Moleskine Has 82 New Planners to Start Your New Year

Moleskine is constantly reinventing themselves with new designs and partnerships, thereby totally squashing any idea that sketchbooks are losing ground to digital alternatives. In 2015, you can expect a whole new line of the iconic leather-bound books, including 82 different planners and 1,000 ways to use them. And yes, they come in different colors.

In this massive collection of planners, there are daily, weekly and monthly options. You can even choose between horizontal or vertical formats and varying sizes from pocket on up. We’re particularly fond of the color-a-month option.

There is seriously a different planner for whatever kind of organizer you happen to be. You can choose from having your whole week on one page to two. You can choose to have a planner with space for labels (which are included with the planner in different shades of metallic).

In addition to the choice of colors and hard or soft cover, there are even some limited-edition designs featuring characters from Star Wars and Peanuts on the planner itself, as well as on the accompanying labels.

If you want to start 2015 organized, pick a planner that works best with how you work. Hopefully with their large selection, Moleskine has one that’s perfect for you.

How do you get your plan on? Let us know your favorite planners in the comments!

Whenever our kitchens are a mess — it tends to feel like a metaphor for our life also being somewhat of a mess. You know the scene: When there are baking dishes and leftovers all over the place, mismatched Tupperware pieces spilling out of your cabinets, restocked pantry goods haphazardly stuffed into the wrong spots... It can be hard to deal when our kitchens are out of sorts.

If you're looking to declutter your kitchen, then you've come to the right place because we rounded up some of the coolest kitchen cabinet organizers and organization inspiration for your own kitchen in 2023. These babies save space without sacrificing style, which will make whipping up those one pot spring dinners way more fun. Keep reading for everything you need to know about how to organize kitchen cabinets.

How To Organize Kitchen Cabinets

Photo by RDNE Stock project

The most important thing to focus on when organizing your kitchen cabinets is maximizing space. That just means making the most of the space that you have, because no matter how big your cabinets are, if they're filled to the brim with items that don't have a dedicated spot, it's going to feel cluttered.

Focus on keeping similar items together, using up vertical space by stacking where you're able (like with bowls or glasses) and making sure that every object has a dedicated space.

Kitchen Cabinet Organization Ideas

Brit + Co

Use your cabinets to hold more than just kitchenware — display books and plants to bring some personality into your kitchen. You don't have to save all the fun for your bedroom and living room!

Image via Beazy/Unsplash.

If you live in a small apartment, or just don't have cabinets, you can still take part in the fun. Use the space above your sink or your countertop to add your own shelves. This is a great option because when you're doing it yourself, you can customize the storage to your needs.

PMQ For Two

If you don't want to stack your plates (or you don't have the room for all the designs to have their own stacks), set them upright instead with a DIY plate rack. (via PMQ For Two)

Brit + Co

Okay, so this one isn't technically cabinet organization, but it will definitely save you room in your cabinets. DIY this wine rack that will move your wine bottles from your cabinets onto the wall and add color to your room at the same time.

The Home Edit's organization tips are totally inspiring thanks to their efficiency and their color. Grabbing bins from somewhere like The Container Store or Target can help you contain your products so they don't end up spread across your shelf, and they also make it easier to stack your items since they won't fall over.

Don't underestimate the power of labels. When you buy your bins, tubs, and other organizers, write what you intend to store inside on all the containers and make sure that the corresponding product is always inside. That way, you'll have one bin of flour instead of multiple half-empty bags. Plus, it just looks prettier!

Image via roam in color/Unsplash.

For a quick update on the system you already have, stack your plates so that like plates are together, with the biggest plates are on the bottom — this will ensure they sit together in a way that takes up the least amount of room.

Make sure all the rims of your glasses are touching when storing them in your cabinets, and when you're organizing mugs, face the handles toward each other so there's less empty space and more room for new mugs. Because let's be honest, we can always buy new mugs.

A Beautiful Mess

Don't forget to use up the space on top of your cabinets too! Grab some baskets to organize new bottles of olive oil, bags of coffee, or cleaning supplies that you get from the store. (via A Beautiful Mess)

Kitchen Cabinet Organizers

If you love to stay hydrated (ie: you have nine water bottles in your cabinet), then you should grab a product like this YouCopia UpSpace Bottle Organizer ($25+). It'll keep all your water bottle snug together so that you have more room for all your mugs. Speaking of...

The great thing about these Better Houseware Undershelf Cup & Mug Hooks ($10 for two) is that since they hook around the top of a shelf, they don't take up any room at the base.

One way to make sure you save room is to use up vertical space instead of horizontal space. That's why we love the Chrome Roll-Out Bakeware Organizer ($66), which stacks all your muffin tins and cookie sheets on their end. Trust us: this will save you tons of room.

Your fruit deserves a comfy spot to hang out in, so grab a Macrame Fruit Hammock ($30) that will keep fruit off the counter. Cute!

The great thing about a container like the Everything Organ Cabinet Depth Pantry Bin ($101+) is that it's clear because you know what you have at all times. You won't have to pull out the bins to see what's inside!

Use an Expandable Countertop Organizer ($38) in your cabinets — or use it on your counter to clear out your cabinets). We love that this pick's expandable because that means you can move it around to different areas, no matter how big the area is.

A pot organizer like this one from MUDEELA ($22) will keep all your pots and pans together, and you won't have to put up with the noise of when they're stacked on top of each other.

You can't forget about the spices! A rack like this Spice Rack($25) will keep all your spices together and make accessing them a whole lot easier.

Some mDesign Metal Pull-Out Baskets ($21) will create organization within your cabinet the way that cubes do. It's like a two-in-one storage space!

Check out our email newsletter for more kitchen cabinet organization ideas, and more cleaning tips and tricks.

