My Boyfriend Won’t Post Me On Social Media — Should I Be Mad?

social media and relationships

We live in a "post your relationship so we know it's real" landscape, and I'd be lying if I said it hasn't made me wonder if there's a larger conversation to be had about it. Some people don't feel the need to post their romantic partner while others share their relationships in a way that rivals the best celebrity couples.

Everyone's different, but it's not not unheard of to question your partner's devotion if they're not posting you on Instagram. You may feel justified in your anger because "so and so" are always in cute pictures and videos together on social media — but are your feelings valid? The best person to answer this is licensed therapist Suzette Bray, LMFT. She has over 25 years of specializing in Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and she's seen this topic come up plenty of times during sessions with clients, so grab a pen and paper to take notes!

Why do people want to share their relationship status with others?

Afif Ramdhasuma

My sister used to ask me this question when I was in my 20's, and I always looked at her like she had two heads growing. I couldn't fathom the idea that people wouldn't want to talk about their relationship online because it felt like everyone was doing it. I mean, a study from Pew Research Center shows 8 in 10 people on social media see relationship posts, so it clearly wasn't outrageous to think it was normal.

But, that still doesn't answer why people are drawn to sharing cute little updates about their partner or relationship. Luckily, Bray has a good indication of what drives people to give others a sneak peek into their lives. "People share their relationship status for all kinds of reasons. Some want to mark their territory — nothing says 'back off' quite like a cute couple selfie! Others are just excited and proud of their partner and want to share the joy," she says. That stems from people's "need for a sense of belonging or to receive positive reinforcement from others," she adds.

But, this doesn't necessarily make people weird. It's just human nature that makes us act the way we do. "We as humans are just hard wired to seek connection, and broadcasting our connections, makes us feel more accepted and secure in our social lives."

Should couples have conversations about their social media expectations?

Katrin Bolovtsova

I don't care how hot you think someone is, you're going to have to learn how to communicate with them. It's true even if your chemistry is off-the-charts because healthy relationships don't fall out of the sky. They're built via honesty, respect, forgiveness, and other important factors.

Before assuming your partner is or isn't okay with you posting about your relationship, Bray is 100% convinced you should talk things through. "Social media is still in the wild west of relationship etiquette, and without discussions, assumptions about 'correct' behavior can run wild," she hints. For example, you could be happily posting about your partner only for someone to point out that they're not following you on social media.

"Some people are super private, while others practically live their lives online. Misunderstandings happen when expectations aren't laid out so talking about it can prevent messiness in the long run," Bray observes.

If two people have gone on a couple of dates, should one of them be upset if the other isn't publicly talking about them?

RDNE Stock project

So, you swiped right on Tinder or Bumble, and you had a few amazing dates with one of your matches. Before you start publicly declaring your love for them, Bray wants you to reconsider. "Hold on! It's just a few dates! Let’s pump the brakes. The early stages of dating is not the time to make grand social declarations," she declares. As someone who tried to 'date' people from Tinder, those first few dates aren't a guarantee that you've found the love of your life.

"Posting someone on social media can feel like a big step to some people so expecting that level of public commitment too soon might be too much pressure. If you’re already thinking, 'Why haven’t they posted about me yet?' after two dates, it might be a good time to check in with yourself about where those expectations are coming from," advises Bray.

I've recovered from my former, "Is he the one" obsession so also take it from me — see where things go first and then refer back to question #2!

Is it a red flag if someone doesn't post their partner on social media?

Budgeron Bach

It would be so much fun if we personally had Dustin Poynter, the flag guy, from TikTok helping point us in the right direction — but this is one of those things that errs on the subjective side. Though Bray doesn't feel it's necessarily healthier to keep your relationship private, she thinks "context matters." "Some people are just more private or feel weird about social media in general," she says.

But, that doesn't mean certain behaviors don't warrant a few eyebrow raises. She notes," If someone is super active on social—like posting about their dog’s morning routine and every cupcake they’ve ever had—but doesn't ever mention their partner, it could create a need for a deeper conversation." Before you feel justified about grilling your partner — as satisfactory as that may feel — take a second to breathe.

Bray would prefer you work to understand "why they don't post, rather than assuming your partner is keep you a secret." If you discover the latter to be true, follow your instincts and let that person go because you don't deserve that!

Do you think it's healthier for couples to keep certain aspects of their relationship private?

Fábio Carvalho

Everyone has a different view of what makes a romantic relationship healthy, so this is one of those things Bray says, "absolutely depends on the couple" because some "genuinely enjoy sharing their lives online." You've probably seen your share of couples who make cute content together whether they're married or not. I'd be lying if I said I don't specifically keep up with a few whose content makes me smile.

But, other couples may not be interested in sharing their relationship online because they "want to be private and keep the relationship free from the judgements or opinions of others," according to Bray. That's not to say they have something to hide, though. Instead, think of it as a personal preference.

"As long as both partners are on the same page and it’s not a source of tension, it’s all about finding the balance that works for them. If it starts to feel like a performance for likes rather than genuine connection, though, that’s where it can become problematic," Bray reminds.

How can someone bring up their partner's posting habits without sounding accusatory?

Timur Weber

You may feel eager about posting about your partner while they're less enthusiastic and this could make you feel upset. It's easy to jump to conclusions when you're already upset, but Bray feels "tone is everything." Ironically, she suggests something I've heard in therapy sessions and that's "to be curious, not confrontational." Hopefully this stopped you in your tracks if you were ready to give your partner a piece of your mind.

"You can say something like, 'Hey, I’ve noticed we haven’t shared much about each other on social media? What’s your take on sharing stuff about us online?' It’s important to frame it as a mutual exploration of rather than a demand for a public declaration," Bray points out.

What would you tell someone who wants to emulate couples who consistently post content together?

Vlada Karpovich

We've all seen couples who we think have the cutest relationship, even though we've never met them before. As much as you may admire a couple, Bray thinks it's a "slipper slope" if you want to try to recreate their online moments. "I’d encourage someone to focus more on what makes their own relationship feel fulfilling, rather than chasing #couplesgoals," she encourages.

However, this isn't a sign that you're not supposed to ever share anything about your partner or relationship! "If posting together feels fun and real, go for it! But if it starts feeling like a performance or that you are in competition with other couples, it's probably good to take a step back," she warns.

