19 Stylish Ways to Upgrade Your Porch

how to upgrade your porch

Summertime means lots and lots of outdoor chill sessions are coming our way. One of our fave places to hang after work or on the weekends is our beloved porch. It's the perfect place to wind down or have an impromptu Friday night outdoor dinner (we're thinking mac and cheese). If you're like us and your outdoor space is in need of a little sprucing up after the last year, we've got just what you need. Get the cocktails ready and scroll through for some of our favorite accessories that will make you fall in love with your porch (or patio) again.

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://media.rbl.ms/image?u=%2Fis%2Fimage%2FUrbanOutfitters%2F52485802_016_d%3F%24xlarge%24%26fit%3Dconstrain%26fmt%3Djpg%26qlt%3D80%26wid%3D1314&ho=https%3A%2F%2Fs7d5.scene7.com&s=188&h=79f0f7f59c340b22ef5be1de2ae3f362d673685d0c13a281b176917167540165&size=980x&c=3484568264 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//media.rbl.ms/image%3Fu%3D%252Fis%252Fimage%252FUrbanOutfitters%252F52485802_016_d%253F%2524xlarge%2524%2526fit%253Dconstrain%2526fmt%253Djpg%2526qlt%253D80%2526wid%253D1314%26ho%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fs7d5.scene7.com%26s%3D188%26h%3D79f0f7f59c340b22ef5be1de2ae3f362d673685d0c13a281b176917167540165%26size%3D980x%26c%3D3484568264%22%7D" expand=1]

1. A Sloth Planter ($18): This little guy is the perfect addition to any outdoor table to display a tiny garden full of your favorite plants or cacti, plus he makes great company.

2. Hammock ($140): This cheerful fringe hammock comes in two different colors to fit your style. Lay back, grab a drink and a book, and get ready to feel like you're on a tropical vacay.

3. DIY Citronella Candles: Mosquitoes can ruin a great night outside. Keep the insects away without repelling your guests with these DIY citronella candles. (via Stop to Smell the Hydrangeas)

4. Tablecloth ($20): Just because you're having a dinner for one doesn't mean you can't dress things up. This tablecloth is sure to keep things fancy, even if you're still in yesterday's sweatpants.

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://media.rbl.ms/image?u=%2Fis%2Fimage%2FTarget%2FGUEST_cc759119-b869-413c-98ae-9293f4813f96%3Ffmt%3Dpjpeg%26wid%3D1400%26qlt%3D80&ho=https%3A%2F%2Ftarget.scene7.com&s=965&h=616c63ecc4ca1e48dbcfe87b1765eefe8b2675f69cc4f146b1603c207234037d&size=980x&c=255661302 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//media.rbl.ms/image%3Fu%3D%252Fis%252Fimage%252FTarget%252FGUEST_cc759119-b869-413c-98ae-9293f4813f96%253Ffmt%253Dpjpeg%2526wid%253D1400%2526qlt%253D80%26ho%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Ftarget.scene7.com%26s%3D965%26h%3D616c63ecc4ca1e48dbcfe87b1765eefe8b2675f69cc4f146b1603c207234037d%26size%3D980x%26c%3D255661302%22%7D" expand=1]

5. Doormat ($13): Don't forget a doormat so you won't accidentally dirty your floors every time you come back from walking the dog. You can't go wrong with flowers.

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://media.rbl.ms/image?u=%2Fis%2Fimage%2FAnthropologie%2F53055802_000_b2%3F%24a15-pdp-detail-shot%24%26fit%3Dconstrain%26fmt%3Djpg%26qlt%3D80%26wid%3D1314&ho=https%3A%2F%2Fs7d5.scene7.com&s=916&h=b84e26f405f4df9809e84027eba48ef0239ee5decc826c0abdc461b75168b8a8&size=980x&c=3470863982 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//media.rbl.ms/image%3Fu%3D%252Fis%252Fimage%252FAnthropologie%252F53055802_000_b2%253F%2524a15-pdp-detail-shot%2524%2526fit%253Dconstrain%2526fmt%253Djpg%2526qlt%253D80%2526wid%253D1314%26ho%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fs7d5.scene7.com%26s%3D916%26h%3Db84e26f405f4df9809e84027eba48ef0239ee5decc826c0abdc461b75168b8a8%26size%3D980x%26c%3D3470863982%22%7D" expand=1]

