16 Tips for Shaking Off Stress Like a Pro

Let’s face the facts: Stress is a normal part of modern life. That’s right, even if you’re Queen Bey, stress is part of the daily grind. The thing is, it doesn’t have to be a BIG part of your life — if you can manage it effectively. We’ve looked into the daily lives of successful people from all walks of life to bring you advice for managing stress throughout your day. If you want to begin each morning and end each night with little less worry, start with these tips.

1. Apple Pie Chia Pudding: Get a fresh start to your day with this make-ahead, healthy breakfast. Chia is a great addition to your morning routine, as it can curb stress and power you through your day. Just ask Gwynnie — she’s a total believer in starting your day with chia. (via Brit + Co)

2. Prepare a Healthy Lunch: Life is hectic, so why not simplify things? Fuel your day with filling, healthy food prepared by Y-O-U. With a bit of pre-planning, prep and a way-cool lunch tote, you’ve got some healthy eats that can get you through your busy, on-the-go schedule. (photo via Oh She Glows)

3. Cooking = Therapy: That’s right, skip take-out and de-stress in your kitchen. It’s true; the Wall Street Journal gives a great recount on how cooking benefits our mental health.

Make Use of Your Lunch Breaks

4. Lunchtime Walk: What you do at lunch can make or break your day, so take some me-time and get out of the office. A dose of sunshine and fresh air can do your mind and body good. Take a 15-minute stroll to let your mind wander and reflect before heading back to a busy afternoon.

5. Happify App: Train your brain, cope with stress and build skills for happiness with Happify’s science-based games and activities. Set a goal to increase your happiness and use the app to get tips to help you achieve your goal and end negative thought patterns. (Free on iOS)

6. Never Eat Alone($20): Don’t spend your lunch hour reading emails and playing catch-up. Instead, use this time to focus and take a mental break from work. Make a goal to have lunch with someone new each week, and you may just be surprised at what can happen.

Unplug and Recharge

7. Moment App: Don’t let your digital life get in the way of what’s really important. Moment lets users set daily goals for usage and alerts you when you’re spending too much time tweeting and Facebooking, instead of focusing on real life. (Free on iOS)

8. Headspace ($2): It’s important to take a moment to let your mind just be. If you struggle with breaking away from the flurry of emails, messages and to-dos, turn to Headspace. This app provides 10-minute meditation sessions to relieve unwanted stress. (Free on iOS and Android)

9. Desk Stretches: Successful people move, and that means at your desk too. Being hunched over a desk all day puts unnecessary stress on joints and muscles, so it’s only fair to give ’em a break with a mid-day stretch. Follow this simple guide to stretching right from your desk. (via A Cup of Jo)

Create a Relaxing Environment

10. Get Green: We spend many hours behind a desk, away from sunshine and fresh air. Bringing a bit of the outdoors in can actually relieve tension by purifying the air around you and clearing your mind. Place these calming plants around your home and work space to stay rejuvenated. (via Happy Interior)

11. Take a Bath: One of the best ways to unwind after a long week is to melt away in a hot bubble bath. Make time each week to transform your bathroom into a relaxation spa and turn to these soothing DIY bath salts to soak away stress. (photo via Om Nom Ally)

Get Organized

12. Desk Organizers ($20+): Keeping organized helps streamline your day and dodge a few headaches along the way. Desk organizers are just one of those things that help amp your productivity, but who says they have to be boring? Bring some personality to the office as form meets function with designer Eric Pfeiffer’s desk organizers for Evernote.

13. Any.do: If this task manager doesn’t help you stay organized and on track with your to-do lists and calendars, we don’t know what will. Any.do can manage to-dos with ease, and it also can remind you to return missed calls, focus on what you’ve accomplished and prep for the next day. (Free on iOs and Android)

Have a Routine For Falling Asleep

14. Get the Right Amount of Sleep: Do you know what successful people do well? They sleep. Check the National Sleep Foundation’s recommendations to make sure you’re getting enough hours to be your most productive (and least grumpy!).

15. Thrive ($9): That blue light from your device isn’t going to help you sleep; in fact, it has the opposite effect. Put down the tech devices and do what successful people like Arianna Huffington do before bed: Read a book.

16. The Happiness Project ($11): Gretchin Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, is an advocate of setting an actual bedtime. If you’re not getting at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night, then you’re depriving yourself of happiness.

Okay, successful people of the world, what are your secrets to managing daily stress? Spill ’em in the comments below.

I'm a serial napper who loves getting as much sleep as I can, but last year shone a spotlight on how much sleepmaxxingwasn't helping me. Between fighting insomnia and waking up with my stress response on high alert, I knew I needed to make changes so grogginess wouldn't be my default mood.

