Your Lunar Eclipse Horoscope For 2024 Is Here — & These 4 Signs Are In For A Major Glow Up

lunar eclipse

Eclipse season is upon us once more, and this one promises to be unforgettable. This lunar eclipse in Pisces isn't just another cosmic event — it's a transformative experience that will unveil the hidden depths of our collective psyche and confront us with our unresolved karma. This celestial event will be happening on September 17th at 10:34 pm EST. As the veil between worlds thins, it is a rare opportunity to deeply connect with our personal and collective narratives. This lunar eclipse will extend a chance to dismantle outdated patterns and create a more authentic life path. Curious about what this celestial phenomenon holds for you? Read on to discover how this mystical lunar eclipse will influence your sign and what revelations are in store.

Why This Lunar Eclipse In Pisces Will Be Unforgettable

Cora Pursley

At 25 degrees in Pisces, this lunar eclipse signals a profound shift in our understanding of karmic patterns and personal growth. While full moons typically manifest endings and shifts, lunar eclipses amplify these effects tenfold. What makes this lunar eclipse promising is that we are granted a more straightforward path to review how we have been living our lives these last 18 years. This eclipse presents a powerful opportunity for releasing deeply ingrained negative thought patterns and gaining clarity on the necessary changes within ourselves. Expect a dramatic purging of old tendencies, illuminating the roots of our discontent and offering solutions for healing. Like all super full moons, this eclipse calls for release —embrace the chance to let go and move forward without looking back.

​What to Expect During This Lunar Eclipse

Emily Patnaude

This lunar eclipse will interact with Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, creating a dynamic cosmic landscape. The Moon's square to Jupiter will spark waves of idealism and fantasy, potentially leading to impulsivity. Ground yourself in the heart and soul of your decisions to avoid getting swept away. Meanwhile, the Moon's conjunction with Neptune will offer a chance to see beyond the immediate struggles, encouraging a broader perspective.

As many of us may feel dreamy and detached, grounding practices will be beneficial.

The Moon's supportive aspect of Pluto will help us embrace change and recognize that endings pave the way for new opportunities. Furthermore, the harmonious sextile with Uranus will inspire bold decisions and excitement about the future. If you've been contemplating a major shift in your life, now is the time to act on your heart's desires.

Over the next six months, the path to your ideal life will become clearer.

Though the current energies might feel chaotic, clarity will emerge by late October. For now, resist the urge to start new projects, manifesting practices, or make significant decisions.

Eclipse season is a time for stillness and observation.

The answers you seek will unfold in 2025, and this period of reflection and acceptance will pave the way for powerful changes. To support your journey, engage in a release ritual, energy healing, or sound bath. This is just the beginning — take the time to understand what needs to be done to attract better outcomes in your life.

​Which signs will be most effected during the lunar eclipse?

Cora Pursley

Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini (sun, Moon, or rising) fall within the 20-29 degrees. For the next 18 months, your life will begin to change for the better! Although it may sound daunting, consider this time an opportunity to tap into your main character energy. You are ready.

To learn more about what is in store for your sign during this lunar eclipse, look to your sun, Moon, and rising sign horoscopes for insight.

Horoscopes For The Lunar Eclipse 2024 In Pisces

Brit + Co


Aries, your twelfth house is highlighted, urging you to confront hidden fears and subconscious patterns. Expect endings in old subconscious habits or unresolved emotional issues. Use this time for deep reflection and emotional release. Seek solitude through journaling or meditation to uncover and heal inner wounds. This clarity will help you shed outdated patterns and set new intentions for your future. Trust the process of letting go, as it leads to profound personal growth and a more authentic, empowered self.

Brit + Co


Taurus, the focus is on your eleventh house of social networks and aspirations. Significant changes are likely in friendships or group dynamics that no longer align with your true self. Evaluate and release toxic relationships or misaligned goals. Reflect on your social circles and their support of your authentic desires. Use this time to set new intentions for meaningful connections and pursuits. Allow these shifts to renew your personal growth and align with your core values.

Brit + Co


Gemini, your tenth house of career and public life is illuminated. Prepare for notable endings or adjustments in your professional path or public image. Outdated ambitions or roles may come to light, revealing what no longer serves you. Reassess your career goals and release any expectations that no longer fit. Engage in self-reflection to set new, authentic career intentions. This transformative period will help you align your professional life with your core values, leading to a more fulfilling career.

Brit + Co


Cancer, attention turns to your ninth house of higher learning, travel, and beliefs. Major shifts may occur in your philosophical outlook or educational pursuits. Letting go of outdated beliefs or goals that no longer resonate with your true self might be necessary. Use this time for introspection to reassess your values and long-term aspirations. Seek new perspectives and release limiting ideologies. Set fresh intentions for personal growth and exploration, aligning with your core values for a more fulfilling journey.

Brit + Co


Leo, expect significant changes in your eighth house of transformation and shared resources. Endings may arise in financial partnerships or intimate relationships that no longer support your growth. Necessary adjustments in power dynamics or emotional patterns may become evident. Address and process deep-seated issues or financial constraints. Utilize this opportunity for introspection to transform your approach to shared resources and personal power. Set new intentions for empowerment and renewal, fostering stronger, more supportive connections.

Brit + Co


Virgo, the focus is on your seventh house of partnerships and relationships. Significant endings may occur in your one-on-one connections that no longer align with your true needs. Insights into issues within your partnerships may prompt a reevaluation of relationship dynamics. Understand and address these relational patterns. Let go of connections that no longer serve you, and use this time for introspection. Set new intentions for creating balanced and empowering relationships.

