Social photo-sharing is definitely here to stay. Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or all of the above, we love getting to see photos from friends and family and share snapshots of our lives with those we love. But as awesome as these social networks are, we definitely think the viewing experience can be improved. Due to the sheer number of updates shared on the big networks, it’s easy to miss out on the ones that are important to you.
This web app, which calls itself “your photo inbox,” aggregates the photos from your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds. It then ranks them, making sure the best and most essential photos are the most visible. There are fun and helpful categories, allowing you to see the top photos of the day, week, or month, among other options. Further, you can teach the app which photos are relevant to you by favoriting photos that you love. You can even like, tweet, or comment directly from the app.
There are corresponding Pixable apps for your iPhone and iPad, so that you can have your feed of pictures with you on the go. You can enable notifications to get up-to-the-minute updates on your friends’ postings.
This is definitely one of the most searchable and browseable apps we’ve seen. We love the option to have all of our friend’s photos from across the web in one spot. It’s a visual way to keep track of what all our loved friends are up to, allowing us a central location to check to get this kind of social news.
How do you keep track of your important connections on social media? Do you know a great social photo app? Talk to us in the comments below or over on Twitter.