No, I Actually Don't Need My Postpartum Body To "Bounce Back"

postpartum body

First thing's first — body insecurities are real no matter if you're tall, petite, curvy, thin, or somewhere in-between. Anyone who has them tends to think something is wrong with the way they look, and can become fixated on trying to correct perceived 'flaws.' Pop culture and beauty standards can play a role in that, but sometimes our own communities can contribute to us feeling unsure of the bodies we have.

I've struggled with body image issues for a greater part of my life, but the hardships I experienced in my postpartum body have helped me start looking at myself differently. From internalizing snarky comments made by others to welcoming the changes made after giving birth, here's how I learned how to truly embrace self-love.

The Moments That Sparked My Body Insecurity

Jasmine Williams

An annoyed younger me posing for a police convention at my local mall

I can't remember how old I was, but the first time I heard variations of, "She's so little. Are you sure you're feeding her," was from church and family members. Meant as harmless jokes, they caused me to become hyper aware of my body in a way I'd never been before.

I knew people looked different, but my innocence made me believe it didn't matter. Adults were the ones who taught me it did, and if you didn't look 'just right'? Well, you'd eventually hear hushed whispers about it. From that point on, I stopped being picky with my food and tried to eat more than I usually did. But, guess whose body remained the same?

The more I ate and the more my body didn't change, the more I started to resent it for not looking the way I thought a well-fed child's body should look.

Jasmine Williams

Introduction To Puberty

By the time I'd reached 3rd grade, I started hearing whispers about girls who were going through puberty. There was a ton of excitement about getting your period, but mostly everyone talked about how bodies started to 'fill out.' I was disappointed when 'the change' didn't happen for me that year, but I kept hope alive. Needless to say, I didn't gain weight in elementary school even though my friends' bodies were changing.The only signs of puberty I had were the first signs of underarm and pubic hair.

I didn't get my period until after the first day of sixth grade. It was relatively uneventful because I wasn't in pain and didn't see the second one until months later. As the months passed, my periods came and went. But, my body still looked unappealing to me. It didn't help that the guys in school were looking at girls who were more curvaceous either. I had major side character energy in school (or so I thought) and it was awful IMO. It's not that I wasn't liked, but the guys I thought were worth going after had their sights set on girls who didn't look like me.

By the time I made it to my junior year in high school, I stopped worrying about my appearance as much. I'd stopped really focusing on boys and started having fun with new friends. That was the best year in high school because my elective was a journalism class where I became the entertainment editor for the school newspaper. As far as my body insecurity? I barely thought twice about it because I felt I had more to offer than looks.

The Slow Journey To Accepting My Body

Jasmine Williams

By the time I was in my early twenties, it was beyond clear that the body I had was the one given to me. I was tired of wishing I wasn't so slender and decided to start accepting my body for how it looked. I wish I could say I was 100% okay with my body after writing down a ton of affirmations to look at daily, but I wasn't.

I didn't start making peace with being slender until after I turned 28 (right after this photo was taken), and it started to feel good to stop worrying about why I wasn't a certain size. I'd wake up and be more concerned about wearing things that made me feel good instead of fixating on why my body was so small. Honestly, I didn't even flinch the day I found out I was pregnant because I figured I wouldn't gain much weight.

Jasmine Williams

Pregnancy + Postpartum Body Changes

I should've prefaced that last sentence by saying I was convinced I'd still be small during pregnancy because my mom was small — like me — until her second pregnancy. Along with other people, I thought I'd have a round basketball in my stomach and that would be it. But, the day my stepdad rushed my fiancé and I to the hospital so I could give birth is the day I realized I'd gone from 117 pounds to 157.

I was blissfully unaware that my body had changed that much, and it was shocking because I couldn't fit into my carefully curated pre-pregnancy wardrobe. Not only was my postpartum body sore, but it also felt like I'd sprouted extra inches around my waist, hips, and thighs. I went from wanting those things to hating them when they started showing up.

I was devastated because I felt like I'd just learned how to accept my body, only to find new changes waiting for me to welcome into the picture. Also, everything was so soft and squishy — unlike the days where my slender frame felt like it had just enough to cover my bones.

Jasmine Williams

Sadly, I lashed out at my fiancé a ton because I felt uncomfortable in my body — even though he couldn't see anything wrong with it. I was convinced he was trying to do damage control every time he tried to reassure me because I was dealing with major body insecurity.

I didn't start to truly see myself until I started going back to therapy and chose to accept my body as it is. This didn't happen overnight either. I wrote a ton of affirmations on sticky notes to place on my bathroom mirror, and recounted all the miraculous changes my body's gone through over the years. I also started giving myself grace for all the times I wasn't so kind to my body and made myself live in that space until it didn't feel like I had imposter syndrome anymore.

At the time of writing this, my son is three and I'm finally able to look in the mirror without criticizing myself — and I have the fourth trimester to thank for that. My postpartum body expanded in ways I never thought was possible, and it's shown me that change is only bad when I try to hold tight to other people's expectations.

How I Maintain Love For My Postpartum Body

Jasmine Williams

Technically I haven't been postpartum in a while, but I always refer to my body this way because it serves as a reminder that it's been a long journey towards acceptance. The ways I continue to pour into myself vary from day to day, but here's the gist of what helps:

  1. Daily Affirmations
  2. Words Of Encouragement From My Partner
  3. Reminders That My Body Knew What To Do To Carry A Child For 9 Months
  4. Wearing Clothes I Genuinely Feel Good In
  5. Replacing Negative Thoughts With Positive Ones
  6. Giving Myself Grace For All The Moments I Hated My Body
  7. Daily Gratitude Practice
  8. Accepting That My Body Will Ebb & Flow Over The Years
  9. Solo Dance Parties In My Bra & Underwear (I'm so serious, ha!)
  10. Touching The Expanded Parts Of My Body & Saying "Hi")

I'm sure I'll change again over the years, but the love and acceptance my postpartum body has given me is here to stay.

We have more encouraging health and self improvement stories for you to read whenever you need inspiration to be kinder to yourself via words, health, or diet.

Has anyone else felt like their mid-year reset skipped them...or is that just me? Truthfully, my mental health started teetering towards the beginning of the year while my self-care has taken a swan dive into a forgotten abyss.

In an attempt to redirect myself, I've hit pause on rom-coms and thriller books so I can have more time for peaceful introspection. It turns out escapism is fun until you realize how much you've been neglecting yourself.

There are so many titles out there, but these 15 self-care books are the most brilliant ones I've come across!

P.S. Some of these books are in heavy rotation! Keep them handy for the days you're feeling down!


Consider This: Reflections for Finding Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab (October 15, 2024)

Therapist and bestselling author Nedra Glover Tawwab captured my attention with her titles Set Boundaries, Find Peace and Drama Free: A Guide to Managing Unhealthy Family Relationships so much that I always have them on my desk. It's one of the reasons I'm so excited to dive into her new book, Consider This: Reflections for Finding Peace, next month!

It's almost as if she has secret intel, with all the precious nuggets she'll share that will help us center ourselves during tough moments. From friendly reminders to loving, but firm nudges, Tawwab provides guidance on everything from boundaries to finding joy during every moment.


Slowing: Discover Wonder, Beauty, and Creativity Through Slow Living by Rachel Schwartzmann

Author and Slow Stories podcast host Rachel Schwartzmann is here to remind us to slow TF down. Between receiving new information at the speed of light and having busy schedules, it's no wonder we're so stressed! Instead of being controlled by work and business, Schwartzmann wants us to reimagine the way we live and create.

She has poignant essays about the positive effects of slowing down — plus, she introduces readers to other voices who have insight about their own experiences with doing so! There are even "guided practices" to help reignite our introspection and creativity through journaling.


The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control: A Path to Peace and Power by Katherine Morgan Schafler

Perfectionists, we've been summoned with a guide that wants to give us permission to stop trying to control everything. It's so funny — this book landed on my radar after stressing about how I haven't felt in control for a long time. See how life works?

Anyway, psychotherapist Morgan Schafler knows we've been spoon-fed ideology about having balance in our lives, and feels like it's actually not helpful in the long run. She even helps categorize different versions of perfectionism: classic, intense, Parisian, messy, and procrastinator. Yes, that's right. Your procrastinating habit is rooted in perfectionism.

Instead of telling you to get rid of a part of who you are, Schafler breaks down why we respond to things a certain way and teaches how to live life so that our perfectionism doesn't necessarily control every single thing we do.


The Secret Language of the Body by Jennifer Mann and Karden Rabin

Do you know the role our nervous systems plays in our bodies? It's basically our in-house communication center for messages between our brains and bodies. It's what triggers or flight or fight mode, which comes in handy if we're trying to escape a bristly bear in the woods, but does nothing for us if we're upset someone cut us in line at Starbucks. Little moments like that lead to nervous system dysregulation and can cause a lot of pain.

