Your November 2023 Horoscope Is In & The Universe Really Wants You To Reflect

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Given everything going on in the universe, November is a month to reflect this year. Saturn in Pisces turns direct on November 4, ending the retrograde that began on June 17, and allowing us to take control and responsibility over our actions and decisions. Venus enters Libra on November 8, bringing harmony and peace into our hearts and romantic endeavors. Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 10, making our communication concise and direct. November 13’s New Moon in Scorpio brings radical change our way. The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, making us more philosophical and passionate. Action planet Mars enters Gemini on November 24, adding boldness and adventure to our vibes. November 27 brings the Full Moon in Gemini, which urges us to find the truth in matters. Keep reading to discover what you can expect for your November 2023 horoscope.


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Aries, hear the call for a much-needed break. If you've been wanting a vacation, now's the time to plan your escape from the mundane and the routines that tether you to the everyday grind. While you might not be ready to take flight just yet, it’ll be fun to think and scheme about the future. Winter break isn't far away. Time to start dreaming of St. Bart’s for New Year’s, and embrace this period as a time of joyful anticipation,as you lean into the thrill of planing and plotting your ideal trip.


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Your instincts and gut feelings are on red alert the November 2023, Taurus. Your intuition is letting you know the truth about various matters in your life. This will give you the chance to connect with your innermost feelings to suss things out. The only caveat is that you'll have to decipher between what is true and what's not real since your paranoia might be high now. Find the delicate balance between your perceptions and unfounded anxieties on your journey to greater self-awareness and emotional regulation.


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This month, your energies are laser focused on your love life. You're feeling more connected to your crush or significant other than ever. Don't run away when the vibe becomes intimate — use that as a moment to elevate and fortify the relationship. Embrace being open and vulnerable, and share your secrets from the past and desires for the future to create a strong bond that can't be broken. Let the emotional resonance blossom between you as you weave and align together your histories, dreams, and future wishes.


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Just when you solve one issue, more seem to pop up almost out of the blue. This ebb and flow appears to be an ongoing cycle. You have the strength and capacity to get through these tense situations, as long as you act more logical than emotional. Your emotions often serve as a compass, guiding you through life's complexities. Find the delicate equilibrium between the head and the heart to problem solve when the going gets tough. Recognize your innate endurance and embrace each moment not as a setback, but as stepping stones to hone you problem-solving skills and resiliency.


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This month, your inherent creativity is amplified and with deliver a wellspring of inspiration to propel your artistic endeavors to new heights. Your creative prowess will shine brilliantly as a means to express your innermost self. With your creativity at a high, you’ll want to use your artistry to help you cultivate an aesthetic that speaks to you. Odds are that you won't have to put a lot of effort into making your visions a reality. An effortless fusion of your imagination and reality will manifest. Your output and creative productivity will be celebrated and relished by others — especially you. Revel in your artistic journey.


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The cosmic emphasis for you this month is all about the power of self-forgiveness. All of us can get wrapped up in a moment in time, but that doesn't mean we have to remain in those sentiments and headspace. Acknowledge the impermanence of these moments so you can grow beyond them. Forgiving yourself for past mistakes and owning your flaws is key, as you’ll feel freer and more accepting of yourself. Remember, no one is perfect.


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In November, Libra, cosmic energies are directing your attention to the significance of establishing boundaries. Your innate sense of balance and harmony can sometimes lead you to overextend yourself for the sake of maintaining peace. Creating boundaries with others is imperative to do at this moment in time. You don't need to be a part of someone’s journey — especially when their actions are affecting your life. Setting limits is a great way to protect your personal energy when these issues appear in your life. Drawing boundaries isn't about creating distance, but rather about defining the space where your needs, values, and emotional well-being are respected. They're not walls, but bridges that enable more respectful relationships.


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Your intuition and inner compass are on point this month, which is why you shouldn't question your gut feelings. This is a sixth sense unique to Scorpios and serves as a powerful tool throughout this period. Take time to comprehend what the universe is showing and telling you. If you find yourself questioning what comes forth, it's essential to meditate on a situation and contemplate how you should move forward with care. This process isn't about rushing to conclusions or hasty decisions. Notice any signs or symbols, like synchronicities, repeated patterns, or cues that may hold warnings guiding you on the right path. Embrace your intuitive prowess, Scorpio!


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This is a unique phase for you, Sagittarius. At the start of the month, you find yourself deliberately stepping away from potential disagreements, confrontation and tense situations. This will provide you with a breather from the drama to retreat and recharge your energies. It'll be nice to not be in the mix of things, or having to defend yourself or your loved ones. The latter half of November, however, will bring in a transformative shift. Your emotional floodgates will gradually open and anything you've repressed may start to come up. Consider it an emotional liberation of catharsis. Be sure to maintain grace and understanding as you let go of the pent-up emotions.


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The cosmic energies are aligning in a way to propel your aspirations and ambitions forward. Your ability to lock in long-term goals and pursue them with discipline is even more pronounced this month. Your goals are currently evolving and transforming, allowing you to transcend with time. This will help you become the person you want — even though it’s miles away from where you began. As long as you have faith in all that you do, the universe will too. As November 2023 unfolds, continue to march forward with confidence. Your unwavering spirit is your greatest asset. You got this, Capricorn!


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You're at a crossroads in your career, which is why you are debating making a change. Consider this a time for self-assessment and deep introspection. Embrace this juncture as an invite to realign your professional path with your innermost desires. Choose the path that sparks joy into your career. And think long beyond the immediate future to see the impact of your decisions. Having a connection to work will allow you to have a deeper purpose and more confidence. When you love what you do, others will too.


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In the celestial landscape of November 2023, the stars urge you to delve into self-assertion and authentic expression. Being able to assert yourself and communicate well without ruffling feathers is an art. You may find yourself in situations where you need to speak your mind. But remember, it doesn't have to be confrontational. Lean into your innate sensitivity to navigate tough convos with empathy. Regardless of the outcome, you shouldn't be afraid to say what’s on your mind in the moment you're feeling it without worrying about the outcome. Now, take pride in your courage to be bold and strong when expressing yourself. Trust your voice and the impact it holds!

