The 15 Most Shocking Moments From "Love Is Blind" Season 6

love is blind season 6 laura in the pods

Ladies and gentlemen, the pods are officially open! And, more than that, the honeymoon is over and, as of this week, the Love is Blind season 6 couples have entered the nesting phase of their journey, cohabitating with their respective fiancées after a mere few weeks of conversing through a lava-lamp-like wall. Though this week marked only the third dump of episodes, let us assure you: the drama has been packed in tight and there is good reason that this season is already being considered The. Most. Watchable. Season. Ever.

At this point in the season, audience members are following five couples. Kenneth and Brittany. AD and Clay. Jimmy and Chelsea. Amy and Johnny. And Laura and Jeramey (that's right, with an A).

Alas, as with all other Love is Blindcontent, there continue to be a few other key players still in the mix, leading many of our committed couples to question: is love really blind?

So, what have you missed so far? Because this season has been packed to the gills with internet-breaking moments already, for the sake of clarity, we are going to break this down into three segments: The Pods, The Honeymoon, and The Real World.

Chapter 1: The Pods

Image via Netflix

At this point, life in the pods feels like it took place eons ago. Not to mention, filled with red herrings because, of course, life after the pods always yields new and unforeseen developments. But, the pods are where love first blossoms, as do countless irrevocable and mortifying moments of television shame.

Let's begin with Matthew

Image via Netflix

Look, we don’t want to start here because Matthew’s presence is simply that off-putting. But if ever we’ve seen someone with Reality Star Villain written all over them, it’s this guy. Matthew (and his overwrought, Hulk-meets-Hunchback stature) made waves in the pods after blatantly two-timing AD and Amber, secretly seducing them with a series of similar (and, mind you, weird) lines. Despite his completely taciturn presence in the men’s quarters, somehow Matthew seemed to transform into an everyday Don Juan the moment he was locked away in an enclosed pod across from either of his suitresses, simultaneously telling them verbatim the exact same promise: I’ll leave here right now with you. Ah, the reddest of flags.

Fortunately, in the end, girls rule and boys drool and it did not take long for the scales to fall in unison from the eyes of AD and Amber alike. Also fortunately, their enviable friendship lives on in TikTok infamy because, of course, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Buh-bye, Matthew!

Next up, there was the now-infamous epipen diatribe

Image via Netflix

The long and the short of it is: Jimmy was lied to by Chelsea. After days (that’s right, days!) of courtship in the pods, sweet little Jimmy found himself in a love triangle with Flight Attendant Chelsea and Single Mom Jessica. To sum up their roles:

Jessica is hot and cool and a single mom who opened up about her life growing up in and out of foster care.

Chelsea is an emotionally traumatized flight attendant who has trouble believing anyone could ever be kind to her, let alone love her.

Jimmy is… unworthy. Of both of them. But, he somehow find himself enmeshed with these two brunettes, mutually fangirling over his wide set eyes and Southern charm.

It’s fair to say we all were leaning Jessica (including Jimmy. Jimmy was definitely leaning Jessica). And who could blame him? She has a razor-sharp wit, an earnest demeanor (on more than one occasion, told her pod girlies through teary sniffles, “that’s my man”), and calls Jimmy on his bull. She also spent a great deal of time in the first few episodes professing her love for her daughter, Autumn. We stan a queen.

But then, something wild happened. Jessica tells Jimmy about her daughter. He handles it… fine. (In his defense, discovering that your potential partner has a ten year old is not something to be totally flippant about, as having a child--biologically or otherwise--does affect quite literally everything about your life. Thus, we will grant Jimmy some grace in the way he handled this admission). Regardless, for Jimmy, this disclosure was obviously a shock and something to consider.

Unfortunately, Jessica’s divulgence coincided with the exact moment (thank you, Editing team!) that Chelsea decided to tell Jimmy that her celebrity doppelganger is “MGK’s girlfriend.” That’s right. She told a man who has no idea what she looks like that she’s a dead ringer for MEGAN FOX.

This is a stretch. To put it mildly. But, not to Jimmy who, at that moment, clearly believes he’s just won the lottery. In the scheme of the pods, it was only moments later that Jimmy decides to sever ties with Jessica (waaaay too much baggage, of course) and goes all in on Chelsea (synonymous to the hottest woman in the world), immediately telling her he loves her.