Once I started asking myself a series of deep questions to see what I needed, I recognized why I wasn't feeling great. Not only were my sleeping habits terrible, I also wasn't thinking about other types of rest needed to function normally. With nothing but hope and time on my hands, I decided to conduct a 'rest' experiment to see if I could improve how I feel.

Based on my results — and the advice from licensed therapist Brooke Sprowl, LCSW of My LA Therapy — slow living feels good.

Scroll to see the 7 types of rest that can help you feel totally refreshed in 2025!

Cora Pursley

1. Physical Rest: Prioritizing physical rest led to a decreased need to be productive.

I inherited my parents' tendency to work on my days off because being idle felt like I was signaling how lazy I am. Instead of sleeping in on Saturdays, I'd wake up early to clean before cooking breakfast, planning activities for my son, and going over content creation ideas. Couch rotting wasn't allowed until I was absolutely done with everything, but there was always something to do.

The day I collapsed in my bedroom after rearranging the living room and my office was the moment I asked, "How did I decide working myself to pure exhaustion meant I was an amazing woman?" So, I gave myself permission to start using my weekends to rest. Sprowl says, "Physical rest includes both passive activities like sleep and active recovery practices like gentle stretching, yoga, or massage."

She also indicates collapsing was likely a sign my body's way of sending a huge flare to get my attention. "Listen to your body’s signals of fatigue and make rest a proactive priority rather than waiting for exhaustion to take over," she encourages.

For me, this looks like sleeping in past 10 a.m., stretching my body in the morning, and taking long showers. It's an act of resistance that's helped me unplug and reset after a long work week. Sprowl believes getting physical rest helps "restore the body's reserves, reduces stress hormones, and supports overall physical health," ultimately "laying the foundation for every other type of rest."

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2. Mental Rest: Taking a mental break helped me unplug.

I'm a chronic over-thinker, so I'm still learning how to give my brain a break. However, tools I've picked up from therapy help along with reminders from my inner circle. Why does it matter? Sprowl says, "Mental rest is about giving your mind a break from overthinking, decision fatigue, or cognitive overload."

Besides unplugging from work, I have to remind myself to stay present by focusing on things that are in my vicinity. Sprowl says giving yourself a mental break may look similar or different. "This might mean stepping away from work, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in activities that allow your brain to wander, like walking in nature."

If you and I don't allow our brains to 'cool down,' she believes "it can lead to irritability and difficulty focusing" which explains the moments I barely had patience last year. Genuinely resting "fosters clarity and cognitive balance," according to Sprowl which is what we could use more of!


3. Emotional Rest: Treating my emotional health with care helped me embrace vulnerability.

The other area I struggle with sometimes is my emotional health. A physically and mentally exhausted Jasmine often leads to an emotionally unhinged version of myself that struggles to express what's wrong or things I need. "Emotional rest involves creating safe spaces to express feelings or allowing yourself to step back from emotional labor," Sprowl points out.

It matters because it can "ease racing thoughts and unresolved feelings that interfere with sleep," according to her. Prioritizing this kind of rest essentially creates "a sense of calm before bedtime" in her opinion. It can look like "journaling, talking to a trusted friend, or working with a therapist" to "help unburden accumulated emotions."

If I'm not gratitude journaling, I'm usually talking to one of my best friends or fiancé about anything I may be struggling with. Being vulnerable with people who care about me has helped calm my sea of emotions, creating a level of comfort I haven't felt in years.

Anna Tarazevich

4. Social Rest: Reaffirming my need for social breaks stopped making me feel weird.

This is a safe space, right? My daily confession is that I've always prioritized social rest. I didn't have a name for it when I was younger, but I've been able to feel when my social battery is depleted which leads me to find a way to reset alone. I almost lost my ability to do so when social media was popularized, but the past couple of weeks have reminded me to take steps back so I'm not internalizing different opinions and emotions.

Sprowl says, "Social rest combats the overstimulation and comparison often fueled by digital platforms, helping you reconnect with yourself." It's hard for me to hear myself when I'm thinking about what everyone else is saying so I'll put on my phone on DND (do not disturb) or set screen limits for various apps.

It's something Sprowl feels is vital. "Social rest means setting boundaries around social interactions, particularly with relationships that drain rather than nourish." Like I've been doing, she further says "limiting time on social media, scheduling solo time, or prioritizing relationships where you feel truly seen and supported" are some of the ways you can also hit the reset button.