Brit + Co


Libra, changes are coming to your sixth house of daily routines, work, and health. Significant adjustments may be needed in your job, habits, or wellness practices. Inefficiencies or health issues may come to light, requiring your attention. Assess and release outdated routines or unhealthy patterns. Make meaningful changes to your work-life balance and self-care practices. Set new, healthier routines and work goals that support your well-being, creating a more balanced and fulfilling daily life.

Brit + Co


Scorpio, your fifth house of creativity, romance, and self-expression, is under the spotlight. Expect significant endings in creative projects, romantic relationships, or personal interests that no longer resonate with your passions. This period may reveal what needs to be released to welcome new forms of joy. Reflect on these aspects of your life and let go of what no longer inspires you. Set new intentions for creative pursuits and romance, exploring fresh, authentic expressions of joy and individuality.

Brit + Co


Sagittarius, the spotlight is on your fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations. Significant changes are likely in your living situation, family dynamics, or deep-seated emotional patterns. Clarity may emerge about what needs to be released for emotional stability. Address past familial issues or outdated home environments. Use this time for introspection and set new intentions for a supportive and nurturing home life. Welcome these changes to align with your emotional well-being and build a more harmonious domestic environment.

Brit + Co


Capricorn, attention shifts to your third house of communication, learning, and local connections. Expect significant changes in how you express yourself, your educational pursuits, or your interactions with your immediate surroundings. Outdated thought patterns or communication methods may come to light. Evaluate and release limiting beliefs or strained relationships. Use this time for deep reflection and set new intentions for clearer, more authentic communication. This transformative period will provide renewed mental clarity and more meaningful connections.

Brit + Co


Aquarius, your second house of finances, values, and self-worth is highlighted. Major endings are expected to be related to your financial situation or personal values. Outdated beliefs about money or self-esteem may need addressing. Review your financial habits and core values, letting go of what no longer serves your growth. Use this transformative period to reassess your financial goals and rebuild your self-worth. Set new intentions for stability and empowerment, aligning your resources and values with your true aspirations.

Brit + Co


Pisces, this lunar eclipse will be the starting point of a powerful change associated with your self and identity. With your first house activated, expect significant shifts in how you present yourself or your self-image. This eclipse may prompt a profound reevaluation of your identity and how you wish to be seen. Release old identities or behaviors that no longer reflect your true self. Use this time for deep self-reflection and renewal. Set new intentions for personal growth and self-expression, taking advantage of this transformative period to realign with your authentic desires and aspirations.

Want to learn more about this auspicious Lunar Eclipse? Join Lumi LIVE on September 15th for an insightful astrology event held remotely! She will dive into the Lunar Eclipse's impact on each zodiac sign and experience a sound bowl healing session to help you realign and recharge. Don't miss this chance to connect with the cosmos and yourself. Click this link to learn more!

Looking for more astrology advice? Be sure to submit your questions to Ask Lumi here!

Header image via Brit + Co

Welcome to October. It’s time to slip into cozy sweater weather, and pumpkin-spice-flavored everything is back on the menu! Mornings are crisp and light while the trees are transitioning into a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues of yellow, amber, red, and deep burgundies – go on a Fall Foliage tour, and you'll get inspired. Also, let’s not forget Halloween, where everyone cannot help but feel a mystical pull while unleashing their wild side by throwing on a costume that reveals their alter ego.

Speaking of mystical, Libra season continues its powerful run with eclipse season in tow. It will be a revelatory month as it will help initiate changes, truth, and possibility. Let’s look at the astrology of October 2024 and observe what is in store for your sign. Read on for your sun, moon, and rising sign October horoscopes!

Astrology Overview for Your October 2024 Horoscopes

Cora Pursley

This month begins with the Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, promising balance, truth, and fairness to be restored in your life and relationships as you align with your heart. This isn’t a time to settle — it's a moment to start living a more authentic path.

This solar eclipse sets the stage.

On October 10, Jupiter retrograde begins, a period that will last until February 4, 2025. This cosmic event encourages you to slow down and take a closer look at the bigger picture of your goals. Use this time to turn inward and embrace spiritual lessons. Consider taking a class or starting that book you've been contemplating. This slowdown provides the perfect opportunity to map out your future dreams.

Jupiter's retrograde in 2024 allows you to become open to possibility. It begins by stepping out of your comfort zone.

The fantastic news is that Pluto Direct is happening on October 11, which will motivate you even more than you have felt these last several months.

It can signal peaceful endings and a willingness to let go of the past.

The conversations will flow in a mysterious rhythm as Mercury enters Scorpio on October 13. It is an ideal time to investigate the mysteries in your life. Probing and asking the right questions will get you the necessary answers. It is a fantastic time to begin release work and cord-cutting if you have barricading thoughts or unwelcome situations.

On October 17, the Full Moon in Aries calls in a significant moment, particularly in the realm of relationships. If you're in a romantic connection, be prepared for potential shifts in leadership dynamics. An aspect of yourself or your partnership may need to undergo review, leading to growth and healing opportunities.

Challenge leads to growth and infinite possibilities.

Patience and receptivity are crucial to navigating this intense lunation. Also, Venus enters Sagittarius on this day, igniting an air of wandering and the desire to be untethered. As you remain invested in growing with your partner or in life, you will experience a deeper connection.

Love will be an adventure.

As we conclude October, Scorpio season begins on October 22, edging in a misty vibe. It’s a perfect time to begin spirit work or personal development because the ability to become receptive to subtle information heightens. Scorpio season will reveal the steps to finding the solution if you have unanswered questions regarding your path.