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

I thought my days of having painful period cramps were over after giving birth and getting an IUD, but last month proved me wrong. There was a time I could pinpoint the source of my bloating and other PMS symptoms, but I've stopped paying as much attention to what I eat lately...and things have gotten way off track.

Since I'm tired of suffering, I decided to reach out to Urologist Dr. Eric Margolis to how the food you eat can impact your period cramps. If you're wondering how Urologists can help with this issue, it's because they're trained to treat urinary and reproductive conditions (via Cleveland Clinic). Take it from someone whose had to see one before!

So let's get into all the top tips Dr. Margolis has to offer!

What causes cramps when someone is PMSing or on their period?

Polina Zimmerman

Consider yourself lucky if you don't struggle with PMS — I'd honestly love to trade places with you for a day. According to the Office on Women's Health, almost three in four women say they experience PMS, and the National Institutes of Healthnotes that one in ten women deal with painful period cramps every month. In other words, some of us are genuinely struggling to function without really understanding why we're in so much pain. What gives?

"Cramps, or dysmenorrhea, occur due to the release of chemicals called prostaglandins during menstruation. These chemicals cause the uterus to contract in order to shed its lining," Dr. Margolis says. What people tend to feel is the result of contractions" becoming "too intense," thus causing them to "cut off blood flow and oxygen to the surrounding muscle tissue, leading to pain." Dr. Margolis also wants you to know, "The higher the level of prostaglandins, the more severe the cramps are likely to be."

If that sounds painful, just know it is! I never thought about the actual process our bodies go through during menstruation, so understanding that better makes me want to be kinder to be my body. Still, does this mean cramps are normal?

Are period cramps normal?


Dr. Margolis says that period cramps are "a normal part of the menstrual cycle for many people." He explains that "mild to moderate cramps" typically occur towards the beginning of your period, as your uterus is contracting. IDK about you, but it's definitely nice to know that cramps are a part of the process and they don't necessarily mean anything's wrong. However, this doesn't mean you should ignore severe pain.

"If the pain is severe and disrupts daily life, it might indicate an underlying condition that requires medical attention," Dr. Margolis says. Only you know the level of pain you're able to handle monthly, but there are definitely some key factors that can help you identify what is considered "abnormal" when it comes to your period cramps.

When are severe period cramps considered abnormal?


"Severe cramps that are unmanageable with over-the-counter medications or last for an extended period may indicate underlying health issues," Dr. Margolis continues. Based on his experience, these conditions can be "fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)" which "often cause more intense pain."

Prior to my painful period cramps returning, I underwent Laparoscopy surgery in 2019 to rule out endometriosis as the culprit for unbearable cycles. My OBGYN didn't find that, but she discovered a large fibroid nestled in the side of one of my uterine walls which needed to be removed.

Some of the signs Dr. Margolis says you need to pay attention to are:

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Irregular periods
  • Pain during sex
  • Bleeding between periods

If you notice these symptoms, Dr. Margolis implores you to consult with your doctor about them. Truthfully, it took years for someone to take my pain seriously, so I also recommend you keep advocating for yourself if you're dealing with cramps that feel abnormal.

What's the worst thing to eat before your period?

Pavel Danilyuk

Here comes my favorite topic — food! I love eating all kinds of food, but I'm having to relearn how to balance hormones all over again. Between that and my digestive system, I know my undisciplined eating is the root cause of painful period cramps, but I've forgotten what I should be avoiding.

Dr. Margolis says, "Highly processed foods, sugar, and salty snacks should be avoided. They can increase inflammation, contribute to bloating, and worsen cramps. Caffeine and alcohol can also dehydrate the body and lead to more discomfort during menstruation."

I feel like your jaw just dropped in disbelief because most of the things that make periods so painful taste so good. I mean, who doesn't love snacks, coffee, and yummy cocktails? much as we may love or crave them, they're not always the best things to indulge in when we're already going through so many bodily changes.

What foods should someone eat to lessen painful period cramps?

olia danilevich

But, there's things we can do to lessen our chances of suffering every month. Dr. Margolis says, "Anti-inflammatory foods are particularly helpful for reducing period cramps." He says these include the following:

  • Leafy greens like spinach and kale, which are high in magnesium and calcium
  • Fatty fish such as salmon or sardines, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation
  • Nuts and seeds that contain magnesium, which can relax muscles and reduce pain
  • Fruits like bananas and berries, which provide antioxidants and potassium, aiding in muscle relaxation and inflammation reduction
  • Whole grains that are a good source of fiber and help regulate blood sugar, preventing spikes that may worsen cramps
We have a ton of healthy dinner recipes and a clean eating grocery list here! Hopefully if you start incorporating these into your diet, you can part ways with painful period cramps for good.

Is it actually possible to avoid sugar before and during your period?

Tim Samuel

Sugar is in a lot of things we eat and drink so I asked Dr. Margolis if there's a way to avoid it altogether. He says, "It’s challenging, but not impossible to avoid sugar entirely. Cravings for sugary foods often increase due to hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle." I don't know about you, but I always crave specific things like sugary juice, muffins, or cupcakes right before and during my period. It's like my brain knows they're going to cause more harm than good, but my hormones demand them.

As a replacement, Dr. Margolis believes "reducing sugar intake by opting for natural sweeteners like fruits or healthier alternatives like dark chocolate can help curb cravings." Also, there's more benefits to putting down the artificial stuff. "Cutting back on sugar may also help in managing inflammation and stabilizing mood and energy levels during your period," says Dr. Margolis.

In short, painful period cramps don't have to rule my life or yours, but it does require us to make a few diet changes. I've done it before and it starts with being consistent on a daily basis. I've talked about it before, but the food diary I used to keep truly helped me stay on track and pinpoint my triggers. It's worth trying if you're tired of being doubled over in pain each month!