As tragic as this train wreck of a misstep was to watch, it did yield arguably the best dress down in LIB--or for that matter, reality TV--history. After Jimmy delivers the news of his decision to an all-class Jessica (her little black dress and perfectly glossed lips giving her the distinct appearance of--you guessed it--actual Megan Fox), Jessica delivers what has already gone down in pop culture history as the best comeback, perhaps, ever: “When you see and realize what you missed out on, you are going to choke,” she proclaimed. “You are going to need your EpiPen to open up your airways because you are going to be in disbelief of what you missed out on.”

Unfortunately, for all involved, she was not wrong.

Fast forward, Jimmy and Chelsea share the big reveal and Jimmy is noticeably shocked by her un-Megan-Fox-like appearance. Later, when asked what he noticed first about her, Jimmy tellingly shares it was her “big, white teeth” that did it for him. Woof.

Other Pod highlights

Image via Netflix

The Pods era primarily featured engagements and quote-unquote genuine moments of falling in love. Here’s the quick version:

Jeramey proposes to Laura after severing ties with the self-described “Patriot” Sarah Ann. Their love is… unconvincing.

Kenneth gets on a knee for Brittany. They seem genuinely smitten and united by a love of, first, God, followed by, secondly, chastity. Despite the fact that he’s a 25-year-old school principal (how this is possible, nobody knows), he seems ready to settle down and build a life.

AD decides to settle for Clay’s “work-in-progress” bad boy-esque vibe, despite repeated warning signs to the contrary.

And, last but certainly not least, Amy and Johnny (the live action body double for The Incredibles’ boy villain, Buddy Pine, if anyone’s asking) continue to be smitten and, thus, have no problems committing to an entire life together.

Everyone else goes home. End scene.

Chapter 2: The Honeymoon

Image via Netflix

So, now the pods are done. And the couples head off to the Dominican Republic to see firsthand if their love will last. This chunk of episodes is relatively banal and predictable this season but, as always, the annual cocktail party is where things really start to heat up. In this eventful soiree each season, two things happen. Firstly, all of the couples are finally released from their honeymoon hovels and are at long last able to see one another for the first time. Secondly, everyone gets drunk. Like, quite drunk.

This season’s cocktail party featured three key takeaways:

1. The "Bean Dip' debacle

Image via Netlix

Laura allegedly tells Jeramey to “bean dip” AD (if you, like me, aren’t familiar with this colloquialism, waste not another moment before heading to UrbanDictionary to investigate). It’s not worth spending a lot of time on this occurrence because, ultimately, it is just… weird. Why exactly Jeramey decides to tell AD about his directives from Laura is just as mystifying as the reasons Laura doles out this inappropriate suggestion in the first place. End of the day, this moment really just highlights one thing: Laura not-so-secretly hates Jeramey and they are a weird couple who won’t last.

2. Jimmy leers at AD in front of Chelsea

Image via Netflix

Not only is this unsavory behavior, but it’s also, just, awkward. Upon seeing AD’s physique, for whatever reason, Jimmy gushes about her body to obviously and painfully-insecure Chelsea. Naturally, Chelsea begins what will soon become one of many emotional meltdowns; Jimmy tries to do damage control by telling AD directly how fine she is (more awkward); AD somehow reciprocates Jimmy’s flirtatious banter; annnnd, all the relationships start the slow and inevitable process of dissolution. We love this show!

3. AD and Kenneth have an important conversation about interracial dating

Image via Netflix

AD and Kenneth have an important conversation about the reality of Kenneth falling, blindly, for a white girl. And, to be frank, this is warranted for many reasons--one of which is the fact that Brittany does initially present to viewers as a bit racially tone-deaf (so much so, the internet shamelessly dragged her for a foolish comment or two in earlier episodes).

Ergo, it makes sense that, seven tequilas deep (give or take), AD pulls Kenneth for a chat to investigate just how exactly he is planning to manage not only their interracial relationship out in the real world but, more acutely, whether or not he’s considered the prospect of Brittany raising Black children. This is valid.

It’s hard to say what else transpired in the DR because most of the content is relatively chaste compared to what goes down once rubber meets the road as couples move in together the following week in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Chapter 3: The Real World

Image via Netflix

If anyone you know is ever having trouble “getting into” Love is Blind, just remember to reassure them: it gets better. By now in Season 6, the couples have left both the pods and their blissful island retreat in the dust and are in the throes of cohabitation--arguably the juiciest part of any LIB season. Season 6 seems to have even more drama than usual and perhaps that’s in part because it turns out the majority of the men on the show are turning out to be dogs.