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Happy (almost) New Year to you, and may 2025 cultivate your hopes and dreams! We begin January 2025 with punchy-yet-inspiring cosmic events that can help you start your year on the right foot. All thanks to Capricorn Season, we will unearth determination and ambition but take things slow as the motivation planet, Mars, continues its retrograde motion. Burnout will ensue, and this isn’t an ideal period to force your ideas or goals. Take this as an opportunity to practice patience. Slow and steady is a perfect approach. Have trust in the Universe. Let’s explore how the stars will orchestrate our paths this month. Keep reading for extended intel into your sun, moon, and rising signs, and prepare to take on January confidently.

Here's everything you need to know about your January horoscope for 2025!

​What to Expect in Your January Horoscope for 2025

Victoria Strelka_ph

January starts with the love planet Venus, phasing into the sign of dreamy and ethereal Pisces on January 2. Love will be dreamy—and it can unleash the hopeless romantic in all of us. This can ascend or dissolve your love story as this energy reveals the importance of compassion and mutual understanding in relationships. Selfless acts can only take you so far, and keeping your energy in check would be in your best interest. Any feelings of exhaustion and uncertainty are the sign of observing your relationship. Make room for adjustments as needed. Speaking of relationships, Mars, the other love planet that rules sex, backspins into the sign of Cancer on January 6. Remember that Mars retrograde is still underway, and it's extending lessons that involve patience and steadiness. With Venus and Mars in the water signs, we cannot help but feel aligned with our hearts and souls. Impulsivity and emotional extremities are a no-go. Take a step back and hold space for unresolved feelings. This period is essential for us to find safety and solace in love.

Alena Shekhovtcova

Luckily, our thoughts and ideas will begin to make sense as Mercury, the messenger planet, enters Capricorn on January 8. Our messages will be clear and concise. So, if you have been feeling a bit misty and unable to form your ideas since last month’s Mercury retrograde, expect the fog to begin to lift. You have the green light to brainstorm ideas or develop plans.

Something magical is about to begin. The North Node (AKA the point of destiny) officially shifts into the sign of watery Pisces on January 11. The last time the north node was in this position was in 2006! Think back to this time in your life and observe your standing that involves healing and self-compassion. For these next 18 months, this will be our chance to begin taking stock of being truthful and understanding of others. It’s time to align with your truth while making peace from the past.

Cora Pursley

Mid-month, the Full Moon takes place in the sign of Cancer alongside Mars in a close degree on January 13. This interchange can bring up feelings of impatience and frustration involving stagnant results. Remember that slow and steady wins the race. Full Moons are an incredible outlet for rest and letting go of things beyond your control. This Full Moon will be a wake-up call and a test of your will to be at peace with yourself no matter where you are in your journey.

Expect to feel a breath of fresh air or a burst in your bubble as the Sun enters Aquarius on January 19. Tangible results will shape you as you observe your position in society and friendships. Luckily, Pluto, in alignment with the Sun, will enable you to look at the bigger picture involving your aspirations and how you can optimize your energy for your greater well-being. It's time to either clear out or evolve your connections. The messenger planet, Mercury, then progresses into Aquarius on January 27, building traction with our future goals. Ideas may stir quickly these next few weeks, and you may have difficulty keeping up. Jot your ideas down and look back at your notes later. Your messages will take form once Mars goes direct next month.


This month concludes with the New Moon in Aquarius, which is in a beautiful alignment with Mercury and Pluto, on January 29. This stellar combination will breathe new life and infinite possibilities involving long-term vision. Witness a strength in your voice and will to step forward in complete confidence. This lunation extends this desired support as you let go of old baggage related to past regret or misunderstanding. Don't you think it's finally time to let go? Begin to manifest your dreams and note what has been holding you back from success in the past. Visualize your future and observe if your current surroundings support this next step in your path.

Key Dates For Your January Horoscope & Capricorn Season In 2025

Aljona Ovtšinnikova

  • Jan 2—Venus enters Pisces
  • Jan 6—Mars enters Cancer (retrograde)
  • Jan 8—Mercury enters Capricorn
  • January 11—North Node phases into Pisces
  • Jan 13—Full Moon in Cancer
  • Jan 19—Sun enters Aquarius
  • Jan 27—Mercury enters Aquarius
  • Jan 29—New Moon in Aquarius

​Which Four Zodiac Signs Will Experience Changes This January 2025?

Elina Volkova

January 2025 will bring incredible changes for four zodiac signs, each experiencing transformative opportunities. Pisces will feel supportive in love while tapping into healing, especially with Venus entering their sign and the North Node shifting into Pisces. The nodal shift offers 18 months of destined-filled moments in alignment with their personal growth and empowerment. Cancer will navigate deep emotional reflections as Mars retrogrades and the Full Moon illuminates the need to learn patience for their emotional healing. January is a time to restore and rejuvenate Cancers. Aquarius will thrive under the Sun and New Moon in their sign this month, unlocking new possibilities and long-term vision, empowering them to manifest their dreams with renewed confidence. Lastly, Capricorn will see its plans become a sharper focus as Mercury enters their sign, granting clarity and momentum for practical advancements in their goals. These signs are set to experience significant shifts, aligning them with their true path in the year ahead.

