6 Signs You're Outgrowing Friends & What To Do About It

Outgrowing friends

Younger me had zero concept of what it meant to outgrow friends. I'm honestly positive I didn't properly break up with a former friend before, and if I'm being honest...I ghostedthem because I couldn't handle the realization that I was holding on to a version of a person that no longer existed. This interaction (or lack thereof) haunted me for over a year afterwards.

What's surprising is how many people are unable to tell they're outgrowing their friends, too. It's almost as if an entire generation grew up with the belief we'd always be friends with our "day ones." I mean, sometimes lifelong friendships do happen but where's the solace for the ones who can feel themselves being pulled in different directions?

To help make things clearer, I spoke with Licensed Psychotherapists Monica Amorosi, LMHC, NCC, CCPT of Clarity Therapy NYC and Angela Ficken, LICSW of Progress Wellness to share how you can be aware that you're outgrowing friends and what to do about it.

What are some signs that you're outgrowing friends?

Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva / PEXELS

Although you may not always know what to look for when wondering why you and your friends aren't as close anymore, there are usually signs that indicate a shift has taken place. On the other hand, it's possible you have an idea but are afraid to broach the topic of ending your friendships because of how deep your bond is with them. Amorosi said, "There can be grief around ending a friendship and there can be a lot of sunk-cost rationales in staying connected to a friend we are no longer close to."

That being said, she and Ficken said a few of the signs to be aware of are:

  • Feeling like your needs aren't being met
  • Feeling like you need to cross your boundaries or shrink expectations to maintain the connection
  • Being overwhelmed or dreading seeing them
  • Ideas of fun and how you spend time together are no longer compatible
  • When one or both friends show consistent disinterest in maintaining the relationship, it suggests a genuine shift in priorities.
  • A diminished emotional connection, coupled with infrequent or superficial interactions, can indicate a natural distancing.
  • When one person only talks about themselves, how wonderful or negative their lives are, and doesn’t ask how the other is doing, then it may be time to consider moving on.

How do you navigate the end of a friendship?

Photo by Marcus Aurelius / PEXELS

It's one thing to understand what to look for when outgrowing friendships, but it's another to actually put a plan in motion. Ficken said it's important for friends to "openly discuss their feelings and the changes they're experiencing." She and Amorosi also agree that it's important to not only address any guilt you're feeling, but to release it as well. This is probably one of the hardest things I struggled with once I got over the initial shock and anger of outgrowing my former friend.

Other tips you should consider are:

  • Address any guilt or self-blame on how you see your role in the drift
  • Come to terms with the reality that sometimes people don't match well over time
  • Address (if appropriate and comfortable) these observations with your friends to get their perspectives on the drift
  • Assess if a change in how intense the relationship is needed instead of ending it (downshifting from best friend to just friend or acquaintance).
  • Assess if you need to separate completely and find acceptance in this decision
  • Communicate your need for space and seek out connections elsewhere that feel more fulfilling
  • If possible, celebrate each other's growth and newfound paths

This advice is helpful as you work on navigating the different emotions that arise once you realize your outgrowing your friendships.

Why do we outgrow friendships?

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk / PEXELS

There are many reasons why we outgrow friendships, but Amorosi said, "Sometimes these friendships drift apart simply because — as both people grow — they continue to grow into very different people." Other times she said it's because of a big rupture or change in the safety in the connection. Ficken mentioned that big life changes can also cause a rift in a friendship.

When that occurs, Amorosi said it's important to note the following:

  • If your behaviors were the cause and you're remorseful, find time to apologize if needed.
  • If your behaviors were the cause and you're not remorseful, find acceptable in the end of the connection.
  • If their behaviors were the cause, come to an understanding about what feels hard to forgive about what they did.
If you find that the rupture was too painful, Amorosi said, "You may only be able to step away from the connection and there may never be closure or understanding. Figure out what you need to move through this with the most care."

Ficken added, "Individuals evolve over time, gaining new perspectives and values. If friends fail to grow together or respect each other's growth, their connection can weaken." She also shared that a difference in geographical location can affect a friendship. "While technology bridges gaps, the absence of face-to-face interaction can weaken bonds," said Ficken.

From my experience, I took time to understand why I was angry about the rupture in my former friendship. Next, I mourned the loss of the memories of our former interactions and then I forgave myself for not having knowing how to verbally end our friendship. This took a long period of time and — even now — I still find myself wondering if there was a chance to heal that rupture.