Here’s the rundown of life in Charlotte as we know it so far:

Kenneth & Brittany

Image via Netflix

Kenneth and Brittany, despite some cultural disparities, returned from the honeymoon phase as fan favorites. And, in fairness, it seemed like they might really have a shot. Unfortunately, and surprisingly, Kenneth overnight becomes this season’s sleeper villain.

After getting his phone back, it seems Kenneth is quite literally incapable of having a conversation with Brittany without simultaneously scrolling on his device. Episodes 7 and 8 are basically just spliced vignettes of Kenneth growing less and less interested in sweet Brittany (and more and more committed to the apps on his iPhone), while she makes valiant efforts to further connect with him.

In their final scene together, a teary Brittany cries to Kenneth, pleading with him for more of a physical connection. Rather than comfort her, Kenneth, phone in hand, chooses a different path, gaslighting her for rebuffing his 1 a.m. advances the night prior (that’s right, one o’clock in the morning) and urging her to “be introspective about the parts [you’re] playing in [this].” He also uses God to defend his actions and comes off as concerningly icy to a woman to whom, mere days prior, he’d professed an undying love for. Suspect.

Shockingly, they part ways once and for all, while Kenneth is, yet again, on the phone.

Johnny & Amy

Image via Netflix

Meanwhile, Johnny and Amy seem to be thriving. The only hiccup in their relationship is their very strange discourse around sexual intercourse. Amy, understandably, does not want to be on birth control (we love a woman who stakes claim over her body). Johnny, somehow, finds condoms alone far too high-risk in terms of pregnancy prevention. Her solution to Johnny? Get a vasectomy. His solution to Amy? We just won’t have sex. For now? Ever? Hard to say, and the whole thing is confusing.

Laura & Jeramey

Image via Netflix

In another home across town, Laura introduces Jeramey to her family. As the booze flows from the golden goblets, Laura and Jeramey proceed to “butt heads” (as Cindy, Laura’s mom, aptly refers to it later on) throughout this painful and cringey scene. Once again, it’s unclear if they even like each other at all and both her family and audience members alike are left feeling uncomfortable watching their already-strained dynamic.

The real kicker for these two comes an episode later when Jeramey, after receiving a controversial DM from Sarah Ann, decides to first “heart” the message and then, predictably, meet up with her at a downtown bar without sharing anything except his location (???) with Laura.

The following morning, Laura and Jeramey sit in their living room in silence until she proceeds to interrogate him (rightfully so) as to his whereabouts the night prior. Despite repeatedly responding to her inquiries with a robot-like, “I won’t answer that,” Jeramey is ultimately hoisted by his own petard when it is revealed that his 5 a.m. location was actually Sarah Ann’s house, and not the parking lot of a downtown bar as he had so emphatically suggested. Darn you, Apple Watch!

The scene ends with Laura announcing she is done with him, and Jeramey throwing his back-stabbing phone across the room.

Chelsea & Jimmy

Image via Netflix

But, the trainwreck doesn’t end there. All the while, Chelsea is busy pushing Jimmy away with her incessant insecurities and overt neediness. Despite Jimmy’s missteps in the pods, somehow he’s more redeemable at his stage in the show. This is in part because of the consistent patience he seems to show Chelsea (even when she’s falsely accusing him of withholding any affection) and the fact that his two best friends are women (we respect any man who can maintain a friendship with cool women). During this scene, Chelsea does all that she can to bond with his female pals, while obviously being deeply triggered by this cross-gender friendship dynamic.

Important to disclose that Jimmy does call Chelsea “clingy” (he’s not wrong), which sends her into a spiral mid-episode. He also tells her he would prefer if they took a break from having sex (oh dear). She seems floored and pissed and the two of them spend the night in separate quarters. (The irony is that, not ten minutes prior, she was on camera, gabbing to her girlies about Trevor, her previous pod-love, claiming he may or may not have been the one who got away. Hmmm…)

Meanwhile, Jessica catches up with Laura who inquires as to whether or not Jimmy still has a chance, should things fizzle between him and Chelsea. Shockingly, Jessica admits that she still holds Jimmy near and dear to her heart, as audience members continue to wait with bated breath for the impending moment Jess and Jimmy are reunited IRL. It’s going down!

Clay & AD

Image via Netflix

Last but not least, Clay and AD continue to try to make it work. They seem to love each other (if, indeed, that’s possible after three weeks' time), but do occasionally joke about whether or not they will actually tie the knot. We appreciate the levity.