​Key Dates + Planetary Transits for Your October Horoscope

Andrew Worung

  • 10/2 Solar Eclipse in Libra
  • 10/9 Jupiter Retrograde
  • 10/11 Pluto goes Direct
  • 10/13 Mercury enters Scorpio
  • 10/17 Full Moon in Aries, Venus enters Sagittarius
  • 10/22 Sun in Scorpio

​Is Your Sign in For a Big October Change? Discover Which 6 Signs Will Level Up

Cora Pursley

October 2024 is gearing up to bring some exciting changes just for us. If you're a Libra, expect a strong push for personal growth with a Solar Eclipse in your sign — it’s the perfect moment to rethink your goals and self-image. Aries, get ready to gain clear insights into your ambitions with a Full Moon lighting up your sign. Scorpio, you’ll dive deep into self-discovery as Mercury and the Sun focus on your sign, making this an ideal time for reflection. Taurus, it’s time to reassess your daily routines and health, influenced by the Solar Eclipse, while Jupiter’s retrograde encourages a fresh look at your long-term goals. Pisces, you’ll shift your focus to finances and close relationships, with the Solar Eclipse and Jupiter’s retrograde offering new perspectives. Sagittarius, you’ll shine brightly with Venus enhancing your charm and creativity, and the Full Moon will spark new inspiration for your passions. These cosmic shifts are not just about change, but about the potential for personal growth and transformation that they bring.

Read Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs For Your Monthly Horoscope

Brit + Co


Theme: Personal Clarity

This month, a fresh wave of self-reflection takes center stage as the Solar Eclipse prompts you to reassess your relationships and partnerships. As you navigate these changes, Jupiter’s retrograde in your financial sector encourages you to fine-tune your budget and values. Mid-month, Mercury’s shift into Scorpio brings deep insights into shared resources and intimate connections, possibly reshaping your understanding. The Full Moon in Aries later in the month shines a light on your personal goals, driving you to assert your individuality. By month’s end, Venus entering Sagittarius inspires a quest for new experiences, whether through travel or learning. The Sun’s position in Scorpio further urges you to explore your inner self and deepen connections, making it a time for transformative growth.

Brit + Co


Theme: Routine and Health

Transformation in your daily routines and work environment is on the horizon as the Solar Eclipse prompts a thoughtful reassessment. Jupiter’s retrograde invites you to reflect on your personal goals and self-image, guiding you to align them with your long-term aspirations. Mid-month, Mercury’s move into Scorpio focuses on your partnerships, bringing meaningful conversations that may redefine your relationships. The Full Moon in Aries highlights insights related to personal introspection and behind-the-scenes matters. As the month concludes, Venus entering Sagittarius brings attention to enhancing emotional connections and exploring new ways to manage shared resources. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio emphasizes the importance of clear communication and understanding in your partnerships, paving the way for deeper connections.

Brit + Co


Theme: Creativity and Romance

A burst of creative energy drives your month as the Solar Eclipse encourages you to reevaluate your approach to romance and self-expression. Reflect on how these areas contribute to your joy and fulfillment. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde invites you to revisit past dreams and inner motivations, offering clarity on your current path. Mercury’s entry into Scorpio shifts your focus to daily routines and work, prompting a reassessment of your health and tasks. The Full Moon later in the month illuminates your social networks and long-term goals, potentially leading to significant changes. As Venus enters Sagittarius, relationships come into focus, promoting growth and deeper connections. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio further highlights the need for clarity and transformation in everyday life.

Brit + Co


Theme: Home and Family

This month centers around emotional security as the Solar Eclipse prompts you to reassess your domestic environment and personal foundations. Jupiter’s retrograde shifts your attention to long-term goals and friendships, offering new insights into your social circle. Mid-month, Mercury’s move into Scorpio encourages authentic self-expression and exploration of new passions. The Full Moon focuses on your career and public image, potentially leading to shifts or realizations in your professional life. By the end of the month, Venus entering Sagittarius redirects your attention to improving your daily routines and well-being. The Sun in Scorpio further emphasizes creativity and self-expression, making this a fruitful period for pursuing personal projects and enjoying life’s pleasures.

Brit + Co


Theme: Communication and Learning

Your communication style and local environment are spotlighted this month as the Solar Eclipse prompts you to reflect on how you connect with others. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde encourages a review of your career goals and public image, offering valuable insights into your professional path. Mercury’s shift into Scorpio focuses on home and family matters, inviting deeper conversations and resolutions. The Full Moon later in the month highlights broader horizons, such as travel or higher learning, potentially leading to important realizations. As Venus enters Sagittarius, a fresh, joyful energy invigorates your personal life and creativity. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio underscores the need for balance and emotional clarity in your domestic sphere.

Brit + Co


Theme: Finances and Values

Financial reassessment and realignment of personal values are key themes this month as the Solar Eclipse prompts you to review your budget and financial goals. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde guides you to reflect on your beliefs and plans, offering insights into educational or travel aspirations. Mercury’s entry into Scorpio focuses on communication and local connections, sparking meaningful interactions. The Full Moon highlights transformations related to shared resources or intimate bonds, leading to important realizations. Venus entering Sagittarius brings a nurturing energy to your home and family life. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio further emphasizes the need for clear communication and thoughtful connections with those around you.

Brit + Co


Theme: Personal Transformation

Personal transformation is at the forefront this month as the Solar Eclipse in your sign prompts a reevaluation of your goals and self-image. Reflect on new beginnings and how you present yourself to the world. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde encourages introspection on shared resources and financial partnerships, leading to valuable insights. Mercury’s move into Scorpio shifts your focus to personal finances and values, urging a deeper review of your financial habits. The Full Moon highlights your relationships, potentially bringing clarity or resolution to partnership dynamics. Venus entering Sagittarius infuses your interactions with lively energy, sparking new connections and ideas. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio emphasizes financial matters, encouraging you to address lingering money issues and set a solid foundation for future prosperity.