But, given our viewpoints and how we choose to move through life, I know it's better that we remain strangers at this point in our lives.

How can you end a friendship on peaceful terms?

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto / PEXELS

If you find that you're able to have an honest conversation with the friend you're outgrowing (or vice versa), Ficken believes this is great and can lead to ending things peacefully. She said, "Engage in open conversation about the shifting dynamics. Acknowledge the changes and express gratitude for the shared experiences." She also added that if you and your friends are on the same page, all signs should point to a "peaceful conclusion."

How do you navigate the mourning period after a friendship breakup?

Image via Karolina Grabowska / PEXELS

No matter how your friendship ends, it's possible that you'll experience a mourning period. It doesn't mean you're weak for being unable to move on quickly, but it's an acknowledgment that you once shared a deep connection with your former friends. Ficken advises you to do the following:

  • Give space: Allow time for each friend to process emotions independently.
  • Seek support: Lean on other friends or family members during this period of adjustment.
  • Reflect and learn: Use the experience as an opportunity for personal growth and introspection.
  • Leave doors open: The end of one phase doesn't rule out future reconnection. Respect the potential for renewed bonds.
If you or your former friends don't want to "leave the door open" á la Silk Sonic, that's okay. You have to make decisions that are going to work best for your life.

Have you experienced a situation where you outgrew friendships? Share your story in the comments!

Header image via cottonbro studio/Pexels

As much as we used to look forward to taking a sick day in grade school, there's nothing fun about having cold or flu-like symptoms as an adult. Sure, you may get to miss work for a few days, but the body aches, fever, and sore throat combination are awful. It's even worse if your period decides to join the party!

There's so many different OTC (over-the-counter) cold medicines and supplements out there...which leads us to wonder: does Emergen-C actually work, or not? Since we're unsure, we turned to Board-certified family medicine physicians Dr. Laura Purdy, MD, MBA and Dr. Jennie Stanford, M.D., FAAFP, DipABOM to help answer our burning questions!

P.S. You'll find be able to tell the difference between pesky allergies and cold symptoms here — thank goodness!

What's the difference between cold and allergy symptoms?

Polina Tankilevitch

Having seasonal allergies can be confusing when they coincide with cold season. Between kids being back in school and the weather changing, the fall/winter seasons seem to bring on sneezing, coughing, and more. But, how can you tell when you're merely dealing with allergies or something else?

"Colds are viral infections. Symptoms include a sore throat, cough and feeling tired," says Dr. Purdy. Dr. Stanford further explains that viral infections have "traditionally been Rhinovirus species, but it may also be Adenovirus species and others." Colds can also be accompanied by a fever in some cases.

On the other hand, Dr. Purdy and Dr. Stanford both agree allergies are specifically caused by allergens or irritants. "Common Symptoms include sneezing and itchy eyes," says Dr. Purdy. According to the CDC, around one quarter of adults deal with seasonal allergies (raises both hands), so it's not weird if you get confused about when it's time to switch from Claritin to Dayquil.

How should people relieve cold symptoms before heading to the pharmacy?

Anna Tarazevich

Before you head to CVS at the first sign of sneezing and a sore throat, there are a few things Dr. Stanford suggests you do. "Optimizing our immune systems by focusing on overall health and wellbeing can help reduce the risk of infections, including the common cold. This includes eating a healthy diet, being physically active, getting enough sleep, and keeping stress in check," she says.

Unfortunately, Gallupreports that 57% of people feel they're not getting the proper amount of sleep they need. But, this doesn't mean you should ignore your lack of rest just because others are struggling too. Take it from someone whose insomnia impacted their mental health and a nasty bout of the Flu followed by Covid-19 two years ago! "Properly treating other health conditions can also help prevent acute illnesses, like the common cold," says Dr. Stanford.

However, it's not unusual to get a cold because Dr. Stanford says they're the "result of germs spread from contact with others." Taking precautions just helps your immune system work the eliminate the viral infection faster.

Do elderberry and Vitamin C fight off colds?

Polina Tankilevitch

This is where things get a little tricky. Though elderberry and Vitamin C have been hailed as supplements that combat colds, not everyone agrees on their effectiveness. Dr. Stanford says, "While the evidence for Vitamin C in treating colds is mixed, sufficient research suggests that taking vitamin C supplementation can shorten the duration and reduce the severity of cold symptoms." But if you're thinking about relying on Vitamin C supplements, Dr. Stanford is less likely to encourage you to take them because they haven't been proven "to be effective in preventing common cold symptoms."

