lake City psychotherapist who specializes in family relationships. “Express the desire to connect while redirecting the conversation," Fisher recommends. Emphasize the fact that you're interested in protecting the time your family spends together. That can help soften the blow when you ask to instead hear them share a family memory or talk about a hobby you both share.

6. Disengage.

Remember that if angry words or offensive language start flying at you across the sweet potato pie, you don't have to respond. Have a script in mind to use, something like, “While I hear where you're coming from, I don't share your opinion, and I'm done talking about it today." Convey the message that you're quite clear on the matter being discussed, and you're not going to take the bait. You may have to repeat yourself several times, or you may choose to remain silent until things cool down around you. Either one is okay.

7. Duck out early.

If you feel like you have to retreat from the situation entirely, do it. One of the best things about being an adult is leaving when you want to leave. You don't have to subject yourself, your spouse, or your family to any kind of dialogue that is insulting, bigoted, or aggressive. Fisher shares these words of advice: “While we might think that the holidays are the time to resolve differences, they are actually the time to affirm and nurture connection, which can be an uphill battle with politically polarizing relatives." If you don't feel like a connection is being nurtured and the environment is not good for you to be in, say goodbye and make a break for it.

Looking for more holiday help this year? Be sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter so you never miss a thing!

This article has been updated from a previous post.

Welcome to February 2025, the month of love. Mars, the planet that rules physical intimacy, remains retrograde for the rest of this month, resulting in professional delays or feelings of disconnect in relationships. However, on the plus side, the love planet, Venus, moves into spicy Aries, which will fuel our motivation and hope. Want to dive deeply and learn more about what is in store for you this February? Keep reading and see what is in store for your zodiac sign in your February horoscope for 2025!

Scroll to see your zodiac sign's February horoscope for 2025!

What to Expect in Your February Horoscope for 2025

Isabella Bonnet

While Mars retrograde continues, this month proves to be lovely and filled with possibilities. Now that the action planet is still in its backspin motion, it doesn’t mean you should be holding back from visualizing your dreams. Appreciate the stillness and explore different possibilities before deciding what’s right for you. Although you may feel like a sitting duck, I beg to differ. This Mars retrograde proves to be a test of our will by not being impulsive. Luckily, Mars goes direct later this month, so hang on tight before losing momentum.

Cora Pursley

February is off to a fiery start as Venus moves into Aries on Tuesday, February 4. Love and relationships will take on a new tempo, either sultry or temperamental. It's a period to experience excitement or realize what needs to be refined in your connection. On the same day, Jupiter, the planet of luck, goes direct! You will begin to see the silver lining in your journey and even the solution in how you can proceed. It's also a time to see how fate has played out in your story. If you're discontent, this is your chance to turn your life around. Having a little faith will take you much further than lowering your vibration with negativity. Listen to a mentor or take on a new sacred practice that elevates your well-being. Follow through with your promises and brighten someone’s day. Pay it forward to turn the tides.

Hannah Rivera

The Full Moon in Leo illuminates the sky and infuses us with optimism and renewal on Wednesday, February 12. Full Moons denote the need to let go and move on from what no longer serves your highest good. The great news is that this celestial event leaves us with a glimmer of hope and the willingness to close the chapter. On Friday, February 14, our communication ability will be poetic and ethereal as Mercury moves into Pisces. If you plan to go out on Valentine’s Day this year, expect this day to be more romantic than in past years. Speaking from the heart and through feeling will result better than pride or logic. Be playful and in the moment. Cherish your love.

Abbie Bythewood

The mist begins to thicken, and our intuition heightens as the Sun moves into Pisces on Tuesday, February 18. This season is all about fine-tuning our empathy and interconnectedness with life. Inner reflection and exploring your artistic side will help you stay centered. Honor your sensitivity and be unconditional. On Sunday, February 23, the motivation planet Mars goes direct. It’s not time to push through with an agreement or project. Recalibrate and pick up from where you left off last October 2024. This is your time to decide whether an idea or concept stays or goes. Expect traction and things to pick up speed in the next several weeks.

In closing, the New Moon in emotive Pisces happens on Thursday, February 27. It’s time to start a new chapter involving your subconscious beliefs. This lunation will imbue you with the ability to trust the Universe and dream bigger. Hold onto the faith and set small steps to cultivate your vision.

The 6 Zodiac Signs That Will Experience Luck in Love in February 2025

Alexis Charles

February 2025 is a month filled with romantic potential, and these six signs are in for a wave of love and connection. Aries, with Venus in your first house, your natural magnetism is at an all-time high, making it the perfect time for new romantic opportunities or reigniting the passion in existing relationships. Gemini, Venus in your eleventh house enhances your social life, bringing you closer to potential partners through shared interests and group activities. Cancer, Venus shining in your tenth house makes you irresistible to others, especially in professional or public settings, paving the way for admiration and romantic recognition. Sagittarius, Venus in your fifth house brings love, fun, and creative expression to the forefront, encouraging you to dive into romantic adventures or spice up your current relationship. Virgo, with Venus in your eighth house, expect deep emotional connections and intimacy to take center stage, creating powerful moments with your significant other. Lastly, Pisces, Mars in your fifth house adds extra spice to your love life, increasing passion and desire. Whether you’re single or coupled, expect a surge of fiery energy that ignites your romantic connections. February is your month for love, so let the stars guide you toward the connections you deserve. Keep reading for extended astrological insight into your sun, moon, and rising sign.

