Your Sagittarius Season Horoscope Is Ready — Here's What To Expect This Month

zodiac horoscope

Now that we're on the other side of eclipse season, a lot of us are breathing a collective sigh of relief. All the lessons we've been learning in the Scorpio and Taurus areas of our charts are now ready to be encoded for good, as we say goodbye to one phase and enter another. Sagittarius season begins in earnest on November 22, and the themes of the month are all about expansion, illusion, and optimism (whether real or imagined). To see how Sagittarius season will play out for you, read on to find the Sag season forecast for your rising sign.


Aries, Sag season kicks off with a New Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd. This is likely to be a time in your life that you feel a lot of wind beneath your wings on matters related to travel, philosophy, and even spirituality. Set aside some time for epic adventures — whether out in the real world, or within your intellect — and soak up the lessons you learn.

In the last few days of November, though, you may find the wind taken out of your sails a little bit, as you need to walk back something you've said (or take in some harsh truths). Don't let it get you down though... all that time spent reflecting and philosophizing around the New Moon means that the uncomfortable realities you've unearthed can only expand your worldview in the long run. You might even find that some of the heated exchanges taking place turn into something resembling passion — perhaps even titillating banter with a travel buddy, neighbor, or classmate.

As December begins, some of these interactions may seem exciting, but be careful what you commit to. You might find yourself walking back some of the promises you've made within a couple of days, giving the whole vibe something like that of a fever dream. Once Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 6th, you're likely to have your head planted a little more firmly on your shoulders, ready to get back to business.

Mid-December will bring with it lots of fun and exciting interactions. You should be especially excited to attend any parties related to your classmates and coworkers, where your connections might be particularly enjoyable. Live your best life, Aries!


While everyone else might be in the mood to party this time of year, Taurus, you might be kicking off Sag season feeling a little more introverted than usual. And if that doesn't resonate with you, it may simply be that you're keeping more secrets, and holding back in interactions as you keep your thoughts and emotions close to your chest. Your friendships are going to be super supportive to you during this time, so if you can allow yourself to spill your guts to your closest pals, you're likely to feel a lot better about what it is you've been holding in.

As time moves forward, however, you may find yourself revealing a few too many of your secrets. As November winds down and December begins, be careful that you don't overshare with the wrong people. How can you tell who to trust? It all comes down to your values. If any of your relationships are starting to seem like they might not align with your own values, it's time to push pause and slow down.

Around December 6th, you'll likely start feeling a little less preoccupied with internal matters and more interested in what's going on in the real world. Take some time to plan a staycation, explore your own city, and hit up a museum or two. This will give you the clarity you need on the 7th, when the Full Moon in Gemini asks you to externalize the inner work you've been doing around your own values. If a heady situation arises, ask yourself if your behavior is in line with who you are and who you want to be.


Gemini, you're kicking off the season with a New Moon in your house of partnerships on the 23rd, just as Jupiter stations direct in your house of career and public image. It's time to plant the seeds you want to nurture in your work life. You may even find that someone you meet or a conversation you have around this time leads to a very fruitful business or career partnership long into the future. Be on the lookout for like-minded collaborators, and do your best to be open to whatever comes your way.

While being open to new opportunities is important, it's equally important not to be gullible. After the New Moon time period, you'll want to be on your guard in your relationships. It's not that anyone has any bad intentions, per se, but that people around you (or perhaps you yourself) might be committing to more than they are capable of doing. Between November 30th and December 4th, take any plans or proclamations made with a grain of salt.

By December 6, you might start having your guard up a little more when it comes to interactions with others. And that's okay — as energy shifts, so do we. But make time for your significant others around December 7th through the 9th, when the Full Moon and Venus work together to bring extra pleasure and fun to your closest relationships.


Cancer, for you, your mental and physical health are going to be the major themes of Sagittarius season. Around the time of the New Moon in Sag on the 23rd, you might find the answers to some medical or physical questions you've been asking, and might find that you feel a renewed energy around your health and wellness. Just be careful: You're at risk of overdoing it if you're not careful. Don't work out too hard, don't expect therapy to cure all your problems in a matter of weeks, and don't expect perfection from yourself. These ways of thinking can put a huge drain on your actual health and wellness.

