Meet Prolific Poet and Cystic Fibrosis Warrior Lauren Molasky Fierst

Meet Prolific Poet and Cystic Fibrosis Warrior Lauren Molasky Fierst

You know when you read something and find yourself feeling light, airy and grounded at the same time? A few simple words can totally transform your state of mind -- such is the power of poetry. Well, today's edition of Creative Crushin' is about to transform you.

A couple months ago, in the midst of pandemic entertainment desperation, I received a book in the mail. I didn't know the backstory behind the writer, but knew I was happy to have a new kids' book in the house, especially one with a "list" (aka a table of contents — huge points for my toddler right now). Immediately I was drawn into The Sky Cracked Open, a lighthearted tome of sweet poems that immediately brought me back to my days of reading Shel Silverstein on the Laura Ashley sheets of my childhood bedroom, while my brother blasted Def Leppard in the background.

Anjelika Temple here, Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of Brit + Co, lover of poetry, mother of two crazy kiddos, and absolutely humbled to be able to share a snippet of Lauren Molasky Fierst's creative journey. Writer and mother Fierst has been writing her collection of poetry all while battling what's been described as the "invisible disease," cystic fibrosis. While awaiting a double lung transplant, she turned the silly things her kiddos say and do into 65 poems, inspired by "65 roses," the nickname for cystic fibrosis. Read on to hear about Lauren's journey and what keeps her inspired.

Anjelika Temple: Let's start with your roots.

Lauren Molasky Fierst: I grew up in Las Vegas and lived there until I was 32, then moved to Malibu so that my kids could be near their cousins. I have an 11 year old son and 8 year old daughter and we recently moved to Thousand Oaks. Directly out of high school I began a clothing line which I designed for 5 years. I love designing and creating clothing, but I stopped doing so when I had my first child. Design and fashion will always be something I love with all my heart and soul. When my daughter was going into preschool I craved having a creative outlet once again and started a fashion blog, but this was long before the term "influencer" was used. I really loved sharing photos of the way I'd style things, but I also loved writing the posts just as much. I've had an affinity for writing since I was in grade school and I've been writing little poems for family members for a long time. During the time when I had a blog, sharing my thoughts relating to fashion was something I really enjoyed, but I couldn't imagine taking photos for my fashion blog for a long time because I was never really that comfortable with it. As my chronic illness started to naturally decline and progress, my blog wasn't something I physically could pursue any longer, but I also wasn't mentally drawn to it either. I really wanted to write for other outlets and decided to share my journey through my writing.

AT: Your journey is one for the books. Mother of two kids, newly married and battling Cystic Fibrosis while awaiting for a double lung transplant. Talk to me about how all of this has come together to help you find your voice and artistic mission.

LMF: My kids and my family are my whole world, they are what motivate me the most, to fight my battle against CF as hard as I fight it. Cystic fibrosis is a horrific disease and people often don't understand the severity of it and its destruction. But by being transparent I hope to help others realize that there is still the possibility of having an amazing life in the midst of struggle. I love that I've had the opportunity to write for the CF Foundation and speak as their ambassador to raise money for research and a cure.

AT: Did you always know you wanted to be a writer? Tell me about the spark moment when you realized you could do this for real.

LMF: I have thought in the past about the possibility of writing a book one day but never knew what I wanted to write about. Once I started writing the poems for this book it felt like I couldn't write them fast enough. I loved the process of creating it and each poem feels really special to me because it's either about someone I personally know, something that happened or something my kids said. At first, it was really only going to be for my son and daughter, but it grew into something more than that and they were excited for other people to read my poems too.

AT: What do you love about making things?

LMF: I love the process of an idea that turns into something. Especially ones that take all types of detours and turns because the final product is even more special to me. When I had my clothing line, I loved when I would finally see the finished product of a vision I had. With poetry, it's cathartic to get my thoughts out on paper that form from a simple word or thought. Being able to create a poetic story that makes my heart full is the best feeling, and if other people can relate to it or find comfort in it in any way, then it's even better.

AT: I love your book The Sky Cracked Open. It sort of reminds me of my old Shel Silverstein books but with a lighthearted, warm tone to it. Tell me more about what inspired you to write this collection of poetry.

