What Your New Year's Resolution Should Be, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Type

two friends talking outside

If you're aMyers-Briggs(MBTI) junkie, you're probably pretty invested in your own self-development. Perhaps you already have a New Year's resolution in mind. But if you don't, your personality type can give you a good starting point from which to consider your biggest opportunities for growth. If you already know your type, read on to discover some helpful advice for leveling up your habits and perspectives in 2022.


Pause more often to ask yourself how you're feeling.

ISTJs are hard-working, conscientious, dependable, and principled. They also have a huge capacity to be kind. Resolve to show yourself kindness this year by checking in more often on how you're feeling emotionally and physically. Rather than operating on autopilot, mindfully give yourself permission to take breaks when you need it, even if you haven't fully finished up the task you're working on.


Strike a balance between connection with others and your own solo time.

ISTPs are independent and talented at whatever projects and passions they pursue. But beneath that competent exterior is someone who values human connection as well. It can be easy for you to get lost in your own passion projects, rather than letting others in. This year, resolve to find ways to go deeper in your relationships with others while still carving out solo time for yourself.


Work on setting and honoring physical and emotional boundaries.

ISFJs are known to be extremely dedicated to helping others in their lives. However, that can leave them with a lack of energy for their own priorities. Beneath their giving exterior is someone who actually thrives on mental stimulation and adventure. This year, aim to set boundaries and limits around where you end and others begin. Use these new boundaries to create space for starting new hobbies, traveling more, and doing more of what you want to do.


Choose one of your passions as the main focus this year.

ISFPs are artistic, creative, free-spirited, and passionate. They often have many creative hobbies going at once, which fills their cup full of inspiration! However, sometimes that can lead them to becoming jacks of all trades, and masters of none. While it's fine to keep up with all your interests this year, choose one that takes the cake, and make it the primary focus for going deeper in 2022.


Give yourself the authority to recognize who and what just isn't for you.

INFJs are incredibly intuitive, thoughtful, and understanding of others. They don't see the world as black and white, and can easily appreciate all the aspects of any subject or situation. However, because they can find genuine interest in anyone and anything, they often find themselves feeling like they're on the receiving end of judgement — they worry: "Does this person like me?" or "Did I fit in with that group?". This year, give the authority back to yourself. YOU can be the person to say, "actually, this activity just really isn't for me," or "I don't really think this person and I have a lot in common." Work on recognizing that having your own preferences and interests isn't selfish or mean.


Practice trying on different perspectives and acknowledging nuance.

INTPs are smart, logical, and genuinely open to being proven wrong. In fact, they love when an idea can be shown to be flawed, because that gets them closer to their ultimate goal: Truth. However, this can make them rigid in their thinking, and can make them prone to believing that there's always one answer for everything. In reality, the world is much more nuanced than that. This year, try to find areas where you can authentically come to the belief that the answer isn't black and white. Learn to become comfortable with grey.


Practice sitting with your emotions without judgement.

INTJs are unique in that they're both emotionally and logically intelligent. Many of them can acknowledge emotional realities and psychological patterns just as easily as they can decipher rational truths. They only issue with this is that it can sometimes lead to intellectualizing their emotions, rather than feeling them. This year, take up the mindfulness practice of sitting with your emotions. Just let them come up, focusing on feeling them without attempting to rationalize or understand them.


Commit to doing something you don't feel like doing.

INFPs are the most likely of all types to find themselves practically incapable of doing something if they don't "feel" like it. Because they are led by their highly attuned emotions, if something doesn't feel good to their core, they make the judgement that it's not valuable and not worth their time. Unfortunately, this can lead to a lot of stumbling blocks for INFPs in the real world. Pick one thing you DON'T want to do every day, and commit to doing it. Over time you will build the muscle you need to accomplish the necessary tasks that don't sound fun and fulfilling, but ultimately need to get done.


Start or deepen a mind-body practice like yoga or breath work.

ESTPs love chasing adrenaline, and are fueled by their need for physical engagement with the outside world, whether that's through decorating their digs, dancing till dawn, or partaking in adventure sports. Take this love for physical sensation deeper with a mind-body practice that helps you slow things down, de-stress, and center yourself. Yoga, deep belly breathing, and certain martial arts are all great options.


Hone your listening skills and practice tailoring your communication style to others.

ESTJs can be no-nonsense, and often believe in telling it like it is. This can be great for asserting your boundaries, making your opinion heard, and leading groups — but without mindful communication and listening skills to balance it out, it can come across to others and cold or domineering. This year, read a book or two on communication best practices, and cultivate the art of listening deeply to others rather than thinking about what you're going to say in response.


Focus on the practical aspects of self-care, like financial literacy and nutrition.

ESFPs are light-hearted, fun to be around, and genuinely caring and uplifting. They can be impulsive, though, and they love to get carried away with all things fun. Unfortunately, this can lead to some very basic self-care needs — like proper nutrition, sleep needs, and financial health— being overlooked. This year, aim to establish a self-care routine that incorporates these basic needs, which you need to master as a physical baseline in order to thrive.


Volunteer your social skills in an area that feels important to you.

ESFJs are the people behind strong communities. They love to bring people together, genuinely care about their friends and neighbors, and throw great parties where everyone feels welcome and has a good time. So this year, why not put those skills to use by doing something good for your community? Start a volunteer gig that lets you bring your best self to the table.


Learn the art of saying "no."

ENFPs are so curious and imaginative, it can be tough for them to turn down any opportunity to learn, have a new adventure, or make new friends. Unfortunately, this can sometimes leave them feeling scattered and burnt out, because they end up with no energy left for themselves. As the most introverted of extroverts, ENFPs also just genuinely need alone time to relax and reflect. Cultivate the ability to say no to things that will leave you exhausted, don't add value to your life, or feel like too much.


