Your November Horoscopes Are Here — See What's In Store For Your Sign

november horoscopes 2024

Welcome to November 2024! It’s official, everyone. We are cleared of the eclipse season and approaching the holiday season and Election Day. The collective is stirring with anticipation, awaiting the next course in our journey. Breathe. Tensions are especially high due to the major polarity brought on by the collective planet Pluto's re-entry into Capricorn just months ago. The tides are expected to change as the regeneration planet regresses into Aquarius for good.

You may be thinking, “What’s in it for me?” Aligning with the cosmic flow will bring more peace, understanding, and balance in your everyday life. Scorpio season is in full swing, and it beckons you to begin analyzing your internal landscape, desires, and control. You'll improve the world by grasping the importance of revitalizing your inner self. Believe it or not, you're the main character of your story, and your light contributes more than you know. This November highlights this part of your narrative. Are you ready to learn what is in store for you this month? Read on for your sun, moon, and rising November horoscope below.

Themes For Your November Horoscope In 2024

Brian Yurasits

This month kicks off with the New Moon in Scorpio on November 1st, helping you see how you're being of service to yourself and others. Due to Scorpio's vibe of death and regeneration, this lunation will also materialize the importance of “clearing out” from the old. Remember last month’s solar eclipse?

This New Moon in Scorpio extends the path for you to turn over a new leaf and actualize your desired changes. Make a move.

The communication signals will power up as Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 2nd, manifesting a feeling of warmth and hope in our messages. The dialogue exchanged will be inspiring and educational.

Share information that will benefit others. You'll experience serendipitous moments as you give back.

Our drive and bravado will turn up as the motivator planet Mars enters Leo on November 3rd. Our self-worth will drive passion and desire. Step forward and claim your desire.

Patricia Luquet

Create your masterpiece and watch it come to life. Believe.

Love will shift to rationality and structure as Venus shifts into Capricorn on November 11. These next several weeks will help you gauge more accordingly with long-term plans and practical concerns. It will also invoke a more grounded approach to romance and dating.

Slow and steady builds stronger foundations in love.

On November 15th, the Full Moon in Taurus illuminates the sky, highlighting the importance of taking the reigns through a measured approach. With the rebel planet, Uranus, in alignment with this full moon, it will stir up massive changes involving our narrative and how we are playing our part in our storyline. It can lead to impulsive moves, so remember to be intentional. The great news is that Saturn, the structure planet, is direct today, bringing more clarity regarding our direction.

Ahmed ツ

Brilliance awaits as you hold steady.

Buckle up! On November 19th, Pluto ingresses into Aquarius, settling into this future-oriented sign. Anticipate significant technological advancements, including refined artificial intelligence, quantum computing breakthroughs, renewable energy innovations, and immersive virtual reality experiences. Side note: VR Games like Supernatural(I'm a BIG fan!) are revolutionizing workouts, allowing people to exercise in other worlds while engaging with a supportive community for weight loss, endorphins, and positive accountability. As you visualize your ideal paradigm, Pluto will guide you toward the tools or necessary changes to attract your desired results. Embrace this transformation and let go of outdated constructs, paving the way for a brighter, more interconnected future.

Vlada Karpovich

Happiness and fulfillment await those willing to adapt and grow.

This month ends with the Sun in Sagittarius on November 21 and Mercury Retrograde on November 25. Sagittarius season invokes wanderlust, adventure, and growth. Remember that you'll reign this season as you remain open-minded to new concepts and ideas.

Close-mindedness and dismissiveness of others' input lead to dead ends.

As we conclude working with Mercury’s backspin this month, steer clear of making traveling plans (like booking a ticket/itinerary), launching a business, or signing contracts. Plus, it will help you streamline your messages, think through your personal beliefs, and change your attitudes towards life. Going through reflection will help you gravitate toward your desired outcomes.

Which signs will be most affected in November?

Juliane Monari

As we journey through November 2024, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, and Sagittariuswill each feel the cosmic waves uniquely. Scorpios will harness the transformative energy of the New Moon to reflect on their desires and initiate powerful changes. Taurus will be called to acknowledge new narratives during the Full Moon, prompting them to take control of their path and make intentional decisions. Aquarians will experience a significant shift as Pluto settles into their sign, inviting them to envision a brighter future and release old patterns that no longer serve them. Meanwhile, Sagittarians will be inspired by the Sun’s entry into their sign, igniting a sense of adventure and growth. However, they should navigate Mercury's retrograde carefully to avoid miscommunications and hasty decisions. Allow these energies to guide you toward a more fulfilled and intentional existence this month!

​Key Dates & Transits This Week

Griffin Wooldridge

  • 11/1 New Moon in Scorpio
  • 11/2 Mercury enters Sagittarius
  • 11/3 Mars enters Leo
  • 11/11 Venus enters Capricorn
  • 11/15 Full Moon in Taurus, Saturn Direct
  • 11/19 Pluto re-enters Aquarius
  • 11/21 Sun enters Sagittarius
  • 11/25 Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius

​Read Your November Horoscope For Your Sun & Rising Signs

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Themes: Investments and Ambition

This month brings transformative opportunities for personal growth and ambition. The New Moon in Scorpio encourages you to dive deep into your desires and set intentions for long-term investments. As Mercury enters Sagittarius, your voice shines, sparking optimism and inspiring connections. Let love lead the way as Mars in Leo ignites your creative passion and pushes you to take bold steps in your relationships. Make a move while factoring in your happiness. The Full Moon in Taurus prompts you to let go of unwanted habits while tying loose ends with finances. The great news is that your adventurous spirit flourishes with the Sun entering Sagittarius later this month. Be mindful of impulsive trips or conversations, as Mercury retrograde calls for thoughtful reflection on your plans and communication style.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Themes: Connection and Identity

Expect a month filled with deeper connections and self-reflection as you reassess your values and domestic life. The New Moon in Scorpio encourages the exploration of your love life and partnerships, manifesting progress. With Mercury shifting into Sagittarius, discussions around shared resources become enriching and insightful. Consolidate your research or your internal landscape of beliefs and get to the bottom of what keeps you from attracting more abundance. Mars in Leo energizes your home life, inspiring you to create a nurturing environment. Rearrange furniture or begin visualizing your ideal home life — this new pattern will attract movement in your domestic life. The Full Moon in your sign focuses on your identity, offering a moment of self-realization and understanding about how you need to reshape your narrative. Mercury retrograde will help you retrace your steps regarding merged resources and enable you to work out your financial priorities or unresolved debts — research methods.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Themes: Wellness and Subconscious Needs

Prepare for a month rich in exploration and relationship review, inviting you to evaluate your connections and daily routines. The New Moon in Scorpio prompts you to reflect on health and work, paving the way for beneficial changes. Begin a new protocol and establish a sacred practice involving wellness that will reorient you with your goals. With Mercury entering Sagittarius, your focus shifts toward partnerships, enhancing the depth of your conversations. Work on listening intently to your partner or connections to find practical solutions. Mars in Leo ignites your curiosity, encouraging the pursuit of fresh ideas. Get involved in the local realms and initiate conversations — this will inspire you. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus sheds light on your subconscious, urging you to confront hidden fears and clear out. The Sun in Sagittarius with Mercury retrograde will help you backtrack and analyze your relationships and their direction.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Themes: Happiness and Friendship Circles