LMF: Thank you so much! Shel Silverstein is a huge inspiration and I've been reading all of his books to my kids since they were babies. They'd pick poems at random and we read them so many times the book is frayed and falling apart. My son told me one night that I should make a "real book" for all my poems too. The idea kind of just stuck, and I started taking notes in my phone of the funny or random things they would say or do and then turn them into poems. As I started compiling them, I realized I wanted to write 65 poems to coincide with the 65 Roses nickname for cystic fibrosis, and I wanted to write a book of poems filled with hope and optimism and share my thoughts and point of view with others. CF has taught me not to take anything for granted and to really appreciate the things in life that truly matter. This book was ultimately something that I just really wanted to write for and dedicate to my kids.

AT: Do you still read poetry each night to your kids? What are their favorite poems?

LMF: I still try to read them poems each night, but it's getting harder since they are getting so much older and with quarantining and summer vacation they are staying up so late now! Ha! I barely have my eyes open by the time they're finally tired. But they always read my book and ask me to read it to them too. My son's favorite is French Fry Guy because it's his illustration, and my daughter's is The Lady and Her Unicorn since it's about her.

AT: On that note, who inspires you?

LMF: Shel Silverstein and Roald Dahl and of course they also grew up on Dr. Seuss. The classics were always a favorite! My kids inspire me daily, and Stevie Nicks and her writing and creativity always has.

AT: Quarantine is hard enough for your average human -- how has this pandemic affected your day to day? How are you managing your health, kids, home and career during this surreal time? What advice or insights about sheltering in place can you share?

LMF: Quarantine has made our lives very hard in so many ways. My health is extremely fragile and isolating is something we all need to take very seriously, and truthfully it's all been excruciatingly difficult. Being this sick, waiting for a lung transplant, parenting, and the threat of covid is not something I really have the right words for, other than it's been completely life-changing, for all of us, in a very drastic way. I just try to focus on the positive which is all the extra family time we've gotten to spend together. I always thought I would be able to spend a lot of time with family and friends during the time I awaited my call for transplant, so to have that taken away because of covid has been heartbreaking. I can only try to remain positive and be grateful for what I do have, and dream of a future with better health and far less suffering and struggling for everyone.

AT: What does your support system look like? How does your community help you thrive even in the hardest of times?

LMF: I have the most amazing husband and thankfully he's also an RN. To have his help and expertise in medicine through this is something I feel very fortunate to have. My parents and sister are involved in every possible way and I'm extremely grateful for the amount of love and help and we have from both sides of our families. I've received so many thoughtful notes and messages from people in my community and they've truly gotten me through some very hard times.

AT: When you need to give yourself a pep talk, what does it sound like?

LMF: Everything happens for a reason. That might sound dumb to some people, but honestly it's helped me my entire life. I live very much in the present moment, so I just have to trust my journey and accept things as they are and push for the things I want. And I want to be here for my kids, so they motivate me every day to make it through this.

Buy The Sky Cracked Open, and follow @laurenmfierst + @ahippiesdaughter for more about Lauren's journey. To read more stories of creative trailblazers and inspiring women, check out the Creative Crushin' archive.

As much as we love diving into a spellbinding novel, there's something to be said for the instantaneous inspo that comes from flipping through a stunning art or design book. And let's be honest, sometimes our attention span isn't up for the challenge of conquering a verbose, 500-page tome.

With an explosion of new poetry, design, and coffee table reads on the scene, we thought we'd do the heavy lifting for you and curate our absolute faves. Ahead, see this spring's fresh book releases (plus some essential coffee table reads you may have missed) from the most inspiring and creative minds among us. Whether you're into interior design, poetry, travel or plants, there's a little something for everyone.

Image via Amazon

Great Women Artists

Discover artists you may have missed in your male-centric art history classes in this robust survey of over 400 leading female creatives spanning the last 500 years.

Image via Amazon

Directions: Really Good Advice For Getting From Here To There

Directions features hand-lettered affirmations and observations from artist Hallie Bateman that are equal parts uplifting, relatable, and humorous. Flipping through the collections feels like you're stumbling across a fortune cookie truth written just for you.

Image via Amazon

Ibiza Bohemia (Classics)

Ignite your wanderlust with this breathtaking photo series that captures why this Mediterranean locale has been such a hotspot for escapism.

Image via Amazon

Wild Interiors: Beautiful Plants In Beautiful Spaces

Calling all plant people! Hilton Carter brings his trademark green thumb to a beautiful new coffee table read brimming with plant care tips and at-home styling advice for all your greenery.