Also, keep in mind that social media doesn't show you every single moment of couples' lives so don't worry about trying to look picture perfect based on a 30 second to 30 minute video.

If you feel that your partner doesn't post you enough on social media, talk to them before launching into an angsty rant because your assumptions might not always be right. I wish someone would've shared this advice 10 years ago, but all that matters is knowing you don't have to let being upset about your partner's lack of relationship posts be the reason your day is ruined.

The problem arises when your partner doesn't seem receptive to talking about your concerns because dismissive or evasive attitudes are a no-no!

We have more relationship advice if you're looking for more romantic tips and tricks!

Women like Kristin Cavallariare giving a middle finger to outdated rules like who's allowed to have an age gap relationship or not, and it's refreshing to see. As much as we remember her for her time on The Hills, she's branched out as an author, entrepreneur, and host of the podcast Let's Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari. Speaking of her podcast, Kristin Cavallari didn't hold back in her when she dished about her ex-boyfriend Mark Estes.

At first listen, her giddy tone is evident and immediately captivated listeners for the 45 minutes she gushed about the key details that led her to a new relationship. Since then, the two had quite a public relationship even if was short-lived!

How did Kristin Cavallari meet her ex-boyfriend Mark Estes?

Mike Coppola/Getty Images

We're truly living in a digital age because TikTok is the reason Kristin Cavallari was introduced to her ex-boyfriend Mark Estes. She told her best friend Justin Anderson that she was scrolling down her timeline when she came across what she called a "boy group" called The Montana Boyz and they both agreed one of them specifically is her type. She said, "He's gorgeous. Like, everything about him is perfect. But, he's also outdoorsy and manly."

Three weeks later, she got a DM from The Montana Boyz that said "I love you" and she immediately let them know she wanted to have them on her podcast. Although the podcast didn't happen, Kristin Cavallari appeared in one of their TikTok videos. Once Kristin Cavallari learned from her assistant that they were planning to move to Nashville, she arranged for a line dancing meet-up with The Montana Boyz and her staff. After they met, Kristin decided to call the guy who would become her ex-boyfriend "Montana." (Cavallari used Montana as a stand in for her boyfriend's real name during the podcast recording as she never names anyone explicitly on her show.)

Shortly after that, Kristin Cavallari hard launched her new relationship with ex-boyfriend Mark Estes on Instagram in February, and the rest is history!

How did she feel about their age gap?

Presley Ann/Getty Images for MTV

Kristin Cavallari didn't know how young The Montana Boyz were, but she wasn't interested in pursuing a relationship with Mark Estes at first. She did admit she had a brief issue with their age gap, but decided that Mark being 24 while she's 37 didn’t really bother her. Justin pointed out that she actually used to say she wouldn't date guys who were only 30 because she thought they were too young. However, she was more interested in who Mark was as a person and notes that life experiences and how you were raised is more indicative of one's maturity level than age alone.

Did Kristin Cavallari's kids like Mark Estes?

Jason Kempin/Getty Images

Kristin Cavallari said her boys were so excited to meet Mark for the first time and she felt like they really wanted her to be happy. "I've been really good about separating my dating life from their [life]," she said. Her oldest son especially approved of Mark and it was shocking to Kristin because he's usually the toughest judge of whoever she's dating.

How did her career prepare her for public opinions about their relationship?

Terry Wyatt/Getty Images

Kristin Cavallari didn’t care what anyone thought about her ex-boyfriend. She's lived life in the public eye and is comfortable enough with herself to make decisions that make her happy. Kristin said, "...when this news came out, it's the first time in my entire life I 100% haven't given a sh-t what anyone thinks... My own mother is noticing a difference in me."

Did she mention anything about her divorce from Jay Cutler?

Timothy Hiatt/Getty Images

Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler were married for seven years before announcing their divorce in 2020. She didn't go into detail about it during the podcast episode, but she did talk about the magnitude of her former relationship with her ex-boyfriend. "It's the first time I've gone public since my divorce," she said.

How did Mark Estes adjust to being in the public eye with Kristin Cavallari?

Montana Boyz's Mark Estes Says He's a "TRUE ROMANTIC" With Girlfriend Kristin Cavallari | E! News

Mark Estes may be in the spotlight because he dated Kristin Cavallari, but that didn’t mean he was enthusiastic about it. E! News caught up with him at the CMT Awards and he said, "It comes with the territory, I guess...It is what it is." One thing his friend Kade Wilcox — another one of The Montana Boyz — mentioned is that Mark was quite the romanticist when it came to Kristin Cavallari. He told the outlet, "He's pretty good at date nights."

How did Kristin Cavallari feel about dating a younger man?

Uncommon James

Kristin Cavallari and Mark Estes may have been in bliss for a short while, but the former knows having an age gap in a relationship isn't always applauded by others. " I understand what it looks like from the outside world of, like, yeah, I’m dating a 24-year-old, but no one in my life has been like, ‘This is weird.’ Everyone’s like, ’I get it. It makes sense,'" she said (via Bustle).

She also said, "...Emotionally, he’s able to step up to the plate, and he’s shown up for me more than anyone else I’ve ever dated," (via Bustle). And according to her, Mark's all in when it comes to her kids and they love him for it. "He loves my kids. He actually took my kids to school, and it's just—he fits in very well. And I'm really thankful for that," (via E! News).

It's not easy balancing being an attentive mom who has a full-fledged career and relationship, but Kristin seemed grateful for the way Mark stepped up to the plate. She said he made things feel "so easy" which is something all moms crave!

Watch The Full Campaign Video For Hard Feelings Eau De Parfum

Hard Feelings The Debut Eau De Parfum From Uncommon James

Since talking about everything from her time on Laguna Beach to her relationship, Kristin Cavallari and Mark Estes appeared together in an ad campaign for her brand's new fragrance, Hard Feelings. It's described as an "alluring" scent that's meant to invigorate one's senses. With notes like pink pepper, hibiscus, and sandalwood, we don't doubt it's sensuality!

What's the steamy thing  Kristin revealed about her former relationship?

Uncommon James

During the "Truth or Drink with Mark Estes" episode on Let's Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari, Kristin and Mark delved into steamy secrets about their relationship. The latter even dropped a bombshell when he admitted he enjoyed being intimate with Kristin. He said, "Yeah, you’re the best sex I've ever had for sure," which shocked her.