In the first few days of December, you may feel a bit frustrated with your work life and daily routines, leading to a general feeling of restlessness. The Full Moon in Gemini on the 7th is a good time to stay home and recharge — and frankly, with the health issues you've been facing, you're probably going to need it. Get your favorite cozy necessities ready and enjoy a good self-care night.

As Sagittarius season wraps up, it might start to feel like just when you have the answers to the health questions you've been asking, you get thrown another curveball. Just hang in there and remember that this too will pass. The best thing you can do for yourself right now is get some rest, work with your care team if you have one, and allow things to unfold naturally.


Leos love a good holiday party, and this Sag season isn't going to be any different. The New Moon on the 23rd will help you leave at home some of the inner questions you've been wrestling with, allowing you to have fun and do a bit more exploring than you've been up for lately. It's a good time to start a new hobby, whether that's a creative endeavor or a new workout routine.

If your friendships have been shaken up a bit lately, expect the friction to continue throughout Sagittarius season. A little friction isn't always a bad thing, and for you in particular, it might ignite into something resembling passion. The push-pull energy you're invigorated by takes center stage around the 30th, when platonic friendships have the opportunity to evolve into something more physical.

However, by early December, things might start feeling a little unclear in terms of where these hobbies, friendships, and flirtations are heading. Do your best to let go and roll with it. This isn't a time for commitments or steadfast promises, it's a time to explore, enjoy yourself, and embrace uncertainty. You might find all of this coming to a head on the Full Moon in Gemini on the 7th. Make sure your inner compass is aligned so you can move through whatever arises with ease.


Sagittarius season will kick off with an emphasis on your home and family life, Virgo. Around the New Moon on the 23rd, you'll find that things start moving forward in regard to your closest one-to-one relationships, like significant others, besties, or business partners. Within about a week of that New Moon, you'll find yourself being torn between your home life and work commitments, so soak up the cozy vibes while you can.
By the time December arrives, all the promising developments in your close relationships may start looking a little murky again. Don't let it get you down; this out-of-body feeling is only temporary, and as it gets closer to the middle of the month, you may find that your priorities lie with your hobbies and having fun anyway.
On December 7, the Full Moon in Gemini will have you celebrating all the wholehearted efforts you've been putting in at work — or on your social media channels and public appearances. This is a good time to take stock of all the grinding you've been doing to make sure it's not draining you in terms of your energy, time, or personal life.


Libra, Sag season is going to be spotlighting the way you communicate with others and how it impacts your worldview. If you've found that the last couple of weeks have had you rethinking... well, everything... you can expect that a lot of those themes are going to continue throughout the rest of November and into December.

Here's some good news: The season kicks off with a New Moon that symbolizes new beginnings, and perhaps a streak of good luck when it comes to daily tasks like work and your personal routines.

As December rolls in, you might find that you're having miscommunications with someone in your circle; perhaps a boss, neighbor, or someone who you manage at work. Try your best to be clear and kind in the way you give and receive information. Double check all your assignments, because chances are something could get missed.

By December 7, the Full Moon will have you incorporating these lessons into the way you see the world. If miscommunication at work has been an issue, consider reading a book on the subject so you can take the necessary steps to improve. If your personal wellness has been tricky, find a good source of knowledge on the topic you're facing and consider their advice.


What do you value, Scorpio? It's a similar question, though different, from "What do you enjoy?". As Sag season kicks off, you might discover new hobbies or activities that both fill your cup and align with your life goals. Take note of what ever ideas come up — they're probably worth acting on, but the coming month is going to make some of these dreams difficult to manifest.

Around November 29, something that could get in the way is other peoples' baggage, whether emotional or physical. You're the kind of person who sometimes comes across as always willing to help, but make sure to take time for me-time as the month comes to a close. Now's the time to find your voice, express your values out loud, and stand up for yourself.

December will kick off with a few barriers to those fun new activities we talked about. If you're feeling a bit directionless, make space for some grounding activities like deep breathing, cooking, and walking in nature. Adding these grounding elements to your life will help you feel steady enough to be flexible when it comes to saying yes to fun new opportunities. Remember: When your values are aligned, you can be more spontaneous with your spur-of-the-moment decisions.