She also doesn't think you should take elderberry as if that'll also fight off a viral infection. "Elderberry is not effective in preventing colds, and evidence is insufficient to suggest that it is effective in treating the common cold," she explains.

Do you recommend relying on Emergen-C to help combat cold symptoms?

Karolina Kaboompics

So, what's the verdict on taking Emergen-C once it's confirmed you have a viral cold? The brand has several products that range from gummies to drink mixes, all aimed at supporting your immune system — but does that mean they're safe to take? According to Dr. Purdy, they are! "Emergen-C contains Vitamin C which is great for a good and healthy immune system and recovery. It also contains other good for you ingredients that help with your immune system like vitamin E and Zinc."

However, it's valid to want to know if there's a difference between Zicam and Emergen-C. According to Dr. Stanford, there is! "Similar to Vitamin C, evidence suggests that zinc may be effective in reducing the duration and severity of cold symptoms, but it is less likely to be effective in preventing the common cold," she explains. Plainly put, think of the two like this:

  • Zicam = Zinc
  • Emergen-C = Vitamin C

She even says, "Studies suggest taking both zinc and vitamin C could be beneficial!"

Can certain teas help soothe sore throats associated with colds?

Arina Krasnikova/Pexels

Drinking warm tea can help alleviate cold symptoms, though you shouldn't think they're your only defense against viral infections. In conjunction with cold medicines, "throat coat teas really help soothe inflammation and help manage symptoms," says Dr. Purdy. The reason for this is that most "throat support products are indicated to ameliorate sore throat and similar symptoms, often by numbing agents, temperature, and other factors," Dr. Stanford explains. In short, don't be afraid to use tea as a form of hydration while you're sick!

Dr. Purdy says other things you can use to help alleviate your symptoms are a humidifier, nasal spray, and drops. Take it a step further by taking a "steam shower" to "provide some much needed relief."

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Blake Lively and Taylor Swift are the ultimate best friends and apparently Travis Kelce is also on best friend terms with Blake Lively — at least, he's teasing her like a true BFF! On a recent episode of his New Heights podcast, Travis and Jason Kelce watched The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants — and praised it like the true piece of cinema it is.

- YouTube


- YouTube

The movie stars Lively alongside America Ferrera, Alexis Bledel, and Amber Tamblyn, AND served as Lively's film debut. “She did absolutely wonderful as Bridget,” Jason said (via People), while Travis agrees, "I thought Bridget’s story was the most relatable and most fun.”

Bridget's arc (going to soccer camp, hooking up with her coach, and finally having to face the reality of her mom's passing) is actually really mature, and something a lot of readers could relate to. But there are also plenty of moments that make you smile as a viewer — like that early morning run to "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfeld!!

“A lot of the movie is just Bridget running,” Jason says. “I gotta admit, not the best run. Blake, I love you, it does not strike me as a star athlete run.”

“But it was impressive,” Travis added. “She has good endurance, though, because running like that and to be talking? I would be f—ing gassed and would be way worse at trying to spit my lines out."

The brothers also admitted they were confused about the pants of it all, considering they didn't think the jeans had much to do with the actual story. Well, Blake Lively had something to say about that, and dropped the wildest piece of Traveling Pants news I've ever heard: the pants weren't part of the original draft.

Blake Lively/Instagram

"@jason.kelce being a natural investigative journalist sniffing out the hidden truth," she jokes. Apparently, in the era of Harry Potter, author Ann Brashares had been advised to add a magical element. "She used the pants as a tangible item to illustrate the sometimes inexplicable magic of the female bond. One that invisibly connects us, near or far."

It's funny to think what the title could have morphed into had Brashares chosen a different trend. "Sisterhood of the Traveling Jeggings didn't quite hit. Now it would be Sisterhood of the Printed Jean Pajama Bottoms," Lively adds. "I'm here for all."

Sisterhood forever!!

See Blake Lively Revealed The One Millennial Trend She "Will Be Buried In" for more news!

Life happens. We take new jobs, reach new goals, buy new homes, perhaps get married and have kids — all good news, but sadly sometimes that means moving away from our besties. It can be challenging to stay in touch, especially when you’re in different time zones, but with a little effort and creativity, there’s so much you can do to keep meaningful connections with your long-distance friends beyond a group text or meme share. Here are 10 tips to help you stay close.