Brit + Co


Theme: Self-Discovery

Inner growth and introspection define your month as the Solar Eclipse prompts a deep dive into personal transformation. Reflect on hidden concerns and past patterns that influence your present. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde invites you to review your partnerships and collaborations, providing fresh insights into these relationships. As Mercury enters your sign, your communication and self-expression come to the fore, allowing you to clearly articulate your thoughts and intentions. Later in the month, the full moon highlights work and daily routines, possibly revealing significant changes or achievements. Venus entering Sagittarius shifts your focus to finances and personal values, offering a new perspective on your material resources. With the Sun in your sign, you’ll feel empowered to pursue your goals with renewed energy.

Brit + Co


Theme: Creativity and Charisma

This month, reevaluating your social circles and long-term goals takes precedence as the Solar Eclipse prompts reflection on your friendships and aspirations. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde directs your attention to daily routines and health, offering insights into improving your approach to work or self-care. Mercury’s transition into the private sector invites introspection and revisiting past issues. The Full Moon illuminates your creative pursuits and passions, leading to breakthroughs or new inspirations. Venus entering your sign enhances your charm and self-confidence, making it an excellent time to focus on personal appearance and self-expression. The Sun’s presence in your introspective realm encourages deeper self-reflection and clarity.

Brit + Co


Theme: Career and Public Image

Career and public image are highlighted this month as the Solar Eclipse prompts a reassessment of your professional path and ambitions. Consider new strategies to align your career goals with your values. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde invites reflection on creative projects and personal joys, offering insights into how these fit into your broader life plans. Mercury’s entry into the social sector emphasizes strengthening connections and group dynamics. The Full Moon later in the month focuses on your home and family life, potentially revealing new insights or changes. Venus entering the private sector supports introspection and a deeper connection with your inner self. With the Sun in your social sphere, engage with your community and collaborate on shared goals.

Brit + Co


Theme: Expansion and Beliefs

Exploring new horizons and expanding your beliefs are key themes this month as the Solar Eclipse inspires you to rethink your educational pursuits and perspectives. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde shifts focus to home and family life, prompting you to create a more supportive environment. Mercury’s move into a professional sector clarifies your career goals and public image, helping you tweak your plans. The Full Moon later in the month highlights your local environment and communication, potentially leading to significant revelations. Step into the spotlight — you are ready. Venus entering your social sphere boosts friendships and group activities, encouraging new connections. The Sun’s presence in your career sector emphasizes increased focus on professional ambitions.

Brit + Co


Theme: Finances and Recognition

Expect a transformative month focused on reevaluating your financial and intimate connections as the Solar Eclipse urges you to examine shared resources and personal bonds. Explore how these areas impact your overall direction early in the month and consider any necessary changes. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde encourages you to revisit past communications and learning experiences, clarifying unresolved issues and neglected projects. This is the moment for reflection and refinement — you thrive at this. With Mercury moving into Scorpio, you'll discover broader perspectives and beliefs, gaining valuable intel into your long-term aspirations. As the month progresses, the Full Moon focuses on financial matters, revealing new insights or adjustments in your approach to money and possessions. Venus’s entry into your career sector opens doors for professional advancement and recognition. The Sun’s presence in your exploration sector further motivates you to set ambitious goals and broaden your horizons, driving personal and professional growth.

Want to find out how astrology can be the guiding tool to self-acceptance and fulfillment? Click here and claim your copy of Lumi's Beginner's Astrology Book.

For more astrology advice, be sure to Ask Lumi for advice, and follow the conversation on Facebook!

If there's one day a year that you can guarantee your drinks to be gaudy and over-the-top, it's October 31, because there's nothing like a Halloween cocktail. They run the gamut from chic spiderweb martinis to seriously gross-looking (but tasty) fake-blood-infused tonics. Whether you're having a sophisticated and spooky Halloween dinner party or you're going crazy with a big Halloween bash, these cocktails are *exactly* what you need to keep your beverages on-theme.

When you're not entertaining yourself with fall baking or trying on your Halloween costume, play mixologist and try out one of these ghoulish drinks! Put on a classic horror film (or your go-to comfort TV show), and scroll your way through the goriest, spookiest, and most delicious cocktail recipes we have. Happy boo-zing!


Speak Now Spritz

Very few combos scream "Halloween" like purple and glitter. This Halloween cocktail is totally magical, and it's so pretty, it's basically party decor! (via @thespritzeffectfor Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Vampire's Kiss Cocktail

This is one Halloween cocktail that tastes good *and* looks good. Add it to all your spooky get-togethers to totally freak out your guests. Bonus points if you're dressing up as a vampire for Halloween! (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Cranberry Is The New Black Halloween Cocktail

Did you know that black vodka exists? Well, thankfully, it does, and it goes effortlessly into this sparkling cranberry drink. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Black & Orange Rum Punch

It's a Halloween party, so there has to be some orange and black on the menu. This delicious rum punch is a welcome change from all of those pumpkin drinks out there. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Blood Bones Halloween Cocktail

This campy cocktail is something your guests will be talking about all night. Prep your Jello bones ahead of time using some molds, and there's no need for any other garnish. Unless, of course, you want blood bags for the drinks. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Ghostly Halloween Cocktail