This month invites you to balance your daily routines with self-care for emotional fulfillment. The New Moon in Scorpio inspires you to understand the core of your joy and what fulfills you. Mercury’s entry into Sagittarius shifts your focus to daily routines, enhancing discussions around wellness. Health is wealth. As you focus on your overall well-being, abundance will follow. The great news is that Mars in Leo energizes your financial goals, motivating proactive steps forward, so taking care of yourself this month will ensure the results. Later this month, the Full Moon in Taurus highlights your social circles, prompting a reassessment of friendships. As Pluto in Aquarius encourages transformative growth, the Sun’s ingress into Sagittarius and Mercury retrograde emphasizes health, inviting you to take self-care practices and review how you typically extend your energy to others.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Themes: Fulfillment and Reassess Life Purpose

Get ready for a vibrant month of self-discovery and creative expression. The New Moon in Scorpio prompts you to reflect on your domestic life and family, inspiring you to cultivate a supportive environment while establishing your terms. With Mercury entering Sagittarius, your focus turns to love and creativity, allowing you to step out of your comfort zone and explore these realms of joy. Mars in your sign boosts your confidence, empowering decisive actions in your pursuits. Be yourself and ignite your fire to get things done. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus highlights your professional aspirations, prompting you to reassess your career goals. Factor in what makes you happy and optimizes your energy. The Sun's entry in Sagittarius alongside Mercury retrograde will help you backtrack and align with your priorities in love and your creative potential.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Themes: Ideas and Past Aspirations

This month brings clarity and enriched communication, inviting you to refine your thoughts and deepen your familial connections. The New Moon in Scorpio encourages engagement with new ideas and community interactions, promoting open dialogue. Being openhearted and receptive to people's feedback will lead to breakthroughs in your development. Mercury’s transition into Sagittarius shifts your focus to home and family, enhancing emotional discussions regarding your direction. Be curious in your approach; it will heal your unresolved matters. Mars in Leo energizes your subconscious, motivating you to confront hidden fears while helping you understand your habitual patterns. Rest and reflect. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus prompts reflection on your philosophical outlook and long-term goals. Look back at your old journals or past aspirations to fill the gaps in your story. Mercury's backspin entails reviewing your next steps involving your emotional security — look within yourself and align with your feelings instead of seeking external validation.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Themes: Self-Worth and Vulnerability

You're in for a month filled with financial themes and meaningful interactions, guiding you to reassess your values and friendships. The New Moon in Scorpio inspires you to reflect on personal resources, setting intentions for more stability. This is an opportunity to revamp your approach to money and security — research new methods that will attract more abundance. As Mercury enters Sagittarius, your focus shifts to engaging conversations and learning opportunities. It is also an excellent opportunity to network locally and gain traction and confidence with the side hustles you may be working on. Mars in Leo energizes your social life, motivating you to cultivate new friendships and connections that will get you one step closer to achieving your long-term aspirations. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus highlights shared resources, prompting a reassessment of intimate relationships and closing the chapter on any outmoded approaches. By the end of this month, Mercury retrograde will enable you to reflect on old ideas that may have rested on the back burner. This is your chance to let your past endeavors rest or revive once Mercury goes direct.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Themes: Self-Empowerment and Commitment

Embrace a month of self-confidence and financial insight! The New Moon in your sign empowers you to set intentions for your goals and new beginnings. You're worthy, as this is your chance to establish a new seed based on what's aligned with your heart. As Mercury moves into Sagittarius, your focus shifts to finances, enhancing your ability to express your needs clearly. It can lead to frivolous spending, so be mindful of ongoing patterns that can result in retail therapy. Your hard work will pay off as Mars in Leo energizes your career ambitions, motivating you to make bold moves. You'll shine as you begin to dream bigger and aim higher. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus illuminates your partnerships, prompting a reassessment of commitments and closing the chapter on past disagreements. Hold space for your heart and your past to find a solution. As this month closes, Mercury retrograde will enable you to feel more in your power as you analyze your self-worth and become intentional with your next steps in financial planning or business endeavors. Clarity will be set next month.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Themes: Revelation and Health

Get ready for a month of revelations and enriching opportunities. The month begins with the New Moon in Scorpio inviting you to assess your emotional patterns, reorienting you toward powering up your inner belief and renewal. Begin an affirmation practice because this lunation will level up your manifestation abilities. Mercury gracing in your sign will invoke clarity and enhance your ability to articulate your ideas. Traveling or seeking out new experiences will be your go-to course, as Mars in Leo fuels your adventurous spirit, motivating you to seek a new perspective. Taking a class or engaging in higher study will fulfill you. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus shifts attention to your work life and health, helping you to assess your well-being. Release whatever is weighing down at work or mental patterns — focus on one thing at a time to ensure productivity. Later this month, your season begins while Mercury retrograde occurs. It will be beneficial to slow down and observe your personal goals and how you're showing yourself up for others.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Themes: Community and Desires

Prepare for a month focused on community engagement and clarifying your core desires. The New Moon in Scorpio invites you to energize your social circles, sparking intentions for collaboration and shared goals. Be sure that your connections contribute to your vision — enthusiasm is vital for success. With Mercury moving into Sagittarius, you’ll gain insights into your emotional patterns, helping you navigate feelings more effectively. This is your chance to change what no longer meets your standards as Mars in Leo brings energy to transformative experiences in intimacy and with your vulnerability. Get to the root and realize what needs revamping. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus shines a light on your creative and romantic pursuits, urging you to reassess what brings you joy and fulfillment. As Mercury retrograde approaches, take a moment to reflect on past experiences that shaped your emotional landscape; you might find clarity in revisiting old dreams and wishes.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Themes: Professionalism and Family Roots

Get ready for a month rich in professional focus and social opportunities. The New Moon in Scorpio prompts you to define your career goals, inspiring strategic intentions for success. With Mercury entering Sagittarius, your attention shifts to building social networks and enhancing collaboration and networking potential. Love and partnerships will fire up as Mars in Leo energizes your connections, motivating you to seek mutual growth and shared ambitions. It's time to set the terms with your relationship — this will help you get answers involving its direction. The Full Moon in Taurus highlights your dynamics, prompting a reassessment of your foundational support systems. Revisit the old structures regarding your family roots and decide whether you want to implement this as your course moving forward. As Mercury retrograde sets in, consider reaching out to old friends or colleagues; reconnecting could spark fresh ideas and rejuvenate your professional aspirations and inner needs.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Themes: Exploration and Purpose

You're in for a month of exploring and understanding your life purpose. The New Moon in Scorpio inspires a quest for new knowledge, guiding your intentions toward education, beliefs, or travel opportunities. It is time to fall in love with life by broadening your reach. As Mercury enters Sagittarius, your focus sharpens on your life purpose and public image, enhancing your ability to articulate your ambitions. Dig deeper and understand what stirs in your zest for life. Expect vitality and endurance as Mars in Leo energizes your daily tasks, fueling your enthusiasm for tackling responsibilities. Consider a health kick or a new regimen to help you keep up with your new endeavors. Your body is a temple, and this month is the starting point in getting things done with your motivation. The Full Moon in Taurus lights up your communication skills, enabling you to reassess your old ideas and how they can be cultivated. It's time to launch your idea or make room for something better. With Mercury retrograde approaching, reflect on past career choices; revisiting old projects or connections might unveil new growth opportunities.

With 2025 just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to explore how you can power up your year ahead. Lumi Pelinku invites you to dive deeper into your journey through an extended reading that can provide tailored insights and inspiration. Click here to book your reading today!

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As the leaves turn and a crisp chill fills the air, it’s the perfect moment to refresh your nail game with colors that embody the season and resonate with your astrological identity. This fall and winter, explore nail polish shades that align with your sun sign to enhance your personal style and connect with the energies of the cosmos. Consider your rising sign, too — it’s an inspiring way to switch up your look and add a fresh layer of expression. Let your nails be a canvas for your astrological journey, reflecting the beauty of the universe as you celebrate the magic of the season!