Mind-body practitioners Jen Mann and Karden Rabin wrote The Secret Language of the Body as way to help us understand what truly goes on in our nervous systems. They dive into topics like somatic therapy, Polyvagal theory, and how our minds and bodies are connected so we can stop living in survival mode.


The Joy of Saying No by Natalie Lue

You know what's even harder to navigate life with besides perfectionism? It's being a people pleaser and considering everyone else's feelings before you think about your own.

The Joy of Saying No aims to explain how this is often rooted in our childhoods from being known as the good kid to the one who believes overachieving makes them more likable. It's true these roles served a function, but they can also stop us from being who we are as adults. Natalie Lue wants to help us recognize how we continue to operate in people-pleasing mode via six steps so we can reset our connection to others.


Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski, PhD and Amelia Nagoski, DMA

I'm going to talk about this book forever! It's one of my go-to reads when I'm experiencing so much burnout I can barely think straight. Sisters Emily Nagoski, Phd and Amelia Nagoski, DMA know that burnout isn't a new phenomenon — nor are they claiming it is. What they do know is too many women continue to experience it and are determined to help us change course.

There's lessons about how to move through our natural biological stress cycles, check in with our brains when we're frustrated, and get intimate with our inner critics who live to remind us that we're not doing enough. It's written so beautifully that you'll feel like you're talking to a friend who majored in psychology, but still has the same down-to-earth attitude you first encountered as kids.


The Sugar Jar: Create Boundaries, Embrace Self-Healing, and Enjoy the Sweet Things in Life by Yasmine Cheyenne

Yasmine Cheyenne's Sugar Jar metaphor is one of the easiest ways for us to realize how depleted we can become if we're not managing our boundaries and healing. From leaving our proverbial jars open, we become subject to energy vampires and moments we don't recognize we need to replenish ourselves until we're on the brink of burnout.

She teaches us how to understand what makes us feel exhausted, how we can press reset, and break up with our own negative habits. Also, she taps into our people-pleasing tendencies so we can find healthier ways to show up for ourselves and others.


What It Takes to Heal: How Transforming Ourselves Can Change the World by Prentis Hemphill

Prentis Hemphill knows the past few years have left everyone feeling off balance which is why What It Takes to Heal was written. It's a call-to-arms to remind us that our healing isn't optional if we want to move forward in the world.

You'll learn how to pay attention to how our body responds to certain things, including our own habits, and you'll figure out how to stop bearing the weight of emotional burdens. But instead of being in isolation, Hemphill encourages you to embrace being part of a community.


Sacred Self-Care: Daily Practices for Nurturing Our Whole Selves by Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes

Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes is offering helpful insights for how to being nurturing ourselves in Sacred Self-Care. As a psychologist, pastor, and activist, she's seen how hard it is for people to maintain a self-care practice that helps them navigate life.

As such, she's developed a seven-week guide filled with practices and activities that hone in on our emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health. With each passing day, you'll receive journal prompts and scriptures that will help set the tone for the day. It's like a devotional from a psychologist's perspective and that can be great if you rely on both therapy as well as religion to get through your days.


You Are Only Just Beginning: Lessons for the Journey Ahead by Morgan Harper Nichols

Morgan Harper Nichols hasn't shied away from sharing her story and encouraging words with others on Instagram which is why it makes sense she's written You Are Only Just Beginning: Lessons for the Journey Ahead. She wants to help us embrace adventurous moments while sharing reminders that hard moments are temporary.

Sometimes all we need is a little courage to keep going when things feel bleak.


The Book of Moods: How I Turned My Worst Emotions Into My Best Life by Lauren Martin

Have you ever felt burdened by mood swings? If so, I completely understand because I often question my own and so did author Lauren Martin. She hit a wall a few years ago even though it seemed like her life was perfect on the surface. No matter what she did, she couldn't shake feeling inferior of irritable. It wasn't only she crossed paths with another successful stranger who felt the same that Lauren begin to seek to understand her emotions.

The Book of Moods: How I Turned My Worse Emotions Into My Best Life is a recollection of Lauren's journey and how she learned to find peace. She talks about varying triggers everyone has faced and blends her own wisdom with science-backed evidence to help us make informed decisions.


Self-Care for Moms by Sara Robinson, MA

Moms are often praised for our ability to be self-sacrificing and resilient in the face of hardship, but I'd be lying if I said it felt like people seem to forget we're human. We do care a lot and have the warm nurturing nature everyone talks about, but we also have our limits lest we fall victim to burnout.

Self-Care for Moms offers over 100 activities designed to remind moms how to pour into ourselves daily. Whether it's a 5-minute phone call or hour lunch with a friend sans kids, it's time for us to reclaim the way we care for ourselves.


How We Heal: Uncover Your Power and Set Yourself Free by Alexandra Elle

Alexandra Elle has shared her moving anecdotes with the internet since Tumblr, eventually becoming a bestselling author who continues to remind us to come home to ourselves. In How We Heal, she aims to help us rediscover peace by focusing on healing.

Broken into four parts, you'll find everything from journal prompts to meditations that tackle our innermost emotions. She even shares bits of her personal experiences so you feel less alone.


Dare to Feel: The Transformational Path of the Heart by Alexandra Roxo

If you're on the other spectrum of emotions that includes burying them, Dare to Feel encourages you to do the opposite. Although you may feel repulsed by the idea of cracking your heart open, trust that it's metaphorical. This is an invitation to connect with yourself, life, and others past a superficial level. You'll come across poems, meditations, and more that help you fall in love with being in tune with your emotions in this moving book.


Girl On Fire: How to Choose Yourself, Burn the Rule Book, and Blaze Your Own Trail in Life and Business by Cara Alwill Leyba

What's self-care without a reminder that you are THAT GIRL? Instead of questioning your worth, Girl on Fire wants you to start remembering who you truly are.

From encouraging you to not see other women as competition to offering tips for how to navigate the vision you have in your heart, you'll learn how not to let life and business get you down.

You'll feel empowered by the end of Girl on Fire and that's the point!

Still feeling stuck? We have more self improvement books to help you navigate the rest of 2024!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

It’s only mid-October, but I already feel my skin severely drying out. These days, I never let a tube of Aquaphor out of my sight, but what really saves my dry skin is a solid night cream. I’ve been loving thicker, slug-worthy formulas (like the few I’ll mention in this list), but there are a ton of different options to choose from when it comes to the best night cream for you. No matter what, late fall and winter are surely going to bring on more dryness than you’re used to – so stock up on one of these effective hydrating night creams now. They’ll put in all the work for your dry skin while you sleep peacefully, so you can wake up looking rejuvenated and moisturized to the gods!

Best Tested & Reviewed Night Creams:


Versed Sweet Relief Night Mask + Face Balm

This is my absolute favorite night cream, and honestly, one of the best skincare products I've tried in my life. I've repurchased the pot three times now. Why do I love it so much? Well, for nighttime, it's exceptionally hydrating. I am a huge fan of the slugging technique (AKA slathering your skin in a thick jelly or cream to prevent water loss), and this pick really gets the job done. I wake up looking super hydrated, especially living in a dry climate! Plus, this product is very fun to scoop up and put on. The formula is also boosted with bacuri and kokum butters and apricot kernel oil to support the skin barrier, which is always welcome.


Youth To The People Superberry Glow Dream Mask

Not only does this mask hydrate, it also brightens – we love a multi-hyphenate! The formula has a very rich texture that soaks into the skin while simultaneously sitting lightly on top to lock in moisture. It's like a fresh gulp of water for your dry skin – with a subtle fruity scent that makes applying it very fun.

B+C’s VP of Content, Alison Ives, is a big fan of the Superberry Hydrate + Glow Dream Mask.

“Believe the hype, people! I’d heard amazing things about Youth To The People for years, so when I saw a mini version of this for sale, I couldn’t resist ordering it to try it out. The jar was the ideal size for frequent travels when you want to keep up with your skincare routine while away, and the formula felt really luxurious on my dry skin. I use it a few times a week when I need an extra boost of hydration overnight. Plus, squalane is great for anti-aging concerns and reducing the little lines I have in my eye area.”


CeraVe Skin Renewing Night Cream

If fine lines and wrinkles are your primary skincare concern, this is one of the best night creams for you. CeraVe products are commonly recommended by dermatologists for any and all skin types, since they're often gentle, yet effective! This cream in particular is fragrance free, non-comedogenic, and non-irritating, so those with sensitive skin can enjoy its hydrating benefits. It has hyaluronic acid and 3 essential ceramides to boost the skin's hydration and elasticity, which can help reduce the look of those pesky wrinkles.


Aveeno Positively Radiant Moisturizing Face & Neck Night Cream

Dealing with uneven skin tone and texture? Opt for this night cream that still gloriously hydrates your skin. It features niacinamide, a skincare hero for reducing the look of dark spots. The brand reported that 91% of users had softer, smoother-feeling skin in just one week after using this product!


