The Best Mother's Day Flowers For Your Mom's Zodiac Sign

best mothers day flowers Zodiac Sign

Mother's Day is on May 9th. Instead of just calling your mother on the phone to wish her well, send a bouquet of flowers to show her that you care. If you want to choose Mother's Day flowers that vibes well with her zodiac sign, then she'll be able to exude the flavor and spirit of her truest cosmic self — which you already appreciate and love.

Photo: Brit + Co

Aries: Tulip

Nothing in the world can compare or compete with the love that your Aries mother has given you throughout the years — except for Tulips (who is one of the official flowers of the zodiac sign Aries). The boldness, charm, and elegance of the Tulip cannot be compared to any other flower, which is how you feel about your Aries mom (especially since your mom has a fierce and protective nature, which resembles how Tulips grow).

Photo: Brit + Co

Taurus: Rose

Your Taurus mother is Bullish about the flowers that you give to her. You're well aware of the fact that Tauruses know a lot about earthy beauty, which makes them flower connoisseurs. Roses are the ideal flower for Taurus, as it shows gratitude, grace, and love — which are the words that you would use in describing your mother. Show your Taurus mother affection by giving them a bouquet of flowers that they will appreciate.

Photo: rocknwool/Unsplash

Gemini: Lavender

Geminis are known to do a million things at once. If you can think back to your youthful days, you'll remember that your Gemini mom was always busy driving you to school and doing errands around town. In fact, they still have a to-do lost a mile high that they accomplish in a day. Therefore, a calming fragrant flower like lavender is ideal for Gemini to reduce the stress and anxieties from their daily routines.

Photo: Jay Castor/Unsplash

Cancer: Water Lily

Mother's Day is a magical holiday for all Cancer moms, which is why it's important to get them the best flowers. Water Lily is most aligned with the Moon, who is the planetary ruler of the zodiac sign Cancer. This flower represents maternity, emotion, and creativity. Therefore, your Cancer mother will definitely adore receiving a bouquet full of them. After all, these flowers symbolize the nurturing, sensitive, and loving side of the softhearted zodiac sign.

Photo: Brit + Co

Leo: Sunflower

As you know, your Leo mother has a larger than life personality that brings a bright smile to everyone in your family's faces. All the more reason for you to gift them a bouquet of vibrant and cheerful sunflowers that radiates positivity. This sunny flower also represents loyalty and bravery, which are some of the attributes that you associate with the maternal lioness in your life whose heart is larger than a bouquet of sunflowers.

Photo: Brit + Co

Virgo: Daisy

Much like the attributes of the zodiac sign Virgo, daisies symbolize purity of heart and innocence. The Virgo mother is a kind, patient, and gentle soul who will absolutely love receiving these tender and sweet flowers on Mother's Day. Plus, daisies are gifts that are often brought for mothers from their children because they speak to the unwavering bond and attachment to the maternal influence in our lives, as well as childbirth and new beginnings.

Photo: Raphael Cabuis/Unsplash

Libra: Bluebell

The Libra mother shows everlasting love and always puts the needs of their children first, which makes them extremely sympathetic and supportive to the emotional plight of their kids (something you are acutely aware of, having been raised by a Libra mother). Bluebells are the perfect flower to gift for them this Mother's Day because they symbolize their gentle, kind, and accommodating personality. Also, they can intoxicate all of the senses of your Venusian mother.

Photo: Rebecca/Unsplash

Scorpio: Peony

Peonies represent passion. If you have a Scorpio mother, then you're fully aware of their emotional vibe. The other quality of Peonies is compassion and loyalty. Your Scorpio mom has a sweet personality that has given support to you throughout the years. After all, Scorpios will go to bat for anyone and everyone that they love (especially YOU) because their heart is unwavering which is why they'll absolutely love receiving these flowers on Mother's Day.

Photo: Assem Gniyat/Unsplash

Sagittarius: Carnation

Carnations are a symbol of motherly love and associated with the sign Sagittarius because of the luck that they bring to the recipient. Your Sagittarius mom will identify with the adventurous and happy flower that adds a dash of spontaneity and joy to the mix in any floral arrangement or centerpiece when given solo in a bouquet. All of these qualities are descriptions of what you think and feel about your fun loving Sagittarius mother.