6. String Lights ($68): These dainty string lights are sure to twinkle and dazzle as you sit cozily on your porch.

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://media.rbl.ms/image?u=%2Fis%2Fimage%2FAnthropologie%2F45457458AA_010_b10%3F%24a15-pdp-detail-shot%24%26fit%3Dconstrain%26fmt%3Djpg%26qlt%3D80%26wid%3D1314&ho=https%3A%2F%2Fs7d5.scene7.com&s=218&h=e2ad5cf603564162d0af85f3788c5a74f660dcf330b5c59d4b4a7c9770be9ee4&size=980x&c=2664586711 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//media.rbl.ms/image%3Fu%3D%252Fis%252Fimage%252FAnthropologie%252F45457458AA_010_b10%253F%2524a15-pdp-detail-shot%2524%2526fit%253Dconstrain%2526fmt%253Djpg%2526qlt%253D80%2526wid%253D1314%26ho%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fs7d5.scene7.com%26s%3D218%26h%3De2ad5cf603564162d0af85f3788c5a74f660dcf330b5c59d4b4a7c9770be9ee4%26size%3D980x%26c%3D2664586711%22%7D" expand=1]

7. Throw Pillows ($68): Throw pillows are another way to add color and comfort to your porch. Choose one or many!

8. Swing Chair ($300): This chair is supported by a large steel bracket, meaning it's a stable choice for daily use. Plus we love the rattan-weave structures. We could definitely sit in this little nook and read for hours and hours.

9. Cocktail Set ($65): This cocktail kit has all of the tools you need to stir, shake or muddle up those refreshing afternoon cocktails.

10. Macrame Hanging Planter ($28): Whether housing an herb garden or colorful succulents, these planters will add both style and greenery to your porch.

11. DIY Bar Cart: Give old furniture new life by adding a coat of paint and using it as an outdoor piece. In this case, an old TV stand was turned into a stylish bar cart for all of those late-night porch cocktails. (via The Chronicles of Home)

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://media.rbl.ms/image?u=%2Ffcgi-bin%2Fiipsrv.fcgi%3FFIF%3D%2Fimages%2Fworldmarket%2Fsource%2F82412_XXX_v5.tif%26wid%3D2000%26cvt%3Djpeg&ho=https%3A%2F%2Fii.worldmarket.com&s=184&h=30c0765bd2c1b715149deec71173335ef00f18dbc42030cddee311ff7914662f&size=980x&c=2037386687 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//media.rbl.ms/image%3Fu%3D%252Ffcgi-bin%252Fiipsrv.fcgi%253FFIF%253D%252Fimages%252Fworldmarket%252Fsource%252F82412_XXX_v5.tif%2526wid%253D2000%2526cvt%253Djpeg%26ho%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fii.worldmarket.com%26s%3D184%26h%3D30c0765bd2c1b715149deec71173335ef00f18dbc42030cddee311ff7914662f%26size%3D980x%26c%3D2037386687%22%7D" expand=1]

12. Garden in a Can Kit ($25): No green thumb is required to cultivate your own tiny garden when you have these easy-peasy can gardens. Plants include from mint, cilantro, and basil.

13. Square Tray Top Table ($120): Add a little minimalist function with this industrial end table. It's made with durable materials and will last through quite a few years of holding drinks, food or whatever else you decide to store on the surface.