Sagittarius, this is probably going to be a big time of year for you, and not just because it's Sag season. Starting with the New Moon on November 23rd, you're likely to experience some pleasant shakeups and buzzy excitement around topics like your home, your appearance, or even your parents. It may be that you're feeling as though you've really come into your own around your identity, and made peace with where you are in life and your family of origin's expectations.

Some of that inner peace may start to feel a little far away come November 29, when it's possible that a heated exchange between you and a close loved one could occur. If this person happens to be a significant other, remember that the opposite of love isn't hate, it's ambivalence: Use these disagreements to ignite some spark and infuse passion back into your relationship.

By the time the Moon is full on the 7th of December, you'll be seeing a culmination of what you've been experiencing with regard to your identity, significant others in your life, and other peoples' expectations of you. It'll be time to gather what you've learned and put your best food forward, knowing that it's your time to shine. Just be careful of being a little too overconfident: the boost you've been getting astrologically could lead to some delusions of grandeur around the 9th, so remember to stay humble.


Have you been struggling to put how you're feeling into words? Capricorn, Sagittarius season will kick off with you starting to feel like your words are coming ever so slightly more freely, especially when it comes to articulating your innermost thoughts, secrets, and shadows. You might also have an important revelation around the time of the New Moon about your inner demons and how they may have been impacting how you see the world. Whip out that journal and write down whatever comes to mind — dream journaling will be especially helpful around this time.

Another reason you'll want to have your journal handy is because with all the revelations you might be experiencing, your thoughts and ideas may at times seem contradictory. Don't let that bother you; multiple things can be true at once, and if you're in alignment, this is a time when creativity and ideas can spill forth from your subconscious.

By the time of the Full Moon on the 7th, it may be time to step away from the journaling, however. Dwelling too much in the mind can lead to anxiety, so it's important to get back into your body and get grounded. Some yoga, a nice walk outside, or a warm bath can help you reconnect to your senses on the night of the Full Moon.

By the first of December, the emphasis will start moving away from the depths of your psyche and into more concrete matters, like your appearance, body, and identity. Use the deeper wisdom you've acquired throughout the month to inform whatever choices you make.


Remember that phrase that was huge circa 2015 or so, "your vibe attracts your tribe"? Well, the opposite is also true: Your tribe can seriously impact your vibe, and questions about who you hang out with and whether or not your social circle reflects your values are going to be central questions for you this Sag season.

As the season kicks off, give some thought to whether or not your social circle (which includes your friends, but also your coworkers, family you see often, and the people you follow on social media) is truly in line with how you want to live your life. If you've been thinking about going on an unfollow spree, now's the time to do it.

If you find that you're feeling a lot of pent-up frustration, try your best not to take it out on your friends: Channel it into a hobby or activity. Boxing or screaming into a pillow ought to do the trick.

As December begins, it might be difficult to know what's important to you. With all the confusion you've been experiencing around your friendships and your values, that's totally understandable. Around the time of the Full Moon on the 7th, try to keep a healthy distance from anyone who may be riling you up. Take a couple of days' rest from any demanding physical pursuits and just make some time for rest and relaxation.


Pisces, your work life, public persona, and image are going to be taking center stage at the beginning of Sag season. You're going to have a lot of opportunities to shine, but make sure that you're not escaping into work to avoid problems at home. While your public persona is going to get a major boost at the end of November, it's possible that it's at the expense of your privacy. Be careful not to overshare with the world anything you might wish you'd kept to yourself once the dust has settled.

Similarly, it's going to be important as December begins that you pay attention to what might be said that can't be taken back. If you're in a leadership position, be sure not to give direction without thinking through it fully. In fact, it might be best to wait until a different time before making any major decisions or giving important advice that will reflect back on you.

The Full Moon on the 7th could bring to light any issues that may be arising for the people you live with. You can expect some emotions to be running a little high, especially if people at home have been feeling neglected in light of your recent success. Practice active listening so you can understand others' concerns, whether at work or at home.