Though she liked his confession, she said she "didn't know that" before letting him know she felt the same. But, she attributed their hot sex to things like being "more present physically during sex" and being "wildly attracted" to Mark.

But, their relationship isn't all about their amazing romps in bed. Mark was “obviously so in love" with Kristin so that added to the spiciness factor!

Why did Kristin Cavallari And Mark Estes break up?

Mindy Small/Getty Images

Sadly, all of the passion Kristin Cavallari and Mark Estes had fizzled out because they broke up after 7 months of being in a relationship (via Us Weekly). She initially told Alex Cooper, host of the Call Her Daddy podcast, the breakup was “fresh,” (via PEOPLE ).

Opening up on her Let's Be Honest podcast, Kristin talked about why she and Mark broke up. "It's hard because I broke up with Mark because I just know long-term it's not right, and it's not because of love lost or something bad happened," she said. Insisting their relationship didn't end on a sour note, she swore "he's been the best boyfriend."

But, the issue seems to boil down to their age gap. She'd prefer for him not to jump into a serious long-term relationship in his mid-twenties because she thinks they're "formative years" and "when you find yourself." She also said she doesn't "regret anything" because they had a "good, happy relationship."

We're sad to see this couple go their separate ways, but it's for the best!

What do you think about Kristin Cavallari and Mark Estes breaking up?

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

Amazon’s famedBig Deal Days is set to return on October 8-9, but you don’t have to wait until then to get your shop on! There are tons ofearly Prime Day deals to scoop up right now, from beauty and fashion to home goods and appliances that’ll literally save you hundreds. This Prime member-exclusive savings event also comes at the perfect time ahead of the holiday season, so you have the chance to check everyone off your list with plenty of time to spare before December’s here.

Jump to our favorite early deals:

Since we’re all about saving, here are all the absolute best early Prime Big Deal Days deals to start shopping now!

Early Beauty Deals


SheaMoisture Smoothie Curl Enhancing Cream

$10, was $12, with option to save 10% more with Subscribe + Save

This luscious curl cream works for a wide range of curly hair types. From enhancing subtle waves to making sure tight coils stay in place, it sure is effective for such a low price. In addition to helping curls hold, this product reduces frizz and creates "brilliant shine."


COSRX Snail Mucin 96% Power Repairing Essence

$15, was $25

This multi-hyphenate serum (4.6 out of 5-stars rating, Amazon best-seller, and viral fave) is beloved for a reason. It's super gentle on the skin, all while delivering unparalleled hydration and moisture when you really need it. Even if you're not looking for a skincare restock, someone on your holiday shopping list will love this as a stocking stuffer!


Hempz Smoothing Herbal Koa & Sweet Almond Body Moisturizer

$17, was $28

Hempz makes some of our all-time favorite body lotionssince they're super hydrating. Give your bod the TLC it's been craving as temperatures cool down with this sweet-smelling formula made with thick, nourishing shea butter! Shoppers love it for its ability to maintain "supple and irresistibly soft" skin.


Wavytalk Ionic Hair Dryer

$32, was $55

This salon-quality hair dryer is small, but mighty. It's powered by a 1875-watt motor, 3 temperature settings, and 2 airflow speeds to help you achieve the exact style you're looking for. It's earned 4.5 out of 5 stars from Amazon shoppers for being a great value, efficient at drying, and quiet during operation.


CeraVe Ultra-Light Moisturizing Gel

$15, was $20

This derm-recommended water-based moisturizer is packed with 3 essential ceramides, niacinamide, and hyaluronic acid for "immediate and long-lasting hydration." It's the perfect product to deliver the moisture your skin needs without feeling heavy or sticky on the face.


Oral-B iO Deep Clean + Whiten Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush

$100, was $150

Prime Day is the perfect time to re-up your oral care game since a lot of electric toothbrushes tend to be on deals. This model's "advanced" tech allows you to remove 100% more plaque and (even 2.5 times more in between your teeth) for a very fresh feel. It can sense if you're brushing too lightly or too hard, plus it's equipped with a handy 2-minute timer for the ideal brushing experience. The coordinating case makes traveling with your expert-approved toothbrush super easy!


Shark HD430 FlexStyle Air Styling & Drying System

$249, was $300

This beloved hair tool from Shark is shoppable on sale ahead of Prime Day, saving you $50! It dries and styles your hair simultaneously using low heat, but powerful airflow. This minimizes heat damage to your luscious locks, which is always welcome! You can easily customize your desired hairstyle using 4 heat and 3 airflow settings, plus 5 interchangeable attachments.


Crest 3D Whitestrips Sensitive At-Home Teeth Whitening Kit

$24, was $50

The same sentiment goes for all things oral care – these whitening strips are a whopping 50% off right now, offering the perfect opportunity to stock up. These American Dental Association-approved strips are specially formulated for sensitive teeth so you can use them safely.


Olay Super Serum

$30, was $35

This serum essentially acts as 5 serums in one single bottle! It's packed with niacinamide, vitamin C, collagen peptides, vitamin E, and AHAs to simultaneously hydrate, soothe, smooth, and gently exfoliate your skin – all with visible results. It goes on lightweight and absorbs quickly so you can easily layer on your typical moisturizer and SPF!


Stila Blush & Bronze Hydro-Blur Cheek Duo

$26, was $32 with option to save 10% more with Subscribe + Save

This luxe 2-in-1 bronzer and blush boasts a gel-based formula that not only bronzes and blushes, but leaves a "dewy, non-oily, glow-from-within" look on your skin. It's fairly sheer and buildable, so it works equally well across bare skin or foundation. This pick would also make an epic stocking stuffer for the makeup aficionado in your life!

Early Fashion Deals


Anrabess Open Front Knit Lightweight Cardigan

$47, was $70

If your fall and winter 'fits are craving something a bit more (and some extra warmth), this on-sale longline cardigan is the perfect light layer to throw on. It comes in 24 stunning colors to match your personal style. The open collar and front pockets make it look super sophisticated – even though it's currently 51% off. 👀


Anrabess Striped Oversized Sweatshirt

$18, was $31

It's giving Free People, but for way less. This colorful striped sweatshirt is sure to make a statement wherever you go, and you have a ton of color options to shop, including this vibrant blue-pink-green colorway. It's designed for an oversized fit, which is ideal for fall and winter layering.