I Miss You So Much Card

Send a personalized card with audio or video. Moonpig lets you create unique cards with cute templates, photos, videos, audio clips, and your own handwritten copy! They’ll even mail them for you – saving you a trip to the post office.

Happy Birthday Card

Choose from a selection of more than 20K cards to share with your bestie no matter what is going on in her life – engagements, birthdays, babies, new job, or just because you want to say hello, make her laugh, and show how much you care for her. Moonpig cards cost less than a regular card, and you can find free e-cards as well! Want to send a birthday gift too? You can add a gift card from a bunch of popular retailers like Sephora, Nordstrom and Uber Eats to your card.

Celebrate The Milestones

Staying present in your friends’ lives, even as they change direction, can help keep you connected. Reach out to share your latest news, and congratulate them on the engagements, promotions, weddings, and other milestones. The B+C staff took a moment to share their favorite Moonpig Cards with their favorite friends. Have a reason to celebrate with a group? You can have friends and family sign by creating a Group Card.

Scroll down to get a free card yourself with B+C’s promo discount code for new customers and find more tips to help you stay close.

Schedule Virtual Coffee Dates

Thank You Friend Card

Find a regular time that works for both of you to share your stories over a morning cup. Maybe it’s during your morning walk for coffee, or after work on your commute home. Chatting by phone vs. via social media can help you get into deeper details about your life and theirs. Hearing a real LOL can really make your day too. With Moonpig’s cards, you can add multiple photos so you can share a glimpse into your life lately.

Host A Virtual Happy Hour

Hello You Card

Virtual happy hours sort of came to a halt once the world opened up, but they’re a great way to stay in touch with long-distance friends. Have fun with it with new cocktail recipes that you can share beforehand, and then shake and stir while you chat!

Make Them A Playlist

Bejeweled Birthday Card

Music is a great way to connect and relive the best of times. Look for songs that remind you of your bestie, from the cities you’ve shared to the concerts you’ve danced to all night together to your car karaoke favorites.

Take An Online Class Together

Engagement Card

Whatever you have going on in your lives, finding the time to get creative and healthy together, even if it’s a one-day workshop around something you have in common, will strengthen those bonds that brought you together in the first place. This could be a great gift too – a fitness class, a cooking class, a business class to build your bestie empire, whatever it is it will remind you why you’re friends and why you’re always there to lift each other up.

Send Surprise Care Packages

We’re Expecting Card

If your friend could use a little self care postpartum or just needs a little TLC during this time, send over a care package of her favorite things and little mementos of your time together. Add a Moonpig card too, where you can add an audio or video message via QR code that says you’re thinking about them and wish you could be closer.

Take An Annual Trip Together

Congratulations Card

Annual trips with your besties are so good for the soul. Find a central location where you can all meet without the expense being too much for one person. Gather to celebrate a birthday or other milestone or just because. It’s a great way to feel connected to people you care about most and remind yourself what truly matters in life.

Start A Remote Book Or Recipe Club

Friends Like You Card

Share your favorite books or recipes (or both!) each month and host a virtual monthly book club or dinner club to catch up and talk through some of your highlights of the experiences.

Host A Virtual Trivia Night

Living The Dream Card

Get the squad back together for a silly trivia night based on a theme, such as ‘90s movies, women’s sports, or random trivia about our love lives.

Send Them A Just Because Card

Thinking of You Card

Even sharing the smallest details can help you stay connected and boost your mood. Surprise your friend with a note that you’re just thinking about them. And supersize it! Moonpig has Extra Large Cards too. Nothing feels so good as to know your friend went out of their way to just say hello, in the most thoughtful way possible.

Here’s how Moonpig works:

  1. Click on a card that you love. You have a choice: e-card, standard card by mail, or a large card to really wow them. You can also choose a Group card or Create Your Own Card with Moonpig templates, fonts, and graphics.
  2. Click on Personalize to add your personalized text (take a photo of your handwriting to replicate in the card), photos, stickers, video, and audio, which are shared via QR code.
  3. Choose a gift card from your dad’s favorite retailer if you’d like to sweeten the deal.
  4. And voilà! Moonpig will ship off your card to the lucky recipient. Easy peasy.

Find your friendship card at Moonpig! New customers can use code BRITCOFREE to send some love to long-distance friends today!

Shop Friend Favorites!

New customers! Head to Moonpig for your free card using code BRITCOFREE!