La Roche-Posay Toleriane Dermallergo Night Cream

Made to soothe and hydrate, this night cream also purifies the skin, drawing out excess oil overnight to minimize blemishes and clogged pores. It has a gel-cream texture to it, so it doesn't feel overly heavy on the skin – but is still nourishing! The fragrance-free formula is safe for sensitive skin types, and works most effectively in conjunction with other La Roche-Posay products.


Cocokind Resurrection Polypeptide Cream

This rich moisturizing cream lets you easily get the look of plumped skin overnight. It includes polypeptides that aid in collagen production, improving firmness while combatting fine lines and wrinkles. The formula has a "dreamy" and "cushion-like" texture that hugs the skin so it can deliver all the goodness!


Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream

This cream is a true staple in my skincare routine, morning or night. It sounds unreal, but my skin truly looks more alive after I slather it on. It's somehow rich and creamy, but still lightweight enough that I can wear it throughout the day under my makeup. The 4.5% squalane helps maintain the skin’s moisture, while the glycoproteins (derived from glaciers – so fancy!) boost hydration even more. It helps your skin feel balanced and healthy, no matter what time of day you apply it.


Dieux Instant Angel Moisturizer

This is another one of my beloved night creams that I use on a weekly basis when my skin really needs quenching. Dieux's Instant Angel Moisturizer is a total expert at providing your skin with moisture and protecting its barrier. Supporting your skin barrier can help it maintain healthy hydration levels, so you won't have to overcompensate with more creams and products that may not work 100% of the time.

Subscribe to our newsletter to shop more editor-loved skincare picks!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Before my sister announced she was pregnant again, I kept thinking about the process of giving birth and recovery. It seemed like it was such an odd thing to fixate on given my strong stance on waiting to TTC (try to conceive) until my son turns 5, but I guess I could sense someone close to me was expecting. That's not even the part that freaked me out though.

When my sister shared she's having a C-Section, I couldn't help but research recovery tips for this major procedure — I wanted to know how to help her heal. And I wanted other moms to know what they can do to help themselves, too! I reached out to Dr. Jillian LoPiano, OBGYN and Chief Health Officer at Wisp, to understand everything you need to know about C-Sections and how to recover from one!

What factors determine if someone will need a C-Section?


While some moms have vaginal deliveries and others go on to receive C-sections, it's important to know that one isn't 'better' than the other — all births are valuable and valid. The only question that matters in this case is, "What determines if someone needs a C-Section or not?"

"There are a number of maternal fetal factors both in the perinatal period and during labor that can cause a provider to recommend a C-Section. Common indications are baby position (such as breech position) or placental abnormalities are common indications," says Dr. LoPiano.

These abnormalities can be:

  • Placenta Previa
  • Placenta Accreta
  • Placenta Increta
  • Placenta Percreta

What resources do patients need before their C-Section?


No question is too silly to ask your doctor, but Dr. LoPiano says you should receive all the information you need regardless of the delivery method.

"If a CS [C-Section] is planned, or there is a known indication for this mode of delivery, then this would be discussed during prenatal care and at hospital admission," she adds.

From their your provider will go over the "surgery, indications, risks, benefits and alternatives through the process of informed consent." This is usually when you'll also receive recovery tips and what else you should expect.

What can patients and their support partners expect the day of a C-Section?

Amina Filkins

Even if you've watched every episode Grey's Anatomy or House, you may not know all the ins-and-outs of having a C-Section. To be clear, Dr. LoPiano says that delivering via a Cesarean means you'll be having "abdominal surgery" that's "performed in an operating room."

'If it is a planned procedure, the patient will arrive and be prepped for surgery with an IV, neuraxial anesthesia placement, and preoperative medications and fluids. The support partner can expect a briefing on the surgery and under most circumstances is allowed in the OR after anesthesia is deemed in place and adequate with mom and baby stable," she says.

For anyone who's not aware, what occurs during a C-Section?

Jonathan Borba

Unless you've watched demonstrations on YouTube, you could be clueless about how C-Sections are actually performed. Dr. LoPiano says, "An incision is made in the lower part of the abdomen and carried through to the uterus. An incision is then made in the uterus to deliver the baby and the placenta is delivered. The uterus is repaired and then each layer of the abdomen is closed in succession."

In other terms, there are literal layers to a C-Section, which is why it's considered a major surgery.

Are moms required to stay in the hospital longer after having this procedure?

Büşranur Aydın

I had the option of staying another 24 hours in the hospital after a vaginal birth, but I chose to leave after just one day left the hospital just one day — I was ready to sleep comfortably in my own bed. However, C-Sections have a little bit of a different timeline!

Dr. LoPiano explains, "In general uncomplicated vaginal deliveries are discharged home the next day or the day after. C-Sections are generally discharged on postoperative day 2 or 3 depending on mom and baby’s clinical scenarios."

How long does it take to recover from this procedure?

cottonbro studio

Postpartum recovery looks different for everyone, but the rules are a little different after you've had a C-Section. "Since it is abdominal surgery, no lifting beyond 5 pounds is recommended along with no exercise beyond walking for 6 weeks in order to allow all of the layers of the abdomen that were repaired to heal," says Dr. LoPiano.

This isn't the time to be superwoman and force yourself to get back to 'normal.' Even something like "returning to work or exercise after 6 weeks" should be taken at a pace you're comfortable with, according to Dr. LoPiano.

"However, this is strictly from a surgical standpoint. There are many factors that go into postpartum or 'fourth trimester' wellness that need to be addressed and most providers and advocates advocate for longer family leave for this reason," she says.

How can a mom's support village help her as she recovers?

William Fortunato

I will probably scream this from the mountaintops forever, but moms need as much support as they can get during postpartum. Not only is their body physically healing, but there's the drop in hormones that they have to deal with while learning to care for a newborn. Some things are instinctual, but that doesn't mean a mom should have to figure things out by herself. This mirrors what Dr. LoPiano says about the recovery period.

"It is important that a mom’s 'support village' helps her along the way with physical and mental recovery from the surgery. Physical support can include incision care, helping take over physical tasks like carrying heavy items, massages, etc. In terms of mental support, encouraging bed rest and relaxation, treating mom to things she likes, and more [is essential]."

What's considered normal vs. concerning while a mom is recovering from a C-Section?

Polina Zimmerman

Even if a mom doesn't have a vaginal birth, she will still experience some bleeding. "The mother can expect bleeding from the vagina for up to 6 weeks, with it slowly becoming less over that course of time," Dr. LoPiano assures. But if you're experiencing excessive pain and bleeding, you should consult your OBGYN as soon as possible.

The other things she says are concerning are "fever, headache, blurry vision, chest pain, shortness of breath and other clinical parameters." She notes that these are usually explained to the mom as she's leaving the hospital because they serve as "red flags for complications reasons to return."

I encourage you to reach out to your OBGYN or primary care physician if you still have questions about C-sections and what you can expect. Creating a birth plan to understand and prepare yourself for what's to come is a great way to help get you ready for this next, very exciting chapter!

We also have tons of advice about foods to avoid eating when you're pregnant, hiring a doula and breastfeeding!

Header image Sarah Chai

Welcome to November 2024! It’s official, everyone. We are cleared of the eclipse season and approaching the holiday season and Election Day. The collective is stirring with anticipation, awaiting the next course in our journey. Breathe. Tensions are especially high due to the major polarity brought on by the collective planet Pluto's re-entry into Capricorn just months ago. The tides are expected to change as the regeneration planet regresses into Aquarius for good.

You may be thinking, “What’s in it for me?” Aligning with the cosmic flow will bring more peace, understanding, and balance in your everyday life. Scorpio season is in full swing, and it beckons you to begin analyzing your internal landscape, desires, and control. You'll improve the world by grasping the importance of revitalizing your inner self. Believe it or not, you're the main character of your story, and your light contributes more than you know. This November highlights this part of your narrative. Are you ready to learn what is in store for you this month? Read on for your sun, moon, and rising November horoscope below.

Themes For Your November Horoscope In 2024

Brian Yurasits

This month kicks off with the New Moon in Scorpio on November 1st, helping you see how you're being of service to yourself and others. Due to Scorpio's vibe of death and regeneration, this lunation will also materialize the importance of “clearing out” from the old. Remember last month’s solar eclipse?

This New Moon in Scorpio extends the path for you to turn over a new leaf and actualize your desired changes. Make a move.

The communication signals will power up as Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 2nd, manifesting a feeling of warmth and hope in our messages. The dialogue exchanged will be inspiring and educational.

Share information that will benefit others. You'll experience serendipitous moments as you give back.

Our drive and bravado will turn up as the motivator planet Mars enters Leo on November 3rd. Our self-worth will drive passion and desire. Step forward and claim your desire.