Turn your cocktail a ghoulish hue by mixing red and green food coloring together with Chambord. Dry ice added before serving makes the drink smoke like a spooky potion. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Apple Cide-Car

This spin on the classic Sidecar cocktail is like the grown up (and tastier) version of bobbing for apples. You can serve this Halloween cocktail hot or cold, depending on your preference. (via Brit + Co)

A Couple Cooks

Zombie Cocktail

This delicious drink uses rum for a fruity, tropical finish that will remind you of summer – even on Hallow's Eve. (via A Couple Cooks)

Half Baked Harvest

Apple Butter Old Fashioned

Put your fall stock of apple butter to good use in this Old Fashioned recipe. The tart-sweet apple flavor mellows out bourbon's fiery bite for smooth sipping all night long. (via Half Baked Harvest)


Prosecco Punch with Cranberry + Orange

Tangy cranberry and sweet orange set this Prosecco punch apart, giving it a festive harvest flair. Change up the cranberry and orange ratio until you find a mix that you like the best. (via Chattavore)

Sprinkles & Sprouts

Eyeball Martinis

Make your guests squirm with this ingenious Halloween hack. Stuff some Spanish olives into cocktail onions, and they look just like eyeballs – ready to grace your glass with gross. (via Sprinkles & Sprouts)

Madelynne Boykin of @BitesandBevsMedia

YoCo Vodka’s Monster Halloween Cocktail

To make this spooky sip, add 1 ½ oz YoCo Vodka, ¾ oz Lemon Juice, 1 oz Black Raspberry Liqueur, ½ oz Simple Syrup, and ½ tsp Activated Charcoal to a cocktail shaker. Fill the shaker with regular ice and shake vigorously. Strain into a glass, add 1 pea-sized Dry Ice Chip on top, and watch your "monster" come alive! (via YoCo Vodka)

Half Baked Harvest

Death Eater Negroni

This moody take on the Negroni is the drink your Harry Potter-themed party craves. (via Half Baked Harvest)

The Seasoned Mom

Hallowine Sangria

Here's a sweet sangria to add to your spooktacular holiday list! It's made with Cabernet Sauvignon, sugar, orange juice, orange liqueur, and club soda. Easy! (via The Seasoned Mom)

Culinary Hill

Spooky Punch

This tasty fruit punch gets a spooky upgrade when you swap the fruit garnishes for faux spiders. Serve in small glasses or go big with fancy goblets that would make Dracula proud. (via Culinary Hill)

Boulder Locavore

Glow-in-the-Dark Infected Brain Cocktail

If you're into the blood and gore of The Walking Dead or 28 Days Later, this bright concoction may be right up your alley. While it's not quite as eerie as a brain hemorrhage shot (eek!), this whole drink glows in the dark thanks to the tonic water, so serve it when the lights go out. (via Boulder Locavore)

Mi Campo Tequila


Natali Villarruel, National Tequila Ambassador for Mi Campo crafted this stellar cocktail inspired by Halloween candy. “This drink is a throwback to my childhood growing up in Mexico and the Pulparindo candy we’d get on Halloween," she said. To make it, shake 1.5 oz Mi Campo Reposado, .5 oz Ancho Reyes Liqueur, and .5 oz lime juice with ice before straining into a glass. Top it with some Jarritos Tamarindo, and get ready to gulp! (via Mi Campo Tequila)

Half Baked Harvest

Haunted Orchard Cocktail

A mysterious rustling noise in the orchard... a mist creeping in between the trees... it sounds like after your apple picking adventure, you could use a drink! (via Half Baked Harvest)

The Cookie Rookie

Magic Cotton Candy Martini

Impress your friends with an alcoholic magic trick by playing magician mixologist at your party. Pour shaken grape juice and vanilla vodka over cotton candy, and watch it dissolve into a delicious syrup to sweeten your Halloween cocktail. (via The Cookie Rookie)


Toil & Trouble

Craving a Hallowen cocktail that's a bit more elevated? This recipe from Elvie's in Jackson, Mississippi infuses edible glitter into your holiday elixir. To make it, combine 1.5 oz black sesame-infused scotch, 0.5 oz Cathead Hoodoo Chicory liqueur,0.5 oz Cocchi sweet vermouth, and 2 dashes blood orange bitters with some edible glitter! (via Elvie's)

How Sweet Eats

Pomegranate Cider Mimosas with a Salted Caramel Rim

Start your Halloween celebration early by serving up these pomegranate cider mimosas. Of course, it wouldn't be trick-or-treating season without adding some candy to the mix with the salted caramel rim. (via How Sweet Eats)

Grand Marnier

Beetle Juice

This Halloween cocktail boasts a haunting blood red color, perfect for spooking your friends with. To make it, shake 1.5 oz Espolon Blanco tequila, 0.75 oz Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge, 0.75 oz orange juice, 0.5 oz lime juice, and 0.5 oz beet syrup over ice. Strain the mix into an iced glass and garnish with an orange slice! (via Grand Marnier)

Clonakiilty Distillery

Clonakilty Witches Brew Cocktail

This drink pays homage to Ireland's myths and legends through the essence of Samhain, which is, essentially, the ancient Celtic version of Halloween! To make it, mix together 1.75 oz Clonakilty Port Cask Whiskey, .5 oz orange juice, a splash of ginger ale, and garnish it all with an orange slice. (via Clonakiilty Distillery)

Sprinkles & Sprouts

Witches Brew Cocktail

Use regular or black vodka to make this eerie cocktail. The recipe *also* includes a special hack for rimming the glasses with colorful sugar. It's scary good! (via Sprinkles & Sprouts)