Photo: Karen Cann/Unsplash

Capricorn: Pansy

Pansies are the official flower of the zodiac sign Capricorn because they are the first to bloom in the beginning of the new year. Known to be intense in color and considered to be humble by floriculturists. Your Capricorn mom may give a lot of their energy to work, but their heart is 100% in parenting. Pansies also represent spiritual attainment and drive, a sentiment that resonates in the description of your reflective Capricorn mother.

Photo: Thimo van Leeuwen/Unsplash

Aquarius: Bird Of Paradise

Aquarius is known to be individualistic and unique, much like the Bird Of Paradise flower. And, your Aquarian mother is no different. That's why they will love receiving these colorful beauties as a gift. Much like your Aquarian mother, they inspire free thinking, intellectual fulfillment, and joy. Therefore, your air sign mom will love adorning her home with these magnificent orange, blue, and sometimes white flowers that signify happiness, thoughtfulness, and faithfulness of the heart.

Photo: Ankhesenamun/Unsplash

Pisces: Orchid

Orchids are very mystical and ethereal. The refined flower represents strength, another sentiment that the intuitive water sign aligns with. Your Pisces mother has always shown off their inner tenacious spirit throughout the years by expressing their unconditional love and support to you on an emotional level. Plus, orchids are mysterious and surprising in their numinous nature. Send some orchids to your Pisces mom to show you understand and see them for who they are.

When not suggesting the best Mother's Day flowers, Lisa Stardust is a NYC-based astrologer and author of Saturn Return Survival Guide: "Navigating This Cosmic Rite of Passage Simple steps to build stronger relationships" due out this May from Hardie Grant Books. Follow her @lisastsrdustastro on Instagram or visit her website for more astrological goodness.

Follow us @BritandCo for more Mother's Day ideas.

It is that time again. Venus retrograde has arrived, and it has an essential message for those in love or on the quest to find it. The word "retrograde" may sound alarm bells for most people, but I would like to reassure you that it helps you pay attention and recognize what you need whenever a planetary retrograde occurs. With Venus retrograde happening from March 1 to April 12, it will shift the focus on how individualized we are in the realms of love and the way we project our leadership in relationships. The love planet begins its backward dance in the sign of Aries. Its revisitation in Pisces on March 27 will unearth past themes involving connections and the purity of connections in relationships. If retrograde is still a term that makes you nervous, let go of the fear; there's always a way to navigate these times with peace and awareness. Read on and learn more about this Venus retrograde 2025 and how the love planet will impact each astrological sign.

Scroll to find out what your zodiac sign can expect during the Venus retrograde.

What Happens During Venus Retrograde?

Emmanuel Torres

When a planet advances far ahead from its course in our orbit, the Sun pulls it back in line in space so it won't veer off track within the line-up of the other planets. Venus undergoes this backward spin every 18 months, and it actually forms a 5-petaled rose when seen from a geocentric perspective during this orbital dance! We can always count on Venus and its romantic touch.

From a general perspective, Venus in retrograde presents lessons about paying attention to our love life, values, and even how we radiate our inner and outer beauty. Retrogrades present a period of inner reflection, and when Venus is involved, it will involve our inner nature and how it clashes with vanity. It's also recommended to hold off on trying a dramatic hair transformation during this transit or scheduling cosmetic procedures. Although it can be tempting, it may lead to unexpected results. This Venus retrograde period will invoke a review regarding your standards inside and out.

The average time that Venus goes in between signs is about 20 days, but when a retrograde occurs, our love and our inner values will undergo a review within a 2-month range. This Venus in Aries retrograde will help you understand your individuality and name your relationship terms.

If you're single, this is your moment to reflect and celebrate you! This Venus retrograde will allow you to step into self-empowerment and set the stage to attract better relationship connections as you hold yourself on a pedestal. If you're in a relationship, you and your significant other will see each other in a different light, involving leadership and the need for progression. Expressing what you want while understanding the importance of initiating your desired changes will get things moving once Venus Direct occurs on April 13. Everything about yourself and the reasoning behind your connection will come to light.

Another thing to note is that you should look at what house Venus will reside in your birth chart while it retrogrades in the sign of Aries. This will reveal which area needs focus in your life.

What Is Happening During this 2025 Venus Retrograde?

