This month kicks off with Pluto retrograde commencing on May 1, lasting until October 11 — the transformational planet will make its way from Aquarius to Capricorn during this time. May 5’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio pushes us to change our habits and let go of the past. Venus enters Cancer on May 7, which will open our hearts to love and kindness. Mercury turns direct on May 14 and ends the retrograde journey that began on April 21, mending miscommunications as it moves forward. Lucky planet Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16, heightening our lustful nature and financial wellbeing. The Taurus New Moon on May 19 plants the seeds for our future goals. Mars’s shift into Leo on May 20 boosts our confidence — right in time for Gemini season (which commences on May 21), bringing positive vibes our way. Here's what you need to know about your May horoscope, according to your zodiac sign.
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko / PEXELS
Unexpected expenses or drama have the potential to manifest under this month’s cosmic climate, so you should tread lightly. You may also notice that people are overstepping your personal boundaries. If someone starts to feed you unsolicited advice, try to find a polite way to shut them down before acting aggressively defensive.
Photo by Marcia Fernandes / PEXELS
Taurus will be in a generous mood, making it the perfect time to spoil that special someone. And if you're single? Use this time as an excellent excuse to treat yourself! Financial opportunity could manifest under this cosmic climate, too, so keep your eyes open for new ways to pad your wallet.
Photo by Thirdman / PEXELS
Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on every once in a while. Call upon your closest friends and family to dry your eyes and listen to your emotional upsets this month. Having the support you need to help guide you through hard times is all you need to get by!
Photo by Ivan Samkov / PEXELS
You may struggle to implement boundaries with others (or vice versa), and it will be important that you set some clear expectations when drawing emotional and conversational lines. Following this same thread, remember to respect the privacy of others, especially if they’re not quite ready to reveal what’s in their heart.
Photo by Anete Lusina / PEXELS
With Mercury heading backwards through success-oriented Taurus, you may begin to rethink professional goals and future plans. This is a great time to consider how you might make headway with your current aspirations and visions, though you should avoid taking action until Mercury ends its retrograde journey mid-month.
Virgo, you may feel as though the universe is testing you on some level — as long as you can break unhealthy patterns, you should pass them by with flying colors. Luckily, you’ll be in the mood to take risks and move forward towards a more productive and positive way of thinking this month.
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk / PEXELS
Although you often put others before you, the moment has come to put yourself first. Remember that it is okay to say "no" to someone — it's totally acceptable to put the love and energy you freely give to others back into yourself. Refill your loving cup with TLC, Libra.
Photo by August de Richelieu / PEXELS
Keep an eye out for issues within your romantic partnerships. The eclipse can make us all a bit obsessive (especially you, since it connects with your Sun), so you may need to check yourself. Luckily, you’ll see a significant shift at the end this month, when Mars enters more self-assured Leo.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio / PEXELS
Rather than feeling impatient, look at this month as a reprieve, and enjoy taking a more relaxed approach to life. The current vibes are pushing you to indulge in the finer things in life — so if you're in need of some retail therapy, go for it — just don’t overspend.
Photo by PNW Production / PEXELS
Give yourself permission to continue on your path toward personal evolution, and don't let anything weigh you down, Capricorn! Your mind will be active for the rest of the month, making it the perfect time to engage in an exciting activity that interests you, or brainstorm fun ideas for the future.
Photo by Miriam Alonso / PEXELS
If things begin to unravel in your world, Aquarius, remember to stay calm and grounded as you navigate your way through the turmoil. Fortunately, things should cool off ASAP, but you still might need a creative endeavor or hobby to relieve all of your stresses to find peace of mind.
Photo by cottonbro studio / PEXELS
If there's an imbalance in your relationship, then take the time to become aware of what you want, Pisces. Be mindful that you're not repeating relationship mistakes from the past, and don't put pressure on yourself to decide the future of any romantic partnerships you're involved in right now.
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Photo by Ketut Subiyanto / PEXELS