We have even more wellness tips to help you live your healthiest life, so make sure to bookmark them when you need a little extra help!

It’s a happy day when we get to put away our sweaters and jackets and pull out our sundresses and sandals for warmer weather, which (we swear) is just around the corner. Organizing your closet can seem like a daunting task, but creating a simple system for success can make it manageable and even enjoyable. When you start each morning by opening your closet and see the picture perfect image of organization, you know you’re going to have a good day. Not only does it look good, but it makes getting ready so, so much easier. We talked to THE queen of organization, Jill Pollack, who runs a whole business helping women get organized. Here’s what she told us.

Hack 1: Keep your staples front and center

Photo by Liza Summer

“People always ask me, ‘what’s your system?’ But it’s different for everyone,” Pollack says. “Do you think a skirt is casual? Do you wear more color or neutrals? For many people, their work and going out attire overlap.” Pollack recommends that instead of sectioning your closet into work clothes, going-out clothes and the like, think in simple terms and keep your staple items in front so they are easy to find. “Black tie clothes are for a rare occasion, so stick them in the back of your closet or a whole other closet all together.”

Hack 2: Don't be overly sentimental

Photo by Kassandre Pedro

You must learn to let go of those items you are never going to wear, like the jeans you keep thinking you’ll fit into someday or the t-shirt that you wouldn’t be caught dead in but reminds you of freshman year of college. “If you haven’t worn it in over a year and your weight and lifestyle have stayed pretty much the same, pass on it,” Pollack says. Other items Pollack says you need to chuck — anything irrevocably stained, not worth repairing, clothes you’ve tried on at least three times this year and rejected and items that make you feel unattractive.

Hack 3: Store seasonal items cleanly and neatly


Pollack says the best way to keep your clothes in good shape when you are going to go months without wearing them is by first making sure they are clean, neatly folding them and sticking them in a cedar chest.

Hack 4: Create a system for shoes based on your closet size

Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva

Unless you have a shoe organization system set in place, your shoes are going to end up in a big heap on your closet floor. “If you have room for shelves, I like putting shoes there, at eye level,” Pollack says. “If you have a lot of closet floor space, I like double and triple shoe racks. But a hanging shoe rack works too.”

Shop Closet Organization Items

Amazon Basics Non-Slip Suit Clothes Hangers

Follow us on Pinterest for more design inspo!

This post has been updated.

Main image by Anastasia Shuraeva

We're getting closer and closer to seeing a Freaky Friday2. The cat's out of the bag that the sequel treatment is confirmed and actually happening, and movie stars Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan have been increasingly vocal about the upcoming movie's plot. The dynamic duo, who you can see in 2024's Borderlands and Irish Wish, respectively, are expected to return as Tess and Anna, the mother and daughter that wake up one titular freaky Friday in swapped bodies.

Filming for Freaky Friday 2 finally began on June 24, and we finally have an official release date for the film! Here's everything we know about Freaky Friday2 so far.

Check Out The First Freaky Friday 2 Set Leaks

The first set leaks from Freaky Friday 2 are totally dreamy — and they also prove Anna's just like us, because who didn't go from emo-teen to boho-chic? Jamie Lee Curtis' Tess has published a brand new book, and based on her author photo, she's a lot more carefree than the last time we saw her! We also get a look at new cast member Julia Butters (who might be playing Anna's daughter?) and the internet's newest boyfriend, Manny Jacinto.

When is Freaky Friday 2 coming out?

Walt Disney Studios

According to Disney,Freaky Friday 2 is coming to theaters on August 8, 2025. This is definitely one of our most-anticipated movies of 2025 now!

Disney / Instagram

Disney posted this sneak-peek screen cap that we can only assume is from the movie. We truly can't wait to watch this sequel!

What is Freaky Friday 2 about?

Carlo Allegri / Getty Images

Freaky Friday 2 sees Anna with a family of her own, including a daughter and a future stepdaughter. According to a press release from Disney, "As they navigate the myriad challenges that come when two families merge, Tess and Anna discover that lightning might indeed strike twice."

"It's going to be a really freaky Friday," Lindsay Lohan told Good Morning America on June 27, 2024. "Much freakier than you would expect."

"[There's] a lot of love, a lot of fun, a lot of laughs," she continues.

Is Chad Michael Murray in Freaky Friday 2?

Presley Ann / Getty Images for Netflix

Yes, Chad Michael Murray is returning for the sequel!

"How great would it be to bring Jake back?" he teased during the Mother of the Bride premiere in May 2024. "If Jake's invited back, Jake will be there." Thank goodness they invited him back!

Freaky Friday 2 also stars Mark Harmon, Christina Vidal Mitchell, Haley Hudson, Lucille Soong, Stephen Tobolowsky, Rosalind Chao, Julia Butters, Sophia Hammons, Manny Jacinto, and Maitreyi Ramakrishnan.

Is the band Pink Slip going to be in Freaky Friday 2?

Carlo Allegri / Getty Images

Anna's pop-rock teen band, Pink Slip, is undoubtedly integral to the plot of the original Freaky Friday, so it'd be surprising to see a Freaky Friday 2 without fan-favorite jams like “Take Me Away” and “Ultimate.”

Via recently published interviews with Cosmopolitan, a fewFreaky Friday crew members spilled on whether or not we'll actually see the angsty band in the sequel.

Screenwriter Heather Hach clearly agreed that the soundtrack played a huge part in the movie's plot.

"You take out the band element and I don’t think Freaky Friday would be as popular as it is," she said. "It didn’t feel like a derpy Disney movie. The music was actually really good."