Patricia Luquet

Create your masterpiece and watch it come to life. Believe.

Love will shift to rationality and structure as Venus shifts into Capricorn on November 11. These next several weeks will help you gauge more accordingly with long-term plans and practical concerns. It will also invoke a more grounded approach to romance and dating.

Slow and steady builds stronger foundations in love.

On November 15th, the Full Moon in Taurus illuminates the sky, highlighting the importance of taking the reigns through a measured approach. With the rebel planet, Uranus, in alignment with this full moon, it will stir up massive changes involving our narrative and how we are playing our part in our storyline. It can lead to impulsive moves, so remember to be intentional. The great news is that Saturn, the structure planet, is direct today, bringing more clarity regarding our direction.

Ahmed ツ

Brilliance awaits as you hold steady.

Buckle up! On November 19th, Pluto ingresses into Aquarius, settling into this future-oriented sign. Anticipate significant technological advancements, including refined artificial intelligence, quantum computing breakthroughs, renewable energy innovations, and immersive virtual reality experiences. Side note: VR Games like Supernatural(I'm a BIG fan!) are revolutionizing workouts, allowing people to exercise in other worlds while engaging with a supportive community for weight loss, endorphins, and positive accountability. As you visualize your ideal paradigm, Pluto will guide you toward the tools or necessary changes to attract your desired results. Embrace this transformation and let go of outdated constructs, paving the way for a brighter, more interconnected future.

Vlada Karpovich

Happiness and fulfillment await those willing to adapt and grow.

This month ends with the Sun in Sagittarius on November 21 and Mercury Retrograde on November 25. Sagittarius season invokes wanderlust, adventure, and growth. Remember that you'll reign this season as you remain open-minded to new concepts and ideas.

Close-mindedness and dismissiveness of others' input lead to dead ends.

As we conclude working with Mercury’s backspin this month, steer clear of making traveling plans (like booking a ticket/itinerary), launching a business, or signing contracts. Plus, it will help you streamline your messages, think through your personal beliefs, and change your attitudes towards life. Going through reflection will help you gravitate toward your desired outcomes.

Which signs will be most affected in November?

Juliane Monari

As we journey through November 2024, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, and Sagittariuswill each feel the cosmic waves uniquely. Scorpios will harness the transformative energy of the New Moon to reflect on their desires and initiate powerful changes. Taurus will be called to acknowledge new narratives during the Full Moon, prompting them to take control of their path and make intentional decisions. Aquarians will experience a significant shift as Pluto settles into their sign, inviting them to envision a brighter future and release old patterns that no longer serve them. Meanwhile, Sagittarians will be inspired by the Sun’s entry into their sign, igniting a sense of adventure and growth. However, they should navigate Mercury's retrograde carefully to avoid miscommunications and hasty decisions. Allow these energies to guide you toward a more fulfilled and intentional existence this month!

​Key Dates & Transits This Week

Griffin Wooldridge

  • 11/1 New Moon in Scorpio
  • 11/2 Mercury enters Sagittarius
  • 11/3 Mars enters Leo
  • 11/11 Venus enters Capricorn
  • 11/15 Full Moon in Taurus, Saturn Direct
  • 11/19 Pluto re-enters Aquarius
  • 11/21 Sun enters Sagittarius
  • 11/25 Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius

​Read Your November Horoscope For Your Sun & Rising Signs

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Themes: Investments and Ambition

This month brings transformative opportunities for personal growth and ambition. The New Moon in Scorpio encourages you to dive deep into your desires and set intentions for long-term investments. As Mercury enters Sagittarius, your voice shines, sparking optimism and inspiring connections. Let love lead the way as Mars in Leo ignites your creative passion and pushes you to take bold steps in your relationships. Make a move while factoring in your happiness. The Full Moon in Taurus prompts you to let go of unwanted habits while tying loose ends with finances. The great news is that your adventurous spirit flourishes with the Sun entering Sagittarius later this month. Be mindful of impulsive trips or conversations, as Mercury retrograde calls for thoughtful reflection on your plans and communication style.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Themes: Connection and Identity

Expect a month filled with deeper connections and self-reflection as you reassess your values and domestic life. The New Moon in Scorpio encourages the exploration of your love life and partnerships, manifesting progress. With Mercury shifting into Sagittarius, discussions around shared resources become enriching and insightful. Consolidate your research or your internal landscape of beliefs and get to the bottom of what keeps you from attracting more abundance. Mars in Leo energizes your home life, inspiring you to create a nurturing environment. Rearrange furniture or begin visualizing your ideal home life — this new pattern will attract movement in your domestic life. The Full Moon in your sign focuses on your identity, offering a moment of self-realization and understanding about how you need to reshape your narrative. Mercury retrograde will help you retrace your steps regarding merged resources and enable you to work out your financial priorities or unresolved debts — research methods.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Themes: Wellness and Subconscious Needs

Prepare for a month rich in exploration and relationship review, inviting you to evaluate your connections and daily routines. The New Moon in Scorpio prompts you to reflect on health and work, paving the way for beneficial changes. Begin a new protocol and establish a sacred practice involving wellness that will reorient you with your goals. With Mercury entering Sagittarius, your focus shifts toward partnerships, enhancing the depth of your conversations. Work on listening intently to your partner or connections to find practical solutions. Mars in Leo ignites your curiosity, encouraging the pursuit of fresh ideas. Get involved in the local realms and initiate conversations — this will inspire you. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus sheds light on your subconscious, urging you to confront hidden fears and clear out. The Sun in Sagittarius with Mercury retrograde will help you backtrack and analyze your relationships and their direction.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Themes: Happiness and Friendship Circles

This month invites you to balance your daily routines with self-care for emotional fulfillment. The New Moon in Scorpio inspires you to understand the core of your joy and what fulfills you. Mercury’s entry into Sagittarius shifts your focus to daily routines, enhancing discussions around wellness. Health is wealth. As you focus on your overall well-being, abundance will follow. The great news is that Mars in Leo energizes your financial goals, motivating proactive steps forward, so taking care of yourself this month will ensure the results. Later this month, the Full Moon in Taurus highlights your social circles, prompting a reassessment of friendships. As Pluto in Aquarius encourages transformative growth, the Sun’s ingress into Sagittarius and Mercury retrograde emphasizes health, inviting you to take self-care practices and review how you typically extend your energy to others.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Themes: Fulfillment and Reassess Life Purpose

Get ready for a vibrant month of self-discovery and creative expression. The New Moon in Scorpio prompts you to reflect on your domestic life and family, inspiring you to cultivate a supportive environment while establishing your terms. With Mercury entering Sagittarius, your focus turns to love and creativity, allowing you to step out of your comfort zone and explore these realms of joy. Mars in your sign boosts your confidence, empowering decisive actions in your pursuits. Be yourself and ignite your fire to get things done. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus highlights your professional aspirations, prompting you to reassess your career goals. Factor in what makes you happy and optimizes your energy. The Sun's entry in Sagittarius alongside Mercury retrograde will help you backtrack and align with your priorities in love and your creative potential.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Themes: Ideas and Past Aspirations

This month brings clarity and enriched communication, inviting you to refine your thoughts and deepen your familial connections. The New Moon in Scorpio encourages engagement with new ideas and community interactions, promoting open dialogue. Being openhearted and receptive to people's feedback will lead to breakthroughs in your development. Mercury’s transition into Sagittarius shifts your focus to home and family, enhancing emotional discussions regarding your direction. Be curious in your approach; it will heal your unresolved matters. Mars in Leo energizes your subconscious, motivating you to confront hidden fears while helping you understand your habitual patterns. Rest and reflect. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus prompts reflection on your philosophical outlook and long-term goals. Look back at your old journals or past aspirations to fill the gaps in your story. Mercury's backspin entails reviewing your next steps involving your emotional security — look within yourself and align with your feelings instead of seeking external validation.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Themes: Self-Worth and Vulnerability

You're in for a month filled with financial themes and meaningful interactions, guiding you to reassess your values and friendships. The New Moon in Scorpio inspires you to reflect on personal resources, setting intentions for more stability. This is an opportunity to revamp your approach to money and security — research new methods that will attract more abundance. As Mercury enters Sagittarius, your focus shifts to engaging conversations and learning opportunities. It is also an excellent opportunity to network locally and gain traction and confidence with the side hustles you may be working on. Mars in Leo energizes your social life, motivating you to cultivate new friendships and connections that will get you one step closer to achieving your long-term aspirations. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus highlights shared resources, prompting a reassessment of intimate relationships and closing the chapter on any outmoded approaches. By the end of this month, Mercury retrograde will enable you to reflect on old ideas that may have rested on the back burner. This is your chance to let your past endeavors rest or revive once Mercury goes direct.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Themes: Self-Empowerment and Commitment