​Read Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs For Your January Horoscope

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Theme: Clear the Air

Aries, you're about to enter a complete awakening in how you identify with family and friends. Reviewing your heart and genuine connections with Venus in the twelfth house this month will be of utmost priority. Love will feel hazy, and to find clarity, you must clear out your subconscious and face the uncertainties head-on. With the other love planet, Mars, retrograding your fourth house of home and family, your inner security begins to shake up, and this may be that time for you to explore uncomfortable discussions with loved ones. Talk to a therapist or a coach to help you find an outlet to clear the air involving past misunderstandings. Your work life will speed up as Mercury enters Capricorn in your tenth house. This period will be crucial for building confidence and certainty in your position with the public or your superiors. Develop your pitch and back it up with thorough research. Present your piece later this month when the New Moon in Aquarius powers up your networking sector. The North Node shifting in your twelfth house brings powerful experiences involving your inner life and dreams. These next 18 months will help you build up to a better version of yourself—your spiritual life will level up. Begin writing or developing a sacred practice involving meditation or art. A masterpiece awaits as you prioritize serenity and a quiet space in your daily life. The Full Moon in Cancer in your fourth house will close a chapter with your inner security and beliefs surrounding your family. Review your place in your domestic life or roots. It may be time to move or begin a home renovation. This lunation will reveal the core of your true happiness and the best approach for your family’s wellbeing. By the end of the month, the Sun, Mercury, and the New Moon in Aquarius in your eleventh house will feel like a breath of fresh air as you feel renewed and optimistic about your long-term aspirations. Attend a networking event or begin a group project—you will experience an a-ha moment. It's an auspicious time to discuss with those rooting for your success.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Theme: Experience Your Wildest Dreams

Taurus, this month will be filled with infinite opportunities, but it will require you to take a chance. Venus, the planet that rules your sign, will beautify your eleventh house of networking and social connections. If you feel called to go public or begin collaborative ventures, you will start to live your wildest dreams as you share your vision! Mars continuing its backspin in your third house will create a snag with communication—but don’t worry, you're more than equipped to power through this challenge. In matters of engagement or expressing ideas, it has to be heart-centered and meaningful. Go with your gut and let down your guard to get your message across. The messenger planet, Mercury in Capricorn in your ninth house, extends publishing or travel opportunities. These next few weeks are all about taking chances and to dream bigger. Don’t settle. Here is the most exciting part of the month as the North Node in Pisces will reside in your eleventh house for the next 18 months. Friendships and social connections will be the focal point in your journey. It will also be serendipitous as you begin to give back to society. Take part in charitable organizations or begin non-profit work—and you will start to witness your dreams taking form. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Cancer in your third house closes the chapter involving an old skill or idea you once thought was a part of your dream. It's either time to complete this endeavor or make peace with letting go. This lunation can also be an excellent opportunity to have unresolved discussions with siblings or immediate family members—talk it out. For the last half of January, the Sun, Mercury, and the New Moon power up your tenth house of career and public image. This is a period to blossom and begin believing in your long-term goal. Discuss your ideas with superiors or take note of how you wish to live out your future dreams—take charge.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Theme: Analyze Your Energy

Gemini, this is a month of personal and professional transformation and expansion. Experience a boost in your confidence with Venus in your tenth house of career and public life. You will find luck as you boldly express your worth at work. Present that pitch or launch your passion project. However, with Mars retrograde in your second house of finances, it’s crucial to reassess your financial situation and avoid impulsive spending these next several weeks. Learn how to budget and educate yourself on how you can invest effectively. It's time to build a nest egg. Then, Mercury’s move into your eighth house signals deep introspection around intimacy, shared resources, and personal transformation. It's time to get to the bottom of what holds you back from your desired changes. Investigate and observe your energy around your current situation. You will get answers this month. As the North Node enters Pisces, your career path is illuminated these next 18 months, guiding you toward long-term goals and a more meaningful professional journey. Analyze what makes you feel most elevated. That can put you on the right track. The Full Moon in Cancer brings closure or a shift in your financial situation, helping you let go of outmoded beliefs around money and self-worth. By the end of January, with the Sun, Mercury, and the New Moon entering your ninth house, you’ll be drawn to expand your horizons through travel, higher education, and philosophical pursuits. Mercury’s entry into Aquarius encourages you to communicate your vision for the future. At the same time, the New Moon invites you to set intentions for new beginnings, particularly around your long-term goals. Don't hold back and believe in your vision.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Theme: Choose Your Path

Cancer, January brings a time of personal growth, relationship reflections, and expansive opportunities. With Venus entering your ninth house, your interconnectedness to life will level up. Broaden your horizons by traveling or exploring new methodologies. Seek new experiences that will open your heart and mind while deepening your sense of purpose. Remember, Mars retrograde in your first house beckons you to pause and reflect on your personal goals and how you present yourself to the world. You may experience delays or rethink your direction in life, which could signal a period of self-discovery and reinvention. Relationships will undergo review as Mercury’s move into your seventh house of relationships highlights communication within your partnerships, especially with close friends, your love partner, or business associates. It’s a good time to clear the air, engage in meaningful conversations, and strengthen connections. The North Node shifting into your ninth house sets the stage for growth and possibilities in the next 18 months. This shift will encourage you to explore new ideas, travel, or pursue higher learning. The Full Moon in your sign brings a decisive moment of personal culmination in your first house, illuminating your identity. Self-reflection and designating a quiet time will help you realize what no longer aligns with your well-being. As the Sun and Mercury enter your eighth house later in the month, your focus pivots to deeper, more transformative areas of life, such as intimacy, shared resources, and emotional healing. The New Moon in Aquarius invites you to set intentions around letting go of old emotional baggage and embracing transformation, particularly in your closest relationships. This lunation will allow you to set a new intention to attract powerful changes--take a chance and visualize your desired outcome.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Theme: Clear Yourself

