25 Journal Prompts For Mental Health Awareness Month

mental health awareness month journal promptsmental health awareness month journal prompts

When we’re younger, we’re usually taught to prioritize our physical health: We go to the doctor, we go to the dentist, many of us may even take up sports or dance for exercise. We also tend to feel our emotions freely: We laugh, we cry, and we learn how to deal with our anger. But our mental health, our psychological well being? That often takes a backseat.

This Mental Health Awareness Month is a chance for you to check-in with yourself. What’s on your mind? How are you feeling? And what can you do to make your mind as comfortable a home as your body?

If you don’t know where to start, we’ve rounded up 25 questions you can ask yourself this month (and really, any day of the year). Take a look at this list, see what inspires you, and write from a place of non-judgement and self-love.

Mental health journal prompts about favorites

  1. What is the best gift that you have ever received?
  2. What has been your favorite age so far and why?
  3. What do you like most about yourself?

Mental health journal prompts about imagination

Photo by Arina Krasnikova / PEXELS

  1. If money was not an issue, what would you want your life to look like?
  2. If you could relive an experience in your life, what would it be?
  3. Describe your dream house.
  4. What does freedom look like to you?

Mental health journal prompts about emotions

  1. Write down 5 things that make you incredibly happy and describe why they make you feel this way.
  2. Write about something beautiful that may have even moved you to tears.
  3. Write about a time when you laughed uncontrollably. What was so funny?
  4. How do you calm your nerves in a difficult situation?
  5. Write a list of 10 things you want to remember during difficult times.
  6. If you weren’t afraid, what are five things you would do? Are there any ways you can help yourself overcome the fear?

Mental health journal prompts about gratitude

Photo by Katya Wolf / PEXELS

  1. What do you love most about the time you are living in?
  2. What is something that you can do today that people 30 years ago couldn’t?
  3. Who is the most reliable person in your life and why?
  4. What aspect of your health do you feel grateful for?

Mental health journal prompts about self-reflection

  1. Write down all your main coping mechanisms. Evaluate the ones that are most helpful and the ones that are the most detrimental.
  2. Write down a list of “regrets”. Either throw them away or toss them into a fire.
  3. What secrets are you keeping? Are these secrets affecting your life or mental health? Why or why not?
  4. Write about a difficult memory and the coping mechanisms you used at the time. Would you change the way you dealt with the situation? How?
  5. In the next year, what are five improvements you would like to make regarding your life?
  6. Write about the aforementioned improvements and create a plan to accomplish each one.
  7. What’s one thing you don’t feel like people understand about you?
  8. What parts of life surprised you most recently? What turned out the way you expected it would?

Which one of these questions will you start with? Let us know in the comments below!

Header image via Photo by MART PRODUCTION / PEXELS

So, you've found your 2025 word of the year and are ready for the biggest reset of your life. Now all you have to do is map out how you're going to get there. You could opt for vague ideas that live only in your head, but when has that motivated you to achieve your goals in the past?

If you think we're putting you on the spot, we're not! We're here to encourage you to dream boldly by being detailed about what you actually want. Of course, we have the perfect list of deep questions and journal prompts so you can tap into the life you want to live.

Here are 25 deep questions to ask yourself and journal about to guide you toward your 2025 vision of personal growth and self-improvement:

Marcus Aurelius

Questions About Your Daily Routine

Please don't throw eggs at us! We know you don't want to feel governed by a schedule like you're in grade school, but there are benefits to having something to guide you daily. According to Northwestern Medicine, you can "reduce stress" and even "get better rest" by having a routine.

If you've been promising yourself to improve in these areas, here are 5 questions to ask yourself:

  • How many of hours of sleep do I typically get per night?
  • What distractions can I eliminate before bed so I'm not groggy in the morning? (i.e., no more binge watching my favorite TV shows or scrolling mindlessly on TikTok)?
  • Do I have a morning routine or do I rush through taking a shower, brushing my teeth, and eating breakfast?
  • How do I usually feel when I get to work?
  • Am I okay with setting a reminder for myself to take a break during the work day so I can stretch my legs, eat lunch, or go for a quick walk?