Work on uncoupling your emotions from other people's.

ENFJs are so empathetic and people-focused, they often take on other people's baggage without realizing it. All too quickly, others' emotions become their emotions, and when a friend or family member is having a bad day, the ENFJ can find themselves taking it personally. This year, ENFJs should work on learning to separate themselves from others. Other people's moods are no one's business but their own, and they don't reflect on you. Learn to operate from your own thoughts and feelings, rather than taking on those of other people.


Catch yourself when you use humor or logic to avoid negative feelings.

ENTPs' quick wit, logical minds, and creative brains are great for generating humor, sarcasm, and rational answers to complex emotional problems. That doesn't mean it's a healthy way to operate. This year, when you find yourself in an unpleasant emotional situation, notice if you use humor to mask your deeper feelings, or logic to rationalize the situation away. Focus instead on dealing with the problem from the heart space, rather than the head space.


Work on developing patience when making important decisions.

ENTJs can be very decisive leaders, and their natural intelligence makes them convinced that they know best in every situation (to be fair, they often do). The problem is that this deep inner conviction, while it can serve them well in many cases, can sometimes cause them to make decisions too quickly. They can overlook details, forget to factor in other people, or fail to recognize a lost cause. This year, hit the pause button when you have a decision to make. Practice analyzing the situation from multiple angles, seeking advice from trusted others, and obtaining all the necessary information you need before proceeding.

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So, you've found your 2025 word of the year and are ready for the biggest reset of your life. Now all you have to do is map out how you're going to get there. You could opt for vague ideas that live only in your head, but when has that motivated you to achieve your goals in the past?

If you think we're putting you on the spot, we're not! We're here to encourage you to dream boldly by being detailed about what you actually want. Of course, we have the perfect list of deep questions and journal prompts so you can tap into the life you want to live.

Here are 25 deep questions to ask yourself and journal about to guide you toward your 2025 vision of personal growth and self-improvement:

Marcus Aurelius

Questions About Your Daily Routine

Please don't throw eggs at us! We know you don't want to feel governed by a schedule like you're in grade school, but there are benefits to having something to guide you daily. According to Northwestern Medicine, you can "reduce stress" and even "get better rest" by having a routine.

If you've been promising yourself to improve in these areas, here are 5 questions to ask yourself:

  • How many of hours of sleep do I typically get per night?
  • What distractions can I eliminate before bed so I'm not groggy in the morning? (i.e., no more binge watching my favorite TV shows or scrolling mindlessly on TikTok)?
  • Do I have a morning routine or do I rush through taking a shower, brushing my teeth, and eating breakfast?
  • How do I usually feel when I get to work?
  • Am I okay with setting a reminder for myself to take a break during the work day so I can stretch my legs, eat lunch, or go for a quick walk?

SHVETS production

Questions About Your Self-Care

Making time for your self-care is a part of your daily routine, but we want to dig deeper by sharing questions that'll help you reflect on how you treat yourself.

  • How do I want to feel about myself in 2025?
  • Did I have moments I looked in the mirror and didn't like the way my skin or body looked this year?
  • Have I been prioritizing my mental health?
  • Did I make space for exercising (i.e. walking, yoga, running, etc.)?
  • Did I create healthy boundaries with family, friends, or someone I'm dating?

Brit + Co

Questions About Your Career

We almost said, "Here comes the fun part," but that would be unfair for people who consider other areas of their lives more important to chasing a career. If you are focused on pursuing something you're passionate about or simply want to earn a new promotion, here's what you can ask yourself:

  • What are my biggest career accomplishments this year?
  • What skills do I need to sharpen that align with the position I want?
  • How do I respond to constructive criticism?
  • What is my usual response to change or tight deadlines?
  • Do I ask for help when I don't understand a project or concept?

Brit + Co

Questions About Your Home

Your home is anywhere that you live even if you're renting or living with your parents for the time being.

  • How did the energy in my home feel?
  • Did I do anything to make it feel like me?
  • How can I create a relaxing environment in my room that promotes rest and relaxation?
  • Do I want to have a certain aesthetic for my living room, office, etc.?
  • What does having a clean and organized home mean to me?

SHVETS production

Questions About Your Relationships

Have you been making excuses for toxic friends or ignoring red flags? If it's okay, we're going to sit by you and gently suggest it's time for a change. The kind of life you want to live can't be weighed down by old habits of yours or some of the people you've been spending time with, especially if you've been feeling uncomfortable.

  • What kind of friendships do I want to have in 2025?
  • Do I have a reliable support system?
  • What did I love about my romantic relationship this year?
  • Are there certain conversations I need to have with family members, friends, or my partner that I've been avoiding?
  • Do I need to change the way I show up in my platonic or romantic relationships?

Get a jumpstart on transforming your space for 2025 with easy feng shui tips!

As a skincare lover, the skincare industry’s growth continues to amaze me – in 2024, it was valued at $115.65 billion, and is only expected to expand to $122.11 billion in 2025. Even if you’re not looking at the numbers, it’s likely you’ve noticed a boom in the presence of skincare expertise and products buzzing on social media. As time goes on, people are learning more and more about what it takes to take care of their skin, and naturally, certain trends in the skincare realm transform.

While slugging and glass skin routines took center stage in 2024, an entirely new slew of skincare trends are on the rise for 2025. Since I’m a firm believer that you don’t have to shell out a fortune to take care of yourself – especially your skin – I’ve tracked down the best (affordable!) drugstore productsfor every 2025 skincare trend, should you choose to give ‘em a try this year.

Scroll on for 2025’s top skincare trends, plus the 17 best drugstore products you can use to achieve them.

Shiny Diamond / PEXELS

1. Upcycled ingredients

Alec Batis, CEO and co-founder of Sweet Chemistry, confirmed to Popsugarthat upcycled ingredients will be “gaining significant traction” in 2025.