Embrace a month of self-confidence and financial insight! The New Moon in your sign empowers you to set intentions for your goals and new beginnings. You're worthy, as this is your chance to establish a new seed based on what's aligned with your heart. As Mercury moves into Sagittarius, your focus shifts to finances, enhancing your ability to express your needs clearly. It can lead to frivolous spending, so be mindful of ongoing patterns that can result in retail therapy. Your hard work will pay off as Mars in Leo energizes your career ambitions, motivating you to make bold moves. You'll shine as you begin to dream bigger and aim higher. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus illuminates your partnerships, prompting a reassessment of commitments and closing the chapter on past disagreements. Hold space for your heart and your past to find a solution. As this month closes, Mercury retrograde will enable you to feel more in your power as you analyze your self-worth and become intentional with your next steps in financial planning or business endeavors. Clarity will be set next month.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Themes: Revelation and Health

Get ready for a month of revelations and enriching opportunities. The month begins with the New Moon in Scorpio inviting you to assess your emotional patterns, reorienting you toward powering up your inner belief and renewal. Begin an affirmation practice because this lunation will level up your manifestation abilities. Mercury gracing in your sign will invoke clarity and enhance your ability to articulate your ideas. Traveling or seeking out new experiences will be your go-to course, as Mars in Leo fuels your adventurous spirit, motivating you to seek a new perspective. Taking a class or engaging in higher study will fulfill you. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus shifts attention to your work life and health, helping you to assess your well-being. Release whatever is weighing down at work or mental patterns — focus on one thing at a time to ensure productivity. Later this month, your season begins while Mercury retrograde occurs. It will be beneficial to slow down and observe your personal goals and how you're showing yourself up for others.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Themes: Community and Desires

Prepare for a month focused on community engagement and clarifying your core desires. The New Moon in Scorpio invites you to energize your social circles, sparking intentions for collaboration and shared goals. Be sure that your connections contribute to your vision — enthusiasm is vital for success. With Mercury moving into Sagittarius, you’ll gain insights into your emotional patterns, helping you navigate feelings more effectively. This is your chance to change what no longer meets your standards as Mars in Leo brings energy to transformative experiences in intimacy and with your vulnerability. Get to the root and realize what needs revamping. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus shines a light on your creative and romantic pursuits, urging you to reassess what brings you joy and fulfillment. As Mercury retrograde approaches, take a moment to reflect on past experiences that shaped your emotional landscape; you might find clarity in revisiting old dreams and wishes.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Themes: Professionalism and Family Roots

Get ready for a month rich in professional focus and social opportunities. The New Moon in Scorpio prompts you to define your career goals, inspiring strategic intentions for success. With Mercury entering Sagittarius, your attention shifts to building social networks and enhancing collaboration and networking potential. Love and partnerships will fire up as Mars in Leo energizes your connections, motivating you to seek mutual growth and shared ambitions. It's time to set the terms with your relationship — this will help you get answers involving its direction. The Full Moon in Taurus highlights your dynamics, prompting a reassessment of your foundational support systems. Revisit the old structures regarding your family roots and decide whether you want to implement this as your course moving forward. As Mercury retrograde sets in, consider reaching out to old friends or colleagues; reconnecting could spark fresh ideas and rejuvenate your professional aspirations and inner needs.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Themes: Exploration and Purpose

You're in for a month of exploring and understanding your life purpose. The New Moon in Scorpio inspires a quest for new knowledge, guiding your intentions toward education, beliefs, or travel opportunities. It is time to fall in love with life by broadening your reach. As Mercury enters Sagittarius, your focus sharpens on your life purpose and public image, enhancing your ability to articulate your ambitions. Dig deeper and understand what stirs in your zest for life. Expect vitality and endurance as Mars in Leo energizes your daily tasks, fueling your enthusiasm for tackling responsibilities. Consider a health kick or a new regimen to help you keep up with your new endeavors. Your body is a temple, and this month is the starting point in getting things done with your motivation. The Full Moon in Taurus lights up your communication skills, enabling you to reassess your old ideas and how they can be cultivated. It's time to launch your idea or make room for something better. With Mercury retrograde approaching, reflect on past career choices; revisiting old projects or connections might unveil new growth opportunities.

With 2025 just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to explore how you can power up your year ahead. Lumi Pelinku invites you to dive deeper into your journey through an extended reading that can provide tailored insights and inspiration. Click here to book your reading today!

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Ever feel like your friends are keeping all the best finds to themselves? Well, we’ve got the scoop on 100 bougie items they didn’t tell you about—but absolutely should have! From luxe beauty must-haves to chic home decor and everything in between, these slightly bougie products perfectly balance indulgence and practicality. It’s time to treat yourself to the kind of products that will leave you wondering why no one spilled the beans sooner.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

A Pair of Mushroom Lamps That Were Named a Top Pick of The Year


The best Mushroom Lamps of 2023 were reviewed by and LAMPS PLUS' Felix Modern Accent Table Lamps came out ahead. The Lamps got top marks for their affordability, modern design, and long power cord. Each Lamp uses two maximum 60-watt bulbs.

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This Carry-on Suitcase That’s on Everyone’s Wishlist


A hardside suitcase with 360-degree spinner wheels is a must-have for smooth travels, and this one is a TikTok favorite at the moment. And it's not just because it's sleek and stylish; It has a front pocket for travel essentials you need easy access to, like your travel documents, iPad, and laptop, so you can say goodbye to frantic rummaging.

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Steam Vacuum to Kill Bad Bactria


Get rid of germs on your floor with the power of the steam vacuum which captures dirt and debris. All types of hard floors can be cleaned with this device.

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Add a Layer of Warmth With This Chunky Knit Blanket


With hundreds of glowing reviews, this chunky knit blanket made from hand-knit merino wool is the ultimate cozy companion. Whether you’re snuggling up on the couch, bed, or chair, this blanket adds warmth and a touch of style to any space. Available in a variety of colors, it’s a must-have fall accessory.

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This Shower Head Is The Biggest On The Market!


When I first saw this showerhead, I thought to myself "you've got to be kidding me?", but when I actually looked into it and saw what the hype was about, I couldn't help but order one for myself. This shower head is the largest shower head on the market and it feels truly amazing to use. It is like standing in the pouring rain but at a very comfortable temperature.

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Enhance Your Workspace With the Laptop Screen Extender Full HD Portable Monitor


Enhance your work-from-anywhere setup with the Teamgee 14-inch Portable Monitor, now offered at a significant discount. Perfect for extending your laptop’s display, it’s ideal for boosting productivity wherever you are.

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Using The REST Evercool™ Comforter "Is Like Cooling Off In A Pool On A Hot Summer Night"


The "Evercool fabric absorbs and transfers heat 10x faster than cotton." The Comforter "cools you down, then keeps you comfortably warm." The Evercool™ Comforter is machine washable and tumble dry. It's available in Twin, Queen, and King sizes.

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This cordless hand massager with heat and compression is a great gift for anyone with arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome.


This hand massager with heat offers a kneading massage with 4 massage heads, providing stimulation to different acupuncture points, relieving arthritis or carpal tunnel pain, and relaxing hands after a long day of work. Rechargeable and portable, this makes a great gift for anyone you know needing help to get rid of finger numbness & joint soreness. Suitable for both left and right hands.

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The Calvin Klein Women's Classic Cashmere Wool Blend Coat is a Fall Staple


Everyone needs a good neutral coat. If you want something high-quality and elegant, you'll love this Calvin Klein Women's Classic Cashmere Wool Blend Coat. This coat goes with absolutely anything, from blue jeans and a tee to the LBD. You'll be prepared to take on the chill of autumn with this warm and comfortable cashmere blend.

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Amazon's Bestselling Espresso Maker


Craft fine espresso beverages right at home with the bestselling Breville BES870XL Barista Express Espresso Machine in a gorgeous brushed stainless steel finish. It's sure to turn your kitchen into the most charming cafe.

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Enjoy the Light This Arched Mirror Brings


This arched mirror is a thing of beauty. Not only can you get a full look at yourself before you step out of the door, this mirror will bring light and the feeling of space to any room it's positioned. It can stand alone, lean up against the wall, or be wall-mounted. The choice is yours.

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Take Your Skin Care To The Next Level With This LED Face Mask


This LED Face Mask uses seven different colored light therapies to kill acne, eliminate redness, tighten skin and smooth wrinkles. Use it 20 minutes a day three times a week for best results.

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This Countertop Nugget Ice Maker Went Viral On Tik Tok And We Can See Why


@hauskris is obsessed with this GE Countertop Nugget Ice Maker with Side Tank and makes every beverage she can with the perfectly sculptured cubes. Take advantage of up to 9% off the total ticket price during Prime Day. This is no ordinary ice machine; it cranks out chewable, crunchable, crave-able nugget ice that is so unlike traditional hard cubes. It is made from compacted ice flakes, making it the perfect companion for homemade cocktails, sodas, and other creations.