Lead image: Moonpig Happy Birthday Bestie card

You may remember Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis from their That '70s Show days, but they're just as known for their nine-year marriage! They started off as a cute couple and cemented themselves as philanthropists to watch over the years. As with any celebrity relationship, they've faced ups and downs that thrust them into the spotlight.

Recently, the pair has all eyes on them given their defense of Danny Masterson and Ashton's friendship with P.Diddy. Despite the controversy, Ashton and Mila share plenty of history together, though. Here are the key moments that define their relationship over the years. (And yes — we're here to talk breakup rumors, too!)

A Full Relationship Timeline For Ashton Kutcher And Mila Kunis

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

1998 — Ashton Kutcher And Mila Kunis Cross Paths During That '70s Show

No one can forget how magnetic Michael Kelso and Jackie Burkhart were on That '70s Show. We rooted for them to stay together — so much that we swore Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis were soulmates in real life. When they had to kiss for the first time, Mila and Kutcher admitted they felt butterflies. "I was like, ‘Oh, he’s so cute, it’s the Calvin Klein model," Mila said before sharing she "had the biggest crush on him," (via PEOPLE).
Ashton couldn't tell she felt that way because he was more focused on how "nervous" he was. "I was the one with the butterflies in my stomach. I mean, here’s this little girl, and I have to kiss her. It was nerve-racking," he admitted.
Still, the couple's romance didn't start there — Ashton married Demi Moore while Mila Kunis began dating Macaulay Culkin. However, things began to heat up for them once those relationships ended.

Stephen Dunn/Getty Images

January 2012 — A Chance Encounter Leads To A Reconnection

The two didn't officially reconnect until the 2012 Golden Globe Awards (via PEOPLE). She was checking someone out...only to realize who it was once the person turned around! "I see this guy and I see his back and he’s really tall. Then he just turns around and it was literally like if we were in a movie, the music would start playing and the violins would go. I think for the first time ever he took my breath away – I was like f—, he’s good-looking," she shared.

Eventually the two decided to see what would happen if they started hooking up. Mila appeared on the WTF with Marc Maron podcast where she detailed what actually happened. "We were like, ‘Let’s just hook up. Let’s have fun. We’re both single. We both trust each other. Everything’s great.’ None of us wanted tension. OK, great. We hooked up for three months,” she admitted.

However, things took a turn when Mila realized Ashton was seeing someone else. She decided it wouldn't be a good idea for them to keep up their friends-with-benefit situation. "I was like…‘Oh, my God. I love this man, and I have to walk away because this is not the agreement that we had. And so I’m going to speak up," she said.

Thearon W. Henderson/Getty Images

April 2012 — Ashton And Mila Say Goodbye To Casually Hooking Up

That didn't last long because it was apparent these two were smitten with each other. Mila really did try to set that boundary and break things off. "I was like, you know what, I actually care about you. I don’t want to mess anything up so I’m just going to walk away before it becomes too much," she said. But Ashton wasn't having it — instead he asked her to "move in," signaling he wasn't as serious about the other person he was dating (via PEOPLE). They've been together ever since!

February 2014 — Ashton Pops The Question To Mila

Most details about Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis' relationship were in the dark, besides the fact they'd been dating for two years in 2014. Ashton eventually decided to propose to Mila, which obviously made her super excited. "The best day of my life so far was the proposal. I cried. I was a mess. Not to discredit any relationships in my past, but this relationship is different," she said at the time (via ABC News).
However, the actress didn't really wear the expensive engagement ring Ashton got for her. She said, "My engagement ring is in a safety deposit box. I'm like, "I can't wear this because someone's going to chop my hand off for it," (via ELLE Australia).

Harry How/Getty Images

October 2014 — Baby #1 Makes Her Debut

Later that year, Mila happily announced she and Ashton were pregnant with their first baby while talking to Ellen DeGeneres. "We actually were able to hide it for a very long time," she said.

Their daughter, Wyatt Isabelle Kutcher was born at the beginning of October, according to Irish Examiner. The outlet highlighted the heartfelt statement Ashton wrote on his former website. "Mila and I would like to welcome Wyatt Isabelle Kutcher to the world. May your life be filled with wonder, love, laughter, health, happiness, curiosity, and privacy,”

July 2015 — Ashton And Mila Jump The Broom

After the couple got settled in as new parents, they decided to get married at the beginning of July. PEOPLE reports their wedding was intimate and only featured those closest to the couple. A source said the couple was "so happy" and "so in love."