Shupua Pointed Toe Ballet Flats

$26, was $31

These adorable red flats are a perfectly chic addition to any outfit, thanks to the pointed toes and lil' bows on top. The shoes themselves are soft and flexible, and boast padded heel cushions for an extra-comfy wear. The upper parts of the flats are made of a breathable mesh material, so your feet won't feel overly restricted, even after wearing them all day!


Sunzel Flare Leggings

$20, was $31

Cozy pants are a must come fall and winter time. These stretchy flared leggings are the epitome of comfy style, since they work to shape and flatter your figure without ever restricting it. The crossed fold-over waistline hugs you perfectly and even offers some nice tummy control. This style also comes in endless color options to suit your own vibe!


Amazon Essentials Women's Teddy Bear Fleece Oversized-Fit Lapel Jacket

$45, was $62

This roomy jacket is just the thing you need to throw on a layer of warmth over your fall and winter looks. The teddy fleece sherpa fabric will keep you extremely snug, all while looking stylish. The large collar adds a nice touch of sophistication so you can easily rock it on the way to the office!


Anrabess Oversized Long Sleeve Quarter Zip

$40, was $50

Look luxe for a fraction of the price with this super-soft quarter-zip pullover. Whether you wear it for WFH days or grocery store trips, it'll keep you warm and cozy with a plush ribbed knit material. The longline hem and raised collar will give you extra coverage on those especially-cold days.


Cicy Bell Barrel Jeans

$30, was $45

Barrel jeans are *the* style to have right now. They're extra-wide across the thighs and knees, then tapered down around the ankles for a unique shape that wears well with flats and boots alike. This pair in particular has some slight distressing, shown in the frayed bottom hems and tiny rips around the hips. The comfy, baggy fit will become your BFF for days you have to dress up a bit, but don't really feel like gong all-out!


Amazon Essentials Women's Crop Puffer Jacket

$58, was $69

Prepare for the extra-cold temps coming our way by snagging a dependable puffer jacket on sale for Prime Day now. This extra-puffy cropped jacket mixes practicality with style – the thick filling, stand collar, and elastic bands around the waist and wrists will keep you warm, while the cropped length, concealed front zipper, and side pockets have you looking stylish AF, even in the snow.


Anrabess Double-Lined Long Sleeve Crop Top

$12, was $20

This "comfortable and stretchy" long sleeve top comes in so many colors to suit only your best layered outfits for fall and winter. It's made of a soft 92% rayon and 8% elastane material which is doubled over to give your look more coverage. The square neckline is ultimately super flattering for any body type, and the slightly-cropped length pairs just as well with high-rise pants as it does low-rise styles!

$40, was $66

Athlefit Chelsea Boots

$40, was $66

If there's anything we truly love, it's a boot. These black ankle boots boast timeless details that allow you to wear them with a multitude of 'fits! The chunky heel and sole gives these shoes a bit of edge while also supplying a hefty amount of traction for comfortably walking far distances. They're super easy to slip into, thanks to the elastic panels on the sides.

Early Kitchen Deals


Nutribullet Pro+ Personal Blender

$100, was $130

This Pro+ personal blender from Nutribullet delivers "more extraction power, more convenience, and more functionality" than their original model, saving you effort and time in the kitchen where it's needed the most. The best part is it doesn't take up nearly as much real estate on your counters like a traditional blender would (small space-friendly)! Save 23% now, ahead of October's Prime Day event.


Philips 3200 Series Fully Automatic Espresso Machine

$701, was $1,000

Splurge, anyone? This insanely luxe at-home espresso machine crafts the perfect cup with 6 pre-set beverage options, an efficient milk frother, and an adjustable bean grinder to achieve the ideal brew. It sounds intricate, but is actually super easy to use with high-visibility buttons and dishwasher-safe components for easy cleanup. Upgrade your current coffee routine right now.


Carote Pots And Pans 11-Piece Set

$70, was $120 with option to use 10% off coupon

These gorgeous pots and pans are such an easy kitchen upgrade, especially since they're half-off. They're uniquely designed with detachable lids and handles to seamlessly fit inside your cabinets, saving ample space. The non-stick cookware surface delivers "rapid and even" heat to any dish you please! This set would also make a stunning gift to someone who's just moved to a new spot.


Ninja Foodi 11-In-1 Air Fryer Pressure Cooker

$150, was $200

This 6.5-quart air fryer and pressure cooker does much more than air fry and pressure-cook. It's fitted with 11 different settings that range from steaming to broiling, and even dehydrating. It's gonna be a massively worthwhile kitchen upgrade if you tend to cook for the whole family or large potluck groups. If you're craving more easy meal ideas, it comes equipped with a 45+ recipe guide!


Ninja Woodfire Pro Outdoor Grill & Smoker

$300, was $400

If you've got a griller at home, they'll adore this grill, smoker, and air fryer all in one! It delivers the same char and searing that a large propane-powered grill would, taking up way less space. It's conveniently powered by electricity, but is compatible with Ninja's real burning wood pellets for added smoky flavor. It includes an attached thermometer that allows you to check the temps of whatever you're cooking with ease.


KitchenAid Ribbed Soft Silicone Oven Mitt Set

$15, was $35 with option to use 5% off coupon

The deal on these mitts is insane! They're made of a heat resistant silicone (up to 500 degrees F) that's also super grippy so you won't risk annoying slips and spills. The material is conveniently easy to clean with an easy rinse and wipe, too. If you're looking for an affordable upgrade for your worn-out oven mitts, this Prime Day deal is your sign.

Early Home Deals


Hatch Restore 2 Sunrise Alarm Clock

$170, was $200

This science-backed sunrise alarm clock is a total game-changer in supporting your natural circadian rhythm. It can send you to bed with a variety of white noise settings and nature sounds, then will wake you up calmly with a gentle light that mimics the rising sun. Tons of Amazon shoppers attest to its transformative properties – and the fact that it looks gorgeous on a nightstand.