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This Gorgeous Bed Frame Will Make Your Bed A Stunner


It's amazing the difference that having a great bed frame can do. It can totally change the vibe of a room. This Acacia Wood Bed Frame is put together beautifully and makes the perfect base for a luxury bed set.

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This Towel Warmer Is Like A Warm Hug


Hate the feeling of getting out of a hot shower to the feeling of cold air? This towel warmer will be such a worthwhile gift. It has a large capacity for multiple towels and heats up so quickly.

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This Textured Rug Will Impress All Your Guests!


As much as we love to invest in your home, spending hundreds of dollars on a rug is just not the way to go. Why you might ask... Because Amazon has an endless assortment of rugs that look bougie and stunning but come at an affordable price such as this one! This textured tassel rug comes in a variety of sizes and can take your space to new heights.

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This Walking Pad Is a Game Changer


TikTok is all about the walking pad these days. But there's a good reason! The walking pad allows you to get an amazing workout in while you're doing something else like working or writing, or watching TV. It's the work-from-homer's best friend because you don't have to worry about working out after the work day; you've done it all already!

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This Set of Ninja Knives are NeverDull


You don't have to worry about these knives going dull on you because Ninja has created a knife block with a fantastic built-in sharpener. They call it their NeverDull knives and it's a genius way to enjoy your favorite set of knives for years to come without losing a single bit of the slicing power.

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Pet Owners Need The EyeVac PRO Touchless Vacuum


As pet owners, we have to deal with a lot of hair getting everywhere. Sweep it up in a convenient way using this touchless vacuum that automatically sucks up hair and debris that is put in front of it.

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Print Gorgeous Photos With This Portable Printer


Even though we live in a world where we document everything we find cute, and have hundreds of photos on our phone, it’s not the same feeling as holding one photo in your hand. You can dock your phone on top of this modern, portable printer and it will print out brilliant looking photos of you, your friends and family. “This printer is amazing. It can go directly from my phone to the printer,” raved one reviewer.

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Know Your Body With Everlywell Food Sensitivity Comprehensive Test


Discover your body's unique needs with the Everlywell Food Sensitivity Comprehensive Test. This at-home collection kit isn’t just a test; it’s a journey of self-discovery, helping you understand how your body responds to 204 different foods. Unravel the mysteries of your body, because knowledge is the first step to wellness!

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Get a Chic Ottoman Bench


The piles at the end of your bed are out of control. Your bedroom will look chic with an upholstered fabric storage ottoman bench. This versatile piece offers a comfortable seat and a hidden storage compartment, perfect for stashing blankets, shoes, or other items. Its tufted upholstery adds a sophisticated look to your space.

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A Rotating Bookshelf for Just the Right Fit


Not sure what is small and essential that fits in that awkward corner of your living room? The rotating bookshelf fits the bill and can even be spun around for easy grabbing of your favorite novel.

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Apple AirTags So You Can Always Locate Your Luggage


Never lose your luggage again with the help of AirTag. Simply place one of these handy devices inside your luggage and you'll be able to track it down in no time. It's a game-changer for travelers and has been trending on TikTok ever since its release.

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This Dutch Oven Will Have You Making Soup Every Day


Cold weather always means at least one exciting thing: It's soup season! If you're making more and more yummy dinners at home, why not treat yourself to this lovely purple cast iron dutch oven while you're at it? The Lodge Dutch Oven is a classic kitchen essential that makes all your favorites from soup to pasta and beyond. It'll definitely make cooking at home this winter feel even cozier.

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This Easy To Use Curler


Simplify your hair routine with this ingenious Curler that takes the effort out of styling. Just hold it, and it does the rest – your arms will thank you! And the best part? It's designed to work seamlessly with all hair types. Say goodbye to the hassle and hello to effortlessly fabulous hair!

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Finally, The iRobot Roomba Is On Sale


@bradsdeals flagged that the iRobot Roomba might be on sale, and boy are we delighted it is. It is a powerful, intelligent cleaning device that you can schedule to take care of dirt and dust that accumulates around the home. With a premium three-stage system and over ten times the suction power of other models, you can direct this device to clean any room you want, any time you want.

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Your Lungs Will Thank You For This Air Purifier


The quality of your home will only improve after using this Air Purifier. It offers a four stage filtration system that reduces up to 99 percent of the particles in the air including pollen, allergens and pollutants.

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A Countertop Dishwasher With Enough Capacity For A Family Of 4


I hate to wash dishes, but I don't mind loading the dishwasher. I'm so grateful I have a full-size dishwasher, but if I didn't have the space for one, I'd get a Countertop Dishwasher. The Compact Dishwasher has five wash cycles, including specialized cycles for Baby Care items and even Fruit!

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These Nightstands Are A Must Have!


A good nightstand is a necessity and Amazon has an endless amount of them. If you like to add a rustic element to your home, these Nathan James Mina nightstands would be a perfect addition to your bedroom. They come with lots of storage and have an elegant look in any room that you put them in. This nightstand is made out of mixed materials and is built to last for years to come.

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Nonstick Cookware Sets


Price drop alert. The premium CAROTE Pots and Pans Set Nonstick is now 47% off. This 10-piece white granite induction cookware set is PFOS and PFOA-free, allowing you to cook your favorite meals quickly. Say goodbye to those mismatched pots and pans and upgrade to this best-selling set today.

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This Five-Tier Bookshelf Needs to Be in Your Home


TikTok loves minimalism, which is probably why they love this five-tier bookshelf. It's minimalistic beauty and elegance, open on both sides, so you could even set it in the middle of the rooms to be a fun divider that's functional, too. On Prime Day, be sure that you keep your eyes out for deals on it!

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This 8-in-1 Digital Countertop Oven Flips Up and Out of Your Way


Throw away your toaster, your air fryer and your pizza oven, because your new kitchen deserves this bad boy, 8-in1 digital countertop oven that unlike me, can do it all in the kitchen. The magic of this Ninja device goes beyond its functionality, and lies in its counter-saving flip up and away ability, storing the oven in a vertical position against your backsplash. All the controls are digital and easy to use.

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This red light therapy facial wand for anti-aging purposes


Your new favorite skincare device is here and its this red light therapy facial wand. This 4-in-1 tool offers a facial massage, red light therapy, microcurrents and therapuetic warmth to help you achieve softer and younger looking skin.

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Keep Your Kitchen Clean with the Kohler Kitchen Trash Can


Upgrade your kitchen waste management system with the Kohler Kitchen Trash Can. This high-quality trash can is both functional and stylish, offering a 13-gallon capacity and a quiet-close lid that can be opened with a hand-free foot pedal. Keep your kitchen clean and germ-free without having to touch the top of the trash can constantly.

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Amazon Fire TV 55" Smart TV


There is nothing this TV can't do; it's totally hands-free with Alexa pumping out high-quality 4K Ultra HD using a built-in microphone so you can ask to turn on the TV and search for the content all without a remote. You will have access to stream over one million movies and TV episodes with subscriptions to Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+, and more.

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The L'ANGE HAIR Airflow Styler Is The Best Of Both Worlds


Curl and straighten with one appliance using this airflow styler. This is a unique hair tool that aims to style hair without causing as much damage.

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This Machine Is an Easy Way to Get Your Steps In


There's nothing quite like a good walk to get your blood pumping, but sometimes a nice walk just isn't possible. This step machine is a great way to get your steps in every day without having to go out for a walk, making it perfect for rainy days, super hot days, or those days when you just don't want to go outside.

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This Water Flosser Steps Up Your Dental Care


If you’re too lazy to floss, the water flosser makes the task so effortless and efficient that anyone can do it in a flash. It’s also more effective than manual flossing at removing plaque and improving gum health, and its three pressure settings allow you to customize your cleaning according to your needs.

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This Sauna Blanket for Detoxification For Any Home


I used to go to the gym's sauna all the time when I had a gym membership. But I stopped in an effort to save money. But now I wish I could buy this sauna blanket for my own home to relive the experience!

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Enjoy Something Sweet with the Ninja Creami


When it comes to frozen desserts, make sure you're the queen of those treats with the Ninja Creami. It can whip up a whole batch of deliciousness in just a few moments, whether it's a Slushi, Italian Ice, Frozen Drink, Creamiccino, or Frozen Yogurt. There's even a function where you can whip up half now and then half for later.

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This Self Cleaning Ice Maker


Could it be seen as being a bit extra? Maybe abit, but this bullet ice maker is the bougie addition that might get you to finally quit your Starbucks or fast food drink addiction. This ice maker only takes 6 minutes to make 9 bullet-shaped ice cubes. A reviewer who absolutely loved it said - "Perfect ice maker - hands down. Use it all day, all year."

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This Robot Vacuum Disposes of Dirt, Debris, and Grime Without You Lifting a Finger


This iRobt Roomba Vacuum will be a game changer for your house. It’s very independent, as it not only vacuums your floors but also mops, and at the end of the task, it self-empties on its own bin. Reviewers love its advanced obstacle avoidance, intelligent scrubbing, and powerful suction.