Upcycled ingredients favor the health of the environment since they repurpose elements that might otherwise be considered as waste. Univar Solutions notes that olive oil, coconut, and coffee are a few of the most popular upcycled ingredients for producing skincare formulas like scrubs, oils, and cleansers.

In conjunction with this first 2025 skincare trend, I predict that eco-friendly skincare products will continue to rise, which not only includes 100% vegan and animal cruelty-free formulas (shout out e.l.f.), but also products with recycled packaging (Lush is my go-to) or ones with “refillable” features, like the ones below.


Vegan and cruelty-free: e.l.f. Holy Hydration! Face Cream

This lightweight $13 face cream hydrated with evening niacinamide, nourishing hyaluronic acid, and boosting peptides. It even provides an extra layer of protection against harmful UV rays with SPF 30.


Vegan and cruelty-free: Pacifica Vegan Collagen Overnight Recovery Cream

This $12 face cream is fully vegan and cruelty-free. It's packed with moisturizing ingredients and even antioxidants that work against free radicals that cause pore blockages and breakouts.


Refillable: Aveeno Calm + Restore Nourishing Oat Facial Cleanser Refill Pouch

This $15 refill pouch of Aveeno cleanser takes it real easy on the skin with a milky gel texture and a gentle formula that's suitable for all skin types.

Kaboompics / PEXELS

2. Peptides on peptides

Peptides have grown to be a total holy grail ingredient when it comes to skincare. They can encourage collagen production, strengthen and protect the skin barrier, and even out skin tone, in addition to other benefits.

While tons of luxury skincare brands like Caudalie and Drunk Elephant have embraced peptides in their products, the trend has trickled down to plenty of drugstore mainstays, too. Cetaphil and CeraVe offer some truly affordable formulas that provide the same benefits as the ones you’d pay $50+ for.

If you’re looking for stronger, healthier skin in 2025, these products are the way to go.


For improved firmness, texture, and tone: Cetaphil Healthy Renew Anti Aging Face Serum

This gentle peptide formula does all the things a higher-end product would – for only $15!


For a stronger skin barrier: CeraVe Skin Renewing Night Cream

Made with three essential ceramides and peptides, this $16 night cream helps renew and strengthen your skin's barrier overnight.


For anti-aging: Good Molecules Super Peptide Serum

This $12 serum is packed with several different kinds of peptides to help target fine lines and wrinkles. If anti-aging products are your jam, you've got to try this.

Cottonbro Studio / PEXELS

3. All things anti-wrinkle

Howard Sobel, MD, told Popsugarthat preventative Botox treatments are in "tremendous demand,” especially among Gen Z-ers. These treatments typically have to do with all things anti-wrinkle.

Though there’s no drugstore solution for injectables like Botox, there’s no shortage of affordable formulas geared toward preventing wrinkles before they drive deep. Most notably, products with retinols can help your skin generate more collagen and elastin, providing a stronger structure against wrinkles and fine lines.

Check out the best drugstore formulas below.


Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair Face Moisturizer Cream

This $22 bottle filled with potent retinol and hyaluronic acid helps hydrate the skin and target wrinkles for a more youthful appearance.


Differin Acne Treatment Gel + Retinoid Treatment

This popular $19 (pack of two) pick employs retinol to encourage a faster cell turnover rate, which can help prevent new acne from forming and even out texture like fine lines and wrinkles.


Eucerin Pro-Retinol Night Cream

For just $13, this retinol-infused night cream helps hydrate your skin and reduces the look of fine lines while you sleep.

Kaboompics / PEXELS

4. Mineral sunscreen > chemical sunscreen

Also known as physical sunscreen, mineral sunscreen will eclipse chemical sunscreen formulas in popularity this year. Bobbi Brown, renowned makeup artist and founder of both Bobbi Brown Cosmetics and Jones Road Beauty, recently told Harper’s Bazaarthat it’s “going to be big in 2025.”

While chemical sunscreen formulas tend to soak into the skin to block harmful UV rays, mineral sunscreen formulas include physical components that sit on top of the skin to prevent UV damage. This element can be especially beneficial for people with sensitive skin!

Not all mineral sunscreens are made the same, though. It’s common for formulas to leave a white cast after application, as well as have ingredients that aren’t necessarily kind to the environment. Look for sunscreens with SPF 30 or more, zinc oxide in the formula, plus labels indicating that they’re “reef-safe.” As far as the white cast goes, these drugstore mineral sunscreens also leave your skin protected from the sun’s rays without a noticeable trace.


Neutrogena Clear Breakout-Free Liquid Sunscreen

This $15 tube is non-comedogenic, meaning it won't clog pores that lead to pesky breakouts.


CeraVe Ultra-Light Moisturizing Lotion

CeraVe's sunscreens are so good. This $16 lotion adds an extra dose of skincare with hyaluronic acid and ceramides, in addition to the SPF 30.


Hawaiian Tropic Weightless Hydration Sunscreen

This $21 pick sits on the skin so lightly, but still provides beneficial sun protection with SPF 30.

Olha Ruskykh / PEXELS

5. Décolletage care

The décolletage area – AKA your neck and chest where the skin is thinner and typically harder to treat with skincare products – will shift into the limelight when it comes to 2025 skincare trends.

The décolletage area can be especially sensitive to sun damage, pigmentation, and dryness, and skincare fiends of all kinds will be attuned to caring for it in 2025. You don’t necessarily need décolletage-specific products to help lift, smooth, and firm the skin there.

Products with hyaluronic acid, peptides, and chemical exfoliants like AHAs that you typically use on your face will also keep the area bright, tight, and healthy. Check out these drugstore finds that’ll treat your neck and chest right.