Here’s a breakdown of each zodiac sign's ideal nail polish colors, tailored to their elemental and planetary energy.


Aries: Classic Red

Element: Fire

As the bold and passionate leader of the zodiac, Aries thrives on confidence. A classic red nail polish embodies the fiery spirit of Aries, perfect for making a statement. This shade resonates with Mars, Aries' ruling planet, enhancing your courage and determination. Wear it to ignite your ambition this season.


Taurus: Mauve

Element: Earth

Taurus is all about luxury and stability, making mauve the ideal choice. This soft, sophisticated color reflects the earthy elegance of Taurus. Ruled by Venus, this shade will help you embrace your love for beauty and comfort. Pair your mauve nails with cozy fabrics to enhance that warm, grounded feeling.


Gemini: Navy Blue

Element: Air

The duality of Gemini is mirrored in the depth of navy blue. This versatile color suits every occasion and reflects Gemini's ever-curious nature. Ruled by Mercury, navy blue promotes communication and intellect, making it perfect for Gemini’s social butterfly tendencies. Use this shade to express your multifaceted personality this season.


Cancer: Limestone Gray

Element: Water

For nurturing Cancer, limestone gray offers a soothing, calming presence. This soft neutral complements the emotional depth of this water sign. Ruled by the Moon, gray connects you to your intuition and sensitivity, making it a great choice for introspective moments. Perfect for cozy nights in, this shade adds a touch of serenity to your look.


Leo: Daisy Yellow

Element: Fire

Bright and cheerful, daisy yellow captures Leo's vibrant essence. This shade reflects Leo's sunny disposition and love for the spotlight. With the Sun as your ruler, wearing this joyful hue can boost your confidence and charisma, making it the perfect statement for any winter gathering.


Virgo: Light Gray

Element: Earth

Virgo's practicality shines through with light gray, which exudes sophistication and simplicity. This understated shade reflects Virgo's meticulous nature, allowing for a polished, put-together look. Ruled by Mercury, light gray enhances your analytical skills and attention to detail, making it a chic yet practical choice for fall.


Libra: Rose Pink

Element: Air

Libra’s love for harmony and beauty is perfectly captured in rose pink. This romantic shade complements Libra’s charm and grace, enhancing relationships and social interactions. Ruled by Venus, rose pink aligns with your aesthetic sensibilities, making it a go-to polish for any occasion.


Scorpio: Plum

Element: Water

Deep, mysterious plum mirrors the intensity of Scorpio. This rich color evokes passion and depth, resonating with Scorpio’s emotional intensity. Ruled by Pluto, plum enhances your transformative energy and can help you tap into your innermost desires. Wear this shade to embody your magnetic presence this season.


Sagittarius: Amber

Element: Fire

Sagittarius thrives on adventure, and amber captures that spirit perfectly. This warm, golden hue reflects the optimistic and free-spirited nature of Sagittarius. Ruled by Jupiter, amber promotes abundance and exploration, making it ideal for the adventurous soul looking to embrace new experiences this fall.


Capricorn: Elderberry

Element: Earth

For the ambitious Capricorn, elderberry offers a sophisticated yet rich shade that signifies strength and resilience. This dark berry tone resonates with Capricorn’s earthy practicality. Ruled by Saturn, elderberry promotes discipline and focus, making it perfect for the driven individual who values hard work.


Aquarius: Icy Blue

Element: Air

Aquarius thrives on innovation, and icy blue embodies that unique, forward-thinking energy. This cool, refreshing color resonates with the unconventional spirit of Aquarius. Ruled by Uranus, icy blue enhances creativity and independence, making it a perfect choice for those who want to stand out this season.


Pisces: Lavender

Element: Water

Dreamy and intuitive, Pisces is best represented by soft lavender. This gentle shade reflects the creativity and sensitivity of this water sign. Ruled by Neptune, lavender enhances your connection to your dreams and imagination, making it an ideal polish for the artistic soul looking to embrace the magic of fall.

Looking for more astrology advice? Be sure to submit your questions to Ask Lumi here!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

I spent all of high school, and most of college, avoiding the color red. With my very minimal understanding of color analysis, I'd absorbed the idea that because of my cool undertones, I needed to stick in the blue-green-purple world. Plus, the fact that my alma mater's colors are blue (and one of our rival's is red) meant I'd never really needed shades of cranberry, auburn, or ruby. But one clothing swap, When Harry Met Sally movie night, and red sweater later, and my approach to fashion totally changed. Because just like our skin has cool and warm undertones, so do clothes! Now I love wearing my H&M turtleneck sweater, especially since I can recreate one of Meg Ryan's most iconic outfits.

And when red cardigans started trending for fall this year? I became laser focused on a single mission: find the perfect red cardigan and find it quick. But of course my thorough, Type A, oldest daughter mentality meant that to find the perfect sweater, I had to scroll through hundreds of options. Red cardigans are like wearing red lipstick — they're an easy, bold addition to any outfit! Here are the best results, per my very thorough research.

  • Red cardigans are an easy, bold way to brighten any outfit.
  • Red cardigans can work for any skin tone because they come in so many tones.
  • Here are an editor's picks — including Old Navy, Target, and J. Crew — after scrolling through hundreds of options.

Old Navy SoSoft Crop Red Cardigan Sweater

Old Navy

These Old Navy cardigans have taken the internet by storm, and for good reason. They come in multiple colors, they're ultra flattering, and they're super soft. The 53 percent cotton x 24 percent recycled polyester is like wrapping yourself up in a blanket, but it's not thick enough that you'll sweat through it. And to top it off, while writing this story, the Old Navy site is telling me 3,839other usersviewed this item today. Grab one while you can!

Target Cozy Knit Button-Front Red Cardigan


Target is always one of my favorite places to hop on a trend while staying within my budget, and its red cardigans are no different. This pick had midweight fabric (made with polyester, acrylic, and spandex) and I'm obsessed with the dimension the ribbed cuffs and tortoiseshell buttons add!

Target Rib Pearl Shrunken Sweater Cardigan


Prefer thinner fabric? This red cardigan has the same classy neckline but features faux pearl buttons that Blair Waldorf would be all over. The cropped hemline is perfect for all your high-rise denim, and considering this sweater comes to just $24, you might as well grab another color or the perfect pair of fall shoes.

Banana Republic Red Ribbed Merino Cardigan

Banana Republic

I love a crew neckline, but if you're more a V-neck fan, Banana Republic has you covered. The split cuffs and rib knit is ultra modern, and the slim fit means it's perfect for layering. But my favorite part is BR's Responsible Wool Standard that makes sure the sheep themselves are protected.

Zara Smooth Knit Crop Cardigan


I'm obsessed with this Zara single-button cardigan just for how unexpected it is. This is great for days you want extra color and dimension but you don't need the warmth of a sweater. The silhouette and square button are classy, but the asymmetrical look gives it a new age look.

Urban Outfitters Kimchi Blue Rachel Cardigan

Urban Outfitters

If you're looking for a super bright red cardigan, definitely check out this Urban Outfitters piece. If you look closely, you can see it features just a bit of white or gray alongside the red, which makes the whole thing even more eye-catching! Pair with an LBD or my favorite combo: white tee, jeans, and sneakers.

Mango Curly-Knit Red Cardigan With Jewel Buttons


Speaking of LBDs, if you need a red cardigan to dress up an outfit, this cozy sweater is great for any occasion. Despite the fact the cardigan is all one color, the different designs along the hem, collar, and buttons provide plenty of contrast. I'm a firm believer in "the devil's in the details," and these jewel effect buttons prove it!

