Do you love dogs yet dread the constant cleaning that comes with shedding? Countless people can relate.
But while every dog owner knows a little fur is inevitable, certain breeds are known for being lower-shedding.
Whether you suffer from allergies or just want to reduce the time you spend cleaning up hair around your living space, here are 12 low-shedding dog breeds that'll make great additions to your household (without the mess).
Scroll to find out the best low-shedding dog breeds!
1. Poodles
Poodles are known for their hypoallergenic coats, so they shed very little and are ideal for anyone seeking a low-shedding pet.
This breed also comes in three sizes, the Standard, Miniature, and Toy, and is easy to train due to its high intelligence. Just keep in mind that, regardless of their size, all Poodles require regular grooming to keep their curly coats free from mats and tangles.
2. Bichon Frise
Just like the Poodle, the Bichon Frise is another breed that features a hypoallergenic coat. These dogs are tiny, cheerful, and popular due to their friendly nature.
Plus, they're known for being very smart and trainable, making them great family pets that keep clean up around the house to a minimum.
3. Labradoodle
Originally bred as a hypoallergenic service dog, the Labradoodle is a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle.
These dogs inherited low-shedding coats, thanks to Poodle parents, and are favored for their friendly and affectionate nature. They thrive when given plenty of exercise and early socialization.
4. Maltese
Malteses are adorably tiny and cuddly hypoallergenic dogs prized for their silky white coats. They make playful and loving companions, but owners have to stay on top of their grooming routine.
If you prefer that your Maltese has a longer coat, regular maintenance is important to prevent any mats. Otherwise, keeping a shorter "puppy" cut can make grooming much easier.
5. Yorkshire Terrier
Affectionately referred to as "Yorkies," Yorkshire Terriers are little hypoallergenic dogs with big personalities. They crave attention and are very loyal to their owners.
These pups also shed minimally and can adapt well to a range of households, from cozy apartments to spacious homes.
6. Schnauzers
You may not know that there are three Schnauzer breeds, including the Miniature Schnauzer, the Standard Schnauzer, and the Giant Schnauzer. Despite their size differences, all three are low-shedding.
Miniature Schnauzers are revered for their intelligence and typically weigh between 10 and 20 pounds. Standard Schnauzers, on the other hand, are also known for their smarts and enjoy long walks and mental stimulation. They just can weigh as much as 45 pounds.
Giant Schnauzers can reach up to 85 pounds and are some of the largest hypoallergenic dogs. To keep these pups happy, give them a lot of playtime and exercise.
7. Havanese
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The Havanese is a little, playful breed that's popular for its charming personality and silky coat that doesn't shed much.
These furry friends adore human interaction, making them devoted companions, and are considered low-shedding. All they need is some regular grooming to keep their coat smooth and tangle-free.
8. Italian Greyhound
Italian Greyhounds are sleek and elegant, featuring short, smooth coats that barely shed. Contrary to what their graceful appearance might suggest, these dogs are also very playful, affectionate, and sensitive.
If you're searching for a sophisticated yet loving dog that doesn't require a lot of cleanup, this breed may be your perfect match.
9. Portuguese Water Dog
Portuguese Water Dogs were first bred to work alongside fishermen. Today, they're regaled for their energy and athleticism, making them a great option for active families.
These dogs also have hypoallergenic fur and don't shed much. If you're an outdoor enthusiast who wants to maintain a fur-free home, the Portuguese Water Dog might be the pet for you.
10. Basenji
This unique, cat-like breed is famous for its barkless nature. It actually makes a distinctive "yodel" sound!
Basenjis are very intelligent, playful, and sometimes mischievous, with a high prey drive. Additionally, they don't shed a lot, have minimal grooming requirements, and are often free from usual canine odors.
11. Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu was initially bred as a companion pet in China and has remained a famous lap dog to this day. They love human company and usually stick to their owners' sides.
But while they're low-shedding, these dogs will still grow a long, luxurious coat that requires regular grooming. Otherwise, you can keep it trimmed shorter for easier maintenance.
12. Brussels Griffon
Lastly, the Brussels Griffon is a small breed with a rough coat that's non-shedding and simple to groom. That's why these dogs are stellar choices for anyone seeking a low-maintenance pet.
In terms of temperament, Brussels Griffons are smart, affectionate, sensitive, and quite cuddly.
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