Jaclyn Pearson, PHD, the drummer for the band Lash (who wrote the ever-iconic song "Take Me Away"), teased that Freaky Friday 2 might revisit their discography.

"We contacted our record label because we heard there might be a sequel," she said. "We’ve got this whole back catalog. Maybe they could use another song for the film."

Producer Andrew Gunn seemed to suggest the same thing:

"We got a draft of a script for the sequel right before the writers’ strike, and it was really good. A writer came up with the most brilliant idea. It uses music and the band in a great way."

Are they making a Freaky Friday 2?

John Nacion / Getty Images for Paramount Pictures

Lindsay Lohan said on Andy Cohen's Sirius XM show that Freaky Friday 2 is really and truly happening! However, "I don’t want to say too much,” she said about the potential timeline.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the cast could be on set as early as summer 2024. In addition to Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis reprising their roles, Andrew Gunn and Kristin Burr will produce the movie, Elyse Hollander will write the script, and Ann Marie Sanderlin will executive produce. Nisha Ganatra will direct.

While Lindsay is looking forward to the story, she's “just excited to work with Jamie [Lee Curtis] again and see how much further we can take it," she tells PEOPLE. “We talk almost every other day in general, so I think we're going to have a lot of fun with this."

Are Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan friends?

Jamie Lee Curtis / Instagram

Yes, Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan are definitely still friends! In November 2023, Curtis shared an adorable Instagram selfie with Lohan, teasing the upcoming project. And after the writers' and actors' strikes ended, project promotion is slowly returning to light.

"YOU GREW UP and SO BEAUTIFULLY!" the caption reads. "Well, it's Friday, and the strike is over so hopefully, we can switch places again in the near future!" She also tagged Lohan and Disney, which teased the iconic ‘03 comedy in a fun way.

What has Jamie Lee Curtis said about Freaky Friday?

Allyson Riggs

Curtis — coming off some serious cinematic hits, Everything Everywhere All At Once and Halloween Ends — still retains a strong bond with Lohan, and hasn’t exactly been shy about her excitement towards circling back to Freaky Friday. Landing the original role and moving through production was undoubtedly significant to the actress: she cites her own success with Tess after taking on the job at the last minute, despite being booked and busy elsewhere.

“Had I had all the time in the world to prepare, I don’t think it would’ve been so good,” Curtis told the New York Times. “I just had to be in my body. I was also newly sober and I was able to have a community within the movie-work world. That was a big deal for me.”

What has Lindsay Lohan said about Freaky Friday?

Scott Everett White / Netflix

Lohan told the New York Times that she was ready and raring to tackle 2003’s Freaky Fridayback in the day after rocking a dual-role in 1998's The Parent Trap.

“I threw myself into everything: accents, green screens, playing two people,” said Lohan. “So I felt comfortable after that. Freaky Friday felt different because I was going through all of the phases of a 16-year-old [but playing a character who was a year younger]. This was the era of Avril Lavigne and punk, and I wanted to experience it. We did white stripes in my hair.”

The fame Lohan endured at a young age didn’t always leave a positive effect, and it’s been a hot second since we’ve seen her fully emerge back into the spotlight. The star’s been busy since – she moved to Dubai, manages her overseas businesses, got married, and recently welcomed motherhood. After all that, Lohan remains eager to act again – and thankfully in a second Freaky Friday.

“Jamie and I are both open to that, so we’re leaving it in the hands that be,” Lohan told NYT. “We would only make something that people would absolutely adore.”

It sounds like Curtis is ready, too. "As I went around the world with Halloween Ends, people wanted to know if there was going to be another 'Freaky Friday.' Something really touched a chord. When I came back, I called my friends at Disney and said, 'It feels like there’s a movie to be made.'"

Who's writing Freaky Friday 2?


Elyse Hollander is writing the sequel for Freaky Friday.

Who is directing Freaky Friday 2?

Jamie Lee Curtis / Instagram

Nisha Ganatra is directing Freaky Friday 2. She’s directed TV episodes on shows like The Mindy Project, Shameless, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Dear White People. Ganatra has also done directorial work in movies like The Hunters, Late Night, and The High Note.

Disney will be distributing the Freaky Friday sequel.

Sign up for our newsletter for more entertainment news, and check out how Chad Michael Murray's Role In The Freaky Friday Cast Almost Went To Jared Padalecki!

Header image via Walt Disney Studios

This post has been updated.

Just because Prime Day is over doesn't mean the savings have to stop! There are still tons of incredible deals on Amazon that are just as irresistible. Whether you're looking for electronics, beauty must-haves, or home essentials, these discounts are still live, and you won’t want to miss out. It’s the perfect time to score some major savings on your favorite products. Don’t wait—these deals won’t last forever.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

The French Fry Cutter That Slices Them Into Even Pieces


Potatoes, carrots, zucchini — this French fry cutter can slice all of them into delicious fries with a simple press on the handle. The best part? It's made from high-quality stainless steel that's unlikely to rust over time, and cuts the fries into even pieces so that they all cook at the same rate.

See it on Amazon

A Purse With Faux Leather


Whether you're running errands or heading out to dinner, this purse is a vintage-inspired accessory that you won't want to miss out on. The large compartment space leaves plenty of room for your essentials, while the strong handles make it easy to carry around.

See it on Amazon

Upgrade Your Keyboard


It's time to update your wireless keyboard, y'all! You need something that's going to give you those satisfying clicks, looks cute, and is lightweight. That's why we recommend this adorable and colorful keyboard. You get the typewriter clicks and you even get an added mouse, too!

See it on Amazon

Slippers That Come in a Variety of Colors


With fall and winter approaching quickly, you're going to want a pair of comfortable house slippers. These slippers feature a warm fur lining that will keep your feet cozy during your relaxing days at home.