Boulder Locavore

The Grave Digger Halloween Cocktail

This creepy cocktail mixes bourbon, hard cider, and ginger ale for a drink that will make even the scariest of demons disappear. (via Boulder Locavore)

The Girl On Bloor

Sour Frankenstein Halloween Cocktails

What makes these cocktails *so* delightfully sour? Homemade margarita mix, shaken with freshly squeezed limes. Oh, and that's not real blood on the rim — just a little corn syrup and red food coloring. (via The Girl On Bloor)

Best Friends for Frosting

The Quick Demise Halloween Cocktail

You wouldn't think that a drink with such a poisonous name would be good for you. With ingredients like carrot, lime, and orange juices, this cocktail is more likely to extend your life... rather than end it. (via Best Friends for Frosting)

A Beautiful Mess

Spider Bite Cocktail

Give the *illusion* of a spider's web, without having to deal with the real thing (or having to clean up a party prop!). This Halloween cocktail is bright and colorful, which is perfect for anyone who's not a huge fan of darker decor this time of year. (via A Beautiful Mess)

Half Baked Harvest

Vampire's Drip Cocktail

If vampires had access to these boozy milkshake-inspired cocktails, maybe they wouldn't be thirsting for blood all the time. Yum! (via Half Baked Harvest)

Ilegal Mezcal

Ilegal Mezcal Margarita de Granada

This spookily strong Halloween drink is powered by mezcal. To make it, add 2 oz Ilegal Mezcal Joven, 1 oz agave syrup, and 0.5 oz pomegranate juice to a shaker, shaking well until chilled. Strain into a rocks glass with fresh ice, garnish with pomegranate seeds and a lime wheel, and you're set to sip! (via Illegal Mezcal)

Boulder Locavore

Slow Cooker Vampire Punch

It's always a nice gesture to make a special drink for guests who don't consume alcohol. Simmer this mocktail punch in the slow cooker so they can help themselves whenever they get thirsty — it'll also make your house smell deliciously like cinnamon. (via Boulder Locavore)

Best Friends for Frosting

White Widow Halloween Cocktail

Sure, a black widow sounds scarier, but this white widow will knock you out with one swing (or swig, ha!). Garnish the top with a black gel icing web that will catch all of your Halloweentime prey. (via Best Friends for Frosting)


Witch's Brew Cocktail Recipe

You certainly wouldn't catch any self-respecting witch with a single beer. She would most definitely be drinking a fabulous purple cocktail, complete with a glitter spider garnish. (via Pizzazzerie)

Growing Up Gabel

Pumpkin Beer-mosas

Pumpkin juice (like they drink in Harry Potter) is mixed with pumpkin beer for a brunch drink that's truly autumnal. (via Growing Up Gabel)

Kitchen Treaty

Candy Corn-Infused Vodka

Didn't think the all-time best Halloween candy (we know it's an unpopular opinion, but still, the right one) could get any better? This infused vodka will make you think again. (via Kitchen Treaty)

Diplomatico Rum

Diplomatico Rum Blood Moon Negroni

To craft this delicious Halloween negroni, stir 1 part Diplomatico Mantuano with 1 part sweet vermouth and 1 part of a bitter Italian aperitif over ice to chill. Strain into a rocks glass with a big block of ice, then garnish with grapefruit peel! (via Diplomatico Rum)

Crowded Kitchen

Poison Apple Cocktail

These spookily sour cocktails emulate everything you love about a margarita and make it Halloween-friendly. (via Crowded Kitchen)

Clean Cuisine

Pumpkin Margaritas

The season's favorite ingredient gets blended into a frozen sip that'll leave you with the spooks all Halloween long. (via Clean Cuisine)

A Spicy Perspective

Smoke & Mirrors Halloween Cocktail

Love a Halloween cocktail, but aren't a huge fan of spooky drink accessories? This sip is equal parts sweet and smokey, and features one of our favorite ingredients: orange blossom water. (via A Spicy Perspective)

The Edgy Veg

Halloween Punch with a Severed Hand

You can create an icy 'severed hand' using a glove for this big ol' bowl of spooks. (via The Edgy Veg)

Follow us on Pinterest for more wickedly delicious Halloween cocktail recipes, and check out these Halloween Drink Recipes For Any Age!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Additional reporting by Paige Johnson and Meredith Holser.

This post has been updated.

Welcome back, Upper East Siders. When the leaves turn orange and coats start to be brought out of storage, it’s a sure sign that Gossip Girlseason is upon us once again. And what better way to ring in fall than to figure out which iconic Gossip Girlcharacter you are based on your zodiac sign?

I’ve typed twelve of the Upper East Side’s most familiar faces based on a combination of their official birthdays and the personalities they exhibit throughout the show. A lot of the time, the two happen to be perfectly aligned (I’m convinced Blair’s birthday was chosen on purpose). Strap on a headband and your cutest stilettos; it’s time to walk down Fifth Avenue and meet your Gossip Girl astrological match. XOXO, Brit + Co.

Warner Bros. Television

Aries: Jenny Humphrey

As the first sign in the zodiac, Aries is full of unbridled optimism. Jenny Humphrey thought she could be Constance’s new queen bee, get away with cutting school with a full-time internship, and launch a highly successful fashion career as a high school sophomore — that’s pretty much the definition of blind optimism. Jenny’s spunky, outspoken, and unafraid to ruffle a lot of feathers to get what she wants. Her red-hot spark is something to be admired.

