Now that the holiday season parade of indulgences is (sadly) coming to a close, it’s time to start thinking up New Year’s resolutions — and going Paleo may be just the ticket. Because really, chowing down on bacon and losing that holiday bloat is pretty rad. And even though it may seem hard… good news, it’s not! We’ve compiled awesome Paleo Instagrams to follow to get you inspired. From bonafide nutritionists to expert-level hobbyists, these primal eaters make it look easy. And delicious. Mostly, delicious.
1. Nom Nom Paleo: Arguably the most famous Paleo food blogger, mom and home-cook-extraordinaire Michelle does it all, from gorgeous photos to practical advice. And don’t forget the cookbook. She’s been called the Martha Stewart of Paleo, and we agree.

2. Cappellos: One of the most daunting things about taking on the Paleo diet is the (totally valid) concern that giving up treats like pasta and cookies is just not reasonable. Welp, newsflash: You can totally still eat those things, and they’ll totally still be delicious. And from this gluten free, grain free company you can get the goods delivered right to your face.
3. Stupid Easy Paleo: Hit up two of your resolutions at once when you follow this lady. Not only is she a great Paleo food cook and photographer, she’s also a complete CrossFit fiend. Watch her take on back squats heavier than you are, then see the protein packed meals she eats that enable her to do it.
4. Annie D’Souza: The fabulous Annie is on team Brit + Co, and as if that wasn’t enough reason to follow her, she also runs an amazing blog of her own. Worthy Pause shares Paleo recipes, beauty tips, wellness resources AND daily inspiration. So, obviously she’s amazing. Follow her immediately. It’s cool. We’ll wait.
5. Texas Paleo Couple: And the cutest couple award goes to these guys, clearly. They’re just as gorgeous as their food and probably just as healthy. Their love for Brussels sprouts alone is enough to inspire some good primal eating, not to mention some really yummy lookin’ steaks.
6. Paleo Cupboard: This working mom does it all. Her website touts some really great and really accessible recipes, and her Instagram account highlights her photographic talent. Her knack for framing food to look both delicious and artful is enviable. And her dedication to making desserts really sweetens the whole Paleo resolution deal.
7. Paleo San Francisco: There’s no biographical information for this fantastic Instagrammer, but that doesn’t make us any less keen to be their friend. We share a city, first of all, but they also serve up some pretty scrumptious-looking foods. And also have some pretty adorable canine friends.
8. Paleo Chef: Go pro with the fabulous Paleo Chef. She’s a personal chef (sign us up, please) a fitness queen and lifestyle coach. If there was any motivation to go Paleo, looking at the bacon and scotch-filled feed of this badass hottie may just do the trick.
9. Paleo Parents: These parents aren’t just podcasters, master home cookers and loving parents of three. The Paleo diet helped these two, in the course of a single year, combat post-partum depression and, brace yourselves, lose almost 200 pounds. 200 pounds. If that’s not a New Year’s inspiration, we don’t know what is.
10. Paleo Therapy: This Aussie has built up a bulky following on Instagram for a reason: Her food pics are glorious. Paleo or not, you gotta concede that her dishes make tantalizing photographs, and her commitment to full-fat ingredients has our mouths watering.
11. 4505 Meats: Okay, so, strictly speaking, this isn’t a Paleo account. But if you need inspiration to go fully carnivorous, these butchers have got you more than covered. Lumbersexual lovers, lookout. You’ll love this account for more than one reason.
12. The Paleo Fix: Here’s where we get to the expert-level, black-belt-ninja status of Paleo accounts. Dr. Gustin is a certified sports physician, CrossFit coach, Paleo food cook and blogger and certified strength and conditioning specialist. As if that weren’t enough, he also tours the country giving workshops and talks on nutrition.
13. Eat Drink Paleo: Splitting her time between London and Sydney, this multitalented Paleo cookbook author and blogger has got one of the most gorgeously photographed menus out there. And if health looks this good, we’re all over it.
Bacon or butter? What Paleo ingredient do you love the most? Tell us in the comments!