See it on Amazon

A Knit Sweater With Retro Flair


This sweater is perfect for transitioning from summer to fall. The soft knit fabric is beyond cozy, and the adorable retro stripe pattern is right on-trend. Pair it with shorts for warmer fall days, and switch to jeans as the temperature gets cooler. The drop shoulder gives this sweater a relaxed fit, and the crew neck creates a tailored look you'll want to wear all fall.

See it on Amazon

This 8-in-1 Digital Countertop Oven Flips Up and Out of Your Way


Throw away your toaster, your air fryer and your pizza oven, because your new kitchen deserves this bad boy, 8-in1 digital countertop oven that unlike me, can do it all in the kitchen. The magic of this Ninja device goes beyond its functionality, and lies in its counter-saving flip up and away ability, storing the oven in a vertical position against your backsplash. All the controls are digital and easy to use.

See it on Amazon

This Mini Skirt Was Made for Fall


The plaid print of this bodycon mini skirt is perfect for fall! It's got all the colors that make fall so dynamic and beautiful. Tug your favorite sweater over it and pair it with your favorite flats or boots for a quick and easy outfit.

See it on Amazon

A Freestanding Cupboard That Serves as a Mini-Pantry


The Storage Cabinet is 47"H, about the height of an average 6 to 8-year-old, just to help you visualize it. You can even view the Cupboard in your room using the Amazon Shopping App and your phone's camera. The Pantry Storage features a multi-level shelf design for flexible storage options.

See it on Amazon

Lip Gloss That Comes in the Best Shade for Fall


Dark lip combos are going to be a huge trend this season, and this Mac lip gloss is the perfect way to achieve it. It comes in a gorgeous cranberry color and features a non-sticky formula with lasting shine.

See it on Amazon

Portable Power Station Is At An Unbeatable Price


Now is a great time to ensure you've got yourself backed up in case the power goes out during any winter storm. This Portable Power Stationfrom Amazon can power up to six devices, and it's at its lowest price now.

See it on Amazon

These Mules Work In Any Setting


Whether you're going out for dinner, heading out on errands, or going to lunch with friends, these backless mules work. They're comfortable and classic, and the suede makes them ideal for transitional weather.

See it on Amazon

This Ceramic Burner to Feel Zen


Find inner peace one product at a time, starting with this ceramic burner, which can be used for meditation and yoga. This bowl cultivates a sense of calm and relaxation, creating a zen atmosphere by connecting you to nature.

See it on Amazon

A Gel Sleeping Mask for Hydrated, Clear Skin


This gel sleeping mask refreshes, hydrates, and refines pores while you get your beauty sleep. This is a mask that delivers visible results. One reviewer says, "My skin is glowing & hydrated better than anything else I've ever used. The smell is wonderful! Unfortunately I've gotten very skeptical & cynical about products that promise you so many wonderful things but never seem to live up to those promises.....HOWEVER, this product really does do what is advertised and I'm so happy with the results!"

See it on Amazon

This Spiral Lamp


This lamp is the most unique lamp I've ever seen. It's oddly meditative in my opinion. I always feel really relaxed sitting next to it and often journal by it at the end of the night.

See it on Amazon

A Cream Eyeshadow in the Perfect Fall Shade


Elevate your eyes with cream eyeshadow. It has a gold shimmery formula that can even double as a highlighter. Its radiant finish shines in the light, giving your lids and cheekbones a soft, autumnal glow.

See it on Amazon

A Stylish Anorak Jacket That Goes With Anything


A classic anorak jacket makes any outfit feel complete, and this one does not disappoint. It's lightweight, so it works as a transitional piece from summer to fall. You can easily layer it over a t-shirt and sweater or wear it on its own depending on the weather. It comes in a variety of pretty fall colors, so you're sure to find one that suits your style.

See it on Amazon

This Super Handy Vegetable Chopper


This will for sure save tons of time in the kitchen, this vegetable chopper has over 50,000 positive reviews on Amazon it's also on sale. Chop your favorite greens in a seconds with the four interchangeable blades that allow you to julienne, chop and slice vegetables.

See it on Amazon

Keep It Casual With a Crewneck Sweater


Add some texture to your wardrobe with this ribbed crewneck sweater. Pick from color options, including pink, beige, brown, green, or orange, to wear with jeans or trousers.

See it on Amazon

Flared Pants Made From Corduroy


Corduroy is always in style, and these flare pants are the perfect way to hop on the trend. The elastic waistband ensures you are comfortable and confident, allowing you to pair this look with a tucked-in blouse or your favorite cropped sweater.

See it on Amazon

These Inviting Pumpkin Pillows


This set of Pumpkin Pillows is a delightful must-have for your fall checklist. Place them on your sofa, armchairs, or bed to instantly transform your space into a cozy haven. These pillows not only offer comfort but also celebrate the spirit of the season, making them the perfect accent for any fall-themed gathering or quiet evening indoors.

See it on Amazon

This Flattering Pea Coat


This Pea Coat is crafted in a long length, it boasts a classic self-tie belt that suits various body shapes, ensuring a flattering fit. The coat features a solid color, long sleeves, and a lapel open front, embodying timeless sophistication and warmth. Embrace the elegance and practicality of this pea coat, perfect for enhancing your fall wardrobe.

See it on Amazon

This Bedside Lamp Looks Like a Work of Art


This lamp uses 3D printing technology to create unique shapes, which are a visual treat. You can also easily adjust the warmth and brightness of the light.

See it on Amazon

Fall Into Cozy Bliss with a Trendy Oversized Hoodie


As featured on @katrinaforeal and @sagenderns' storefronts, the EFAN's oversized hoodie is a splendid addition to your 2023 fall collection. More than just a comfy pullover, it's your essential piece for seasonal transitions, ensuring you stay fashionable and relaxed all season long.