Giovanni Rufino

Taurus: Dan Humphrey

Dan Humphrey may have the keen analytical eye of a Virgo, but he’s got the taste for luxury of a Taurus. He prides himself on being down to earth, yet he can’t resist getting close to that famed Upper East Side glamor. He’s stubborn when it comes to love, which may explain why he keeps going back to Serena time and time again. Some may call it silly; Dan calls it stable.

Warner Bros. Television

Gemini: Georgina Sparks

You’ve got to hand it to Georgina — she knows how to transform herself into whoever she needs to be whenever she wants. She can be a total darling at one minute and deliciously wicked the next. Geminis like her are more than just “two-faced,” though; they’re also quick-witted, restless, and spontaneous. It’s what makes them so fun to watch.

Warner Bros. Television

Cancer: Nate Archibald

Nate is the Golden Retriever of the Gossip Girl boys. He’s popular, laidback, loyal, and compassionate. This rich boy next door wears his heart on his sleeve and is always willing to lend a hand to a friend in need. But don’t take advantage of this crab’s kindness. If you do Nate dirty, he’ll protect himself behind his tough outer shell, and it’ll take a lot to regain his trust.

Warner Bros. Television

Leo: Serena van der Woodsen

There’s only one zodiac sign iconic enough for the Upper East Side’s "It" Girl: Leo. Serena craves being in the spotlight – so much so that she’s been known to act a little wild just for some attention. She’s also incredibly warm and loyal to those she loves (until she feels threatened). Her magnetic presence lights up any room she walks into, just like you, Leo.

Warner Bros. Television

Virgo: Dorota Kishlovsky

Blair’s ride-or-die maid, Dorota, is a Virgo. Her moral compass might not always align with Blair’s schemes, but her sharp mind plays a crucial role in helping them succeed. She’s a supportive, hardworking friend who always has others’ best interests at heart and never hesitates to take action on their behalf.

Warner Bros. Television

Libra: Lily van der Woodsen

Lily is the definition of luxury. She’s a woman of high class with high tastes, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. But her elegance isn’t the only thing that makes her a Libra. She’s also got Libras’ hallmark ability to charm a room and get along with nearly everyone, which comes in handy when cleaning up her daughter’s (and her own) messes. Aesthetics are everything, so she’ll take a rain check on the emotional soul-baring, ‘kay?

Warner Bros. Television

Scorpio: Blair Waldorf

Cunning, romantic, ambitious, and sensitive: Blair Waldorf carries these traits with the pride of carrying a Birkin bag. Blair is canonically a Scorpio, and the sign couldn’t be more fitting. She’s highly strategic and calculating, which makes reaching her goals and exacting revenge on her enemies that much more satisfying. She places a high value on sex and love and is willing to wait as long as it takes for a man who meets her extremely high standards.

Warner Bros. Television

Sagittarius: Rufus Humphrey

Rufus’s birthday is December 7, making him a Sagittarius. He definitely lived up to the fun-loving nature of his sign during his rock ‘n’ roll years, but as he got older, he chilled out a lot more. As long as he has his art gallery, his guitar, and his daydreams about things finally working out with Lily, he’s all set. Play some Lincoln Hawk and make some waffles in honor of your GG twin, Sag.

Warner Bros. Television

Capricorn: Chuck Bass

Blunt yet smooth-talking Chuck Bass was born on January 19, which makes him a Capricorn. He certainly embodies the stereotypical hard-working nature of the sign; he’s a businessman first and a teenager second. His party-boy ways are actually in line with the fun, often hidden side of Capricorn, as is the loyalty he reserves for those lucky enough to be let into his inner circle.

Warner Bros. Television

Aquarius: Vanessa Abrams

As a social justice-loving Aquarius, Vanessa’s actively trying to make the world a better place. She doesn’t tolerate anyone’s BS, especially from anyone who lives on the UES, and she isn’t afraid to tell them to their face. She’s got a strong moral compass, a drive to tell the truth, and a strong appreciation for the arts, all three of which are highly important to Aquariuses.

Warner Bros. Television

Pisces: Eric van der Woodsen

Eric van der Woodsen is probably the most easygoing character on Gossip Girl. All he’s ever wanted is for everyone to get along. He often pushes his own needs and concerns aside for the sake of his friends and family, as Pisceans tend to do. At his best, Eric is witty, supportive, intuitive, and wise.

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Header image via Warner Bros. Television

I set a color palette for myself for every season. Every. Single. One. It gives me a north star as to how I style what's in my current wardrobe, and what I need to keep an eye out for when shopping. Otherwise, I tend to veer off and shop things that I wouldn't normally wear, or that won't go with what I already own.

After looking at what's currently trending for fall, it appears my color palette is spot on for this season. So, if you're curious what colors are currently in style — and how you can where them — I've got you covered! From dresses to jackets to shoes, keep reading to see the best ways you can add color to your closet this season!



Dôen Elowen Skirt

I can't stop thinking about this skirt for fall — it's my #1 must-have. I just know I can get so much wear out of it, which is the testament to any piece of clothing or purchase you're going to make. I could style it with a basic tee or tank, or style it with a cashmere cardigan and heels like above. The options are endless!


Madewell Greta Flat

A great way to incorporate new hues into your wardrobe this fall — especially if you're a little nervous to use too much color — is through your shoes! That way you can keep a simple fit, with dress or a basic top, and add an extra pop of color to your shoes. That will create a fun mixture of classic pieces, with a fun statement for juxtaposition. Madewell also has the best new arrivals for the season, so definitely check it out ASAP!

Terracotta (or Tomato Cream)


Quince Vintage Wash Dress

Maxi dresses are a staple of mine, no matter what season it is. I will throw on a comfortable, airy maxi dress over sweatpants any day of the week. This dress is not only a maxi, but it's also in the perfect shade of tomato cream, which is the "It" color for fall 2024. I love the shape, color, and even the brand, Quince! I've bought a few pieces from them and ended up loving every single one!