J. Crew Featherweight Cashmere Pointelle Shrunken Cardigan Sweater

J. Crew

If you'd describe your style as kitsch, this pointelle sweater will add the perfect dose of creativity to your fall outfits.The design (and four pockets) give it a super cute vintage look, but the cropped hemline and fitted silhouette make it modern enough to go with all the latest trends.

Aritzia Cashmere Relaxed Crew Cardigan


In need of a football game outfit? Something to dress up your grocery store look while staying comfy? This cardigan is what you're looking for. The 100 percent Grade-A cashmere just might make you feel like you're wearing pajamas, and the midweight fabric will keep you warm without leaving you overheated. And once it really gets cold, you can layer it with your favorite turtleneck!

Free People Most Wanted Cardi

Free People

If you're still in desperate need of warm-weather options, this short sleeve piece will give the illusion that you're wearing a cardigan without committing to a thick, fuzzy sweater. The cap sleeves and flayer hem are totally reminding me of all the peplum silhouettes I saw on red carpets this fall. The deep cherry color is also great for anyone who prefers toned-down shades.

French Connection Fluffy Knit Cardigan


Every time I see a piece from French Connection, it stops me in my tracks, and this red cardigan is no exception. It's relaxed, it's bold, it's adorable. I love the way the color of the buttons blend into the sweater, while the shiny material still stands out against the fabric. Wear it buttoned with just a bralette or overtop of a bodysuit! It goes good with everything.

Check out 12 Flattering Target Sweaters For Cozy Fall Days for more!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations

The solar eclipse last week may have left you feeling a bit hungover — eclipse energy can linger, and its aftershocks might reverberate. Instead of running from those feelings, this week offers an opportunity to solidify what you experienced during that time. If you used the energy to complete something, let go of what no longer serves you, or shift your behaviors.

While all this may have felt like a whirlwind, the coming week could confirm that your choices were valid. It's not too late to plant seeds of intention for the month ahead! If you're curious what this all means for your sign, keep reading for your weekly horoscope!

Filipa Matos

Pluto, the planet of transformation, is beginning its final phase in Capricorn as it turns direct on October 11. (Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 — just think of all the radical changes in the world during that time!) Pluto will enter Aquarius on November 20, 2024, and remain there until March 8, 2043. The next 19 years will mark a pivotal period in both our history and personal lives.

For the next five weeks, contemplate what has changed for you since 2008. This is your chance to solidify major realizations in your life. What structures have fallen away, and what has replaced the old? This can relate to your internal psychology, your approach to the world, as well as to tangible structures.

Paisley Alford

Venus, the planet of love, values, and desires, is forming a trine with Mars, the planet of action, assertiveness, and power. This harmonious alignment can manifest in our personal lives as an easy flow of energy between our own feminine and masculine sides, as well as in our relationships with the opposite gender. With Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer, deep connections are favored, and our intuitions are amplified.

Victoria Harder

This week, Mercury, the planet of communication and mental activity, is opposite Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Chiron holds the keys to our evolution, revealing wounds that often hinder us from living our best lives. These wounds may manifest as doubts or insecurities. What is holding you back? What will it take to heal feelings of self-doubt or inadequacy?

We have an opening to explore this mystery, as Jupiter is assisting in this work. Jupiter is sextile Chiron, shining a benevolent light on Chiron's wounds. Make a plan, write it down, and follow the steps as closely as possible until you feel more aligned with your life. Discuss your revelations with a trusted advisor.

Shea Schmidt

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, growth, good fortune, higher education, and philosophy, is turning retrograde on October 9. While Jupiter represents our quest to expand our consciousness and discover truth, it can also lead to overabundance, which may create imbalance. Do you feel like you’ve ventured too far out on that proverbial limb? Are there excesses in your life that have become burdensome? Have you considered going back to school or taking a course?

During this retrograde, which lasts until February 4, 2025, you could change direction. If it feels like you have too much on your plate, re-evaluate and create a new plan. Conversely, you might feel optimistic and energetic in the coming months, believing you can handle anything. It all depends on how you’ve managed things thus far. If you’re ready, go for it! If you feel unbalanced, hold back and reconsider your options. Like all retrogrades, this is a time for planning and re-evaluation.

Ajaila Walker

The Moon will transit from Scorpio through Aquarius this week. It may start off intense, with the lingering effects of the eclipse revealing something hidden. As the Moon enters Sagittarius on Monday, Tuesday, and part of Wednesday, you might feel lighter and more optimistic, believing that everything will work out. On Wednesday and Thursday, it’s time to focus on work as the Moon traverses Capricorn. Stick to a routine, and you will accomplish your goals. On Friday and Saturday, the Moon will be in Aquarius. Do something over the weekend that emphasizes freedom. Embrace your individuality, but remember to consider others. Be philanthropic and help humanity if the opportunity arises.

​Read Your Weekly Horoscope For Your Sun & Rising Sign

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

This week is optimal for writing, communicating, and self-expression. You may feel extra social and engage in conversations with neighbors, grocery store clerks, or siblings. Host a gathering for your favorite people and allow your intuition to guide these conversations. Something may become clear that has been foggy or hidden. Take time to connect deeply with your soul mates; with clear communication and generosity, you can break through barriers and form profound bonds.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Are you ready for something new in your career? Tired of the same old routine? This week marks the beginning of a new chapter in your profession. Get creative and think outside the box for solutions; you may be financially rewarded for your unique approach. Use your innate patience, and remember that it’s okay to adjust your plan if things don’t go as expected. This is just the beginning of a 19-year cycle, and your career will undoubtedly transform in many ways.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

You might feel restless at the start of the week. Look for ways to expand your horizons and be open to new ideas. The wider you cast your net, the more you will learn, possibly meeting people from other cultures who can teach you fundamental lessons. This is the start of an expansion that will change your outlook on life. Set yourself up to take advantage of opportunities for higher education, whether in a formal setting or through life experiences. You don’t need to feel pressured to drop everything for a grand adventure; instead, consider planning for growth on many levels.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

You may find yourself daydreaming and wanting to escape the mundane. If you’re in your job solely for the money, you might find it less satisfying. Ethics and spirituality will become important as you navigate this confusing period. Fine-tune your spiritual practice; meditate to connect with your true essence. Find an outlet for your compassion, whether through volunteering or helping those less fortunate. Your intuition is sharp. If being of service motivates you, this could mark the beginning of a meaningful new career helping others.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Your community and friendships are sources of fortune and abundance, but don’t just wait for good things to come to you—be proactive. Communicate with clear intentions and seek collaboration with reciprocity as a motivating factor. Use your unique perspective to solve any issues. Your leadership qualities are prominent; with the best intentions for everyone involved, be as creative as you wish. The more spectacular, the better! Be brave and confident, guided by your wisdom of the heart.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

This week begins a major recalibration of your daily habits and routines. You will learn new approaches to health and have the chance to address core issues and eliminate bad habits. Keep your long-term health in mind as you shift your approach to both physical and mental well-being. Strive to balance your personal and professional responsibilities. Be patient and open to new experiences with a “beginner's mind.” You’re not expected to be an expert right away; it will take time. Enjoy the process of exploration.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

You may feel undue pressure at work, pushing yourself to the point of feeling overwhelmed. Now is the time to figure out how to manage your time effectively and accomplish your tasks without neglecting your well-being. With discipline and motivation, you can initiate new regimens to improve your health. Neglecting your well-being may lead to illness, so pare back non-essential activities and replace them with beneficial habits.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