Image via Amazon

Design The Home You Love: Practical Styling Advice To Make The Most Of Your Space

The co-founders behind the interior design service Havenly are publishing their first book this spring that aims to be a budget-friendly guide to identifying your unique style and designing your space accordingly.

Image via Amazon

Atlas Of Mid-Century Modern Houses

Nostalgia seekers will love scanning the pages of this visual stunner, which showcases the works of famed architects like Richard Neutra, Marcel Breuer, and hundreds of other design icons.

Image via Amazon

Radiant Human: Discovering The Connection Between Color, Identity, and Energy

If you're not already familiar with the rainbow portraiture style that is aura photography, let Lonsdale's new book teach you everything you need to know about this creative practice that captures your energy and disposition through a color-coded index.

The Apricot Memoirs

Guinery's book of poetic musings (printed across apricot-hued pages, of course) serves as an exploration of love, growth, motherhood, and vulnerability that invites the reader to unlock their own creativity.

Image via Amazon


This quintessential art book goes beyond Malin's iconic overhead beach shots and captures unbelievable vacation locales like Aspen, Namibia, Bora Bora, and more to fuel your ideal getaway.

Image via Amazon

Jungalow: Decorate Wild The Style Guide

Teach Me Something New guest Justina Blakeney's new book is an interior lovers dream. If you need a push to break free from your minimalist instincts and dive into the world of big, bold pattern, let this book serve as your guide to do it.

Image via Amazon

Film For Her

This visual diary features prose, poetry, short stories and photography from the well-known YouTube poet and achieves the feeling that you're sifting through someone's intimate DIY scrapbook. Forewarning, it may just inspire you to be in your feels.

Image via Amazon

Poolside with Slim Aarons

Featuring Slim Aarons' signature peek into the lives of wealthy jet-setters, this collection of photographs will be the star of your art book rotation.

Image via Amazon

Cherry Bombe: The Cookbook

This essential foodie read captures recipes from some of the most interesting and famous female chefs, bakers, and food stylists of our time.

Image via Amazon

Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power

Further your art education by discovering previously neglected histories of 20th-century Black artists during one of the most revolutionary eras in American history.


Humans of New York pioneer Brandon Stanton traveled to more than 40 countries to tell the resonate stories of what it means to be human.

Image via Amazon

Flower: Exploring The World In Bloom

Florals for spring? How groundbreaking. But in this new collection, see how floral motifs have been depicted throughout history across art, film, textiles, and more.

Image via Amazon

Virgil Abloh. Nike. ICONS.

Bring some color to your bookshelf in a major way with this innovative dive into Virgil Abloh's creative process during his collaboration with Nike. The end result is an ode to design true sneakerheads can't miss.

Image via Amazon

The Bright Book: A Creativity Workbook Designed to Help You Shine

Also known as EttaVee, Jessi Raulet brings her signature bold pattern play to life in this creative workbook. Once you're feeling sufficiently inspired by all of the amazing reads above, tap into your own creativity by following the prompts for collaging, journaling, painting, and more.

Image via Barnes & Noble

Architectural Digest at 100: A Century Of Style

This stunning and informative read is full of glorious designs from past and present. Featuring the homes of top celebrities and architects, it's an inspirational nod to the ever changing landscape of home decor.

Image via ThriftBooks

The New York Dog

Rachael Hale has managed to use her powerful photography skills to capture the quintessential nature of dogs in The New York Dog.

Image via Barnes & Noble

The Colors of Sies Marjan

The Colors of Sies Marjan is a beautiful recollection of the celestial brand of the same name. With memorable collections that wowed crowds during past NYFW seasons, Sander Lak's beautiful explosion of texture and color remain immortalized in this gorgeous coffee table book.

Image via Barnes & Noble

The New Black Vanguard

Get lost in the pages of The New Black Vanguard. Curated by Cultural Critic Antwaun Sargent, this coffee table is great for the fashion enthusiast who's interested in seeing the world of fashion, beauty and art through a more inclusive lens.

Image via ThriftBooks

Latin American Artists: From 1785 To Now

Allow yourself to be transported in time as you view the artwork of more than 300 Latin American artists.

Image via ThriftBooks

Glass Houses

Foray into the wondrous build of glass houses. You'll find yourself admiring designs that date back to the 1930s and will love learning how architects create stunning homes with sturdy foundations.