Clay introduces AD to his mother and sister and, over an al fresco lunch, all four of them discuss what’s not working in their relationship (namely, Clay’s inability to come home to AD every night, allegedly, due to work logistics). The subtext here is that Clay has repeatedly suggested he’s worried about his ability to stay faithful, due to a long history of adultery in his bloodline. Who knew an inability to keep it in your pants was genetic!

Clay’s mother (ironically, a long-sufferer of affairs herself) decides to give them relationship advice (essentially, make the sacrifices to make it work) and the episode ends there.

Image via Netflix

As for what’s next for this crew of on-screen lovers, only time shall tell. With each passing day, however, hungry Reddit users and tweeters alike seem to expose yet another scandal linked to this season, leaving viewers questioning just how efficacious the alleged pre-filming “background checks” really are. At this point, the internet has revealed that, prior to the show, Jeramey was engaged, and Trevor was in a relationship. The hits just keep on coming!

With tea this piping hot, it’s no wonder this season of Love Is Blind has viewers consistently on the edge of their sofas, golden goblets of wine in hand. Fortunately for everyone, the next slew of episodes drops on February 28th, so viewers don’t have to wait too long to find out what happens next. We can’t wait to see what unfolds next week and you can rest assured Brit + Co will have a juicy recap waiting for you on the backend.

Will there be a Love Is Blind season 7?

Image via Netflix

Buckle up because Love is Blindhas been renewed for season 7 set in Washington, D.C. To tide you over until then, here's the official release schedule for Love Is Blind Season 6.

Here's the official release schedule from Netflix:

  • Week 1 (Wednesday, February 14, 2024): Episodes 1-6
  • Week 2 (Wednesday, February 21, 2024): Episodes 7-9
  • Week 3 (Wednesday, February 28, 2024): Episodes 10-11
  • Week 4 (Wednesday, March 6, 2024): Episode 12 (finale)

Who's in the Love is Blind season 6 cast?

Image via Netflix

The full Love is Blind season 6 cast includes:

Chelsea: 31, works as a Flight Attendant & Event Planner
Benjamin: 34, works as a Job Cloud Solutions Architect
Jeramey: 32, works in Intralogistics
Matthew: 37, works as a Senior Financial Advisor
Vince: 35, works as a Lawyer
Mackenzie: 25, works as a Makeup Artist
Danette: 33, works as a Flight Attendant
Sarah Ann: 30, works as a Customer Support Manager
Sunni: 34, works as a Business Analyst
Kenneth: 26, works as a Middle School Principal
Austin: 27, works in Software Sales
Ashley: 32, works as a Nurse Practitioner
Jamal: 32, works as a Store Director
Trevor: 31, works as a Project Manager
Nolan: 31, works as a Management Consultant
Johnny: 28, works as an Account Executive
Ariel: 32, works as a Mortgage Broker
Brittany: 25, works as a Senior Client Partner
Amber Desiree: “AD,” 33, works as a Real Estate Broker
Laura: 34, works as an Account Director
Deion: 27, works in Software Sales
Amy: 28, works as an E-Commerce Specialist
Drake: 32, works as a Video Producer
Jimmy: 28, works in Software Sales
Clay: 31, works in Enterprise Sales & as an Entrepreneur
Amber: 31, works in Medical Device Sales
Danielle: 30, works in Corporate Comms
Jessica: 29, works as an Executive Assistant
Amy Cai: 34, works as a PR Director
Alejandra: 28, works as a Financial Consultant

Trying to stay in-the-know about Love is Blind and all things entertainment? Sign up for our weekly newsletter so you never miss a thing!

This post has been updated.

If you can't stop talking about Severance season 2, you're not alone. The Apple TV+ show has totally taken over the internet (and all my group chats) and as the mysteries at Lumon continue to unfold, there's one heartbreaking, viral theory surrounding this week's episode, and Gemma, that has the internet in a tizzy.

Keep reading for the most insane Severance season 2, episode 9 theory on the internet.

Has Gemma been an innie the whole time?

Apple TV

TikTok user @msauroraalice made the connection that Severance season 2 episode 9, "The After Hours," has the same title as a specific Twilight Zone episode in which a mannequin, well, forgets she's a mannequin. And now we're all wondering whether Severance is going to reveal a very similar plotline with Gemma.

"Could Gemma have been manufactured at Lumon and all of her experience with Mark is just a severed version of herself," @msauroraalice says, theorizing that "there is no Gemma."