Zyra Brown

Now to better understand how this retrograde will impact you, let’s take a closer look at Venus and its current filter. The love planet entered the Mars-ruled sign of Aries on February 4, and the overall tone will stir themes involving power play and aggression in love and relationships. The cardinal fire sign Aries rules the 1st house of self, identity, and initiation, and with Venus positioned in this house, we are likely feeling the pull to start things up or have the desire to be seen. Backtrack and begin reviewing your organization and paying attention to the details before starting anything. You will be better prepared and attract the desired results when Venus Direct happens. Generally, this energy can be translated as selfish, arrogant, and controlling. Become a leader based on the greater good. Controlling others to yield to your demands will only backfire.

Also, the balancing act beckons as tempers can run high, or you can feel discouraged when your ideas are not being received. The powerful flair of Venus in Aries can also lead to feelings of separation or selfishness. Negotiating and holding space to understand others will keep you balanced during this retrograde period. When Venus backspins into the Neptune-ruled sign of Pisces on March 27, expect to feel more introspective and begin to prioritize relaxation. The mutable sign Pisces rules the 12th house of dreams, subconscious realms, and isolation. It is not an ideal time to push through to make things happen, only inner reflection. Our dreams may get visceral, and our moods may heighten emotionally. Create art, listen to music, or work through any unresolved matters you may have overlooked. Peace follows as you clear out.

What are some things to avoid during this 2025 Venus Retrograde?

victoria harder

  • Beginning new relationships
  • Getting married/wedding planning
  • Major beauty transformations (hair, cosmetic procedures)
  • Initiate new business ventures or investments
  • Major purchases lead to overspending (car, furniture, art, house, business)

What are some things to do during Venus Retrograde?

Maryam Hanif

  • Reflect on your relationship
  • Talk to your ex if you need closure (don't rekindle...yet)
  • Review the state of your finances, investments, assets
  • Declutter your living surroundings and sell quality items for profit
  • Beauty and self-care rituals
  • Meditation
  • Journaling
  • Self-Care Routines
  • Energy Healing

How Venus Retrograde 2025 Will Impact the Zodiac Signs

Eleanor Lee

Anyone with cardinal sign positions such as the sun, moon, rising, or other astrological placements in Aries, Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer will experience the impact of this Venus retrograde more so than other signs. Also, when Venus ingresses into Pisces on March 27, the mutable signs Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius will be impacted. Here is the general overview of what to expect during this 2025 Venus Retrograde. Read for your sun and rising sign for extended insight!

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

What do you see when you look into the mirror, Aries? Venus retrograde begins in your sign before retreating into your 12th house next month, and the love planet urges you to reflect on your self-worth, beauty, and past relationships. Nostalgia may pull your heartstrings, and hidden emotions resurface. Focus on self-care and healing rather than seeking external validation.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Observe your internal landscape as Venus retrograde unveils, inspires you to go through inner work, and prompts you to beautify your soul. When it progresses into your 11th house later this month, Venus will prompt you to pay attention to your friendships, support systems, and personal dreams. You may re-evaluate certain relationships, realizing who truly stands by your side. If past friendships resurface, reflect on whether they align with your growth. Avoid making impulsive social commitments, as clarity will come after April 12 when Venus moves forward again.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Your views will alter your feelings in your networks and friendship circles as Venus retrograde will help you see how far you are progressing with your goals and whether you are being given authentic support. Later this month, the love planet moves back into your 10th house, granting you focus on career matters. You may find yourself questioning your professional relationships or re-evaluating your public image. Avoid making major career decisions or committing to new collaborations until Venus moves direct on April 12.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Venus's retrograde encourages you to review your current situation in your career. It may prompt you to pick up on an old endeavor or reflect on who you want to be professionally. Later this month, the love planet will move back into your 9th house. It will help you stand still and observe your inner beliefs. You may question whether your current path aligns with your values. This is a time for internal reflection rather than drastic action, as Venus will move direct on April 12.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