Which coffee table books are you thinking about adding to your collection? Let us know in the comments!

This post has been updated.

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It's almost outdoor decorating season! And McGee & Co.'s gorgeous outdoor collection is here to tempt our urges to decorating early with stunning finds. From plush outdoor pillows and elegant rugs to comfy furniture and charming floral plateware, this collection has everything to elevate your outdoor space. "I wanted this outdoor lounge to feel like a Southern veranda — inviting, layered, and effortlessly elegant," says Shea McGee. The new Spring 2025 collection is both timeless and relaxed, "perfect for lingering conversations and warm breezes," Shea adds. I'm especially loving the cozy seating, classic patterns, and stylish entertaining pieces that are actually affordable.

Check out all the earthy, elegant outdoor decor from McGee & Co below!

McGee & Co.

Melrose Striped Tablecloth

This linen tablecloth, featuring a charming green and ivory palette, makes every outdoor occasion feel just a little more festive and special. Celebrate from spring to fall!

McGee & Co.

Alcott Melamine Dinner Plates (Set of 4)

The scalloped edge and delicate border on these melamine plates bring a perfect blend of charm and playfulness to your outdoor table. It also has a bit of a vintage Euro vibe.

McGee & Co.

Crosley Indoor/Outdoor Pillow

Make your space super cozy with thoughtfully designed pillows, like the Crosley Indoor/Outdoor Pillow, featuring a classic plaid motif and playful fringe. Ah, so cozy and pretty!

McGee & Co.

Amherst Handwoven Indoor/Outdoor Rug

What I love about McGee & Co.'s outdoor rugs is that they look just as elegant inside. The Amherst Handwoven Indoor/Outdoor Rug in a golden yellow plaid is actually soft and is easy to clean — perfect for high-traffic indoor/outdoor areas.

McGee & Co.

Nola Paper Mache Vase

Give your outdoor space the living room treatment with details like potted greenery. The Nola Paper Mache Vase elevates your table with a modern rustic aesthetic.

McGee & Co.

Berkeley Handwoven Indoor/Outdoor Rug

This navy and white gingham rug with brown natural stripes is another soft indoor-outdoor rug made from recycled materials, and perfect for high-traffic indoor and outdoor areas.

McGee & Co.

Haviland Outdoor Sofa with Striped Cushions

Bold cabana stripes get me every time. This weather-resistant sofa is just as comfy as it is cute.

McGee & Co.

Cadie Outdoor Chaise

Lounge the spring days away with a good book on this teak-framed chaise and weather-resistant fabric.

McGee & Co.

The Market Umbrella

Fringe makes everything better. The Market Umbrella can withstand spring's fickle weather while bringing vintage vibes to your space.

McGee & Co.

Sanibel Acrylic Goblets (Set of 4)

Elevate your outdoor drinkware with these break-resistant ribbed goblets. Spring mocktails are so close.

McGee & Co.

Fontaine Melamine Dinner Plates (Set of 4)

Embrace spring 2025's romantic trend with these floral dinner plates, paired with dainty Wilkie Floral Napkins.

McGee & Co.

Bonjour Doormat

Set the stage for an inviting escape with this charming welcome mat. Très chic!

McGee & Co.

Classic Pool Float

Cannonball! Make the most of the warmer months with the classic pool float in navy and white stripes. It has a hanging hook for storage too!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

As much as we love eating turkey on Thanksgiving, there's another reason we love November: National Novel Writing Month. NaNoWriMo is a nonprofit organization that offers the tools, community, and encouragement you need to achieve your creative writing goals. The free (!!) site helps you track progress on your work, set milestones to work with, and connect with a variety of other writers.

Writing a book is definitely a weighty task, but it can be easier if you write what you know (that way you're able to dig into the details of your story well), and start reading more (that way you get the hang of the imagery that you like and what both good and bad writing looks like). The NaNoWriMo programs are available year-round, but if you're looking to write a book this month, or you're just looking for some cozy ideas to make future writing more fun, keep reading.

Everything You Need To Know About NaNoWriMo

Image via Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

What Is NaNoWriMo?

NaNoWriMo began as a month-long writing experience through November where you take part with other writers to write 50,000 words of a novel. Now, you can both take part during November and participate in their programs year-round.

Who Has Taken Part In The Program?