SHVETS production

Questions About Your Self-Care

Making time for your self-care is a part of your daily routine, but we want to dig deeper by sharing questions that'll help you reflect on how you treat yourself.

  • How do I want to feel about myself in 2025?
  • Did I have moments I looked in the mirror and didn't like the way my skin or body looked this year?
  • Have I been prioritizing my mental health?
  • Did I make space for exercising (i.e. walking, yoga, running, etc.)?
  • Did I create healthy boundaries with family, friends, or someone I'm dating?

Brit + Co

Questions About Your Career

We almost said, "Here comes the fun part," but that would be unfair for people who consider other areas of their lives more important to chasing a career. If you are focused on pursuing something you're passionate about or simply want to earn a new promotion, here's what you can ask yourself:

  • What are my biggest career accomplishments this year?
  • What skills do I need to sharpen that align with the position I want?
  • How do I respond to constructive criticism?
  • What is my usual response to change or tight deadlines?
  • Do I ask for help when I don't understand a project or concept?

Brit + Co

Questions About Your Home

Your home is anywhere that you live even if you're renting or living with your parents for the time being.

  • How did the energy in my home feel?
  • Did I do anything to make it feel like me?
  • How can I create a relaxing environment in my room that promotes rest and relaxation?
  • Do I want to have a certain aesthetic for my living room, office, etc.?
  • What does having a clean and organized home mean to me?

SHVETS production

Questions About Your Relationships

Have you been making excuses for toxic friends or ignoring red flags? If it's okay, we're going to sit by you and gently suggest it's time for a change. The kind of life you want to live can't be weighed down by old habits of yours or some of the people you've been spending time with, especially if you've been feeling uncomfortable.

  • What kind of friendships do I want to have in 2025?
  • Do I have a reliable support system?
  • What did I love about my romantic relationship this year?
  • Are there certain conversations I need to have with family members, friends, or my partner that I've been avoiding?
  • Do I need to change the way I show up in my platonic or romantic relationships?

Get a jumpstart on transforming your space for 2025 with easy feng shui tips!

To no one’s surprise, Trader Joe’s is keeping all the good stuff coming this season. As Easter approaches and everyone’s dreaming about summer vibes (definitely us), TJ’s has been placing only the coolest finds on their shelves to embrace the season! From irresistible sweets to stunning charcuterie board additions, these are the 8 best new items from Trader Joe’s any and every TJ’s fan needs to try in April!

Scroll on to discover the most exciting Trader Joe’s finds you can’t miss in April!

Trader Joe's

1. Macaron Ice Cream Sandwiches

These ice cream sammies (limited-time item!) basically combine the two best desserts into one: macarons and ice cream! They're stacked with chocolate on chocolate, so any sweet tooth with an affinity for cocoa will go crazy for 'em. You can snag a box of 2 for $5 at a Trader Joe's near you.

Trader Joe's

2. Easter Joe-Joe's

Ah, yes! All the Easter goodies at TJ's are so cute and tasty. These new Easter-themed Joe-Joe's (Trader Joe's version of Oreos) are generously coated in milk chocolate and white chocolate before they're decorated with festive sprinkles. They're downright perfect for adding to any Easter basket or even topping Easter cakes or cupcakes! The box of 4 cookies goes for $4 – but it's a limited-time item, so make sure you grab it sooner than later.

Trader Joe's

3. Lemon Poppy Seed Buns

Lemon + poppy seed = a match made in heaven! These limited-time Danish pastry buns are sure to fly off Trader Joe's shelves, thanks to not only the tender baked bun, but the fact that it's filled with a delightfully lemony filling and topped with a crunchy mix of sugar and poppy seeds. The box of 2 pastries is on sale at TJ's right now for $4.

Trader Joe's

4. Chocolate Chip Energy Bar

All the walks, hikes, road trips, and picnics you're about to embark on this spring and summer are gonna get a whole lot tastier, thanks to this new energy bar from Trader Joe's! Made with a minimal ingredient list (oats, soy protein, brown rice and tapioca syrups, and chocolate chips), each $1 bar – yes, $1! – delivers 10 grams of protein and 260 calories to keep you fueled up for hours. Anyone that's constantly on the go will adore this convenient new TJ's item.

