A Period Ritual For Self-Care And Restoration

period ritual cardsperiod ritual cards

When you're on your period, self-care is of the utmost importance. We love performing rituals that help us feel grounded, refocus on what's going on at the present moment, and take care of ourselves, and a self-care period ritual is just the thing we need to do that when we're on our flow.

With more and more people getting interested in tarot, there's been a simultaneous uptick in oracle cards, which are simply cards of any theme that don't have the same symbolic meanings as a traditional tarot deck. For example, we're loving Period Power, a deck by Maisie Hill and illustrated by Lucie Birant that helps you learn about your cycle, figure out its different stages, and discover ways to take care of yourself no matter what season you're in. Other self-care and period-related oracle decks we love are the Sacred Cycles Oracle, the Sacred Self-Care Oracle, and this Self-Love Affirmation Card Deck.

No matter which deck you decide to use, this period ritual is simple to perform and a great way to ground, center, and connect to the present moment, no matter what stage of your cycle you're experiencing. We especially love to perform this on our period.

What You'll Need

  • A period or self-care card deck
  • A red candle
  • A purple candle
  • A scented room spray or incense, preferably in a rose scent
  • A journal and pen, for taking notes

Photo via Laurence King Publishing

The Ritual

  1. First, spritz the room spray or light your incense, allowing yourself to breath in the smell of roses and focus on how the scent feels to you. Roses symbolize a lot of things, but among them are femininity and reproductive health. Allow yourself to imagine the scent clearing the air of any negative energy or distractions.
  2. Next, light the red candle. This candle represents your flow. Sit in a comfortable position and place one hand on your lower abdomen, over your uterus. Either focus on the flame of the candle, or allow your eyes to gently close after looking at it for a few seconds. Clear your mind and meditate for as long as feels comfortable. As your thoughts drift, bring them back to your body, trying to remain nonjudgemental. If you're feeling any pain or discomfort and focusing on your bodily sensations makes things difficult for you, focus on the flame itself instead of your body.
  3. When you feel tuned in, gently open your eyes. Light the purple candle. This candle symbolizes your intuition.
  4. Take your card deck into your hands and shuffle it until you feel called to stop. Place it in front of you, then pull the top card and turn it over in your hands. Read it and take in its meaning. In addition to the words on the card, what thoughts does the image bring to mind? Do the colors speak to you?
  5. Grab your pen and journal, and write down what the card means to you. Make a plan to carry the card's theme throughout the day, or through the end of this period cycle, if you feel so inclined.
  6. When you're done writing, close your eyes and blow out the candles, thanking your body and your card deck for their presence during this ritual.

Photo via Laurence King Publishing

We hope this period ritual helps make your time of the month a little easier and more magical. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more self-care tips, ritual ideas, and health news!

Featured photo via Laurence King Publishing.

There's nothing more tasty than a fresh slice of buttered sourdough in the morning. But new research suggests you might want to pass on this delicacy to extend your longevity. So isbutter bad for you? Here's what recent studies found!

Scroll to see how your bread & butter intake may be impacting your health!

Felicity Tai

A recent study conducted by Harvard University and Mass General Brigham found that people who consumed more butter had a 15% higher risk of early death compared to those who used it in moderation. On the flip side, people who preferred plant oils had a 16% lower risk of mortality.

The results shed light on the ongoing question of whether butter or plant-based oils are the better choice for your health. Sadly for butter lovers, the findings suggest that replacing even two teaspoons of butter with the same amount of plant oil could lower the risk of early death by approximately 17%.

Polina Tankilevitch

For the study, the research team examined dietary data from three major studies: the Nurses' Health Study, Nurses' Health Study II, and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. They tracked over 220,000 Americans' butter consumption, including for both cooking and spreading, as well as their intake of various plant oils, like olive, soybean, canola, corn, and safflower oils.

Over the course of 33 years, the researchers gathered this information via food surveys every four years. Then, they used the data to calculate averages and gain a clearer picture of eating habits.

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A total of 50,932 deaths occurred throughout the study, with 12,241 from cancer and 11,240 from heart disease. The team adjusted for variables such as age, physical activity, weight, alcohol consumption, and smoking, which revealed a distinct trend.

Higher butter intake was associated with increased death rates; meanwhile, higher consumption of plant oils was tied to lower death rates. However, not all plant oils had the same effect, as corn and safflower oils showed no significant benefits.