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The astrology for this week will reflect sensitive, dreamy, unfocused energy and yet it also stimulates a real pathway to our personal evolution through creativity, spirituality, and sensuality. On January 11, the nodes of the Moon, representing our collective transformation will change from the dynamic paradox of Aries and Libra to the dreamy manifesting axis of Pisces and Virgo. We are collectively encouraged to let go of our need to control and release tendencies of perfectionism. Instead, trust and faith are emphasized. I will talk more about this in future writings.

Keep reading to see your lucky weekly horoscope for the week of January 5-12, 2025.

What's happening astrologically during January 5-12, 2025?

Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Mars, the planet of action, is traversing the tender, family-oriented sign of Cancer on its retrograde track this week. Memories will likely surface that either make us nostalgic for better times or remind us of painful times we thought were safely in the past. Use this energy to face whatever comes up, learn from the lessons your memories provide, and move forward to create the life you desire.

Mars has a lot of power, and while it is retrograde, it is wise to take things slowly, try not to rush, but also to take action to harness what you need to grow. Look back in your journal or photo library in October through early November 2024, when Mars was direct in Cancer. Did something become evident during that time that tugged at your heartstrings? We will all yearn for a simpler time. Mars will turn direct again in February 2025 and will remain in Cancer until mid-April. These months will likely be bittersweet. Practice self-care and self-compassion.

Daisy Davis/Dupe Photos

Our reflections of the past are a catalyst to healing. If we can face, accept, and own our vulnerabilities, we can rise above any self-limiting beliefs. The energies support exercising our capacity for resilience. On January 8th, Chiron, the wounded healer and Shaman of the Zodiac in Aries, is squaring the Sun in Capricorn.

Don’t believe everything you think, as Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on January 6th. Events will likely be dramatic on the world stage, and unless you thrive in a dramatic environment, it is best to lay low until Mercury moves into the stable, practical sign of Capricorn on January 8th. Use the early part of the week to get creative, practice your art, or spend time meditating, doing yoga, or walking in nature. Stay clear of mind-altering drugs or alcohol as things will be hazy or confusing. If you must engage in important business or legal matters, be sure to consult a professional to get advice or to review important documents before signing the bottom line.

Jenna Langford/Dupe Photos

Acts of kindness, courage, and standing up for the underdog will fulfill an essential need to be part of your community. This week is an excellent time to volunteer at the local food bank or to walk dogs at the local shelter. Ask yourself, “How can I make the world a better place?” and act on every chance you get to be courteous, kind, and generous as Mars forms a trine with Neptune, exact on January 12.

If you would like to know more about how these and other transits affect you personally, contact me at for a reading.

Read Your Weekly Horoscope For Your Sun & Rising Signs

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You will likely crave anything that provides a new experience or an expanded viewpoint. It is a perfect time to broaden your horizons, be it through travel or learning. Make sure you are motivated by more than boredom but by a true desire to grow and learn. Take advantage of this opportunity to synthesize your life by joining together seemingly disparate parts. The big picture will become clear if you consciously seek ways to learn and grow.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Your emotions will be heightened this week. You might find yourself attracted to intense people and a desire to experience life on more soulful or profound levels. Allow yourself to explore these emotions. Spend time in quiet contemplation to get clear about what it means to live life in a more profound way. Take advantage of any opportunity to express yourself about topics that are usually taboo or not easy to discuss.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