Key Dates for Your February Horoscope and Aquarius Season 2025

Melina Martin

  • 2/4 Venus enters Aries, Jupiter Direct
  • 2/12 Full Moon in Leo
  • 2/14 Mercury enters Pisces
  • 2/18 Sun enters Pisces
  • 2/23 Mars Direct
  • 2/27 New Moon in Pisces

Read Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs For Your February Horoscope

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

It's time to power through past obstacles this month, Aries. Remember that to get what you want, you must let go of self-limiting beliefs. Expect your confidence to level up as the love planet Venus graces your first house of identity and appearance. If you feel burnt out and less motivated lately, Venus moving into your sign will give you a boost — even with manifestation. Be careful what you wish for because your magnetism will attract results in the first half of February. This is a time for self-expression and embracing your desires with a bold, unapologetic flair. Meanwhile, Jupiter turning direct in your third house offers fresh opportunities for communication, learning, and connecting with others—be open to conversations that can expand your perspective. As the Full Moon on February 12 illuminates your fifth house of romance and creativity, you're called to release old habits in love or self-expression, making room for new, more authentic experiences.Mid-month, your life grows quiet as Mercury and the Sun move into your twelfth house. Your intuition heightens, and your dreams will become more lucid — keep a dream journal handy. As Mars finally goes direct in your fourth house on February 23 you're ready to take action on home, family, and your emotional foundation matters. Get organized, declutter your home, or begin focusing on what you want regarding domestic affairs. The last half of the month directs your focus on your inner life with the New Moon in Pisces and your twelfth house on February 27; it pushes you to reflect on your subconscious desires and healing, urging you to establish new beliefs and trust in the Universe. Magic will unfold once you establish a better mindset and understanding of how your energy works. By the end of the month, you're emerging from a period of internal growth, ready to build a more secure and fulfilling future.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Have you been paying attention to your energy levels lately, Taurus? Something may not be clicking or in flow. The great news is that February invites you to step back and focus on inner reflection and long-term goals. Appreciate the quiet moments, and incorporate self-care as Venus enters your twelfth house. This will reveal what you need regarding your inner world. Healing and releasing old emotional baggage will create movement. Do the work and let go. At the same time, Jupiter, direct in your second house of finances and self-worth, will shed light on matters involving your wealth and long-term responsibilities. Avoid being frivolous with spending, and be strategic with your money. Research and learn how to budget accordingly. On February 12, the Full Moon in your fourth house brings clarity to home and family matters, urging you to release any emotional ties or situations holding you back from feeling secure. Ask for feedback or have an honest heart-to-heart with loved ones to rebuild security. The lines of communication open on February 23 when Mars direct in your third house picks up speed, and you’ll find it easier to express your thoughts and ideas with clarity and confidence.

Big win! Your paradigm lightens up mid-month with Mercury and the Sun moving into your eleventh house, and your social life and goals come into focus. Connect with friends, network, and surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your hopes and dreams for the future. Life will be extra dreamy and hopeful when the New Moon in Pisces on February 27 powers up your eleventh house, making it a potent time to set intentions about your social circles and long-term vision.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Prepare to make big moves and slay this month, Gemini. If life has been lackluster lately, your luck is about to change, involving social networks, career, or finances. Venus blazing its way into your eleventh house, you will find yourself attracting new friends and connections in places you didn't expect. Joining groups and connecting with those who support your beliefs this month will turn the tides in your favor and potentially lead to incredible opportunities. Relationships, love, and professionalism become the source of your joy and expect more harmonious exchanges. That's not all. Jupiter Direct in your first house levels up your charisma. It will be a powerful time to take on new endeavors and even take a chance on your dreams. When the Full Moon enters your third house, you may feel in a frenzy with inner thoughts, communication habits, or incomplete tasks on February 12. This lunar event prompts you to let go of old ideas and thought patterns and work on your task management.

Mid-month, Mercury and the Sun move into your tenth house of career and public matters. Focus on your professional goals and ambition, and it's time to make a mark and trust yourself. Expect to feel motivated and inclined to take charge of finances and material resources as Mars turns direct in your second house on February 23. Invest in yourself, find solidity in your financial plans, and remember you can get what you want. The month concludes by bringing fresh energy to your career path — the New Moon in Pisces on February 27 invites you to set new intentions and move forward with clarity in your professional life.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Ready to be on cloud nine, Cancer? February presents a regenerative and positive month filled with opportunities for professional growth and spiritual insight. To start with the beauty planet Venus, gracing your tenth house of career early this month — your efforts will be recognized. Your public image will be well received, and exchanges with superiors (or audience) will be more positive and rewarding. Jupiter’s direct motion in your twelfth house invites deep spiritual growth and healing, inspiring you to trust your intuition and have faith in the Universe. Allow optimism to attract a better flow in your life — this will show a more precise path filled with serendipitous experiences. The Full Moon in your second house on February 12 focuses on financial matters and enables you to reflect on future payment plans or revise future spending. Review your process and build a stronger sense of self by letting go of past fears or unsettling feelings around money.