Still, increasing plant oil intake by roughly two tablespoons a day was linked to an 11% reduction in cancer death risk and a 6% decrease in the risk of dying from heart disease.

"Replacing three small pats of butter (approximately 15 grams) with one tablespoon of plant-based oil (approximately 15 grams) in the daily diet could contribute to lowering the risk of premature mortality," the team wrote.


Now, this doesn't mean you need to cut out butter entirely. In fact, the study actually found that butter used for baking or frying wasn't strongly linked to mortality risk. This may be because it's used in smaller quantities or less often.

Butter being spread directly on foods, like bread, showed the strongest connection. So, the researchers suggest making small switches, like swapping out butter for olive oil or canola oil, to maintain taste and enhance your health.

"Even cutting back butter a little and incorporating more plant-based oils into your daily diet can have meaningful long-term health benefits," concluded Dr. Daniel Wang of Harvard's Department of Nutrition.

To read the study's complete findings published in JAMA Internal Medicine, visit the link here.

Looking for more food & health news? Be sure to sign up four our newsletter!

We're over halfway through 1923 season 2 and there is so much to talk about — like Cara getting attacked by a wolf in the middle of the night, Spencer getting roped into a plot to uncover a whiskey operation, and Alexandra getting stalked and attacked multiple times in her journey. Wow. There are still a few more episodes before the 1923 season 2 finale on April 13, 2025.

Here's everything you need to know about how and when to watch 1923 season 2, streaming on Paramount+.

Where can I watch 1923 season 2 episode 5?

Emerson Miller/Paramount+

1923 season 2, episode 5 is on Paramount+ now. New episodes of 1923 season 2 air on Paramount+ Sunday at 12 AM EST. So that means if you live on the west coast, you get new episodes on Saturday nights!

How many episodes are in 1923 season 2?

Emerson Miller/Paramount+

1923 season 2 premiered on February 23, 2025, and it's going to have 8 episodes total, according to Forbes:

  • Season 2, Episode 1 "The Killing Season" premiered February 23, 2025
  • Season 2, Episode 2 "The Rapist Is Winter" premiered March 2, 2025
  • Season 2, Episode 3 "Wrap Thee in Terror" premiered March 9, 2025
  • Season 2, Episode 4 "Journey the Rivers of Iron" premiered March 16, 2025
  • Season 2, Episode 5 "Only Gunshots to Guide Us" premiered March 23, 2025
  • Season 2, Episode 6 "The Mountain Teeth of Monsters" premieres March 30, 2025
  • Season 2, Episode 7 "A Dream and a Memory" premieres April 6, 2025
  • Season 2, Episode 8 premieres April 13, 2025

Who's in the 1923 season 2 cast?

Christopher Saunders/Paramount+

There's a good chance you're familiar with Helen Mirren and Harrison Ford, but the whole 1923 cast in incredible!

  • Harrison Ford as Jacob Dutton: Dutton patriarch and a protector of the Yellowstone ranch.
  • Helen Mirren as Cara Dutton: a hardworking and kind woman who's Jacob's wife.
  • Brandon Sklenar as Spencer Dutton: Jacob and Cara's nephew who's making his way back to the ranch.
  • Julia Schlaepfer as Alex Dutton: Spencer's new wife, and a spunky and resourceful woman making her way to America on her own from England.
  • Michelle Randolph as Elizabeth Dutton: a kind yet determined young woman who's married to Jack.
  • Darren Mann as Jack Dutton: Jacob and Cara's great-nephew who lives with them on the Yellowstone ranch.
  • Aminah Nieves as Teonna Rainwater: an Indigenous young woman who's on the run after escaping a Catholic assimilation school.
  • Jennifer Carpenter as Marshal Mamie Fossett: a U.S. Marshal who crosses paths with Spencer on his journey.
  • Jerome Flynn as Banner Creighton: one of Jacob's sworn enemies dead set on taking the Duttons down.
  • Timothy Dalton as Donald Whitfield: a snaky businessman who has Jacob and the Duttons under his thumb.
  • Isabel May as Elsa Dutton: Spencer's sister from 1883 who serves as narrator.

Where did 1923 season 2 film?