In your personal life, you can successfully broach sensitive topics with your loved ones to create more harmonious relationships. Use compassionate language and approach each opportunity to get closer with patience and kindness. In your professional life, negotiations are favored if you meet each occasion with respect and a desire for long-term collaboration. Communicate with a desire for reciprocity and fairness for all concerned.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Focus on details, stay organized, and be ready for any mutually beneficial encounters as you actively pursue your goals. Your intellect will be keen, and you will have an eye toward practical, achievable solutions. Strive to maintain an energetic balance in your activities and tend to your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health. This is potentially a busy week; keep any anxieties in check and practice mindfulness daily.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Take advantage of every opportunity to express yourself creatively and clearly. Don’t forget to interject playfulness and joyfulness in your life. Connect with your natural child-like enthusiasm and approach everything you can with curiosity and wonder. Engage in lively conversations whenever you can. Interactions with strangers, through social media or in direct conversations, will illuminate your strengths and unique attributes. You are an essential part of the greater fabric of life, and the more you express yourself, the clearer that becomes to you.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Dig deep to access your courage this week. Don’t let a fear of criticism or failure keep you from pursuing your goals. Seek like-minded allies and use family connections for support. Rely on your sharp intellect to communicate. Focus on solid solutions and practical proposals. Keep in mind that what you actively strive for needs to benefit not only yourself but those around you, as well. You are entering a powerful time to align your desires with the zeitgeist.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Your mental abilities are strong. Use your sharp intellect to maintain curiosity and keep an open mind to learn new things. Listen more than talk as your conversations will broaden your horizons; challenge the status quo by expanding your understanding. This is a time for gathering information and knowledge from a wide variety of sources to tap into solutions that apply to a wide audience. Remain adaptable, flexible, and open-minded.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

This is a critical time to integrate your internal value system with the outer manifestations of your life. How do your financial and material realities reflect your deeper beliefs? It is a time to align these parts of your life. Use your strong rational mind in balance with your acute inner intuition when faced with making choices and decisions. Our bodies hold accumulated wisdom from our lives and our ancestors’ lives. Tap into how a choice feels in your body before acting.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Conversations this week offer a chance to not only articulate your ideas but to refine them. The seeds you plant, if properly tended to, will likely result in successful endeavors. Use this time to expand your ideas by engaging with people who may not think or believe as you do. Travel during this time will be especially fruitful as you will be forced to see life from a fresh perspective. You might also be interested in changing your appearance and the way you present yourself to the world. Observe any reactions to these changes from a curious viewpoint.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Solitude is essential as you connect with the deep layers of your essence. Hidden facets of your nature are yearning to come to your awareness, and as you take time for introspection, these obscure elements of yourself can be revealed. A clear mind and heart will allow these new parts of yourself to be released. Refrain from judging whatever is uncovered. Try expressing any newfound awareness with written words or through music or poetry. Connect with your spiritual side as often as you can.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

Use this week to network and engage in community activities. You might find yourself questioning if your social networks and friends share your dreams and aspirations. If they do, use the time to strengthen, nurture, and honor those connections. If you feel disconnected, engage in honest and truthful conversations about your priorities and visions, and listen to their dreams on an equal level. Be willing to envelop their ideas into yours to enhance compassion and inclusivity. This is not a time to go it alone but to find strength in numbers and diversity.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

Your career is in focus. It is a good time for strategic, long-term planning. Envision a way to expand your skills through education or training. Invest in yourself to achieve your ambitions. Make every effort to keep the big picture in mind and not get lost in the small details. Focus on your core values as you strive for your ideals. If sacrifices need to be made to reach your goals, any short-term discomfort will be worth the effort. Emphasize your unique talents when making decisions.

Looking for a more thorough reading? Reach out to Tina at!

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Eating out as a vegan can be a true challenge, especially if you don’t exactly know that what you’re ordering is 100% vegan. Fast food faves like McDonald’s and Taco Bell are secretly packed with vegan items, and Starbucks is no exception. From oat milk coffees to satisfyingly savory snacks, you’ve actually got plenty of plant-based choices when you pull up at your local Starbucks.

Scroll on to explore every vegan Starbucks drink and food item you can add to your order!

Vegan Starbucks Drinks


1. Brown Sugar Oatmilk Cortado

This new-to-the-menu espresso drink combines brown sugar syrup and oat milk to balance out the punchy coffee notes.


2. Latte (Iced + Hot)

You can totally enjoy a latte at Starbucks if you're vegan. Their oat, almond, coconut, and soy milks are vegan, plus many of their syrups qualify as vegan, too, if you want to flavor up your drink. According to this Starbucks supervisor, all of Starbucks "clear" syrups are vegan and dairy-free. Starbucks' regular and white mocha sauces and caramel drizzle are also vegan and dairy-free.


3. Americano (Iced + Hot)

Starbucks' Americanos are just water and espresso, so you don't have to worry about any dairy being in there. Optionally, you could ask for a splash of non-dairy milk and pumps of your fave syrup.