Mid-month, as Mercury and the Sun move into your ninth house of higher learning, travel, and philosophy, your trust or connectedness in the Universe will strengthen! Explore new approaches to spirituality — become the student and explore all angles of life and your role in it. Celebrate as Mars goes direct in your first house on February 23! Expect to feel more energized and prepared to cross off your checklist of goals and assert yourself with greater confidence and endless determination. Take measured steps. By month's end, the New Moon in Pisces on February 27 will infuse you with hope and inspiration. It offers a fresh start involving endeavors or spiritual journeys.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

How often do you reflect, Leo? February sets the stage for you to engage more with your heart and to pinpoint what truly fulfills you. The month begins with Venus in your ninth house, allowing you to explore your passions and revitalize your perspective on the world. Book a solo trip, or revive that project left behind. Jupiter’s direct motion in your eleventh house ignites your social life while giving you cosmic support to begin a harmonious collaboration. Surround yourself with those who allow you to shine and appreciate your transparency. On February 12, the Full Moon in your first house shines its light on you and all your shades. Give thanks for your past self, and release any aspects that don't align with who you want to be.

By mid-month, when Mercury and the Sun enter your eighth house of sex, secrets, and shared resources, it will be revelatory. This is a period for you to do inner work while also getting to the bottom of any unanswered questions involving your intimate relationships, dealings with resources, and Self. Be reflective and trust your intuition. On February 23, Mars turns direct in your twelfth house, and your inner world becomes more active, guiding you toward spiritual growth and the courage to release hidden fears. The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 further illuminates these findings while offering a fresh start in these areas of your life—whether through healing, letting go of past baggage, or creating more meaningful connections. Begin a new era that aligns with your well-being — but it's crucial to factor in your true feelings for the best results.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

If you're wondering where your soul tribe is, Virgo, February will be a month to observe your connections. The goal is to learn how to be comfortable with letting down your guard. Starting with the love planet Venus, blazing in your eighth house of vulnerable and intimate connections, you will learn how to deepen your bonds. Clear the air by arranging a sit down with those who need to hear you out. Lucky Jupiter Direct happening in your tenth house ignites your presence in the public eye while giving you the green light to make big moves in your career. Expect to feel more withdrawn or reflective with the Full Moon on February 12 in your twelfth house. Rest and release past baggage that may have been holding you back from your full potential.

Mid-month, expect your communication to improve in your personal and professional relationships as Mercury and the Sun move into your seventh house. The best support for this shift is Mars Direct in your eleventh house beginning February 23. You will pick up speed with your aspirations and reignite your group collaborations. Begin your passion project or create an impact with those who support your vision. This month concludes with the New Moon in Pisces on February 27, energizing your seventh house of partnerships. It offers a new beginning in your closest connections and inspires you to manifest harmonious and balanced relationships.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Feeling burnt out lately, Libra? This month, it's all about recalibrating relationships and self-care. February kickstarts with your ruler planet, Venus, energizing your seventh house of commitment and relationships. If you need more spice in your love life, this is your moment to make it happen and to change your paradigm. Go on date night or go out with your friends. Speaking of changes, Jupiter Direct in your ninth house shifts your focus regarding your perception of life, traveling, or personal beliefs. Be playful in your approach, and consider this an opportunity to believe in yourself and your limitless possibilities. Then, on February 12, the Full Moon in Pisces in your eleventh house closes the chapter on your connections and past aspirations. If it feels right, letting go of old friendships or groups may be in the stars, but remember that your memories shaped you into who you are now. There is a part of you that is ready to evolve.

Mid-month, review your approaches to work and daily routines as Mercury and the Sun illuminate your sixth house — focus on self-care and set your work goals to optimize your energy. Begin a fitness regimen or detox to fine-tune your mind, body, and spirit. If you have been feeling like a wallflower at work lately, that is all about to change, with Mars Direct happening on February 23 in your tenth house of career. Name your terms and get ready to see your hard work paying off. Finally, a new chapter begins with the New Moon on February 27, adding sparkle to your well-being and work environment. Set new intentions for creating balance in your daily life. We believe in you!

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Expect a change in the wind, Scorpio. Refocus your mindset and prioritize work, creativity, and joy to revamp your energy this February. It begins with Venus entering your sixth house. Expect pleasant exchanges in your work environment while energizing yourself through an exercise regimen. Be organized in your approach and make it happen. Jupiter Direct in your eighth house gives you a dose of magic to see how your energy works. As a Scorpio, you naturally emit emotion and be mindful that whatever you project inside reflects the outcome. Clear out from emotional or financial attachments that could block you from experiencing a better flow. On February 12, the Full Moon in your tenth house brings clarity and potential endings to your career goals or public image, helping you explore new avenues professionally.