Leo, this month brings a strong focus on how you prioritize your inner needs and relationships. With Venus entering your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources, and transformation, expect to feel a deepened emotional connection or a shift in your approach to intimacy. Nurture your most significant relationships and explore the hidden aspects of yourself and your partnerships. However, with Mars retrograde in your twelfth house, there’s a strong pull toward inner reflection and revisiting past emotional issues or hidden fears. This period encourages you to confront unresolved emotions and heal old wounds, setting the stage for you to do some soul-searching. Mercury’s move into your sixth house brings attention to your daily life and well-being. It’s a great time to organize your work life, improve your health habits, and focus on being more productive. Clear your workspace or start a health detox to get yourself on track. The North Node’s shift into your eighth house brings a long-term focus on vulnerability, your hidden self, and letting go of old patterns that no longer serve you. These next 18 months, you’ll be inspired to explore deeper emotional connections and make necessary changes in your approach to money. The Full Moon shines a light on your twelfth house, bringing closure to a personal or emotional matter lurking in the background. Release work or cord-cutting from unresolved dealings will help you make room for something better. As the Sun, Mercury, and the New Moon move into your seventh house, your attention turns to relationships. This is an ideal time to focus on your closest connections, whether romantic, professional, or personal, and to work on improving communication and balance within them. The New Moon invites you to set intentions for new beginnings in your relationships and to cultivate more meaningful connections.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 21)

Theme: Find Your Center

Virgo, are you ready to witness a complete revelation? January is a month focused on relationships, creativity, and personal growth. With Venus entering your seventh house of partnerships, a desire for harmony and connection in your close relationships (romantic or professional) are in the works. Aligning with your heart by nurturing someone else will power up your purpose. You can begin by engaging in meaningful, heart-centered communication. Mars retrograde in your eleventh house prompts a reassessment of your social networks, friendships, and aspirations. You may encounter delays or disruptions in group dynamics, encouraging you to reflect on which connections support your growth and which no longer align with your ambitions. Mercury in your fifth house brings a boost to your creativity and self-expression. Whether through art, hobbies, or romance, you’ll be encouraged to explore your passions and embrace a lighter, more playful side of yourself. The North Node shifting into your seventh house emphasizes the importance of partnerships in the next 18 months, guiding you toward relationships that manifest deeper connections. The Full Moon in Cancer shines a light on your eleventh house, cultivating a turning point related to your friendships or collective goals. This is a time to let go of outdated connections or redefine your place within a group. As the Sun, Mercury, and the New Moon enter your sixth house of health and work, your focus shifts to improving daily routines, health habits, and overall productivity. This is a great time to reorganize your schedule, set new goals for your well-being, and streamline your work life. The New Moon in Aquarius invites you to set intentions for fresh starts in managing your day-to-day activities and taking better care of yourself.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 22 – October 22)

Theme: Treat Your Body Like A Temple

Time to level up your health, work, and personal creativity, Libra. With Venus, your ruler planet, entering your sixth house of daily routines, health, and work, you’ll strongly desire to bring more beauty and balance into your everyday life. It will be a game changer as you focus on improving your well-being, beautifying your workspace, and creating healthier habits. With Mars continuing its retrograde in your tenth house of career and status, you may experience setbacks or delays in your professional life. Give yourself permission to pause and assess your long-term goals and approach to success, especially in your career and public endeavors. Mercury’s move into your fourth house highlights communication within your home and family life. Addressing any unresolved matters at home or making important decisions regarding your living situation would be ideal. The North Node shifting into your sixth house emphasizes the need to adjust your daily routines, health, and work life over the next 18 months. Focus on making practical and realistic changes that promote balance for your long-term well-being. The Full Moon in Cancer brings a moment of culmination in your tenth house, offering answers to where you stand with your career and its direction. This is a time to reflect on your career achievements and assess whether you’re on the right path. As the Sun, Mercury, and the New Moon illuminate in your fifth house of romance and self-expression, your attention shifts to play, passion, and enjoying life’s pleasures. As the New Moon in Aquarius lights up your romantic sector, it will set the stage for you to begin a new chapter in your love story while igniting your creativity. Book a date night or start a new passion project--the creativity will flow as you prioritize your happiness.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Theme: Explore Your Inner Child

Expect something new to emerge, Scorpio. January allows you to explore creative expression, personal growth, and home-focused reflection. Luckily, Venus enters your fifth house of love and joyful excursions--and you will feel a second wind to indulge your inner child. Let your hair down and set aside self-criticism no matter where you are in your journey. This is a great time to pursue creative hobbies, self-care, or deepen romantic connections. As Mars continues its backspin in your ninth house of higher learning and personal beliefs, it will bring delays in making sense of the bigger picture. You could find yourself overthinking everything. Just be and take note of what truly inspires you. Mercury's move into your third house brings attention to how you're conveying your message, learning, and your local environment. Engage in small talk, network with neighbors, or focus on local connections while learning something new. You will experience a breakthrough and understanding in time. Something more exciting is in store for you as the North Node’s shift into your fifth house opens doors to explore creativity, self-expression, and your love life these next 18 months. You’ll be drawn to explore your passions and feel things at a deeper yet joyful level. The Full Moon in Cancer highlights your ninth house and turns the tides in matters related to travel, education, or belief systems. You may gain clarity or conclude a long-term goal or pursuit. It's okay to let go and take a different path. As the Sun, Mercury, and the New Moon enter your fourth house of home and family, your attention shifts to your emotional foundations. This is a time to focus on your living situation and find tangible solutions to improve it. The New Moon in Aquarius invites you to set intentions for creating a more stable, nurturing home environment or making changes that support your emotional well-being.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Theme: Time to Master Adulting

Things are about to get serious this month, Sagittarius. You're ready to fine-tune dealings involving your home life, values, and self-worth. With the love planet Venus entering your fourth house of home and family, you will create a more harmonious, beautiful, and nurturing living space for you and your loved ones. This is an excellent time to make your home feel more comfortable and emotionally sound, whether through redecorating, spending quality time with family, or strengthening your emotional connections. Mars continuing its backspin in your eighth house of merged resources, intimacy, and hidden realms of life will help you check off what you can do to improve these matters. There could be delays or unfinished business related to joint finances, inheritances, or emotional bonds. Hold still and reassess, especially in your intimate connections. Mercury’s move into your second house of money encourages you to focus on your finances, possessions, and what you value most. Work with a financial advisor or learn ways to increase your material security. The North Node shifting into your fourth house emphasizes a long-term focus on your home, family, and emotional well-being over the next 18 months. Stability and taking charge of future investment opportunities in your personal life will be your priority. The Full Moon in Cancer highlights your eighth house, closing a chapter in intimacy-related matters while attracting transformative experiences. Release old emotional baggage or address financial matters that require closure. As the Sun, Mercury, and the New Moon enter your third house of communication, set intentions that involve expanding your mind and engaging more actively with your local environment to attract your soul tribe.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Theme: Getting Close and Personal