Araya Doheny/Getty Images for Breakthrough Prize

November 2016 — Baby #2 Is Born

Baby Dimitri Portwood Kutcher was born November 30, 2016, making him Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis' second child! Ashton couldn't stop gushing about his son when talked to Ellen DeGeneres and even joked about how their daughter Wyatt felt. "Wyatt thinks the baby is her baby, and at some point I’m going to have to explain to her it’s not really her baby. I don’t know how I’m going to do that. She loves the baby so much," he said (via E! News).
He also gave insight about Dimitri's little personality by saying he "loves everyone," but he circled back to Wyatt's habits. "I went through a phase where I had to keep Wyatt alive, and then I went through a phase where I had to keep her from killing herself, and now I’m going through a phase where I have to keep her from killing the other baby," he said.

December 2017 — Ashton And Mila Walk The Red Carpet

The couple arrived on the red carpet for the Breakthrough Prize Awards at NASA Ames Research Center and they were all smiles! Ashton wore a classic black tuxedo and black bowtie while Mila wore a stunning strapless gown.

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney

February 2021 — Ashton And Mila Star In A Commercial Together

The couple continued to maintain their low profile until they appeared in a 2021 commercial together. They hadn't acted together in a while, so it was fun to see them in the same frame. Mila even shared the hilarious reason they agreed to do the commercial.

"It was quarantine, and we were stuck with our children for nine or 12 months at this moment," she said (via Entertainment Tonight). All she could think about were the "two days" the couple would have a break which prompted her to say, "'Yeah, okay, let's do it.'"

2022: Ashton And Mila Agree To Reprise Their Roles From That '70s Show

The next year, Ashton and Mila decided to reprise their That '70s Show roles for That '90s Show. Though the plot focused on Eric Forman's (Topher Grace) daughter Leia, Michale Kelso and Jackie Burkhart's son makes an appearance as Leia spends time with her grandparents during a break from school.
Ashton told Variety, "It was really nostalgic to be back on the set. It's all the same folks that made That '70s Show..."

David Livingston/Getty Images

January 2023 — February 2023 Ashton Gets Back To The Silver Screen...With An Exception!

It seems Ashton got a taste for acting again because he appeared in Your Place or Mine alongside Reese Witherspoon. Apparently he and Netflix agreed for filming to take place in California as opposed to Georgia because he had "young kids" that he liked "spending time with," (via Esquire).

As Ashton and Reese Witherspoon begin make their press runs, it became noticeable that they weren't actively leaning in to the rom-com aspect of Your Place or Mine. It got to the point Mila brought it to their attention. Ashton detailed how their conversation with during his time on the Chicks in the Office podcast (via Elle). "She [Mila] texted Reese and I together, and she’s like, ‘Guys, you gotta act like you like each other.’ And I’m like, ‘What is going on,'" he revealed. He then explained why he wasn't being publicly affectionate with Reese as they promoted the movie.

"Here’s the thing, if I put my arm around her [Reese] and was all friendly with her, I’d be having an affair with her... Like, the rumor would be that I’m having an affair with her. If I stand next to her, I put my hands in my pockets so there’s no chance that like that could be the rumor, the rumor is we don’t like each other," he said.

Reese even shared her side of the story when she talked to Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush-Hager. "She even emailed us last night. She goes, ‘You guys look so awkward on the red carpet together. Why are you just not—’ It’s just fun. When you know a girlfriend so much, it was just fun to get to know her significant other because I’ve loved her for so long,” she said (via TODAY).

Jesse Grant/Getty Images

October 2024 — Mila Shares What Makes Her And Ashton's Relationship Amazing

Mila recently opened up about why her and Ashton work together as couple as she promotes Goodrich. "I still feel like we're very young and we feel very young. I think that's where the spark is," she said (via E! News). However, she's not super in awe of how long they've been together. "It’s not really that long. I look at my parents, and they’ve been together for 50. That’s long," she added. However, don't expect her to talk about anything related to Diddy's scandal despite Ashton being friends with now-disgraced music mogul.

There have been rumors that Ashton and Mila are headed for splitsville, but a source close to them said they're "absolutely ridiculous and false" claims (via PEOPLE). Another source also wants to set the record straight about Ashton's perceived knowledge of what happened at Diddy's 'freak-offs.' "Ashton has no involvement in any of this. He doesn't belong in this conversation about Diddy. Ashton has only seen Diddy in a handful of social and business events, all of which have been documented by the media."