Trader Joe's

5. Blood Orange Mochi

These ice cream-filled mochi bites may have hit shelves earlier this month, but they're definitely still getting tons of love from Trader Joe's fans – us included! Boasting a unique, citrusy flavor profile derived from real blood oranges, these bite-size desserts are filled with refreshing springtime energy. Plus, they just look stunning once you take 'em out of the package. A set of 6 mochi bites is $5 for a limited time!


6. Tom Yum Seasoned Snack Mix

Spotted by a Trader Joe's fanatic on Reddit, this brand-new savory snack mix is inspired by the insanely flavorful Thai dish known as Tom Yum soup, which is typically spicy, lemongrass-y, a little bit creamy, and sour-ish. So good! This snackin' medley is filled with cashews, fava beans, sticky rice bits, and peas for a nice bite. The product isn't yet listed on Trader Joe's site, so we can't verify its exact price.

Trader Joe's

7. Spanish Inspired Charcutería

Charcuterie fans, rise up! Trader joe's just dropped this yummy charcutería that contains three different kinds of cured meat to, well, cure your charcuterie cravings. In this new $6 product, you'll find thinly-sliced serrano ham, salchichon, and uncured chorizo, all of which bring on the salty, spicy, peppery, and smoky flavors needed to complement the other components of your snack spread, like cheeses and crackers.

Trader Joe's

8. Seville Orange Marmalade Fruit Spread

Ooh, how summery! This new $3 Trader Joe's marmalade (limited-time item!) embraces the spirit of summertime by employing Seville oranges, which bring a "sweet, citric, and properly proportioned" flavor to the forefront. They're naturally a bit more bitter than your average orange, but TJ's has totally perfected the ratio of fruit:sugar in this jar. Use it for toasts, bagels, yogurts, cakes, and more!

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Last night I realized I was pregnant during the height of the pandemic and the 2020 election cycle, but I didn't have any self-care practices in sight. I was chronically stressed and spent way too much time on social media when I should've been finding ways to ground myself. After a tough four years of navigating everything from motherhood to starting my career, I've finally started utilizing gratitude journaling as a tool to get through tough days.

I don't know how you may be feeling today, but I've created journal prompts you can refer to when you're scared, anxious, unsure of the future, and more. They're not meant to replace meditation or seeking therapy, but they are here for moments you need to check in with yourself.

A Gratitude Journaling Idea For When You're Worried About The Future

Arina Krasnikova

Write Down 5 Things You're Grateful You Can See, Touch, Hear, And Smell

This is actually a practice I picked up in therapy to help redirect my anxious thoughts. It's something I often refer to when I'm fixated on the future and things that might happen. Any time you feel yourself not being present because you're worried about what's next, focus on things that are immediately in front of you or around you.

For example, here's what's reminding me to be present:

  • I can hear one of my favorite gospel songs playing and the subtle humming I'm doing.
  • I can see two lime green books on my desk.
  • I can smell the clean laundry my fiancé took out of the dryer.
  • I'm touching the keys on my keyboard as I type this.
Although they seem small, I'm grateful they're helping to keep me rooted in the present moment. So, what are you grateful you can see, touch, hear, and smell today?

Gratitude Journaling Idea For When You're Experiencing Sadness

Darina Belonogova

Write Down 3 Things You're Grateful For Today

Practicing gratitude when you're sad isn't so you can pretend the sadness doesn't exist. It's a very real emotion that calls for us to be curious about why we're feeling that way. However, if you feel like you're 'stuck' in your sadness, you can try writing down 3 things you're grateful for right now. Again, they don't have to be grandiose. They just have to make sense to you.