Tima Miroshnichenko

5. Spiritual Rest: Tapping into spiritual rest helped me feel less afraid.

I don't mind talking about my religious background, but I understand not everyone shares the same beliefs I do. Still, I'm a firm believer that we need to prioritize spiritual rest in a world that's in hustle mode. Sprowl says this "nurtures the soul, creating a sense of peace and alignment with your values." She believes "connecting to something greater than yourself" can help add to the physical, emotional, mental, and social ways we may need to hit pause.

I personally love to pray, read devotionals, or use my journal to reflect about various things. Other things Sprowl suggests doing are mediating, grounding yourself in nature, or adopting a gratitude practice. Whatever you choose to do, she feels "it's about finding purpose and meaning in your life."

Carleigh Ellison

6. Creative Rest: Creative breaks made me feel less irritated by what I love to do.

Fellow creatives, are we okay? It seems like the very thing we love to do — creating art — can leave us feeling drained which is confusing. But I've got a secret as someone whose dream career is a reality: we have to stop and take breaks from creating sometimes. Please don't throw tomatoes! I'm serous here.

Sprowl says, "For those who thrive on innovation, creative rest involves stepping back from the pressure to produce and immersing yourself in inspiration." See? I'm not just making this up! Just like the social rest I've become a pro at, I've learned how to go on little adventures around my neighborhood, discover new food places to eat, or get lost in one of my music playlists.

Sprowl says you too can "visit an art gallery, listen to music, read poetry, watch an artful movie or show, or simply allow yourself to enjoy beauty without the expectation of creating." Being in the moment "replenishes the well of inspiration" us creatives pull from, thus "preventing burnout and keeping creative pursuits joyful," according to her.

cottonbro studio

7. Sensory Rest: Getting real about sensory overload stopped me from being irritable.

Sensory overload is real! I'm extremely quick to tell my fiancé, "Honey, I'm feeling overstimulated and need a break" which he knows means I have about 5-10 minutes before my irritability says, "Peek-a-boo!" Becoming a mom made me more aware of how much adults can't always tell when there's too much going on for our liking so I've worked hard to be more aware.

If I can't stand being touched after a while or need the TV's volume lowered, it's a sign that I've been dealing with them for too long. Sprowl says, "Sensory rest requires reducing stimuli like bright screens, loud environments, or excessive multitasking. Consider dimming lights in the evening, unplugging from devices, or practicing sensory mindfulness, like focusing on a single sound or texture."

My favorite thing to do is take a hot shower in the dark sometimes. My fiancé thought it was strange the first time I did it, but now he knows it's something I need. Other things I'll do is sit on my office's floor and journal by myself. It's a nice way to tap into my inner calm instead of getting overly upset.

"In our overstimulating world, sensory rest calms the nervous system and helps prevent overwhelm," says Sprowl.

Focusing on 7 types of rest sounds like a lot, but it's not when you consider how many things can raise our cortisol levels. From internal to external irritants, we're constantly being bombarded with things that can cause pure exhaustion. It just makes more sense to me to prioritize self-care that doesn't always involve spending money.

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It’s rare we see our most beloved celebs brave a bare-face on social media, but what’s even more rare is a no-makeup selfie. Lucky for you, I did some sleuthing and found some of our favorite celebs who risked it all and did both. These makeup-free moments are not only totally inspiring us to embrace our own natural beauty right now, but they're also just downright gorgeous! So, without further ado, these are the 35 best makeup-free selfies from your fave celebrities!

Scroll to see our favorite makeup-free celebrity selfies!


1. Rachel Sennott

Not only did Rachel Sennott give us one of the best trending TikTok audios (IYKYK), she also gave us this selfie — and for that, I’m forever thankful.


2. Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson is currently the face of not wearing makeup in Hollywood, so of course she has a makeup-free selfie in the vault – a breathtaking one at that!


3. Julia Roberts

Ok,Pretty Woman! Saying this photo is anything but stunning would be a big mistake — HUGE.


4. Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore

This selfie in particular was too iconic not to include! Two out of the three Charlie’s Angels, AKA Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore, graced us with their fresh faces — gorgeous!


5. Drew Barrymore

Sorry, I just can’t get enough of Drew Barrymore and her to-die-for selfies! Anyone else wanna put a flower in their hair and call it a day?


6. Selena Gomez

Did Selena name her beauty brand, Rare Beauty, after herself?! Seriously, she looks so amazing in this quick pic!


7. Ariana Grande

Glinda...oops sorry! I mean Ariana Grande, doesn’t need makeup – just her crown.


8. Beanie Feldstein

A fresh faced Beanie, next to The Bean. So much to love in just one image!


9. Anne Hathaway

I think her caption says it all. Stars, they’re just like us. (We love you, Anne!)