14. Acrylic Beverage Dispenser ($40): You won't go thirsty with this outdoor-friendly acrylic beverage dispenser.

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://media.rbl.ms/image?u=%2Fis%2Fimage%2FAnthropologie%2F45544438AA_100_b10%3F%24a15-pdp-detail-shot%24%26fit%3Dconstrain%26fmt%3Djpg%26qlt%3D80%26wid%3D1314&ho=https%3A%2F%2Fs7d5.scene7.com&s=203&h=9fbaa221f7e2c4ab5ff3e9a65a591de9c8ae7c5d3acd81049173bcd71c6225d1&size=980x&c=2935872161 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//media.rbl.ms/image%3Fu%3D%252Fis%252Fimage%252FAnthropologie%252F45544438AA_100_b10%253F%2524a15-pdp-detail-shot%2524%2526fit%253Dconstrain%2526fmt%253Djpg%2526qlt%253D80%2526wid%253D1314%26ho%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fs7d5.scene7.com%26s%3D203%26h%3D9fbaa221f7e2c4ab5ff3e9a65a591de9c8ae7c5d3acd81049173bcd71c6225d1%26size%3D980x%26c%3D2935872161%22%7D" expand=1]

15. Concha Capiz Lantern ($48-$78): Switch out your string of lights for these mermaid lanterns that will look stylish both during the day and when lit up at night.

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://media.rbl.ms/image?u=%2Fis%2Fimage%2FAnthropologie%2F48703755_059_b%3F%24a15-pdp-detail-shot%24%26fit%3Dconstrain%26fmt%3Djpg%26qlt%3D80%26wid%3D1314&ho=https%3A%2F%2Fs7d5.scene7.com&s=25&h=1b5e3f1243f61c7445896be6f2f5a5e7ec349ed55181941299366bd78d792b79&size=980x&c=1937113809 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//media.rbl.ms/image%3Fu%3D%252Fis%252Fimage%252FAnthropologie%252F48703755_059_b%253F%2524a15-pdp-detail-shot%2524%2526fit%253Dconstrain%2526fmt%253Djpg%2526qlt%253D80%2526wid%253D1314%26ho%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fs7d5.scene7.com%26s%3D25%26h%3D1b5e3f1243f61c7445896be6f2f5a5e7ec349ed55181941299366bd78d792b79%26size%3D980x%26c%3D1937113809%22%7D" expand=1]

16. Waterfall Stemless Wine Glasses ($56 for 4): These acrylic glasses are perfect for serving cocktails outdoors.

17. SantaFe Rug ($116): Rather than dealing with the upkeep of staining or painting your porch, use a bright patterned rug to add a pop of color to the space.

18. Copper Drink Tub ($90): Keep this copper tub on hand and store the essentials on ice so you can get an ice-cold water or beer without getting up from your seat.

19. DIY Terra Cotta Pots: Spruce up those pots and start your own herb garden this summer. Just imagine picking fresh mint to muddle for those mojitos at your next porchtime hangout. (via Brit + Co)

What are some of your favorite porch essentials? Let us know @BritandCo!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This piece has been updated from a previous post.

'Tis the season... for giving and getting things you (and your giftees) might not really need. With sustainability becoming a paramount concern for many and the drawbacks of overconsumption entering our collective consciousness, the idea of gifting thoughtful, handmade, and possibly even zero-waste gifts is becoming ever more appealing. The only problem? We're not all as handy as we might like to be. Don't worry though — you don't need to be an expert maker to craft these DIY Christmas gifts! From beginner to advanced, there's a homemade Christmas gift idea for giver and giftee alike.

1. Edible DIY Christmas Gift Ideas

Brit + Co

If you know your way around a kitchen, don't sleep on the opportunity to give your loved ones an edible gift. You know it'll get used (AKA eaten), and it's essentially a zero-waste gift-giving strategy.

We love making pretty desserts that work well as gifts, like this matcha yogurt bark, this peppermint bark, these super easy Christmas cookie recipes, and these edible gift ideas. Package them up with these creative gift wrapping techniques, or forego paper altogether and wrap them with a cute kitchen towel for a zero-waste approach.

2. DIY Craft Kits To Gift


If you're a complete beginner to DIY and handmade Christmas gifts, it might be smart to start out with a kit. A DIY kit allows you to fashion a thoughtful gift that shows your recipient just how much time and effort you put into giving them something special.

This DIY permanent jewelry kit is perfect for someone who wants to give their bestie a one-of-a-kind present this year. You can also DIY Christmas-scented candles, grow your loved one's birth month flower, or construct a super-cute tiny house to be displayed as kitschy decor.