The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5, Multi-Depth Hydration Serum

This tiny (but mighty) $10 bottle packs a punch for your skin by hydrating, plumping, and smoothing out unwanted texture and wrinkles.


COSRX AHA + BHA Treatment Toner

Chemical exfoliants like AHA and BHA help refresh your skin by dissolving dead skin cells, giving newer, fresher skin the opportunity to soak in all the benefits from the rest of your skincare routine. This $19 toner formula works well for your face and décolletage area.


6. Passive patches

I predict that the abundance of pimple patch peel videos on everyone’s Instagram discover pages won’t be going anywhere in 2025. Not only are pimple patches super satisfying by nature (that peel though!), they’ve become the ultimate skincare accessory, thanks to brands like Starface. Plus, breakouts are always going to be a skin concern, no matter who you are (or your skin type).

Pimple patches aren’t the only patches on the skincare market, though. Patch brands like Frownies have engineered their products to smooth and lift everything from forehead wrinkles to smile lines. Beloved brand Hero Cosmetics even just launched a new big patch for body breakouts.

Any kind of skincare patch allows you to passively treat your personal skin concerns, which plays into the 2025 trend Harper’s Bazaar calls “the simplification of self-care.”

So, don’t be afraid to rock a patch or two! These drugstore finds will give you the perfect peel.


Hero Cosmetics Mighty Patch Original

Ah, a classic. These $20 hydrocolloid patches effectively draw out impurities from whiteheads and help protect active breakouts from the elements (dirt, dust, germs, and grime) by providing an impenetrable barrier.


Starface Hydrocolloid Pimple Patches

These stylish $11 patches do the same exact thing, though you'll feel uber-cool wearing 'em since they're star-shaped.


Hero Cosmetics Mighty Body Patch

If you tend to break out on your bod, these $15 XL-sized patches immediately come to the rescue.

Subscribe to our newsletter for more of the best skincare, makeup, and hair products of 2025!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

We’re at the time of year where you’ll see people posting a recap of 2024, hosting vision board parties, and sharing their 2025 new year resolution ideas. But, we don’t think you should follow any more viral trends just because other people are excited about them. Instead, we have 30 word of the year ideas that’ll help you make more intentional choices in 2025.

How to figure out which "Word of the Year" idea resonates with you:

Brit + Co

Usually we’re guilty of writing down a ton of goals that we abandon before the new year ends. Why? Studies show that only 28% of people actually get through their list (via Pew Research Center). But, next year can be different if you're willing to let go of the surface level idea of marking through a checklist just for the sake of doing so.

There's no rush to find the 'perfect' word that sets the tone for 2025. No, this is about going within to ask yourself what you need to have a peaceful or fulfilling life. The only word you won’t see on this list is manifestation because you’ll already be doing that by working on things that align with whatever you choose.

Ready to find the ones that’ll jumpstart the rest of a beautiful life? Scroll through for the best inspiration you'll come across before 2025.

Brit + Co

Questions To Ask Yourself Before Choosing Your Focus Words

It's easy to hone in on words just because they catch our eye, but 2025's all about making intentional choices. The best way to pick themes that align with how you feel is to lean into self-reflection. You can ask yourself prompts like:

  • What did I absolutely love about 2024?
  • What lessons did I learn about friends or dating?
  • Did I stick to a budget or achieve other money goals?
  • Was I stressed a lot this year? If so, why?
  • Will I renew my lease or do I plan to move in 2025?
  • How do I want to feel in my body?
  • Am I following negative social media accounts?
  • Do I finally want to join a book club in 2025?

Brit + Co

Travel-Inspired Word Of The Year Ideas

  • Wander
  • Escape
  • Journey
  • Adventure
  • Horizon

Brit + Co

Wellness Word Of The Year Ideas

  • Refresh
  • Bloom
  • Healing
  • Nourish
  • Self-Care

Brit + Co

Uplifting Word Of The Year Ideas

  • Empowered
  • Hopeful
  • Peace
  • Love
  • Joy

Brit + Co

Relationship-Focused Word Of The Year Ideas

  • Kindness
  • Community
  • Compassion
  • Honesty
  • Trust

Brit + Co

Career-Focused Word Of The Year Ideas

  • Adaptable
  • Exploration
  • Creativity
  • Growth
  • Resilience

Vlada Karpovich

Home-Focused Word Of The Year Ideas

  • Safety
  • Family
  • Relaxation
  • Comfort
  • Stability


Self-Love Word Of The Year Ideas

  • Embrace
  • Courage
  • Gratitude
  • Intuition
  • Balance

You deserve to focus on what you really want without feeling pressured by society or making fear-based decisions.

Subscribe to our newsletter for more new year resolution ideas!

I'm pouring the champagne (or sparkling grape juice) and whipping up some mini donuts because Valentine's season means it's time to cozy up with the true love of my life: these new TV shows. January got us in the romantic mood with series like Hallmark's first ever dating series Small Town Setup, but these February TV shows celebrate all kinds of relationships, milestones, and adventures...and they're even getting me in the mood for spring!

Here are the 14 best new TV shows coming in February.

The 67th Grammy Awards — On CBS February 2, 2025

Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for The Recording Academy

I truly don't remember the last time the Grammy Awards were this stacked. Sabrina Carpenter, Chappell Roan, Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Charli XCX, The Beatles. It's going to be a night to remember!

The Grammys will air February 2.

The Kardashians Season 6 — On Hulu February 6, 2025


These iconic sisters (plus momager Kris) are tackling 2025 and all the relationship, internet, and family drama to come. That's right: Kourtney, Khloé, Kim, Kendall, and Kylie are back!

The Kardashians returns on February 6 and stars Kris Jenner, Kourtney Kardashian, Khloé Kardashian, Kim Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, and Kylie Jenner.