How comfortable are you expressing your feelings, Capricorn? This month, you're in for major changes in your relationships, and talking will be your superpower or kryptonite. With Venus entering your third house of communication, learning, and social connections, you cannot help but be charming and will begin to connect with others on a deeper level. It’s a great time to engage in meaningful conversations, nurture relationships with siblings or neighbors, and explore new ideas. Mars retrograde in your seventh house of partnerships helps you slow down and reflect on your close connections, both personal and professional. You may go through misunderstandings or delays in these areas. Make things right if any blunders occur. Mercury’s move into your first house shines a spotlight on your confidence and ability to share your ideas. Focus on your desires and goals and express your intentions to the world--you got this! The North Node shifting into your third house these next 18 months will empower your voice and ability to grasp new ideas. Becoming comfortable with developing a new skill, learning opportunity, or project. The Full Moon in Cancer brings clarity to your seventh house of relationships. Let go of the past or unhealthy dynamics in your partnerships. It's time to decide whether to stay or go. As the Sun, Mercury, and New Moon enter your second house of finances and personal values, your intentions for fresh starts in your financial situation or approach to building long-term stability will be your central focus. This is your opportunity to cross off any lingering doubts and gain traction for your next steps.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Theme: Building From the Ground Up

It's time to pay close attention to your foundations, Aquarius. What makes you feel safe? It's a month of financial reflection and self-discovery. With money-attractor Venus entering your second house of finances, values, and self-worth, your material resources and livelihood will improve. Beginning an abundance practice will lead to results, but it starts with you reflecting on your relationship with money and your long-term financial goals. Mars continuing its backspin in your 6th house of health, work, and daily routines will help you observe areas that need improvement. You might find yourself revisiting old work projects or reconsidering your health habits, especially those that have been put on the back burner. Mercury’s move into your twelfth house lights up your subconscious mind and inner world. This is a period for deep reflection, spiritual exploration, and addressing hidden matters that need healing. The North Node’s shift into your second house emphasizes a long-term focus on building financial goals and discovering what truly matters to you over the next 18 months. This is a time to embrace your values and make practical decisions that support your future growth. The Full Moon in Cancer highlights your sixth house, closing a chapter with your work life or daily responsibilities. It's either time to ask for help or to say no if you cannot handle every task. Release old habits and prioritize self-care practices. As the Sun, Mercury, and the New Moon enter your first house of identity, expect your energy to pick up and confidence! It will be a powerful time to set personal goals and embrace a fresh sense of purpose. Set intentions for new beginnings, whether in how you present yourself to the world or your aspirations.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Theme: Be the Artist of Your Life

Are you ready to live out your full potential, Pisces? January will be magical, with infinite possibilities and creative promise. You are a magnet as Venus enters your first house of identity and personal appearance. You are a living art as you express your unique self. Nurture and beautify yourself--book a hair appointment or update your makeup palette. Venus brings charm and magnetism, making it a great time to shine in social settings and attract positive attention. Mars retrograde in your fifth house of creativity, romance, and self-expression encourages you to revisit past creative projects, hobbies, or relationships. You may experience sluggishness or need to reassess your approach to love and artistic endeavors. Take your time, and don't rush the process. The social networks will energize Mercury’s move into your eleventh house of friendships, goals, and long-term aspirations. Engage more with your community, revisit past goals, or network to further your dreams. The North Node’s shift into your first house creates big changes in personal growth and self-discovery over the next 18 months. It's a time to step into your true identity while igniting the changes that will help you align more with your authentic path. It's your time to shine. The Full Moon in Cancer shines a light on your fifth house of creativity and romance, bringing closure or acceptance to past dealings. You may experience a creative breakthrough or make an important decision about a romantic connection or artistic endeavor. Trust as you let go. As the Sun, Mercury, and New Moon enter your 12th house of spirituality and dreams, your focus shifts inward and stimulates even more inspiration. Try dream journaling or meditation. Remember to rest. Quiet reflection, spiritual growth, and inner work will be medicinal for your energy. Set intentions for a new phase of self-discovery by planting a seed of your dream life. Your manifestation levels up as you let go of the past.

With 2025 approaching, it’s the perfect time to explore how to power up your year ahead. Lumi Pelinku invites you to dive deeper into your journey through an extended reading that can provide tailored insights and inspiration. Click here to book your reading today!

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Tourism can be a blessing for the economy of many cities around the world, but it often comes at a price. Destinations like Venice and Bali are iconic for a reason — they’re unique, breathtaking places that lure travelers from around the globe. But when a travel destination becomes too popular, it risks losing its charm and overcrowding can strain infrastructure, inflate costs for locals, and disrupt the peace and quiet of small, serene towns.

Here are 12 destinations that have struggled with overtourism. The good news? Many are implementing smart strategies to balance tourism with sustainability. Planning to visit? Consider booking during the off-season for a more authentic and enjoyable experience or try these hidden gems.


Venice, Italy

Cruise ships and swarms of tourists have overwhelmed this picturesque city, leading to overcrowded canals, damaged infrastructure, and skyrocketing prices. The local population is dwindling as Venetians leave due to the city’s unsustainable tourism boom. Last spring, in an effort to manage the influx, the city put into effect an entry fee for day-trippers and has limited cruise ships docking its shores.

Oleksandr P

Bali, Indonesia

Once an idyllic paradise, Bali now suffers from traffic congestion, environmental degradation, and overcrowded beaches. The island’s resources are strained under the weight of mass tourism, but there are efforts underway to promote sustainability like putting a moratorium on new hotels.