Urevo Under Desk Treadmill

$250, was $330 with option to use $70 off coupon

With 5 layers of anti-slip belt, 8 silicone shock absorbers, and 2 soft rubber pads, this under-desk treadmill provides a comfortable experience for getting your daily step goal in. The "powerful motor" is surprisingly quiet, so you won't have to worry about noisy distractions. The included remote control makes adjusting the speed easy, up to 4 miles per hour.


Blueair Large Room Air Purifier

$190, was $350

This top-rated air purifier cleans up to 3,048 square feet in 60 minutes, removing "at least 99.97%" of tiny airborne particles like smoke, dust, and dander to keep the air in your home feeling (and smelling) fresh. The coordinating mobile app makes it super easy to monitor the device's performance, and will even notify you when it's time for a filter change! Its compact size allows you to place it out of the way of traffic for a seamless experience.


Dyson V8 Plus Cordless Vacuum

$419, was $470

This Dyson deal is too good. Known for its high power and ability to clean every nook and cranny, this cordless vacuum is such a powerhouse. It comes with 3 attachments to target your desired space, and can operate up to 40 minutes on a full charge.


FelixKing Ergonomic Office Chair

$120, was $170 with option to use 5% off coupon

Ditch your current creaky desk chair for a fancy new upgrade. This ergonomic design provides 5 supporting points across your head, shoulders, back, hips, and hands with proper lumbar support to prevent those pesky workday aches and pains. You'll enjoy the breathability of the mesh backing and the ability to adjust the chair's height to your liking. It comes in 9 stylish colors in addition to this all-black pick!


TushGuard Memory Foam Seat Cushion

$17, was $27

We're no stranger to work-induced back pain. This memory foam seat cushion can be used at your desk, at the kitchen table, in the car, or even on stadium bleachers to support a healthy sitting position! The material on top is soft and breathable, while the bottom boasts a rubber coating to prevent annoying slips. The u-shaped design fits your hips to "effectively support" the coccyx, relieving any pain from sitting in the same place for extended amounts of time.


HiLife Clothes Steamer

$36, was $60 with option to use $5 off coupon

If you reside in too small a space to whip out an iron and ironing board frequently, this compact clothes steamer is gonna be a lifesaver. It uses high-temperature steam and a metal panel to smooth out wrinkles for a range of fabrics. It's also equipped with an efficiently-designed 300-milliliter water tank that's capable of steaming up to 6 garments on a single fill.


Bissell Little Green Multi-Purpose Portable Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner

$100, was $124

This conveniently compact carpet cleaner can tackle tough pet spots and stains on carpet, upholstery, and car interiors. It's lightweight, easy to use with interchangeable attachments, and capable of tackling lots of mileage on a single fill from the 48-ounce water or cleaning product tank.

Early Tech Deals


Ring Spotlight Cam Plus

$110, was $170

This easy-install security camera offers wide-angle, 1080p HD video with color night vision at all times of day so you can check in on your front porch, living room, or backyard when you need to. Its motion-sensing technology will set off two powerful LED lights when movement is indicated in its view. It also features two-way talk so you can communicate with guests from the comfort of your home. Invest in extra peace of mind with this $60-off deal!


Oura Ring Gen 3

$299, was $349

This sleek health-tracking ring helps you monitor your sleep activity, workouts, stress levels, heart rate and more. Its small, but mighty sensors can detect over 20 different biometrics to give you a well-rounded glimpse into your wellbeing. The Oura Ring is definitely more discreet than a watch would be, plus it's very stylish. The titanium it's made of is lightweight and built to last, and it can easily fit into your everyday jewelry stack since it's available in silver, gold, black, rose gold, and more. You can currently snag it in ring sizes 6-13, use it with iOS or Android devices and apps, and even save more on your purchase since it's eligible for reimbursement with FSA / HSA funds!


Apple AirPods Max

$449, was $549

The AirPods Max claim to bring "high-fidelity audio" and "breakthrough listening experiences" to every user. In addition to the high-quality sound, these luxe headphones also boast active noise cancellation to block out the world around you, plus a transparency mode that allows to you listen to both your headphone audio and the outside world simultaneously. The mesh band and memory foam ear cushions provide an "exceptional" over-ear fit, also sealing in sound when you need some focus time studying or working out. You can get up to 20 hours of listening time on a single battery charge, which is ideal for those constantly on-the-go.


Amazon Fire TV 40" 2-Series HD Smart TV

$160, was $200

This Prime member-exclusive deal is too good to pass up. Watch your favorite TV shows and movies in HD with this Amazon Fire screen – it gives you "quick access" to all your go-to's, including games and music, too. Its remote is equipped with Alexa, so you can easily navigate to your desired watch via voice control.

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on this year's best Prime Day deals!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

Halloween may be the most popular October holiday, but we’re excited about one more fall event that gives us the perfect excuse to gorge on beer, brats, and soft pretzels. That’s right, people: We’re talkin’ Oktoberfest. If you’ve never thrown an Oktoberfest party, we’ve got everything you’ll need and more, from decor ideas to German-inspired menu items. So put on your best lederhosen, crack open a cold one, and get to party planning.

Waiting on Martha

Pumpkin Beer Cooler

Oktoberfest is all about the beer (duh). So instead of carving out a jack-o-lantern, hollow out a pumpkin, fill it up with ice and get to cooling those seasonal ales you love so much.

Brit + Co

Sparkling Pumpkin Cider Beertail

We love sipping on our pumpkin ale straight, but to switch things up, try this beertail made with pumpkin ale, sparkling cider, and lots of cinnamon.


MyGift 2 Liter Das Boot Beer Glasses

No, you are never, ever, EVER too old for a das boot. Invest in this set of four for your upcoming shindig because, well, it isn’t an Oktoberfest party without a big ol’ beer-filled boot floating around!


TRUE Craft Beer Tasting Glasses

These sleek glasses are the perfect beer vessel for your German-themed get-together, and they’re also just awesome bar staples. Any excuse to grow the home bar, right?


Libbey Heidelberg Glass Beer Mugs, Set of 4

Clink the night away with these festive (and hefty!) beer mugs.

The Flair Exchange

DIY Harlequin Garland

No Oktoberfest party is complete without the standard harlequin garland. DIY this puppy and string it up right before your guests arrive.