Over 400,000 writers participated in the programs in 2021, but there have been a ton of other writers throughout the years as well. Some of the books that started as NaNoWriMo projects include Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen, Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, and Cinder by Marissa Meyer. Yours could be the next bestseller!

How Do I Participate In NaNoWriMo?

The first step is to sign up (which you can do here) and then you can decide if you want to write at your own independent pace or set a deadline for the end of November. There are prizes and special messages, and when you reach your word-count goal, you're able to access a winner's page full of fun gifts.

When you're writing, it can be tempting to go back and edit, but you don't want to mess with your creative process — wait until you're done before editing! One thing you can do when you're writing and there's a detail you can't think of off the top of your head is add brackets instead. Then when you're done, you can go back and replace the brackets with what should be there.

You can check out our journal prompts for growth and creativity or try some our 30 creative writing prompts, but here are a few that are specifically for fiction. They might only turn into one scene, but they might also inspire a whole other body of work.

NaNoWriMo Creative Writing Prompts:

  1. Write an entire story that takes place within a small amount of time. It's harder than it sounds! Focus on details, inner thoughts, and what your characters are feeling.
  2. Turn your favorite quote or lyric into a story. What makes it your favorite? Is it the words themselves, or how they make you feel?
  3. If you love houseplants, spend a few minutes every day writing about your plant. Is it growing? Is it losing leaves? What does the soil feel like?
  4. Write down everything around you. Focus on all of your senses: what you see, hear, smell, feel, and taste. Go into as much detail as you can to make the reader experience everything that you're experiencing.
  5. Take your favorite iconic story and completely rewrite it by switching every trope. Damsel in distress? Make her a skilled assassin who leaves everyone in the dust. Enemies to lovers? Turn it into a lovers-to-enemies arc. Is the main cast a bunch of kids growing up? Add a bunch of superpowers that will make puberty way more complicated.
  6. Turn your favorite season, element, flower, or animal into a human. What would their personality be like? What would their favorite food be? How would they spend their time?
  7. Write a story that takes place in a completely different world. This is a fun way to come up with different economies, cultures, and languages.
  8. Fill a few bowls with paper that says different words (places, foods, names), and draw one from each bowl at random. Write a story with what you pick.
  9. Go on Pinterest or Instagram and save a bunch of images that inspire you. After you have a collection, view them all at once to get a feel for their aesthetic and then write a story based on how it makes you feel.
  10. Turn your latest dream into a story. Whether it was a happy dream or a nightmare, you have the power to adjust what happens!

Ideas To Help You Stay In The Zone While You Write


It's important to feel comfortable and cozy while writing when it's cold outside. So grab yourself a pair of slippers or fuzzy socks to keep your toes warm.

A Good Playlist

Music can help you get in the zone or feel a particular emotion that will help you focus in on an aspect of the story that you're creating. Here's our assistant editor Chloe's creative writing playlist, but you can also check out our Spotify for a few different vibes!

Notebooks + Pens

Whether you're jotting down ideas during your writing process or you write down inspiration when you're out and about, every writer needs some good pens and a notebook. You can also grab a planner to have a place to track your plans + progress.

Long Walks

Walks will get your blood pumping, and the change of scenery can help inspire you. It's also helpful to be away from your computer (especially if you work from home), but feel free to bring some music with you. One of our favorite things to do is to go on a solo weekend writing retreat to visit a town we've never been to before and still get some work done.


We're talking potato chips, dark chocolate, or a variety of healthy snacks. We'll take it all, especially when you coordinate your snacks with the time of day.

Have you ever participated in NaNoWriMo? Let us know in the comments if you have any advice, and check out our email newsletter for more creativity tips and inspiration!

Featured image via Liza Summer/Pexels

If you can't stop talking about Severance season 2, you're not alone. The Apple TV+ show has totally taken over the internet (and all my group chats) and as the mysteries at Lumon continue to unfold, there's one heartbreaking, viral theory surrounding this week's episode, and Gemma, that has the internet in a tizzy.

Keep reading for the most insane Severance season 2, episode 9 theory on the internet.

Has Gemma been an innie the whole time?

Apple TV

TikTok user @msauroraalice made the connection that Severance season 2 episode 9, "The After Hours," has the same title as a specific Twilight Zone episode in which a mannequin, well, forgets she's a mannequin. And now we're all wondering whether Severance is going to reveal a very similar plotline with Gemma.