3. Handmade Christmas Gifts

Photo By: Kaboompics.com

We love a good DIY. Our favorite presents are handmade Christmas gifts, and we've shared a ton of homemade gift ideas in our time.

A cute winter terrarium is perfect for the quirky decor lover in your life, while nothing brings the hygge vibes more than a hand-knit blanket. Give your favorite houseplant lover some gorgeous flora in one of these DIY cement planters, or embroider a pillow that'll add a cute touch of color to your bestie's home!

4. DIY Home Decor

Brit + Co

Speaking of your bestie's home, we've got plenty of ideas for DIY Christmas gifts you can give in the home decor category.

Spruce up a simple IKEA desk to give your work wife a WFH chair that's cute and from the heart. Make magazine wall art in your giftee's favorite colors to add a homemade, kitschy touch to their space. This Anthro-inspired DIY chandelier is another great option for artsy decor lovers.

A friend who loves hostessing will appreciate this pineapple cutting board, and someone who's into the beauty of organization will swoon over this DIY wall organizer.

DIY Jewelry

Brit + Co

Many of us adore jewelry, so why not give someone in your life a cute and colorful accessory this holiday season? These acrylic earrings are super colorful and adorable, while this DIY choker is '90s inspired and totally on-trend. We also love this geode statement necklace and this cute necklace made out of old tee shirts. Talk about sustainable style!

Love these DIY Christmas gift ideas? Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for gift guides, recipes, and other holiday inspo!

Brit + Co. may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

If there's one thing I love to see, it's celebrities going makeup-free. And I'll celebrate it every single time! In addition to Drew Barrymore taking her makeup off on live TV (and throwing her extensions on the ground) and Millie Bobby Brown showing off her acne in selfies, Lady Gaga loves to go makeup-free. Remember when she performed at the Oscars with no makeup and ripped jeans?! Well the actress and singer just posted another adorable selfie without a stitch of makeup.

Here's what Lady Gaga had to say about "Die With A Smile" alongside her no-makeup selfie.

Lady Gaga is "so grateful" the song is #1.

To celebrate "Die With A Smile" (her song with Bruno Mars) hitting number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100, Lady Gaga posted a photo of her laying in the grass with a huge grin on her face — and without any makeup.

"Thank you to all of the monsters and hooligans for helping make 'Die With A Smile' #1 on the Billboard Hot 100! We love you and are so grateful," she says in the post. "Having multiple songs of mine hit #1 across three decades feels surreal, and I am overwhelmed by the love and support you have shown me from the beginning. I have so much more in store for you and can’t wait to share it."

Friends and fans flooded the comments with everyone from Noah Cyrus saying, "you’re so gorgeous," to a fan account adding, "Thank you for your art! So proud of you and Bruno. You deserve this!"

And she loved recording it with Bruno Mars!

The song was released on August 16, and in a statement to Page Six, Lady Gaga praised Bruno Mars as a collaborator. “Bruno and I have a lot of mutual respect for each other and were talking about collaborating,” she says. “I was finishing up my own album in Malibu, and one night after a long day he asked me to come to his studio to hear something he was working on...It was around midnight when I got there, and I was blown away when I heard what he had started making.”

After revealing they "stayed up all night” to finish both writing and recording it, Lady Gaga continues, “Bruno’s talent is beyond explanation. His musicianship and vision is next level. There’s no one like him." There's no one like you either Gaga!

Has "Die With A Smile" been on repeat for you? Let us know your favorite Lady Gaga song on Instagram!

Who says your Christmas dinner needs to be fancy + formal? Have a little fun with your falalalala! These 23 whimsical serving dishes add a bit of charm to your holiday table. From playful platters and creative charcuterie boards to holiday-themed serving and punch bowls, these serving dishes bring on the festive cheer at all your gatherings, and are conversation starters to boot. Check out these holiday must-haves for your home and for great gift ideas!

Serving dishes and serving plates that'll make your holiday tablescape look amazing:


Terrain Scalloped Rim Stoneware Round Serving Platter

Playful scalloped edges are going to make your holiday table feel fresh and trendy — and a little less stuffy.