The rumors are probably also due to the fact that Ashton and Mila wrote a supportive letter for former That '70s Show co-star Danny Masterson (via PEOPLE). It caused a ripple effect that resulted in them releasing a public apology for seemingly defending what Masterson did.

As a result of all this, In Touch Weekly is reporting the couple is thinking about leaving the flashy life behind. A source said, "Ashton’s so exasperated that once again he’s being dragged through the mud because of his past associations." Between Masterson and Diddy, Ashton feels "convinced that there are way better places out there to live..."

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Our hearts skip a beat every time we hear news about Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson because they're one of the cutest couples ever! In addition to becoming to new parents, it's possible they've been married while the rest of us have been wondering what's going on behind the scenes! Until they confirm marriage news, we'll keep sighing over their touching baby updates and the romantic way they interact with each other in paparazzi snaps.

Here's everything we know about Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattison's special journey as new parents!

Do Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson get along?

Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson definitely get along, and in a recent prank call interview with Elle, they proved they have a great sense of humor too! When Suki and Rob get on the phone, they immediately refer to each other as "Darling" and "Angel" which made me swoon.

When told Suki had an offer to host Love is Blind together, Robert says, "Darling, have you gone mad? Are you joking? Is this whole thing a joke?"

After learning it is indeed a joke, Robert says, "I was like, 'Babe if you think it's the right thing for you.'"

Who knows, maybe we'll see them host together one day!!

Where were Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson recently seen?

Monica Schipper/Getty Images

The new parents stepped out in style during the Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic on October 5 and they somehow seem cooler than before. Both wore pairs of shades that obscured their eyes, but their smiles and coordinating outfits were on full display! From the deep navy floral dress Suki wore to Robert's tailored suit, something tells me these two were prepared to turn heads.

What did Suki Waterhouse recently say about her family?

Dimitrios Kambouris

Suki Waterhouse can't stop gushing about her family! She showed up in style on the 2024 MTV VMA's red carpet and said Robert Pattinson is "the greatest" at being a dad to their 6-month-old baby girl (via Access Hollywood). Though he was working, Suki happily brought their daughter with her and had fun "showing her around New York City" prior to her red carpet appearance. As far as little one's personality, Suki disclosed that "She has such a sweet nature," and she's enjoying watching it unfold.

How does Suki Waterhouse feel about motherhood and her relationship with Robert Pattinson?


Suki Waterhouse is learning how to manage being a first-time mom who also has a career — two things that aren't easy to balance whatsoever. One of the things she shared with British Vogueis that she realized how much pressure moms are under. "Every mum’s morality is in question so much, not just from yourself, but from society," she said. "Everyone’s projecting something onto you. That’s an insane thing."

The one thing she observed about Robert Pattinson is how he seems to be adjusting to fatherhood. She said, " [he's] the dad I could have hoped for...It’s an actual love story."

Concerning their love story, Suki's song "To Love" from her upcoming album Memoir of a Sparklemuffin celebrates what it means to find your person. She said, "I had a very clear feeling of being like, ‘Oh, wow, Rob and I have been together six years and I’m still really into this.'" For Suki, all that seems to matter is, "This love and having a family and having a little world."

Someone bring us another box of tissues because this sounds so sweet!

Has Robert Pattinson made a public statement about his daughter?

Francois Durand/Getty Images

Robert usually doesn't share too many details about his personal life, but there's no hiding from the joy of being a first-time dad! He recently attended the Dior Homme Menswear Spring/Summer 2025 fashion show in Paris (via People) and looked just as amazing as we remember seeing him in public.

Thanks to a short clip a fan posted to X, we're finally able to know how Robert feels about #dadlife. Though you have to really listen to hear what's he saying, there's no mistaking that he's loving life.

"[Having a baby] makes you feel very old and very young," he said with a smile that reached his eyes. "She's so cute...You know, I'm amazed by how quickly their personality comes. So even at three months, I'm like, 'Oh … I can kinda see who she is already.'"

Did Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson secretly get married?

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

Remember those whispers about Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson's engagement? Well, the couple is now rumored to have secretly gotten married already!

According to a source, they've been riding the marital bliss wave for some time. "The capper on that transformation has been for them to finally get serious about starting a family and spending the rest of their lives together. Official PR announcement or not, Rob and Suki are a married couple," they revealed to In Touch Weekly.

What exciting news did Suki Waterhouse share during her Coachella set?