4. Brewed Coffee (Iced + Hot)

Same goes for their brewed coffees, including iced coffee. Easily ask your barista to add in some non-dairy milk and a few pumps of syrup if you desire!


5. Nondairy Salted Caramel Cream Cold Brew

This vegan cold brew drink is crafted with non-dairy cold foam that's flavored with salted caramel – and it's delish!


6. Nitro Cold Brew

A plain nitro cold brew from Starbucks is fully vegan and dairy-free. You can choose to add a splash of non-dairy milk, if you wish your sip to be a bit smoother and creamier.


7. Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso

This one's a classic: shots of espresso get shaken up with ice and brown sugar syrup to create a frothy foam, then the drink is topped off with oat milk to cut the bitterness. It's quite a delectable order, even if you're not eating fully vegan.


8. Starbucks Refreshers

All of Starbucks' fruity Refreshers are vegan. Plus, you can can add lemonade, tea, other flavor inclusions like strawberry and peach to add some extra oomph.


9. Iced Black Tea

Their refreshing iced black tea is certifiably vegan, too.


10. Iced Green Tea

If you prefer green tea, Starbucks' offering is vegan-friendly. If you tend to take your tea a bit sweeter, just order it with however many packets of your preferred sweetener, and your barista will add it in.


11. Lemonade

You truly can't go wrong with a lemonade!


12. Hot Teas

Starbucks' hot teas are totally vegan, too. If you want to make them fancier, ask for an additional splash of your go-to non-dairy milk!

Vegan Starbucks Foods


1. Rolled & Steel-Cut Oatmeal

Now onto the food! First up is Starbucks' oatmeal, which you can fancy up with nuts, berries, and brown sugar. Make sure to order it with water to ensure it stays vegan.


2. Plain Bagel

Surprisingly, Starbucks' bagels are also vegan.


3. Everything Bagel

The plain and everything bagels will work for any vegan eater.


4. Avocado Spread

Plus, you can order your bagel with a side of this delicious avocado spread for a nutritious boost!


5. Spicy Falafel Pocket

This 100% vegan snack pocket is new to the Starbucks menu, but it's already become a fan-favorite amongst vegans and non-vegans alike.


6. Chipotle Almond Dip

You can order the Spicy Falafel Pocket with a side of this fully-vegan Chipotle Almond Dip (AKA Bitchin’ Sauce). Yum.

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We ring in the New Year with a New Moon on December 30. This is the perfect opportunity to set our intentions with conviction. Unlike many New Year’s resolutions that we often abandon after a few weeks, the energy of the planets this year supports us to follow through with our goals and truly transform our lives.

Read your Weekly Horoscope for December 29 to January 5, including a glittering New Year's Eve horoscope.

New Year's Eve Horoscope Overview: What To Expect Astrologically This Week

Brit + Co

Many of us are aware of vague, innate blockages that prevent us from living life to the fullest, without fully understanding their origins. These blockages—whether insecurities or scars from childhood or even past lives—cling stubbornly to our consciousness, hindering us from achieving our goals and ideals. Chiron, known as the Wounded Healer and Shaman of the Zodiac, often holds the key to these obstructions in our birth charts.

This week, Mercury, the planet of communication and knowledge, forms a harmonious trine with Chiron. This alignment encourages us to delve deep, uncover our impediments, and, in doing so, heal and move forward. Writing can be a powerful tool in this process, as can conversations with a therapist or astrologer.

Big Lessons In Communication Are Coming This Week

Brit + Co

Also this week, Chiron squares Saturn, the planet of responsibility and structure. This aspect challenges us to put in the work to remove these obstructions and create a solid framework for healing and learning from our wounds. The Sun in Capricorn sextiles Saturn in Pisces on January 4, further supporting us to uncover hidden hindrances and to find ways to fully express ourselves.

On January 2, Venus, the planet of personal love, enters Pisces, the archetype of universal love. Venus will remain in Pisces until February 5, when it transitions into Aries. During this month-long transit, we are encouraged to express love in refined and dignified ways that encompass humanity and all living beings. This is a time to deepen personal love connections and strengthen bonds with those we care for, including our animal companions. Imagine the impact if we all focused on spreading this healing, loving energy in our interactions with the world!