Anthropologie Benedita Bow Stoneware Platter

Bows are big this holiday season. Serve up your mains on this pretty bow platter with a bow-shaped serving set.

Casa Amarosa

Casa Amarosa Serving Platter

The color pink is also a holiday favorite this season. Lighten things up with a pretty in pink serving platter.


Hand-Painted Stoneware Footed Bowl

Hand-painted stripes with a bit of a circus vibe puts everyone in the festive holiday spirit.

Pink Antlers

Papa Noel Punch Bowl

Pour your favorite punch into this Santa head for a good jolly laugh.

Neiman Marcus

Nutcracker Stacking Mugs, Set of 4

Dress up dessert and coffee these adorable stacking mugs that make a fun gift for the coffee lover in your life.


Holifaye Ceramic Stoneware Butter Dish

Can you please pass the butter in this festive holiday dish? So cute.

Mark & Graham

Flamingo Punch Bowl and Ladle Set

Get kitschy this holiday with a personalized flamingo punch bowl.


Gold Christmas Tree Candy Dish

Put your favorite Christmas candy out for guests on this gold candy dish.


Joy Christmas Charcuterie Board

Oh joy, this charcuterie board can be used to separate fruits, sweets, veggies and meats.


Christmas Cardinal Candy Dish

Cardinals are bright addition to your holiday table.


Mud Pie Snowflake Tree Chip & Dip Bowls

This snowflake serving dish is perfect for dipping.


Mud Pie Nutcracker Serving Platter

Get in the holiday spirit with this platter for meats and sides.

Madison's Niche

Dog Cracker Dish

Dog lovers will love this cracker dish, perfect for your charcuterie platter.

Target Wreath Cutting Board

Fill up this cutting board with fruits, nuts, and cheeses for a spectacular cheese dish.


Anthropologie Fir Tree Cheeseboard

A cheeseboard that's also perfect for your holiday cookie party.

Uncommon Goods

Hungry Hedgehog Food Server

Poke your favorite appetizer on a stick in this oh-so-cute hedgehog server.

World Market

World Market Peppermint Serving Bowl

Serve candy, bread rolls, salad — or whatever you please! — on these sweet bowls.


Terrain Scalloped Glass Serving Stand

Serve dessert and holiday cookies on this adorable stand.


Creative Co-Op Stoneware Candy Shaped Plate

Here's another whimsical candy-shaped plate to serve dessert on your holiday table.

Pottery Barn Kids

PB Kids Gingerbread People Ceramic Divided Platter

This platter also works for dips, cut veggies, olives, and more.

Pottery Barn

Pottery Barn Ceramic Gingerbread Train

How fun is this train you'll want to bring out every season? Fill it with bread rolls, crackers, candy canes, greenery and more.

Maison Flâneur

“This Kitchen Is For Dancing” Scalloped Tray

Have a little extra fun in the kitchen with this tray. ;)

Looking for more holiday inspo? Sign up for our weekly email newsletter so you never miss a thing!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Many people look for the new year to bring new opportunities and, in some cases, a fresh start altogether. But for me? As a longtime entertainment reporter, there is one thing I can’t help but get excited about when another year rolls around: the upcoming movie releases and, of course, the most anticipated television shows. While I'm looking forward to see what happens to Eleven and the rest of the Hawkins crew in Stranger Things 5 on Netflix, there are a bunch of new TV shows that have been at the top of my watch list from the moment they were first announced, including Suits: LA and It: Welcome to Derry.

Here are the 2025 television shows that should be on your radar (if they aren’t already!).

Severance Season 2 — On Apple TV+ January, 17 2025

Apple TV+

After Mark Scout, Helly, and Irving learn the truth about the “severance” experiment and manage to break free from its clutches in the Severance season 1 finale, the three coworkers (along with the rest of the Lumon Industries employees) are forced to return to work in the second installment of the series. Now that Mark and some of his peers know what the company was really doing to the Lumon staff, one could only wonder: What are Lumon Industries's hidden objectives? (And what’s with all the GOATS?!)

Severance season 2 premieres on Apple TV+ on January 17, 2024 and stars Adam Scott, Britt Lower, John Turturro, Dichen Lachman, Dichen Lachman and Patricia Arquette.