Lo Smith/Paramount+

1923 season 2 filmed around Texas in 2024, and began filming in Austin on July 17 according to My San Antonio. Filming locations also included Lockhart and Bartlett, Texas.

How does 1923 connect to Yellowstone?

Lauren Smith/Paramount+

1923 is a Yellowstone prequel series from creator Taylor Sheridan (so is 1883!). The Duttons we see in 1923 are the ancestors of John Dutton III, Beth Dutton, Jamie Dutton, and Kayce Dutton.

Check Brit + Co for the latest TV news and subscribe to see our new podcast Yap City — you won't want to miss our 1923 season 2 ending explainer!

I'm a serial napper who loves getting as much sleep as I can, but last year shone a spotlight on how much sleepmaxxingwasn't helping me. Between fighting insomnia and waking up with my stress response on high alert, I knew I needed to make changes so grogginess wouldn't be my default mood.

Once I started asking myself a series of deep questions to see what I needed, I recognized why I wasn't feeling great. Not only were my sleeping habits terrible, I also wasn't thinking about other types of rest needed to function normally. With nothing but hope and time on my hands, I decided to conduct a 'rest' experiment to see if I could improve how I feel.

Based on my results — and the advice from licensed therapist Brooke Sprowl, LCSW of My LA Therapy — slow living feels good.

Scroll to see the 7 types of rest that can help you feel totally refreshed in 2025!

Cora Pursley

1. Physical Rest: Prioritizing physical rest led to a decreased need to be productive.

I inherited my parents' tendency to work on my days off because being idle felt like I was signaling how lazy I am. Instead of sleeping in on Saturdays, I'd wake up early to clean before cooking breakfast, planning activities for my son, and going over content creation ideas. Couch rotting wasn't allowed until I was absolutely done with everything, but there was always something to do.

The day I collapsed in my bedroom after rearranging the living room and my office was the moment I asked, "How did I decide working myself to pure exhaustion meant I was an amazing woman?" So, I gave myself permission to start using my weekends to rest. Sprowl says, "Physical rest includes both passive activities like sleep and active recovery practices like gentle stretching, yoga, or massage."

She also indicates collapsing was likely a sign my body's way of sending a huge flare to get my attention. "Listen to your body’s signals of fatigue and make rest a proactive priority rather than waiting for exhaustion to take over," she encourages.

For me, this looks like sleeping in past 10 a.m., stretching my body in the morning, and taking long showers. It's an act of resistance that's helped me unplug and reset after a long work week. Sprowl believes getting physical rest helps "restore the body's reserves, reduces stress hormones, and supports overall physical health," ultimately "laying the foundation for every other type of rest."

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2. Mental Rest: Taking a mental break helped me unplug.

I'm a chronic over-thinker, so I'm still learning how to give my brain a break. However, tools I've picked up from therapy help along with reminders from my inner circle. Why does it matter? Sprowl says, "Mental rest is about giving your mind a break from overthinking, decision fatigue, or cognitive overload."

Besides unplugging from work, I have to remind myself to stay present by focusing on things that are in my vicinity. Sprowl says giving yourself a mental break may look similar or different. "This might mean stepping away from work, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in activities that allow your brain to wander, like walking in nature."

If you and I don't allow our brains to 'cool down,' she believes "it can lead to irritability and difficulty focusing" which explains the moments I barely had patience last year. Genuinely resting "fosters clarity and cognitive balance," according to Sprowl which is what we could use more of!


3. Emotional Rest: Treating my emotional health with care helped me embrace vulnerability.

The other area I struggle with sometimes is my emotional health. A physically and mentally exhausted Jasmine often leads to an emotionally unhinged version of myself that struggles to express what's wrong or things I need. "Emotional rest involves creating safe spaces to express feelings or allowing yourself to step back from emotional labor," Sprowl points out.

It matters because it can "ease racing thoughts and unresolved feelings that interfere with sleep," according to her. Prioritizing this kind of rest essentially creates "a sense of calm before bedtime" in her opinion. It can look like "journaling, talking to a trusted friend, or working with a therapist" to "help unburden accumulated emotions."

If I'm not gratitude journaling, I'm usually talking to one of my best friends or fiancé about anything I may be struggling with. Being vulnerable with people who care about me has helped calm my sea of emotions, creating a level of comfort I haven't felt in years.