And she covered oasis?! 💗🤭 she’s such a queen #bellaswan #edwardcullen #jacobblack #twilight #newmoon #fading #sukiwaterhouse #old #young #foryourpage #yp #blowup #viral #love #watchit #blowthisup #tvshow #movie #twilightsaga #animated #moviesaga #pregnancy #baby #gender #girl #omg #mother #itsagirl #women #oasis #concert #coachella #2024 #queen

Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson were spotted at Coachella on Friday in preparation for the former's amazing performance! A fan page shared several candid shots of the couple walking around on Instagram and we're living for Suki's fur coat moment. Only she could make her outfit look effortlessly cool.

But, one of the best moments during her Coachella set is the beautiful way she announced the gender of her and Robert's baby. In this awesome TikTok video, Suki can be seen smiling as she talked to the crowd. "I don't know if some of you know, but I've had some pretty big life changes happening this year...and I've been very lucky to have my own little amazing lady and meet the love of my life," she said.

This means Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson are officially on #TeamGirl 💕!

What has Suki Waterhouse said about her postpartum experience?

Suki Waterhouse/Instagram

Suki Waterhouse shared how she was doing during postpartum on Instagram and gave her honest opinion about it. She wore an oversized cardigan, a nursing bra, and a pair of Frida Mom Disposable Underwear. She wrote, "the fourth trimester has been… humbling! the postpartum period has been filled with exhilarating joy, so much laughter, tears, soo many hormones! I’m proud of everything my body has achieved and proud of the kindness and grace I’ve given myself during this recovery period. 💕ootd: @fridamom pants!"

People applauded her for being so honest about postpartum with @juliemic79 commenting, "Thank you for being so real about what we go through after we deliver our precious angels. The hormones, the sleepless nights., the sheer joy and wonder of how such a little human can make your heart burst. It's a journey, take the time and heal and enjoy..."

Have Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson revealed their newborn to the public?

Suki Waterhouse/Instagram

Suki shared an adorable pic of her holding their precious baby on Instagram with the caption, "welcome to the world angel ❤️." Singer Halsey wrote "ROCKSTAR MOM!" while Paris Hilton typed, "Congratulations love! So happy for you both!🥰" Amazon Prime is even spotted in Suki's comments!

Plenty of Suki's fans left their own sweet messages too! User @mischa.moo wrote, "Child’s gene pool is made of gold omg," which sums up how we feel.

Did Suki Waterhouse give birth?

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson welcomed their first baby together earlier this year and it was one of the best baby news we'd come across! The new parents kept the details of baby's birth under wraps, but DailyMail shared exclusive images that showed they'd enjoyed a nice family outing while Robert pushed their newborn in a baby stroller

Why did Suki Waterhouse turns heads at the 75th annual Primetime Emmy Awards?

Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

People shared that Suki Waterhouse practically floated on the red carpet while wearing a custom-made red Valentino gown that showed off her growing baby bump. She looked ethereal as the camera caught several angles of her face and the cut-out portions of her gown that revealed her and Robert Pattinson's baby.

Funnily enough, the gown had to be altered before it fit her frame perfectly. She said, "I was really excited about this look, Valentino...but it didn't even — like, I had to hold it. The fitting was just me holding it to my. body, so they had to really...redesign this dress to make it fit the bump."

As far as we're concerned, it all worked out in the end! Honestly, we love that more mamas are choosing to redefine their maternity style.

When did Suki announce her and Robert's baby news?


While performing at the Corona Capital Festival in Mexico, Suki shocked concert-goers at the beginning of her performance. A fan account posted a clip on X where she could be heard talking about distracting the crowd from a very obvious baby bump. She said, "...I'm not sure it's working" while working the stage in a sparkly mini dress and faux fur coat.

How long have Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson been dating?

Time flies fast because it's been more than a few years since Suki and Robert became a couple. People reported that it was rumored they began dating in 2018. However, the couple kept their relationship private — good thinking — for a while.

When did Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattison make their official debut?

The Hollywood Reporter shared that the couple appeared at the Dior Men's Fall show last December. They looked stylish and romantic as they walked the red carpet, which is how we've continued to see them.

What recent projects have Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson worked on?

Besides performing at the Corona Capital Festival this past weekend, Suki Waterhouse recently appeared as Karen Sirko in Daisy Jones & The Six this year. As stated above, Robert Pattison's last major project was The Batman.

There's not an official due date for Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattison yet, but I'm just excited to learn they're expecting a sweet little baby. Be sure to watch this space for more updates!

How do you feel about Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson's baby announcement? Let us know in the comments!

This post has been updated.

Header image via Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images