However, the peaceful and loving energy of Venus in Pisces is tempered by Mars, the planet of war, which will again oppose Pluto, the planet of transformation. This marks the second of three exact oppositions, bringing aggressive and confrontational energy. While this alignment reflects potential escalation in global conflicts, on a personal level it offers an opportunity to channel this intensity toward achieving personal goals. Use this energy wisely to propel yourself toward freedom and positive change, but avoid aggressive behavior and potentially dangerous situations.

Read Your Weekly Horoscope For December 29 to January 5, 2025


Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Your innate energy and determination are admirable. This week, if you find yourself feeling defensive or combative, take a moment to pause before reacting. Avoid acting on impulse. Instead, channel your energy creatively and ensure your actions are strategic and purposeful.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

This week brings the potential for positive developments at work. Relationships with superiors and coworkers are likely to be harmonious, and initiatives born of creativity and passion will be well-received. If you’re off work, indulge in artistic or creative projects for deep satisfaction. New intimate relationships formed during this time may grow into mutually supportive bonds.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Focus on enhancing understanding and healing in personal relationships. Purposefully set aside time for meaningful conversations with loved ones. Professionally, negotiations may yield favorable outcomes if they align with shared goals. Collaboration will bring greater success than working alone.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

This week brings profound and soulful personal relationships. You may experience transformative exchanges, but their intensity could be overwhelming. Trust in your inner strength to navigate any challenges. Issues related to joint finances or shared resources may arise; approach these with clarity and fairness.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Take this opportunity to evaluate your daily routines and self-care practices. Are you using your time effectively? Replace unproductive habits with ones that promote health and balance. Consider joining a gym or hiking group to gain mutual support, which will amplify your success.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Step back from technology and social media to recalibrate. Spend time in nature or places where you find peace. Journaling can uncover valuable insights during this introspective period. Reflect on your growth and the lessons of your past, including the path of your ancestors. Honor the journey that has shaped you.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Infuse joy and creativity into your New Year’s resolutions. Focus on artistic expression, as this can reconnect you with your inner child and bring renewal to your relationships. Break free from monotony and embrace activities that affirm life and love.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

This is a time of deep psychological transformation. Consider therapy or counseling to uncover and resolve longstanding emotional patterns. Significant changes in parental relationships may arise. Confronting these issues will empower you to live authentically and free of emotional baggage. View this time as an excavation; there is no limit to the gems that might be revealed.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Personal growth is tied to your relationships. Foster collaboration and reciprocity as you deepen bonds with others. Authentic partnerships based on trust and honesty offer the best opportunities for self-discovery and expansion. Avoid over-idealizing relationships or compromising your needs to keep the peace.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Engage your mind in new ways. Explore meditation or creative outlets to break free from old thought patterns. Be patient and compassionate with yourself as you embark on this journey. With effort, you’ll unlock greater joy and freedom in life.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

Uncover hidden aspects of your psyche and seek emotional and psychological liberation. Work with a counselor or explore ways to let go of generational trauma or outdated attitudes. This self-exploration will deepen your understanding of familial dynamics and enhance your personal growth.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

Stay grounded and question illusions. While noble, idealistic projects may draw you in, ensure there’s a practical plan to achieve them. Keep a dream journal to uncover insights about your inner world. This is the beginning of a transformative period for your self-awareness and growth.

Looking for a more thorough reading? Reach out to Tina at!

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What is it about family sagas that seem to make book clubs more interesting? Maybe it's because we know interpersonal relationships can be a little dysfunctional. It could be that we still don't know how to communicate with the people we love the most. Even if we love our parents and siblings, reading about other families' fictional twists and turns gives us a rush of adrenaline.

So it's no wonder Jenna Bush Hager's January book club pick feels like something we can read without putting down. It's full of complicated relationship dynamics, love, and reconciling one's identity with their past. You can say it's the perfect read to kick off your 2025 reading goals!

Learn more about Jenna Bush Hager's 2025 book club pick and fall in love with one character's journey of self-discovery.