10. Elle Fanning

Elle Fanning shows off her fresh face along with a fresh bob cut! Total style inspo, if you ask me!


11. Heidi Klum

Model and overall icon Heidi Klum may love to pile on the makeup for her favorite holiday (Halloween, duh), but it’s quite the opposite from how she presents herself the other 364 days of the year. I love her and she’s gorgeous either way – with or without the worm costume and makeup.


12. Sofia Vergara

Sofia Vergara is always beautiful, but this selfie just totally seals the deal! BRB while I try to perfect my own selfie pout like that.


13. Gwyneth Paltrow

GOOP CEO and founder, Gwyneth Paltrow tends to don a fresh face on the regular, so it wasn’t too hard to find a makeup free selfie in her slew of posts. We love to see it!


14. Gisele Bündchen

Who needs runways to show off your beauty when there are selfies and social media? Simply stunning in every way, Gisele!


15. Alicia Keys

Alicia Keys proves she is the girl on fire, hotter than a fantasy, in this summer time selfie!


16. Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson likes her selfies up close and personal!


17. Hilary Duff

It’s no wonder Hilary Duff needs acupuncture, she essentially carried the early 2000s on her back, and in this selfie, a literal human! Her caption reading “Pretty slow week around here. And gently trying to give baby the eviction notice.”


18. Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox

Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox gave us all the trends of the ’90s – they were the it girls of the decade – so it’s not surprising they can flawlessly execute a makeup-free selfie!


19. Courtney Cox and Lisa Kudrow

I’m skipping past the makeup free of it all, because I have major FOMO from this Friends reunion.


20. Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon says, "Hello Sunshine!" in this selfie! Sorry, I had to.


21. Lady Gaga

What can’t Lady Gaga do?! Practically perfect in every way!


22. Sarah Michelle Gellar

In addition to slaying vampires, Sarah Michelle Gellar slays makeup-free selfies.


23. Ciara

Ciara strikes a date night pose while out with her husband Russell Wilson. Not-so-news-flash, she looks amazing.


24. Jessical Biel

Jessica Biel shows us that she doesn’t need makeup around her beau, Justin Timberlake (the way it should be)!


25. Jenna Dewan

In case you had forgotten how beautiful Jenna Dewan is, she posted a selfie to remind the world.


26. Ellen Pompeo

Oh to be Ellen Pompeo’s poodle, Gigi.


27. Renee Rapp

I mean Renee Rapp, AKA our very own Regina George, not only gave us just one makeup-free selfie, but an entire carousel of beauties!


28. Cynthia Ervio

Cynthia gives us a glimpse of how she stays so fit with this selfie, showing off her running ‘fit and stunning bare face – I wish I looked this good before a run!


29. Kim Kardashian

The queen of dressing up even has her makeup free days! After all, the beauty and fashion mogul needs some R&R just like the rest of us.


30. Cara Delevingne

Now I understand the sentiment behind the thought of owners looking like their pets. The model and her cats were giving it their all in this cozy selfie!


31. Megan Thee Stallion

If I looked this good, I’d be posting makeup free selfies all day too, Megan.


32. Lili Reinhart

Lili has always been real with fans, whether on Tik Tok or Instagram, she’s revealed it all – especially when it comes to her struggles with acne. She bares all in this gorgeous selfie, proving there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for others.


33. Demi Moore

I’m not sure who’s more famous, Demi Moore or her dog, Pilaf. Regardless, Demi and Pilaf showed off their make-up free selfie faces together in this too-cute post.


34. Jennifer Garner

Hollywood’s sweetheart, Jennifer Garner, is constantly posting make-up free selfies, videos, and pictures others have taken of her. She’s been, and always will be, that girl – reminding us all that life is short and to bare all (I’m talking makeup here, people)!


35. Keke Palmer

Keke recently blessed our timelines with this gorgeous makeup-free selfie, all while pairing it with her trademark hilarity everyone loves, captioning it “This is the face a Virgo makes when they’re proven right after they told you they was right.”

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If you've been struggling to get enough sleep, new TikTok viral wellness trend — 'sleepmaxxing' — wants to help. We'd give anything to stop dealing with insomnia, middle-of-the-night wakeup calls, and overall sleep anxiety. But does this trend work? And more importantly, are all these social media tips safe for you to try?

Dr. Ankur Bindal, MD, MPH, FAPA, FAASM can tell you better than we can given his board certification in psychiatry, from American Board of Psychiatry & neurology. In addition to being the founder of the KAB Medical Group Inc. in San Diego, he's also a board certified sleep medicine practitioner who's seen firsthand how a lack of rest can affect our overall wellbeing.