The White Lotus Season 3 — On HBO and Max February 16, 2025

Mario Perez/HBO

Pack your bags, White Lotus fans, because our favorite hotel residents are catching a first-class flight to…Thailand! While there are a bunch of new guests checking into a luxury hotel, there’s one returning guest who needs no introduction. Natasha Rothwell, who made her debut at Belinda Lindsey in The White Lotus season 1, is the only returning cast making a brief cameo in season 3. Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui, here we come!

The White Lotus season 3 is coming in February and will star Leslie Bibb, Jason Isaacs, Michelle Monaghan, Carrie Coon, Parker Posey, Patrick Schwarzenegger and Blackpink’s Lisa Manobal.

The Last of Us Season 2 — On HBO and Max in April 2025

Liane Hentscher/HBO

I can’t be the only one still thinking about that bombshell season one finale of HBO’s The Last of Us! And apparently, I’m not the only one who’s eager to see the continuation of Joel and Ellie’s story in season 2. Fans of the video game adaptation have been keeping their eyes peeled for a new update about season 2. And one teaser later, we might have just gotten the news we’ve been looking for. Following the 2024 Emmy Awards, Chairman and CEO of HBO and Max Content Casey Bloys toldDeadline that The Last of Us season 2 will premiere around “generally first half of the year [2025], I expect them to be in the Emmy window.”

The Last of Us season 2 will star Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, Gabriel Luna, Rutina Wesley, Kaitlyn Dever, Isabela Merced, Young Mazino, Spencer Lord, Danny Ramirez, Catherine O'Hara, Jeffrey Wright, Tati Gabrielle and Ariela Barer.

The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 3 — On Prime Video in 2025

Erika Doss/Prime Video

It's almost time to return to Cousins Beach, and I have missed all the hydrangeas, fair rides, and ocean sunrises. We haven't heard for sure whether season 3 will be the end of the road for this series, but if it follows even a few chapters in the third book in The Summer I Turned Pretty series, We'll Always Have Summer, then we will absolutely be getting some drama.

The Summer I Turned Pretty season 3 premieres in 2025 and stars Lola Tung, Christopher Briney, Gavin Casalegno, Sean Kaufman, Rain Spencer, Jackie Chung, and Rachel Blanchard.

It: Welcome to Derry — On Max in 2025

Warner Bros. Entertainment

Bill, Richie, Beverly and the rest of the Losers Club members might have been able to defeat Pennywise in It: Chapter Two, but that doesn’t mean we've seen the last of Derry, Maine. Serving as a prequel series to the It movie franchise directed by Andres Muschietti, Welcome to Derry will delve into Pennywise’s origin story and how the child-preying clown arrived in Derry. But that’s not even the best part: Bill Skarsgård, who starred in It and It: Chapter Two, will reprise his role as the killer clown in the upcoming HBO series, which will be released in 2025. So until then, no accepting red balloons from creepy clowns, okay?

It: Welcome to Derry will star Jovan Adepo, Chris Chalk, Taylour Paige, James Remar, Stephen Rider, Madeleine Stowe, Alixandra Fuchs, Kimberly Guerrero, Joshua Odjick and Morningstar Angeline.

Stranger Things Season 5 — On Netflix in 2025


I’ve been a fan of Stranger Things since it premiered on Netflix back in 2016, and come next year, longtime fans like myself will finally get to see how the story ends. Last time we saw Eleven, Mike, Will and the rest of the Hellfire Club crew, they were facing an impending apocalypse after Vecna’s devious plan came to full fruition. So, will the group of friends defeat Vecna and save their home? Guess we’ll just have to wait and see because Stranger Things 5 likely won’t premiere until late 2025. Now, all we need is that release date, Netflix…

Stranger Things 5 is coming to Netflix soon and stars Millie Bobby Brown, Noah Schnapp, Finn Wolfhard, Caleb McLaughlin, Gaten Matarazzo, Natalia Dyer, Charlie Heaton, Sadie Sink, Maya Hawke, Joe Keery, David Harbour, Winona Ryder, Amybeth McNulty, and Priah Ferguson.

