Moroccan food is one of the most highly regarded in all the world. And in our opinion, rightfully so. It’s couscous, tagine and kefta galore! You may feel a tiny bit intimated by the abundance of foreign words and spices, so our goal today is to show you how simple yet ridiculously delicious Moroccan food is. Here are 15 tasty steps to achieving that goal.
1. Ultimate Winter Couscous: Couscous is probably one of the most popular dishes in Morocco. It’s also incredibly fun to say and simple to make. (via The Taste Space)
2. Vegan Moroccan Harira: Harira is Morocco’s famous tomato and lentil soup, and it’s absolutely perfect for when you have the dreadful sniffles or just need a cozy pick-me-up. (via Tasting Table)
3. Spiced Lamb Kefta Skewers: It’s grilling season. Heat yours up and make kefta skewers. You definitely won’t regret it. (via Taste Food)
4. Moroccan Briouats: These briouats are what your next dinner party needs. The filling will be a surprise to all your guests. (Psst… it’s pistachio, lamb and a whole lotta spice.) (via Taste Magazine)
5. Moroccan Chicken + Skillet Flat Bread: How beautiful is this chicken? And it tastes just as great as it looks. (via A Dash of Cinnamon)
6. Moroccan Quinoa Salad: Quinoa is climbing high up the popularity ladder, making this salad all the rage. Bring it along to a picnic, to a fun day on the beach or just to your desk for your workday lunching. (via Green Kitchen Stories)
7. Moroccan Cooked Carrot Salad: Did you know that Morocco is also famous for its cooked salads? These carrots are a perfect example. Your kids may actually start to like the vitamin-filled veggie after trying it out. (via Fed + Fit)
8. Brie Filled Baklava: Creamy cheese-filled baklava? Pinch us, we must be dreaming. (via Spoon Fork Bacon)
9. Chicken Bastilla: Bastilla is the Moroccan version of a meat pie. If you’re not into meat, you can substitute the filling with practically anything. (via Crush Magazine)
10. Mint Green Tea Mojito: Lovingly referred to as “Moroccan whiskey,” this yummy nonalcoholic mint tea captures all of summer’s best flavors. (via Wayfair)
11. Fire Roasted Tomato Harissa: For those of you who live a spicy life, harissa will soon become your new best friend. You might even start carrying it around with you to restaurants. (Move over, Sriracha.) (via Kitchen Confidante)
12. Any Filling Bourekas: Phyllo dough FTW! Bourekas are super versatile in that you can choose whatever filling you want inside. Are frosting and sprinkles acceptable? We’ll try it out and let you know. (via Tori Avey)
13. Roasted Eggplant Zaalouk: Another popular warm salad is smoky zaalouk. It’s basically like our beloved mash potatoes, only made with mashed eggplant and a whole lot more flavorful. (via Dinners and Dreams)
14. Date + Semolina Ma’amoul: We couldn’t write a post about food without including a cookie recipe. These are kind of like Fig Newtons, and you know what that means? You can totally eat them in bed. (via Wandering Spice)
15. Zucchini + Chickpea Tagine: And finally, the official Moroccan classic — tagine. While most recipes call for the special Moroccan clay pot with its cone-like cap, this one can be made in a Dutch oven. (via Herbivoracious)
Which Moroccan dish looks the tastiest to you? Let us know in the comments below!