You could be grateful for:

  • Eating a delicious meal
  • Having a good night's sleep
  • Hearing your favorite song at the right moment
  • Morning snuggles with your pet or toddler
  • Having access to binge watch your favorite TV show when you need to escape reality for a bit

Antoni Shkraba

Write Down The People You're Grateful You Can Rely On

My hope is that everyone has at least one person they can rely on during difficult moments in life. I know everyone doesn't have huge villages for different reasons, but I'd rather focus on who is there.

This gratitude journaling idea doesn't require you to go in depth about why you're grateful for the people in your corner unless you want to. You can simply write their names down if that's all you have the bandwidth for.

Pavel Danilyuk

Recount A Memory That Always Makes You Smile

When in doubt, think about a moment that was hilarious or filled you with joy. It can be from your childhood, first year in college, or even your wedding day! The one memory that always makes me smile is from an interesting moment I told one of my uncles he looked like Santa Claus. I was around 5 or 6 years old, so it was a super innocent comment, but still it was hilarious nonetheless. No one in my family has let my uncle or me forget that moment. It's small, but it's one of the memories I'm grateful I can remember when I'm feeling sad.

A Gratitude Journaling Idea For When You Feel You're Not Doing Enough

Antoni Shkraba

Write Down 1 Thing You've Grateful You've Accomplished

I know some journal prompts ask you to list multiple things you've recently accomplished, but I've found that makes me a little more anxious that necessary. If this sounds like you, I see you and think it's just as impactful to be grateful for one thing you've done that you're proud of. It could be as simple as:

  • "I had the strength to get out of bed today after wanting to do nothing more than hide under the covers."
  • "I did laundry and put everything away."
  • "I made myself a meal instead of ordering lunch like I usually do."
  • "I stuck to my budget this week."
  • "My presentation at work or school went really well."
  • "I made that scary phone call I've been putting off."
  • "I went for a walk around my neighborhood or local park."

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Amazon’s Big Spring Saleis officially here, and it’s packed with endless deals on everything from fashion to home furnishings. Of course, we’re starting our sale search with the beauty aisle – so many of our go-to skincare goodies and makeup faves are all under a mere $10 right now, and we just have to share ‘em so you can shop ‘em!

Scroll on to shop our top 10 deals on Amazon beauty finds you can’t miss before the sale’s over!


e.l.f. No Budge Retractable Eyeliner

This is by far the best drugstore eyeliner out there. Designed with a convenient retractable (no-sharpen!) tip, it's super easy to take on the go for any touch-ups. Plus, the color payoff and wearability of each shade is insanely impressive.


If you're looking for an eyeliner that, no matter the circumstances, does not budge, this $5 is the perfect pick-me-up. You can find it in a handful of different colors to suit your makeup needs.

Promising review: "I can’t believe I’ve been trying to make felt tipped eyeliners work for so long. Usually I put on felt tipped eye liner and it barely shows up, maybe my eye lids are watery or oily. So naturally within a hour or two it doesn’t even look like I’ve put on eye liner. This is not the case with this elf eye cream retractable liner. It actually shows up right away, it also lasts for hours. Even after 8 hours there was still some on my eyes, although I did need to re apply in some spots. It also didn’t smudge. For it to last at all and not smudge is amazing for me."


Nivea Body, Face, & Hand Moisturizing Cream

Though some people may see this $10 tinned cream as truly "old school,"many others still hold it near and dear for its ability to moisturize and heal dry skin in need of nourishment.


The thick, non-greasy formula is chockfull of provitamin B5 that really sinks deep into the skin. The best part is it's really gentle, so you can use it on your face, body, and hands.

Promising review: "Nivea is a great product. My parents always had a tin of it around. I've continued the tradition. It is a wonderful thick cream that moisturizes well. Great value for the price, as a little goes a long way. Softens rough skin."


TONYMOLY Petit Bunny Lip Gloss

This adorable bunny-shaped lip gloss is enriched with vitamin E for soft lips and a pinch of pigment so your pout gets a nice wash of color. It comes in a convenient stick form that's super easy to travel with!


Right now, 6 different shades of this gloss are on sale for $6 (originally $8). Snag one before the sale's over!

Promising review: "I am really happy with this product. The tint is very pretty, and not too pigmented. I am very picky about the texture of my lip glosses and lip balms and this one is lovely."