You may have been re-evaluating your talents and creative endeavors. Are you satisfied with your current expressions of creativity? You might feel low energy and uninspired, but a renewed commitment to your goals can reignite your passion and optimism. Structure and form are necessary for your endeavors to achieve the desired outcomes. Create outlines or spreadsheets to give yourself direction and focus. Remember, discipline and dedication can be forms of creativity.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Reorganization is in order, whether that means remodeling your home, organizing your space, or undergoing inner transformation. This work will require dedication and honesty in soul-searching. What attachments to your past are you willing to release—physical or emotional? It’s a time for renewal. Clean out the garage or attic and consider donating items to organizations that help those in need. Work steadily toward your goals, and you will feel lighter and more in control of your life.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Your metamorphosis is nearing completion, and the wisdom you’ve gained is profound. Your experiences have been life-altering. Accept your transformation and allow it to guide your growth. You may have fortunate encounters with authoritative figures who can help you advance on your true path; however, you are a new person with new needs and desires. Explore new ways to feel grounded and secure. The most challenging period has passed, but there is still work ahead. Use your skills in routine and discipline to gain insights from your subconscious. Consider incorporating daily writing into your routine, as the written word holds great power.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

You have the opportunity to expand your consciousness. Group dynamics can facilitate this; if you’ve been considering joining a cohort of like-minded seekers, now is a good time. Accept that there are forces beyond your control. What you learn during this period may reveal internal impulses and obsessions that lead to universal truths. Your faith in yourself and others will strengthen. Your soul-searching impulses are strong, and relationships may need to transform to remain valid. Any area of your life that feels out of control will be the focus of this transformation. If your life feels smooth, the necessary reconstruction will likely be internal.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

The restlessness you experience this week will pass. You may feel compelled to act erratically due to a strong need for independence and change, making focus more difficult than usual. Your intuition might not be as reliable, so if you find yourself reacting impulsively, take a moment to pause. This is not the time for significant life changes. Patience, flexibility, and adaptability are essential. If you feel the urge to act, ensure it aligns with your heart's desires; let your ego take a back seat for now. You'll feel more at ease next week, and your intuition will provide clarity.

Looking for a more thorough reading? Reach out to Tina at!

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Good news for those of you who are already growing tired of pumpkin spice season: Starbucks’ holiday menu for 2024 was just leaked, and it reportedly brings back a ton of seasonal favorites starting next month!

From a classic Peppermint Mocha to the beloved Caramel Brûlée Latte, the recent menu rumors say a new Refresher flavor, 6 unique cold foams, and 4 new bakery items are on the way as the holidays draw near – including many items we predicted. This lineup is honestly wild. The new additions are rumored to hit Starbucks stores on November 7.

If you just can’t wait to order off the Starbucks holiday menu, here’s every offering reportedly coming to your closest cafe!

When will the Starbucks holiday drinks for 2024 come out?


According to leaks about the Starbucks holiday menu, new seasonal drinks and snacks will reportedly be available to order starting November 7.

Will there be holiday cups?


We do anticipate that the Starbucks holiday menu will include some new holiday cup designs! Though we don't know what they'll look like just yet, previous holiday menus over the years have featured vibrant reds, greens, and pinks, plus stars, sparkles, Christmas trees, swirls, and stripes. Typically, Starbucks' holiday cups span across hot and iced drinks. Additionally, a new lineup of reusable cups and mugs should become available!

What's missing from this year's rumored Starbucks holiday menu?


Per rumors around the Starbucks holiday menu, the Eggnog Latte, Toasted White Chocolate Mocha, Irish Cream Cold Brew, and Gingerbread Loaf won't be returning to cafes for 2024. We're especially sad to see the Toasted White Chocolate Mocha not included, though the official menu lineup has yet to be released!

Drinks On The Starbucks Holiday Menu 2024


NEW! Cran-Merry Orange Refresher

The Starbucks holiday menu leak reports that this brand-new Refresher is packed with sweet orange, tart cranberry and warm spice. It also has cranberry inclusions and is order-able mixed with water, lemonade or coconut milk.


Iced Gingerbread Oatmilk Chai

Chai is a totally underrated holiday flavor in our opinion. This iced drink is crafted with warm chai spices and creamy oat milk, then gets topped with even more frothed oat milk infused with gingerbread-flavored syrup and a sprinkling of spice.


Peppermint Mocha

You know it, and you love it! The Peppermint Mocha has hit Starbucks menus year after year, making it a total statement sip for the holiday season. This drink (available hot or iced) combines peppermint syrup, mocha sauce, and your milk of choice with espresso for a festive feel. It's traditionally topped with whipped cream and tasty chocolate curls.


Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha

Similar to the classic Peppermint Mocha, this bev swaps chocolate for white chocolate sauce.


Caramel Brûlée Latte

This rumored Starbucks holiday menu drink is very rich. The sweet caramel brûlée sauce totally completes the sip, along with plenty of whipped cream and crunchy lil' brûlée bits for textural variety.


Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Latte

Literally like a sugar cookie in liquid form, this super-sweet latte is handcrafted with blonde espresso (it's sweeter and lighter than Starbucks' traditional espresso shots), sugar cookie syrup, and almond milk for a little bit of a lighter effect. It's finished off with red and green sprinkles to up the seasonal vibes even more!


Chestnut Praline Latte

This nutty latte – rumored to return for 2024 – brings on notes of chestnut and praline, which is a nice, flavorful departure from the very expected peppermint you'll see everywhere come holiday time.


Salted Pecan Crunch Cold Brew

Initially introduced for fall 2024, it appears as though the Salted Pecan Crunch Cold Brew will stay on the Starbucks menu well into winter. The salted, pecan-flavored cold foam offers that classic sweet n' salty twist you'd enjoy on fall snacks like trail mix or dipped pretzels. The best part is you can now also order the cold foam in non-dairy form!


Holiday Cold Foams

Per the menu leak, Starbs will be bringing back four beloved holiday-flavored cold foamsand two new options for 2024. They're the perfect drink customization to add to your iced coffees and cold brews if you don't want to order an all-out holiday drink. See all the predicted flavors below:

  • NEW! Gingerbread
  • NEW! Salted Pecan
  • Peppermint Chocolate
  • Sugar Cookie
  • Chestnut Praline
  • Caramel Brûlée

Snacks On The Starbucks Holiday Menu 2024


NEW! Dark Toffee Bundt

Per the menu leak, this sweet toffee-flavored bundt will be topped with holly- and berry-shaped sprinkles. How perfect for the holiday season!


NEW! Turkey Sage Danish

This savory snack reportedly includes "turkey sausage with creamy béchamel sauce in a pastry." It sounds like Thanksgiving in a single treat, and we can't wait to try it!


NEW! Penguin Cookie

This cutie sugar cookie is decorated like a lil' penguin bundled up for the cold.


Snowman Cake Pop

Starbucks' classic vanilla cake pop gets a wintry twist with an adorable snowman face – this sweet really makes us crave the holiday season!


Sugar Plum Cheese Danish

This cream cheese-filled danish is topped with a slightly-spiced sugar plum jam. It's been one of our go-to's over the past few holiday seasons at Starbucks!


Cranberry Bliss Bar

The Cranberry Bliss Bar has become an absolute staple on the Starbucks holiday menu, and for good reason! This blondie treat is smothered in a delicious cream cheese frosting and sprinkled with orange zest and dried cranberries for added seasonal enjoyment.

What People Are Saying About The Leaked Starbucks Holiday Menu

Though most commenters on @markie_devo's Starbucks holiday menu leak post seem to be excited for the upcoming rumored menu items, some Starbs fans noticed a few things missing from the leaked lineup.

"Still missing eggnog 😢," someone noted.

"Where is the toasted white chocolate mocha 😢😢😢😢," another questioned.

"ALLLLLL these cold foams, and not the one people want: Irish Cream," one more commenter said.