Anna Tarazevich

4. Social Rest: Reaffirming my need for social breaks stopped making me feel weird.

This is a safe space, right? My daily confession is that I've always prioritized social rest. I didn't have a name for it when I was younger, but I've been able to feel when my social battery is depleted which leads me to find a way to reset alone. I almost lost my ability to do so when social media was popularized, but the past couple of weeks have reminded me to take steps back so I'm not internalizing different opinions and emotions.

Sprowl says, "Social rest combats the overstimulation and comparison often fueled by digital platforms, helping you reconnect with yourself." It's hard for me to hear myself when I'm thinking about what everyone else is saying so I'll put on my phone on DND (do not disturb) or set screen limits for various apps.

It's something Sprowl feels is vital. "Social rest means setting boundaries around social interactions, particularly with relationships that drain rather than nourish." Like I've been doing, she further says "limiting time on social media, scheduling solo time, or prioritizing relationships where you feel truly seen and supported" are some of the ways you can also hit the reset button.

Tima Miroshnichenko

5. Spiritual Rest: Tapping into spiritual rest helped me feel less afraid.

I don't mind talking about my religious background, but I understand not everyone shares the same beliefs I do. Still, I'm a firm believer that we need to prioritize spiritual rest in a world that's in hustle mode. Sprowl says this "nurtures the soul, creating a sense of peace and alignment with your values." She believes "connecting to something greater than yourself" can help add to the physical, emotional, mental, and social ways we may need to hit pause.

I personally love to pray, read devotionals, or use my journal to reflect about various things. Other things Sprowl suggests doing are mediating, grounding yourself in nature, or adopting a gratitude practice. Whatever you choose to do, she feels "it's about finding purpose and meaning in your life."

Carleigh Ellison

6. Creative Rest: Creative breaks made me feel less irritated by what I love to do.

Fellow creatives, are we okay? It seems like the very thing we love to do — creating art — can leave us feeling drained which is confusing. But I've got a secret as someone whose dream career is a reality: we have to stop and take breaks from creating sometimes. Please don't throw tomatoes! I'm serous here.

Sprowl says, "For those who thrive on innovation, creative rest involves stepping back from the pressure to produce and immersing yourself in inspiration." See? I'm not just making this up! Just like the social rest I've become a pro at, I've learned how to go on little adventures around my neighborhood, discover new food places to eat, or get lost in one of my music playlists.

Sprowl says you too can "visit an art gallery, listen to music, read poetry, watch an artful movie or show, or simply allow yourself to enjoy beauty without the expectation of creating." Being in the moment "replenishes the well of inspiration" us creatives pull from, thus "preventing burnout and keeping creative pursuits joyful," according to her.

cottonbro studio

7. Sensory Rest: Getting real about sensory overload stopped me from being irritable.

Sensory overload is real! I'm extremely quick to tell my fiancé, "Honey, I'm feeling overstimulated and need a break" which he knows means I have about 5-10 minutes before my irritability says, "Peek-a-boo!" Becoming a mom made me more aware of how much adults can't always tell when there's too much going on for our liking so I've worked hard to be more aware.

If I can't stand being touched after a while or need the TV's volume lowered, it's a sign that I've been dealing with them for too long. Sprowl says, "Sensory rest requires reducing stimuli like bright screens, loud environments, or excessive multitasking. Consider dimming lights in the evening, unplugging from devices, or practicing sensory mindfulness, like focusing on a single sound or texture."

My favorite thing to do is take a hot shower in the dark sometimes. My fiancé thought it was strange the first time I did it, but now he knows it's something I need. Other things I'll do is sit on my office's floor and journal by myself. It's a nice way to tap into my inner calm instead of getting overly upset.

"In our overstimulating world, sensory rest calms the nervous system and helps prevent overwhelm," says Sprowl.

Focusing on 7 types of rest sounds like a lot, but it's not when you consider how many things can raise our cortisol levels. From internal to external irritants, we're constantly being bombarded with things that can cause pure exhaustion. It just makes more sense to me to prioritize self-care that doesn't always involve spending money.

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We never would have guessed that our favorite coffee chain would collaborate with Peanuts – yes, that Peanuts – but here we are. In the wild year that is 2025, Starbucks just dropped several adorable Snoopy cup designs, and we need them all.

Scroll on to discover the cutest Starbucks Snoopy cups and learn more about the new collab!