Sweet Magnolias Season 4 — On Netflix February 6, 2025


Nothing says love like your best female friendships, and Sweet Magnolias season 4 proves it! According to showrunner Sheryl J. Anderson, season 4 will examine "the twists and turns of romance, the complexity of friendship, the surprises that pop up in life," she tells TUDUM, "and how all these things make us more grateful for the people who love us."

Sweet Magnolias season 4 premieres February 6 and stars JoAnna Garcia Swisher, Brooke Elliott, and Heather Headley.

Super Bowl LIX — On Fox February 9, 2025

Gregory Shamus/Getty Images

There's one question on everyone's mind as we get closer to the big game: will we see Travis Kelce take home another Super Bowl trophy? And the question on my mind? WHO'S THE HALFTIME SHOW? Stay tuned to find out!

The Super Bowl airs on February 9.

Cobra Kai Season 6 Part 3 — On Netflix February 13, 2025


It all comes to a close for Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai in the Cobra Kai finale — which will take place 40 years after the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament. Talk about timing!

Cobra Kai season 6 ends on February 13 and stars Ralph Macchio, William Zabka, Martin Kove, Xolo Maridueña, Jacob Bertrand, Mary Mouser, Tanner Buchanan, Peyton List, Gianni DeCenzo, Courtney Henggeler, Vanessa Rubio, Dallas Dupree Young, Yuji Okumoto, Alicia Hannah-Kim, Griffin Santopietro, and Oona O'Brien.

Next Level Chef Season 4 — On Fox February 13, 2025


If you're sick of cooking shows, I promise you you'll want to give this series a shot. Gordon Ramsey hosts the competition, which pits three teams against each other. The twist? Each episode the teams are assigned to one of three kitchens, each with wildly different resources.

Next Level Chef season 4 premieres February 13 and is hosted by Gordon Ramsey.

Love Is Blind Season 8 — On Netflix February 14, 2025


Nothing says Valentine's Day like a reality dating show. And nobody's doing it like Love is Blind. This series — in which couples get together without seeing one another — is perfect for anyone who's totally sick of the modern & normal approaches to dating (just me?).

Love is Blind season 8 drops on February 14 and is hosted by Vanessa & Nick Lachey.

SNL50: The Anniversary Special — On NBC February 16, 2025

Will Health/NBC

In honor of SNL season 50, get a special glimpse at seasons past (including audition tapes!!) with this 3-hour anniversary special. Who knows what kind of guest appearances and musical acts we'll see!

SNL50: The Anniversary Special premieres February 16.

The White Lotus Season 3 — On HBO and Max February 16, 2025

Fabio Lovino/HBO

Remember how I said these new TV shows will get you in the mood for spring? Well The White Lotus season 3 will definitely have you dreaming of your first 2025 vacation. (Although hopefully it'll have way less drama). This season takes us to Thailand and introduces us to a slew of new characters who are all hiding something.

The White Lotus season 3 premieres February 16 and will star Leslie Bibb, Jason Isaacs, Michelle Monaghan, Carrie Coon, Parker Posey, Patrick Schwarzenegger and Blackpink’s Lisa Manobal.

Yellowjackets Season 3 — On SHOWTIME And Paramount+ February 16, 2025


If you thought Yellowjackets was crazy in the past, you haven't seen anything yet. Season 3 will tackle the idea of merging our favorite soccer team's past and present selves, and creator Ashley Lyle gave Vanity Faira glimpse into the new story, teasing, "How do you change while you are in your core, in your essence, the same person you always were? How much are you hiding that, and how long are you able to do that, is a question that we’re playing with this season."

Yellowjackets season 3 premieres February 16 and stars Melanie Lynskey, Christina Ricci, Tawny Cypress, Lauren Ambrose, Sophie Nélisse, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Sophie Thatcher, Samantha Hanratty, Courtney Eaton, Liv Hewson, Steven Krueger, Warren Kole, Kevin Alves, Sarah Desjardins, Simone Kessell, Elijah Wood, Joel McHale, and Hilary Swank.

SAG Awards — On Netflix February 23, 2025

Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images

Awards season is in full swing! The SAG awards celebrate all your favorite actors and actresses, and the fact the show is streamed on Netflix makes it easier than ever to tune in.

The SAG Awards will air on February 23 and are hosted by Kirstin Bell.

1923 Season 2 — On Paramount+ February 23, 2025

Lo Smith/Paramount+

This new TV show FINALLY brings us back to the Duttons after season 1 ended with the Yellowstone ranch in danger, Alex and Spencer split up, and Teonna running for her life. February 23 can't come soon enough — and I'm hoping it doesn't take long for this family to reunite.

1923 season 2 premieres February 23 andthe cast includes Julia Schlaepfer, Harrison Ford, Helen Mirren, Brandon Sklenar, Michelle Randolph, Darren Mann, Jerome Flynn, Aminah Nieves, and Isabel May.

Grosse Pointe Garden Society — On NBC February 23, 2025

Steve Swisher/NBC

This new TV show follows four members of a local garden club who get more than they bargained for when they all become tangled up in a secret murder. Turns out the only thing harder than maintaining the perfect garden is maintaining the perfect image.

Grosse Pointe Garden Society premieres February 23 and stars Melissa Fumero, Aja Naomi King, Ben Rappaport, AnnaSophia Robb, Alexander Hodge, Nancy Travis, Matthew Davis, and Felix Wolfe.

House of David — On Prime Video February 27, 2025

Nikos Nikolopoulos/Prime

You might think you know the story of King David, but you've never seen it told like this. When King Saul's pride leads to his fall, and loss of power over his kingdom, the young David becomes poised to take his place. And he's in for more heartbreak, love, and violence than he could have bargained for.