"Ugh still no gingerbread loaf 😭," a disappointed user wrote. "Everything else looks bomb though!"

Despite the Eggnog Latte, Toasted White Chocolate Mocha, Irish Cream Cold Brew, and Gingerbread loaf not being part of this year's menu predictions, the holiday season is our favorite time of year at Starbucks. Many more users share the same sentiment:

"So excited for all chestnut praline shaken espressos & cranberry bliss bars 🎄🎄🎄🎄," someone wrote.

"Oh hell yess all the chestnut praline offerings," another rejoiced.

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay posted on the latest Starbucks news, including when the official holiday menu lineup drops!

This post has been updated.

If you're getting a jump on your holiday shopping this year, you're in luck! We've rounded up the best beauty picks under $50 that are bound to be the hottest gifts of the season. Whether you're shopping for a skincare lover, makeup fanatic, or someone who just loves a little pampering, these budget-friendly beauty finds are sure to top every wishlist.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

An Eyeshadow Pallet With Complimenting Colors


This two-in-one eyeshadow palette is ideal for creating an autumn-themed sunset effect. It features a matte burnt orange shade that pairs beautifully with shimmery gold. With various color combinations available at an affordable price, you can easily pick up more than one.

See it on Amazon

A Lip Oil That Comes in Neutral and Deep Shades


Keep your lips hydrated and glossy with this lip oil. This nourishing formula is packed with plant-based oils that deliver a high-shine finish while protecting your lips from the season’s chilly air.

See it on Amazon

A Gel Sleeping Mask for Hydrated, Clear Skin


This gel sleeping mask refreshes, hydrates, and refines pores while you get your beauty sleep. This is a mask that delivers visible results. One reviewer says, "My skin is glowing & hydrated better than anything else I've ever used. The smell is wonderful! Unfortunately I've gotten very skeptical & cynical about products that promise you so many wonderful things but never seem to live up to those promises.....HOWEVER, this product really does do what is advertised and I'm so happy with the results!"

See it on Amazon

A Cream Eyeshadow in the Perfect Fall Shade


Elevate your eyes with cream eyeshadow. It has a gold shimmery formula that can even double as a highlighter. Its radiant finish shines in the light, giving your lids and cheekbones a soft, autumnal glow.

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Makeup Mousse That Will Cut Down Your Getting-Ready Time


Simplify your makeup routine and give your skin a bronzed glow with this makeup mousse. It features a 4-in-1 formula that functions as a primer, foundation, concealer, and powder, with buildable coverage that easily hides dark spots and redness.

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This Lipstick That Every Woman Wants


If there was one Amazon product I would choose to sum up the most viral beauty items that hit the For You Page on Tiktok this year... It would have to be this Charlotte Tilbury pillow talk lipstick that made the internet lose their minds. I don't know if it's the sexy, soft pink color that has been making everyone go wild or the long-lasting lip stain it makes, but whatever it is... we are absolutely loving it and all your Tiktok friends will too!

See it on Amazon

A Lip Combo Set Inspired by Fall


This chestnut lip combo set has all the steps you need for a stunning fall lip look. It includes three separate pieces with dual-ended lip liners and lipstick combos. They’re stunning when worn alone with a matte finish or can easily be layered with a shimmery gloss.

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A Cinnamon Lipstick That Works as a Liner


Dark and dramatic lip colors are a fall essential, and this lipstick is a perfect choice. Priced affordably at just $5, it comes in multiple stunning shades. Its non-tacky formula works as both a lipstick and liner, and you can easily layer gloss on top for added shine.

See it on Amazon

An Eyeshadow Stick With a Built-in Brush


Swipe on a pop of color with this eyeshadow stick. It has a long-lasting cream-to-powder formula that blends like a dream. It's an easy way to add a touch of warmth to your fall makeup.

See it on Amazon

This Rice Toner Gives You Glass Skin


Korean skincare does it again: Get the coveted glass-skin look with this milky rice toner. With plant-based ingredients, this daily toner helps balance the skin's water and oil levels for the perfect amount of glow.

See it on Amazon

This Primer Is Better Than a Filter


Instantly make your skin firmer and tighter with this Peter Thomas Roth primer. It immediately gives you firming results that help to make your foundation look like a professional applied it.

See it on Amazon

Maybelline Just Dropped These New Shadow Blocks in a Stacked Eye Shadow Trio


These newly dropped Maybelline Shadow Blocks are great if you wear the same shadow look regularly or you need something compact for travel. Each block comes with three different shades which all work together for an overall look. They are really user-friendly and not overly pigmented so great for everyday use.

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A Milani Eyeshadow Palette With Deep Purple Tones


This Milani eyeshadow palette features perfect purple-toned autumn colors to create stunning eyeshadow looks. It includes both shimmer and matte shades to make any eye color pop. With a total of six colors, ranging from deep purple to light pink, this palette has everything you need for a fall-inspired look.

See it on Amazon

This Body Fragrance Has Millions Of Fans


You will smell irresistible after one spritz of this Body Fragrance that is at the top of everyone's "most-wanted" list. Whether you're prepping for a day out or setting the mood for a cozy evening, this mist is a light, yet luxurious option that is going to gain you compliments wherever you are headed.

See it on Amazon

A Milky Toner That Promotes Glass-Like Skin


Sometimes, makeup remover and cleanser aren't enough, and that's why adding this milky toner to your routine is absolutely essential. It helps remove any leftover product or oil, promoting a refreshed and hydrated complexion.

See it on Amazon

This Face Oil Feels Like Luxury


A good face oil can really add that "wow" factor to your skin regimen, and this honeysuckle and turmeric face oil will work wonders. Use it with a gua sha or face roller to hydrate and plump skin while aiding in lymphatic drainage. Trust us, your skin will have never looked healthier!

See it on Amazon

Remove Sebum and Blackheads With This Tool


This adorable tool was made to clean out your pores with just a few sweeps. The Tako pore scrubber pulls out impurities to leave your skin looking and feeling clean and bright.

See it on Amazon

A Niacinamide Serum That Addresses Enlarged Pores


Give your skin complexion that you'll love and feel confident about with this niacinamide serum. It will help shrink the visibility of your pores and provide relief for redness and any discolored areas on your face. It has a sensitive skin-friendly formula that you can use daily without irritation.

See it on Amazon

Goodbye Beauty Blender, Hello Foundation Brush


A lot of the girls are saying that the Beauty Blender is out and they are switching back to foundation brushes to blend their cream products. If you're done with the sponge, then this is a great brush to try out.

See it on Amazon

A Skin Tint to Prioritize Hydration


Keep your skin moisturized and glowing with this skin tint. Infused with hyaluronic acid to help diminish uneven skin tones, it offers full coverage that can easily be used as a primer or foundation on lightweight makeup days.

See it on Amazon

A Three-for-One Lip Plumper Set


Why purchase one product when you can get three for the price of one with this lip plumper set? It comes with three shades that will naturally plump your lips and give them a glossy glow. It includes a light-colored gloss, a neutral tone, and a dramatic pink that can be accentuated with your favorite lip liner.

See it on Amazon

A Pink Corrector for Your Undereyes


Neutralize dark under-eye circles and cool tones with this pink corrector. It imparts a radiant pink glow that blends seamlessly with your blush. The long-wearing, crease-resistant formula ensures a flawless look throughout the day.

See it on Amazon

A Lipstick With a Gorgeous Deep Pigment


Incorporate a dramatic red lip into your makeup routine this season with this cranberry red lipstick. Its vibrant color complements fall tones, and the long-lasting formula minimizes the need for reapplication.