  • Sleepmaxxing is a TikTok trend that's focused on setting yourself up for the best night of sleep possible.
  • While sleep masks and other tangible efforts to get comfortable in bed are great, you mainly want to make sure you're making healthy choices before bed like avoiding your phone.
  • Adults should aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night.
  • Eliminate too much light in your bedroom, avoid screen time, and establish consistent sleeping and waking times.

What is sleepmaxxing?


If you're confused about sleepmaxxing, you're not alone — it's really not a straightforward term. It reminds us of what Will Ferrell said in Blades of Glory: "No one knows what it means but it's provocative...gets the people going." However, it actually has a meaning, and Dr. Bindal succinctly breaks it down. "Sleepmaxxing is the art and science of optimizing one's sleep and achieving the best possible quality & quantity of sleep by addressing every factor that can disrupt sleep," he says. This can look like using ear plugs, sleep masks, establishing specific sleep rituals, or anything else that is soothing and helpful.

Mainly, if you actually want to maximize your sleep, then you need to focus on what you do before you go to bed. Unbeknownst to us at times, our bedtime habits can affect the kind of rest we get (or not) at night. Dr. Bindal says, "Optimal Sleep hygiene methodologies including limiting light and sound exposure to using the latest sleep gadgets so sleepmaxxing aims to enhance sleep quality to the fullest." Unfortunately this means our habit of binge watching shows or scrolling mindlessly on TikTok at night aren't helping us.

I mean, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 35% of those surveyed have their sleep interrupted by lights inside of their homes. That's just lights, sans repetitious social media sounds and compelling television plots. When you add those on top of it all...let's just say we really are not doing ourselves any favors.

How does getting the proper amount of rest aid in our overall wellbeing?

Ahmed ツ

Now that you have a better idea of what sleepmaxxing is, we have to talk about why it matters. Dr. Bindal says getting the "proper amount of sleep" helps support" the following "various bodily functions" including, but not limited to:

  • Brain health — Enhanced cognition in domains of learning, concentration and consolidating memory by promoting phenomenon of hippocampal plasticity
  • Immune system function — A production of essential immune cells, better equipped to fighting off infections
  • Hormone regulation — A regulation of mood and reduced stress and physical repair that promotes muscle recovery, tissue repair, and overall physical development

He further explains that hormone regulation eventually leads to "improved mood, concentration, energy levels, and reduced risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes."

Basically, the health benefits of slowing down and going to sleep outweigh what society often pushes — staying up later, longer and hustling at all hours of the day and night.

On average, how many hours of sleep are recommended?


How much rest are you truly getting at night? If you ask America's Health Rankings, 35% of adults are getting less than seven hours of sleep. Dr. Bindal says that while adults should sleep between seven and nine hours every night, and there are health risks for those who don't. "Research corroborates that adults who sleep less than seven hours a night may have more health issues than those who do," he explains. Johns Hopkins Medicinefound that sleep deprivation can lead to a "36% increased risk for colorectal cancer," propensity for developing type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and an overall lower immune system.

Saying "I'll sleep when I'm dead," may sound like a joke, but there's nothing funny about not letting your body get the rest it needs to function.

Should people with sleep difficulties try sleepmaxxing?

Marcus Aurelius

There are several reasons why your sleep could be negatively impacted right now. You may be dealing with insomnia due to stress, depression, or being a new parent. According to the American Psychological Association, 43% of people believe being stressed contributes to their lack of sleep. Furthermore, these same people have noticed their mood has shifted. The same reports shows that 45% of people who are getting less than the recommended hours of sleep have shared they feel on edge more than others while 52% have noticed they've been taking their frustrations out on those in their household.

Dr. Bindal agrees that sleepmaxxing can greatly benefit you if you're struggling because it can "enhance sleep quality to the fullest and emphasizes the importance of optimal sleep health."

How does sleepmaxxing benefit us?

Pavel Danilyuk

Clearly, you need a certain amount of sleep to function properly and achieve all those goals you've so intentionally set recently (hello, October Theory!). That's where sleepmaxxing can come in. Dr. Bindal says, "Improved sleep quality can lead to enhanced mental clarity and emotional stability, making it easier to navigate daily challenges."

If you're planning to change a few habits, you're going to need all the strength and focus you can access because change isn't always easy — even if you welcome it! So when you're implementing these new nighttime routines, be sure to stick to them. Turn your phone on Do Not Disturb, avoid the itch to scroll socials, and make sure you're able to properly relax. It can make all the difference in the world!

How can we incorporate sleepmaxxing in our bedtime routines?