By mid-February, Mercury and the Sun enter your fifth house of creativity, romance, and self-expression. Focus on joy, whether through creative endeavors or spending time with loved ones. There will be stars in your eyes on February 23 as Mars Direct in your ninth house revives your personal beliefs and expands your reach. It's time to pick up where you left off on your bucket list. Make it happen! Then, on February 27, the New Moon in Pisces opens doors for you in romance, creative endeavors, or simply joie de vivre. Set your intentions and pin down what fulfills you.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 21 – December 21)

Love is in the air, Sagittarius. February supports your passion projects, romance, and domestic life. This month checks off on what you set your heart on. The love planet Venus in your fifth house will make you feel like you're in a fantasy — if you're single, go out and start to mingle. If in a partnership, book a getaway or date night. Love, fun, and creative expression take the spotlight. Play, you deserve it! Your ruler planet, Jupiter Direct in your seventh house, shifts your focus on your relationship and commitment. Expect a resurgence of optimism and growth in your partnership — love and business included. Have faith and allow positivity to flow through you to find the solution for any past conflicts. The Full Moon in your ninth house on February 12 encourages you to release outdated beliefs or expand your understanding of the world while bridging closure or clarity to your long-term goals and aspirations. Revision is necessary for success.

Mid-February, Mercury and the Sun powers up your fourth house of home and family, shedding light on your emotional security, family matters, and the home. Assess your living situation or adjust based on mutual understanding with loved ones. Inner peace is key. On February 23, Mars Direct, in your eighth house of intimacy and shared resources, equips you to make a move on future decisions that align with your emotional well-being. The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 concludes this month by revitalizing your home life, bringing security and comfort to long-term plans.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

It’s not just what you say but how you say it that makes all the difference, Capricorn. February is all about fine-tuning the context of your messages. Becoming heart-centered will bring progress in your home life as Venus graces your fourth house of family and emotional security this month. Nurturing your loved ones or living space will ensure harmony and inner peace. Jupiter Direct in your sixth house of work and health brings a second wind of positive interactions and your well-being. Effort and kindness will advance you sooner than expected. The Full Moon on February 12 in your eighth house signals the end of past emotional burdens, fears, or financial constraints. It’s time to release and heal—whether by settling debts or making amends, even energetically.

Mid-month, Mercury and the Sun move into your third house, refining your communication and connection with others. Expect a better flow of discussions, new learning experiences, and perhaps even a short trip to refresh your perspective. When Mars goes direct in your seventh house of relationships on February 23, momentum builds in partnerships. Whether personal or professional, you’ll feel ready to take decisive action and strengthen those connections. February concludes with the New Moon on February 27, offering a fresh start involving your ideas for long-term projects. Set intentions around learning, networking, and expanding your connections. This month, focus on balancing your inner world and outer interactions.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

Happy Birthday, Aquarius! You were born to be an innovator. February brings a month filled with opportunities to build what you set your mind on. It's all in the details. With Venus entering your third house of ideas and communication, you will be equipped with bravado and a sharp focus. This month, get involved in localized group settings and exchange ideas to help you gain confidence in the long run. Jupiter Direct in your fifth house encourages you to revive your dream projects, find joy, and connect with children. Then, the Full Moon on February 12 in your seventh house of partnerships brings clarity to your relationships, helping you to release any patterns or connections that no longer align with your goals.

Mid-month, as Mercury and the Sun move into your second house of finances, you’ll feel a push to reassess your financial situation, values, and material resources. It's a perfect opportunity to reflect on your self-worth and set new intentions for increasing your stability and self-sufficiency. As Mars Direct on February 23 in your 6th house, expect to feel more motivated to take action toward your work goals and establish better routines that support your long-term well-being. The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 offers an opportunity to start fresh in your approach to money and personal resources.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 20 – March 21)

Pisces, what role are you playing in your own story? February extends a stream of personal growth and the importance of self-worth. If you have been feeling faded lately, expect a resurgence of vitality as Venus powers up your second house this month. This is a period for you to rebuild your esteem and take steps toward financial security. Wait, there's more stardust coming your way! Jupiter Direct in your fourth house supports your domestic life, opening new discussions with loved ones (like family planning/expansion) and igniting changes in your living environment. The Full Moon in your sixth house on February 12 encourages you to release any habits or work-related stress that no longer serve your well-being, offering you a chance to make room for healthier routines.Expect to feel even more awake mid-month as Mercury and the Sun move into your first house. The focus shifts to personal goals and self-image, giving you the energy to communicate clearly and welcome new beginnings. Expect momentum and creative flow, spicy interactions, and overall happiness in love when Mars goes direct in your fifth house on February 23. The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 offers a powerful reset for you to set new intentions for the future, whether it’s about how you present yourself to the world or what new goals you wish to pursue. Cheers to you!