Cuyana Classic Easy Tote

Cuyana makes fantastic bags, and it's no surprise to me that they would jump on the terracotta trend with their classic tote silhouette. This spacious bag can hold just about anything, and even has a little inside pocket for goodies like keys, lip gloss, and other essentials that can get lost in the bottom of your purse. I definitely recommend throwing this over your shoulder if you're eager to try out this color trend!


Mille Suki Polka Dot Long Sleeve Cotton Blend Dress

Remember what I said about maxi dresses? Well, I couldn't help but add another one! This adorable polka dot number is a lovely take on the terracotta trend! The semi-puff sleeves paired with the keyhole cutout in the bust make for a chic sort of cottagecore silhouette that I just can't get enough of!

Bright Red

Ann Taylor

Ann Taylor Tuck Stitch Cardigan

I love Ann Taylor for all their classic staples, and this red sweater is no exception! It pulls together that vintage, old money style in a more modern way which is just the look I'm going for when styling this shade of red. The gold buttons are the perfect cherry on top to this stitch cardigan.

Lucky Brand

Lucky Brand Boot Leg Jean

These classic, red boot leg jeans are on sale for only $39! They're the perfect way to make a statement for fall, while being perfectly on trend. I love them, because they make getting dressed easy. Since they're a statement piece, themselves, all you have to do is add a button down and some simple shoes for a put-together look.


Dôen Marianne Dress

This red dress from Dôen may seem like a statement piece, but it's actually a staple piece, too. This dress has carried me through so many different occasions, and so many different outfits because of how versatile it is. It can be styled up with heels or down with flats. A gem of a piece to add to your everyday wardrobe essentials!

Green (In Every Shade)


Madewell Belted Trench Coat

This coat, while slightly khaki-colored rather than green, is a great example of incorporating green into your wardrobe in a mild way. Plus, styling it with chocolate brown like above is another amazing way to add a popular color theme for fall! I'm all about this shade of green!


Gap Cashsoft Sweater

This sweater is made with a plush-like cashmere that is almost identical to the soft, quintessential fall fabric. It's incredibly cozy, just like cashmere, but on a budget for those of us that are trying not to spend $100+ on a sweater. This cardigan is in this autumn season, because #BratSummer is extending into fall! Grab this green sweater for a fun pop of color!



Dôen Leah Dress

No, folks, this color is not going anywhere post Labor Day! It's still around, and better than ever for the fall! In fact, millennials are describing it as "old money" to wear white this fall, so take notes ladies and gentleman. One of my favorite ways to wear white in autumn is with a cream shade — just like this absolutely gorgeous Dôen dress that's what dreams are made of (at least what mine are)! I can see it as my quintessential daily fall fit paired with either flats or tall boots!

Ann Taylor

Ann Taylor White Corduroy Pants

This entire 'fit is such a look — and something I will definitely wear this autumn, including these incredibly chic corduroy pants in white. The pants honestly take the outfit to a whole other level! I like the added texture that feels fall but still approachable, and could be worn year-round.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations

In a world where people are hopping onto strange food trends without hesitation, like making pizza with naan and customizing their morning coffees beyond repair, it’s amazing anyone could still be grossed out by food. Needless to say, we still have our limits… especially when it comes to those itty bitty white worms wiggling around in our pretty pink salmon fillets (HUH?). But before you swear off these healthy omega-3-rich fillets for good, let’s understand what these worms in salmon are, why they’re present, and why you don’t have to snub your fave lox at brunch this Sunday.

Monstruo Estudio

The white worms we occasionally spot in salmon fillets are parasites called roundworms. Though these worms are more noticeable in salmon due to the contrast in color, they can be found in many white fish too — they’re just camouflaged.

But we shouldn’t be freaking out.

Huy Phan / PEXELS

Despite the fact that our knee-jerk reaction is to panic and consider things contaminated, roundworms are as natural to fish as insects are to fruits and veggies. A teeny white worm in your salmon is the equivalent to an aphid, thrip, or mite in your recently harvested greens. Yes, it’s still yucky AF, but totally natural.

Valeria Boltneva / PEXELS

The good news is that roundworms don’t pose health risks when fish is thoroughly cooked to an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the FDA’s recommendation. When it comes to lightly preserved or raw fish — like sushi, sashimi, ceviche, or gravlax — as long as the product was commercially frozen to an internal temperature of -4 degrees Fahrenheit for at least seven days prior to preparation, parasites are terminated. (High five, fellow sushi lovers!)

Just be sure to avoid sketchy sushi joints; when you hear about people getting sick from eating at low-profile all-you-can-eat sushi spot, it’s because they aren’t handling their fish properly.

Lum3n / PEXELS

It is believed by some that wild-caught fish are more susceptible to roundworms due to the fact that they interact with an external ecosystem, while farmed fish are segregated from the wild and are fed pellets treated for parasites. This isn’t something *we* can confirm, but it’s food for thought nonetheless.

Mister Mister / PEXELS

If you really want to feast on fish but paranoia has now gotten the best of you, there is an at-home method you can try: fish candling. This method has you place a bright light beneath a fillet of fish so you can see the shadows of any worms present. You can then grab some tweezers and remove, then discard of the worms yourself. (This method obviously isn’t for the faint of heart.)

We say, thoroughly cook your fish and pretend worms never happened!

Would finding worms in your salmon deter you from eating it ever again? Let us know @BritandCo!

This post has been updated.