Starbucks and Peanuts dropped 3 Snoopy cups in honor of their new global brand partnership that celebrates “kindness, coffee, and community.” The brand partnership even includes Snoopy- and Peanuts-themed menu items that we're so bummed to not have in the U.S.


The exclusive designs will hit shelves at participating Starbucks stores starting March 25, and per Starbucks, the Snoopy cups will only be available for a limited time. That means run, don’t walk to your nearest Starbucks!


The designs range from $18-$30, so be prepared to spend a little extra. The best part about these new Snoopy cups, though, is the fact that you can bring them back to Starbucks for a $0.10 discount on your beverage order, and U.S. Starbucks Rewards members can receive 25 bonus Stars!

See The Starbucks Snoopy Cups Here!


Peanuts Friendship Ceramic Mug

This 14-ounce mug features the entire Peanuts gang while they sip on some Starbucks goodness. It goes for $24.95!


Peanuts Joe Kind Snoopy Stainless Steel Tumbler

This 16-ounce stainless steel tumbler pictures a new Snoopy persona, Joe Kind Snoopy, and Woodstock looking cheerful as ever. Fit with double-wall vacuum insulation, a spill-resistant flip lid, and a tapered body for a comfortable grip, it'll keep your hot drinks hot, and your cold drinks cold. It sells for $29.95.


Peanuts Love Plastic Cold Cup

If you love your cold bevs, this Starbucks Snoopy cup is for you! Spotted with illustrations of Joe Kind Snoopy and Woodstock that bring joy with every sip, you'll reach for this baby time and time again. It's part of the collection for $19.95!

Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest bits of Starbucks news sent right to your inbox!

Can't stop saying, "Piper, nooooooo" because of Parker Posey's portrayal of Victoria Ratliff in The White Lotus? We don't blame you because she knows how to steal a scene. Now that we think about it, she's been doing that for a while which is why we've been ruminating on some of the best movies she's appeared in.

Half of them are cult classics that have earned Parker Posey the title of a "90s indie queen," according to her The White Lotus co-star Michelle Monaghan(via E! News) and we agree. But she's also appeared in 2000s films we love watching too!

Whether it's been a supporting or starring role, Parker's found a way to steal the show with her memorable quips as well as unforgettable facial expressions.

Scroll to see which of Parker Posey's movies we've enjoyed throughout the years

1. Dazed and Confused (1993)

Universal Pictures/IMDB

P.S. It features the outdated and harmful practice of "hazing" so viewer discretion is advised.

Before there was Not Another Teen Movie, the '90s gave us Dazed and Confused. For several reasons, it's one of those indie cult classics that some of the biggest celebrities have appeared in. From Matthew McConaughey to Renée Zellwegger, viewers watched them portray high schoolers navigating the day before summer break.

Parker's role was a senior named Darla who was a part of a group who eagerly humiliated freshmen girls. Though she didn't have a huge breakout role, the familiar facial expressions we mentioned earlier were on full display.

2. Drunk Girls (1995)


Drunks is a little darker in nature than Dazed and Confused, but still maintains the indie spirit Parker's known for. It follows those who struggle with alcoholism and other addictions as they seek therapy for their issues. Between the main character's attempts at getting better and the other attendees' journeys, viewers are subject to the uneasy trajectory addicts face.

Parker's character was Debbie, a girl who loved partying but decided it wasn't worth drunk all the time. However, her new obsession happened to be football.

3. Party Girls (1995)

Sony Pictures/IMDB

That same year, Parker Posey appeared in Party Girl where she took on the role of partier Mary and her obsession with having as much fun as she could. When her habit lands her in trouble, she's indebted to her godmother and starts working at a library. Though things start going well, a lewd act causes her to lose her job and forces her to part ways with beloved vintage pieces.

Over time, Mary learns to grow up and find her true purpose in life while also realizing she can have fun doing things that don't get her in trouble.

4. The Daytrippers (1997)

Columbia Pictures/IMDB

The Daytrippers is another funny indie movie that takes viewers on a wild goose chase that ends with a shocking discovery. When one woman (Hope Davis) is convinced her husband's cheating on her, she and her family decide to take a trip to NYC to find out what's going on. Hilariously, Parker Posey plays the woman's sister who thinks it's a great idea to bring her boyfriend (Liev Schreiber) along for the adventure.