"Could Gemma have been manufactured at Lumon and all of her experience with Mark is just a severed version of herself," @msauroraalice says, theorizing that "there is no Gemma."

"I bet this next episode, Gemma or Helly has a horrifying discovery about themselves just like the mannequin realizing she's not even alive," she continues.

Clearly, this Twilight Zone episode has a ton of similarities to Severance, with the split identities of it all. And as one Reddit user just made it even more heartbreaking by saying, "She could be an experiment from the very start which is why they went as far as to fake her death and recruit Mark to work for them. That would be heartbreaking. It would mean Mark and Gemma 's relationship was manufactured from the beginning."

"The After Hours" is sure to set us up for a crazy 'Severance' season 2 finale.

Apple TV

After everything Mark has been through, this would truly be a heartbreaking turn of events and I don't know if I could handle it! I'm not alone, either. TikTok users flooded the comments of the post (which has over 900K views).

"If Gemma was never a full person to begin with I'm gonna lose my mind," one user said, while another theorized, "I think Gemma is real but she actually died. Lumon had plans for her to begin with so they revived her body because they effectively own it and now she's stuck in purgatory testing."

But if this Severance theory breaks your heart as much as it breaks mine, there's a silver lining. "The next episode after 'The After Hours' from TWZ is called 'The Mighty Casey' and is about a robot who becomes more human I believe," a third TikTok user says.

But honestly, emotional devastation — and peeling back a character's insecurities, fears, and heartbreak to get to their core — make for really good TV because of how relatable those moments can be. So we'll just have to see what the Severance season 2 finale has in store.

Here are 10 Questions I Need Severance Season 2 To Answer — let us know on Instagram what kinds of questions and theories you have.

St. Patrick's Day in America is known mostly as an excuse to have a day-long marathon of drinking green beer (we'll take some green cocktails, too), but if staying in is more your jam, you'll need some epic DIY party favorsand a slew of adorable St. Patrick's Day-themed treats! In this collection of St. Patrick's Day desserts, you'll find everything from rainbow cupcakes and Lucky Charms pancakes, to Leprechauns made out of Nutter Butters and boozy green fudge. Yum.

Throw on your best “Kiss Me, I'm Irish" apron and have some fun with these 25 delicious St. Patrick's Day desserts!

Brit + Co

St. Patrick’s Day Rainbow Donuts

This adorable DIY requires no cooking and is a blast to make with friends. At the end of this rainbow you may not find gold, but you will find a fluffy cloud of coconut just waiting to be devoured. (via Brit + Co)

Sarah Anderson

St. Patrick's Day Dessert Shots

These cute, tiny shots are sweetened with flavors like dark chocolate, vanilla, and peppermint extract — and they even have a bite-sized brownie on the bottom. Now that's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, amiright? (via Sarah Anderson forBrit + Co)

Brit + Co

Lucky Charms Ice Cream

This one isn't a specific recipe per say, it's more of a how-too... but arguably the most useful how-to you'll learn this month. This overview of how to make Lucky Charms-infused ice cream can be put to use this St. Patrick's Day and beyond! (via Brit + Co)

Grandbaby Cakes

St. Patrick’s Day Dessert Pizza

Deep dish pizza should always have a sugar cookie crust and a Bailey's Irish Cream chocolate filling. Top with green sprinkles, green tinted white chocolate and chopped chocolate mint candies for that extra festive feel. (via Grandbaby Cakes)

Brit + Co

Double Rainbow Cake

Labor intensive? Maybe. Totally worth it? Absolutely. Grab a partner or your kiddos, and settle in for a fun afternoon of food coloring and multi-colored M&M decorating. (via Brit + Co)

Sweet Recipeas

Drunken Grasshopper Fudge

This is definitely an adults-only fudge. Made with both Crème de Menthe and Crème de Cocoa, this fudge has a boozy flavor that bites back. Throw on a handful of shamrock sprinkles to really drive the theme home. (via Sweet Recipeas)

Home Made Interest

St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun Cookies

These little guys would be so cute to make for your kiddo's school St. Patrick's Day party. Plus, they double as a fun activity to do with them at home. They're almost too cute to eat… almost. (via Home Made Interest)

The Cake Blog

Leprechaun Hat S’mores

Obviously a large marshmallow on top of a cookie makes the perfect top hat. Once it's covered in chocolate and adorned with green decor, you have the perfect edible s'mores hat that any leprechaun would be happy to wear. (via The Cake Blog)