Braided Crown

A little dress-up never hurt anybody! Complete your Oktoberfest look with this feminine and effortless braided crown. (via Camille Styles)


Lederhosen Set

For all moms out there, dress yourlittle one for the occasion. There’s no reason they have to miss out on the party just because of… well… obvious reasons.

A Beautiful Mess

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Roast up the pumpkin seeds from your beer cooler for a light and salty beer snack.

Taryn Williford

Pretzel Necklaces

Right when your guests walk in, hand them one of these adorable pretzel necklaces. Who doesn’t love a good wearable snack?

Fashion Edible

Homemade Oktoberfest Pretzels

If beer is the Batman of Oktoberfest, then homemade soft pretzels are certainly the Robin. Serve these puppies up warm with some tangy yellow mustard for the perfect party snack.

Dine & Dish

Homemade Pretzel Bites

Not into full-size pretzels? No problem! These pretzel bites are the

The Flair Exchange

Pretzel Bite Mini Bucket Holders

If you go the pretzel-bite route, be sure to craft up some adorable p-bite holders, like these minibuckets lined with Oktoberfest colors.


Maille Mustard Variety Pack

And you best not be serving up all of these pretzels without a little mustard.


Pretzel Bar

A food bar is always a good idea, especially if you’re expecting lots of guests. Create a pretzel sampling bar, complete with various mustards and cheesy dips, to really get the Oktoberfest-ivities started.

Deliciously Yum

Pretzel Rolls

For those of you planning on having a DIY sandwich station, bake up these yummy pretzel rolls to stick with the theme.

Host the Toast

Pull-Apart Pretzel Skillet With Beer Cheese Dip

Pull-apart breads are everything, especially when there’s beer cheese dip involved.

Brit + Co

Wisconsin Beer Brats With Sauerkraut

Grilled brats topped with homemade sauerkraut? There’s absolutely nothing better.

Love and Lemons

Grilled Potato Arugula Salad

Serve this lovely grilled potato salad alongside those brats for the perfect Oktoberfest meal.

Gimme Some Oven

Pumpkin Beer Bread

Fully commit to the beer theme and whip up this scrumptious pumpkin beer bread made with pumpkin puree.

The Kitchn

Chocolate-Dipped Beer Marshmallows

Beer marshmallows??? Tell us more!


Beer Mug Cupcakes

These are so ridiculously amazing, we can’t. even. stand it. Those fondant beer mugs are filled with chocolate cake and with Bailey’s Irish Cream chocolate ganache…!!!

Subscribe to our newsletter for more yummy fall recipes!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

Fall fashion isn't just about the best Steve Madden boots or Amazon sweater dresses you can find. It's also about casual days where you need something comfortable to take you from point A to B — and what better way to do that than snug plus size leggings? It doesn't matter if you're looking for something stylish to wear that doesn't require zippers, or if you're making your yoga, Starbucks, and Target run. These 13 options are so cozy you may feel like skipping your usual fall outfits!


Torrid Full Length Comfort Waist Premium Legging

What's opaque and has a comfortable waistband? Torrid's Comfort Legging!

In addition to kicking sheer leggings out of the way, these are full-length with a slight tapered leg and are made of the softest cotton-blend you'll work your way into. We're talking about a 95% cotton and 5% spandex fit! No wonder they're Torrid's best-selling leggings!


Nike High-Waisted Graphic Leggings

If you don't mind a little sheer action, Nike's High-Waisted Graphic Leggings will give you what you want. They're spectacularly durable and have more stretch than ever. You'll still get that same cotton and spandex blend that makes the best plus size leggings comfortable, but these somehow maintain a lightweight feel that'll take you from an early morning parent-teacher conference to yoga in the park.


Forever21 Active Seamless Flare Leggings

We'd like to thank whoever designed seamless athleisure plus size leggings for anyone who enjoys working out in style and comfort! You'll get support that covers low-impact workouts and a stretch that moves when you do. Plus, these leggings are breathable and keep moisture locked in.


Tek Gear Ultrastretch High-Waisted Side Pocket Leggings

Need a little more security during your morning or afternoon hikes? Go for Tek Gear's Side Pocket Leggings. They're super stretchy and feature side pockets that'll keep your keys and phone in one or two places. They're also made of a moisture-wicking fabric that won't allow your sweat to completely drench you.

Ashley Stewart

Ashley Stewart High Waist Faux Leather Leggings

Faux leather leggings are the easiest way to elevate your fall outfit because they don't require much effort to wear. They're still provide great stretch, but they're just a little sleeker in appearance than their cotton counterparts. You can pair them with one of the new leather jackets in your closet for a chic moto look or you can wear them with an oversized chunky kit sweater.


A New Day High-Waisted Slim Fit Faux Leather Leggings

Similar to Ashley Stewart's faux leather leggings, A New Day has a knack for knowing what styles are trending during fall. You'll still get a high-waisted effect, but you'll also experience a slimmer fit that gently hugs your body. The ankle zipper closures are also a nice touch!

Ashley Stewart

Ashley Stewart Swirl Faux Leather Leggings

The weather may be cooling down, but you can still have a hot girl fall with these swirl faux leather leggings. The tawny port color is similar to the burgundy trend that's literally everywhere in right now, but the pattern gives it a unique twist that'll make you the center of attention.


Wild Fable High-Waisted Butterbliss Leggings (Navy Blue)

These plus size leggings had us at the word 'Butterbliss.' Offering a light-weight stretch, they're made to hug your body in the most cozy and flattering way. Though we're partial to the navy blue color, these leggings also come in brown, slate grey, and turquoise blue!


Torrid Full Length Signature Waist Pocket Legging

It's understood that dresses and plus size leggings that have pockets are going to make us go feral. The satisfaction of being able to stick your hands in something you're wearing continues to be unmatched and we'll also champion fashion that thinks about us in this way.

Of course Torrid couldn't be left out of the conversation. One customer they "love that these have pockets" and even asked "what more could you want out of a pair of leggings?"


Terra & Sky High Rise Leggings

These machine-washable plus size leggings are so budget-friendly we had to circle back to make sure they're worth buying. According to their 4.6 rating, we're pretty sure they are! Not only that, but they're made of the soft cotton and spandex blend that makes us weak in the knees.