If you don't know how to make sleepmaxxing work for you, Dr. Bindal has great suggestions! "Key techniques include optimizing your sleep environment, establishing a consistent sleep schedule, and managing stress and anxiety," he suggests.

One of the key ways you can make sure your room will promote a good night's sleep is by "adjusting the temperature" or "practicing a relaxation exercises before bed," he says. While meditation and mindfulness may be relaxation exercises that take practice over time, choosing the correct temperature is an easy way to set yourself up for success. Everyone's different, but he truly believes your room should be between 65 and 69 degrees Fahrenheit, too.

As Dr. Bindal mentioned before, eliminating sources of light can also aid in the rest you get. Personally, I can't sleep with the TV or lights on anymore because I just know it interrupts my sleep. My room is usually pitch black when it's time to go to sleep — to the point my three-year-old knows what it means when I turn everything off.

Besides these things, Dr. Bindal encourages you to maintain "consistent sleep and wake times" along with a "balanced diet and regular physical activity." Whether that means you start making your own Cava bowls inspired by the blue zone diet or doing workouts at home, they can aid in helping your body repair itself which then promotes the sleep you need.

Can we become too hyper-focused on our quality of sleep?

Kevin Malik

As with anything, too much of something can have adverse affects which rules out any benefits. Though sleepmaxxing can be a good thing for you, becoming fixated on it is likely going to make you even more stressed. "One of the primary concerns with sleepmaxxing is the development of orthosomnia, a condition caused by an obsession with tracking sleep metrics, with devices or apps, which increases anxiety and can further disrupt sleep, called paradoxical insomnia," Dr. Bindal warns.

If you become too obsessed with tracking every little thing, he says all this will do is "disrupt sleep cycles and limit the efficacy of insomnia treatments." But, he has an idea of what you can do to lessen the chance that'll happen. "Instead of over-analyzing how much sleep you’re getting, it’s important to understand that insomnia is a common and treatable condition, by incorporating healthy sleep hygiene routines organically and focusing on addressing the root causes of insomnia symptoms," he shares.

How can we optimize our sleep without getting sucked into wellness trends?

Niels from Slaapwijsheid.nl

Whether you want to call it sleepmaxxing or not, all you have to do is normalize the tips Dr. Bindal mentioned above. "Some of the ways can include established a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, managing light exposure, and limiting screen time before you want to go to sleep," he reiterates. Social media isn't going anywhere so don't let your FOMO convince you that potential scandals or tutorials are more important than getting seven to nine hours of sleep.

Also, don't forget to "maintain a comfortable sleep environment" while being aware of your "caffeine and alcohol intake throughout the day," Dr. Bindal points out. Something tells us that we're going to have to be intentional about breaking up with our daily coffee runs and desires to unwind with a nice glass of wine. But if it means we'll sleep better, we'll add that to our list of habits to change!

Need an extra dose of positivity in your life? We have even more lifestyle tips to share to help you end the year on a healthy and wholesome note!

We all have our favorite romantic movies, and it totally depends on your personality. When Harry Met Sally lovers might feel at home in the city, while 13 Going On 30 viewers might believe in friendship-turned-more, and Twisters fans just really love Glen Powell (Yes I count this as a rom-com!! You can't tell me otherwise!!). No matter what your go-to flick is, romantic movies literally have one job: make you feel like love is possible. But unfortunately, these rom-coms do the opposite, and left viewers wishing they'd never sat down to watch a movie in the first place.

Here are the 13 worst rom-coms of all time. They're so bad, they almost made me stop believing in love.

1. Maybe I Do (2023) — On Hulu

Vertical Entertainment

When people ask me what my least favorite movie is, this one always tops the list. The film follows a nearly-engaged Michelle (Emma Roberts) and Allen (Luke Bracey), who introduce their parents to one another...and realize both couples (Diane Keaton, Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon, and William H. Macy) have been cheating on their spouses with each other. It's so messy and cynical and left me feeling hopeless instead of hopeful. And based on the 31 percent Rotten Tomatoes score and 5/10 IMDb rating, I'm not the only one.

2. Down To You (2000) — On Paramount+


College students Al (Freddie Prinze Jr.) and Imogen (Julia Stiles) fall hard for each other when they meet, but it wouldn't be a rom-com without some random conflict trying to keep them apart. And in Down to You, that includes a porn star (Selma Blair) who's trying to get some quality alone time with Al. I love Julia, but considering this movie only has a 3 percent RT rating and a 5/10 IMDb score, this is probably one you can skip.