As the prideful sign, Venus retrograde in your 9th house prompts you to look deeper and yet at all angles involving your passions before proceeding. Confidence is birthed as you open yourself to new approaches. Later this month, the love planet moves back into your 8th house, beckoning deep reflection on your intimate relationships and financial matters. Past connections may resurface, urging you to redefine trust and shared resources. Avoid making major financial commitments until Venus moves direct on April 12.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Venus retrograde shakes up your 8th house, granting you space to review your inner needs and views on intimate connections. When the love planet backspins into your 7th house later this month, past relationship dynamics may resurface, allowing you to review commitments and lingering issues. Avoid making long-term relationship decisions until Venus Direct on April 12.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Venus retrograde begins its backspin in your 7th house, and these next few weeks will inspire you to reflect on how balanced you are feeling lately between love and daily responsibilities. To restore your well-being, allow the people-pleasing to take the backseat. Later this month, Venus moves back into your 6th house, helping you rethink how much energy you dedicate to others versus yourself. Hold off on major relationship decisions until Venus Direct occurs on April 12.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Venus retrograde helps you recalibrate your mind, body, and spirit with its sluggish motion in your 6th house. You may feel a little run down, and the best anecdote is through mindfulness practices and continued self-care. Venus' lesson is to observe how much you spend your energy. Intention breathes preservation. When the love planet moves into your 5th house later this month, it inspires you to reflect on your creative pursuits, romantic connections, and personal passions. Past lovers or unfinished artistic projects may resurface. Avoid making major romantic decisions until Venus moves direct on April 12.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 21 – December 21)

Love and the source of your joy grab your attention as Venus begins its backspin in your 5th house of romance and creativity. Your children will be the primary focus, and the love planet will show how you genuinely connect with them. It is also a period for inner child work or revisiting old projects. Later this month, Venus will move into your 4th house, encouraging you to beautify the home and hold off from scheduling renovations. Declutter your home and reorganize your living space.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

Venus begins its backward dance in your 4th house, prompting you to reconnect with your roots. Stability can be found as you are open to being vulnerable with your family. As the love planet moves into your 3rd house, it will bring up past matters involving communication and messages exchanged with siblings or close connections. Clear the air by revisiting what has not been resolved.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

It will be time to retrace your steps and observe how you articulate your messages as Venus retrograde slows down in your 3rd house of communication. You may feel overwhelmed and burnt out from brainstorming an endless stream of ideas. Your close connections may have difficulty keeping up, so have a journal handy to look back on when Venus Direct motion happens on April 12. When Venus moves into your 2nd house on March 27, avoid big purchases and focus on re-evaluating how you create stability through money and possessions.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 20 – March 21)

Venus retrograde begins its slow dance in your 2nd house on March 1. Analyze your finances and spending habits. When filing for taxes, look closely at everything before submitting your information to your accountant. As Venus crosses back into your 1st house, luckily, this will be an opportune time to beautify your inner and outer beauty. Avoid booking cosmetic procedures or trying a new haircut. You may question your image or values—take this time to nurture your sense of self before Venus moves direct on April 12.

Want to learn the astrology basics and decode your birth chart? Take a look at Lumi's beginner's astrology workbook!

For more astrology advice, be sure to Ask Lumi here and follow the convo on Facebook!

It's out with the old, in with the new at Walt Disney World this year! After expanding EPCOT to include Remy's Ratatouille Adventure and Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind, as well as adding Tiana's Bayou Adventure to the Magic Kingdom, the next park to get a refresh is Animal Kingdom.

The last time Disney's Animal Kingdom got an exciting refresh was with the addition of Pandora, AKA the world of Avatar, in 2017. So, let's find out what's leaving — and what's coming next — at Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom in 2025!

Scroll to find out which Walt Disney World attraction is closing in March 2025!

Walt Disney World

"It's Tough to Be a Bug!" will officially close "permanently" on March 17, 2025, according to Walt Disney World. The iconic attraction is leaving after nearly three decades and is set to be replaced by a new 3D show, "Zootopia: Better Zoogether!" in the winter.

Situated in the Tree of Life Theater, located in Animal Kingdom, "It's Tough to Be a Bug!" first opened on April 22, 1998. Inspired by A Bug's Life, the animated Pixar film, this attraction is a 4D experience that has received mixed reviews.

One TripAdvisor review says, "Not really worth the wait for how short the show is. A little scary, but some cute effects with the steam and water. A couple kids were crying." However, another review called the attraction "brilliant" with "totally unexpected laughs."

Parkgoers wear bug-eye glasses and watch as Flik navigates bug life in 4D. You'll sense creepy crawlies on the ground, you'll smell a stink bug, and watch as the bugs prove how tough it is to be — you guessed it — a bug!