Forever21 Split Hem Leggings (Grey)

Headed out for date night, but want a low-fuss outfit to wear? Better call on Forever21's Split Hem Leggings. They're not metallic, but the nice sheen on them makes them look glamorous without doing all of the work that often comes with super chic looks.

Superfit Hero

Superfit Hero SuperSoft Pocket Leggings (Heather Gray)

Once you're done looking cute and stylish, head home so you can slip into these SuperSoft Pocket Leggings. They're Superfit Hero's award-winning design that makes you want to start the online yoga class you've been eyeing. No judgement here because we're in the same boat!

Once your first class starts, you'll appreciate the no roll waistband you don't have to fuss with as you begin learning how to properly stretch your body and calm your nervous system.


Bloomchic Jack-o-Lantern Leggings (Pre-Order)

We know these plus size leggings are for preorder only right now, but they have Halloween etched all over them! We love anything that reminds us of warm, gooey pumpkin pancake recipes and these look like the walking spicy dish we think you need. Don't miss out because they're estimated to ship by October 11 — which is next Friday!

Don't just stop at comfortable leggings! Revisit some of the coziest plus size pajamas we've ever seen!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Prepare for the ultimate cozy ambiance with these 41 Amazon home decor finds that bring hygge vibes to any room of your home. These Amazon gems are designed to create a warm atmosphere that is both cozy and inviting for all of your friends and family. From thick knit blankets to 3D moon lamps and LED finds, this list has everything you need to transform your living space into a hygge home. Transform every corner of your home and cultivate a comfortable, content space with these Amazon home gems this fall.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

This Ceramic Burner to Feel Zen


Find inner peace one product at a time, starting with this ceramic burner, which can be used for meditation and yoga. This bowl cultivates a sense of calm and relaxation, creating a zen atmosphere by connecting you to nature.

See it on Amazon

This Moon Lamp With Controlled Brightness


Capture the calming glow of the moon with this moon lamp that comes with a wooden base to rest on. This LED light mimics the soothing light of the moon, perfect for meditating or relaxing in your bedroom. It also has adjustable lighting preferences, allowing you to find your perfect light.

See it on Amazon

This Throw Blanket for Chilly Nights


There's nothing more hygge than this throw blanket that Amazon shoppers have fallen in love with. This knit accessory has a soft, warm fabric that is perfect for layering over your bed or cuddling up on movie night.

See it on Amazon

This Lamp With a Cordless Design


Set the mood in your living space with this lamp that comes with a built-in timer. This light emits a soft glow, creating a relaxing and calm atmosphere for you to enjoy. The cordless feature creates a modern look, allowing you to place this accessory anywhere in your home.

See it on Amazon

This Loveseat for a Nap


Whether you use this loveseat as a reading nook or a cozy nap spot, it is guaranteed to provide relaxation and warmth within your home. It's the perfect spot to curl up with a blanket and embrace the art of coziness this fall season.

See it on Amazon

These Throw Pillow Covers With a Plush Design


Elevate your couch or bed with these throw pillow covers that come in a pack of four. Each of these pillows has a plush, corduroy fabric that brings softness and warmth to your space. Plus, they come in natural colors, making it easy to blend in with the rest of your decor.

See it on Amazon

This Mirror With a Unique Shape


Whether you lean this mirror against the wall or hang it on a nail, it is guaranteed to add light and style to your living space. The wavy design and neutral frame create a relaxing look that will blend in seamlessly with the rest of your decor.

See it on Amazon

The Smell of Winter


Homesick is always creating amazing candles, and this Winter Mantle-scented candle is one of our favorites! It smells like the holidays in the best way with scents of Fraser Fir and Holly Berry. The powerful wick and soy blend offers you 60-80 hours of clean burning and natural aromatherapy.

See it on Amazon

This Thinker Sculpture Doubles as a Bookend


If you're searching for a subtle hygge accessory, this thinker sculpture is just what you need for your space. Whether you display this figurine on your bookshelf or entryway table, it will add a subtle accent that’s both practical and aesthetically pleasing.

See it on Amazon

This Artificial Olive Tree for Earthy Tones


Bring a touch of nature into the comfort of your home with this artificial olive tree that went viral on TikTok. The earthy tones and organic elements make it a staple in your hygge home decor collection, adding a natural sanctuary vibe without any maintenance.

See it on Amazon

Sleep Better With This Queen Sheet Set


You definitely need fresh sheets for the new season, and this 6-piece queen set is perfect. With a mix of environmentally friendly microfibers, these sheets don't just look good, they're also cooling and oh-so comfy. Pick them up in a variety of colors.

See it on Amazon

This Ladder to Hold Your Knit Blankets


Display your favorite blankets in style with this ladder that is made out of acacia wood. This blanket ladder adds functionality and warmth to your home, blending seamlessly with any modern or farmhouse decor.

See it on Amazon

This Bonsai Tree Light Is a Statement Piece


The best part about this bonsai tree light is that it adds the perfect combination of nature and light to your home. This tree mimics the glow of candlelight, creating a peaceful experience for all of your friends and family to enjoy this season.

See it on Amazon

This Travertine Incense Burner for Meditation


Spread peaceful, serene vibes throughout your home with this travertine incense burner that is made from natural stone. This elegant accessory can be used for meditation, yoga, or relaxation, allowing you to burn sage bundles or traditional incense sticks.

See it on Amazon

This Corner Light Made from Bamboo


These corner lights are made with a bamboo material and rattan design, offering a soft, glowing light that will transform any room of your home. These lights fill your home with natural warmth, creating a cozy and comfortable atmosphere that you won't want to miss out on.

See it on Amazon

These Vases Come in a Pack of Two


The clean lines and neutral tones on these vases create a calming and peaceful look in any room of your home. They come in a pack of two, allowing you to display all of your favorite flowers or pampas grass to create a cozy look that you will love.

See it on Amazon

Luxury Faux Fur Blanket: The Ultimate Gift


Picture snuggling with a cloud. That's the Everlasting Comfort plush blanket for them. Beyond its lush faux fur charm, its soothing gray shade effortlessly adds a touch of elegance to any room. Whether draped over a sofa or at the foot of a bed, it's the cozy companion everyone's space needs.

See it on Amazon

These Dried Plants for a Touch of Nature


Add an organic and natural look to your living space with these dried plants with eucalyptus and flowers. The calming green and purple tones create a serene, spa-like feel, helping you embrace hygge by connecting with nature.