With 2025 in full swing, it’s the perfect time to explore how to power up your year ahead. Lumi Pelinku invites you to dive deeper into your journey through an extended reading that can provide tailored insights and inspiration. Click here to book your reading today!

For more astrology advice, be sure to Ask Lumi for advice, and follow the conversation on Facebook!

Social media is full of trends that come and go — think loud budgeting or sleepmaxxing — but I have a feeling one may grow legs beyond TikTok or Instagram: the 4B Movement. TBH, it doesn't feel right to call it a 'trend' because its origins are rooted in something much deeper than saying or doing something controversial for likes.

If you're not familiar with this movement and are curious about it, we're going to take a deep dive into where it originated, it's purpose, and why women in the U.S. have started to abide by its principles. To understand the 4B Movement's sustainability and potential benefits, I spoke with Somatic Trauma Therapist and Founder of Freshwater Counseling & Consulting, Blessing Uchendu; Sex and Relationships Coach Leah Carey, host of the Good Girls Talk About Sex podcast; and Senior Statistician and Addictions Researcher at UCLA Nicole Prause

Here's what they had to say!

Scroll To Learn What The 4B Movement Is, How It Started, & What It Means For Women In America

  • The 4B Movement is all about abstaining from relationships with men, from dating to sex.
  • This movement started in South Korea after an atrocious act of gender-based violence.
  • Since the 2024 election, American women are exploring the idea of abstaining from relationships with men as well.
  • Ultimately, the 4B movement could lead to de-centering men from women's lives, eliminating some fears surrounding reproductive health and ultimately improving their mental health overall.

What is the 4B Movement?

According to The Washington Post, this is a "radical Korean feminist movement that swears off men to reclaim a sense of agency." It sounds similar to abstinence, but the trickle down effects are vastly different. Abstinence is taking a step back from anything that usually taps into your pleasure center — and that doesn't always mean sex. However, the 4B Movement is specifically rooted in 'de-centering men' completely.

CBSstates that researchers Jieun Lee and Euisol Jeong wrote a paper for Yonsei University about the movement, and deciphered that the "B" has four meanings:

  1. biyeonae — "refusal of dating men"
  2. bisekseu — "sexual relationships with men"
  3. bihon — "heterosexual marriage"
  4. bichulsan — "childbirth"

How did the 4B movement start?

In 2016, Hankyoreh reported that a man in his 30's chose to stab an unknown young woman in Seoul, Korea. When asked why he committed the crime, he gave this answer: "I did it because women have always ignored me." In response to the random attack, Hong Seong-su, a law professor at Sookmyung Women’s University, share a chilling message that the outlet recounted in the article. "The fact that [Kim] chose ‘some woman’ [as opposed to ‘some person’] as the target for his crime suggests it is not going too far to view this as a crime of hate against women."

This radical moment was an inception point for the movement overall, started in opposition to this gender-based violence, as well as gender-based discrimination as a whole. The Korean Herald noted that factors like pay inequality and a Donald Trump-like president of their own (Yoon Suk-yeol) were driving forces in 4B. Since his election in 2022, Yoon Suk-yeol has "promised to abolish the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, which has been popular with his anti-feminist base," (via Korean Herald). Between all this and the global sensation of #MeToo, the 4B Movement gained major momentum throughout the last eight years.

The 4B Movement's Lasting Impact In South Korea

According to The Korean Herald, over 150 elementary schools aren't seeing first-graders walk through their doors and it has everything to do with the falling birth rate in South Korea. CNN reports that officials are so concerned, they're willing to do something to combat it. President Yoon Suk Yeol said, "We will mobilize all of the nation’s capabilities to overcome the low birth rate, which can be considered a national emergency."

But, this isn't the first time the birth rate has been addressed. Another CNN article reported that South Korea dished out $200 billion to "boost the population over the past 16 years." Still, things haven't worked in the government's favor. It's evident less women are having children and it seems to directly stem from women upholding the ideology they're not allowing their bodies to be used for motherhood anymore.

American Women's Response To The 4B Movement


After the shocking results of the 2024 presidential election, many women began to rethink how they relate to the men in their lives, finding South Korea's 4B Movement in the process. Based on the current rhetoric about women who don't have children and the restrictive anti-abortion laws with hardly any policies in place to reduce the maternal mortality rate, it's understandable why some women are fearful or fed up — and why many women are now finding parallels to what sparked 4B in the first place.

When you see people like Nicholas J. Fuentes tweeting things like "Your body, my choice. Forever," on the same day Trump won a second term as president, it can leave a sickening taste in one's mouth. One user's response to this was, "Funny how the loudest champions of 'freedom' are often the first to undermine it for everyone else."

Alongside this are men's social movements that are clearly intertwined with the current political climate, too. While obviously not all men believe in these ideologies, there's been a stark rise in their prevalence.

Mizuno K

In 2020, ADL reported about the mindset of "Incels" and discovered that they feel emboldened by the 'manosphere.' So, what do they tend to believe? According to outlet, there's a belief "that the current sexual 'marketplace' gives women too much freedom to choose their own partners." Not only that, but the outlet says Incels tend to think women choose to ignore men unless they look a certain way or have a certain status, "leaving the remaining 80 percent of men (including incels) without a potential partner."