See it on Amazon

This Floor Pouf Looks So Trendy


Add some extra coziness to your living room with these affordable floor poufs. They look chic in every color, and give you more seating options without taking up too much space. It's safe to say I'm obsessed.

See it on Amazon

A Set of Highly-Rated Nesting Tables That Are Also a Great Price


Oakrain's 2-Piece Table Set is rated very highly, with the majority of reviews being 5 stars and a few 4-star reviews thrown in. "Crafted by skilled artisans using high-quality, sustainable bamboo and rattan material, the Tables are not only beautiful but also durable and functional." The simple and natural design makes them a good fit for any room in the house.

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Discover Extra Thick Bath Rugs - Luxurious Comfort That Lasts.


These luxurious extra thick bath rugs are the perfect way to pamper yourself after a shower. With an extra thick design, these rugs will make you feel like you're stepping on a cloud. Not only that, but the absorbent material will help you and your floors stay dry. With so many five-star reviews, it's no wonder why these rugs have become so popular.

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This Moon Lamp With Controlled Brightness


Capture the calming glow of the moon with this moon lamp that comes with a wooden base to rest on. This LED light mimics the soothing light of the moon, perfect for meditating or relaxing in your bedroom. It also has adjustable lighting preferences, allowing you to find your perfect light.

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For The Love of Fluffy Blankets


Indulge in ultimate comfort with this soft and cozy microfiber fluffy blanket! It's lightweight but still keeps you warm which is a plus for travel.

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These Colorful Blankets Will Transform Your Couch


Want to inject some color into a neutral space? These bold and bright blankets look like such an expensive purchase but are such an affordable price. Drape against your couch or across the foot of your bed for an instant makeover.

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Wrap Up In Warm in These Essentials


This season, gift comfort with these teddy slippers. You won't believe how quickly they will mold to feet. Perfect for winter evenings of fireside lounging.

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These Fridge Liners Make Wiping Up Spills So Easy


Cleaning spills in the fridge can be a bit of a pain — unless you have these liners on your shelves. They're completely waterproof, making it easy to wipe up all sorts of messes with no more than a damp rag. You also have the choice of two colors: red/blue/green, or transparent.

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An Eyeshadow Stick With a Built-in Brush


Swipe on a pop of color with this eyeshadow stick. It has a long-lasting cream-to-powder formula that blends like a dream. It's an easy way to add a touch of warmth to your fall makeup.

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Stay Cozy With Some Baggy Joggers


These baggy joggers are the ultimate piece of athleisurewear. They offer a high-waisted design and elastic waist pull that give you a customized fit.

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This Rice Toner Gives You Glass Skin


Korean skincare does it again: Get the coveted glass-skin look with this milky rice toner. With plant-based ingredients, this daily toner helps balance the skin's water and oil levels for the perfect amount of glow.

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This Organic Modern Freestanding Pantry


Small apartments tend to skimp on pantry storage. Make the most of your space with this traditional freestanding pantry cabinet with doors and three adjustable shelves.

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Enjoy The Soothing Sound Of Rain With This Cloud Humidifier


The sound from this rain cloud humidifier will either send you off to sleep or help you totally unwind, as shown in Hello Kristen's review which has racked up over 2.9 million views. The rain cloud has seven colors for the night light that you can select, or you can let it cycle through the changing colors.

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This Hair Dryer For The Hair Of Your Dreams


Skip the trip to the hair salon when you have this Hair Dryer that is one of the most talked about hair products of all time. This multi-styler blow dryer comes with a variety of different attachments and brushes that allow you to customize your hair experience on a whole new level.

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Feel Nostalgic With These Classic Sneakers


Everyone is currently obsessed with Adidas shoes, and for good reason. These classic sneakers can be worn with fancy and casual outfits to create a trendy ensemble.

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These Sweatpants Are on Another Level


Discover the allure of these Sweatpants, which exude a level of sophistication that sets them apart. Their refined charm lies in the raw hem stitch detailing and substantial waistband, imparting an elevated touch to your loungewear. Step into a realm of class and comfort as you redefine your relaxed style with these exceptional lounge pants.

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This Rain Jacket Is Also Lined for Extra Warmth


We're about to be seeing a lot more rain, so investing in a good rain jacket is a smart idea. Luckily this one has a cotton lining that gives you just enough extra warmth for those cold and wet days.

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Maybelline Just Dropped These New Shadow Blocks in a Stacked Eye Shadow Trio


These newly dropped Maybelline Shadow Blocks are great if you wear the same shadow look regularly or you need something compact for travel. Each block comes with three different shades which all work together for an overall look. They are really user-friendly and not overly pigmented so great for everyday use.

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The Perfect Lipstick for Every Skin Tone? Clinique Almost Lipstick Is Going Viral.


Everyone's been talking about Clinique Lipstick and its ability to look good on every skin tone. When two sisters with completely different looks tried it out for themselves, they were both amazed. This versatile shade can be dressed up or down to suit any makeup look.

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A Milani Eyeshadow Palette With Deep Purple Tones


This Milani eyeshadow palette features perfect purple-toned autumn colors to create stunning eyeshadow looks. It includes both shimmer and matte shades to make any eye color pop. With a total of six colors, ranging from deep purple to light pink, this palette has everything you need for a fall-inspired look.

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This Crossbody Purse With adjustable Straps


Skip the designer bag and serve looks with this crossbody purse that can also be worn as a fanny pack. This sling purse is perfect for hands-free days when you're on the go, creating a street-style look that is reminiscent of all of your favorite influencers and models.