"I bet this next episode, Gemma or Helly has a horrifying discovery about themselves just like the mannequin realizing she's not even alive," she continues.

Clearly, this Twilight Zone episode has a ton of similarities to Severance, with the split identities of it all. And as one Reddit user just made it even more heartbreaking by saying, "She could be an experiment from the very start which is why they went as far as to fake her death and recruit Mark to work for them. That would be heartbreaking. It would mean Mark and Gemma 's relationship was manufactured from the beginning."

"The After Hours" is sure to set us up for a crazy 'Severance' season 2 finale.

Apple TV

After everything Mark has been through, this would truly be a heartbreaking turn of events and I don't know if I could handle it! I'm not alone, either. TikTok users flooded the comments of the post (which has over 900K views).

"If Gemma was never a full person to begin with I'm gonna lose my mind," one user said, while another theorized, "I think Gemma is real but she actually died. Lumon had plans for her to begin with so they revived her body because they effectively own it and now she's stuck in purgatory testing."

But if this Severance theory breaks your heart as much as it breaks mine, there's a silver lining. "The next episode after 'The After Hours' from TWZ is called 'The Mighty Casey' and is about a robot who becomes more human I believe," a third TikTok user says.

But honestly, emotional devastation — and peeling back a character's insecurities, fears, and heartbreak to get to their core — make for really good TV because of how relatable those moments can be. So we'll just have to see what the Severance season 2 finale has in store.

Here are 10 Questions I Need Severance Season 2 To Answer — let us know on Instagram what kinds of questions and theories you have.

I didn't know I was doom scrolling on social media until I had a nightmare I was being chased by oddly-shaped thought bubbles filled with conflicting ideology. It was enough to make me set screen limits for myself, but I wondered if other people were still struggling with the same thing I'd been doing.

According toDr. Dr. Mikki Lee, Psy.D.,Manhattan-based psychologist at Clarity Therapy NYC, she works "with many people with ADHD who struggle specifically with doom scrolling." If you're doom scrolling, it doesn't necessarily mean you're neurodivergent, but she's seen this phenomenon enough to know it's not another trendy word that'll come and go.

So Here's what these professionals know about doom scrolling — and how they wanna help you stop doing it!

Scroll to learn what doom scrolling is, how to recognize it, and steps to take to curb your new habit!

What does "doom scrolling" mean?

Monstera Production/Pexels

"Doom scrolling" is exactly what it sounds like — an incessant amount of staring at social media feeds. From Dr. Lee's perspective, it's "when we continuously and compulsively scroll through negative news or distressing content on social media or news sites." The worst part is that she says "we often continue to do so even when it makes us feel progressively worse over time!" It's almost like we're in a toxic relationship with it 👀.

Also, the news is much more accessible than it used to be. I vividly remember my grandmother being glued to the morning and evening reports growing up, but now we don't have to look far for a breakdown of what's going on. Because of this, Dr. Lee believes "breaking ourselves out of this cycle is especially difficult because much of the news today is presented in a way that keeps us 'hooked.'" How?

Why are more people talking about it?


Based on her observations, Dr. Lee feels "social media algorithms often prioritize content that is engaging and gets reactions (often fear-based)." If you've ever used the word "rage-bait" in a conversation then you're already familiar with what she means. As a result, this "makes it easy to get stuck in a loop of distressing information," according to her. "In fact, with world issues such as climate concerns and political polarization, there seems to be an endless stream of negative news," she adds.

As much as I haven't wanted to talk about them, it's hard to escape concerns and opinions related to topics such as politics, reproductive health, or celebrity PR disasters. They have a way of showing up in conversations because almost everyone I know has access to a smart phone, where news is readily available at our fingertips.

What are negative side effects of being on social media or news sites 24/7?

Antoni Shkraba/Pexels

If you've been feeling on edge or skittish lately, Dr. Lee wants you to know there's a connection between them and doom scrolling. "There are plenty of negative consequences of doom-scrolling. It can increase our feelings of stress and anxiety, lead to feelings of depression and hopelessness, disturb our sleep (if doom-scrolling late at night), and eat up our time during the day when we’re trying to be productive and engage in positive life activities," she says.

However, some good has come out of an increased awareness about doom scrolling. According to Dr. Lee, "we are becoming more aware of the effects of screen time, especially doom scrolling, our our mental health." I didn't know it at the time, but going into my phone settings to create boundaries for myself was the right thing to do!