Willian Justen de Vasconcellos

Machu Picchu, Peru

Overtourism has led to erosion and damage to this ancient Incan citadel. A quota system and mandatory guides are helping preserve this popular South American destination.

Darren Lawrence

Tulum, Mexico

Once a tranquil paradise known for its pristine beaches, ancient Mayan ruins, and eco-chic vibe, Tulum has become a cautionary tale of overtourism. The surge in popularity, fueled by Instagram-worthy scenery, has brought overcrowding, environmental strain, and rising costs. The Guardianreported that locals are being pushed out by developers and despite the thinking that tourism helps local communities, poverty nearly doubled between 2015 and 2020. Local ecosystems, including fragile mangroves and coral reefs, are threatened by unchecked construction and pollution too. The local ruins have implemented stricter rules like no food or drink to limit trash and environmental impact from tourists.

Jimmy Teoh

Santorini, Greece

Instagram fame has turned this once-serene island into a tourist hotspot. Narrow streets are perpetually clogged, and locals are struggling with soaring costs of living due to tourism demand. The government has since capped the number of daily cruise ship visitors to keep overtourism at bay.

Chait Goli

Cinque Terre, Italy

Known for its colorful cliffside villages and breathtaking coastal views, these once-quiet fishing towns now see millions of visitors annually, way more than they can handle. To combat issues like congestion and cruise ships, local authorities have introduced visitor caps and encourage sustainable travel to protect Cinque Terre’s charm.

Rudy Kirchner

Reykjavík, Iceland

Is there anyone not going to Iceland these days? A small country with breathtaking landscapes, Iceland has been overwhelmed by tourists flocking to Instagram-famous sites like the Blue Lagoon and Diamond Beach. It's best to travel during the off season (November to April) and travel to lesser known spots like the Sturlungalaug hot spring.


Maya Bay, Thailand (Phi Phi Islands)

This iconic beach, popularized by the DiCaprio film The Beach, suffered ecological devastation from hordes of visitors and anchored boats. Coral reefs were destroyed, and the beach was closed for years to allow recovery. It has since reopened after a huge revitalization project, but they have introduced visitor caps.


Kyoto, Japan

Traditionally quiet streets of this ancient capital city now teem with tourists during peak season. An increase in litter from tourists has required the city to install more trash bins to handle the crowds, and peaceful geishas are often chased down for photos. To mitigate the problem, Kyoto is considering running special buses to popular sites to reduce overcrowding, and temples and shrines are encouraging visitors to come early in the morning.

Prabin Sunar

Mount Everest, Nepal

The ultimate challenge for adventurers, Mount Everest has experienced overcrowding on the slopes and at base camps, leading to dangerous conditions, with litter and human waste piling up on the mountain. Permits are now harder to get, and stricter regulations for climbers are being enforced.

Mateusz Popek

Dubrovnik, Croatia

The Game of Thrones effect brought an influx of fans to this medieval city. Overcrowded streets and cruise ship arrivals have made it difficult to appreciate its beauty. The local government is taking steps to limit daily visitors and impose stricter cruise ship regulations.

Helena I

Lisbon, Portugal

Short-term rentals dominate the housing market now, thanks to affordable flights and the digital nomad craze. This has led to skyrocketing rents and displaced locals. Historic neighborhoods are inundated with tourists, making them less charming too. Everything from public transport to waste management struggles to keep pace with the influx. I went in December and it still felt a bit like Disneyland. Douro Valley and Madeira might be more favorable destinations any time of year.

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It's officially the last week of Sagittarius season, and it begins with Mercury stationing direct and the full moon in Gemini. On one level, the energy is full speed ahead. It's time to finish the holiday shopping, baking, and get on with the merry-making. Venus, the planet of love and our values, forms a beneficial trine to Jupiter, which will leave us feeling an abundance of love and joy. Make sure to take time to express heartfelt gratitude and love whenever possible. This wonderful energy is perfect for the holidays, and we will likely be in a social, festive mood. Whatever we put out into the world will come back in an amplified way.

Wanna know what that means for your weekly horoscope? Let's check it out!

Scroll down to find your weekly horoscope for your sun & rising signs!

olia danilevich

While the overall vibes are buzzing right now, there's still a need to slow down, as Mars will be retrograde until February 24, 2025. Working with this energy over the next few weeks and months is critical. Mindfully pursuing goals, staying calm while frustrated, and using our determination and power for the best possible outcomes are part of the lessons while the planet of action is in this retrograde phase. There are nuances depending on where transiting Mars lands in your chart and where Mars was when you were born, but in general, it's a time to be extra careful, harness your energy wisely, and act upon ideas and opportunities to further your personal evolution.

Diana Agapova

This week, the Sun squares Neptune, and despite the energetic feeling of the season, it might be difficult to find motivation and enthusiasm for work. If you can take time off, do so. Tap into the dreamy energy to create something beautiful, whether it's to finish your holiday crafts or to host a gathering to let those you love know how important they are to you. Use music, lights, and candles to inspire and create a loving mood. Be aware that there is a tendency to see things through a rose-colored illusion. Make sure you're honest and upfront in all your dealings to avoid misunderstandings.

Pavel Danilyuk

On December 21, the Sun moves into Capricorn. The winter solstice marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Most ancient civilizations celebrated this occasion. Stone structures like Newgrange in Ireland were built with an alignment to the solstice sunrise. The indigenous Zuni tribe dances in gratitude for the abundance of the year. St. Lucia’s Day in Scandinavia celebrates light overcoming darkness by lighting candles. Devise your own ritual or adopt and modify what has been done in the past. Creating new traditions around ancient celestial happenings can be a wonderful way to celebrate the season.