3. Because I Said So (2007) — On Starz

Universal Pictures

Despite the fact this cast is incredible, Because I Said So is one of the worst rom-coms ever. Daphne (Diane Keaton) loves her three daughters more than anything. But when her youngest Milly (Mandy Moore) brings home the wrong guy again, Daphne gets in the middle and sends out a personal ad on Milly's behalf. Not even costars Lauren Graham and Piper Perabo can save this movie, which has a 3 percent score on Rotten Tomatoes and a 5.6/10 on IMDb.

4. Gigli (2003) — Rent on Amazon Prime

Sony Pictures Releasing

After Gigli's (Ben Affleck) plans to kidnap a young man get messed up, he meets gangster Ricki (Jennifer Lopez), who's there to help. And, of course, romance makes this movie messier than it already is. This movie might have introduced Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, but it makes our worst rom-com list thanks to its 6 percent Rotten Tomatoes score and 2.6/10 IMDb rating.

5. Mother of the Bride (2024) — On Netflix


This new Netflix rom-com follows mother-daughter duo Lana (Brooke Shields) and Emma (Miranda Cosgrove), who travel to Thailand for Emma's wedding. While the nuptials are enough of a surprise, Lana is totally unprepared for Emma's future father-in-law to be the man who broke her heart all those years ago. Sorry, y'all, it's giving Rufus & Lily and Dan & Serena dating at the same time, just...tropical. Mother of the Bridehas a 4.8/10 on IMDb and a 13 percent on RT.

6. The Merry Gentlemen (2024) — On Netflix

Katrina Marcinowski/Netflix

While we're on the Netflix train, let's talk about The Merry Gentlemen. I know this isn't The Worst Christmas Movies Ever, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to talk about this wild movie. When Ashley (Britt Robertson) learns her parents' restaurant is closing, she orchestrates a male dance revue to bring in some extra cash. But based on the 4.8/10 IMDb rating and 41 percent RT score, it doesn't quite capture the Magic Mike of it all. Nonetheless, I'll watch anything with Chad Michael Murray.

7. Mr. Wrong (1996) — Rent On Amazon Prime

Touchstone Pictures

Martha (Ellen DeGeneres) really wants to get married, and it looks like Whitman's (Bill Pullman) the perfect man. But the more Martha learns about him, the more she wants to break up with him. Unfortunately he won't take no for an answer. This flick has a 7 percent score on Rotten Tomatoes and 3.6/10 on IMDb.

8. New Year's Eve (2011) — Rent on Amazon Prime

Warner Bros. Pictures

I'm dreaming of the day we have another ensemble rom-com like New Year's Day, which stars Jon Bon Jovi, Katherine Heigl, Lea Michele, Ashton Kutcher, Halle Berry, Robert De Niro, Jessica Biel, Abigail Breslin, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Zac Efron. Unfortunately, not even the cast could save this from our worst rom-coms list, thanks to its 7 percent RT score and 5.6/10 IMDb rating.

9. First Daughter (2004) — Rent on YouTube

20th Century Fox

Ouch, this one hurts a little bit because I love this movie! But the facts don't lie. First Daughter follows the president's daughter Samantha (Katie Holmes) as she tries to have a normal college existence, and winds up falling for James (Mark Blucas), who she doesn't realize is actually an undercover agent. Somehow this only has an 8 percent Rotten Tomatoes score and a 5.2/10 IMDb rating.

10. Sex and the City 2 (2010) — Stream on Max

Craig Blankenhorn/MMIX New Line Productions, Inc.

Sex and the City might be one of the most iconic TV shows of all time. Unfortunately this movie, which finds Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker), Samantha (Kim Cattrall), Charlotte (Kristin Davis) and Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) in Abu Dhabi, isn't. The movie only has a 16 percent RT score and 4.5/10 IMDb rating.

11. Crossroads (2002) — Stream on Netflix

Paramount Pictures

Three childhood BFF's, Lucy (Britney Spears), Kit (Zoe Saldana), and Mimi (Taryn Manning), go on a roadtrip to breathe life into their friendship, and reconnect with their dreams. But with its 3.8/10 IMDb rating and 15 percent RT score, a lot of people feel like the movie sucks the life out of viewers instead.

12. Cinderella (2021) — Stream on Prime Video

Kerry Brown/Prime Video

My oh my. Will we ever run out of Cinderella adaptations? Viewers did not like this new musical version, which reimagines Ella as a future fashion designer, and the 4.4/10 IMDb rating and 41 percent RT score prove it. Camila Cabello stars as the title role opposite Nicholas Galitzine, Billy Porter, and Idina Menzel.