House of David premieres February 27 and stars Michael Iskander, Ali Suliman, Ayelet Zurer, Stephen Lang, Martyn Ford, Indy Lewis, and Yali Topol Margalith, Ethan Kai, Sam Otto, Oded Fehr, Louis Ferreira, Davood Ghadami, Ashraf Barhom, Alexander Uloom, and Aury Alby.

Which February TV show are you excited for this year? Check out the 25 New TV Shows You NEED To Watch In 2025 too!

Want to get a year-round radiance? Now is the perfect time to upgrade your beauty routine. Whether you are looking to have a glowing base for makeup, help protect and grow your hair, or improve the skin all over your body, these finds are going to be crucial in giving you a radiant look from wintertime to summertime. From luxe facial serums to hair-thickening treatments to splurge-worthy LED masks, this list has a little something for every concern and budget.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

Get Younger-Looking Skin With iRestore LED Face Mask Light Therapy


How would you like to have firmer and younger-looking skin in six to twelve weeks from now? Completely transform your routine with this iRestore LED face mask light therapy. There are a lot of choices for LED masks out there, but iRestore is an industry leader with 360 LEDs, which is over 2x the number of LEDs compared to other brands. This mask comes with an adjustable fit, enhanced eye protection, and a design that hovers over the face for utmost comfort. Enjoy Red, Infrared, and Blue Light Therapy that targets effective treatment for your skin concerns. You're going to love having this mask in your beauty arsenal.

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Even the Skin With BeautyStat Triple Action One-Step Daily Exfoliating Peel Pad


If you struggle with uneven skin tone, fine lines, enlarged pores, or textured skin, this is the product for you. This triple action one-step daily exfoliating peel pad from BeautyStat is going to help gently exfoliate your skin. Lactic acid stays on the skin surface to provide immediate radiance, and time-released salicylic acid gently and naturally exfoliates all day, while polyglutamic acid binds water to the skin to prevent dryness.

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Mizani 25 Miracle Nourishing Hair Oil Softens and Add Shines


Get gorgeous, soft, and shiny hair courtesy of the Mizani 25 miracle nourishing hair oil. This nourishing, lightweight, leave-in oil comes with 25 benefits to leave hair soft, shiny, and easy to style. The hair oil goes a long way; only two drops are needed to blend evenly through the hair. You'll love how this product rejuvenates dull and dry hair, leaving you feeling radiant.

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This Makeup Palette with All Your Beauty Essentials


This Laura Geller New York palette includes a bronzer, two highlighters, blush, and three eyeshadows, all in stunning neutral tones to give you a pretty, glam finish in one compact package.

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This Pore Mask For Unrecognizable Skin


Formulated to refine and refresh your pores, this Pore Mask leaves your skin free from impurities with one quick use. Use this mask weekly to transform your skin into a glass-like finish that will become a complexion that you will love.

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This Foundation Can Do It All


It's time to toss those makeup products that are drying and irritating for your skin and upgrade to K-beauty, which will make a difference in no time. This Foundation not only hydrates your skin but leaves a natural, lightweight finish that will stay on all day and night. The cherry on top is the SPF 50,+ which is a must-have for the warmer seasons ahead.

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Get Your Glow On With This Beauty Wand


Go ahead and add these e.l.f. cosmetics beauty wands to your cart because they won't last long! With a foolproof cushion tip applicator, this wand makes achieving a glowy, radiant makeup look easier than ever. Get it as a contour, highlighter, or blush – it's the best affordable dupe for the viral Charlotte Tilbury wand. One reviewer says, "These blend out SO easy, and you can make it as sheer or as dark as you want. It's very buildable. I use my fingertips or a brush, and both work beautifully."

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Wake Up Gorgeous With MISSHA Time Revolution Night Repair Face Serum


This MISSHA time revolution night repair face serum is going to have you waking up with stunning and glowing skin. The serum utilizes an extreme biome complex with 10 probiotics, undergoing triple fermentation for potent rejuvenating powers. Each drop is carefully crafted through high-pressure extraction, ensuring highly concentrated and pure extracts. This moisturizing serum enhances elasticity, radiance, and firmness overnight, initiating skin recovery within 10 hours of use.

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A Mini Travel Kit of Beauty Essentials for Hydrated Skin


This mini travel kit is a great way to sample products that are sure to give you a hydration boost. The set includes a variety of skincare essentials, from a hyaluronic cream to an avocado cleanser, so it's easier than ever to figure out what works best for you. One reviewer says, "I can tell you 100% these live up to the hype and will buy this again."

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Get Illuminated Skin With Glow Recipe Niacinamide Dew Drops Face Serum


For a radiant glow at any point in the year, try the Glow Recipe niacinamide dew drops face serum. Containing the holy grail of hydration, hyaluronic acid reveals supple, bouncy, and dewy skin. This hydrating serum has a thin, buildable texture, making it suitable for even the most oily skin types.

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Smooth and Brighten Under Eyes With Womaness Eye Opener Anti Aging Eye Cream


Do you struggle with dark and puffy under eyes? Try adding this eye opener anti aging eye cream from Womaness to your routine. This brightening and illuminating dark circle eye cream includes the powerfully hydrating HyaClear 7 (hyaluronic acid derivative), and Bakuchiol to help tackle fine lines and wrinkles. You're going to love how this miracle product makes you look refreshed and rejuvenated.

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Glow Up With Lumene Nordic-C Glow Boost Essence Serum


Get your glow on with the Lumene Nordic-C glow boost essence serum. This serum enhances your skin's natural radiance and provides a hydrating boost for a vibrant, youthful appearance. A triple threat, the serum is enriched with a potent blend of 3 types of hyaluronic acid and polyglutamic acid, providing long-lasting hydration and leaving your skin feeling smooth, refreshed, and revitalized.