In a series of side-splitting moments, viewers watch as their family tries to solve the great mystery of who's at the center of the cheating scandal only to wish they didn't know towards the end of the movie.

5. The House of Yes (1997)

Miramax Films/IMDB

P.S. The topic of incest is broached in this movie.

Parker Posey takes on the role of a woman named "Jackie-O" who won't let go of JFK's assassination in The House of Yes. When her twin brother Marty Pascal reveals news of his engagement, Jackie-O does everything she can to cause friction between him and his new fiancée. Over time, it's revealed the twins had an uncharacteristically close relationship which explains Jackie-O's jealousy. However, things get even weirder when it seems like people are aware of Marty and Jackie-O's "relationship," which causes chaos and confusion.

By the end of the film, viewers are left shocked when Marty dies and it seems like Jackie-O's "plan" succeeded.

6. You've Got Mail (1998)

Warner Bros./IMDB

Next to Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail will always be one of our favorite love stories. However, Tom Hanks' Joe Fox doesn't remain in love with Parker Posey's Patricia Eden. As we all know and love, he instead falls for Meg Ryan's Kathleen Kelly after exchanging a series of AOL chat messages. However, they're unaware they're in charge of competing bookstores.

When their online messages lead to a mutual meetup and Joe realizes who Kathleen is, he almost decides it's not worth
"introducing" himself to her. But love is hard to ignore and the two eventually find themselves right where they're supposed to be by the end of the movie.


Scream 3 (2000)

When Parker Posey's Jennifer Jolie is posed to play Gail Weathers (Courtney Cox) in a new Stab 3 movie, the set is shut down when a new series of murders begins. Ironically, Jennifer and Dewey Riley (David Arquette) are in a relationship which bothers Gail. However, they have to set their petty rivalries aside as they work together with the remaining cast to figure out when the killer will strike next.

Sadly, the killer discovers where a secluded Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell) resides which forces her to help the cast as well. By the end of the film, it's revealed that killer's always know who Sidney is and was responsible for everything that's happened to her as well as everyone around her or the people involved in the Stab franchise.

And while we would've loved if Parker's Jennifer survived, she meets a terrible end towards the end of Scream 3.

8. Josie and the Pussycats (2001)

Universal Pictures/IMDB

Did you really grow up during the '90s if you didn't know who Josie and the Pussycats were? All jokes aside, this girl group felt similar to our reverence of The Spice Girls, but in kid-friendly form.

The movie follows The Pussycats (Rachael Leigh Cook, Tara Reid, and Rosario Dawson) as they try to secure a name for themselves in the music industry. They're discovered by MegaRecords executive Wyatt Frame (Alan Cumming) and sign the biggest deal of their lives.

They immediately begin feeling uncomfortable and it's all for good reason because MegaRecords' CEO Fiona (Parker Posey) is working the the government to essentially brainwash young teens who listen to music. There's also the obvious message that any musicians who discover what they're doing meet a terrible end so the company is able to continue its nefarious plot.

Towards the end of the movie, the brainwashing seems to come to an end and the beloved group is able to maintain their popularity without the aid of terrible messaging that could harm teens.

9. Blade: Trinity (2004)

New Line Cinema/IMDB

Parker Posey as Danica Talos in Blade: Trinity was one of favorite characters we loved to hate! She really put the "super" in supervillain because she was condescending and ruthless in her quest to help ruin Blade. However, what sealed it for us was when she and her team allowed for the death of the Nightstalkers' (Jessica Biel and Ryan Reynolds) trusted scientist Sommerfield.

Danica eventually meets a dramatic end where her corpse fades into ash and it feels like a delicious end to such a terrible character (we still love you Parker!).

10. Mascots (2016)

Scott Garfield/Netflix

Only Parkey Posey could pull off a character named Cindi Babineaux in Mascots who was among other actors portraying the lives of mascots getting ready to attend the World Mascot Association Championships. Taking it very seriously, viewers are given a BTS look at what it takes to prep for something "prestigious" as this and it's quirky as you think.

For starters, Cindi Babineaux's mascot is an armadillo whose moves are quite elaborate given her dancer's background. Secondly, the competition features outlandish routines that somehow make you root for the mascot you'll come to appreciate the most.

If you need something new to watch, see the other movies we can't stop talking about!