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The Latest Noise Cancelling AirPods


Tune out the noise and immerse yourself in pure audio bliss with the latest Noise Cancelling AirPods. These sleek and stylish earbuds are like a symphony for your ears, blocking out the world and delivering crystal-clear sound quality like you've never experienced before. Whether you're jamming to your favorite tunes, taking important calls, or simply enjoying some quiet time, these AirPods will transport you to a world of pure audio heaven.

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Start Every Day As If You've Been To The Salon With This Hair System


We can't get over this hair system that will make sure you have salon-worthy tresses every time. The Shark styling system comes complete with a hair dryer, an automatic wrap curler, a paddle brush as well as an oval brush. So you can style your hair however you want and it works for any hair type.

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Let's Purify


Air purifiers are all the rage - and for good reason! If you have pets or seasonal allergies, add one of these air purifiers to your cart, because they truly are game changers.

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Wake Up Refreshed Using This Alarm


Start your day on a bright note with this Alarm, a game-changer for your morning routine. Mimicking the natural sunrise, this Alarm gradually brightens, gently rousing you from sleep. Choose from a range of soothing sounds to complement the sunrise simulation, creating a serene and uplifting wake-up experience.

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The Pocketsize Photo Printer That Helps You Print Photos Directly From Your Phone


This cute little photo printer is perfect for capturing your favorite memories! There is no suprise that this pocket size photo printer has become famous on TikTok because of how easily you can print your favourite photos from your camera roll or Instagram by using this and the sprocket app. The pictures print in under 30seconds and are the perfect size to make a scrap book of your favorite memories!

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Apple iPad


The Apple iPad (9th Generation) has a powerful A13 Bionic chip, a stunning 10.2-inch Retina Display, and a versatile 12MP front/8MP Back Camera; this iPad offers limitless possibilities. Enjoy seamless performance, ample storage with 64GB, reliable Wi-Fi connectivity, and the convenience of Touch ID.

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Add an Accent Dresser


Bring a new look and enhance your bedroom or living space with a three-drawer accent dresser featuring mirror fronts. This elegant piece offers ample storage space while reflecting light to create a bright and airy feel. Its mirrored finish and sleek design add a glamorous touch to any room.

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This LED Facial Skin Care Mask Will Make Your Skin Glow All Throughout the Year


Enter the new year with beautiful glowing skin with this FDA-approved LED facial skincare mask. This mask uses light therapy to free your skin of blemishes and discoloration, and with its patent-pending design that features surround lights, it can provide deeper cellular penetration for more effective results. To make it even sweeter, you can get all of the benefits of this mask for a great deal now!

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Watch Movies Anywhere With This Mini Projector and Tripod


Take your entertainment on the road with the mini HD projector, complete with a carry bag and tripod for easy setup anywhere. Its advanced LED technology delivers crisp, colorful images, ideal for backyard movie nights or presentations.

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Elevate Your Home Gym Experience With This Versatile Adjustable Weight Bench


Getting to the gym for a workout can be expensive, leading many gym enthusiasts to build their fitness sanctuaries at home. The K KiNKANG adjustable bench is essential in this endeavor. Adjust it to a seated position for your shoulder press, or set it at a negative angle for incline work, offering the flexibility to tailor your workout to your needs.

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This Pizza Oven For An Italian Adventure


Transform outdoor cooking experiences with this Pizza Oven that is a culinary gem that promises authentic flavors and endless fun. Designed for portability, it's constructed from durable stainless steel and is perfect for backyard gatherings or outdoor adventures. With its ability to create pizzas, the oven doubles as a versatile outdoor kitchen.

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Get the Shark NV360 Navigator Vacuum


Prime Day is a great time to get new household cleaning tools like the Shark NV360 vacuum. It might be a corded vacuum, but it's got swivel steering, incredible capacity for all the dust and dirt, a HEPA filter, and amazing tools to help you get the most out of your vacuuming.

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If You Suffer From Headaches Then You Will Love This Eye Massager


With two compression levels, this Eye Massager uses trigger point massage to replicate squeezing and kneading instantly, providing you with relief. The built-in heating pads provide a comfortable temperature of 104℉-107℉ to relieve eye strain, eye puffiness, and even dry eyes, etc. Refresh after a long day of work or study while also listening to your favorite music tracks with its inbuilt Bluetooth speaker.

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On the Fringe


You can't go wrong bringing this pink fringe tabletop lamp with gold leaf detail home! It adds just the right amount of flirty feminine energy to a space and totally lights up the room.

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Stay Comfortable With an Ergonomic Desk Chair


Support your neck, back and hips with an ergonomic desk chair. It features an adjustable headrest and recline function to make sure your posture stays intact.

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Asymmetrical Wall Mirror for the WOW Factor


The asymmetrical wall mirror is a stand-out piece in your home that costs little but makes a big display. Check your makeup and outfit before you go out by looking in it to make sure you are good to go.

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This Robot Can Mop & Vacuum Your Entire House


This robot vacuum cleaner means business. It's perfect for pets as it uses more air power than ever to get every last speck of dust. It also doubles up as a mop, getting your floors even cleaner. This robot scans your home in real-time to avoid furniture and obstacles with smart navigation, and it can also remember the map of several floors in your home for a perfect clean.

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This Cleaner Is Ideal For Any Little Stains


Bissell's Little Green Portable Carpet Cleaner, is a portable carpet and upholstery cleaner that uses suction and a cleaning solution to remove set-in stains. If you're a pet owner this is perfect for getting rid of those little accidents, according to one reviewer - " Would Give 10 Stars if I Could - This MACHINE is AWESOME!"

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A Vanity Mirror That Can be Hung Vertically or Horizontally


Don't worry if you have a double vanity and need two mirrors because TETOTE's bathroom mirror is surprisingly affordable. The mirror's frame protrudes from the glass, adding depth and visual interest to your space. Vertical and horizontal hanging hooks are already in place, and wall anchors and screws are included.

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Don't You Want To Know Where You Came From?


I think we all have some interest in our history. Wouldn't it be amazing to know exactly where you come from? Well...Amazon is now selling DNA tests that can tell you in detail where you are from and the overall health conditions of your previous family tree. This is a great gift idea for those that have it all!

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This Coffee Maker That’s Essential to Your Morning Routine


Say goodbye to those endless lines at the coffee shop, as with the incredible Keurig K-Supreme, you're the master barista in the comfort of your own home. Simply fill the water reservoir, pop in a pod, and voila! Your perfect cup of coffee is ready in minutes.

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Shower Bench for Storing Essentials


Need to reach for something like shampoo or conditioner? Just grab for it on the Shower Bench that is waterproof so it won't ruin when you turn the shower on. It is even comfy to sit on and won't slip as you relax in the shower. Easy to shave your legs on too!

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Get the 23andMe Health + Ancestry Kit


We can't know everything, but with the 23andMe Health + Ancestry Kit, we can know quite a bit. With this kit, you can learn all about your carrier status and genetic health risks, as well as insights into your ancestry. It's a great gift to snag for family during this year's Prime Day savings event.

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Get Versatile Styling With a Shark HT202 SmoothStyle Heated Comb + Blow Dryer Brush


Go from damp hair straight after the shower to stunning styled locks in minutes. This heated comb and blow dryer brush dries wet hair without heat damage. As you dry your hair wet hair, this brush volumizes and styles. This one tool does it all with dual modes to dry, volumize, style, and smooth your hair.

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Sleep Better with the Casper Sleep Element Mattress


Stay cozy and warm and sleep like a log (a very comfortable log) with the fantastic Casper Sleep Element Mattress. It's designed by Casper, who creates some of the best mattresses out there, and it somehow manages to be both soft and supportive all at the same time. What's not to love?

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For Easy Curls, This Curl Wrap Works Miracles


Doing your hair at home with a salon-style finish has never been easier. The Spin N Curl has a ceramic rotating barrel that makes it a breeze with different temperature settings depending on your hair type.

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Keep It Tight


You're going to win the holidays if you gift your best friend this TheraFace Pro microcurrent device. It's like gifting them a facial they can enjoy in their home whenever they like it. It tightens their skin to help eliminate and prevent wrinkles for a youthful and tight face.

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Bucket Towel Warmer


This is an excellent gift for your folks because it adds indulgence and comfort when the weather is cold. This Keenray Bucket Towel Warmer has enough space to fit a bathrobe and two towels - you could also easily pack in your PJs. It has an auto shut-off, so there is no concern about them forgetting and leaving it on.

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Get Ready For Your Summer Vacation With This COOLIFE Luggage Set


The COOLIFE Luggage Set includes a 20-inch, 24-inch, and 28-inch (upright luggage, all of which have a hard-shell design that will keep your belongings safe while still remaining lightweight to make your travels easier! The spinner wheels are also an added bonus that makes them very easy to maneuver around.