The Life Cycle of the Common Octopus by Emma Knight

Penn should be excited about advancing her education at the University of Edinburgh, but she can't stop thinking about the secret her parents have been keeping from her. For some reason, she believes she'll uncover it while she's in Scotland because Lord Lennox — her father's friend — is in the area.

Her hunger for the truth leads her to Lord Lennox's estate where she she starts mingling with his family and even discovers love in this moving novel.


Jenna Bush Hager's Thoughts About The Life Cycle of the Common Octopus

Jenna Bush Hager thinks readers will love The Life Cycle of the Common Octopus because "it's a rich novel" with themes of "friendship and motherhood" (via Instagram). It's so good, she's sure "it will sweep you off your feet (via Instagram).

We hope you enjoy reading about Penn's journey in The Life Cycle of the Common Octopus and encourage you to check out Reese Witherspoon's January book club pick next!

Trader Joe’s loves to keep us on our toes when it comes to their new arrivals. We’re constantly monitoring the aisles to discover all the new TJ’s sweet treats and savory snacks they launch – and these 7 new picks for January 2025 are not to be missed! All of these Trader Joe’s products will run you less than $5, which only makes sealing the deal on your grocery bill easier.

From delicious dips to a very enticing new frozen meal, these are the 7 best new Trader Joe’s finds you absolutely need to try in January 2025.

Trader Joe's

1. Teensy Candy Bars

These tiny little candy bar bites ($2.99) resemble Snickers in the best way possible: layers of nougat, caramel, and peanuts are enveloped in a delicious chocolate coating for maximum snackage. We're gonna have to resist eating the whole bag! TJ's even suggests using these bits as decoration for other desserts, like sprinkling some on a scoop of ice cream or baking them into some cookies.

Trader Joe's

2. Olive Tapenade Hummus

Trader Joe's array of dips is simply too good to resist, and this newcomer hummus ($3.49) is no exception! It's a tub of "smooth and nutty" hummus topped with a tapenade comprised of black olives, manzanilla olives, capers, and olive oil to give it a salty effect. It's gonna taste so great as a dip for crackers or as a spread on a Mediterranean pita wrap.

Trader Joe's

3. Organic Concord Grape Jelly

This squeezable grape jelly ($3.49) is nothing short of nostalgic. Trader Joe's says it's "super smooth, joyously juicy, and potently purple," which immediately has us sold on making PB&Js every day now.

Trader Joe's

4. Spicy Chicken Nuggets

Oh, yeah. Bring on the spice with these spicy nuggs ($3.99) that make the perfect easy meal no matter the time of day! Made from all-natural chicken breast and rib meat, breaded with wheat, rice and corn flours, then covered in hot sauce and lightly fried, TJ's has their texture down to a tee. You can easily cook 'em in the air fryer, oven, or microwave before chowing down!

Trader Joe's

5. Crispy Potato & Poblano Pepper Tacos

These halved and fried frozen tacos ($4.99) will totally crush your Taco Bell cravings, since they come together super quickly and contain flavors with mind-blowing authenticity! Each taco is filled with a blend of seasoned mashed potatoes and some "ever-so- slightly spicy" poblano peppers that'll work so well with any dipping sauce, from TJ's salsa to their creamy Jalapeño Sauce.

Trader Joe's

6. Strawberry Mini Hold The Cone!

Just in time for Valentine's Day, Trader Joe's is debuting a new flavor ($3.99) of their classic Hold The Cone! frozen dessert: strawberry! These tiny, chocolate-covered cones are lined with even more "rich" chocolate on the inside, then packed with strawberry ice cream, which TJ's says is crafted with plenty of strawberry purée.

Trader Joe's

7. Caesar Salad Dip

Trader Joe's shoppers have said this new Caesar Salad Dip ($3.69) makes a perfect girl dinner addition– which, if you get it, you get it! The tub starts with a "creamy" base that's then loaded up with Caesar-seasoned sour cream, mayo, anchovy paste, Parmesan, and finely shredded Romaine for the crunch. It's best enjoyed with crackers or veggie sticks to dip, but you could also smatter fried chicken or seared steak in it for some ahh-mazing flavor!

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