Nicole Prause, a UCLA Statistician and Academic, is well-versed in abstinence movements, and what they ultimately indicate based on statistics. "There are a number of similar men's movements already, especially Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW)," she says. According to her, MGTOW don't pursue marriage or relationships with women, but "seek sex when it is on their 'terms.'" She says, "They're often viewing it as a battle pitting sexes against one another. These movements tend to be separatist, often evolving into misogyny and violent speech, such as glorifying sexual coercion and rape."


started in south korea. now in america? yas. #4b #4bmovement #jesusisking

As a result of these growing men's movements and the incoming 47th President of the United States — a convicted felon with multiple allegations of sexual assault — there have been growing calls from women on social media to consider the 4B Movement for themselves. X user @jungsooyawning wrote, "american women it's time to learn from the koreans and adopt the 4b movement as a matter of fact women from all over the world should adopt the 4b movement i'm so serious," on the platform.

Freelance writer Daria Yasmiene also wrote about about why she's taking part in the movement for POPSUGAR. She said, "As a Black woman who has lived through three back-to-back elections with Trump as a focal point, I'm so far beyond tired that I need a lifestyle change." Ultimately, she wants to continue having the freedom to choose to live her life in a way that's not solely governed by men.

"With the little autonomy that I have left, I would rather be alone and safe from the consequences of male influence in my life than lie next to someone who doesn't see me as an equal. We deserve so much more than that."

Meanwhile, Sex and Relationships Coach, Leah Carey says that 4B "makes sense as a response to realizing that a majority of men valued the economy over a woman's right to self-determination." Depending on where you stand, she also says that it can be "seen as 'punishment' for men" or "as a choice of self-determination and self-protection for women." Somatic Trauma Therapist, Blessing Uchendu shares Carey's sentiments in that the movement is "a response to patriarchy and the centering of men and conversely the objectification of women, with the expectation that they fulfill roles as wives and mothers."

Potential Benefits Of The 4B Movement

Antoni Shkraba

So with all that in mind, is a movement like 4B beneficial? And is it even sustainable? I'm not going to tell you that you should or shouldn't join the 4B Movement because it's a personal decision. It's always wise to examine where you are in life instead of relying on social media, news outlets, or even the government to determine what you're going to believe. Still, there may be some benefits to the 4B Movement that outweigh any potential fallouts.

Carey says that "not being refused care for reproductive matters" is a potential benefit of 4B, while also highlighting that "the mental health benefits can also be huge for people who deal with anxiety, depression, or anything else that might cause emotional hardship in the current climate."

This could also lead to women identifying and honoring their true desires instead of following society's scripts about who they should be. Somatic Trauma Therapist, Blessing Uchendu believes that 4B is about women de-centering men and re-centering themselves — about "being the 'stars of their own stories,' rather than supporting characters in a malde-dominated narrative." Uchendu says. "It can be incredibly empowering to step away from systems that have felt compulsory in order to reflect on whether you are making decisions centered on yourself and your desires or whether these decisions are centered on the expectations of the society around you."

The most important thing Carey wants to note is that women aren't unable to find love and joy ever again by participating in the 4B movement. "Just because a woman chooses not to date, have sex, get married, or have kids with a man doesn't mean she can't do those things: with other women. it's more and more common for adult women to explore their same-sex attractions after divorce or widowhood," she notes. "With a generation of young women growing up with the understanding that heterosexuality is not the only option, we may see a wave of younger women also exploring in this arena (in addition to all the younger women who already know themselves to be queer)."

I would also say that you can always go back to dating and engaging with men whenever you want — this movement doesn't have to be a permanent choice if you don't want it to be. The whole point is to take charge and embrace your own sense of agency.

Yet, Prause does pause to mention the downside to "separatist movements." She explains that without support from men, women could struggle financially given pay disparities and other gender-based work inequities. Still, she says this doesn't really affect much if women have been figuring things out for themselves with little help from men.

Ultimately Uchendu says women having the freedom to exist without the weight of society's patriarchal standards on their shoulders is the "ultimate freedom." She says, "In the words of Audre Lorde 'If I did not define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and be eaten alive."

Andrea Piacquadio

No woman should have to live in fear of having violence committed against her, but history continues repeating itself in terms of how society treats our bodies. "When a woman's right to make choices about her own body and health care are removed, she may decide to not put herself in a position where pregnancy can become an option," Carey says.

Prause chimes in with, "On average, women are more likely to experience mental health declines with marriage to a man (the opposite is true for men). While men also can experience domestic violence and sexual assault, the risks are exceptionally higher for women." Not only that, but she also points out that "women risk unwanted pregnancy, from which they now have fewer healthcare rights to address" and "are at much higher risk for sexually transmitted infections, even from their regular romantic partner."

As if that weren't a slap in the fact, Prause mentions that "childcare continues to fall disproportionately on women and does cause less income for women over time."