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A Pumpkin Picking Candle Delivers the Perfect Cozy Fall Scent to Your Home


The Pumpkin Picking Candle delivers the perfect cozy fall scent to your home, making it an ideal addition to your self-care routine. With its warm blend of pumpkin, cinnamon, and sweet vanilla, this candle invites relaxation and comfort, creating a calming atmosphere perfect for unwinding after a busy day. Light it up, settle in, and let the soothing fall aromas bring a little extra care and coziness into your space

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Spruce Up Your Dinner Party Game With This Dinnerware Set


This 12-piece dinnerparty set comes in a gorgeous slate gray that is perfect for serving dinner guests. These are a great way to level up your tablescape skills.

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SATINA High Waisted Pants For Comfortable Style


Step out in style without sacrificing comfort with SATINA High Waisted Pants. These pants combine fashion with comfort, making it possible to look good and feel great. They're perfect for anyone who's ever wished for stylish pants that feel like pajamas.

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This Cardigan Has a Cozy Material


Throw it back to Y2K with this cardigan that has a short-sleeve design and button-down feature. This soft, knitted piece has a lightweight fit, making it a staple for layering and styling over all of your tanks and tees throughout the season.

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These Macrame Wall Hanging Can Add Some Personality to a Blank Wall


Crafted from 100% cotton, these macrame wall hangings add an artistic display to your walls, and a bit of Bohemian appeal to your interiors. They're also hand-crafted for that personal touch.

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This Coffee Table With Storage Space


You can always count on this coffee table to blend in seamlessly with the rest of your home decor. This piece has a light wooden design and rounded corners, creating a chic and practical look in your home. This piece serves as a high-end farmhouse item at a fraction of the cost.

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Stay Organized With the Howcool Shoe Storage Cabinet


Keep your shoes organized with the howcool Shoe Storage Cabinet. Featuring two flip drawers and cubbies, this slim, freestanding wooden cabinet offers a stylish and practical solution for shoe storage in entryways or bedrooms.

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This Face Oil Feels Like Luxury


A good face oil can really add that "wow" factor to your skin regimen, and this honeysuckle and turmeric face oil will work wonders. Use it with a gua sha or face roller to hydrate and plump skin while aiding in lymphatic drainage. Trust us, your skin will have never looked healthier!

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This Armchair Comes With a Matching Footrest


Add some character to an empty corner with this quirky accent chair and matching footrest. The fleece fabric feels so soft on the skin, and it offers a great spot for unwinding.

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Feel Cozy and Fabulous With Fuzzy Slippers


Pair your new self-care day robe with a pair of fuzzy slippers that make your days at home feel all the more luxurious. With the cozy lining, you won't need to wear socks, and the sturdy tread is durable enough to be worn outside of the house to walk the dog or run an errand.

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Cozy Farmhouse Vibes


This tightly braided thick cable knit throw blanket is ideal for a big couch or your bed. The light brown shade makes it a luxuriously cozy addition to any interior design scheme, but it especially leans towards the farmhouse vibe.

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Store Halloween Candy With This Pumkin Jar


Store your favorite fall snacks and candies inside this glass-shaped pumpkin jar that comes complete with an air-tight lid for ultimate freshness all season.

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A Niacinamide Serum That Addresses Enlarged Pores


Give your skin complexion that you'll love and feel confident about with this niacinamide serum. It will help shrink the visibility of your pores and provide relief for redness and any discolored areas on your face. It has a sensitive skin-friendly formula that you can use daily without irritation.

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A Chunky-Knit Sweater in Pretty Autumn Shades


This chunky-knit sweater is the coziest fall wardrobe staple, and we find ourselves wearing it all the time. The oversized fit makes us feel like we're bundled up in a cozy blanket, and the color selections couldn't be better. Choose from a variety of autumnal shades, from olive green to a dark, moody purple. This is an instant closet favorite you won't want to pass up on.

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A Collared Sweater Dress for Preppy Fall Vibes


This collared sweater dress is giving major academic vibes, and we're here for it. Whenever autumn comes around, we can't resist checking out our local library for our next page-turner, and this dress is just the thing to wear. It's soft, cozy, and has a vintage, preppy vibe that's perfect for fall. Pair it with leggings to stay cozy on cooler days.

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Throw on This Chunky Sweater


Whether you are headed out to dinner or spending the night with a cup of tea, this chunky sweater will keep you snug. Plus, it is made from a beautiful knit texture material that is great for colder temperatures.

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Goodbye Beauty Blender, Hello Foundation Brush


A lot of the girls are saying that the Beauty Blender is out and they are switching back to foundation brushes to blend their cream products. If you're done with the sponge, then this is a great brush to try out.

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Driff off on an Upholstered Glider


Drift off and rock your baby or yourself to sleep comfortably with an upholstered glider rocking chair. This chair features a smooth gliding motion and plush cushioning, providing a cozy spot for feeding, soothing, or relaxing. Its soft upholstery and supportive design make it a must-have for any nursery or living room.

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Velvet Lip Tint That Has All Day Long Color


This super pigmented velvet lip tint is the best all day wear lip tint. I am so obsessed with it! I can totally see why it has completely taken the internet by storm. The bold color is sure to pack a punch and adds a pop of color to any ordinary outfit.

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Breathable Organic Bamboo Sheets


Transform your sleeping experience when you swap your linens for a set of pure bamboo sheets! This organic material is luxuriously soft and cooling with its high-quality double stitch that holds up strength wash after wash.

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Bring the Joys of a Fall Maple Tree Inside


Bring the warmth of orange fall leaves inside with this six-foot artificial maple tree that glows adoringly with its golden twinkle lights.