Looking for more travel news? Be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss a thing!

Narcissists can be charming, confident, and persuasive, but beneath the surface, they really thrive on manipulation, control, and a constant need for validation. They seek out people who will boost their ego, cater to their demands, and tolerate their toxic behaviors.

If you've ever felt like a magnet for narcissists, your zodiac sign might have something to do with it. Whether due to their deep empathy, loyalty, or desire to fix others, here are eight signs that tend to attract narcissists.

Scroll to find out the zodiac signs that attract narcissists the most.

Brit + Co

1. Pisces (February 20 – March 21)

Pisces are the healers of the zodiac, known for their compassion and emotional sensitivity. They're able to see the good in others, even when it's buried beneath layers of toxicity, which makes them prime targets for narcissists.

Plus, since Pisces crave deep connections, they may mistake a narcissist's initial charm and intensity for genuine affection.

Brit + Co

2. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libras are one of the most relationship-oriented signs in the zodiac because they thrive on harmony, balance, and connection. They're also naturally drawn to confidence and charisma, which are qualities that narcissists often exude.

It's true that a strong and assertive partner can be healthy, but narcissists take it a step further and use their dominance to manipulate and control. Libras may find themselves justifying toxic behaviors, smoothing out conflicts, and prioritizing the relationship over their well-being.

Brit + Co

3. Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Cancers are driven by wanting to care for and protect the people they love. Their emotional intelligence and sensitivity make them very compassionate partners, yet narcissists may take advantage of that.

Narcissists are great at playing the victim and trying to get sympathy. To a Cancer, this may trigger their instinct to try to heal, support, and "fix" the person they think is hurting.

Brit + Co

4. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leos are bold and drawn to others who have a lot of confidence since they excel in the presence of strong personalities. However, it's their love for admiration and excitement that makes them vulnerable to a narcissist's charm.

You may think that a narcissist's larger-than-life image seems like a perfect match for Leo's own vibrant energy. On the contrary, this sign also has deep emotional needs that extend beyond surface-level charisma.

And given the fact that narcissists are more focused on themselves than true connection, they may fail to provide Leos the loyalty, appreciation, and warmth they crave.

Brit + Co

5. Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Ruled by Venus, Taurus is one of the most devoted signs of the zodiac. They have a high capacity for love and unwavering loyalty.

Additionally, this sign tends to give parts of themselves to their relationships, offering patience, stability, and unconditional love. Narcissists might see this as an opportunity to take without giving back.

Brit + Co

6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgos are known for their selflessness and willingness to go above and beyond for their loved ones. They're thoughtful and constantly searching for ways to better their relationships. This makes them a magnet for narcissists, who seek out partners that can serve and accommodate their every need.

Narcissists take advantage of how Virgos sometimes lose themselves in relationships and believe that, if they work hard enough, they can "fix" their partner's flaws.

This sign may try to rationalize toxic behavior and convince themselves that with enough effort, the tides will turn. In reality, narcissists have no intentions of changing; they just enjoy having someone who's devoted to their needs.

Brit + Co

7. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios are magnetic, intense, and emotional, but while these traits may naturally earn admiration from others, they could also draw in narcissists. As partners, Scorpios tend to be very supportive and compassionate, and it's this loyalty that can make them a target.

Unlike other signs, though, Scorpios are rarely fooled for long. They learn from their experiences quickly and don't typically repeat their mistakes. In the future, this sign will pick up on any manipulation tactics early and cut ties once they recognize a pattern.

Brit + Co

8. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Finally, Aries are confident, passionate, and driven people, which makes them excellent leaders. Even so, narcissists are drawn to powerful and self-assured people, like Aries, because they see them as a challenge to conquer.

This sign loves a challenge, too, and may initially be intrigued by the push-and-pull dynamic of a narcissistic relationship. But, before long, Aries will often become frustrated if they feel manipulated since they thrive on independence.

Looking for more astrology advice? Be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss a thing!

1923 season 2 premieres on Paramount+ February 23, and Michelle Randolph (who plays Elizabeth Dutton in the cast) is "so excited" for you to watch the new episodes — and she's been keeping up with all your fan theories!

"There are some crazy ones. I feel like the biggest fan theory thing is the family tree," she tells Brit + Co exclusively. "I've seen many different family trees and so it's like, 'OK, which one's accurate?' I actually drew my own at one point."