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This Kopari Marine Clean Purifying Gel Cleanser Is Dual-Action


Meet your new favorite dual-action cleanser. This Kopari marine clean purifying gel cleanser is a gentle gel-to-foam cleanser. Made with amino acids for hydration, moisture-retaining Vitamin B5, and nourishing marine algae extracts, this is great for all skin types. Designed to replenish the skin instead of stripping the skin barrier, this effortlessly purifies and melts makeup away.

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Plump the Skin With Volition Beauty Celery Green Cream


Reap the benefits of a lightweight gel moisturizer with the Volition Beauty celery green cream. This cream is made with peptides to visibly firm the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines, hyaluronic acid to replenish moisture, and celery to help blur and smooth the skin. This is a must-have in your skin routine if you want a radiant glow.

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Support the Skin's Structure With Margaret Dabbs London Pure Exfoliating Hand Wash


Nourish your hands with this Margaret Dabbs London pure exfoliating hand wash. This beautiful foaming, rich, and indulgent hand wash is packed with botanical extracts that leave the skin cleansed, hydrated, and replenished. Jojoba beads gently exfoliate, nourish, and support the skin’s healthy structure. Calendula cleanses and calms the skin, buriti, and white water-lily hydrate and encourages elasticity and collagen renewal, and turmeric helps maintain skin health.

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Fight Skin Redness With Tower 28 SOS Intensive Rescue Serum


Sensitive skin is going to love love love the Tower 28 SOS intensive rescue serum. This lightweight serum is made with hypochlorous acid to help calm your skin, support the skin barrier, and keep flare-ups at bay. If you have red and irritated skin, this serum is going to be a serious lifesaver.

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Get Fuller-Looking Hair With NUTRI-OX Starter Kit for Color-Treated Thinning Hair


Want glamorous, thick, luscious hair? Skip the hassle of extensions and grow your hair naturally with the NUTRI-OX starter kit for color-treated thinning hair. Made specifically for colored hair, this clinically tested kit comes with shampoo, conditioner, and a densifying tonic, all designed to help grow your hair thicker and fuller.

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The Nakery Face Cleanser Resurfaces and Rejuvenates


A good cleanser is a real game-changer. If you want to resurface and rejuvenate your skin, you're going to want to add this face cleanser from Nakery to your shopping cart. This collagen-infused facial wash is formulated to delicately eliminate impurities and unveil a luminous, youthful complexion.

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Joico Defy Damage Protective Shield Protects From Heat


Listen, if you're going to be using heat on your hair, you need this Joico defy damage protective shield. This serum shields from heat, UV, and environmental damage. Use just one pump before blow drying to make hair 4x stronger against breakage during styling. Not only does this protect against color fading, but it will leave hair soft, shiny, and healthy-looking.

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Fight Against Signs of Aging With Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate


This Shiseido ultimate power infusing concentrate helps you fight against signs of aging. This lightweight, potent formula amplifies hydration and boosts radiance in just three days. The serum increases the skin’s capacity to hold water and prevents elastin degradation to help give you plumper and smoother skin.

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Reap the Benefits of a Solawave 4-in-1 Radiant Renewal Facial Wand Bundle


This Solawave radiant renewal facial wand bundle is going to be one of your new go-to products in your skincare routine. The 4-in-1 wand helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, dark circles, blemishes, and facial puffiness. This bundle also comes with a lightweight, non-greasy serum that deeply hydrates, enhances performance, and delivers powerful anti-aging benefits.

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The SH-RD Protein Cream Is a Must for Dry Hair


Promote shine and bounciness with this SH-RD protein cream. This leave-in hair conditioner contains easily absorbable protein that works at a molecular level to repair, restore, and revitalize brittle hair. The cream is enriched with rosemary extract for long-lasting moisture and Vitamin B5 to enhance cuticle elasticity. The hydrolyzed silk protein coats the hair, preventing breakage and forming new bonds while providing fortifying protection. Your dry hair is going to be looking happy and healthy.

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Treat Your Skin to Skynn Studio Hydramoist Moisturizer


Skin can get dry and flaky any season. Don't let your skin suffer; invest in this hydramoist moisturizer from Skynn Studio. This delivers long-lasting hydration with a light formula that absorbs quickly, keeping your skin moisturized and supple throughout the day without feeling greasy. The moisturizer is formulated to protect your skin from harmful environmental radicals, helping maintain a healthy, youthful complexion by neutralizing the effects of pollutants and stressors.

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Enhance Dull Skin With BLITHE Pressed Serum


Kiss dull skin goodbye. This BLITHE pressed serum is going to leave skin hydrated, moisturized, and glowing. Made with apricot extract and niacinamide, this serum offers radiance and brightening properties. This leaves dull skin looking enhanced and helps correct any dark spots.

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Repair Hands With a Patchology Rosé Fingers Renewing Hand Mask


Do you have cracked, dry hands? Repair them with the Patchology rosé fingers renewing hand mask. These strawberry-scented hydrating hand mask gloves strengthen the skin’s barrier, leaving hands soft, refreshed, and protected from stressors. Infused with shea butter, resveratrol, and strawberry oil, these hand masks provide intense hydration and anti-aging benefits.

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Moira Butter Bliss Lip Balm Hydrates Lips


Keep your lips kissable thanks to the Moira butter bliss lip balm. This butter balm in a clear, sparkly shade is going to be the perfect amount of glam. This balm is cruelty-free, vegan, paraben-free, sulfate-free, phthalate-free, and gluten-free, so you can feel good about wearing this on top of looking good.

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ASUTRA Indian Healing Clay Mask Can Be Used on Face and Hair


A 2-in-1 miracle product? Yes, please. This ASUTRA Indian healing clay mask can be used on both your face and in your hair. This clay can help to minimize the appearance of pores, scars, wrinkles, and acne and helps to soften and tone your skin. It can also help with deep cleaning your scalp and hair, making it a truly multi-use product.