See it on Amazon

This Standing Light With a Built-in Table


Place this standing light in your bedroom or living room to immediately create a warm, inviting glow. This standing lamp offers a cozy spot to relax after a long day, while also providing you with a spot to place your favorite book or a cup of coffee.

See it on Amazon

This Storage Basket for a Clutter-Free Home


Organization can still be hygge with this storage basket that can hold all of your household essentials. This woven basket has a neutral color palette and can seamlessly fit into any hygge-inspired home decor style. It creates a calm, clutter-free environment.

See it on Amazon

This Rope Basket for Your Perfumes


Bring a hygge-inspired look to your bathroom with this rope basket that provides plenty of room to hold and organize your favorite products. The woven robe design adds texture and warmth to vanity or desk, creating a cozy, clutter-free space.

See it on Amazon

Enchanting Fairy String Lights


These Fairy String Lights are a great affordable way to brighten up your space just in time for spring to arrive. Controlled by a convenient remote, you can easily turn them on or off and choose from sixteen different colors to suit your mood or decor. These lights look stunning when wrapped around your existing decor or placed inside a flower vase, bringing a whimsical touch to your surroundings.

See it on Amazon

This Tapestry to Impress the Guests


If you've been struggling to find the perfect hygge decor for your walls, this tapestry may just be what you're looking for. This piece brings warmth and character to any room of your home, channeling an inviting essence that your guests will love.

See it on Amazon

These Hanging Shelves With LED Lights


Create an inviting, cozy space with these hanging shelves that have built-in LED lights and artificial ivy leaves. These shelves add a natural touch to your space while also providing you with the perfect spot to display all of your cozy accessories.

See it on Amazon

This Wall Shelf With a Rattan Design


Showcase your favorite plants, pictures, or other hygge accessories with this wall shelf that has a three-tiered design. This decor piece can be mounted in the bedroom or living room, creating a cozy and organized nook that is perfect for any hygge space.

See it on Amazon

This Cookbook Holder With a Wooden Finish


Nothing is more comforting than a homemade meal, and this cookbook holder is just what you need to get started. This rustic holder displays your favorite cookbooks, making it easy to follow the recipes for all of your favorite comfort foods.

See it on Amazon

This Candle for Sweet Scents


Enjoy a self-care day filled with comfort and relaxation when you light this candle that has scents of vanilla and coconut. This candle brings a sense of peace and well-being to your home, offering up to 40 hours of burning time.

See it on Amazon

This Table Lamp With a Compact Design


If you prefer to sleep with a relaxing light, this table lamp is a must-have for your hygge-inspired room. The golden glow and dimmable feature allow you to create a cozy atmosphere that is perfect for reading a book or taking a nap.

See it on Amazon

This Candle Warmer Lamp In the Shape of a Flower


There's no need to light a flame when this candle warmer lamp can peacefully spread sweet scents of fall around your home by melting the wax. This flower-shaped warmer adds a modern design to your living space and makes the perfect addition to your hygge-inspired decor.

See it on Amazon

This Tabletop Fountain With Relaxing Sounds


Create a zen-like atmosphere with this tabletop fountain that produces gentle sounds of cascading water. This miniature fountain promotes relaxation and mindfulness, making it a go-to for meditation and serenity.

See it on Amazon

This Shag Rug Made From Faux Fur


Sink your feet into the softness of this shag rug that adds warmth and texture to any room of your home. This rug has a faux fur design, creating a cozy atmosphere that encourages comfort and relaxation each day.

See it on Amazon

This Diffuser Set Invites You to Relax


Infuse hygge scents around your home with this diffuser set, which includes calming blends of eucalyptus and lavender. This diffuser not only freshens the air in your home but also creates a serene atmosphere that encourages a sense of relaxation.

See it on Amazon

This Couch Holder Holds Your Snacks


Sit back and relax when you have this couch holder, a boho-inspired caddy that can hold your remotes, phone, snacks, or books. It's perfect for a long evening on the couch, adding warmth and convenience to any space.

See it on Amazon

This Linen Knotted Pillow Comes in Neutral Colors


Add a simple yet cozy touch to your bed or sofa with this linen knotted pillow that comes in a variety of neutral colors to choose from. This pillow offers texture and style, perfectly fitting into your reading nook or any hygge space in your home.

See it on Amazon

These Drink Coasters Are Practical and Calming


Protect your tables from spills while also creating a relaxing space with these drink coasters that come in a set of 10. The soft, neutral tones add a chic touch to your living space, designed to absorb liquids while enhancing your table setting with a sense of calmness.

See it on Amazon

This Desk Chair With Fluffy Fabric


Upgrade your office space and transform it into a more relaxing atmosphere with this desk chair. The fluffy design adds a cozy feel, while the adjustable feature makes it easy to get comfortable. This chair makes it easy to sit back and relax, channeling hygge vibes with each use.

See it on Amazon

This Lamp Projector for a Stunning Sunset


Nothing is more relaxing than this lamp projector that casts the vibrant hues of the sunlight across your room. This lamp mimics the sunset, creating a peaceful experience that is perfect for winding down at the end of the day.

See it on Amazon

These Taper Candle Sticks for a Romantic Dinner


Whether you're setting up the dinner table or just creating a relaxing backdrop for a peaceful day, these taper candle sticks are just what you need to achieve a relaxing vibe. Their soft, smokeless glow adds a relaxing touch that you will love.

See it on Amazon

This Magazine Holder Is Handwoven


The handwoven macrame design on this magazine holder complements any hygge-inspired room. The natural texture and soft design make it a stylish option for a living room corner or a modern bedroom.

See it on Amazon

This LED Cloud Sign for the Bedroom


The dreamy design of this LED cloud sign is perfect for your bedroom or cozy reading nook. The LED light creates a soft glow that is both peaceful and serene, allowing you to promote a tranquil, comfortable environment in your home.

See it on Amazon

These Coasters Feel Like You're in a Cabin


Transport to a warm, cozy cabin every time you lay out these coasters that have a wooden design and bear paw feature. These coasters come in pack of six, recreating the look of a chopped log. They are perfect for hosting guests and creating an inviting atmosphere.

See it on Amazon