Here's what Michelle Randolph had to say about 1923 season 2, and the Dutton family tree, in Brit + Co's exclusive 1923 interview.

Michelle Randolph teases '1923' season 2 finally gives us answers to the Dutton family tree.

By the end of season 2, Michelle Randolph says "we might be able to fill in some blanks" in the Dutton family tree, which is a very hot topic for internet users! "I had to make my own [family tree] because all of the ones I saw on the internet were like — every single one was different. I was like 'I'm confused.'"

The Dutton family is made up of incredible cast members like Brandon Sklenar, Harrison Ford, and Helen Mirren, and Michelle reveals that the cast are just as close as their characters.

"There's a giant group chat called Giddy Up, which started during cowboy camp of season one," she says. "A cute little name, and I think I mean we all were on location in Montana and all in the same hotel, and we would get dinners after [filming], so I think even though our characters are very different and in different story lines like we all really did bond, which was really helpful to have each other throughout the chaos of of shooting a show."

The actress also says Elizabeth would connect with her 'Landman' character Ainsley.

Emerson Miller/Paramount+

And if you're a tried and true Taylor Sheridan fan, you've probably picked up on the fact that Michelle isn't just in 1923 — she also has a starring role as Ainsley Norris in Landman! But would Elizabeth and Ainsley get along if they met in an alternate universe?

"That would be a fun thing to witness. I think they would," she says. "They're very different, but the similarities between them is they're both young women who are finding their place in this world and I think that they both actually look at the world through very bright eyes and have a lot of hope, which is an interesting correlation between the two of them. I think Elizabeth has gone through so much more than Ainsley obviously, so there might be a difference there, but I think they would get along."

Check out the 8 Compelling Historical Fiction Books To Read While You Wait For 1923 Season 2 and read our interview with Julia Schlaepfer where she teases the Spencer and Alex's future.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

You could be secretly — an unintentionally — self-sabotaging in your day-to-day life in more ways than you know. From your job to your friendships, there are probably a few ways that you're counting yourself out and putting yourself last when you don't have to. And that kind of self-sabotaging behavior? It's seriously bringing you down.

Rest assured that this isn't another article meant to make you feel bad about yourself though. It's more of a friendly nudge for all of us to stop being so mean to ourselves because self-sabotaging isn't exactly rooted in self-love. It's like setting small parts of ourselves on fire...then complaining about how much it hurts. That doesn't sound fun, does it?

If you're vigorously nodding your head, let's make a vow to do things a little differently. But first, we have to face the subtle signs of self-sabotaging we just can't seem to stop doing.

Buckle up because we're exposing 10 signs you're actually self-sabotaging!

Mikhail Nilov

1. Treating Procrastination Like It's The Love Of Your Life

We see you snickering to yourself, but it's time to evaluate your relationship with procrastination. Whenever you do it, does it make you feel better about yourself or do you rush to complete whatever you were supposed to do? If you've noticed your habit is a daily part of your life, chances are other people know about it too.

One study found that "1 in 4 Americans say their friends expect them to procrastinate on takes" while "1 in 12 say even their employer expects" late tasks. It may elicit a few jokes, but we wouldn't be surprised if you told us people are starting to rely on you less because you're not starting things when you said you would.

We know it's familiar to reach for procrastination, but it's not helping you in the long run.

Polina Tankilevitch

2. Critiquing Your Appearance Like You Have A Built-In Bully In Your Ear

We couldn't decide if this should be the first self-sabotaging thing we covered, but we know it's serious enough to talk about early on. The Florida House Experience discovered almost 50% of women begin questioning their body as they age which is scary to think about. But what if you're doing that now?

It's easy; we know. Still, there's no reason to repeat negative things about yourself like you're an annoying internet bully who likes to pick fights with everyone. It's soul-crushing and puts you in a position to find new things to critique no matter how many times you swear you'll stop.

Find ways to counter whatever negative thing you're thinking. Here's a few of our tips:

  1. Instead of saying "My body doesn't look like the girls on social media," say "My body's been keeping me healthy so far and I love it for that."
  2. Instead of saying "My face is terrible because I have so much acne," say "My face is doing it's best to signal that I need to take care of something."
  3. Instead of saying, "I hate that I have to wear glasses," say "How cool is it that I get to wear something stylish that also helps me see?"