How can I curb this habit?

Blue Bird/Pexels

If you're ready to stop being so attached to your phone, Dr. Lee has a few tips to help you make this necessary change.

  1. Create screen limits: "Set time limits on how much news you consume. I like to keep it around 30 minutes a day of news exposure."
  2. Review your notifications: "Remove news notifications from your phone to remove the constant barrage of 'breaking news' so that YOU can decide when to check in."
  3. Try listening to a podcast: "Subscribe to a news podcast such as The Daily or NPR News Now. Podcasts automatically have a time limit and often discuss the most pressing news of the day. PLUS, you can listen while doing something stress-relieving, such as working out."

How can I tell if I'm doom scrolling or casually looking at social media?

Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels

It can be confusing when you're not sure if you're casually scrolling on social media, or succumbing to doom and gloom. But Dr. Lee doesn't want you to stress yourself out even further! Here's how she says you can tell which one you're doing:

  1. Stay curious: "Pay attention to your mood during and after scrolling. Are you feeling anxious, drained, or exhausted? Do you keep scrolling bad news and struggle to stop even though it makes you feel progressively worse? These are signs that you are doom-scrolling."
  2. Pay attention to content you're consuming: "On the other hand, if you are engaging with a variety of content (not just bad news) that makes you feel informed, entertained, or inspired, you are likely just casually scrolling. Casually scrolling often feels easier to stop than doom-scrolling."

You don't have to stop using your favorite social media apps, but it does help to limit how often you're online. If it's been more than two hours since you've gotten up to eat, use the bathroom, or work, you need to break up with doom scrolling ASAP.

Visit the rest of our site for even more self-care tips!

When I saw Mamma Mia 2 in 2018, my life was changed. I didn't grow up on the original jukebox musical, but watching Lily James and Amanda Seyfried dance around Greece was exactly the kind of escapism I needed at 19 years old. I've been waiting for Mamma Mia 3 ever since (haven't we all?!), and while we've gotten a few updates here and there (creator and producer Judy Craymer told Deadline a third movie is in "earliest stages" in May of 2023), Amanda Seyfried just answered a major question fans have: why is the threequel taking so long?

Here's what Amanda Seyfried said about Mamma Mia 3's release.

Amanda Seyfried promises "we're going to do" 'Mamma Mia 3.'

Amanda Seyfried was asked about a Mamma Mia 3 ahead of the premiere for Long Bright River, which she stars in and executive produces.

"Show me the money!" she jokingly tells The Hollywood Reporter, before adding, "Producer Judy Craymer is always working on it, but Universal still has to release Wicked2. The first Wicked had to stall when Mamma Mia! 2 was getting made."

"It’s an either/or situation with musicals. And I have this theory that Universal just knows we’re going to do it, so they’re not in any rush," she continues. "And it’s just going to cost double."

Hearing Amanda Seyfried say they're definitely making the movie is exactly what I needed to hear this week!

And Meryl Streep wants to return as Donna!

Since Wicked: For Good is coming out later this year (and Universal has no other musicals in the pipeline) that means Mamma Mia 3 could finally be on its way! If they filmed over the summer of 2026 and completed post-production in the winter, we could see the third movie as early as the spring of 2027.

Amanda Seyfried told ET that “it’s happening" and jokes that “it’s going to happen in Greece, hopefully before 2038."

"Ideally [filming] would be in summer 2026," she continues. "That’s just my schedule. Everybody has to put their lives on hold.” And see, that's exactly what I said.

"I don't want to over-egg it," Judy Craymer told Deadline, "but I know there's a trilogy there…and I do think Meryl should come back, and if the script is right, she would, I think, because she really loved playing Donna."

And what does Meryl Streep think of the possible return to Donna Sheridan? "Of course I want to do it," she said. Let's get the band back together!

If you need me, I'll be singing ABBA's "Dancing Queen" all day. Read up on The ‘Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again’ Cast Reveals Who Was the Real Diva on Set for more insight into these iconic musicals.

Trader Joe’s always knows exactly how to get us excited for new products – and this time, it’s rumored that the grocer is bringing back their viral Mini Canvas Tote Bags in four brand-new colors that are all perfect for spring! Speculated to hit stores sometime next month, you’re not going to want to miss this TJ’s drop.

Here’s everything you need to know about the return of Trader Joe’s Mini Canvas Tote Bags for spring 2025.