13. Material Girls (2006)

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures

This riches-to-rags story follows two sisters (Hilary Duff & Haylie Duff) who have to save their father's cosmetics company when a huge scandal threatens to destroy everything. Material Girls might be loosely based on Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility, but judging by the 4 percent RT score and 4/10 IMDb rating, it has a lot less wit. It's not currently streaming, but maybe that's not actually a bad thing.

14. From Justin to Kelly (2003) — Rent on Amazon Prime

20th Century Fox

Justin (Justin Guarini) and his friends set off for spring break in Fort Lauderdale, where he immediately falls for Kelly (Kelly Clarkson). The only problem? Kelly's friend Alexa (Katherine Bailess) is doing everything she can to keep them apart. Oh, did I mention it's a musical? If that's not a warning sign, the movie's 1.9/10 IMDb rating and 8 percent Rotten Tomatoes score definitely is.

What do you think the worst rom-com ever made is? Let us know on Facebook!

This Valentine's Day, why not bring out the bar cart for a romantic night in? Whipping up a homemade cocktail is the perfect way to put your own personal touch on the evening. Whether you're a gin gal or you're looking to shake things up with bourbon, these Valentine's Day cocktails will hit the perfect romantic note.

Scroll on for some delicious Valentine's Day cocktails that are perfect for sharing with your boo.

Style Me Pretty

Cherub's Cup Cocktail

Mix up this cup of elderflower-laced, strawberry-filled love for your sweetie after a long week. With gin, rosé and St. Germain, this cocktail is sure to give you even more of that lovin' feeling. (via Style Me Pretty)

Justine Michael

Shoot Your Shot Cocktail

This spicy sip is bound to get the flirty energy flowing this V-Day. To make it, muddle 2-3 red thai chili slices with 1.75 ounces fresh squeezed blood orange in a shaker. Then, add 0.5 ounces orange liqueur, 1.5 ouncesMi Campo Blanco tequila, 0.5 ounces lime juice, 0.75 ounces agave nectar, and 3 dashes of chili bitters. Shake well, strain, and top with a splash of red wine and a chili. (via Mi Campo Tequila)

Averie Cooks

Kiss On The Lips Cocktail

This tropical cocktail is crafted with just the right amount of frozen mango, rum, vodka, peach schnapps, and grenadine. Yum! (via Averie Cooks)


Cilantro Jalapeño Margarita

Spice doesn't need to be reserved for the main dish when you can heat up your cocktail as well. This margarita will leave you with a refreshing sizzle to kick off the evening in style. (via Bell'alimento)

A Cozy Kitchen

Cranberry Thyme Gin + Tonic

Not only does this cocktail create a gorgeous shade of pink; the flavor combination will make you look like an expert mixologist. (via A Cozy Kitchen)

Joy the Baker

The Old Fashioned

Nothing says romance better than a cocktail straight from the '20s. This is the perfect pairing for a bold red lip that never goes out of style! (via Joy the Baker)


Coconut Blood Orange Cocktail

If a creamier sip is what you're craving, mix up this adorably-pink coconut cocktail. (via Mixop)

Half Baked Harvest

Raspberry Rose Tequila Kombucha

This drink is the perfect fit for V-Day, thanks to the floral flavors. (via Half Baked Harvest)

Honestly Yum

Maple Bacon Pisco Sour

This cocktail might be the most technical of the bunch, but it will certainly be memorable. And since there's bacon involved, it won't be hard to get your beau to pitch in. (via Honestly Yum)

Honestly Yum

The Bramble

Skip the olives and skewer extra blackberries for a sweet garnish atop this gin-based drink. (via Honestly Yum)

Cookin' Canuck

Clementine + Lemon Gin Cocktail

Talk about a perfect solution for a cold and wintry Valentine's Day. Pull out a blanket and get cozy 'cause this cocktail will transfer you straight to a summer picnic in the park. (via Cookin' Canuck)

Cookie + Kate

The Bootleg Cocktail

Even though we don't live in the age of prohibition (thankfully), that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the mystery and intrigue of classic concoctions. (via Cookie + Kate)

Brooklyn Supper

Sparkling Rosé Sangria

If you can't decide between wine and cocktails, this strawberry sangria provides the perfect combination of the two. (via Brooklyn Supper)

A Beautiful Plate

Grapefruit Mojitos

Grapefruit is known to have several health benefits, which means you can feel good with every sip of this cocktail. (via A Beautiful Plate)

The Taylor House

Valentine's Moscato Float

In need of something sweet? Mix up this ice-cream-meets-wine creation for the perfect after-dinner drink. (via The Taylor House)

What spirits are you drinking this Valentine's Day? Share with us @BritandCo!

This post has been updated with additional reporting by Meredith Holser.