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This Bamboo Cheese Board Is A Cult-Favorite


Charcuterie Board Night calls for this Bamboo Cheese Board that comes with a variety of different hidden sections that can be pulled out and expanded to add more room to the plate. This bamboo board also comes with a selection of cheese spreads and knives that can be used to enjoy your selection of snacks and charcuterie.

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Add Sophistication To Your Kitchen With This Espresso Machine


Attention all coffee aficionados! Your java game is about to reach legendary status with this incredible machine. It's the ultimate upgrade for your home coffee situation, equipped with a grinder, milk frother, steam wand, and tamper. You've got everything you need to whip up barista-level lattes, espressos, and cappuccinos from the comfort of your own crib. Say goodbye to overpriced café runs and hello to coffee heaven at home.

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Achieve Flawless Skin With the Best-In-Class Laser Hair Removal Device


Smooth your skin with the top-rated laser hair removal device, now at a special Prime price. FDA-cleared and versatile with three different heads, it's your at-home solution for professional-quality results.

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Track Your Meat


This might be the coolest thing I own. It's a wireless meat thermometer, which isn't that exciting, but it also has an app. When you're cooking you can set the type of meat and even the specific cut. The app will tell you the current temperature of your meat, the ambient temperature in the cooking environment, and show the target temperature. More importantly, it gives a fairly accurate estimate of the cooking time remaining for your food. If you're someone who's just learning to cook or perpetually worried about overcooking your steak, you need this.

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A Heated Razor For The Men On Your List


Create the feeling of a hot towel shave by using this Heated Razor. It includes a magnetic dock and wireless charging for ease of use when traveling or even at home.

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The Kitchen Appliance That Can Cook 9 Ways


This air fryer has a ten-quart capacity and lets you achieve crispy, golden perfection on the outside and tender, juicy goodness on the inside, all while using less oil. Plus, it has a nine-in-one function, meaning you can do more than just air fry – you can bake, broil, dehydrate, roast, proof, toast, reheat, and even rotisserie, all in one package.

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Who Needs a Chef When You Have This Kitchen Beast?


The buzz around easy-to-prep meals has probably led you to the Instant Pot's air fryer and pressure cooker combo, a favorite among home cook influencers. This 13-in-1 gadget can air fry, roast, sous vide, reheat, and dehydrate, all while using up to 75 percent less fat than traditional frying methods. With over 56,000 five-star reviews, it's a game-changer that promises to cut down your dining-out expenses significantly.

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A Purse With Faux Leather


Whether you're running errands or heading out to dinner, this purse is a vintage-inspired accessory that you won't want to miss out on. The large compartment space leaves plenty of room for your essentials, while the strong handles make it easy to carry around.

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Fight Allergy Season Before It Starts


If spring is a time when sniffles and sneezes start in your home, it's time to get this air purifier to help reduce allergens in the air. You'll be glad you did.

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Stop with the many wax appointments and get this XSOUL IPL Hair Removal Tool instead


This XSOUL IPL Hair Removal Tool works to give you permanent hair removal results, as it uses IPL technology to break the cycle or hair growth, so you stay hairless and smooth for a long time! You won’t have to spend as much money on waxing or razors, and it even gives you smoother results than say a razor, where you can often see the cut-off hair!

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Illuminate Your Space With a Vintage-Inspired Crystal Chandelier


Swap your dull lighting with this vintage-looking crystal chandelier. Its tapered glass design adds a glamorous element to a home office, bedroom, or dining space.

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A Portable Bar You Can Roll to the Party


There's no need to worry about a little rain in the forecast, as this bar can roll right back inside. The inner cooler can hold over 90 cans on ice, with plenty of space for all those mixers and chilled tequila you want to keep inside. The wheels lock in place to keep it steady if you need to use the top as a table, and there's even a bottle opener affixed to the side.

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This Massage Gun


Sore muscles? Try this Turonic GM5 Massage Gun which will loosen tight muscles and promote blood flow really easily. I love using this after a good gym workout.

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Cell Phone Sanitizer for a Fresh Touch


Clean your phone with the cell phone sanitizer so you know germs are not crawling on your skin as you use your mobile. It only takes ten minutes to disinfect and look like it just came from the package again.

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The Laser Hair Removal Device That You Can Use At Home


Having your hair professionally lasered away can cost thousands of dollars, whereas this at-home version will set you back less than $155. An integrated safety system helps keep you safe from accidental burns when using — and each order even includes a pair of sunglasses to help shield your eyes from the strong UV rays it produces.

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A Must-Have Classic Blazer


Wear this classic leather blazer all fall and winter long. Whether you're trying to embody the flawless Lorelai Gilmore vibes or you're trying to lean into the harder, more grunge vibes, this blazer works! Grab it in white, camel, brown, or black depending on what the vibes are, and keep an eye out this Big Deal Day.

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A Laser Hair Removal Handset Recommended By Board-Certified Dermatologist, Hadley King


Ulike uses cooling technology to lower the temperature to 50°F at the point of skin contact. "Ulike’s sapphire-based flat light window design targets hair at the root while ensuring each flash is painless and efficient." The Laser Hair Removal Handset can be used for facial, armpit, leg, and bikini area hair removal. The bright green box includes the AIR+Device, a smooth razor, and a pair of sunglasses.

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Relax At Work With This Massage Cushion


Working from home doesn't always have to be so uncomfortable, especially when you can invest in this Massage Cushion that rests on the back of your desk chair. This massage pad has four deep kneading features that can relax your body while you type away at the computer screen. This portable mat also has heat therapy to soothe your whole entire body.

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At Home Workouts Call For An At Home Workout Bench


Getting your own Workout Bench is a great way to stay on track and maintain your New Years Resolution of staying fit. It allows for you to mix up different lifts and workouts without needing to leave the house. This one has 6 different back positions and 3 adjustable seat heights – that's alot of different angles to work with!

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Play with you child and get them closer to the sport with this arcade game


This double shooter basketball game is always a blast to play! Get it for you child and join them on this easy-to-assemble game, complete with an LED scorer, timer clock for 8 different games and 4 easy-to-pump basketballs! This game is so addicting and fun, even you will be glad you bought it!

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Cook Comfort Food to Perfection in This Pumpkin Dutch Oven


Elevate your fall cooking with this pumpkin-shaped cocotte. Made from enameled cast iron, it’s as durable as it is stylish, whether you’re using it on the stove or pulling it straight from the oven. With its brass stem handle, it doubles as a decorative piece, making it a smart seasonal investment for your kitchen.

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Bluetooth Headphones That Won't Break the Bank


Discover a sound experience that rivals high-end brands without breaking the budget with these Bluetooth Headphones. Offering a stylish design and exceptional audio quality, these over-ear headphones deliver whether you're at the gym or relaxing at home. The breathable mesh adds comfort to your listening sessions, and the active noise-canceling feature transforms any environment into your personal sanctuary. With an impressive 35-hour battery life and deep bass, the TREBLAB Z2 is your go-to choice for top-notch performance.

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The Answer to Those Doggy DNA Questions


If you've ever wondered just what the heck your dog actually is, what mix of breeds they are, then you've got to grab the Embark Dog DNA Test this Amazon Prime Day! It can give you all the answers you've been looking for, and you never know; the results might just surprise you.

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Dream All Night On This Memory Foam Mattress


We spend around a third of our lives sleeping, which is just one more reason why you deserve the most comfortable and supportive mattress to sleep on. This Memory Foam Mattress can provide you with a durable and firm mattress that you will sink into, every time you lay down in bed. It has multiple layer for support, giving you the best sleep of your life.

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Figure out what type of dog you have with this helpful kit


If you've ever wanted to learn more about the intricacies of your pet's DNA, there's an opportunity to do so with this handy kit. This product, in particular, is known to be more accurate than other DNA tests for pets, and you can even access their genetic report to monitor certain conditions that your pet may be predisposed to.

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This Bluetooth Speaker Is The Hit Of The Season


This Bluetooth Speaker is the life of the party this Spring season. Not only does it provide you with a deep base and wireless design, but it also has a waterproof feature that makes it perfect for the outdoors. With long playtime and a portable design, this speaker is the secret to a successful Spring.

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A 3-In-1 Car Seat That Grows With Your Child


This slim 3-In-1-Car Seat will save room in you car and has three modes of use that changes as your baby grows. It also features 10 different head rest positions so your kid is always comfortable.

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This smart watch is rugged and extremely helpful in monitoring your health and workouts, so you don't have to!


Have your workouts and health metrics all logged and taken care of for you with this rugged outdoor smart watch with GPS, heart-rate monitoring, a compass, and much more! Amazon's #1 Best Seller in Handheld GPS Units, this watch has a great modern, stylish rugged look.

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