Trader Joe’s fan account @traderjoesobsessed first circulated the rumor that the Mini Canvas Tote Bags are set to return to Trader Joe’s this spring.

“Rumor has it that the pastel mini canvas bags will be here in April. Usually, they do release these on a Wednesday. How excited are you for these colors? I can’t wait to customize them!” the caption reads.

Another source, @zuncola, hinted that the totes could hit stores as early as April 8 or 9.


It appears there will be four different colorways in this season’s Mini Canvas Tote Bag drop: pink, blue, green, and purple. But they’re not your ordinary pinks, blues, greens, and purples – per the rumors, they’ll come in pastel hues that all look stunning. From carrying your quick grocery hauls to toting each and every picnic essential you’ll need this spring, these bags get it all done in sheer style.

Trader Joe’s

In the past, the Trader Joe’s Mini Canvas Tote Bags have been a limited-time item that garnered plenty of attention from shoppers, even sparking a massivefrenzy inside stores with customers racing to snag their own tote. Some TJ’s locations have also placed a buying limit for bags like these, typically 1 per customer. Based on the reception of the rumors for this year, you’ll likely want to plan when and how you’re going to get your hands on one.


Tons of Trader Joe’s fanatics sounded off in the comments of @traderjoesobsessed’s post about the rumors of the Mini Canvas Tote Bags’ return:

“Stoppppp no way!! 😱😱” one person wrote.

‘Yes! These will make great bags for Easter gifts,” another said.

“Looks like I need to buy camping gear cause I'll be in that line before sunrise 🤩,” one more fan commented.


In previous years, the Mini Canvas Tote Bags went for $2.99 too $3.99, and we expect this pastel-filled drop to cost about the same.


Though there’s no official release date for the mini totes, they’re speculated to hit shelves sometime in April 2025, possibly the 8th or 9th. Stay tuned here for more updates!

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay on top of all the best Trader Joe's news!

This post has been updated.

St. Patrick's Day in America is known mostly as an excuse to have a day-long marathon of drinking green beer (we'll take some green cocktails, too), but if staying in is more your jam, you'll need some epic DIY party favorsand a slew of adorable St. Patrick's Day-themed treats! In this collection of St. Patrick's Day desserts, you'll find everything from rainbow cupcakes and Lucky Charms pancakes, to Leprechauns made out of Nutter Butters and boozy green fudge. Yum.

Throw on your best “Kiss Me, I'm Irish" apron and have some fun with these 25 delicious St. Patrick's Day desserts!

Brit + Co

St. Patrick’s Day Rainbow Donuts

This adorable DIY requires no cooking and is a blast to make with friends. At the end of this rainbow you may not find gold, but you will find a fluffy cloud of coconut just waiting to be devoured. (via Brit + Co)

Sarah Anderson

St. Patrick's Day Dessert Shots

These cute, tiny shots are sweetened with flavors like dark chocolate, vanilla, and peppermint extract — and they even have a bite-sized brownie on the bottom. Now that's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, amiright? (via Sarah Anderson forBrit + Co)

Brit + Co

Lucky Charms Ice Cream

This one isn't a specific recipe per say, it's more of a how-too... but arguably the most useful how-to you'll learn this month. This overview of how to make Lucky Charms-infused ice cream can be put to use this St. Patrick's Day and beyond! (via Brit + Co)

Grandbaby Cakes

St. Patrick’s Day Dessert Pizza

Deep dish pizza should always have a sugar cookie crust and a Bailey's Irish Cream chocolate filling. Top with green sprinkles, green tinted white chocolate and chopped chocolate mint candies for that extra festive feel. (via Grandbaby Cakes)

Brit + Co

Double Rainbow Cake

Labor intensive? Maybe. Totally worth it? Absolutely. Grab a partner or your kiddos, and settle in for a fun afternoon of food coloring and multi-colored M&M decorating. (via Brit + Co)

Sweet Recipeas

Drunken Grasshopper Fudge

This is definitely an adults-only fudge. Made with both Crème de Menthe and Crème de Cocoa, this fudge has a boozy flavor that bites back. Throw on a handful of shamrock sprinkles to really drive the theme home. (via Sweet Recipeas)

Home Made Interest

St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun Cookies

These little guys would be so cute to make for your kiddo's school St. Patrick's Day party. Plus, they double as a fun activity to do with them at home. They're almost too cute to eat… almost. (via Home Made Interest)