Anastasia Shuraeva

3. Treating Yourself Because "You Can't Spend It When You're Gone"

We're not financial experts whatsoever, and we honestly don't believe in restricting yourself to the point you can't ever enjoy your money. It's just you shouldn't carry recurring debt so you can have the fun you want. You could be an emotional shopper or have a huge FOMO; two things we know a lot about. Usually we'd say it doesn't matter, but your underlying why absolutely does.

The only person who can get to the root of what's causing you to spend excessively is you, though we'd also argue that a therapist and financial expert can help you even more.

cottonbro studio

4. Not Cleaning Up After Yourself Regularly

The thing about cleaning is that you don't have to love it to do it. It's more about making sure you respect and value the space you're in more than making sure your inner child is appeasing your parents. Leave them and anyone else out of the equation for once.

Wash your dirty dishes with old food stuck to them because you want to have something clean to put your new meals on. Wash, dry, and put away your clothes because not seeing a huge pile makes you less anxious. Put your shoes in a safe space so that you stop spraining your pinky toe.

See how that works?

Liza Summer

5. Being Scared To Set Boundaries Because You Don't Want To Be "Mean"

People pleasers to the front! You're still putting everyone else's needs and emotions before your own, aren't you? We see you and think you have a beautiful heart. We also think it's time for you to stop willingly allowing yourself to shrink or feel uncomfortable because you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

A hard fact it's time to understand is that you're never going to please everyone nor should you willingly accept toxic behavior. Your best friend or sister doesn't get a pass for making passive-aggressive comments if you wouldn't let a stranger do it.

Mikhail Nilov

6. Ignoring What You've Accomplished Because You Think You Can Do Better

What are you in a rush to prove Ms. Perfectionist? That you can make your boss regret passing you over for a promotion? Maybe you think you can make your ex regret mistreating you because you've gone on to accomplish everything they said you wouldn't.

Whatever your reason for chasing the next thing is, we want you slow down and look around you. If you're able to afford your rent or mortgage, have a car to get you from point A to B, or have received work accolades, you're not failing. You are doing so much better than you give yourself credit for and it's time to recognize that.

Every time you feel like you have to chase the next big thing, you're signaling to yourself that what you have done is insignificant and it's not. The fact you get up every day to try counts so it's time to give yourself more credit!

cottonbro studio

7. Pushing Your Partner Away Because You're Afraid Of Being Hurt

Eh, we're calling ourselves out big time here. Sadly, we're guilty of being mean to our partners because we've kissed a few snakes in the past and found ourselves nursing broken hearts after getting wounded. Unfortunately, this made us carry fear from past situations into our current relationships.

If this tune sounds familiar then you're probably guilty of starting drama with your partner before they can even think about playing with your feelings. But, what if they're a genuine person who cares about you and you're just being mean? Does that seem fair? Chances are you don't even realize you're doing it which makes this one of the trickier self-sabotaging things you've been doing.

We're not here to berate you for it though because —like we said — we've been there. If you want a shot at having the healthy relationship you want, you have to put down your proverbial fists though — trust us.

Christina Morillo

8. Being Afraid To Speak Up Work Because You Think Your Ideas Are "Stupid"

Hey, Ms. "I Want A Successful Career!" You're not going to get there if you bite your tongue whenever your boss asks if anyone has fresh ideas to share. We're guilty of sitting on things too because we've been overlooked in the past, but all jobs aren't like that.

If you work with a collaborative team where people genuinely care about your input, don't be afraid to speak up. Even if all your ideas don't come to fruition, it still helps when you actively bounce ideas off your co-workers.

This is the only time you'll hear us say this, but teamwork really does make the dream work.

Vlada Karpovich

9. Turning Down Event Invites Because You're Nervous To Be Yourself

Who made you feel like you have to hide from the world when you have so much greatness inside of you? Point them out so we can have a word with them. Just kidding, sort of.

Really, we're more concerned about how many opportunities you're letting pass by because it means you'll have to actually talk to people and let them see you. It's obvious someone wants to see you if you're receiving invitations to pop-up shops, NYFW shows, and even just a friend's birthday dinner!

If you've been dreaming about rubbing shoulders with certain people in the industry you work in, put your best foot forward and show up! You've been doing the work to get to this point so don't hold back.

We promise you've got this!

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