Horoscopes for Sun and Rising Signs

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

You might feel like retreating from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Allow yourself to be inspired by your intuition and make time for quiet contemplation. You'll probably be more interested in engaging in a private spiritual practice with a few close loved ones rather than going to a large holiday gathering. It's a good time to honestly evaluate your life’s direction. This might feel disorienting and a little confusing. Practice patience (not easy for an Aries!) and trust that this period of time will put you in touch with a more authentic and spiritually aligned version of yourself.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

The challenge is to combine your big dreams with a practical plan of action. Are you supported by a solid community of collaborators to help manifest your ideas? It's important to be clear with your cohorts and work cooperatively toward a common goal. If you're the leader, make sure you lead with compassion and aim to lift everyone in the group, utilizing the unique skills of each participant. If you find yourself doing most of the work, re-evaluate the plan so that there is more reciprocity. There is an opportunity for creative and spiritual growth in the community. Just make sure everyone is benefiting in one way or another.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

You might feel a shift in your attitude about your career. This could feel disorienting if you have built your ego around success in the workplace. It's a good time to evaluate whether you have created a false persona and to adjust for better alignment with your more authentic self. If you have access to a mentor, ask for guidance as you navigate toward a more honest approach to your career. Courageously make any changes that will better reflect your positive and cooperative tendencies. Practice self-compassion and realize this could be a foggy, confusing time. Be honest with yourself about what is important as you explore a new way to be in your professional life.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Connect with your spiritual center. You might feel as if there is a veil of illusion testing your trust in the unknown or unseen. Your intuition is keen and will be an asset as you navigate this hazy period of time. Go with the flow of life and let go of any need to control the outcome. This will create a sense of freedom. Release your ego needs and surrender to a higher sense of humility and compassion. Hone your meditation practice, devote yourself to music, and engage in anything that brings peace to your heart. The love energy will flow around you and those you cherish.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You're in a phase to uncover the depths of your subconscious mind. What you reveal has the potential to transform you in profound ways, connecting you to your intuition and power. It's essential to communicate clearly, especially in matters involving finances. Refrain from borrowing money from friends or close associates. Reassess your spending habits and explore creative ways to increase your income. Financial independence will lead to a sense of freedom and autonomy, which will allow easier access to your inner intuition. This week marks the beginning of a period of self-awareness that will align you with your essence. Approach it with an open heart.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 21)

You might be idealistic and only see the potential in your relationships. If you ignore reality, miscommunications and heartache are likely. It's important to be clear in all your exchanges. Make sure you're grounded and don’t get carried away with fantasies. If a loved one is ill, you'll likely feel a deep connection as your compassion is strong. You'll excel as a caregiver in this case. Be sure to practice self-care and keep in mind what you need as you establish healthy boundaries. Unconditional love is available, but you must take care of yourself as you extend that love to others.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 22 – October 22)

Are you taking care of yourself? Your daily habits and routines are important. Make sure you're keeping your immune system healthy, as you'll be more sensitive to illnesses and infections. Sleep well and eat nourishing foods. Tune into your body for clues about your best approach to health. Moderation and mindfulness are key. Engage in a holistic approach and don’t neglect your mental and spiritual health. You might find yourself compelled to acts of service for others. Be sure you're taking care of yourself and have realistic boundaries in place before committing to helping others.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Your imagination and creativity are heightened. Harness your artistic expression with tangible projects. Use your intuition and inspiration to guide you. Be on the lookout for opportunities to express your creativity. You'll likely be super sensitive, and your emotions might be hard to control or define. This is not a time to intellectualize what you're feeling. Instead, translate your emotions into opportunities for self-understanding. You'll benefit greatly by working with a professional guide, whether a counselor or someone you can collaborate with on an artistic level.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

It's likely you're experiencing profound shifts in your internal world. Maintain a sense of peace and tranquility at home, as these shifts might cause you to feel unbalanced. There might be changes in your family dynamics. Let go of old patterns and roles that no longer serve you or your family. It's essential to establish boundaries with your loved ones. Clear and compassionate communication is necessary to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. Take advantage of opportunities to express your newfound internal understandings, and you'll experience deeper connections. Spend time in nature and commit yourself to activities that keep you grounded and connected to the Earth.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Open yourself up to a more fluid state of mind. If you're accustomed to relying on your intellect, this is a chance to experience a more integrated way of being. Engage in activities that expand your consciousness and connect you to realms of spiritual understanding. You may have a desire to express your creative side in a new way. Allow yourself to experience life without knowing exactly where you're going, and trust that the process unfolding inside you will lead to a deeper understanding of yourself. Cultivate an inner gentleness and kindness as you continue on your path to greater self-compassion.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

This is a time to reassess your values. The material possessions you own may conflict with your spiritual needs. It's easy to become distracted or weighed down by your belongings. Take this opportunity to honestly evaluate what truly matters to you. If you find yourself overly focused on external, tangible indicators of success, consider shifting your attention to inner growth and spiritual fulfillment. Simplifying your life and prioritizing what aligns with your deeper values will create a sense of freedom and clarity, allowing you to connect more authentically with yourself and others.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Your intuition is heightened, and you may find yourself drawn to imaginative and creative pursuits. Allow your inner vision to guide you as you explore new ways to express yourself artistically or spiritually. However, be mindful of boundaries, especially in relationships. You have a natural inclination to give selflessly, but it's essential to balance this with self-care. Avoid overextending yourself emotionally or physically. Tap into the dreamy, compassionate energy of the season to strengthen your inner peace and connection to higher truths. This is an excellent time for introspection and for nurturing your unique gifts.

Looking for a more thorough reading? Reach out to Tina at!

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Christmas cookie decorating is holiday tradition for us here at B+C, so we were so stoked to find this recipe for paleo cookies that adds a healthy twist to this classic holiday dessert. These sweet treats will shine among the rest of your Christmastime tablescape, and they are super easy to make. Plus, they'll pair well with just about any Christmas dessert. Just combine your paleo-friendly ingredients to prep the dough, let it sit overnight, then bake for ten minutes! The best part about this recipe is of course, all of the fun holiday-time shapes you can cut. Consider this recipe your go-to for healthy cookies, though, since you can make them year-round in any shape you like. Let's get to decorating!