The Cake Blog

Leprechaun Hat S’mores

Obviously a large marshmallow on top of a cookie makes the perfect top hat. Once it's covered in chocolate and adorned with green decor, you have the perfect edible s'mores hat that any leprechaun would be happy to wear. (via The Cake Blog)

Classy Clutter

St. Patrick’s Day Rice Krispie Treats

You may have to go digging for marshmallows in a box of Lucky Charms to make these, but it's totally worth it. The pretty pastels in the marshmallows also looks perfect with the light green of the Rice Krispies. (via Classy Clutter)

Takes Two Eggs

Matcha Roll Cake

This sponge-y roll cake is packed with matcha whipped cream, and it looks just as good as it tastes! (via Takes Two Eggs)

Averie Cooks

Irish Chocolate Guinness Cupcakes

The batter these cupcakes are crafted with is spiked with Guinness and Jameson for a bit of booziness. (via Averie Cooks)

Barbara Bakes

Mint Chocolate Chip Pie For St. Patrick’s Day

You don't have to have a lot of time and ingredients to make a great St. Patrick's Day dessert. All you need for this freezer pie is a pre-made Oreo pie crust and mint chocolate chip ice cream. Whipped cream and chocolate shavings optional – as if! (via Barbara Bakes)

Created By Diane

St. Patrick’s Day Mint Chocolate Cake

Before you cut into this cake, you would have no idea that what lies inside is an intricate mint chocolate design that tastes just as good as it looks. This concoction is definitely going to impress whoever you serve it to. (via Created By Diane)

Nifty Mom

No-Bake Mint-Free St. Patrick’s Day Dessert

St. Patrick's Day desserts are almost always full of mint. Well, you know what? Not everyone likes mint. This dessert is still chocolatey and green with no mint in sight. (via Nifty Mom)

Foods Of Our Lives

Crème De Menthe Cake Pops

If you have a package of Oreos lying around, you're already halfway to making these flavorful cake pops. They're so addicting, you may want to give them away as St. Patrick's Day gifts just to avoid eating every single one. (via Foods Of Our Lives)


Shamrock Sour Cocktail

Swapping standard whiskey for Irish Whiskey gives this cocktail a St. Patrick's Day twist. Add a few drops of food coloring to make the green really stand out. (via Pizzazzerie)

Half Baked Harvest

Chocolate Irish Cream Filled Donuts

If you're feelin' fancy, opt to make these homemade donuts filled with St. Patty's-ready Irish cream! (via Half Baked Harvest)

Two Peas & Their Pod

Chocolate Mint Brownie Milkshake

You can never go wrong with a combo of chocolate and mint! (via Two Peas & Their Pod)

Baking A Moment

Pot of Gold Cupcakes

The rainbow Swiss buttercream that tops these decadent chocolate cupcakes is way easier to make than it looks. Make sure to get some gold foiled chocolate coins to put on top for an extra fun touch. (via Baking A Moment)

Recipe Girl

Green Velvet Cheesecake Cake

What's better than cheesecake? Cheesecake that's sitting in the middle of two layers of green velvet cake, of course. It's like having a giant layer of creamy frosting in the middle… but it's cheesecake! (via Recipe Girl)

Simply Happenstance

St. Patrick’s Day Caramel Corn

Caramel corn is a treat that both adults AND kids love. Just by adding a bit of food coloring to your caramel, you'll create a crunchy masterpiece that everyone will gobble up in seconds. (via Simply Happenstance)

The Recipe Rebel

White Chocolate Lucky Charms Cookies

Not only do these cookies have finely ground Lucky Charms in the cookie batter itself, chopped cereal and marshmallows are also folded in for extra texture and flavor. We'll take two dozen, please. (via The Recipe Rebel)

Completely Delicious

Mint Chocolate Chip Cupcakes

These sweet bites are described as the epitome of mint chocolate chip ice cream, but in cupcake form. Perfect, perfect, perfect! (via Completely Delicious)

Gal On A Mission

St. Patrick’s Day Puppy Chow

Puppy chow is the perfect on-the-go munchie for the whole family. Green candy melts give this snack its hue, while spearmint essential oil gives it its minty flavor. (via Gal On A Mission)


Mini Whoopie Pies

These tiny whoopie pies are just small enough that you can enjoy them in one delicious bite. It doesn't get much easier than using refrigerated sugar cookie dough to make them, either. Score! (via Pillsbury)

Follow us on Pinterest for more St. Patrick's Day recipes and desserts!

This post has been updated with additional reporting by Meredith Holser.