See it on Amazon

This Super Serum Will Give You Super Skin


Olay always knows just what our skin needs, am I right? The cult favorite drugstore brand just released this 5-in-1 Super Serum that will have you instantly hooked. With niacinamide, Vitamin C, collagen peptide, AHA, and Vitamin E, this magical formula improves texture, firmness, evenness, hydration and smoothness all at once. It'll leave your skin feeling refreshed, hydrated and healthy for a glow that others will notice immediately.

See it on Amazon

This Complexion Stick Can Cover Anything


Conceal your blemishes while also correcting the color with this complexion stick that is infused with turmeric and hyaluronic acid. This medium coverage tool creates a natural finish that will feel as good as your skin will look. It's a must-have to touch up throughout the day.

See it on Amazon

This Rice Water Spray Is Incredible For Hair Health And Growth


You may have heard of the incredible benefits of rice water for your hair. Not only does it work to increase hair shine and strength, but it can also promote growth. This new spray has proved popular with customers due to its incredible smell and fantastic results. Some reviews say they saw results in less than a week.

See it on Amazon

This Cushion Foundation Blurs Your Imperfections


A satin finish is just one product away with this cushion foundation that has the internet in a frenzy. This foundation is infused with an anti-aging serum, bringing a radiant finish to your skin with each use. It's easy to apply and creates a timeless look that everyone will love.

See it on Amazon

This TULA Skin Care Eye Balm is the Worst Nightmare of Dark Circles


Dark under eyes don't stand a chance. I absolutely adore this TULA Skin Care Eye Balm after long nights and the accompanying rough mornings. This eye balm cools, soothes, and brightens even the most stubborn of dark under eye areas. Small and lightweight, this eye cream is great for traveling or just a quick refresh on the go. If you want a truly cooling experience, keep this eye balm in you fridge overnight.

See it on Amazon

Dewy or Don't We?


Anastasia Beverly Hills has done it again with this incredible setting spray, Dewy Set. The shimmering formula gives you beautiful, hydrated, healthy-looking skin, whether you use it to set your makeup or you use it on naked skin. Because the Peach Fuzz look isn't just for those who love a full face!

See it on Amazon

The Perfect Lipstick for Every Skin Tone? Clinique Almost Lipstick Is Going Viral.


Everyone's been talking about Clinique Lipstick and its ability to look good on every skin tone. When two sisters with completely different looks tried it out for themselves, they were both amazed. This versatile shade can be dressed up or down to suit any makeup look.

See it on Amazon

A Lip Stain That Plumps and Hydrates


Opting for a lip stain is a great way to avoid frequent reapplications throughout the day. This lip stain has a long-lasting formula that plumps your lips with moisturizing ingredients. Available in a variety of colors, you can choose from single packs or buy a two or three-pack for added convenience.

See it on Amazon

A Hair Mask for a Deep Repair


This keratin protein-infused hair mask is perfect for repairing and strengthening fine hair. It helps banish split ends, leaving you with healthy, flowing strands. Plus, it nourishes your scalp to promote healthy hair growth.

See it on Amazon

A Plumping Lip Balm That Matches Any Liner


Hydrate your lips and make them appear naturally fuller with this plumping lip balm. Available in a variety of colors, from deep reds to sheer pinks, you can easily apply a similarly toned eyeshadow to complete your look.

See it on Amazon

This Curling Headband Seems Too Good To Be True


Take your beauty sleep to staggering new heights with this curling headband. It helps you create heatless curls with hardly any effort on your part, and the finished result will leave you speechless. Don't believe us? Take a peek at a few photos from the over 1,000 perfect five-star reviews to see what this thing is capable of.

See it on Amazon

This Plumping Oil Is Unbelievably Affordable


No need to spend a fortune on a plumping lip oil, because this rising bestseller is only $3. This hydrating, color-changing formula leaves lips feeling moisturized and visibly plumper for a luscious look. One reviewer says, "This cheap lipstick creates such a gorgeous shiny mirror looking rich shine! I haven't had a lipstick with such a gorgeous shine."

See it on Amazon

This Mask Uses Watermelon Enzymes


Not only does watermelon smell incredible but the enzymes in this mask can work to gently exfoliate the skin, and even promote cell turnover. Reviews say the cooling sensation of the mask feels so refreshing on the skin, and it's perfect for use overnight.

See it on Amazon

This Brow Pencil Can Give You Flawless Eyebrows


Want flawlessly arched brows? Consider utilizing this brow pencil, which offers unparalleled precision for sculpting brows (no wonder why they have become such cult favorites).

See it on Amazon

An Eye Gel to Enhance Your Morning Routine


Remove any puffiness and dark circles the second you wake up by applying this eye gel. It infuses hyaluronic acid and caffeine into your under-eyes to hydrate and minimize the puffiness or swelling that commonly occurs in the morning.

See it on Amazon

An Autumn Spice Pallet With 9 Colors


Create a gorgeous eyeshadow look that matches your favorite fall colors with this autumn spice palette. It features brown, orange, and pink tones to add a warm touch to your eyeshadow. Finish it off with brown mascara and a winged eyeliner for full glam.

See it on Amazon

A Cream Eyeliner That Comes in Multiple Shades


There's no better time than fall to experiment with your eye makeup looks, and this cream eyeliner is the perfect way to do it. It’s great for adding a pop of color as a winged eyeliner or for lining your waterline to match your eyeshadow.

See it on Amazon

Lip Gloss That Comes in the Best Shade for Fall


Dark lip combos are going to be a huge trend this season, and this Mac lip gloss is the perfect way to achieve it. It comes in a gorgeous cranberry color and features a non-sticky formula with lasting shine.

See it on Amazon

Level Up Your Shower With This Hydrating Body Oil


Why go for basic body soap when you can opt for this deeply hydrating multi-oil body wash? Made with glycerin, plant-derived squalane, and linoleic-rich oils, this luxurious cleanser feels like a retreat while nourishing your skin with every wash.

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A Liquid Blush and Bronzer for a Warm Finish


Keep your face looking refreshed and vibrant with this liquid blush and bronzer. Combining two products into one, it gives your complexion a warm glow. Available in a variety of colors, you can choose from both pink and brown tones.

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This Pearlessence Rosehip Facial Oil


This oil has rosehip oil, which works wonders for the skin as the retinoids can prevent blackheads, reduce inflammation, and reduce inflammation. The Vitamin C in the formula can calm the skin, and customers say it smells amazing.

See it on Amazon

This Rosemary Spray To Upgrade Your Hair Care


If you've been scrolling on TikTok then you've definitely seen this Rosemary Spray that has a ton of different benefits. Whether used for dietary, skin, or hair purposes, users might appreciate its organic and pure formulation that is guaranteed to provide your skin, hair and body with a ton of benefits.

See it on Amazon

A Kabuki Brush Set to Nail the No Makeup Look


Make sure you have all the tools you need to nail the no-makeup look. The Bamboo Synthetic Kabuki Brush Set includes all you need and comes with a makeup bag and a sponge.

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The L'Oreal Lumi Glotion for a Moisturized and Glowing Base


Starting off your makeup routine with L'Oreal Lumi Glotion ensures your look lasts every single day. This product combines a highlighter and bronzer to prep your skin for the rest of your makeup, but it’s also stunning when worn alone.

See it on Amazon

This Beauty of Joseon Red Bean Pore Refreshing Mask Clears Pores


Get ready to change your skincare routine by introducing this red bean pore refreshing mask by Beauty of Joseon to your life. This wash-off mask made with red bean effortlessly removes dead skin cells and banishes blackheads, leaving your skin feeling silky-smooth as soon as you rinse it off.