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Replenish Skin Moisture With SiO Beauty Eye and Smile Lift Anti-Wrinkle Patches


Stop aging in its tracks. If you want to diminish the look of fine lines and wrinkles, you'll want to try these SiO Beauty eye and smile lift anti-wrinkle patches. These innovative silicone patches offer a dual-action treatment that moisturizes and rejuvenates your skin overnight. The unique blend of compression and hydration technology revives tired skin, revealing a firmer, more youthful complexion with consistent use.

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Remove Impurities With DIME Beauty Gentle Jelly Cleanser


Give your skin a deep cleanse with this DIME Beauty gentle jelly cleanser. Made to gently cleanse and nourish skin, this cleanser face wash hydrates and soothes as it delicately removes excess oil, dirt, impurities, and makeup. The unique formula contains a blend of naturally-derived surfactants like coconut, Vitamin E, and lycopene, which nourish skin and help fight free radicals.

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Thinning Hair Needs divi Scalp Serum


Want to help promote a healthy scalp and get fuller-looking hair? You're going to need this scalp serum from divi. This is designed to nourish your scalp and promote a fuller, healthier-looking head of hair. In a 12-week study, 90% of participants saw improvement in hair fullness, and 87% noticed increased hair density. The serum is formulated with powerful ingredients like amino acids, caffeine, peptides, and rosemary oil.

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This Alpyn Super Peptide & Ghostberry Moisturizer Is Barrier-Boosting


Restore your skin barrier with this Alpyn super peptide & ghostberry moisturizer. This super cream helps snap skin back to a more youthful appearance. Ghostberry, ceramides, and hyaluronic acid help replenish and restore the look of a dry, compromised barrier. A mix of 14 peptides, including snap 8, helps to visibly relax the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

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Get Smoother Skin Overnight With Olay Retinol 24 Face Moisturizer


How would you like to wake up looking younger? This Olay retinol 24 face moisturizer will have you waking up with smooth, bright skin. This fragrance-free, hydrating, and clean gel formula feels smooth and absorbs quickly with no sticky or tacky feeling.

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Get Healthy Skin With the House of Grō Touch Hydrating Body Serum


Treat your whole body to the House of Grō touch hydrating body serum. This one-of-a-kind body serum is going to nourish your skin. The adaptogenic power duo Chaga and Snow Mushroom join forces to deeply nourish, smooth, and hydrate skin while the roller applicator promotes circulation.

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Protect From Color Fading With Pureology Color Fanatic Leave-in Conditioner


Dying your hair is expensive, so protect your hair against color fading with this Pureology color fanatic leave-in conditioner. This leave-in spray detangles, protects, and adds shine to dry, damaged, frizzy, and color-treated hair with key ingredients: camelina, coconut, and olive oils.

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Use This Stream2Sea Hydrate Lip Balm Set Daily


If you want to keep your lips hydrated, be sure to wear this Stream2Sea hydrate lip balm set on a daily basis. A set of three, this lip balm set is infused with coconut oil and aloe vera extract to nourish and moisturize lips in the harshest of conditions. This is perfect to use year-round.

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Get Daily Hydration From the VT COSMETICS Daily Soothing Mask


Watch your skin transform in just 30 days when you use this VT COSMETICS daily soothing mask every day for a month. This non-sticky ampoule essence is a daily hydrating formula with nutrient-rich essential ingredients that are absorbed quickly, leaving your combination skin refreshed, nourished, and glowing.

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Glow On With the Sunday Riley C.E.O. Glow


It is time for you to get your glow on. This Sunday Riley C.E.O. glow is going to have your skin looking more radiant than ever. This face oil is infused with pure Vitamin C and calming turmeric to deliver cold-pressed, nutrient-rich extracts into your skin for a brighter-looking, glowing complexion.

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Get Silky Skin With Naturium The Smoother Glycolic Acid Exfoliating Body Wash


How would you like to have silky smooth skin all over, all year long? You're going to want to add Naturium, the glycolic acid exfoliating body wash to your shower routine. Formulated with an AHA blend including glycolic, lactic, pyruvic, and tartaric acids, this cleanser sloughs off dead skin cells while red algae hydrate for softer, smoother, and more supple-looking skin.

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erborian Skin Therapy Multi-Perfecting Bi-Phase Night Oil-Serum Is Super-Charged


Super-charge your skin with this super-charged skin therapy multi-perfecting bi-phase night oil-serum from Erborian. The powerful ingredients work to deliver seven benefits by helping in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, luminosity, skin texture, complexion evenness, suppleness, plumpness, and nourishment.

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Get Glass Skin With COSRX Snail Mucin Sheet Mask


Do you want to achieve the gorgeous look of glass skin? Try to incorporate the COSRX snail mucin sheet mask into your routine. It might sound weird, but snail mucin is a miracle worker for enhancing moisture and instantly soothing damaged skin. Infused with 35,000 ppm of snail mucin, this has a 7x higher concentration than other snail mucin facial masks on the market, making it the perfect choice if you want glowing skin.

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This BYOMA Hydrating Milky Toner Makes Skin Dewy


Get dewy skin with this BYOMA hydrating milky toner as part of your arsenal. This ultra-soothing face toner works to quench dry skin while restoring sensitized and sensitive skin barriers. Skin is instantly transformed, looking and feeling soft, supple, dewy, and radiant all day long.

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Even Your Skin With Beauty of Joseon Glow Serum


Uneven skin tone can really diminish your radiance. If you want a stunning glow and even skin tone, you're going to need this Beauty of Joseon glow serum. Made of 60% propolis, 2% niacinamide elixir, the energy of propolis, and the revitalizing essence of niacinamide, this will keep your skin strong and hydrated.

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