So, at the end of the day, I can't tell you what the right choice is, but I do know that patriarchy's long-lasting fixture in society has harmed everyone. From men who think women owe them something to women who believe they're not worth anything unless they're married or mothers, there's a lot to unpack.

What I do know is that no one should have the right to control the personal lives of other people nor should they try to make their personal beliefs and religious ideologies into laws that govern people who will be around long after they're not.

No matter where you stand on the matter, hatred and violence should never be tolerated or praised. Remember to take care of yourself by diving into more self-care stories we have on-site.

It’s rare we see our most beloved celebs brave a bare-face on social media, but what’s even more rare is a no-makeup selfie. Lucky for you, I did some sleuthing and found some of our favorite celebs who risked it all and did both. These makeup-free moments are not only totally inspiring us to embrace our own natural beauty right now, but they're also just downright gorgeous! So, without further ado, these are the 35 best makeup-free selfies from your fave celebrities!

Scroll to see our favorite makeup-free celebrity selfies!


1. Rachel Sennott

Not only did Rachel Sennott give us one of the best trending TikTok audios (IYKYK), she also gave us this selfie — and for that, I’m forever thankful.


2. Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson is currently the face of not wearing makeup in Hollywood, so of course she has a makeup-free selfie in the vault – a breathtaking one at that!


3. Julia Roberts

Ok,Pretty Woman! Saying this photo is anything but stunning would be a big mistake — HUGE.


4. Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore

This selfie in particular was too iconic not to include! Two out of the three Charlie’s Angels, AKA Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore, graced us with their fresh faces — gorgeous!


5. Drew Barrymore

Sorry, I just can’t get enough of Drew Barrymore and her to-die-for selfies! Anyone else wanna put a flower in their hair and call it a day?


6. Selena Gomez

Did Selena name her beauty brand, Rare Beauty, after herself?! Seriously, she looks so amazing in this quick pic!


7. Ariana Grande

Glinda...oops sorry! I mean Ariana Grande, doesn’t need makeup – just her crown.


8. Beanie Feldstein

A fresh faced Beanie, next to The Bean. So much to love in just one image!


9. Anne Hathaway

I think her caption says it all. Stars, they’re just like us. (We love you, Anne!)


10. Elle Fanning

Elle Fanning shows off her fresh face along with a fresh bob cut! Total style inspo, if you ask me!


11. Heidi Klum

Model and overall icon Heidi Klum may love to pile on the makeup for her favorite holiday (Halloween, duh), but it’s quite the opposite from how she presents herself the other 364 days of the year. I love her and she’s gorgeous either way – with or without the worm costume and makeup.


12. Sofia Vergara

Sofia Vergara is always beautiful, but this selfie just totally seals the deal! BRB while I try to perfect my own selfie pout like that.


13. Gwyneth Paltrow

GOOP CEO and founder, Gwyneth Paltrow tends to don a fresh face on the regular, so it wasn’t too hard to find a makeup free selfie in her slew of posts. We love to see it!


14. Gisele Bündchen

Who needs runways to show off your beauty when there are selfies and social media? Simply stunning in every way, Gisele!


15. Alicia Keys

Alicia Keys proves she is the girl on fire, hotter than a fantasy, in this summer time selfie!


16. Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson likes her selfies up close and personal!


17. Hilary Duff

It’s no wonder Hilary Duff needs acupuncture, she essentially carried the early 2000s on her back, and in this selfie, a literal human! Her caption reading “Pretty slow week around here. And gently trying to give baby the eviction notice.”


18. Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox

Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox gave us all the trends of the ’90s – they were the it girls of the decade – so it’s not surprising they can flawlessly execute a makeup-free selfie!


19. Courtney Cox and Lisa Kudrow

I’m skipping past the makeup free of it all, because I have major FOMO from this Friends reunion.


20. Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon says, "Hello Sunshine!" in this selfie! Sorry, I had to.


21. Lady Gaga

What can’t Lady Gaga do?! Practically perfect in every way!


22. Sarah Michelle Gellar

In addition to slaying vampires, Sarah Michelle Gellar slays makeup-free selfies.


23. Ciara

Ciara strikes a date night pose while out with her husband Russell Wilson. Not-so-news-flash, she looks amazing.


24. Jessical Biel

Jessica Biel shows us that she doesn’t need makeup around her beau, Justin Timberlake (the way it should be)!


25. Jenna Dewan

In case you had forgotten how beautiful Jenna Dewan is, she posted a selfie to remind the world.


26. Ellen Pompeo

Oh to be Ellen Pompeo’s poodle, Gigi.


27. Renee Rapp

I mean Renee Rapp, AKA our very own Regina George, not only gave us just one makeup-free selfie, but an entire carousel of beauties!


28. Cynthia Ervio

Cynthia gives us a glimpse of how she stays so fit with this selfie, showing off her running ‘fit and stunning bare face – I wish I looked this good before a run!


29. Kim Kardashian

The queen of dressing up even has her makeup free days! After all, the beauty and fashion mogul needs some R&R just like the rest of us.