See it on Amazon

A Cream Blush Stick You Can Use Multiple Ways


With this cream blush stick, you can ensure your lips, eyes, and cheeks match. It has a multi-use formula with a matte finish, allowing you to easily add shine with a highlighter and gloss. It’s available in a variety of tones that will complement your fall makeup.

See it on Amazon

This Glow Skin Balm Is the Ultimate Multitasker


Get yourself a product that can do it all — a.k.a. this 4-in-1 glow skin balm. This hydrating formula acts as a primer, moisturizer, morning pack, and illuminating cream for the ultimate dewy look.

See it on Amazon

A Set of Epsom Salts for a Relaxing Bath


There's nothing more relaxing and pampering than a bath at the end of a long day. These epsom salts take your wind-down routine up a notch by providing a luxurious, spa-like experience in the comfort of your own home. Use the lavender salts to relax, or add a scoop of the honey almond salts for a restorative experience that soothes tired muscles and delights your senses.

See it on Amazon

Get Kissable Lips with Maybelline New York Super Stay Vinyl Ink Longwear No-Budge Liquid Lipcolor Makeup


Glossy and long-lasting. You'll get seriously kissable lips with this Maybelline New York Super Stay Vinyl Ink Longwear No-Budge Liquid Lipcolor Makeup. I absolutely swear by this product, and soon so will you. The shade "Royal" is a deep wine red, and seriously sexy for a night out. This makeup is made to last through the day, but if you want to know my hack, I put on a first layer, blot, and then reapply to maximize long wear.

See it on Amazon

Get The Longest Lashes Ever With This New Mascara


Who doesn't want gorgeous long lashes? Forget the extensions and get this new Surreal Extensions Washable Mascara from Maybelline's Falsies line. This 2-in-1 lengthening and volumizing formula will have everyone thinking you're wearing false eyelashes, minus the hassle of actually wearing them. One reviewer raves, "This mascara has surpassed all others!!! It truly makes my stubby little lashes look a lot longer! And because it’s waterproof it doesn’t smear— yet comes off easily... I’m excited to finally have longer lashes and not just thicker ones!"

See it on Amazon

This Lipstick Really Lasts for 16 Hours


Finally, a lip color that really does last all day. The Maybelline Super Stay Vinyl Ink can last for up to 16 hours. Giving your pout a gentle and alluring tint.

See it on Amazon

This Anua Serum Achieves Glass Skin


This serum gives you that glass skin appeal without the grease. It contains tranexamic acid, which can brighten the skin and improve the signs of hyperpigmentation.

See it on Amazon

These Popular Collagen-Boosting Under-Eye Masks


Elevate your spa night to new heights with this delightful set of pretty pink eye masks by Grace & Stella. With 24 pairs of collagen-packed, vegan, and cruelty-free eye masks, your self-care routine will be nothing short of luxurious. It's no wonder they are Amazon's Choice for eye masks, earning a stellar 4.4-star overall rating from a loyal and enthusiastic fan base. Trust us, these eye masks are a Prime Day deal that will make your eyes sparkle with delight.

See it on Amazon

A Collagen Mask That Works Overnight


Apply this hydrating collagen mask before bed to wake up with beautiful, glass-like skin. It works to minimize the appearance of pores and boost elasticity as it absorbs overnight, and it even has a different color and texture in the morning.

See it on Amazon

The Maybeline Sky High Mascara That Has Gone Viral


You never truly understand the hype around a viral product until you try it so thats why I tried this Mascara. The Maybeline Sky High Mascara lengthens lashes so well and does not flake or smudge at all, there is no doubt that this affordable mascara can compete with the more expensive brands. Looking through the 82,000 reviews on Amazon you can understand how this product is an internet sensation as it loved by thousands!

See it on Amazon

This All-In-One Balm Heals Everything


I don't pretend to understand it, but this all-in-one healing skin cream truly does it all. From restoring dry, cracked skin, to healing eczema and burns, to improving acne and redness, this magical formula is one you'll always want to have on hand. Reviews are filled with miracle stories like this one: "I have had a scrape on my foot for over 2 weeks that is now healing after two applications of this. This stuff is for real and is worth every penny!"

See it on Amazon

Deep Skin Detox At-Home


Enjoy the deep cleansing and relaxation of a steam facial right at home with the nano facial steamer. Add water, press a button, and enjoy up to twenty minutes of constant, high-powered steam that will detox your pores and leave your skin looking and feeling its best.

See it on Amazon

This Snail Mucin Moisturizer Will Give You The Best Glow


Don't sleep on snail mucin. This Korean skincare secret blew up on TikTok in the form of COSRX's Snail Mucin serum, and now this 92% snail mucin moisturizer is sure to follow. This all-in-one repair cream helps reduce redness, promote lasting hydration, and repair damaged skin for an overall healthy glow. This reviewer raves, "I promise you won't be disappointed!! It really works! My skin is super hydrated, and even has a glow to it!"

See it on Amazon

This Moisturizer Cream With Snail Mucin


If you've been scrolling on #BeautyTok then you already know about this Moisturizer Cream that is a K-beauty superstar known for its healing and rejuvenating properties. Its 97.5% snail mucin formula is a gift to the skin, offering day and night repair that's cruelty-free. Welcome a new era of snail-kissed, radiant skin.

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A Brown Mascara to Compliment Warm Eyeshadows


Brown mascara is a summer trend that's expected to get even more popular this fall. It’s perfect for giving your lashes a natural, defined appearance and blends well with warm eyeshadows. This one features a clump-resistant formula to keep your lashes looking beautiful and feathery.

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The Trendy Skincare Headband for Your Night Beauty Routine


You've probably seen them on TikTok or Instagram, as these bubble headbands are still trending everywhere. This Skincare Headband from Amazon also comes with a pair of microfiber wristbands that prevent water from running down your arms and drenching your countertops so you can comfortably apply your beauty products.

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This Hydrating Liquid Blush Has a Buildable Color


This liquid blush is a sheer formula to give you a natural flush of color with a watercolor finish. It also hydrates and plumps your skin with hyaluronic acid. The buildable creamy blush can be blended with your fingers.

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A Multi Stick With a Gorgeous Shimmer


There's something about a multi-purpose makeup product that makes us feel excited about our beauty routine. This multi stick can be used as an eyeshadow, blush, and lip color, and the subtle shimmer is oh-so-pretty. The cream-to-powder formula makes it ultra-blendable and featherlight, so it's comfortable to wear all day. One reviewer says, "This product has quickly become a staple in my makeup routine, and for good reason."

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These Hair Capsules Transform Your Hair


Strengthen your hair and reduce frizz with these nourishing hair serum capsules made in Italy. Each plant-based capsule provides a boost of amino acids, leaving your hair silky, smooth, and strong.

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This Tanning Mist Will Give You the Perfect Bronzed Glow


Just because summer is ending doesn't mean your tan has to! This gradual self-tanning mist gives you the most subtle, natural-looking glow while hydrating and refreshing skin with every spritz. This top reviewer writes, "This is the most amazing face tanner!!!! I get out of the shower, mist my face, go to bed, wake up, and look bronzed!! Do it all again the next night. My face looks great; the product doesn't 'orange' as it fades."

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Add Some Radiance to Your Face With These Drops


This Korean skincare essential is designed to hydrate your skin and add radiance. What does that mean? It means that your skin has a bit of a glow. Your healthy skin will look youthful and hydrated every time you use these fantastic drops!

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Keep your lips hydrated with the lip glow balm


For lips that look as good as they feel, try this Lip Glowy Balm. This convenient balm provides powerful hydration, locking in moisture longer and leaving your lips feeling soft and silky. That way, you can give them their best pout to go with their most natural glow!

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