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Keep Shoes Organized With the Galano Lucca Shoe Storage Cabinet


Organize your entryway with the Galano Lucca 12 Shoe Storage Cabinet. This wood freestanding organizer features a narrow design and easy assembly. It offers ample space for shoes in a sleek dusty grey oak finish.

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This Oversized Jacket Is Great for Layering


If you're wearing an outfit that's a little shorter, this oversized jacket is a must-have. The jacket is great for pulling over a more summery fit when the weather has unexpectedly turned more fall.

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Rest Your Feet on This Pouf Ottoman


You'll feel instantly relaxed once you start using this pouf ottoman. Place it near your couch or living room chair for a complete look.

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Set Your Table With These Bird Cage Centerpieces


This set of two bird cage centerpieces is an exciting and old-school decorative addition to your home, no matter the time of year. The feeling is overwhelmingly vintage and classic when styled on top of your dining table around season florals.

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These Cargo Pants With Six Pockets


Keep up with the trends, including these cargo pants that all of the models have been showing off in their street glam. The baggy fit provides you with all-day comfort while the functional pockets leave you with plenty of room to hold your lip glosses and accessories.

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This Super Serum Will Give You Super Skin


Olay always knows just what our skin needs, am I right? The cult favorite drugstore brand just released this 5-in-1 Super Serum that will have you instantly hooked. With niacinamide, Vitamin C, collagen peptide, AHA, and Vitamin E, this magical formula improves texture, firmness, evenness, hydration and smoothness all at once. It'll leave your skin feeling refreshed, hydrated and healthy for a glow that others will notice immediately.

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A Cute Storage Basket for Your Cozy Blankets


This cotton rope storage basket is great for storing blankets, pillows, cushions, toys, clothes, and towels. Its sturdy handles make it easy to move around and can also be folded flat when not in use.

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This Long-Sleeve Tee That's Delightfully Slouchy


Speaking of must-have fall basics, make sure to take a look at this long-sleeve tee. The slouchy fit is incredibly on trend, while the rayon-spandex weave gives it tons of comfortable stretch. The best part? It even comes in more than 25 colors.

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Goodbye To Dustpans Forever


Say goodbye to dust pan and brush forever. This 2-in-1 cordless brom with a built vacuum, is super lightweight and geets full charge in less than thirty minutes. To activate the vacuum you simply press the nozzle to the ground, and the vacuum creates and powerful and accurate. This super handy gadget holds up to a cup of dust and debris, and it's eject button releases it straight into the trash.

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This Complexion Stick Can Cover Anything


Conceal your blemishes while also correcting the color with this complexion stick that is infused with turmeric and hyaluronic acid. This medium coverage tool creates a natural finish that will feel as good as your skin will look. It's a must-have to touch up throughout the day.

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Enhance Your Ambiance With Flameless Candles


These remote-controlled flameless candles are perfect for putting in your window without fear of a fire hazard. Everyone knows the most fall-feeling homes are filled with glowing candlelight, even if it is battery-operated.

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A Fleece Crewneck You’ll Want in Every Color


Reliable pieces like this fleece crewneck are an absolute must-have to build your loungewear collection this season. It features a soft lining and an oversized fit that will keep you cozy on a chilly day. It comes in over 30 different styles, both plain and patterned, to match any pair of bottoms in your wardrobe.

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Release Tension in Your Feet Using a Massager


If you work on your feet all day, the last thing you probably want to do when you get home is massage your feet. With this foot massager you can simply place your feet in and let it do all the work.

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This Tank Set Helps You Build Out Your Wardrobe


This pack of three tank tops comes in the best colors for fall and is great for layering. You can wear them on their own, pull a cardigan over them, or use them as an undershirt.

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Magnesi-Om by Moon Juice


Fitness bloggers far and wide rave about the benefits of taking a magnesium supplement and from the team who bought the world Sex Dust. This Magnesi-Om by Moon Juice magnesium powder supplement is gaining popularity for its delicious sugar-free berry flavor. Not to mention all the fantastic benefits for sleep and muscle recovery regular usage promotes.

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Line Smoothing Seamless Bra


Every good outfit starts with the right bra. With this underarm-smoothing and seamless design, your clothes will fit you better than you ever thought they could have.

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A Lip Stain That Plumps and Hydrates


Opting for a lip stain is a great way to avoid frequent reapplications throughout the day. This lip stain has a long-lasting formula that plumps your lips with moisturizing ingredients. Available in a variety of colors, you can choose from single packs or buy a two or three-pack for added convenience.

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This Chest Cream To Boost Your Confidence


Target the delicate areas of your chest and neck with this Chest Cream that works to tighten, firm and lift. Infused with collagen, hyaluronic acid, and niacinamide, it works to smooth wrinkles and sagging skin, restoring elasticity and youthfulness all at the same time.

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This Brow Pencil Can Give You Flawless Eyebrows


Want flawlessly arched brows? Consider utilizing this brow pencil, which offers unparalleled precision for sculpting brows (no wonder why they have become such cult favorites).

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Nesting Mixing Bowls


These Wildone Mixing Bowls with Airtight Lids are a sleek-looking matching set for all your mixing and prepping needs, featuring 22 stainless steel mixing bowls in varying sizes, three grater attachments, measurement marks, and non-slip bottoms. With airtight lids included, this set is perfect for storing and transporting your creations.

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This Eyeliner Pencil for Your Waterline


Make your makeup last through the sweat and tears of summer thanks to this eyeliner pencil, which comes in a ton of different shades. This bold shade brings a dramatic effect to your makeup look, ensuring you stay flawless throughout your plans.

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Amazon's Bestselling Espresso Maker


Craft fine espresso beverages right at home with the bestselling Breville BES870XL Barista Express Espresso Machine in a gorgeous brushed stainless steel finish. It's sure to turn your kitchen into the most charming cafe.

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