Classy Clutter

St. Patrick’s Day Rice Krispie Treats

You may have to go digging for marshmallows in a box of Lucky Charms to make these, but it's totally worth it. The pretty pastels in the marshmallows also looks perfect with the light green of the Rice Krispies. (via Classy Clutter)

Takes Two Eggs

Matcha Roll Cake

This sponge-y roll cake is packed with matcha whipped cream, and it looks just as good as it tastes! (via Takes Two Eggs)

Averie Cooks

Irish Chocolate Guinness Cupcakes

The batter these cupcakes are crafted with is spiked with Guinness and Jameson for a bit of booziness. (via Averie Cooks)

Barbara Bakes

Mint Chocolate Chip Pie For St. Patrick’s Day

You don't have to have a lot of time and ingredients to make a great St. Patrick's Day dessert. All you need for this freezer pie is a pre-made Oreo pie crust and mint chocolate chip ice cream. Whipped cream and chocolate shavings optional – as if! (via Barbara Bakes)

Created By Diane

St. Patrick’s Day Mint Chocolate Cake

Before you cut into this cake, you would have no idea that what lies inside is an intricate mint chocolate design that tastes just as good as it looks. This concoction is definitely going to impress whoever you serve it to. (via Created By Diane)

Nifty Mom

No-Bake Mint-Free St. Patrick’s Day Dessert

St. Patrick's Day desserts are almost always full of mint. Well, you know what? Not everyone likes mint. This dessert is still chocolatey and green with no mint in sight. (via Nifty Mom)

Foods Of Our Lives

Crème De Menthe Cake Pops

If you have a package of Oreos lying around, you're already halfway to making these flavorful cake pops. They're so addicting, you may want to give them away as St. Patrick's Day gifts just to avoid eating every single one. (via Foods Of Our Lives)


Shamrock Sour Cocktail

Swapping standard whiskey for Irish Whiskey gives this cocktail a St. Patrick's Day twist. Add a few drops of food coloring to make the green really stand out. (via Pizzazzerie)

Half Baked Harvest

Chocolate Irish Cream Filled Donuts

If you're feelin' fancy, opt to make these homemade donuts filled with St. Patty's-ready Irish cream! (via Half Baked Harvest)

Two Peas & Their Pod

Chocolate Mint Brownie Milkshake

You can never go wrong with a combo of chocolate and mint! (via Two Peas & Their Pod)

Baking A Moment

Pot of Gold Cupcakes

The rainbow Swiss buttercream that tops these decadent chocolate cupcakes is way easier to make than it looks. Make sure to get some gold foiled chocolate coins to put on top for an extra fun touch. (via Baking A Moment)

Recipe Girl

Green Velvet Cheesecake Cake

What's better than cheesecake? Cheesecake that's sitting in the middle of two layers of green velvet cake, of course. It's like having a giant layer of creamy frosting in the middle… but it's cheesecake! (via Recipe Girl)

Simply Happenstance

St. Patrick’s Day Caramel Corn

Caramel corn is a treat that both adults AND kids love. Just by adding a bit of food coloring to your caramel, you'll create a crunchy masterpiece that everyone will gobble up in seconds. (via Simply Happenstance)

The Recipe Rebel

White Chocolate Lucky Charms Cookies

Not only do these cookies have finely ground Lucky Charms in the cookie batter itself, chopped cereal and marshmallows are also folded in for extra texture and flavor. We'll take two dozen, please. (via The Recipe Rebel)

Completely Delicious

Mint Chocolate Chip Cupcakes

These sweet bites are described as the epitome of mint chocolate chip ice cream, but in cupcake form. Perfect, perfect, perfect! (via Completely Delicious)

Gal On A Mission

St. Patrick’s Day Puppy Chow

Puppy chow is the perfect on-the-go munchie for the whole family. Green candy melts give this snack its hue, while spearmint essential oil gives it its minty flavor. (via Gal On A Mission)


Mini Whoopie Pies

These tiny whoopie pies are just small enough that you can enjoy them in one delicious bite. It doesn't get much easier than using refrigerated sugar cookie dough to make them, either. Score! (via Pillsbury)

Follow us on Pinterest for more St. Patrick's Day recipes and desserts!

This post has been updated with additional reporting by Meredith Holser.