Ingredients for Paleo Christmas Cookies

Brit + Co

For the cookies:

  • 1/2 cup grass-fed salted butter, softened
  • 6 tablespoons raw honey
  • 2 eggs, room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  • 3 cups almond flour
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda

For the frosting:

  • 6 tablespoons coconut butter or coconut manna
  • 1/4 cup cacao butter
  • 1-2 tablespoons honey
  • Plant-based food coloring
  • Vegetable-dyed sprinkles, for topping*
* Look for vegetable and fruit-dyed food coloring and sprinkles in natural grocery stores or online, and avoid artificial colors to keep these cookies Paleo friendly!

How to Make Paleo Christmas Cookies

Brit + Co

  1. Add the softened butter and honey to a large mixing bowl. Cream the mixture together using a handheld mixer until it is smooth. Add in the eggs, vanilla extract, and almond extract and whisk until they are well combined. Pour in the almond flour, coconut flour, and baking soda, and continue mixing until the batter has come together smoothly.
  2. Separate the dough into two, and place each one on top of a piece of plastic wrap. Roll each dough into a ball, then flatten to a thick disk, cover completely with the plastic wrap, and place in the refrigerator to firm up for at least 2 hours or overnight.
  3. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Remove one of the dough discs from the refrigerator, unwrap the plastic and place the dough on top of a piece of parchment paper, then top it with another piece of parchment paper. Use a roller to flatten out the dough to about 1/4 to 1/2 of an inch thick. Work quickly with your favorite Christmas cookie cutters, and use a thin spatula to lift the cut cookies onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  4. Bake the cookies in the oven for 10 minutes. Let them cool for a few minutes, then place on a wire rack for further cooling. Gather the leftover scraps back into a ball in the plastic wrap or parchment paper and place it back in the refrigerator, while working with the other piece of dough. Do this in batches to keep the dough from getting too warm and so you don’t overcrowd the baking sheet.
  5. While the batches of cookies are baking, use a small saucepan to lightly melt the coconut butter and cacao butter together over low heat on the stovetop. Remove the pan from the heat when the ingredients have just melted together. Stir in the desired amount of honey, then set aside to cool and thicken up slightly. If you are using food coloring, add in the desired amount into the frosting mixture (1-2 teaspoons of green or red should do the trick). If you plan on only using white frosting, only use a small amount of honey, as it can make the frosting an off-white or light brown color.
  6. After the cookies have completely cooled, decorate them with the frosting and sprinkles as desired. If you don’t have any professional piping tools, an easy fix is to place the frosting in a plastic sandwich bag and remove all the air when sealing the top. Cut a tiny tip off one corner of the plastic bag, then gently squeeze and pipe over the cookies. Use one plastic bag or piping bag for each color of frosting. Top with corresponding sprinkles and enjoy!

Is your mouth watering yet? Check out our newsletter for more delicious holiday recipe ideas!

Recipe development and photography by Sarah Anderson.

Heaping plates of Christmas cookies are synonymous with the holidays. It seems that nearly every country around the globe has their own variation on the holiday classic. In fact, some of these regions have been making their version of Christmas cookies for literal hundreds of years.

If you’re looking for a way to reconnect with your heritage, or maybe just want a little baking inspiration, check out our picks for the yummiest Christmas cookies from around the world.

The Noshery

Mantecaditos con Guayaba

These may look like ordinary thumbprint cookies, but these almond shortbreads from Puerto Rico are filled with a special guava marmalade. (via The Noshery)

Broma Bakery


French meringues are a classic crumbly egg white cookie with a chewy interior. These get an extra European twist with the addition of Nutella. (via Broma Bakery)

Pretty. Simple. Sweet.


Deeply flavored dulce de leche, a caramel made from whole milk commonly found in Spain and many Latin American countries, is the key ingredient in these super pretty sandwiched Christmas cookies. (via Pretty. Simple. Sweet.)

Fancy Peasant


These Christmas cookies that hail from Greece get their sweetness from a generous soaking of fresh honey! (via Fancy Peasant)

Very Eatalian

Baci di Dama

The name of this Italian treat translates to “lady’s kisses” — how adorable is that? These bite-sized cuties are made with ground hazelnuts and filled with a dollop of dark chocolate. (via Very Eatalian)

Cooking Classy

Linzer Cookies

These Austrian Christmas cookies are typically made with raspberry jam, but feel free to get crazy with a filling of your choice. Plus, the gorgeous windowpane look will make them a prize takeaway at your next cookie exchange. (via Cooking Classy)

Olivia’s Cuisine

Basler Brunsli

If you’re hanging out in Switzerland around Christmas time, you’ll definitely see these chocolate treats around. They’re often described as Swiss brownies due to their deliciously chewy texture. Perfect with a cup of eggnog or coffee! (via Olivia’s Cuisine)

Cilantro Parsley


These tender miniature fritters from Mexico are a mix between a donut and cookie. Whatever you want to call them, they’re delicious. (via Cilantro Parsley)

Chef Lindsey Farr

Apricot Kolachys

The Hungarians definitely know what’s up when tart apricot jam gets wrapped in a blanket of flaky pastry. They’re a bright spot on a cold Christmas day. (via Chef Lindsey Farr)

Life, Love and Sugar

Cutout Sugar Cookies

In the United States, a plate of these festively decorated sugar cookies is just what Santa ordered. (via Life, Love and Sugar)



You’ll find these simple pecan shortbread cookies all over Mexico around this time of year. The coating of powdered sugar and canela, a type of Mexican cinnamon, really bring the flavor to the next level. (via Saveur)

A Healthy Life for Me


These Italian Christmas cookies are made of a chewy almond base and topped with pine nuts. (via A Healthy Life for Me)

Fancy Peasant


These Greek Christmas cookies feature a buttery biscuit topped with mass amounts of powdered sugar. (via Fancy Peasant)

Does your family have a traditional cookie recipe for the holidays? Tag us @BritandBo in your Instagram photos and let us know!

This post has been updated with additional reporting by Meredith Holser.

Lead image via Pretty. Simple. Sweet.