Versed Sweet Relief Night Mask + Face Balm

B+C Affiliate Writer, Meredith, truly cannot get enough of this stuff from Versed. It's a thick, moisturizing face balm that really nails down the 'slugging' skincare trend without totally swamping your skin. It is fairly oily and shiny after one application, so she recommends using it only at night – and you'll wake up with a glowy complexion!


Its $10 (was $18) formula is loaded up with bacuri and kokum butters and apricot kernel oil that are all dedicated to protecting the skin barrier. Though these ingredients may sound intimidating, the product is still wonderfully gentle overall for any skin type.

Promising review: "I have very sensitive skin and LOVE this as an overnight moisturizer. It's thick but a little goes a long way. The winter where I live is very dry. I use it every night before bed, my skin feels great in the morning! It's neutral smelling but I prefer that."


Mielle Organics Rosemary Mint Strengthening Shampoo

This $7 (was $10) shampoo will set all your hair growth goals so right. It's made with rosemary and mint essential oils that help stimulate the scalp for better growth, along with biotin that ensures your locks don't lose moisture during the washing process. Snag the coordinating conditioner to get the full benefits (read an editor's review here)!

Promising review: "This shampoo is my favorite. It has a nice smell and gives my thinning hair a lot of volume and softness. Lathers well. Packaged well, no leaks. Hair loss has slowed down some. I will definitely continue to use."


e.l.f. Cosmetics Glossy Lip Stain

This $6 (yes, $6!) lip stain is unlike most lip stains in the way that it boasts a fun, glossy formula. Where some leave-on lip stains may dry up and make your lips look crusty AF (hate that), this one nourishes your pout, all the while leaving a nice wash of color behind.


This e.l.f. product stole the heart of B+C Affiliate Writer, Meredith, for its natural look, comfortable wear, and undeniable affordability. Its low price of $6 makes it so easy to try out the lip stain trend without going all-in! There are also so many shades to pick from, so you're sure to find one that suits you perfectly.

Promising review: "This was the first time buying any thing that was being called a lip stain. I didn’t want to spend a lot since I wasn’t sure if I would like them or if they worked the way people said they did. This goes on very easy and I have only used it a few times now, but it did last for a number of hours and did not come off when I ate or drink anything. I have thinner lips, but I like at this at least helps them show up more and when I don’t want to wear a lot of color, this is a soft neutral."


Method Pure Peace Body Wash

This $8 body wash smells like heaven, truly. With notes of peony, rose water, and pink sea salt, it's perfectly feminine and clean and feels like a total treat in the shower or bath. Though fragranced, it's still gentle on the skin and provides a good amount of moisture after each use!


This body wash from Method also boasts a unique biodegradable formula made with plant-based cleansers that contains zero parabens or phthalates to ensure healthy skin 24/7.

Promising review: "I was hesitant to buy this as I was not sure about how the scent would be. I am pleasantly surprised.
It has a simple rose smell, but it's mild and lacks that perfumey, cloying sort of smell that can happen with floral scents. Very simple, like I'm rubbing roses on myself. Not super strong, it lingers but doesn't feel like it's following you around all day either."


Essence Lash Princess Mascara

This $5 mascara definitely doesn't feel like it's $5. It undeniably volumizes and lengthens your lashes in a few simple swipes, all without those pesky clumps you might expect from a more affordable product.


The brush itself features an easy-to-use conic shape that lets you access the entirety of your lashes for a cohesive look, too!

Promising review: "What a little hidden gem this is. I first saw this on a you tube video and decided to try it. The bottle is adorable, but the contents will blow you away. It's probably the best mascara or one of the best that I have ever used. It was very inexpensive so even though the woman on the you tube video was saying how great it was, I wasn't expecting it to be all that great, but was still curious. I'm really glad I bought it, because it is the best mascara from a company no one probably even knows of because it is not mainstream. Buy it! I think you will love it!!"