Suits: L.A. — On NBC in 2025

David Astorga/NBC

Court is back in session! Only this time, our favorite lawyers from the OG Pearson Hardman firm are not on the case. Thanks to Netflix, the original Suits (which starred the Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle) experienced a renaissance of sorts upon its arrival to the streaming service in June 2023. And as a result, NBCUniversal ordered a spinoff series earlier this year. But instead of the bustling streets of New York City, a new group of lawyers are setting up shop in the Golden State in Suits L.A.

The new spinoff will center around an entertainment and criminal lawler named Ted Black, who launches his own law firm in California after moving from the East Coast. Originally, Suits L.A was slated to be a part of NBCUniversal’s 2024-2025 lineup. However, according to Deadline, there was a slight change in the production location, making a Fall 2025 release more likely. So, who’s up for a Suits marathon?

Suits L.A. is speculated to premiere sometime in 2025 and is set to star Ted Black, Josh McDermitt, Rachelle Goulding, Victoria Justice, Troy Wingush, Bryan Greenberg, Lex Scott Davis, John Amos, Kevin Weistman and Alice Lee.

Wednesday Season 2 — On Netflix in 2025


Looks like Jenna Ortega won’t be giving us another macabre number anytime soon because Wednesday season 2 won’t arrive on Netflix until 2025. In a new interview with Vanity Fair, Ortega teases the upcoming installment will be much “darker” this time around. “I think the feel that we’re going for is a little bit more horror-inspired,” the Beetlejuice Beetlejuicestar adds. “Not to say that suddenly we’re the goriest show of all time. I mean, there’s six-year-olds watching.”

“This season is going to be bigger and more twisted than you can ever imagine," Catherine Zeta-Jones says in the new Wednesday season 2 first look.

“If we showed you any more, your eyes would bleed,” Ortega says. “And I'm not that generous.”

What TV show are you most excited to see in 2025? Personally, I can’t wait for Sweet Magnolias season 4 to drop! (Margarita, anyone?) Make sure to follow us on TikTok and Facebook for more TV exclusives and latest news updates!

This post has been updated.

Kate Middleton has been top of mind for a lot of people over the last year after the princess announced in March 2024 she was battling cancer. "The last nine months have been incredibly tough for us as a family. Life as you know it can change in an instant and we have had to find a way to navigate the stormy waters and road unknown," she shared in a video update. "This time has above all reminded William and me to reflect and be grateful for the simple yet important things in life, which so many of us often take for granted. Of simply loving and being loved." And in honor of Kate's 43rd birthday, Prince William posted the sweetest tribute honoring her strength and perseverance.

Here's what Prince William had to say in Kate Middleton's birthday tribute.

Prince William celebrates "incredible" Kate Middleton's "strength."

Kate Middleton turned 43 on January 9, 2025. In honor of the big day, Prince William took to Instagram to celebrate, praising his "incredible" wife.

"To the most incredible wife and mother. The strength you’ve shown over the last year has been remarkable," he says in the post. "George, Charlotte, Louis and I are so proud of you. Happy Birthday, Catherine. We love you. W."

And well wishers flooded the comments. "Happy Birthday Catherine, wishing you a wonderful year ahead surrounded by family and loved ones," one user says, while another adds, "Happy Birthday Princess of Wales! What a gorgeous photo. Wishing you a wonderful year 😍 xx"

And the tribute comes after revealing Kate was doing "amazing" following her cancer battle.

The birthday celebration comes after the prince shared an update on Kate in early November that had us all breathing a sigh of relief. “She's doing really well thanks. And hopefully, she is watching tonight. So cheering me on," he said before the Earthshot Prize awards (via People). “She's been amazing this whole this whole year. I know she will be really keen to see tonight be a success."

"From what I understand, Catherine is doing very well," royal author Robert Jobson added in an interview withHello!that same week. "She is back training at the gym and doing all the things she wanted to do."

We're sending Kate Middleton so much birthday love! For more about your favorite members of the Royal Family, check out Meghan Markle’s New Netflix Cooking Show Will Feature Some Of Your Fave Celebs.