30. Cara Delevingne

Now I understand the sentiment behind the thought of owners looking like their pets. The model and her cats were giving it their all in this cozy selfie!


31. Megan Thee Stallion

If I looked this good, I’d be posting makeup free selfies all day too, Megan.


32. Lili Reinhart

Lili has always been real with fans, whether on Tik Tok or Instagram, she’s revealed it all – especially when it comes to her struggles with acne. She bares all in this gorgeous selfie, proving there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for others.


33. Demi Moore

I’m not sure who’s more famous, Demi Moore or her dog, Pilaf. Regardless, Demi and Pilaf showed off their make-up free selfie faces together in this too-cute post.


34. Jennifer Garner

Hollywood’s sweetheart, Jennifer Garner, is constantly posting make-up free selfies, videos, and pictures others have taken of her. She’s been, and always will be, that girl – reminding us all that life is short and to bare all (I’m talking makeup here, people)!


35. Keke Palmer

Keke recently blessed our timelines with this gorgeous makeup-free selfie, all while pairing it with her trademark hilarity everyone loves, captioning it “This is the face a Virgo makes when they’re proven right after they told you they was right.”

Looking for more celebrity news? Be sure to follow us on Facebook so you never miss a thing!

This Valentine's Day, why not bring out the bar cart for a romantic night in? Whipping up a homemade cocktail is the perfect way to put your own personal touch on the evening. Whether you're a gin gal or you're looking to shake things up with bourbon, these Valentine's Day cocktails will hit the perfect romantic note.

Scroll on for some delicious Valentine's Day cocktails that are perfect for sharing with your boo.

Style Me Pretty

Cherub's Cup Cocktail

Mix up this cup of elderflower-laced, strawberry-filled love for your sweetie after a long week. With gin, rosé and St. Germain, this cocktail is sure to give you even more of that lovin' feeling. (via Style Me Pretty)

Justine Michael

Shoot Your Shot Cocktail

This spicy sip is bound to get the flirty energy flowing this V-Day. To make it, muddle 2-3 red thai chili slices with 1.75 ounces fresh squeezed blood orange in a shaker. Then, add 0.5 ounces orange liqueur, 1.5 ouncesMi Campo Blanco tequila, 0.5 ounces lime juice, 0.75 ounces agave nectar, and 3 dashes of chili bitters. Shake well, strain, and top with a splash of red wine and a chili. (via Mi Campo Tequila)

Averie Cooks

Kiss On The Lips Cocktail

This tropical cocktail is crafted with just the right amount of frozen mango, rum, vodka, peach schnapps, and grenadine. Yum! (via Averie Cooks)


Cilantro Jalapeño Margarita

Spice doesn't need to be reserved for the main dish when you can heat up your cocktail as well. This margarita will leave you with a refreshing sizzle to kick off the evening in style. (via Bell'alimento)

A Cozy Kitchen

Cranberry Thyme Gin + Tonic

Not only does this cocktail create a gorgeous shade of pink; the flavor combination will make you look like an expert mixologist. (via A Cozy Kitchen)

Joy the Baker

The Old Fashioned

Nothing says romance better than a cocktail straight from the '20s. This is the perfect pairing for a bold red lip that never goes out of style! (via Joy the Baker)


Coconut Blood Orange Cocktail

If a creamier sip is what you're craving, mix up this adorably-pink coconut cocktail. (via Mixop)

Half Baked Harvest

Raspberry Rose Tequila Kombucha

This drink is the perfect fit for V-Day, thanks to the floral flavors. (via Half Baked Harvest)

Honestly Yum

Maple Bacon Pisco Sour

This cocktail might be the most technical of the bunch, but it will certainly be memorable. And since there's bacon involved, it won't be hard to get your beau to pitch in. (via Honestly Yum)

Honestly Yum

The Bramble

Skip the olives and skewer extra blackberries for a sweet garnish atop this gin-based drink. (via Honestly Yum)

Cookin' Canuck

Clementine + Lemon Gin Cocktail

Talk about a perfect solution for a cold and wintry Valentine's Day. Pull out a blanket and get cozy 'cause this cocktail will transfer you straight to a summer picnic in the park. (via Cookin' Canuck)

Cookie + Kate

The Bootleg Cocktail

Even though we don't live in the age of prohibition (thankfully), that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the mystery and intrigue of classic concoctions. (via Cookie + Kate)

Brooklyn Supper

Sparkling Rosé Sangria

If you can't decide between wine and cocktails, this strawberry sangria provides the perfect combination of the two. (via Brooklyn Supper)

A Beautiful Plate

Grapefruit Mojitos

Grapefruit is known to have several health benefits, which means you can feel good with every sip of this cocktail. (via A Beautiful Plate)

The Taylor House

Valentine's Moscato Float

In need of something sweet? Mix up this ice-cream-meets-wine creation for the perfect after-dinner drink. (via The Taylor House)

What spirits are you drinking this Valentine's Day? Share with us @BritandCo!

This post has been updated with additional reporting by Meredith Holser.