Cocokind Mymatcha All-Over Moisture Stick

Infused with caffeinated matcha, this one-of-a-kind $9 moisture stick is perfect for combatting everything from dry lips to tried under eyes. Its formula is 100% vegan and super gentle on the skin, so people of any skin type can try it out.


The wide shape of this balm-like moisture stick allows you to cover a good amount of real estate on your face or any dry patches elsewhere. It has a very slight matcha-y scent, too, for all you matcha fiends out there!

Promising review: "I have used these moisturizing sticks since I was pregnant with my son 7 years ago. I used them all over my face in the harsh winter months working at a ski resort and now under my eyes as a sleepy mama to a toddler. Great for preventing windburn and easy for kids to use. I can throw this in my son’s book bag for school when he plays outside in -30 degree weather and don’t have to worry about it getting all over his hands or leaking. No funky ingredients. No synthetic fragrances. We love it."


Wet Brush Original Detangler Hair Brush

The Wet Brush is a team favorite around here. It's gentle, lightweight, and oftentimes comes in the cutest colors and patterns to make our hair care routines more fun.


If you're still using your old, ratty hair brush, the flexible bristles on the Wet Brush will feel like a total treat on your head. They help minimize breakage while still effectively detangling your locks. We're simply obsessed with this $7 rainbow colorway, too!

Promising review: "It glides through my hair effortlessly, detangling without pulling or causing breakage. The bristles are gentle yet effective, making it perfect for both wet and dry hair. Plus, the color is so pretty! If you struggle with knots or just want a great everyday brush, this one is a must-have!"

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

We just found the perfectdress for spring and summer, and not only does it come in a super trendy cut, it’s miraculously on sale at Target right now! We’re truly obsessed with this gem of a fashion find because it gives "quiet luxury” vibes for way less, is undeniably flattering, and can pair with practically anything.

Scroll on to discover the Target dress that’s a must-have for your spring and summer looks!


Meet Wild Fable’s Drop Waist Mini Sundress: a sleeveless mini with a high neckline, low-cut back, and a drop waist (!), fit with some adorable buttons running down the front and cut from a lightweight, breathable rayon-linen fabric blend.


This Target dress is truly nothing short of flattering. The high neckline, while considerably modest, is met with a low-cut back detail that balances your look out. Plus, the drop waist serves to elongate your torso for a stunning feminine effect.


The mini length of this dress, combined with the breezy rayon-linen fabric blend it’s made of, makes it so suitable for the spring and summer months, where dressing for comfort should be the #1 priority – but, of course, this dress proves that you don’t have to sacrifice style for practically.


The Wild Fable Drop Waist Mini Sundress is currently shoppable in three wonderful colorways: white, butter yellow, and blue gingham. All of the colors are simply so adorable for spring and summertime, since they can easily pair with other neutral accents or bolder pops of color! The sizing for the dress ranges from XXS to 4X, though several sizes are currently sold out online in certain colors.


The Wild Fable Drop Waist Mini Sundress has earned 3.9 out of 5 stars from shoppers, where the feedback is a bit mixed. While some Target fans adore the dress, a few others note that the sizing is inconsistent. Here are some standout reviews to give you a glance at the bigger picture:

  • “I was so pleasantly surprised when I tried this on. I love the uniqueness of the style and pattern. I won’t even need to wear a bra with this but will probably opt for shorts underneath.”
  • “I got the dress in both extra small and double extra small (I'm 5'1" and 110 pounds) to see which fit better. The extra small was way too big, but the double extra small fit, though a little loose. Still, I really like the fit and the material—it’s great quality and the white isn’t see-through. Super cute overall!”
  • “This dress is very cute and comfy but the sizing is so inconsistent. I have the yellow one, which I got in store, in a small and it fits loosely but the white in a small was too tight. (I returned it and have the gingham one coming in a medium but I have a feeling it’s going to run too large like the yellow.) This is definitely a piece you’ll want to try on in stores.”


Wild Fable Drop Waist Mini Sundress

We are still obsessed nonetheless, especially given the price of this dress. Typically sold for $30, it’s now on sale for Target Circle Week for just $21!

Subscribe to our newsletter for more stunning Target fashion finds!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.